266572 W H I 7 E - G I T V C L ER K � �������yA
' ' Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 proposed
the expression ot certain objectives and policies as a condition for the
participation of the City of Saint Paul in the fulfillment of the
assistance for certain activities provided by the act; and
WHEREAS, the Committee on Finance of the City Council of the City of
Saint Paul has reviewed and approved a final draft of the Housing and
Community Development objec-tives and policies as prepared for that purpose
by the City of Saint Paul ; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paui , that the
Housing and Community Development objectives and policies, as approved by
the City Council Committee on Finance on December 17, 1975, a copy of
which is attached hereto, is hereby adopted for the purposes announced by
the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, tor Community Develop-
roent Year ll cororoencing in May of 1976.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:..
Yeas Nays �
�Hunt In Favor
Rcedler � Against BY
President zza �
�- "" �C 3 d � Form Approved t�y City ttor ey
Adopted b uncil: Date
Ce ' ied Passe ouncil retary BY
Approv d by Mayor: te - Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
PUBLISHE� ,�AM 10 ��
� • _ : -
_ � T�� i�� SI',i�rT �=GJ�
�OMMUNIT` �=VE_��=""�°v- °`�J�h: GRANT PROGRAM
YE.AR i ' ;i=�_'=��! ��=� A';= P.�� i i,I FS
�'.J= �� ' ,,, I'�� ��J�C? i V�S AR� E�TAB��SHEC BY THE H^US!NG AND COMh�1U�v I�Y DEVELGP��"-t��
ACi OF 19?4,
T��e pr�mary oojec?ive of the Hcusing and Community D2velopment Act of 19?4
i� +:,e development ofi viable urban communities, including decent housing
ar�� `x��rding economic oppertunities, principally for persons ofi low and
-. ._;-ate ;n�or^e. To �ccomplish this objective, the Act prev��es assi=+a�,ce
_ �:.�� vi1�es direc`ed toward meeting the foliowing objectives :
I . The �limir,�-ion af siums and blignt and tne prevention of
bliyntirg inf ! uenLes and the deteriora±ion of property ard
ne i ghborhood and o�,����-�n i ty ;ac i I i t �es of i mport���:e to the
welfare of the community, principa ! fy persons of iow and
moderate income;
2. The elimination ofi conditions which are detrimental to health,
safety, and public welfare, through code enforcement, demolition,
interim r�;��abii �1ation assistance, and related activ;tie�;
3. The cons2rvation anc expa�sion cf the naiion's ho�sir�a stock in
or�er i� pr�vide a decent home and a suii-�'s �e living environment
fOr al � �2r'SOf1S� FJUi p�'If1Cl �d � ��/ � I';^SP 01 �OW 8'l� Ili�ucr'81"2 I�1C0!1'12�
4. T7e expans �on and imp;ovement ot �he qu�r;tity a�d G�ality of
:.�mm�nity service�, principaliy for persons of low and moderate
incorr�2, whicn are ess�ntial for sound community development and
�or t�e development of viab !e ur��n communitie=;
J •
. , r ��6����
�. fT�C�i�' .'-8� iJ'�� I U' �;.- �O^ �f afld ��i0 .��.��!" �ICJ� '.:f� � 1"250'v"C°S
and the better� arr�nae^�ent �f -esidentia ! , commercia ! , industrial ,
recreational , an� oT�er r�e��c act; vi�y cen�ers;
6. Tn� redu�.tior of the isoiation of income groups within comm�nities
�rc �eograp�, i�ai �rea� and the promotion of an increase in the
d , v��sity ane vi�� i�y u� n� gnborhood� ihrouoh 1he =,^vatia ) deccn-
