266550 WHI7E - GTV CLERK 1 ����'ly� PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAT.IL BLUE -MAVOR , File NO. � il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Saint Paul Planning Commission and Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Budget for the 1975 Capital Improvement Program, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Appropriate a total of $1,000,000 to a new capital improvement project, known as the Watergate Site Acquisition, with the financing of said appropriation to be from $500,000 allocated State (LCMR) monies and from $500,000 allocated Metropolitan Council's Open Space monies. Resulting in the following financing: Current Financing Change Amended Financing Watergate Site Acquisition State of Minnesota Grant (LCMR) -0- + $500,000 $500,000 Metropolita.n Council Open -0- + $500,000 500,000 Space Bonds -0- +$1,000,000 $1,000,000 Approved: � - - Ci Budget 'rector COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �"" Christensen � Community Ser 'ces � � Hunt In Favor -�eti�w Rcedler Against gy Robert Pi '�r� Tedesco President � Hozza ��i z;� �9�J Form Approved by ity A orney Adopted by Counc' • ate j t Certif' Passe cil Secretary � BY ' By Appro e Mayor: Date 0 9 �� Approved by Mayor t Submission to Counci By BY PUBLISNED ,�AN 3 1976 ��'�� ��__ �► ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL a�y y�d, � a OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR o � -, � ,, ... . a '�o � ��.�r THOMAS J. KELLEY 365 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 LAWRENCE D.COHEN (612) 298-4928 Mayor REPORT TO THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE D. COHEN, MAYOR From: Thomas J. Kelle� Date: December 2, 1975 Regarding: One Council Resolution amending the 1975 Capital Improvement Program to allocate Capital Funds to a new Capital Improvement Project: 1) Watergate Site Acquisition Source: Richard E. Schroeder, Budget Director ��� Prepared by: Gregory N. Blees for: Robert P. Piram, Director of Community Services Background: The Department of Community Services is requesting approval to acquire the Watergate Site. The Watergate Site is located between the Crosby � Farm Regional Park and the Hidden Falls Park, between the Mississippi River and Shepard Road at Davern Street. ;'�The current zoning of this site allows for the development of high- density residential units. Presently, the C. G. Rein Company has a building permit from the City of Saint Paul to construct a 248- unit highrise apartmen� building on this 15.8 acre site. To date, dredging, filling and the setting of approximately 800 pilings `have been completed in preparation of the apartment's construction. It is Community Services' intention to purchase this site (the only � legal means available to halt construction) to preserve the land for park and open space purposes. The land use adjacent to the property is entirely public. The River Bluffs, Hidden Falls Park, the Mississippi River, Fort Snelling State Park, Pike Island State Park and Crosby Farm Regional Park surround the site. These lands are devoted entirely to the preser- vation and public utilization of the Mississippi River and the adjacent floodplain and bluffs. �he Watergate site is then an important link in the greater river- front park system. Acquisition is necessary if the natural character of the surrounding 3,600 acres of parkland is to be preserved. The Metropolitan Council has recognized the necessity of the preser- vation and improvement of this entire area. In its designation of the Mississippi River Corridor as a Critical Area, it assigned that part of the corridor which includes Watergate in an "urban open space" district. The use and development of lands in this district are to be managed in a manner which will protect the unique natural and � Mayor Cohen Page 2 December 2, 1975 Background: scenic resources. (continued) The Metropolitan Council has also identified the Watergate area, per �se, in its Recreation Open Space Policy Plan. It proposed that the site be included in the regional park system (page 40) and assigned it a high priority for acquisition as "a parcel in a regional park that is under intense pressure £or development." (page 43) �The acquisition of Watergate will link Crosby Farm �egional Park and Saint Paul's Hidden Falls Park. Both parks have been acquired and developed through a combination of funding from Federal, State and City sources. Community Services proposes to fill in the existing marina to accoaunodate trail and bridge links between these two parks. Although the site will be used primarily for trails it will also serve in other capacities. It will prevent future visual, physical, and audio intrusions to the river area and will complement the natural state of the river. The estimated cost of acquiring the Watergate Site is $1,000,000. Recently State and Metropolitan Council monies have been allocated to fund the acquisition. The Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) appropriated $500,000 to the City of Saint Paul contingent upon (1) the pro- vision of an equal amount of non-state funds for this same purpose, and (2) LCMR approvaT of Saint Paul's work program for this acquisition, Both provisions have now been met. The Metropolitan Cotuzcil, on October 9, 1975, approved the recom- mendations of both the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission and the Environmental and Transportation Co�nittee to execute an acquisition grant contract with Saint Paul for $5d0,000 for the Watergate site. This approval was subject to the following con- ditions: (l) that the City forego any tax equivalency payments by the Council for the site, and (2) that the City obtain any balance of the funds needed for the acquisition. The project request was reviewed by the Office of City Planning Cand was recoir¢nended for acquisition by the Planning Commission Friday, October 24, 1975. The Capital Improvement Budget Committee reviewed the project � on December 1, 1975, and recommended funding approval to the Mayor and City Council. The Budget Director has approved the proposed fund and the City Attorney has approved the form of the resolution. Action Requested: Mayor's approval and transmittal to City Council. Attachments: 1) Council Resolution for the Watergate Site Acquisition Project. 