266564 WHITE - CITV CLERK COlII1C11 �VV�Vy PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. �� �� a BLUE -MAVOR ; � - � � C un 'l Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, E.D.M. , Inc. d/b/a The Crusader Lounge at 1201 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, has made application to transfer its On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License to MWWB, Inc. , at the same address; and WHEREAS, Messrs. Robert Schoenecker, Paul Schoenecker and Armand Schoenecker are the principal officers and directors of E.D.M. , Inc. ; and Messrs. Mark Wa.11raff and Bruce Weinard are the officers and directors of MWWB, Inc. ; and WHEREAS, the License Inspector recomm�ded denial of the license trar�sfer application on f�.ve grounds: 1. The transferor has not filed an affidavit pursuant to St. Paul Legislative Code 390.08(c) and (�) relative to .���.���:.z���� P���-.� �..��a ax�d to �e ,s��S:���n o� con- � tractua.� nb��fga��e�-�-�:�vo�v�.�g ����r�•���it programs. .,� ; - 2. The trans€exors aad. ltransf�rees �.ave not supplied the Li�e�s� Inspt�t� wit�' either the original or a copy of a handwritten "e�e�t m��ey contract" signed by all four parties, dated on or about July 28, 1975. 3. The transferors, knowing that the reasonable value of the right to transfer a liquor license is $20,000 or more, and with kra.owledgE that the�r outstanding debts are approxi- mately� $180,000 are s�eking to transfer the license for a stated amount of $1,75fl, intending thereby that at least one of their creditors sha11 receive substantially less in satis- faction of his debts. The transferees, with knowledge of all of these facts, are aiding and abetting such transfer attempt. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY .. - ������ , . 4. Both transferors and transferees, by attempting to obtain approval by the City Council of such transfer under these circumstances would (in the event such trans- fer is approved) expose themselves, the City, and indi- vidual members of the Council to potential civil and criminal liability. Cf. 18 U.S.C. � 152; 11 U.S.C. � 107. 5. The incredible difference between the actual sale price and the reasonable value of the right to transfer this license creates a factual presumption that the parties have agreed on additional consideration for the transaction, the nature of which has been withheld from the License Inspector. At least one of the additional agreements disclosed in interviews, but not by the application papers submitted by the parties, is the hiring of Robert Schoenecker by the transferees as a bartender after the transfer; ;��d ���*��..�he.:Lic.ens�.InS.gecto� c�cailed var�itte� notice to Mr. Rober� S�����'�er,-���P"re�ident, E.I7.M. , Inc. ; with copies to Mr. Star�.ley Mosio, Attorney at Law, Messrs. Mark Wallraff and Bruce Weinard, and to various government officials; and WHEREAS, the said written notice stated that a public hearing would be held December 10, 1975, before the License Committee in Room 707 City Hall, at 9j�00 a.m. , at which hearing the License Inspector would recommend denial of the transfer of the license based on five grounds set forth in the notice, as reproduced above; and WHEREAS, the public hearing was commenced at 10:00 a.m. on December 10, 1975, in the City Council Chambers, having been moved from Room 707, with many persons persent, including Messrs. Robert Schoenecker, Paul Schoenecker, Armand Schoenecker, Ma.rk Wallraff, Bruce Weinard and Stanley Mosio; and WHEREAS, the hearing continued from 10:00 a.m. to approxi- mately 12:10 p.m. , and from 2:00 p.m. to 4: 15 p.m. , during which period of time the members of the License Committee were in attendance; with all other members of the Council in attendan�e for all of the morning session and for most of the afternoon session; and � � �66�64 WHEREAS, applicants Wallraff and Weinard were repre- sented by Stanley Mosio; and applicants Robert, Paul and Armand Schoenecker were �oepresented by Paul Schoenecker; and all indicated their readiness to proceed; and all were advised of and afforded an opportunity to present evidence and witnesses, and to cross-examine adverse witnesses; and WHEREAS, the License Committee received testimony from Joseph F. Carchedi, License Inspector; Gene A. Tonda, Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 17 ; Pierre N. Regnier, City Attorney; John T. Finley, attorney at law; Paul Schoenecker; Oscar Sundberg; Bruce R. Weinard; Robert A. Schoenecker; and received into evidence without objection several letters and documents relating to the transfer application; and neither Ma.rk Wallraff nor Armand Schoenecker testified; and WHEREAS,- the e�idence presented to the Committee referred to or established the facts contained in the Committee Report attached hereto and dated December 15, 1975; and WHEREAS, on the basis of all of the evidence received and on the basis of the