cantration of housing oppo�-TUr�ities fo; persons of icwer income and
�he �evitalization cf detariorating or deterio;ated n�ighborhoods
tc ��;;ac� p�rson� of high�r inccme; and
7. The restoration and preservation of properties of special value
for his+oric�, archiTecturai , or esthetic reasons. �
r� _:dr@f U l �cd� l !l�� Oi i!lr !c�i� i di i V�- ��G CCt l '✓°S i i�� I Cc�@5 tfl��' pnys i ca l 4�`✓c�OG-
m�@iit r3�i IVltl°S� a5 We� � �S ��>�l!1lli�� IT�/ SC,�I'V/iC25 �Ori�2Ctl 'JE �r�i) al-E 2� IQlb �e
for f�lnding. However, fur�h�r stuoy of `his Act i�ads to the conclusion that
the type of community services eligibie ar2 limited to �hose wnich support
and complemant ot'r,er eligible activities. Speci� icaliy, the legislation sta1es
the fcliowing:
The prevision of public services not otherwise available in a�eas
where oiher activities assisted under this title are being carried
out in a %oncer�;aled � �anner, if such services are oetermined to be
❑ece�sary or appropriate to support such otner activities and if
assistar�ce in pr�viding or se�u;ine such servi�es under other
�pplicabl� �e:�eral I�ws or p��-�ra^:s -as b^�n �prlied for �nd denied
w i;n i n a re��or,-�b i e �;�r i o� of *i,�;e and i f sucn serv i ces a re d i rected
-�ward ;H) improvir�g ihe comro��ni�y 's public �er��,�ices and facilities, �
includi�g those concerned with the employm�nt, economic development,
crim� prevention, chi ! d �are, ���alth, ��ru^ abuse, education, welfare,
or recreation ne2ds of p�rsons re�iding in such :raas, and (E)
c-�,�rcina�ing pubfic and private dv�v�fopr�en� pro�rcros (Sec. 105(a) (8) .
-�h�se cornr i Gx requ i rer�ents, i nc I ud i ng �he den i a l of other apr r�pri ate feder� I
�ur;ds sug�ests tF�at while community �ervices are elioible activities, Congress
��>_,�c+� �r��i rec i p i ents to use the i r f��n�+s p r i m�r i I y for d�ve i opr;�ent or
"2��'J2� ,:,^12"t a�tlVi ±_ _:. Ti � �. :r�� ±Jr .�C•'if1i:� i . UEV@IJ 'rl°"T �d� � � � , .�E
fC� �OWi'1C 0��8Ctl `✓�5 �'1G� �O� ICI°5� WCiIC.`l emph�S��E ihc capabi � ItY' �"O �^f$�:i : v°�v
�CCOfI1N! i Sfl �"12 p I ar��i ng, eva I uat i or,� dn'� DrO�!"of'1!Ti i fl� 01 1he5� f U^�S� u�5 W�� i ��
cor�in;:i ^� �--eviously-pianned projec�s are estab� ished for ine City of Sair,'
ra�I .
{ . �`,E �""�NT 0� �,Dh✓;!N; STRAT! VE �ROC�S�
I . I� is tne City's intent to utilize iimited �ommunity D2velopment
f u-.ds i r ��,e most ef fect i ve rr�anrer by app!y i ng i hese resources
-� uro�--ams =hat will achieve the maximum benefit for the City as
c W'�iv�?.
2. R�c��-�.r.�en�a� �ons for program cor:tert will be solici1ed from various
',�I! ,'l�0'�fli'!.^�� d^: �:Or'l;"lUii I t�/ Of�^'I I Z��!Of'S� �.i t�/ ^r.C'c�.t I iia ce�art-
r��rts, ar�� c���ar publ ic and private sc2ncies.
3. The C i ty �ti� I I com� i ne Commun i ty D°VP,i Orf!iZrii' ;esou rces w i i h other
resources wnerever possible to a�hieve maximum etrect.
4. The City wifl continue io develop an� refine planning and management
caNability withir the City to impiement CD.
Policy A: Create the opportunity to develop a General District
Plan for each district of the City. Each plan wiil
in�lude physical , social anG economic programs.
Po! icy B: �evelop the capability to thor-oaghly monitor i��e
progress and evaluat2 the effe�tiven�ss ofi all
C�mmuniiy Deveicpm2nt :;rojects an� ac+ ivities.