2) Planning Commission Resolution #75-47, dated October 24, 1975. 3) CIB Committee meeting minutes of December 1, 1975. GNB:kk cc: Robert Piram ���� S/Y,�� R � . � , � � � - � ,��'�'s� � . WHI7E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUflCIl � � BLUERY- MAVORTMENT CITY. OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � � Council Resolution . ; . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By� the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Saint Paul Planning Commission and Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Budget for the 1975 Capital Improvement Program, as heretofor� adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Appropriate a total of $1, 000, 000 to a new capital improv�- ment project, known as the Watergate Site Acquisition, with the financing of said appropriation to be from �500, 000 allocated State (LCMR) monies� and from $500, 000 allocated Metropolitan Council' s Open Space monies. � Resulting in the following financing: Current Financing Charige Amended Financing Watergate Site Acquisition . State of Minn. Grant CLCMR) --0- +$500, 000 $500,000 Metropolitan Counc�.l Open . - Space Bonds , � --0-� + 500, 000 500, 000 ' -0- +$1, 000, 000 $1, 000, 000 Approved: . ; � C:�'�� �-�� Ci y Bu get Director *. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depactment of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt [n Favor Levine - Rcedler Against BY Sylvester • Tedesco PresidentMD¢4C HOZZd ` Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved b ity�ttorn Certified Passed by Councii Secretary BY . _; B Y � Approv ssi to Council " Approved by Mayor: Date '�:Y� H BY By � • � h , .. '�! � WH17E - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the request of the Mayor and the recommendation of the Saint Paul Planning Commission and Capital Tmprovement Budget Committee, that the Budget for the 1975 Capital Tmprovement Program, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: Appropriate a total of $1,000, 000 to a new capital improve- ment project, known as the W�tergate Site Acquisition, with the �inanci.ng of said appropriation to be from $500,000 allocated State (LCMR) monies and �rom $500, 000 allocated Metropolitan Council�s Open Space monies. Resulting in the following f inancing: Current Financing Charige Amended Financing Watergate Site Acquisiti,on State of Minn. Grant '''�I,CMR) --0- +$500�000 $500,000 Metropolitan Counc�.l Open Space Bonds �0- + 500,�000 500,000 � -0�- +$1, 000, 000 $1, 000,000 Approved: , -, C y Bu get Director COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen �1� Hunt In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President�D�IIt HOZZB Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved b : ity�ttorn ! Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approv ssi to Council By BY city of saint paul planning commission resolution file number 75-4? � date October 24, 1975 WHEREAS, the property known as the Watergate Site is an important link in the regional riverfront park system; and WHEREAS, the land use of the adjacent property is entirely public open space; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has recognized the necessity for the preservation of this area as opeh space in its "Recreation Open Space Policy Plan" and through its allocation of $500,000 for partial funding of the purchase; and WHEREAS, the proposed acquisition of the Watergate Site is in agreement with previous policies adopted by the Saint Paul City Planning Cornmission; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Plannino ��mmission recommends approval of the acquisition of the Watergate Site property. • moved by P�ert_vice Mavne �eco�ded by otto H. Hummer . - sr� favor �nan.- against� . � �1. ` city of sa�n# paul . . . planr��s�g commission resolufiion file number �5-4� , � . � date 4ctober 24, 1975 WHEREAS, the praperty known as the Watergate Site is an important link in the regional riverfront park system; and WHEREAS, the land use of the adjacent property is entirely public open space; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has recognized the necessity for the preservation of this area as open space in its "Recreation Open Space Policy Plan" ar�d tt►rough its allocation of $500,000 for partia� funding of the purchase; and WNEREAS, the proposed acquisition of the 'v�'atergate Site is in agreement with previous policies adopted by the Saint Paul City Planning Co�rumission; - , fdOW TNEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Plannino �nnunission recommends approval of the acquisition of the Watergate Site property. • r��ved by P•1ertvice MaYne c��0���� b� ;Ot�o H. Nummer • +�i 1�VOr Unanimous � c�i��i�iSl� .. .,_ .._;_�,., .:�,,..��..,,,,�,. �.3-.,4-�.�A-,-...�.,.,...,_._�......,....,_,_.�,;.,���,�,.�,�,..,�.-...�K.��, .�..,�.�.�-..--�--v..�,,..,�..�-_.�,�,,.,�_�. , ,�,,�.�.T