demeanor, appearance and credibility of the witnesses, after having heard summations of counsel for the transferees and for the Committee, the License Committee voted unanimously to deny the transfer application; and WHEREAS, all members of the City Council having considered the Committee report attached hereto, the evidence and docu- ments received, and having considered the demeanor and credi- bility of the witnesses ; and after having permitted the applicants to file written objections to this Resolution and argue orally before the Council; and WHEREAS, a copy of this Resolution as reported from the License Committee has been mailed to Messrs . Paul, Robert and Armand Schoenecker, Stanley Mosio, attorney for Mark Wallraff and Bruce Weinard, advising them that they ma.y file written objections to this Resolution w�th the City Clerk and may further appear before the Council to argue against its passage on such date as the Council ma.y consider it; now, therefore, be it WHITE - CITV CLERK �yy/���� PINK - FINANCE COI1flC11 �� CANqRV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. VU � BLUE - MAYOR a . : : - Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the application of E.D.M. , Inc. , d�b/a The Crusader Lounge to transfer its On Sale Liquor License to MWWB, Inc. , is hereby denied; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution and Committee Report be mailed to Messrs. Paul, Robert and Armand Schoenecker, and Maxk Wallraff and Bruce Weinard by the Clerk after its publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �� Hunt �— In Favor Rcedler A gains t BY Sylvester Tedesco President � Hozza � �C 3 Q Form Appro d by City A ney Adopted by C . Date • Cert' ' Pass b uncil Secretary . BY By Approve by Mayor: ate 9�J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pt�tsHEQ ,�AN 4 � �976 • ������ LICENSE COMMITTEE REPORT AND FINDINGS December 15, 1975 1. The affidavit filed and signed by Paul and Robert Schoenecker as transferors pursuant to Sections 390.08(c) and (e) of the Legislative Code, recites that they have "paid all wages due and owing the persons employed" by them, and further, that they as transferors have "satisfactorily and completely complied with all contractual obligations" per- taining to various employee health, welfare and benefit programs. These recitals are false in that the transferors did neither. Bruce R. Weinard, one of the transferees, did enter into an agreement (to which the transferors were not a party) with Local 17, Hotel and Restaurant Employees, to place in escrow the sum of $2,000 for the purpose of paying wages and benefits due and owing to former employees of the transferor. There was no evidence as to the exact amount of back wages and employee benefits due since there was testimony both that the books of the transferor were stolen and not available, and that the said books were locked up on the premises at 1201 Payne Avenue and not available. Gene Tonda stated it was his belief that $2,000 would be sufficient to cover all outstanding obli- gations. 2. Joseph Carchedi testified that Robert Schoenecker, in an interview in the License Inspector' s office on October 30, 1975 (at which Philip B. Byrne, Deputy City Attorney, was also in attendance) , stated that there was an additional handwritten agreement between the parties. This agreement was dated July 28, 1975, and was signed by Robert and Paul Schoenecker and by Ma.rk Wallraff and Bruee Weinard. Carchedi testified that Armand Schoenecker also stated there was such an agreement, and that Mark Wallraff both admitted and denied the existence of such an agreement. Carchedi testified that Paul Schoenecker and Bruce Weinard denied the existence of such an agreement, and that Weinard explained that Robert Schoenecker ma.y have been mis- led by three yellow legal sheets of notes, f igures and doodles he wrote down on July 28, 1975. Robert and Paul Schoenecker and Bruce Weinard testified at the hearing that there was no hand- written agreement. . . � � ' ������� 3. The parties signed a typed contract for the purchase of the license an �ugust 24, 1975, in which the total con- sideration to be paid by the buyers (transferees) was $1,750. $875.00 had already been paid by Bruce Weinard on July 28, 1975, in a check to the City for the second-half installment of the license fee, which payment was made without any express agreement or understanding. In so doing, the sellers (transferors) had not looked for any other buyer of the license, and did not accept or seriously pursue a $20,000 offer from George Montpetit. From the end of June, 1975, to the present date, the outstanding debts and liabilities of the Schoeneckers and E.D.M. , Inc. were �180,000-�190,000. Robert and Paul Schoenecker in statements to Joseph Carchedi said they in- tended to file personal and corporate bankruptcy as soon as the license was transferred (Paul Schoenecker in two separate