266500 . �
• ��
` ' � O� in�nce Ordinance N 0.�;,,1�►���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By " Date
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15881
entitled "An ordina.nce adopting a new zoning
ordina,nce for the City of Saint Paul, repeal-
ing Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning
ma.p of the City of Saint Paul,"
approved August 29.
Section 1. .
Tha.t the Zoning Map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheets No. 28
and 29, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby amended as follows:
The property owned by Restaurants No Limit,
Incorporated, and Iocated on the Southwest
corner of Exchange and Walnut, more particularly
described as
"Lots 1 through 3, Block 31, Rice &
Irvine' s Addition to Saint Paul"
is rezoned from RM-2 to B-2.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30)
days from and after its pa.ssage, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
+Iezz-a}I��- � In Favor
Rcedler _� Against BY
President I�rrt�}pu�
Adopted by Co Date .�M 6 �7$ Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified ssed Coun 1 Secretary� By 5 � . ��«�
Approv y Mayor: D 8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
Pusus�E� JAN � � t976 -
�� . n0 . �5�3��,. ,
November 20, 1975
Mrs. Rose Ann Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the petition of Restaurants No Limit,
Incorporated to rezone, from RM-2 to B-2, property located on the southwest
corner of Exchange and Walnut. This property is further described
as follows:
Lots 1 through 3, Block 31, Rice and Irvine's Addition
to Saint Paul.
This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning on October 16, 1975. The
Board was given a tentative opening date of July 4, 1976. There was
brief discussion on the landscaping of the open space around the
facility and their parking.
It is the stated intent of the petitioner to preserve the Historic -
Architectural integrity of the structure while using the facility for
a commercial purpose. The proposed utilization of the site has been
reviewed and recommended for approval by the Irvine Park Committee
of the West Seventh Street Association and the West Seventh Street
Association as a whole.
The Board recommended approval of the petition on a motion which carried
The Planning Commission, at its regular meeting on October 24, 1975,
reviewed this rezoning petition. A motion to recommend approval of the
rezoning carried unanimously.
k/���✓ f1'• ��',�•6y �ra,�
WILLIAM H. RUPP, JR. , Chairman
Current Planning Committee
Zoning File 7815
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
, � � Qr�1. �o . 15g3-1
Septeaber 19, 1975
To the Coun¢il
Citq of St. Panl
I hav� checl�d ths attached petition of Restaurants 1W i.iait, Isc.
filed in t,ke �atter c►f rs�oniag
I.ota 1 thra 3, Elock 31, 8ice aad Irvin�'s Additio�
to the Toan oE Sai�t Zanl, located Qn t�a Soathaest
�orner of Bxcbange asd �Ialnut Streets
fros C ltasideatial to Corrcial (fros x![-2 ta B-2 under prepoaed
aeM zoning) for the purpose vf installing, constructing aad/or
opersting a restaurant-b:r at 276 Ezchange Strest aad fiad tlut
said petition is se�fficient.
Yt�ra v�ry truly,
' `�`Q� Q /3��
B�ACEt A. MA17S014 - Director
Departrent of Fiaance and Kaaa�peaeAt Services
Re: g1681
c.c. Builiiug Dept.
Zoniag �oard
Parcels eligible: Z2
larcels aeedad: 8 or 66 2/3x
larcels sigcted: 12 or l�;
l�rontage: 1�
Ulil� l� � U IJ � �
�=�� 2 �� 1975
Z�� .S.c�lrlt ��!ii. !'.��f��l�.ril�td
��G FILE �
�� t � '
� . , � .
. I .
) ss.
. William O. Naegele on behalf of
duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the o•aner o£ the property to be
rezoned, or has authority to lawfully bind the owner of the property to be
rezoned, which is described as follows: .
Lots 1-�,., Block 31 , Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul
' _.�.�....s
that affiant does not have' any legal or equitable interest in, is n�t in the
�et af purchasing, nor has he purchased or sold within or►e (1) year preceding
� the date of the attached petition any lend contiguous to t�ie prapert} so�;ght
to 6e rezoized �s descri�ed above, exeept (NO��) (SEE A�TACHED) ; �liat affian�
un��rstands the word �contiguous" as used herein to �:san parcels of property
�haring a couunon boundary at any point without re d to the pr ence of public
ehoroughfares. , `
,�y �9r,s'
. ` Wi liam O. Naegel , President
Restaurants No L' it�Inc.
� ' My Commission Expires 1an. 1, 1980 � � �
` i ' . �
. '
259 South Exchange 13-15 27 Rice & Irvine's
William Getz Addition to St. Paul
7512 S. Greenwood Ave. �
Chicago, IL 60619
265 South Exchange • 4, 28 Rice & Irvine's
Minnesota Historical '� 11-15
Soc i e ty �` f�
265 South Exchange � 16-18 28 Rice & Irvine's
Alexander Ramsey Estate Addition to St. Paul
C/o First Trust Co.
of St. Paul
� 284 South Exchange �►-�o� 4 31 Rice & Irvine's
�Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Paul
City of St. Paul
288 South Exchange � 5 31 Rice & Irvine's
liousing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Paul
City of St. Paul
26 Irvine 8 31 Rice & Irvine's
David Thune s S ee Attached Addition to St. Paul
Susan Thune See Attached
28 Irvine 9 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Paul
Ci ty of St. Paul
30 Irvine k 10 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Paul
City of St. Paul
SEC Exchange & Walnut 5 & 6 32 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Paul
City of St. Paul
Irvine Park See Attached -- -- Rice & Irvine's
City of St. Paul Addition to St. Paul
� �'
�•, '�,.�
- , � � � ,
259 South Exchange 13-15 27 Rice & Irvine's
William Getz Addition to St. Pau;
7512 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60619
265 South Exchange � 4, 28 Rice & Irvine's
Minnesota Historical 11-15
265 South Exchange 16-18 28 Rice & Irvine's
A1exander Ramsey Estate Addition to St. Pau�
C/o First Trust Co.
�f St. °uul
284 South Exchange 4 31 Rice & irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Additior to St. Pai.�?
City af St. Paul
288 South Exchange 5 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Pau�
Authority •
City of St. Paul
26 Irvine 8 31 Rice & Irvine`s
Davi d Thune Addi�i on to St. Pai;+
Susan Thune
28 Irvine 9 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment � Addi�ion to St. Paui
Authority :
City of St. Paul
30 Irvine 10 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redeve1opment Additian to 5t. Pa�::
A�.�th�ri ty
Ci ty of St. Paul
SEG Exchange & Ulalnut ! 5 & 6 32 Rice & Irvii�e's
Housing & Redevelopment Rddition ta St. Pa�;`
Authority �
City of St. Paul
Irvine Park -- -- Rice & Irvine's
City of St. Faul Addition to St. Pau,
' 1 ,
, . . � � � Y .. . .
259 South Exchange 13-15 27 Ric� & Irvin�'s
William Getz Addi�ion to St. Pau'�
7512 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60619
265 South Exchange ' 4, 28 Rice & Irvine's
Minnesota Historical 11-13
265 Seuth Exchange 16-18 28 Rice & Irvine's
Alexander Ramsey Estate Add�tion to St. Pa�}��.
C/o First Trust Co.
of St. Paul
284 South Exchar.ge 4 3l Rice « I�vine's
Hausing & Redeve7opment Addition to St. Pau;
City of St. Paul
288 South Exchange 5 31 Ric� & Irvine's
Housing & Redeveiapment Addition to S�. Pai��:
Nuthority : •
City of St. Paul
26 Irvine 8 31 Rice & Irvine's
David Thune Addition t� St. Pa+�'
Susan Thune
2f3 I rvi ne 9 �1 Ri ce & I rvi ne's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition ta S�. Pu�';
City of St. Paul
30 Irvine 10 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to Si. Fa� �
City af St. Paul
SEC Exchange & 4;alnut 5 & 6 32 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & P,edevelopment �ddition to St. Pa;!�'
City of St. Paul
Irvine Park -- -- Rice & Irvine's
City of St. Paul Additior� fi,o SL. F'au�:
. . . 1 � � . . . . _ .
. ".T . . . . . . .
259 South Exchange � + 13-15 27 Rice & Irvine's
William Getz Addition to St. Pau�
7512 S. Greenwood Ave.
Chicago, IL 60b19
265 South Exchange � 4, 28 Rice & Irvine's
Minnesota Historical 11-15
265 South Exchange 16-18 28 Rice & Irvine's
Alexander Ramsey Estate Addition to St. Paul
C/o First Trust Co.
of St. Paul
284 South Exchange � 4 31 R�ce & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Paul
Authority �
Ci ty of St. Paul
288 South Exchange 5 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Pai�?
City of St. Paul
26 Irvine 8 31 Rice & Irvine's
David Thune Addition to St. Pa«;
Susan Thune
28 Irvine 9 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing & Redevelopment Addition to St. Pau�
Ci ty oi= St. Paul �
30 Irvine 1� 31 Rice & Irvine's
Housing .& Redeuelopment Addition to St. Pau��
City of St. Paul
SEC Exchange & G!alnut `_ 5 & 6 32 Rice & Irvine's
Hausing & Redeve1opment Addition to St. Pat.►�;
Au�t.hari ty
City of St. Paul
IrvinQ Park -- -- Rice & Irvine's
City of St. Paul Addition to St. Pau�:
� � �`�'
M -W�
� ,
Record Owner
Sub ect Pro ert Si nature Lot Block Addition
276 South Exchange 1� 31 Rice & Irvine's
Restaurants No Limit Inc. Addition to St.
