266505 WHI�y - CITV CLERK COQIICll hs�s5�� PIN - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �SIUE - MAYOR File NO. ♦ - � � � �• 'l Resolution . � . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals axxi Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes to said Board of Appeals and Review, dated October 14, 1975, and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof by reference: Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property � Appellant 10/14/75 43-75-H 690 Conway St. Keith R. Ferris BOARD ACTION: Bathroom Waiver granted from St. Paul Legislative Code so as to permit tena.nts in two apa.rtments to sha.re bathroom facilities, subject to only one ten- ant being allowed to rent each of the apartments, and tha.t it will be the landlord' s responsibility to keep the bathroom clean. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Block 46, Lot 14, Lyman' s Dayton' s Addition. Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property A pellant 10/14/75 44-75-B 682 Stryker ponald J. Mueting BOARD ACTION: Garage Variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 40.00(lc) , so as to permit construction of a second detached accessory on same lot, subject to the requirements of the State Building Code. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Counc' • Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P sed by uncil cretary BY By ' . Approved by Mav . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . ' � �6���5 � . � , . , 2. Case No. 44-75-B Continued PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots 5, 6, & 7, Hornsby's Subd. of Block ; Westerly 129 ' of Northerly 117 ' of Block 137; W. St. Paul Proper Except Southerly 312' . Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property Appellant 10/14/75 45-75-B 1533 Winchell So. Dale R. Lundgren BOARD ACTION: Variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code property lot line requirement, Section 33.04 (3) , so as to permit construction of family room, patio desk, and ramp along side of house and garage. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Ides Outlots, subject to street and except . 45.5 ft. the South 48 .33� ft. of north 96.66 ft. of part west of east line of Winchell St. of Lot 4. Date of Board Minutes ' Case No. Property Appellant 10/14/75 48-75-B 1758 Grace La.ne Rona.ld E. Anderson BOARD ACTION: Refund of filing fee of ten dollars was granted since Case was dismissed because side lot line variance request was withdrawn for administrative action and Board lacked jurisdiction in request for variance from front lot property line requirements. • WHITE - CITV CLERK ���['�o� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council "� CANA�V - DEPARTMENT (� �bLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � . � - Council Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3. Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property Appellant 10/14/75 50-75-B 511 N. Snelling Mickey' s Restaurant by Universal Sign �Co. , Chuck Lerberg BOARD ACTION: Variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 22.06 (2b) and (2d) , with reference to height of sign, requiring no less tha.n 15 ft. above grade, so as to permit more attractive placing of sign down to 12 ft. 4 in. , being flush with the top of the new fascia, thereby elimina.ting a 2 ft. 8 in. gap. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Brightwood Park, subject to alley, over west 1 . ft. and except north 36.66 ft. , Lots 1, 2, & 3, Blk. 1. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt ��� � G j��j Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ��1���-�r3� , By Approved by Ma ate �_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By p�s�EU DEC 2� 1975 ' �� � / n I j, � 10/14/75 - I�leeting No . �l� - � �J Cassette Tape No . 128 ', � � � Page 2 �6S5�J� � - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 43-75-H 690 Conway St . Keith R. Ferris (4 units) SUBJECT: Request for bathroom waiver from St . Paul Legislative Code , Section 54 . 