conversations with Pierre Regnier ma.de the same statements. ) Robert and Paul Schoenecker in statements to Joseph Carchedi (and Paui Schoenecker to Pierre Regnier) , also stated that the reason they were selling the license for such a low price is that first, they would not receive any of the proceeds whatever the amount, since the creditors in bankruptcy court would split up the entize amount; second, their animosity toward a prin�ipal creditor, a Mr. Oscar Sundberg, the landlord of E.D.M. , Inc. , who had closed them down, was so great that they wanted to keep the expressed sale price down so that Sundberg would get as little as possible from his share in the bankruptcy proceedings• and third, in no way did the sellers (transferors, Schoeneckers� wish to permit Sundberg to buy the license in the future, although they admit they took no steps to require the buyers (Wallraff, Weinard) to enter into agreement of that kind. Bruce Weinard knew before and at the time of the agreement of August 24, 1975, both that the sellers had no choice but to go into bankruptcy and that they had discussed going into bank- ruptcy. He and Ma.rk Wallraff advised Carchedi in an interview on October 23, 1975, that they never really talked price be�ause all the parties knew whatever was received would go into the assets disbursed by the bankruptcy court. Weinard and Wallraff kn�w of the offer of $20,000 for the license by George Montpetit, and also knew of the hostility of the Schoeneckers for Oscar Sundberg, landlord and creditor. 2. . . , �. , . ., � � � �ss�s� Weinard testified he would have to make additional expendi- tuP�es to get the business underway such as lease payments, purchase of fixtures and inventory, and has paid or promised to pay off the back wages and the attorney fees of D. Patrick McCullough. Some of these or similar expenditures would have to be made even were the license to be sold at the fair ma.rket value of $32,000-$35,000. The License Inspector testified that in five recent trans- fers of on-sale licenses, the sale price of the license itself (aetually, the price of the consent by the licensee to transfer) was $35,000, $35,000, $32,000, $32,000, and $35,000. In addition, an offer of $35,000 was ma.de and turned down for one currently inactive license; and the holder of another inactive license values it at $30,000. The details are contained in letters and a document received in evidence by the Committee without objection. Robert Schoenecker advised Mr. Carchedi that he had been promised a job by the transferees after the license transfer was approved. Title 18, Section 152 of the United States Code, provides in part: ". . .Whoever, either individually or as an agent or officer of any person or corporation, in con- templation of a bankruptcy proceeding . . . knowingly and fraudulently transfers . . . any of his property or the property of such other person or corporation . . . shall be fined not more than $5,000 or im- prisoned not more than five years, or both." 'T�tle 11, Section 107�d)(1)-(3) , defines a fraudulent transfer, inter alia, in a number of ways, including transfers in which the amount paid for the property transferred is disproportionately small as compared with the value of the property obtained; and Title 11, Section 110 of the United States Code, defines property in a way to include cash proceeds of the sale of a liquor license. 3. � � , o � . o ,_ ���� . ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION iti�ovember 13, 1975 i:r. j:resident and rionora�le ==enbers of the Cyt�; Counc_l . Saint Paul, ilinnesota , I-�r. Pres;dEnt and ror�ora:-�le �.emk:ers :' i;.L.il.� iT1C. �01ri� business ?.S t!"'ie CT"U�ader JLOU.P_�;2� and i',.''�:;.':.'.���., Inc. �aT.e a��plicut�on for t:,,e �ra.r_sY'er of Cn �ale Li�uor Ia.cense ?:o. 875l�, e�nirin; Janua,ry 31, 197b, issued to �.?.���., Inc. at 12�I. t'z�.me yvenue to i:.�::.'::.�., Irc. at �tze s���e address. J- f i-i.�;.';i.��., Inc. also ma?�es a_r,plicatior_ ior the tr�:sfer ef �unda� On Sale iiquor Licen::e i�lo. 93��, e<Nirin� Janu�;ry 31, 197b ' and new Cla.ss C2-�,.es�au^ant, iavern and Cig�rette licenses at the '' s a*ne aac:res s. ; The off�cers o�' i!.�;.:s.��., Inc. are I�ar�; :�. ::all^�f, hold.ing the offices of 'lice rresiderlt ar�d Secretu.T�� `�u..r1Q ::lruce l�. �:eir�ard, r�old- ing tiie off;ces of Pres�dent ar_d lreasurer. xccording to tne papers subm�.ttec, ro stock ;�as been issu�d yet. �ttacned a.re tl�e coni�s of thezr a-:���licat_ons a:_d supporting papers. j%er��- truly �Tou.rs, � Joseph l�. C���c�edi License Insp ector , , .. , ,, . � � � � � � vN��� � , � ,.�;` ,,� ,: :;. , _. f '}... � �. . . -, �. . . .. ' , , - " e . ;: � . .. . .. . .. . r , ., „� � ' . . . . � lr. � f 1 y�i,� h.. , ' . �� ' . . _ �. . . . � �, a��: , � . . . �.. . . _� ��. � ' � . . . . . .:-.. . � .. . . . . ,.] \ . . . . 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