1700 West 78th Street Paul
Richfield, Minnesota
. :�
�.. r�o • i��3� �665�0
BOARD OF ZONINC REPOKT AND ACTI:ON__ October 16, 1975 plat Map 3
Acting under Le�;islative Cude Chapter 60 thru 64
, passed August 22, 1922, as amendec.l to January 27, 1971.
� 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : Restaurants No Limit, Inc.
2. CLASSIFICATION . X❑ Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other
3. PURPOSE . Rezone to Commercial
4, LOCATION . Southwest corner of Exchange and Walnut
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 1 through 3, Block 31, Rice and Irvine's
Addition to St. Paul
6. PRESENT ZONING: "C" Residence
7. PURSUANI TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: .06 Paragraph:
8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: October 10, -1975 By: CLMcG
A. SUFFICIENCY: Un September 19, 1975, the Director, Department of Finance and
Management Services declared the petition sufficient with the owners
of 12 out of 12 eligible parcels having signed the petition.
B, HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site.
C. PROPOSED USE: The proposed use,, as stated on the petition, is to operate
a restaurant-bar at 276 South Exchange.
D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 180 feet on Exchange and
150 feet on Walnut, for an area of 27,000 square feet.
E. SITE CONDITIONS: The site contains a large, boarded up residential structure.
F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan calls for one, two, three,
and four family residences, town or row houses, and walk-up apartment
structures with a maximum density of 25 dwelling units per net acre.
G. AREA ZONING: Seventh Street frontage and the area to the north is Commer-
cially zoned. The west side of Walnut is zoned "C" Residential, with the
area east of Walnut zoned Light Industrial. To the south below the cliffs,
it is zoned Heavy Industrial.
H, AREA CONDITIONS: The area contains several old, boarded residential
structures and has been designated on the United States Department of
Interior's National Park Services National Register of Historic Places
as an Historic District and is designated an Historic District under
M.S,A. 138.73 Subdivision 24.
I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommendation is for approval of the
rezoning as requested.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays
Moved by . X Showalter ovember 20,197
Mr. Willits
X Bryan Date of
Seconded by: Mrs. Showalter X Humu►er Hearing:
X Willits
ovember 25 197
Secretary's remarks : X Rupp �
�Q. � , t�3�
ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1975, AT 3:00 P.M.
kKESENT: Mme. Showalter, Messrs. Bryan, Hu.mmer, Willits, and Rupp
of the Board; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. McGuire and
Miss Larson of the Planning Department Staff.
RESTAURANTS NO LIMIT, INC. (7815) : A petition to rezone, from "C"
Residence to Commercial, property on the southwest corner of Exchange
and Walnut.
There was no opposition. The petitioner was present.
Mr. McGuire read the staff report. The staff recommended approval of
the rezoning as requested.
Mr. McGuire stated that this is a dual request, as it conaains a
request for rezoning under either the existing code or the new code;
whichever is in force. He stated that the rezoning will be from
"C" Residence to Commercial or RM-2 to B-2 under the new code.
Mr. McGuire read the two letters from the PAC Group, both giving
their recommendation for approval stating that this rezoning is both
an appropriate and important addition to the Irvine Park National
Historic District in St. Paul.
Mr. McGuire stated that the building was constructed as a one family
dwelling, was converted to 13 dwelling units, and has been boarded
up for the past three or four years. He recon�nended the rezoning
as requested.
Mr. Willits asked if the Zoning Board had the authority to consider
a recommendation under the new zoning ordinance.
Mr. Sipkins stated that this matter will have to go before the Planning
Commission, at which time the new Zoning Ordinance will be in effect.
Tim Geisler, the architect representing Restaurants No Limit, Incorporated,
gave a tentative opening date of July 24, 1976.
Mr. Willits asked if the area between the structure and Walnut Street
would be used for parking.
Mr. Geisler stated that the property would be left open and would be
�►�• � . 15�3�
Y •
Mr. McGuire stated that there would be limited parking behind the building,
and that the predominant parking area would be a joint parking area,
which will be utilized by the Ramsey House in the daytime and by the
restaurant at night. He stated that there will be another rezoning
pursuant to that in two weeks.
Mrs. Showalter asked what interest the Minnesota Historical Society
had in this matter.
Janis Obst, from the Minnesota Historical Society, stated that they
were interested in the additional parking.
Mr. Bryan moved to recommend approval. The motion was seconded by
Mrs. Showalter and carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Approved by:
Charles L. McGuire William H. Rupp, Jr.
�� c��.�
-_ �� ►'1a . ►S�t 37
November 14, 1975
File X1681, Page
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Couacil
Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10;00 a.m, on November 25, 1975,
on the petition of Restaurants No Limit, Inc, to rezone from C Residential .
to Commercial (from RM-2 to B-2 under propoaed new zvning) for the purpose
of installing, constructing and/or operating a reataurant-bar at 27b Exchange
Street on the property described as follasis:
Lots 1 thru 3, Block 31, Rice and Irvine's Addition ta the
Tawn of St. Paul
The property is located on the southweat corner_of Exchange aad Walnut
Streets. "
For further information, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or
telephone 298-4154.
To comply With the City Charter, the Department-of Finance and Management
Servicea is charged with informing you of this public hearic�g.
If you have any questiois, it is recommended that you attend this public
hearing to afford you the opportunity to make qour viewa, both pro and con,
kna+n to the City Council.
� �
/ -_ .;
` � , .. , � . �' �s�� �Ya -�'
• + � CIT.`i C: 3�,-::� _...:�, .' ,..�.::�=-' �'Y'�`3
�F�'T.',.il0:d `i'� n:�i::i:J CEi..A.:TE..'�=i 6^ L�;rtl c=� C1'r' Tr: L:3�SL��LT'J�' (ZO:�i:�:�) C'OD�
hu�e: T;.= sign�:.z sh�uld a�prise hi*'n�_'_� oi t�r� uses a��*itted ur,�or tY�a new classi-
fica�ion b_£o�� sic,:�i.ng tr:is petitic,. Fa� fur��er 1RTOri:�L1Gri Ei�Jta; t:}
rezcr.ir.� DF proaarty, call *r� Boa=d ::i Zonin� Off�ce at 293-4y51.
(�le�se t�-g� cr print) .
Date: August27, 1975
TO �:� �O„�a_"•.=..��� .•iiYO� ii::� CZ's_' CrJL^.;CLT
c/o� t;^_e City Cler�c; Ro��-► 38� City F�all ,
City cf Sain� Pau2, �iir�-:�s�ta
Purs�:ar.t to Sectian 64.0.5 0: the Legislative c:cca ar.d ::=.znesoca Sta�uce 402.3�7 �5 j , w�,
t.�1° L'i G�2�S1C�T':°_'� c•,rr:ers O� t'riO�tti:1�'.'?5 Oi cy.�S� S°V°r�� G�OSCTID�?OL15 O� «31 ZS�ut°
situated ccit:i*� 1C0 feat of th� total contic��ou� c�scri.=io:�s oF real esta*e h?I3 �y
t.�':@ O'rTP_?'_' OL `..�Il° r2d� ES�3t2 to be zecon�d o� �y �.^.y party WilO 1'i3S U'1rc�asec O'_"' 1.5.
Yt1rC+'.-"SS1.II� 2.:^_�' S?SC�1 COP.�i'7L10iI5 �r0?°r�y wit:r?�: OP.2 ��� Yc�2r preced'_I:g �.11f_: C'�3�c O� t1'1j.5
�Jc"'�lt10:1� SL'^.:'1 ��ODr°.?'�;' 1_^.CZU3]..72Q �'i.i;° prop°r�:� �O �J� �cZC;1°Cl� here�y �CCit�IZSCE� c"1;:�
�e, �tie ow-.�_s o� 50� or �or� of t-�� fror.tace to be rec?assiiied, _zt�tion you:: �or.ora:�?e
Bou�T te rezo;_e the follocaina descri�ed prop�r�y: (le,a? nescrip�ion z.zd sueet ac;ress)
Lots 1,�3 Block 3I , Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, 276 South Exchange
C-Residential oInmercial ydinance
� fre�: RM_2 District to�L uncier proposed zoning�Distr�ct, for the
FL1��OS° Ot i_^_::���...�.�.lil:�'jr CO:'_SL.'_`:Ct�'..ISC'j �^..'��0� O�J�'_'Zt3.P.C� :.,-!e =o3iowiTg:
(c:escr'+�z briefly t:z� prepaszd facility) A Restaur3nt-Bar at 276 ExcY�ange
S�abjec� Pro�e��y: • � �
-------�----_____..._..--- -•-v_::.`.._:_�_._.__ _ .