11 , so as to permit �tenants to share bathroom facilities ; also , re- quest for extension of time to install ventilation system in second floor bathroom so as to comply with code rec{uirement . APPEAR.AI�CE : Keith R. Ferris , Appellant PROCEEDINGS: In answer to Board Member Glassman' s questions , Mr. Ferris explained that there were threebathrooms in the whole building. Two of the tenants in t�ao apartments were sharing the same bathroom facilities . It was not economically feasible to make one big apartment out of these two apartments . One apartment was upstairs and the other was dotvnstairs . Both tenants , one of wh�nmade the complaint , was aware of this arrangement prior to his renting this apartment . Senior Building Inspector Dan Person stated he had no data on this case, but Housing Inspector Alice Bijjani �aas expected to be present at the meeting but had not yet arrived. Acting Chairman Tieso then set aside the case temporarily during the meeting to await the Housing Inspector ' s arrival . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - --- - - - - -- - 10/14/75 - R�Ieeting No . 1�6 � Cassette Tape No . 128 _ ' Page 4 CaSE \'0 . PROPERTY APPELLANT (Return to 690 Conway St . Keith R. Ferris 4�- 75-H) � Acting Chairman Tieso reQuested a report from ��ousing Code Inspector Alice Bijjani . Inspector Bijjani stated an inspection was made at the premises on September 8th, in response to a complaint . Oi��ner was ordered to pro- vide a bathroom for each unit , as specified by the Housing Code, and to provide ventilation for the existing bathraom. Bcard tiiember Sommerdorf asked if an appeal �+�as being made on the venti- lation. Appellant Ferris stated that he planned to install the ventilation as ordered. Board �iember Peak made a motion to grant a waiver on the bathraom. Board I�lember Glassman suggested an amendment to the motion whereby owner wou?d have to keep the apartment rented to only one person. Inspector Bijjani stated that with rooming units , it was the owner ' s responsibility to keep the bathroom clean. The problem ivith sharing oai.hs �ti-as �nore than just the inconvenience ; it was a matter of health. :�Irs . Peake withdrew her motion in deference to I�Sr. Glassman ' s suggestion. BOARD aCTION: Board Tiember Glassman then made a motion to grant a bathroor� waiver from the code so that the t`vo apartmentscould share the same bathroom subject to only one tenant being allowed to rent each of the apartments and that it ��ould be the landlord' s responsibility to keep the bathroom clean. i�Irs . Sommerdorf seconded the motion . MOTION C�RRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: �1yes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - 10/14/75 - Meeting No . Il6 Cassette Tape No . 128� ' MINiJTES OF THE MEETING ST . PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEtiV Tuesday, October 14 , 1975 City Gouncil Committee Room 707 City Hall and Cour. t House 1 : 30 p .m. �IE�IBERS PRESENT: Arthur N1. Tieso , Acting Chairman Ronald Glassman David Heider Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf �IE�iBERS ABSENT: D. Donald tiVozniak James D. Voigt AGE�'CIES PRESENT : Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector -- Alice Bijjani , Housing Code Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. � Prrs . R. Thole, Appellant . Donald J. Mueting , Appellant Terry Luther , Appellant Keith Ferris , Appellant Arnold Klasen, Appellant Marilyn Wilizick Dale Lundgren, Appellant Floyd Henderson, Appellant Mr. � Mrs . Ronald Anderson, Appellant Chuck Lerberg, Representative of Universal Sign Co. on Behalf of �tickey' s Restaurant STaFF PRESENT: Doris L. Getsug, Executive Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia 1�loxness , Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Actino Chairman Arthur Tieso moved that the Nlinutes of the September 9 , 1975 , Nieeting be approved. 1�1r . Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE �'OTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - . �4- 75-B 1Q/14/75 - Meeting No . I16 ' , 682 Stryker Ave . Cassette Tape No , 128 • � Page 3 APPE.�Ra:v�CE: Donald J . Niueting, Appellant PROCEEDINGS: Appellant �Iueting explained that he would like to put a garage on his lot , although there was a detached structure, a green house, aI- ready there when he purchased the property a year a�o . He stated that he did not have any off-street parking available and would like to build a garage but not attach it to the �uilding that was pre- sently there. Senior Building Inspector Person recommended that the garage be placed back at least 16 feet from Morton St . beeause that distance was the setback of the house adjacent . bir. Diueting, however, stated he wanted to avoid too far a setback since it would take up too much of the yard space. The minimum set- back was eight feet to which his neighbor had agreed in the plan. Furthermore, the neighbor' s house was about tour feet from the ap- _ pellant ' s line , facing Morton St . If the garage were moved too much back from eight feet, the garage would be obstructing the neighbcr' s large picture window from the dining room. Inspector Person stated in accordance with his recommendation of 16 feet setback he was thinking of giving them more circulation and while eight feet distance was legal , the Appellant � s structure tiaas only three feet from the property line and the neighbor ' s house was quite close . � Appellant P�Iueting stated he did not want to remove the green house and that it was a permanent structure of substantial size . He further stated that even 16 feet distance would not be adequate length in titi�hich to park his car, which would protrude over the sidewalk. There- fore, he ivas planning to park his car in the new garage . BOARD ACI'I ON: � � � � � Inasmuch as the Appellant was rec�uesting the waiver for a second accessary building only, Board Member Ron Glassman made a motion to grant the building of the garage as an accesso.ry structure with the green house . �Iotion was seconded by Mrs. Peake . MOTION CARRIED. THE �rOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 10/14/75 - Meeting No . �16 . Cassette Tape No . 128 • . MINIJTES OF THE MEETING ST . PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE�+1 Tuesday, October 14 , 1975 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Cour. t House 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur h1. Tieso , Acting Chairman Ronald Glassman David Heider Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Donald Wozniak James D. Voigt AG�NCIES PRESENT : Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector - Alice Bijjani , Housing Code Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: 1�1r. � Mrs . R. Thole, Appellant Donald J . Mueting , Appellant Terry Luther , Appellant Keith Ferris , Appellant Arnold Klasen, Appellant Alarilyn Wilizick Dale Lundgren, Appellant Floyd Henderson, Appellant Mr. F, Mrs . Ronald Anderson, Appellant Chuck Lerberg, Representative of Universal Sign Go . on Behalf of Mickey ' s Restaurant STAFF PRESENT: Doris L. Getsug , Executive Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia Aloxness, Recording Secretary, A�peals Board Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso moved that the Minutes of. the September 9, 1975 , Meeting be approved. NIr . Glassman seconded. 1�10TIOiV CARRIED AND SO ORDERED . THE VOTE: Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - . �� 1 � � y1 ��-- �10/14/75 - Meeting No . I16 l�� '�� � Cassette Tape No . 128 . ..._.._----- . . Page 4 ��U��J� v �.� � ��r� � . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - CnSE NU. PROPERTY APPELLANT 45- 75-B 1533 Winchell St . Dale R. Lundgren SUBJECT : Rec�uest for variance from St . Paul Legislative Code property lot Iine requirement , Section 33 . 04 (3) , so as to permit construction of family room, patio cieck, and ramp along side of house and garage . , 4�- '7�-B 10/14/75 - T-leeting No . lI6 ' 1533 Winchell St . Cassette Tape No . 