Folicy C: DeveloF� �dministrailV� ��ac'aDllity to expedite the
impleroentation of CC programs.
�. Tne City �v�; ll continue to cevelop and improve inTeroo��2rnmental CD
coor�i na�`i c:r: ca;��b i I i ty.
rolicy �: ���velcp acministrative and planrir�� c�c,ability tc
� � � ������
. I�v�r��� and inteyratP ��ner cuGli� an:: private
sources of funds with i,ommunity Deve!�pmen; tunas
wher�ever pc�sible.
5. T�•e City will continue to develop and impiement the citizen
participation process.
! � . "J=!�-I�^R�+�'��� RtV I I A'I�AT I ON
I . �✓�ain±ain and imprcve existing housing.
°olicy E: A high priority wiif be given to rehabilitation
of housing and to enforcement of housing and
building codes. Activity will be aimed partic�larly
at concentrated areas within neighborhoods requiring
renabiliiation. Emphasis will be given io related
activities in these areas, such as reconstruc+ion of
p�blic improvements.
Policy F: The above, as well as all other activities aimed at
improving the physical environment, wifl be carried
out in all areas of the City subject to the rollowing
( I ) Activities will be corcenfirated in areas
cor,taining a hiah ;�ercentaoe of families
and individuals ot low or mo��erate inco�e
and/or areas exhibiting a substaniial
degree of deterioration and blight.
(2) Activities must address an identified
community develormenT objective or policy.
(3) Activities found to nave a positive imr�ct
on reignborhood conditions (thrcugh ev�l ���+ion)
• ' � � �����s�
i�1�V Cie COf:7 i f1JPi7 �± a �2V�'! necessa'�y t0
compiete the implem2ntation of previously-
funced �D or cateoorica; activities.
`:�i i1CllVltleS SF!'�l:� u �(?l:�i'�?�� �E thE COJiGii�ated
use of programs and other fundina sources
te maximize the impact or areas of concen-
t�ated need.
2. Better utilize existing housing.
Policy G: Emph�asis will be placed upon activities leading to
the better utilization of existing housing. This
would include planning and de�,�elopment of programs
such as urbar homesteadino, hcusing recycling, and
3. Eliminale de-�riorated buildings.
Folicy H: Emphasis will be oiven to �he elimination of
deteriora�ted buifdincs where rehabilitation or
restoration is impractical when such buildings
are vacant or abandoned, or needed for planned
site assembly in areas where land use and project
planning have occurred, or when the site can be
built on or reused within a reasonable period of
4. D2veiopment of New Housing.
Policy I : Every funding source possible will be explored to
accomplish the development of new housing for all
socio-economic groups. This should include housing
for specia► groups such as 1ne elderly and the
h�ndicapped. In ihis reoard special emptiasis wi { I
be given to developing existing publical !y owned
va�an-` r ro�erty .
I . arovide public improvements.
rolicy J : Fublic improvements shouid be made in conjunction
arC in concer+ with o�her CD c�CTiVl±leS wherever
�uch activities addr�ss �he objectives of ihe
Housing and Community Development Act.
Policy K: Public improvament programs should be comp;�ehens�ve
in nature. Public improvements should be defined
to include streets, curbs, guiters, waikways, street
lignts, sewers and boulevard �rees.
Policy L: Public in-�provemenys, except for sewers sheuld not
�e financed from asse�sments aaainst property
owners when the objectives of tn2 H�using and
C�mmunity Deveiopment Act are met. It is recommended
that this policy be considered in the formation of
a city-wide assessment policy.
2. Improve and Enhance Environmental Quality.
Policy M: The anforcement of health and safety cedes, and
envirenmental quality regulations wiil �e pursued.
3. Provide public facilities.
Policy N: Fianning and identification of funding sources for
all public facilities should take place within the
City's comprehensive pianning process.