� 1 # ! �_
. ' C��.T�� C V �trTr�pS�L�.} � V �I V .� � V .
Co��^ty e� F�.:.say ) ss ZO�I I�1� F�LE --- /��._
� =,� 2 �� i 975
William O. Naegele bei�:g first dul� sworn, ���o�s ��.���� he is �c-�°
�J2iSGII 4i..0 C:_�t. 3 �d t.-1z 'A_`'..:.1_A 1y7.,''i.�t1.0i1 CO.__1S�_;1Q 0= , @Iflt �a'r,res;��'z�irF�. `�"i° �3.it=*.�.S .
� i ��1 � i i n � *tc i _
G��aC�'_.�)�G B;OVc'� �e �E G:�TZ:"a r2S^_:Ct.?J�l.y Oi L�''_° �O�S L'��C2C1 '1'.ye�ia�:??� fOliG'�T?Z:`�
Ec2CiZ 17�:.°_j t::�''i. E'dCil 01' ti° �d._tI.�S C�.°.SC'_'.'_�?C 3�.^�C:Vc 1.S t+�':8 G�rT,�?r' Of F�OUe�t�' �ri:11C i 1S
,�i1.��i � r:,,-.�- s tin,r. ,•�,.. � -na rc �;n"' ` �,� r= ni ii" ° ���
r_ C� _�:� �r an; �_ocery o u;� d by a��i � �w :, ^ �Y a�._ia__�. w ��i.r cn
�%c^_ �3?'��°_.^,_�__^.Cj t^° L°3�'c� C� ±:�5 :J3ily�0.^. w�':1C.1 �S CC^��"..��t ,.iiS t.0 ��':a ���Oi_.��?( c3��^:�'v�
GE::C":.,'�c:j unwt :'i0.^_° C� �::c3 L���":1zS Ci�^-SCi 2J'�C c':OV? 'I'i3S �L��'L'c.�ia?`.�. C= �S L��'.'Ct:3S_:y
�?�vJZr*_y F`O7 2.i�=d21V COi:�1C�'�:,011S �J ��° 2.�OC'e C=SC=��G� �)T'C�2�i:V S�1t�;Z1 0;2� �1� '���u� O�
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PrE'�2i i:°_ �� '�'_":15 d2�!c.:'lt.� �:C� �.'L1au i:� 517::�4L:?.:'25 c3..^.CV@ SL8 e true .�::.;. CD" ...Ci:
52�_^.��u�'�'S Qi e2.C'!1 u�:.C� 31� Of t.}'i° D�3=�-.25 Sl7 Gcscr�ed.
� B :
5��..�scr;�,�z ar.3 sworn to baf�r� :^e r::^ - 1700 West• 8t St.-Ric$field, Mn.
�ele�::an� �:o. 866-3 5
t,.:;� 7thuay of August,
" . _ �'�r�roz*e� �� t� �o-r. 8-27--73
.�., ____._____..
Office ot the City i,�to�rl�y
s M . Wiegand
:' t.ur� 4..5i�c, F.a^�sey Cot:.n_ty, I.fLI?.Tl. .
�''.� CC:":�_:�5!C:1 E:Y.?.=Sc?S 1�.1�80
� ,..,, �IANIS M. WIEGAND x
-!� � NOTARY PUBLIG- � �
MINNESOTA '� �, .•
�� HENNEi-Ifd COl.NTY ,�� . .
����" My Commission Expires Jan. 1. 1980�
' �
0 W N E R S H I� P R E P 0 R T
� A S T 0
Premises abutting Lots 1, 2, 3, �-�-;, Block 31,
Rice and Irvine' s Addition to St. Paul
State of Minnesota ) Off?ce o�
) SS
County of Ramse�� ) County Abstract Glerk
The Abstract C1erk of Rarnsey County hereby cer�i_fies that the
present apparent ownership o� the premises in the caption hereof
+�� :.,y
according to the records���t�� !� Office of Register of Deeds
,, � I��i�
' and/or Re�istrar of T�,�L��ji������,i�,� I�,i�wn bg exhibit Listed baLow
� s�h! � � 1��
and numbered One (L) o ,�' �� �,,
� ' ;�1���'hi II'�'II '���j � `i
� ��"�I1� ��� , ,r � '
+ 71 �� I a4'� ' ,� .y
/1 LL� ' 4hu.� �M,s _i.-.�J �
Given a� St. PauL, M�.r�� '�'�,-. 9th day of August L9 75
r - _.�_�`��
at 8 o'cLock A.M. I.iabiltty under this Certificate is Ii�ited
to $25.00. [Jitnes� �y hand and seaL of Office.
/'�.,; :� �"�-�
�,y:. <:- i',:y�i..-�'
cr �/. `-�`:,f::.c—;,,
� �
�trac� CLerk of Ramsey� County
�, r A
by �.��x, r�;/� r:? '� � �
�� _1�L-m�
,�epu ty
. ,�._ .. �, . .
For:n ABG1ki00 � .,�
� ,
1. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul is
the owner of: The NW' ly 20 feet of the SE' ly 60 feet of Lotl, Block
31, Rice & Irvine' s Addition to St. Paul.
2. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul is
the owner of: Lot 1, except the SE' ly 60 feet, Block 31, Rice and
Irvine' s Additi�n to St. Paul.
3. The Housing and RedevelQpment Authority of the City of St. Paul is
the owner of: The SE' ly 40 feet of Lot 1, Block 31, Rice and Irvine's
addition to St. Paul.
4. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul is
the owner of: Lot 4, Block 31, Rice and Irvine' s Addition to St. Paul,
5. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul is
the Owner of: Lot 9, Block 31, Rice and Irvine' s Addition to St. Paul.
18. The Minnesota Historical Society is the owner of: Lots 15, 16, 17,
and 18, Block 28, Rice and Irvine' s Addition to St. Paul.
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Form AEiC-1800 � �
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^ - w.,..�v o».. � Form No.3-M � �u�..w o�u...c.�..s..a.s ei.a�.auu. N ..�_..
� ' i roa.�a..i_a a:v.r.uw ---_`-__` �- _. _—_-__. �
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'I7�is Indenture, araae th;�------�---------�v_01-�e«mbet-------------.is_ _��
� Camilla Di Re sin le --°------------------ �f
beEwecn _ -`----g---------°--------------------�--------
: -------------
; � N . i
; p����"'� o/the Countv ol----R4�SBY--------------------and State o/--.1limcr,ata--------------------�
: � � , •
, C��� �� part___Y___oJ the �irst part, and�i4u51na�n.d-Bedea'FtnA�°I-��clty_af_.�he_C�-W--of----=_, IZ
� , �� Satot Paul Minnesota -----------------°----�---------------- rt� ,
•'. -------------'°-----° .1514Dg54_L?-----`-
_________,party o/the aeeon pa i
, �`� ; a corporatioa under the lawa o/the State oJ____ i�
� ��I "` WITNESSETH,That the said�¢rt____.ac_---oJ the first part, in conaideration �1 DOLLAP.S, 1i
� . O�g_Dol tar ap�_9_th_eC_5449_s1'.d_Ya]uaA1a_cQns��lecacions-==-===-========°°°--
; , _.,
�' I j to_____-h�r--------in�'+�Pa�bb the said party of the second Part,the reeeipt uhercof is hereby �
� aeknoweldged,do________hereb7/Grant,Bargain,SeU,and Canvey uxto the said Part�/ oJ the aecond
/ �, part,iti sueceasora and aaaipna,Forever,aU Lhe tract______or pareel______oJ Land Lying and beinQ tin the ij ',
•', i CountY el-----Ramsey--------------and State of Mixnesota,deseribed aa foUows,to-urit: '' , ,
, � j',
{ `� i Those parts of lnts 2 and 3. B1ock 31. Rice and Irvine's addition to !r
� !'I Saint Paul, lying Norcheascerly of the followi�g described line: Com-
meocing at a point on the Nortnwesterly tine of said Lot 2, Oistant i'
� , �I 3 feet Pbrtheasterly of the Northwesterty corner of said Lot 2, thence r
o� Southeascerly paratiel with the Southwesterly line of said Lot 2, a ;
, r.
v Q distance of 75•27 feec thence at an angte to therigh[ a discance of17.73
`V feet to the polnc of intersection With a line drawn Norihwesterly parallei
; , I I with the Northeasterly line of said Lot 3 and distance 5 feet Southwesterly I�
measured at right angles to said Northeasterly line of said lot 3 said
! ' � QI point of intersection being distant 60.32 feet Northwesterly frvm thc ,
Southeasterly Ilne of l�ot 3 as measurad atong said parallel line; thence ,
, � ,� Southeasterly along said perallel line a dis2aoce of 60.32 feet to tne '
� '�� Southeasterly line of said Wt 3. according co che recorded p�at thereof.