128 . � Page 5 APPEARANCE: Dale R. Lundgren, Appellant PROCEEDINGS : Senior Inspector Dan Person reported upon inspection of the premises that Appellant intended to build a deck in the back of the family room, tivhich would come up to the property line . Owner cvould also want a ramp from that on the side that would go towards the front of the house. The neighbor had given his approval . Inspector Person stated he had no objection to Appellant ' s plan. BOARD ACT I l�N: Acting Chairman Tieso made a motion that the appeal for variance from property lot line reauirement , Section 33 . 04 (3) , of tl-�e St . Paul Legislative Code , be granted. Board Member Glassman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 10/14/75 - I�leeting No •'116. Cassette Tape Na . 128- AIINU"I'ES OF THF MEETING ST . PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND R�VIEW Tuesday, October 14 , 1975 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Arthur 1�1. Tieso, Acting Chairman Ronald Glassman David Heider Estyr Bradley Peake � Norma Sommerdorf MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Donald Wozniak James D. Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector - Alice Bijjani , Housing Code Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: 1�1r. � Mrs . R. Thole, Appellant � Donald J. Tlueting, Appellant Terry Luther , Appellant Keith Ferris , Appellant Arnold Klasen, Appellant Marilyn ti��ilizick Dale Lundgren, Appellant Floyd Henderson, Appellant . NIr. � i�1rs . Ronald anderson, Appellant �huck Lerberg, Representati�re of Universal Szgn Co . on Behalf. of Mickey ' s Restaurant STAFF PRESENT: Doris L. Getsug , Executive Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia Moxness, Recording Secretary, A�peals Board Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso moved that the �dinutes af the Sept�mber 9 , 1975 , Tleeting be approved. Mr. Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 � � - - - - ' EX /� / 6 / T � 1OJ14/75 - I�7eeting �?o. ?I6 _ ; ! Cassette Tape No . 128 , ' ' ' �' Page 8 �,�65�J� � �� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 48- 75-B 1758 Grace Lane Ronald E . Anderson SUBJECT: Request for Garage Variance from St . Paul Legislative Code side lot and front lot property line reQuirements , so as to build attached garage with 3 ' 6" in lieu of 4 ' from side lot line and 18 ' in lieu of 34 ' 4" (representing 20 percent of average lot depth) fram front lot line . APPEARANCE : Ronald E . Anderson, Appellant PROCEEDINGS : Acting Chairman Tieso asked Senior Building Inspector Person for a report on the matter. Building Inspector Person stated this was a zoning board matter . The Zoning Boara had control of front set backs . The Building Department makes the inspections . . �1r . Tieso was informed by the Executive Secretary of the Board that pa�t of the rec{uest was a Board of Appeals matter and part was a Zoning Board matter. The side lot line was an Appeals Board matter until after the new zoning ordinance became effective in ttivo weeks (October 24) at which time side lot and rear yard clearance rec{uire- ments , as well as front lot matters were under the jurisdiction of the Zoning Board. Inspector Bijjani stated that the Sussel Company, representing the Appellant , had obtained the building permit and had laid the footings . Hoj�ever, the inspectors had gone out and stopped the job . Inspector Person stated that as a matter of fact the 3 ' 6" side Iot distance from the property line was okay, that is permissible and did not rec�uire a tivaiver since the matter was being handled adminis- tratively by the Department . Ho�aevzr, at that tzme there was some controversy. I��r. Tieso stated that it was too bad the Appellant had not been so informed before the Board of Appeals was made . , 48- 75-B 1_0/14/75 - P-leeting No . 116 •1758 Grace Lane Cassette Tape No . 