266512 WHITE - CITV CLERK /66�12 PINK - FINAN,�E �V� CANARV= DEPARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PA.UL COZ1IIC11 BLUE - MAYOR � . Fll@ NO. � �� � �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Section 231.05 of the Satnt Paul Legislative Code, (as amended by Ordinance No. 14662, approved December t, 1970) per- taining to regulations fer the adJusting of sawer service charges, and upon the recomae�dation of the Department of Public Works and approval of the Board of Water Commissioners, the Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby certify that because of partial diversion of their total water wnsu�aption from the City of Saint Paul 's Santtary Sawer System, t#�e below listed firms hav� justifiable �eason for application of an adjustment to their sewer service charges as levied: (in accordance with Resolutions, Council File No. 264754, approved December 19, 1974� and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a full or partial refund of paid s�a+er service charges, based upon these adjustmeRts, shall be refunded from the "Sewer Se�vice Fund" and shall be in the following amounts: NAME ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT Olya�ia Bre�wing Co. OCT 1975 553.674.55 722 Payne Ave. 55165 Burlington Northern, 1nc. -0CT 1975 $ 1,309•14 176 E. Fifth St. 55101 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. OCT 1975 S 1,196.64 882 W. Seventh St. 55102 Gold Medal Beverage Co. OCT 1975 $ 395.69 P.O. Box 3466 55165 Koppers Co., Inc. OCT 1975 S 3�9.12 1000 N. Hamline Ave. 55104 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY — Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by C' Att ey Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d y M on to ounci By By WHITE - CITV CLERK t �6s512 CANARY� DEPA�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUIICll BLUE - MAYOR � Flle NO. � � . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa9e 2 NAME , ADDRESS TIME PERIOD AMOUNT ST. Paul Dispatch S Pioneer Press OCT 1975 S 303.06 63 E. Fourth St. 551Q1 Cent�sl warelwuse Co. NOV 1975 S 80.85 P.O. Box 3456 55101 First Natio�al Ba�k of St. Paul NOV 1975 $ 69.12 W-1752 1st Nat'1. Bsnk B1dg.55101 Amvco Chemicals Corp. oCT 1975 S 54.95 45 E. Ma�land Ave. 55117 Mr. Bernard Laun 1975 $ 24.15 2353 Bu�ord Ave. 55108 St. Paul Hilton Corp. OCT 1q75 $ 10.56 11 E. IGellogg Blvd. 55101 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen p�� j C �S Hozza �_ In Favor Levine � `��� Rcedler Against BY � Sylvester Daniel J. nford Sawers Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date ��� t 6 �9� Form Approved b ity Attor y Certified se Counci e retary BY By Approved by,M ., r: Date Approved ayor for o il By � �� By pU8 tSHED QEC �7 CITY OF ST. PAUL No._�5� _ '� ' . OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS �66�12 . � RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� NOY��a' .Z6� �q�5 COMMISSIONER _ DATE RESOLPID. �at the Board of Water Coam�ssioa�rs h�by �p�acows the reoa�endation ot Riah�rd L. Whs�rl�r, llssistant Direotor & City Eagix��r, Dspaatmeut o� Pub�ics Wtirke, ia his l�tter of Hove�ber 26, 197,� '�O '�he Bo�a �?aat !'ull ar partis]. rsltimds o! psi� �s�r�� Ssrviae Chaa�� bw gran�ed as liste8 in �he letter; said rmfund�t to be aa,d+� P�am ths "3s�u►�r Srrv�ioe �xtd". � Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays B�uU �� l�ov�ber 26 19s=7� Pr��rid�t l.evint In favor—�_ Opposed 0 __ �— ASST. SECY. �=''- `-, � ' : , � �f����� , - . � . � , �; . . . . - � _r RSPp TC1 �tE HC�N. LA��RTNGE D. COH , MAYO� � � , � . , , , . . � � : F�Is Th�mas 'J, Kel2ey� Ci�y AcLmi�is��tra�tos � _ �t _ , �. ,, .t � � Da,TB: : Nov�bar 2bt �975 _ : �sc�zN�: . , � „ - . - ,, . ..., . _ RE.f�iDS Qf,S�R SER1ff�G� .CNA��ES . ,. . . . �� _ _ . � � � . . , : . � ; ACTIQN REQt7ESTED s • ' '. _ . . ; _ . � : • . , . Trans�l t ;Co�+nci� :t��ut irin to C1 t�":���i t �or �1ct�. . . : _ . , : �� . , . ;: _ . � ..: , . . , .r . � , � . _ J ; , . _ . . _ , , . n ' , . . ... . . : , ; . . . ,,. ._ . . . _ � . , ,. RATIONALE Pt�R TT�IS ACTION: � . . -1 n�s t i g�t i on�has �ter�t�::that :aer . - �� � - � �� � � ��si��A�v��t�s � x�ite�' ti+�t� � � t�+at4s.�ss�sse+� a sew�t s�erv�cs`�+ar�e:��id �t�enta+�' t� sa���i"y► � . , . , -. ' .;sy*tia� a�d..�hat paya�t ':�� �li� ahaf�s on �hes�s w�la� � , . , . sl�a�i�� b+ rofa�+ded..:: �. . : � . t , - i . . _ . _ ,, , . ,�, . . - , � � _ .. . . . . .. . . . J . � � .� . ..._ . f.. . . . . S4I�RCE: - . . � � . � , , . , Pub1 i c. Morks. ` , '�� _ . . . , . .. _ . - \ _ ;. . � ` � ... . : . , - . ,. ..,�. , ' �s ATT�CBM�N'�S t � 1 r� CenM�r4t� 11f�so1 ut i�t � ., , Z.'�� Bos�d af �11i►xar �i ss i ons.rs' Rs���t t�+ 't�i�nd�ny- t�#�c. , � , � - � - �:� �_ - _ , `7. � , ., . _ , �r �: . � , , , - .;: _ �