� M �
l r, r-' �..",�,,ln
; � EXtr,, � � .; ,
. I � �J�� �Tn-�.�" ,S,rF� C�li i�; .'�., ,�:. lJ�
� j 1. TAX ist;4 i�i�;it�.U�� REAL CS i��� V;��uc
, , , ��
; � ; c� ,
� , � ' '.
a TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,Together with aA the hereditarr.cnts af�d c;�pur enancea
' thereunto belonging,or i�anywisa¢ppertain:ng,to the said�arty of the secoxd part,its successora and
; � ;� � asaiDna,Forever: And the satid-----��M}��g_PJ_��..--��------------------------------- P
� , � pQ�- -,K—of the firat yart,/or----her----------------heirs.exeeutors and administrators,do----- {
eov¢uant with the said party of the second part,ite suecessors and ass.pns,that_____.she-is---------
weII aeized in fee oj the laxds and Dremisas aJoresaid,and ha-@--800d ripht to seA and conLey iF.a same in �
' tnanner and Jo+ron aforsaaid,and Lha#the same are f*ee jrom aU incumbranees. �
� � r--�---......._.� 8
� � � NO DCLVIQUC'dT T�.k£i ,� .
1, '�. • AND TRAt�.',FER ENTERJ � �
A'I �=.0 1 0 i973 � y
. ,I . Lou•,tr r � �' T��; �
i ,o�. "•f
_�� �j'/!�' �
� I �:��--�-= _�
:, �
; � �
' p»d the above LarD¢ix¢d and pranted iands and psemiaea,in the quiet.and yeaccabIa poasession oJ tha j
� !, e¢id parly oJ the areond part,ita aucceasors and aasigru,a8ainst aU Tersons law/ully claiminp or to elaiTn ',,
' the whoie or any part thereoJ,subiect to incumbrances,iJ a�ly,hereinbe/ore mentioncd,the anid part_.Y._ r
i o/the�irat yart wi1L Warrant and De/end. � !
INTCSTIb10NYTi'NEREOF,The,saidpart_Y_----aJ the firai Part ha_S_hercunto set__-hcc---- ' `
r rst above writte». �j � ,
haxd--°the daY and yea, fi .
' l��L.�i'�.-v`wci
,. �(�
� ' x----- - -°--------'-- �'�
{ !n Pre�ence o/ -------- - ---------
� ----�--°-'----------------------------------- ';'
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, 1
� �
` � I . (
�' ' Form No.3•M ;ue....�.u:�c:..,d�°`ow��i.�u�"+i�: i
� f'�r��nU DwL �
. Y � F�NMnI M Gn��tl�v .
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'� , TI118 IIIf�Crih1TP� Made Lhu---------------- daL o%--;1'L4Y��lp�C---------�IY_T3_, , .
* . '�, between -----RQb�.Cx__1�__H4shg�L_a._��_ns]e_�ersQa=----=--------------------------- - �
� . ;� . }
oJ the County o/------R�m3 @Y-----------------axd State of------L�tnne.s9�a----------------. `
� 'i,'�� GG7 �..�w,rt-�(----01 the�ratpart, ana H4ustNC_A�iQ_RE➢�.�1E1�4PMEN1_A�!'CN9RIJ_Y_9t_1JiE------ ;
.,:,� , -----� �
,..�I T Y_0 F_,S A I_T_PX�lL�_M I N N E S Q T}�------•----------------------------°----------
,� J . a corporation undcr the kcwa oJ tho State o�_____M�4�g�QSs1_____________,partY of the aetond part,
�� WITNESSETH,T1uit the aaid part_y_______-oJ the first part, in eonsideratian oJ the sum o/ �
` � -~ One Dollar and_Other_Good and_Valuable_Considerations=_____==DOLLARS, �
� � � ' •�o____hi m__________{n J��paid by the said party of tha second part,the�eceipt whereoj is hereb;� �
i' ! � acknoweidged,do_e5_____hereby Grant,Bargain,Sell, and Canvey unto the aaid party o/the seeond i
i ' � ;par0,ita auecesaors and aaetiyna,Forsver,a11 ihe tr¢ct______or�areei______o/land lyiny and beiny in the �
;. , „ Ramse ___ _ _ _a�g�te o Minneaota,deaeribed as/oUowa,to-wii: �
County oJ------------�- - - --- f !
, ' M �
,' �! �j � The Northerly . ten (10) feet of Lot Seven (7) and the
. i, . a Southerly � thirty (30) feet of Lot Six (6) of Block � ,
.� _ Thirty-One (31) of Rice and Irvine's Addition, Ramsey �
County, Minnesota, according to the plat thereof on file f
� '� � � and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within �
^+ and for sald County and State.
i i o
� ; z i �
, � ; � r
ti' i � �
+ �
� �
� , � � j
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} � , ; � � IVU ST'.�'� ����D �
� C�EMPT F�'.�^�,_ 1"AX Du� H�.<«Gi�d ,
; ,:.,'.;i::� � �
� � ZEA� C5�1�,���L V���_�J�.' �
J . n �
`� �� TO FIAVE AND TO HOLD TFIE SAbfE,Together with a11 the hereditcmente and appurtennncea �
� f ,
thereunto belongiap,or'in anywiae appertaininp,to t/ie satid party of the aeeond pnrt,ila aueeesaora and
� • . �,�t� � aaaigna,Forever. ana e�e ed�a__AQberx._1�__HS1.4hP..S.._�_s in9-)-e_.uer�.an------------------ �
, . :. ------------------------------------------------- t
� � 'i parE__y____oJ the firat part,)or__�1]DLS.E�f_�t._IJJ_S.____heira,ezecutors and administratora,do g�__ i
! eovenant with the aaid party o/the aeeond ynrt,ita aucceeaora and assiens, that----Fig--LS---------- r
} ' ' weU eeized in Jes of the landa end premiaea aJoreaaid,a�nd ha-S__pood ripht to aeii and convey the eame in k
' j tnaaaer uad Jona aJoreeaid,and that the eame are/ree Jrom aS!i�cumb�aneea,
3 , j
� �
i .� +
! . �I NO DEUNQU.ttT TN;ES �
! . -i � � � ' �� MYD TAANSiER ENTEkED � i
e; � ;
. m�; c�o'J 2 6 t�73 ;
� � �.i . l0U M ENNA.OtRECTOR` t
;' n.n.w r r rr��w r.p..r. v ..
.. ' . ! '�� - i�1�� ��� ��
i . �
� .
� � And tho above barpained¢nd granted Lands and premisea,in the quiet arui peaeeabfe posaession o/the �
y j aaid party oJ Ehe seeand part,its succesaors and asaiDna.agai�nst al!peraona IawJully claiminy or to elaim �
� the whole or ang part thereof,aubject to ineumbroncea,iJ any,hereinbeJore mentioned,the aaid yart_y__ ��
'i � oJ the firat yast wiU WarraaE and DeJend. ,
; , ; . �
i J INTESI'/SfONYWHEREOF,Theaaidyart_y_____o/the hrat part ha_S_Jacreuato set__bJ�____ j '
i t�o,�----sna aay a,�y�r fit.c aoa,.,orits�►. �
f �
� .� � �� ,
� �f'�� - C!-?-�n
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; la Praeaoe o 'b e r t J. -Au e s--- j
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. ;, �r + ,
�. '�:
! w� v w.a. .. Mmo.n.A�to,uco�<.nou..M��n. �
� �,` �� �:�.y • . IWi.MoJ 1s Cerom�tle� FOlt11 NO.'3'M. . Mi ewtf�nilerm Conre>n n Blank� 1Y71. � . . .
• a
. '. , ' ' . � . . .
� , :� �
� • � l
. . � ' i. . ' '� / � .
, , � ;
� �i�c�3inaettture,ar�t�......_�....��.�0...............aa�o�........���Y���r......................,�8..�3...., ,
U bettcu.n ............................................................................................_.....................................................................,.
............................................................. � , ,
.� � — --Lloyd R. Henael and Jania E. Hensel, husband and wife, - - - '��,'
• �i A,� o/Olu C.ounEJ of ...........fi8m9ey.................................................and Stata of.......Zi7�lTISSOte ............................., _
'� � �� � part.iea•oj t�u firsa part,and.....Hausing.and.RedeveloFment...Authority.of the..City...oS..........:....... �
� ' l ,. ..Saint.Pau1,.Minnesota,............................ .. . ........................................................................................ .....
" �'�.�, '. �. �' a oorporation under the lawa of Ehe State oJ..:..._�liinnesota ... .......... . pnrt o thc accon�l arE, �,���� .