128 � , . ° • Page 9 BOARD ACTION: Mr. Glassman moved to dismiss the case and to grant a refund of the filing fee of ten dollars to the Appellant . i�Ir. Heider seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIED AND SO QRDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- - - ---- -- - --- -- - - -- -- - - - � ; ; i ; � � k � , � � 1 � ; , 10/14/75 - Meeting No : 11� Cassette Tape No . l28• MINiJTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, October 14 , 1975 City Gouncil Committee Room 707 City Hall and Cour. t House 1 : 30 p.m. MEb7BERS PRESENT: Arthur M. Tieso , Acting Chairman Ronald Glassman David Heider Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf MEMBERS ABSENT: D. Donald jti'ozniak James D. Voigt AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector - Alice Bijjani , Housing Code Inspector . OTHERS PRESENT: Mr. �, hlrs . R. Thole, Appellant Donald J. Mueting, Appellant Terry Luther , Appellant Keith Ferris , Appellant Arnold Klasen, Appellant Marilyn �Yilizick Dale Lundgren, Appellant Floyd Henderson, Appellant N1r. � Mrs . Ronald Anderson, Appellant Chuck Lerberg, Representative of Universal Sign Co . on Behalf of I�lickey ' s Restaurant STAFF PRESENT: Doris L. Getsug, Executive Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia l�loxness , Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Acting Chairman Arthur Tieso moved that the Minutes of the Se�tember 9 , 1975 , T4eeting be approved. i�Ir . Glassman seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentio�s - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- -- -- - -- . . � ,. �' X � � � 1 7" � 10/14/75 - Meeting No. 116 • Cassette Tape No. 128 ' ' . � Page 10 ������ CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 50- 75-B 511 N. Snelling Mickey' s Restaurant by - Universal Sign Co . SUBJECT: ReQuest for Sign Variance from St . Paul Legislative Code , Section 22 . 06 (2b) and (2d) , so as to permit more attractive placing of sign down to being flush tivith the top of the new fascia, thereby eliminating a 2 ' 8'� gap . APPEARANCE : Chuck Lerberg , Universal Sign Co . , for �lppellant PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Lerberg explained that �lickey ' s Restaurant had building permits . However, in the process of adding a wood decorative fascia on the building with the instal_lation of a new advertising sign, they had encountered a measurement problem in placement of the sign to be in code compliance . In response to 1��1r Tieso ' s question as to whether there tivere any other problems with the Building Department or the Sign Department , D7r. Lerberg said that ttie sign itself inet the City Code, but they were requesting only to bring the sign down and tie it in with the decorative fascia. Mr. Lerberg saicl that the ordinan.ce stated that if the sign exceeds thirty - square feet, it should be no less than fifteen feet above the ground. , SO-75-B 10/14/75 - I�leeting No . 116 • ,511 N. Snelling Cassette Tape No . 128 � � � Page 11 - BOARD ACT I OI�': Acting Chairman Tieso made the motion to grant the appeal . NIr. Glassman seconded the motion. P.SOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- - 10/14/75 - Mee�ing No: II� Cassette Tape No . 12$ • . + - MINi1TES OF THE �1EETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIE�4' Tuesday, October 14 , 1975 City Gouncil Committee Room 707 City Hall and Cour.t House 1 : 30 p.m. �SE�iBERS PRESENT: Arthur 1�1. Tieso , Acting Chairman Ronald Glassman David Heider Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdorf i�iEtiiBERS ABSENT: D. Donald Wozniak James D. Voigt AG�NCIES PRESENT : Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector . — Alice Bijjani , Housing Code Inspeetor OTHERS PRESENT: hir. �, Mrs . R. Thole, Appellant Donald J. 1�lueting , Appellant Terry Luther, Appellant Keith Ferris , Appellant Arnold Klasen, Appellant I�4arilyn h'ilizick Dale Lundgren, Appellant Floyd Henderson, Appellant N1r. � Mrs . Ronald Anderson, Appellant Chuck I,erberg, Representative of Universal Sign Co. on Behalf of �iickey' s Restaurant ST�FF PRESENT: Doris L. Getsug , Executive Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia 1�4oxness, Recording Secretary, Appeals Board Actin.g Chairman Arthur Tieso moved that the Minutes of the September 9 , 1975 , �teeting be approved. Mr . Glassman seconded. NIOTION CARRIED A?