266563 WHI7E - CITY CLERK CO11I1C11 �����3 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun 'l o i n Presented By L�CENSE CONA�IIT'I�E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenaea appiied Por by the foiiowing peraona at the addresaea s�ated be and the saine are hereby granted. C.L. Fabre iI10 8ice St. Hardware App. �+7i9 Rt�e.wi " - � " Firearme rt t' Applebaum'a Food Mkta., Tnc. 900 E, Maryi�nd Ave. Grocery �+729 ,� r' +� Butcher ►, ►� " " Oft Sa1e A4a1t " ►� n , �� CigaTe��E r� rr Groaa Bros. Kronicks� Inc. 2427 W. "�th St. Lc�y� DC Piant 4739 " Priee Electronica, Tnc. i80 P1ato BlvB. Cigarette }+8�+b " E. Johnaon & C. Sabo 1347 Btirna Ave. Cig. VM-�per. �853 " �wia City �ed. 'Savii�a & Loari 40� No: Robert St. R�at. C-2 �+9i0 " Speedy Markets, Inc. 968 No. Daie St. Grocery 49t+7 t� " " But cher " " „ " OPf Sal�* Mait " n „ r� Ci�axette �� n Bolton Investmenta, Tnc,~ 57 W. 7th St, saun� " 4976 `� I.A. 0' Shau.ghneaay 917 LaPond Food Eatab. C1. M �+g79 " Monroe Walker 769 Marahall Ave. Beauty Shop 4980 " � Pleasant Hill Nursin� Home 391 Pleasant Rea�-Nurs, Home �+983 '� Norm'a Au3Eto Parta, Tnc. $39--Edgerton Mtr. Veh. Sa1. Dir. 4987 " All Auto Pa,rta Dealer 505-509 University Ave. 2nd Hd. Auto P�s.Dir 499i " Gerald Rientz 211. W. `�th St. Barber 5020 " M. Root & T. W�lt 360 Clitton Beauty Shop g022 " �uperamerica, Div'n. of N. W. Refining g7°( So. Smith Bicycie D1r. 5036 " J�mes C. MeGinnia 654 E. 6th St. Trailer Rentai 5p38 " Daniei Rivera & John Moine 15ii Payne Ave. Beauty shap 5039 t� Ha�ei G. Eicher 712 No. S�aeliing Ave. Beauty Shop g046 " Knighta ot Columbua 156 W. 9th St. Cigarette 505Q " Robert Korman '�79 So. Sm3.th B�,rber 5�3 " lhmiont'a Hauae of Beauty, Inc. 2301 W. Como Ave. Beauty Shop 5p56 " LaSalle TraxtsFer 2707 T�rritoriai Rd. Ci�arette 5057 '� �ape�ta Fooda, Ine. 2g4s W. 7th St. Ci�arette 5�59 " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen � Sun t [n Favor r.�::::.� Roedlec J Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President �t HozZa Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co . Date �r��a� Certifie assed uncil cretary • BY By Approv Mayo • Date , � �9�3 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY r��crsH�n ,1AN i o 1976