� .........., TJ I P
, E ,.' ��"� �Ilihitggtl . TINtt tha eaid � ':
�1 ry n��e.��s. o/ eha first part„ in conaideralion oJ Eha auin oJ � •: �
; I� ; � � ._. _._......One polla� and.other...800d.and.v.aluak�]..e....canai.dara.tion.— — r _ _
� ':� ' ' to......_._them ... .. .in 1+and ut b the sauL rt o the aecwuZ ar•t,the recei t whereo y "
, f J . . Aa� U Pa �✓ f P 7� J ie hereb t
i � ,�� , aeknotuledged,do .......7uroby Grant,Bar�ain,Sell,¢iul Corzvey un.to tfie aai�l part�of the s¢cond part. •
' � ' ,. ' iti ruueasora arul aaei�n,a, Forroeer, ¢lL the traet._...or pa.rced...of dand ZUing arzd be'ing in dlae CounEy y
} :' '
' ,,; . . o�._...._..Asc�Sey..............................................and Slate o/dlirznesota,deaoribcd aa follo�va,fo-wit: , I
' �, � � . Those parts of Lota 2 end 3, Hlock 31, Rice and Irvine�s addition � ,
' ' �+ to Saint Paul� �ping Southwesterly of the followi�g described lines
� � �': ��7 Commendng at a point on the Northwesterly line of said Lot ''
� 2, distant 3 feet Northeasterly of the Northwesterly corner of said i
' ` •� Lot 2; thence Southeasterlq parallel xith the Southwesterly line of �
i � � � said Lot 2 a distance of 75.27 feet; thence at an angle to the rlght �
� ;j a distance of 1�.�3 feet to Lhe point of intersection with a line
��' � . � ' � � drar+n Northwester�y parallel with the Northeasterly line of said I •
; : Lot 3 and distant 5 Seet Southxesterly measured at right angles to �
�. � i, �, � �'or said Northeasterly line of said Lot 7, said point of interaection �
k � being distant 60.32 feet Northxasterly from the Southeasterly line �
8 ; �� of Lot 3 as meaaured along said parallel line; thence Southeasterly '
� ' � along eaid parallel line a diatance of 60.32 feet to the Southeaeter],y �
? � line of said Lot 3. � '
r 1
` � i��, t�t0` S7P,T� DcED i
��� State deed tax due hereon . j. ,
t . - `
CE(i►��=�;Gr";�,� ii,`-'
� �,� �EAL CSTA�TE V;,!_�_!� �
� ;
� � �: ,
�� �; :' � ��.� 1(��� �i-0�(ldbt lltiD�0�0�fIJC�Alttt, Togetleer xaith all thr,heralita»unta and a.ppurten¢races i
� ' ' � ll�ercr�nto bclonpin„or in anyuwae appertain.ind,to tlie aaid•pa.r•t�of the aecond part, ita succeeaors and �
� . � . aa.�i�na,Fnrovcr.And the said.......I�J.4yd...�A.....HeL1S.e�.._dAd..JaC11e...E....Hsrza.e7.�..................................................................
� r .. .... .... .. husband and.xife �
......._.__................................. ,...-..-..-..-.- — - -.
..... -. ............... ..........................................
! � ' ` R p�rt iea oJ the firet part,/or...tnemse�,ves, .L.he�.r...............��ra,execuEor•a nnd adminiatratora,do.........
, � ,,
,� ; nonnaad udtla the�rtid narEU o}Ehe aecond parE,iEe su�caeaaora and aeai�ne, that.......t'hey..are.... .....webl �
� � �eized in jee of the lanrla and yrem,iaea aJore�raid,and ha..va....Qood ri�lit to eeld and conve�the aame in I
j ':"� , i mnnner and Jonn aJoruaid,anei that Chs aame aro Jree jrom aiL lnoumbrantirs, �
i r ,,n
_ �f,. . ,�. ..� � . . . I.
� •. '. ;i - . rw.�w � �
� ��`5 � � � � � NO DEUNQUENT TAkFS �
�� .� t � . , � � . NOV 2 61973 �
; i�{ , 1AU ta NNA,OIRECYOA '.
�a �4 # . . . . . o..�...� T� p..�•.... i .
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' ; '. � � ' . � . � � �
ti ♦ i . � j
� dnd thr,nLovc borgntned a�ed Qrunled Ianda uad preuiiaca,in,the quicf¢nd perzceahlc�I0.43CR3102 Of th,e �
� / rnir!party o�tha secorul nrtst,ita a��ccca.+ora and aasigns,againat alL persone la�ofi�llv clnimin�or to claim �
y t' � �
the rvhole o�any yarl.thereof,tuLject Eo incumLranua,iJ an�,hcninLefora ineritioneet,Llu s¢td parE.196..
`� . �
oJ tht fYs�t yart u•ill 7�^arrant and Deftnd.
� j i
, ': � �a�egtimong�A�ereot, Tha snid pari.ies..of the fcret parE ha..xs...,hereunto ut.....t.heii'.......... � �
� � _ ; no,�a a..en�aay ana beat fird aL�o�e wrilten. � �
'✓ ,p
� � � � ,
� .. . ; . ,
° !n Praranca of ..........-{••••'••..1�!... ...................................................................._
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C`� FoTm N0.8-M eu,..r.u.a�. .�+.....+.r ww.u�u. j
� �• _----- � '
i ' .� '� v, � �� �
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; , � _ .
� Tliie Indenture, u�.irt,-----�4Lh-------aav a/-----�?u1y_- - -.�v��__� �
' � ,y : b�tmeen ---°�I�...isti .a : >ti�:s�< ar �i,•�arrie•j n�_� � � :�,_k�rn i�:_ a� i: ,.iN
'� � ---°--------°----}'-1--------°--------�==-- - ,..,,.",,.�l:y I
� � ' � �{ � ., .
� ��' 1 � t•��•i•�ce of t'���,i•t r �f � a�n�ln � �
; � , � .� , . + . oJ tA��ew�tdb�- -----°�lhrrt a_._ _.. ._ond'Stah'�b/ -------,--- -----;r---�
i 1 ;� � •� __ � i i�,;.�r�l__�1---1—n-°-r---1- ` � .
i •� � � " D°►t�-- --O/.4h�Jiro� yqrt, Gri(t �_ i,�., S ��'' Y �L_�i�.1�.�1�"�'_'_ I
; ', �� __i_= ... � L ir � __ -'---' '--- - �
, -'-- ---�--°-- °--`-----`� ------- '
i � '� %� � r• s eorporation rnder tha 1o�os o/the State oJ-----1-----�C?------°-------�Y°rty o/tAe�aond yarl, I '
� j t .L
� '' � � ) WITNBSSET�j Tha!th�eaid parl_'t________o/ tM hrst �ar�, ►n eonaidsratiow oJ !h� ww+ oJ �
i � . � i !,' � -..---��_t -t-il�r_a�-i-=�==ri-�-y`-i-=i_�cl_�_.ili_�!l�i-��'_-:�::J:r.�C:------DOLLA$S, � �„',_
� i
� :' � : � �o.---_----cr-----in hand paid by the aaid party oJ tAe�eeond yart,!Ae receipt wAerwJ ir A�re6y
' i ' I�,.' ' .+ I•� � � aelrnoweldped,do:'-----her�by Grant,Barpnin,SeU,ond Convey ynlo the inid partY ol tM��coed i
` ` � � ' part,ib n�eeeuo»and aaripns,For�ver,ali th�traot------or pareel------oJ bnd(yi�p and b�p in t!w I i
f � ' � � � Corat o r.ar.,:;c;; -------°----and S�at�oJ 3(innuota,dueri0�d at JoUo+o�,lo-�oit: �
' , ' ; I "' y / • LGT 5, IILCCK 31, "1'ICi: A;ID IRVIt:li'3 AD�ITIC;1 i0 � � � ,
� � �
� � �� ,i . ;;''i SA2t:T F;�UL', aceording to the recorcled plat thereof i '�
� `i �,;: , � e`�.. � on file ar.d of record in t he oFfice of tho "r.�i:,ter '
t� of Ceeds of said County of Camsr.y and ;,Cato ot� �
� . i '' I i ,
i�innesota C
y ` i , � ' , . � . ��. .
�i , t !
j ,, 'i ' �
' ..� ' , � t � �� y . t �. .
y NO DC iNQU�Nf IAk�{
� ' � � eho:•��vS,RN tHieneo INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE SENT T0: j �;
� j i
, # AUG 181975 Housi�� a^.d Redevelopment Authority �
� � � iou M��NHn,OINECTOR of thc City of Saint Paul, Minnosote
E � �, `•� ! �..��.....�« ...,.,a.., Northwestern Bank Buiiding I
� , , � ' , � ,i •.�J .l�-./�.+.� S� Paul, Minnesota 55101 � � �
� ', �! I ;
F ' j I '
{ •
, , . � ;� i
; ' � TO RAVE AND TO HOLD TIITs SAblE,Topether witA aU the J�ereditamenti and apyurlrnonea , .