�TD SO ORDERED. THE tiOTE : Ayes - 4 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 • - • ��� � ��� � , . . 0 U � 6TAT6 OF MINNESOTA � County of Ramsey ee. � Q� CITY AF SAINT PAUL !"'� I......................................8c�ete..l�s..................._...............-----......Clty Clerk oi tlie City c+t 3s�int P�ul, Mianesots� do hereby certify that I have oompared the att�acb�d oop�►ot Couadl File No..,....,2��4.5....................... Rs adopted by the City Council..__..__..���r.?:6.,..............19.7.�........... � aad approved by the Mayor--------------------December 18:......._......19 75.........._ � ..... w � with t�e orlgiaal thereoi oa flIe ia a�y oStce. � 0 � ............_----•-----..._...._--------------•--............_...._.._....---.............................................._......... o ....__..........._................_.----.............................._....................._...................................... °t�-, ........................�.......................................»......... ..........._.---..........._....................... GF] _.. ' ..._......»...._.......»..........................._._..........................._.................................................... ��� �� a�+ ��� , �Sy � a. �t�T �i _..»_..»..........................._.............»._............._............................................................... ';���� �' , f��* - � � d �+` �4•, 1' ...............°----°----........--------.».._._......_---...............---....................---._....._......_................ ;. . ...s, � �"'= � � I furthe� c�rtifq that said copy ls a true and conect copy ot {'"� ° .. A ; }'�,,Y. + � .�w w ,.. : ;� : -; sai� ori�inal aad the whole thereoi. , � > �- �' ;A'' �'� WITNESS my hand and the seal oi the City oi Saiat Paul� Mlnn.. ,,. . .. s`. `,"' .......'. . ;.�'�:�� _ 1 % � �. this.............�txt.........dsy of....._.....� ...._.......................A. D. 19..'I�..... • � .,,, ..�-Q..... .. .......-•..................... Cf tq erk. Q $ �i � W � U. � � fALc � WHI7E - CITV CLERK 266505 PINh , - F°INANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANqWV„- DEPARTMENT � :LU�F - MAVOR File NO. ' � �` � 'l R eso lution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals ard Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes to said Board of Appeals and Review, dated October 14, 1975, and ma.rked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: Date of Board Minutes Case No. PropertY � Appellant � 10/14/75 43-75-H 690 Conway St. Keith R. Ferris 0 ^� BOARD ACTION: Bathroom Waiver granted from St. Paul Legislative � Code so as to permit tenants in two apartments to pp sha.re bathroom facilities, subject to only one ten- �'^ ant being allowed to rent each of the apartments, di and that it will be the landlord' s responsibility - �% to keep the bathroom clean. � - � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Block 46, Lot 14, Lyman' s Dayton' s Addition. Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property A�pellant 10/14/75 44-75-B 682 Stryker pona.ld J. Mueting BOARD ACTION: . Garage Variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 40.00(lc) , so as to permit construction of a second detached accessory on same lot, subject � to the requirements of the State Building Code. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by DeparYment of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci • Date Certified P sed by uncil cretary BY By Approved by Mav . Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g nyr--y � / /�, gy Y , . . : � �s���� . _ - , 2. Case No. 44-75-B Continued PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lots 5, 6, & 7, Hornsby's Subd. of Block ; Westerly 129 ' of Northerly 117 ' of Block � 137; W. St. Paul Proper Except Southerly 312' . - - - - - - - - . , Date of Board Minutes Case No. Property Appellant . 