Policy 0: No construction fiunds tor multi-service centers
should be aliocated by the City until a deterr�iraTion
of sreci ; ic r��e� has been compleied by a �oint workinc
• �-:71:� ._�!r�7�'��Pd .:{ rJD i°S�'�i-a?I v6= t f�Of", ���c ���ro ' /�
n�i ghborhood, the genera I d i stri ct t.;I an^ers,
personnel TrOf" the Department of Community
Svrvices, and other appropriate agencies.
However, if a proposed Multi-Service Center
�on�orms tc ado�ted City policy, considera�ion
wili be given to fun�ing with Community
Devefopment Year II fiunds.
4. Preserve buildinas and areas of historic, archi±ecturai or aesthetic
Policy P: Support projects in areas w!�ere historic preservation
activities are currently underway a= ind�cated by
ongoing �ublic and/or private inves�ment.
I V. I f�^r���Vt EGO�'��^,I C ENV I RO^JP,1Ef�!T
I . Encourage tne orcerly revitalization and expansion of commercial and
industrial aciivities in such areas as the Central Business District,
tne Midway Industrial Area, commercial strips, and vacant railrcad
properties, etc.
Policy Q: Commercial and industri.al development or
r�development wi { i be evaluated in terms cf
successful leveraging of other funding so��rces
(tax increment, development district, assessments,
irdustrial reverue bonds, private sector fiunds,
etc. ) . If other funding sources appear ina�'equaie .
tc impiement action programs, consideration will
be given to proposals which will insure successful
impVemen`ation of these com�-�°rcial and in���strial
. . : �ss�'7�
Policy R: Cor,siderafiion wili b� �� �en t� t7�se programs w�`�`�
car increase the �i+y rroperty tax base, increase
@Rlr �O'�f*�P�i OpaO�t.:^i+!ES a�u cXpa�� �Ctd ma i n±a I fi
t�i@ �:JR'lf'iCC'Cia� a^� 1n^',:=TI'i� I v�5�. `hose activitie�
meeting the above ob�e�+ives may include: land
a�s�mb I y, skyway ex�,ans i on, re�:�ab i I i t�Ti o', or non-
residential properties and other appropriate
2. Coordirate manpower programs.
Policy S: Ciiy manpower programs will not be funded with
community development money but wiil be coordinated
and funded, as approp;iate, through the Compre-
hersive Employment and Trairing Act (CETA) , in
order tc achieve the maximum utiliza+ion of
both of these fiunding resources.
I . Provide opportunities for the maintenance and expansion of human
services related to physical development activities. '
Policy T: The City will tai:e an active role, aiong v,� ith
other public and private hum�n servi�e providers,
in coordinating and developing a comprehensive
planning and evaluation process for human services.
Policy U: Use Community Development tunds for the support of
new or e�panded Fublicly or privately funded human
services at an �nnualiy decrea�ing rate, subject to
annual program evoluation, prcvided thGt the
�oi lo��ring criteria apply:
( I ) The program must be eligib ;� ur�der� the provision=
. -
. � • �---- "e.'��t�y /�C,�
of tne Hou�; nc an� Community Development Act of
(2? The program mu�� address community development
needs as id�nti � ;ed by the City's comprehensive
planning process.
(3) T�at the p�oaram r�lates dire�tly to an area
of concentra1ed c,�mmunity development activity
as part of an overall plan for both physical
and human services.
(4) That district planning groups have ranked the
Human Services Programs as high-priority items.
(5) That program activities do not constitute a
maintenance of effort within a program nor
does approva� for Community Development Year II
funding impl ,y a long term commitment of City
(6) That programs must be actively seeking funds
from other funding sources and have received
notification of rejection.
(7) That programs have actively been seeking other
sources of funding as a match for Community
Development Block Grant funds.
2. Fromote the integration of all socio-economic groups.
Policy V: Community Development activities, especially housing
development, whether new or rehabilitated, should,
to the extent possible, offer opportunities to a wide
range of socic-economic group=.