1 ,� ,� thsreunlo belonpinD.or in anyutiae aTp�['�aininp.to the aaicj yarty oJ lAe ieco�ut part.itt tutce�mr�and ,
} ' '. � aiai Forever. And the satd !�_L � �� =-�-�-------�-�_i --- -� � _°
, OTSa ,
•. � i. ; , '� � �
a i .'_ i:: . - "'°
3 � '� , yart-------oJ!he�irat part,Jor--..ti...�.�:.-'_-•------Acin,ezeculoro and adminiatrnton,do:.:i.. �
�� ' � �;'� � oovrnant with the aaGi party of the aecond part,{G sueeeaaori and aasipru. lhat----c.`_4^�-=--------- i '
} , ' tnefl ttired in Jea o/the Iands and premuaa oJoreaaid,and Aa=__pood ripAt to�el1 and eonro�y tAr ionw(� �
• , , tnannrr ond/orm aJoruaid,and that tk��a+ru an/ta Jrom ail incumbranee�, �
� . I
�. , j
� . .� ..j . �� �
;,: , `� ; ,:, • �0 SYATE D�ED ' ,
� �� p�k, HER��� CERTIFICATE OF �
' � � �� ;;: � � � REAL ESTATE VALU� ;
. . . , ,, ;
; ;
: ' { , �� �
s , � �
,i � :,':�,::� r:;�. ;, m... _..... , _._., .. ., _� ; :
't ' And the abore Dnrpaincd nnd pranted Tanda and trrsmuoa,in the Quiet and neacea6l�poeieiaion oriki� ,
� �� �oid{arty of fhr setond part,ita execeeaore nnd aaaipns,aDainat al!Yeraone Ia�a/ulJy claimihp or!o claiw
,S ' � tAe kAo(e or any pa�t thsreo/,au6jcet to tinoumbroneea,i/axy,herein6e/on m�ntioned,tA��a(d partr:.. '�
� �, ��' � oj tlle�ir�t part Wi11 iVarrnxt and Dejend. I '
� , �. �
i � ' , IN T�ST/dfONY iVflEREOF,Th�enid yart_F__.__of iM first part ha:._J�or�unto at._..'r_._ � �
F � ' , � �and-_--tM day nnd ycar hnt abov�+oritten. ! �
i; �� ' InPrarnaoj }.---3---�t-�-��^.n4--=°L�.'✓_�.9uyj_!!'�-- � j I
, � ,gristi�a i,u�o�vs�c•,, a1x k^�~�;i� I
� . , `� , .. - --------�-•------G:cj_::�.r�_:.;s_-n:::::::_--•_ j ' '
i � �� �� � �,��� �
� � , � � �
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, �. , .
;� ' , .
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. .. ' b ,. , e e�a,-aurv!�•co_n� r.�,�+:.,�. . .
, � ' i ii.�i.°.i°.arr...u.. � Ki��»w veu...c..�.v.e���a w w t�rii�.
orm No.3-bi �
---- -._.. _.._ .._...- ---------` �—---
. (, ---- -- _. _, �
I, 1 �' � C� ---------� ------ ------ -�1D_7�_� i
. .� ' . � - ------ . ---------- �:
a 31st December_ •
� � � � Tliis Indenture, at�aa ihu--------- v��- - ''
A' •' bel�ueen --=---------]Lirgil.L._3Nhit�an�LEthe1 W1��.-bushandand-�-----
:� � �,� a�' ;
' , ri �_ �'.
r ol!Ae County o/-------Ramse�°-------------ar�d 5tate o/------�'7innesot�----------------� �,
�' .. partics---o/ the firet part, and_Iiousing_anciJ3elieyelnpuLent..Autfiorlty o!_tbc-�if.�cnL--; �
.Sai n1�'nul._Dl iunr sota-----------------------°--------
+ ' ' � • a eorporation uruler the[awa oJ the State oJ____�YI1J10S5�2tr7_______________,ynrty o/the aeeond�rt, �
�' �
� � NIThF.SSF.TH,Thnt the aaid part_l�s_____o/ the firat parl, in eonaideration o/ tho eum oJ �
; '.; • Qo�no�za�_�na_Q�i,�r�oQa_ana va���ahle consideration________________.-DOLI,AI�S, ;
z ;�_,to___U1C1A_________in hand paid by the snid party oJ ihc aecond part,the rcccipt whoreoJ ia hereby ir,
; � � acknou�e(dped,do________hereby Grant,Barpain,SeU, and Convey unto the eaid yarty oJ the setond :',
:` part,ita eueeesaon and aaeipna,Forever,aU the tract______or yaruf______oJ knd tyinp and btinp in th�
} , . � � CowK�y o/-------A�X]1&�Y----------and State o/bfianeaota.deacribed as Jolloma,tawit: � ',';
. ao
� i'..� ' '� Thc Southcasterly 45 feet of the Northweaterly 55 teet of Lot 7, Block 31,
' �' ( Rice and Irvine's addition to Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat ,";i
� ` � �.. thercof. • � �
. 7 � NO OEUNQUC� . , . ����� � .
�� � � �1 AND7RANSfCRCNiEHED . i
� � , �l'tfl " .SQ74
� ;
(� � l0U MtKCRNA,01(iECTOR
�} � � . '. fl`I.t 111��� .II�w.1�YG..YM . ' �.
� P.
_ � ` �� EXE��PT �P��".�r ,
: C�'�iil�tCAI`r_ �;c uE `
' ! . .s G�n S"CA�E v�,L '.
i ; , ' � V� S7P,TC f'� REAL E '
, ,
� �
, ,
TO AAVE AND TO IIOLD THE SAbiE,ToDether with all the hcreditamenta and appu�lenancu
: � ;
� thtraunto belonpinp,or in anyuriee nFpertaininp,to tho eaid party of the aecond pert,its aueccnsora and
, , . ',�
; ;, � , , waipna.Forever. And ihe said----Yt�il.L--141uY�and3�Ytu11Yhi2,e,_hushancland_wife,_._ .,
' � ------•------°--------------°-----------------------------------------------------°------ �.
; ' �� yart_!EA__o/the Jfrat yart,Jor__tl�emSe1¢es,_2hr.i.�C__hcira,executora and adminiatratosa,do___._ K
eovana�t witk!he aaid ynrtY oJ the tecond part,ita sueeesaora and aasipna, that_�_t��,SL 1Te_______.:_
+ aell�eized in Jee o/the landa nnd premieea a/oresaid,¢nd haYE__pood ripht to atU artd tonveY th��am�in �
swnner nnd Jorn�aJoreaaid,and that the eams an Iree Jrom a!i ineumbrnneei. . �
'' � ,• • S
. A
�,. '
. �
� � I
And thc a6oL•e Laryained and Dranted landa at+d yremiaea,i�the Quiat and ptaccaLle posaeanion oJ fha
� ioid yarty oJ the iecond part,ite eucceaeore and aaeiDna�a9a+na�aU Peraona iawJully elniminp or to daim ' �
tAe u�hole or any part thcreo/,eubjeet to ineumbroneea,i/any,hereix6e/we mentioned,the eaid yart_iec !
� e/thr Jfn�nart wiU Warrant and DeJend. I I
, /NTES7'IMONY R'NEREOF,TM�aidpartJes__-oJ the first yart ha�ce_horeunto ret__YbrJx._.
� Aond_a..tM doy and year�irrt abov�written.
f i
: , , j �
' � _/_,�-�'- - ---�-���`��� '
Jx Prurna of ,.� �
�. ' ��- -•---1�t1_��------------------- � .
, .-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ; �
;: , �
, ,
, , , , ,
� �
, �,,, , ,
, , , , �
i � � � � � � � �
, ,
I —10— �
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� • , 1 �1^�� �dat...�niN{C.B�' ' 1 � l �c���1V@ � � .
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. � . ' �. , . , , . . _ . .
.. . . . ....•... w.R..v u..� �'o17i1 N0.3-M e,.e,-r,. u.c«.e.�..r..�m.. . � .
I.a.w..l r a.�...u.a iw....0 u.uw.�...v..e.i taw�1uu1. �
, ;y .. �-___--------�
, �,3 � /,•� J ,���� ,,' Y i , .
; �, .
�118 TIll(1CIIi11P dfade thia__� da o Jaouar 7�
e --°
' ' 1 I Cf - Y �-°-°---------'-"_'__"1D-"", i
y` '� � '� 6elweer� _______Roq�d_�i�_Arown,_ain�lej__and Stev_on_C.�Hadtield� eingl�______________
, � , ,
i ` } �� oJ tAe County ol-- �aeq -----and State oJ--- �nneeota ,
--°--------°---------- ----- -----°---------- �
, i � \ y��� ie�___oJ tAe (�rat paK, and____KRV.31d��?L�l.Rede9e�opment Authority_of the CitY_o�' ,
' -----
' � . _Salnt�au].�?t1AU89oSa-----°-------------------- ----°-----------°-°�
� � �� a eo orotion under th�iawa o the State o Hinn esota_____________��rtv oJ th�reeond part,
. , � �� .._. i"D / f------------------
I , lL,�.
; � �� ., TVITNF.SSETH,That tAa aaid pnrt__I@�-----o/ the first part, ia conaideralion o/ tAe evm oJ
} ' ( , rl� �•�,-°-s_-ODS_1k�l,l8t_aTt�_Qt�h4�_yp�u$b�e_con�l3eration - - - � - - - ' ---apfib�t�P3, '
• , tv------thE°!_______in Aand paid by iha said party oj the aecond part,the roeoipt whereof i�hereby
f '' , � acMwweldpcd,do________hereDy Grnnt,l?arpain,SeU,and Convey unto the aaid party o/tA� �eeond
! ' y part,il�iueeeaior�a�ui aaaiQna,Forever,all the iract------or pareel------oJ land lyinp and brinp in t!u
, � , ,
. � ' � Cmmty oJ_r____�mse�r._.____.___a�Stat�oJ 3finneaota,dacribed ar Joliowr,to-wit:
. �r
, '� ,� �
, ' ' t Tha Northreeterly L5 faet ot Lhe Soothaaeterllr 95 feet ot Lot 7�
�� � v Block 31, Rice and Irvine�a addit3on to Saint Paul� aocording � , ��
; � to th� recordad plat ther�ot, '
r ,��� 1 . �
� � , � ; � � AND TRAN4FER ENTCREO � , ' .
