266537 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 ��6�53'7 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAYOR File NO. Co cil Resolution Presented By LTCENSE COMNi:Y.'TTEE ,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses appli�d fox by the following peraona at the addresaea stated be�and the same are h�reby granted. Whoope�, Tnc. 173 So, Robert Re�taurant App. �76b New " " �:igarette +' " Tom �.md'ord c jo LuEllen Publiahing Co. 21b E. �+th St. VM Loc. �+'�g2 " " " 1 Add'1. Maclline " 'r Maria Silberbauer �+19 No. Robert Besuty �hop 4793 " Chhaya P. Shah g69 Rice St. Grc�c. A-2 4g31 " „ " Fro�en Fooda " " '� " Ost' Sl,Lle M81t tr rr " " Ciga,rette " " John C. Dudley 930 Duluth i Day Auctioneer �633 " Rita Klein 2S'T Univeraity A�e. P'et Shap �+$68 " Gold Nkd. Bev. c/o MeKee Oil Station 281 No. Snelling vNt Loc. �g69 '� 162 Endicott Beaut 3�ho 4$80 " My Kind Ot Place� Tnc. y p Robert J. Lietzkt 399 E. Me�r'yland Ave. Cfroc. A-2 4885 " " " Fro�en Foods " `t n _ n B8$C2"y n rt n r� Of1' $8].0 MS].t �r n " " Cigarette '� ►' Clayton Club, Tnc. 6i5 University Ave. VM Loc. �+88T " Ho�va,rd J. Brugge�ann 511 So. Smith Gas Sta. 8p �+894 " tt 't Gcri. REp. G"e�Y'. }t rr " „ CigaxettE " �� n tt n rf Da,niel Reitzel 1983 E, Maryland liDay A cOtioneer 4901 ,� Howaxd J. BrU.ggemann 511 So. Smith Gas Sta. 1 add'i. P, 4918 " Mont. i�xd & Co, 1400 University Ave. Firearma 4939 " Como Zoo Como Park, St. Paul VM Loc. �941 " Roaemary Veraluis 1236 H�zelwood Ma,sseuee �+94� " Wen4,y Halveraon 145 No. Snelling Maaaeuse �+944 " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays /� Christensen (�) �!t Hunt �v [n Favor i.�e Rcedler _� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozza DEC 1 8 1975 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Co . Date Certifi asse b uncil Se tary . BY By Approved by Mayo ' ate 2 5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pust�r �En �}�N 3 19 ,