10/14/75 45-75-B 1533 Winchell So. Dale R. Lundgren O � BOARD ACTION: Variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code � property lot line requirement, Section 33.04 (3) , � so as to permit construction of family room, pa.tio Q; desk, and ramp along side of house and garage. ..� � PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Ides Outlots , subject to street and except W. 45.5 ft, the South 48.33� ft. of north 96.66 ft. � of part west of east line of Winchell St. of Lot 4. � Date of Board Minutes ' Case No. Property Appellant 10/14/75 48-75-B 1758 Grace Lane Rona.ld E. Anderson BOARD ACTION: Refund of filing fee of ten dollars was granted since Case was dismissed because side lot line variance request was withdrawn for administrative action and Board lacked jurisdiction in request for variance from front lot property line requirements. �.�► � �.. 33G t�ah.,►�t�'�� '�S <,-; , �,��✓�� i �e ,.,..; .,i ��,.- ,i ,�, . . , " ae o�SW 9P b' ii�ano� o� aotsstwqns �o; �o�Sey� �Sq pano�dd�r . � Q :r e �C ano�dd �Sg rCg �C�e�a»as Ii�uno� �Sq passed par��l�a� a�eQ :ii�uno� eiq paadopd eiawo���r �;i� �q pano�ddd �u�o,3 .l ;anH ;uapcsa�d o�sapal, ,�$ ;su tB�d Iaasani�S C �aIP�2i auinaZ Jone� uj � ezzoH uasua;sTaq� :;o ;uaw;�edaQ �Cq paasanbag S�eN sea�{ N�w�i�Nno� 'I '�ITg � `£ '� `Z `Z S�oZ ` '�� 99'9£ �i�zou �da�xa pu� •�� L'ST �sar� zano ��alj� o� ��aCqns �?t�Ed pOOM�Lj�TZa' :NOIJ,dI2I�S�Q �Z2i�d02ld ;�, •d�� � °ui • E �uz�EU.z�ui a � aza �EZ�SE Mau a o `"� a �� z z q u� � u� � � e do� au� u�zM usnT� �uzaq � .uz �1 '�� ZT �� �op u�is pp �o �uz��Zd ani���z��E azouu �zuuzad o� sE os 'ap�z� p anoqE •�� SI u�� ssaj ou �ui�tnba.z 'u�zs �o �u�tau Q o� a�uaza�az u�ir� � (pZ� puE (qZ) 90' ZZ uoz��ag �apo� ani��Tsz�a7 TnEa •�S uuoz� pa�uE�� a�uEZ�EA �NOIS�d Q?IdOS �zaqzaZ x�nu� � •o� u�zg j�szaniun dq �u�znE�sag s �dax�iys �utZTauS 'N TTS g-SL-OS SL/�iT/OT �uEjTadT ���oza •o� asE� sa�nuzY1 p.zEOg �o a��Q '£ a;�a �f8 aa;�iwwo� ;o �np a;ea :aa��iwwo� oZ pa»a�a� �8 Pa;� uo��n1osa� 1��uno,� � , � .�N ait3 • , � �0�99� [i�ano� zndd sxids �o �ii� 1N�- � : . � '� � I , � � �- '�� _ fi �, ��." � m � � � � � � N c � . . . � � �� � �� � � � �� Q .-r � 1 ' �ib� � °� . �`3' � `'� -►� � � � ��.' ��y � �' ? � � � � � � � �� � � ����� � �� � � � � ��'� ° � �.� � � � � . � � "'' _ � �, � �. ,� .° Q E ���� � � �. � � � � ,• -� �: � r. � � � �, � .�- -�.; . �.�.. �- ����',,�� `�t � �° C�� �1 � �*'� ,O � C� , � � � r' � .,. . 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T� , . � . ;:�� � "�� " .i .L. �, � . S`� �.�, ���� � � � �� ,' � ,� � s �{, i� � r ��'.�� � � �� '°'" . . � . .� . � " " . _ . � � 'l�'� Li� �'��1 , . , _ . � . F/��, F� - .. . . �n ;.y. . a <� . � , . . . . . .� , .. .� .. , , , . . 1 � , _ , F ,� , . q'� : , , , . , . . - ' t � 'f; �� f v� � �; z i , •t } . � ��� � 4 � • � . � ` y +� fi�x' ' � � � � � � � ' , - � � ' � �� .�;�� q. __ . . � _ .. �` . . , , _ , . . . - . - � 6 � s'�� s ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS $ REVIEW 705A City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4163 T0: Rose Mix, City Clerk FROM: Pat Moxness Secretary, St . Paul Board of Appeals � Review DATE : July 29, 1976 RE: Resolutions pertaining to Board Actions Due to an oversight, there are several actions of the St. Paul Board of Appeals $ Review which were approved in resolutions before the City Council in which it was not directed that copies be transmitted by the City Clerk to the Ramsey County office of the Register of Deeds for recording. Tom Sipkins of the City Attorney' s office advised me to send you a list of the resolution numbers affected by this omission and to request that copies of these resolutions now be forwarded to the Register of Deeds. They are as follows : 266267 266505 266656 266976 If you need any other information on this , please call me.