, i 1 �
' ; ;., � JaN i 51974
k . ' ' rn t�� .
I ••
t , FXEMPT FRO`�.'1
� � ` C�RTlFIC���,"ti�� Gi= �d0 �TATE D��O .
' i2�AL �STE►i r. 1%ALUE -�qX L'. � . ��r�`.ON
� . � _.
� ' ��
I \i
r. .
� � ' `.�`'
, � TO HAVE AND TO EOLD TBE SAAIE,Togather with all the l�ereditamenb ond appu►tunaneu
` � , _'�� th�reunlo 6elonpiny,or in aaywiae appertnininp to the eaid r�y oJ�he cond p rt, 'la e sor�and
k ' � `'� aiai Forever. And tAe eaid___Ronald_J. �rovn�,sln�e�._and ��even �, }�adl�o���
� � ; ` , --'--"ai-°---------------------------- --- - ----------------- ------------------- '
i � `'� pa't_ld9__o/the J�re!part,Jor thQmae�yasy their_____he�ra,exteutora and administraloro,do___...
i , Y'�, eocenant with!he�aid party oi the�econd yart,ita aueeeaaora nnd aasipna, lhat__tLQy_etn.________
� ' ; weU atwed in Je�oJ tAe landa and premiaaa a orusid and ha!e_
/ , _ Dood riyht�o reU and eonvty th�imn�rn
' j mannrr and Jonn o%ruaid,and that th�eanu ar�J�e�Jrom aIl ineumbronea,
i _ • �
• r
� 1- . .���)i�� .. , c, �,
. � � , ' ;�, ,.... , , . . _. '�� .
� , .
And fAe above barpained and prantcd landa and pramiaea,tin tha Quiet and peaeaabie poaaeaaion o/the
, �aid rarty oJ lhe eeeond part,i1e rueeeaeora and aaaiyns,apainst nU peraona IawJuUy elaiminp or to elnim
� � j th�u�hole or any part thtreoJ,�ubjeet to ineumbranaea,if any,hereinbejore msntioned,tA�said yart}ee
o/!/�j�nt yort wil!iVarrant and DeJend.
� INT6ST1310NYTf'HEREOF,Th�eaidyart_�Qa__o/tA�iCnt yart hu1feJ�sr�unto�tt__thelr_.
! �and8__tM day and year�trat abov�written. �
1 � � /� � �
' , � !n PrN�ne�o/ �L. �/�
-'�ton31 d��l?3ui+u�`-��---------------------
': ------ ' . ��f �
-- -�
; ' - •- ---- -- ------- _9-�even�.�idT�i�li{ �u.k'_Y---------------—
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, , ....
��•' r,..a. I�orm I�u �3-14i Li� i u�r«��.�.,r.�d s w.��. ���iii.
� � � w....nr. .
� M � � A�Irl�ul M G�M 11�6 �' _.._._- _._...._. . .'_'__._ ' -_ ._.. .._._... . . . ..... . .
' .i . _ . .._""_____ _...� -
. �.,.._. ..
. . ., •�. � M: .
� 1 t _. . �,�..� 5� .
�� � � Febrv_ary______,1g7_��__. , �
� This Indenture; Maae chu---�1_----------�v of-------- /�
A ' � � Aetwetn Ceorge_Hadfield Jr_ anc� Helene E._Hadfield�_husband_and wife.;,,__ �•
- r
� • , � and Eleanor J. 'dadfield, a single woman , �
j Minnes�ta - ------, i
oJ the County of--------Ramsey---------------and $tate oJ---------------
' ' ynrti��___o the hrat rt ar.d_}?ousing_and_Renev_elopment AuthoritY_9f_the_____
'i � - ��i
- S �j -. CSty_o�Saint �au1�,_Idinresota----- ------ -- ---------°--------� ,
� ------ -------- -
° r - � C'J
a torpora�ion undcr thc tama o(the S:ate of____________�1innesota_______,pQrty oJ tAe recu+= pnr, ,
, ��,' •
� � 1���, WlTNESSETFI,That the eaid part_?�s_____a/ the firnt part in cons'uteration oJ tFo aum of �
; '� �p - GNF. DOL�A�_and_�ther_gooa a_r,c:_yalua�i�l�_eQnstc�era�}Qn___________RJA,LL�L�`SGC
4 ��{ • �o______therc ___�n�nd Paid bU the said part�oJ!he seco��d purt,tha reeeipt whereoJ in hcrcLy I .
� r ae!-noweidpcd,do________hcreby Grant,Barpain,Selt, and Co:ive;/unto the eaid part� o/ the aecnnd I
� i � I • part,it�acceeeaaora and assipns,Forcvcr,a!1 the tra�t______or pareeL______o/iand lviny a�ul bcinD in the �
;, , � County of_____hamsey_____________a�ul State of bfiotinesota,deacrzbed as/ollowa,to-urit: I
. r .
� I
� �, s except Lhe Southerly 30 feet thereof according to the record— ,
� ed plat thereof, on file and of record in the office of the �
r ' ,! � ,
� `� Aegister of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey, and State I
' � � � ^' of Minnesota. i
r • � � � '�� � �
s ` I
' 1 � , I
1r;� ' h���'\
` ' 1, I S�(!1Y':.'n:,'rr, LYEI;i� 1 �: �11� I
� ; ' ►�IJ C�it'ili=i�,�:,.: ';:i
TAX UUt 1-i�t:EON �EAL ES I I�`'i� VALUE I
� '' , . I �
' i
t I �i I I
� . �' ....
{ i 3 �
TO FIAVE AND TO H OL D T F I E S A 3 f E,Tope t h c r w i t h a l f t h e h e r e d i t a m e n t a a n d n p p�u t ena,scee I
� : •--{ I � thcrounCn 6e2on�ing,or is anywise aPPertaining to tha said part�o/the seeortd part,it.�miec�s.vore und
' � � ►:? avai�na, Forcver. Arut the said__�eor�;e_ Ha�fielci_;ir__ancl_Nel�Re_I;,_H?�fl:ltl�----' '
; ' , «:' hus3and and wifz• and Elean r Ja ���1°1�,_="� �.iD�ly_�lir��D-------------- j
, • , -- -� -- - '--------- `� R
=� ies heir ___hcira,exeeu ora and adrninislratore,cto_.___
� ' i � � Pa't-------o/tho first yart,for-------� p - --° g th� , ?re
; . ' m covcnant uith the aaui party o/the seeond art,its aueecssors and assi ns,2hat-------_.1--'--------- i
� ' � �ceU ae�ed in/ee o/the landa and prcmiaea aJoreaaul,and ha-YE 800d ripht to s¢ii attd tonvey the eame{n i
� nwnner and Jorm a/orsiaid,and thnt ths aam�are Jree Jrom all incumbranee�, , I
-»-...�..,ry...� �
j . � . . . � NG rn ln;,���"'"„�'z I
. ! , . . F71;)71i. '' .7� � 1
,, `,'_,,�a,:7�,,� ��'„ i
� ,. � � � ,,,;, f ; ,
� �, � ���a��T�; �
; , --- -�- . . ,
,. � � I
� , . �
; . ,
� ' And Uie a6ove baryain¢d and prantcd lartds and promiaea,in the quict and pcaccable posscn,sion oJ Ihe
� � aaid parlY oJ the actond part,tita cucceaaora and aasiGns,againsE all peraons IawfuUy elaiminp or to claim i
r the u•hole or ony na*t thcreoJ,aubject to incumbraneca,iJ any,h¢reinLe/ore mentioned,the�aid�xirt____
,� � oJ lhe hrst yart will Wnrraat and DeJend.
INTESTIMOA'YTYHEREOF,ThssaidpaR_ies__oJ the fir�t part ha-'!e_horeunto ae!__ the�.T i
' I h°ndg--tha day and ycnr firat abov�written. .
; I i
� � ��_�0.�'�/ �i✓
. • .� In Presenca o/ c,i��...._f _.� --_ �i_c.�------------ �
�`r�0����,'�H71�i;iEL��'S:r---- ,,/ ',
•.-.-..----- °'-----°------------- �f��..y���L_ ���'.��f-°---° I ,
;:� _ ��� .�. �..�.�.:
�� � Fi.rA*J�R �. HADF' J,n I
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, �� . .. - E� 1 n F 0 R� R F: D h: V.:L:'.pe�x..�F!��o a
i� �, � � I
` . TNIS INDENfUAE, oud• thtr lSth d�y of __ July . 19 75, br.tJcrn lh«
, ` •� 1h��61!N: AHD RF.ULV[IAPriEAIC' AITCI10RI7Y OP THE CITY OY SA1hT PAUI., 1iIt117;:S�j(A, a I'pnl�l(�:
', �. � . :.�
� • i � ' �� `�• bnJy corpor�tr �nd polltLC org�nizad �nd cxleting under the inws of the s:ncc aP
;'•i, � � �
' , ( I � M�nnt�ut�, �� p�rty ot the Ptc�t P�rt, herc[nwfcet referred co as thn "A�;Ui�,rtty",
-. i � I, � .. I � � .
