D00910CITY OF SASNT PAITL O�FICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET AEVISIOi No.: JW � �o Date: '��_ � GS �: 34472 f}. � (� L AD11�1VT$TTZATTV� ORDER Consistent with the authonty granted to the Mayor in Section 70.07.4 ofi the City Charter and bascd on the request of the Director of tha Department of Public Works toamendthet9 94 budgetefthe Capital-PTO�ects tund,theCirectoroitheDepartment of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Curtent �� FINANCING PIAN C94-2T050 PIA Contingency �985-87 PiA 1994 PIA • SPENDING PLAN C94-2T050 PIA Contingency Construction FINANCING PLAN C94-2T436 1994 Alley Projects Artended C �� Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,863.66 -1,862.76 3,000.90 4,863.66 -1,862.76 3,000.90 4,863.66 -1,862.76 3,000.90 4,863.66 -1,862.76 3,000.90 Street Repair Fund 0.00 966.23 966.23 1994 PIA 0.00 1,862.76 1,862.76 Assessment 50,000.00 -31,157.44 18,842.56 50,000.00 -28,328.45 21,671.55 • CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No.: +�LQq i 0 Date: `7 `Z� `�f tU GS #: 34472 p.1�� L ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER ConsisteM with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the reques[ of the Director of ihe Department of Public Works toamendthel9 �t.tudgetofthe Capital Pro�ects Surd,theDisectoroftheDepartrne�rt of Finance and Managemeni Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: Current Budget SPENDING PLAN C94-2T436 1994 Altey Projects Construction • ��� -. ��� ,�- P(aqaretl b y: MrvM1y Msnager 9K��G� RequasteE by. peparo-ne Direcmr •_ - 50,000.00 -28,328.45 21,671.55 50,000.00 -28,328.45 21,671.55 � � �� Pppmvetl By. �f - Z 3 �`�� r.� '�n.nl1 c n DEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COVNqI DATE INIiIATED V Public Works Mp�„ �t . 3����96 GREEN SHEET No. 34472 CqNTACTPEflSON&PHONE �. iNIl7AVDATE INIiIALIDA7E Michael 7. Eggum 266-6143 �"� � B � � TM�TMENTEVRECTOR �__ O CITYCLERK'L M BEONGOUNqLAGENDAHY�DATE) ROVIING OBUDGETOFFlCE ❑j FINANCEACCOUNi7NG O �� � MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) 1 6�gum TOTAL # OF SIGNA"fURE PAGES � (CiJP ALt LOCATONS FOR SIGNA7URE� Oz � P `a 3�P1�TMEIST A J �9J ACiION REQUE5TED Approval of atzached Administrative Order transferrina 1994 Public Improvement Aid funding from PIA Contingency and adding S�eet Maintenance funding to the 1994 Alley Contracu project. RECAMMENDAnoNS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PIANNINGCOMMISSION_CMLSERVICECOMMISSION 7, Hasthispersor✓firtneverworkeduntleracorrt2ctforthisdepartmerrt? CIB ConnrnlT _ YES NO A S7AFF 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? — — YES NO _ DISiRICi COUNCIL _ 3. Does this persoMBrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any wrtent ciry employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO F�cptain all yes answers on separate sheet and atlach to 9reen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1�' Public Improvement Aid (PIA) is necessary for expenses not recoverable through assessment. An alley in Noah's Addition was cancelled after the conaact was started incurring expenses split between street maintenance funds and PIA. An alley in Sandberg's Rearrangement has $896.53 in unrecoveable costs. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: •1 contract payment can be made to conuactor and project can be closed out. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. RECEI!!EG APR 2 4 199� CITY �LEfd� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT ApPROVED' Contractor will not be wmpensated for work already performed on deleted alley. AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION $ -28,39R 45 COSTIREVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCLE ONE) yES No FUNDING SoUaCE Asmt, 1994 PIA & Street Mtce Fund ACnVm NUMeeR C94-2T050 & C94-2T436 FINANCIAL WPORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $1,862.'76 Deletions - ($31,157.A4) � � � Addifions - $96b23 ��