. � rnJ . DAVID P.1"�jr�'�nnd `L�St`i K T 'ti- huG�and ;n�l wi �yy1yln• �;:!�kr, =,�:1..��r._._ �
; ,
j , � �� , •� ten�at� in aor000n, with__full riyhta oE eveyiJorr,hlp----�-------------..--.._._._....,.
� � ' I,er��n�ltrr r�t�r�ed to u the "Redevalo cr", •• --r.`__^
j � N D pscty u: thc Secand P�rl.
' � � � ,
f � � i . �'
) . ' ,` � � t+'17SFSSF.'T31:
�R , � o
l. 1 � { `
: r � � � KFa!lWS, the AutAori[y� •cting pUrsuent [o th• provteione of Yubltc Lnv 171,
� ' � � � �, 81�t Congreu ot th• Untud Su[e� ot Affrrien, �a amended, ead purauei�t [o Cnr,��nr
� I �S 6e)� Lw� o! Xlnnewt�� 1947� �nav,rnAed� duly �Soptad tha iL";UtiVCIA'PNF,NT ?Utl F'i:t
l I TSiC VL5T SI:vLKfil STRY.�7 NEIGNEOiili00D DEVEIA7M£iT P�20.1CGT, MIh:� !.-1�7, �.n l.�i}';�nt 1S�
'� I
! � � ' � 1977, br !t� R��olutton NumL�r 7J•8/15-9, vhlch PL117 vos n�pruvcd by c'r.e i;u�,nri.l r�f ,
' ' tha CSty o! L�(nt A�ui, Minna�oC�� on Auguat 21, 1973, by itr M tal�,l•fon G�unell 11L�
e ' +
t . �� i Na�b�r 261921, �od 1� ow l�vfully in efEect in eaid CiCy and Scnte provid:r�;, for
: i
; , tAe •caul�ltton •nd u le of aaid Pro�ect Ar•e for ruduvelopmnnl ir cccardx„-:u v1eV.
� ,, , i
� ', � ��td PL.�N; •nd
` , ' ,
VHM7�l.�S, tn order to enebio che Autho:ity Co nchievn tha ob,yeccivair af t.i��- i�l.�.r,
! •nd nota p�rt[cularly to o�ka the lend included !n ch¢ YIJ�tI avaii�uir: fur rrd��rl��t�'
�; � �
� �� j cunt by prlv�te entorprl�e anu in accor6�ncn vlch Chc ucce upcclfiad in cha Yi,�t:,
i � � � � both lhr p.datrl Covecnment rnd t'tiu ClCy oi Salnt i'aul, :1�nc�ioCa, huve u:d�.+rtr,h.���,�
, ' to pcovldo, •nd heve providcd anbcGnntial eid anJ acafatancc to Che Au:n�ricy; Gr;s
. �
' i 1r1fETt'4�5, the Auchorlty he� entcred liito a COTTdACC F08 SA1.P. OF' i.lt:D ;-(:Z i i'I.`71,:'::
S '
� RLUEVIIAPH�MT vlth [he Rod�valo;�er for the yurcheoe of ccrtuin pro,Juct l.u�<t f�,r
� � redweloyment d�ted .7uly 7. , 19)S , ncrot�wfcur rrferrad cc: ,a
i . , ',
'� . ' � tht "COKf1tACf".
I �t I
7?10 U�wO Ctnm;,t From $tp�o Dpod Taz
� ' '
Piuri�ier,l To Y S i r�i� 711P1
{ � 7Ax ST�TPMFNYS�OR ll�E REAL u) i)LIV� l:�ti� lA � .� �
�� � Ci�i,�nt�T� L'(�.,.'I:l(1CI�iIN7h'$ � � fJiilTi�t. . i1' li.'�ii S
' . � ' Itf$1Hl:Ml`�S S�wL.:�fiL Si.hT TO: 1 �
� '''• ,,'>6 l(. I��s „ 4
Kr�Davtd P, :1ron�, et ux
, �' 2]7 b�n(il 6tr�at '�� ••'��'� � �
. , i h��j. �i--,.__i f' .. . ...:._,i,.... � ,
. � . � . ......._._.. .i. . . .._. . . . . . . . �
. ' !'
�1 � � ;'�, ., , .
, ,
. ' . ' ., �i.� � 1 . . .
( � � � �- � � . .
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• ,
� � ? � '� '' � �.�ti�r��;a;�� ' �v �,,,�,a;� �, � �
• .� �
• - � � _ _
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y r �
d •, , ,...� , �
� � '
� j , .
. ��,
� i � � i 1 - ' � � �
' Nt71+. 1111A Y. 0
Ho 1 � RF' �n constdrrntfon of Che i�um o(�,�, 17,�� ���n
i / 00- _ --!'�.0'tN, >gutUAVll
, . . _ Itnrf . .
r' ..�'�`������a...�.������`.���'
; '_=lDoUern ($_ 1.100., pp __J tn ��^
�. ' '^ I�� h�n,f h�le� ny th� a�Acv�loper, the rrtclpt of uhich le hereby ncinuvli��fy;rd, i�i,�
:• `.
% Author�ty do�� hereby gr�nt, barR�j�,
� ' . qu(tcletm a
. I .- �d convey unto the Redrvrluprr, na � �
; �. Jo1nt t�n�nt� �nd not ar tcn�nte fn tovmon, thctr sasi nn,
. i
snJ th� h�tr■ �nd ���fan� of the survlvor, S Cha wrvlvur of Anf�l i�nrr��.,i
� . ; forever, �11 tructe or pnrcrin u! l;,�,.�
• . ' ; � (r1nR �nA brinµ in the Cfty of 5afnt P�ul, County of Aamacy, ,nd Stecc of Htnnenotn,
'' �. I da�erlbeu �• follov�:
C I ' ' d
� '� ' I Lot e1�ht (8)� Block thlrt
1' i lsul, a c c o r d i n g t o t he p lot•thereof'onRfile and ot irecord din cthe oflice'�of
4 � ' th• Regi�t�r of peed• !n aad for said Couacy •nd Sto[e.
� � i , � �
h � � ,
fi J
t .
' �
t ` �
� �
' i �
i' .
, ' 1
j � i
, ! +
� I Ilef��f11(N . . �
, �
r ref�rrad to �� thc "property"�
� � � Sub)ect to:
' , i it�eorvntlan to the Scotc o( NSnncsoCn ln trusc by thc taxing dir.trfcts
, cnncrrncd of minr.ral• ond mi�eral rl6hte Ln thonc portt�na of thc
. P��perty th• tltte co vhich mny hevr. bcen Forfei[ed •eo thu S�e��. uf
� Mlene�ot• (or non-D�Ym�n[ of real encete
1' ' CUxPG. '
� � �. • 7nxe� p�yaAl� In Che yenra eub3equent to [he ycar nnd d��r.e of chin
� • . � conv�yenco onJ to •ll s c
, • � � ,aynblc vith •n!d tex�•�� cfai uaaer.rmcntn �nd innchilrm�ni�, [hrr�.ot
� �t�tc �nd anJ tu bufld:ng anL xonln�, lave, o: � .
. (cderol IAVS end re�,ulacions. dlnunr.ce,
; ; Ihc terms and cond(tfone ef [bc 0,�
` � I k�Ja�elop�r tor the purchase �edCre��pPmen[cofLtheAPro�crt� Grrc:i�l,o,1
' � � hwr�ln.
t ,
: ' I. The R�developer agreet foY ![FCIt, thelr ���ign�, thc �urv(voc of nefd
' � partle�.
i1 �nd th� helr� �nd �n�ly;ns of tho eurv:vor, to or of the Pro�,erty „r �i��,
� � p�rt thrM�nf. A�relnD�[ore de�e�tbod, ���c the Rndeveloprr end
� euch aurrnaa��r'n nn�) ,
i ( ;
} .. I
. ; . _.. .. . . . _ . .. . .. . .. � � .
. � � . . I � . � , I .
' � i
i � �
' ,
. ' �• � . � � � '
��! � . � . . � .
• �
: ' :
� � , . � � . . .,
. . . : .r.� . , ,
' ,..' .' . . .
13 cont.
; 1 �i ' t . � �
� � •� " . ��,u�;�iuG1� � � ��d�ma�u t��,r� '
' �.. ,S. . . . � � � .
• , . ,f � . . . . �
. ' . . ) . �,, . . . . ,. . . �
k � u..1Q.�1._. �. .. .. . . __.. . .,_....... . . . . - � .
� 1 +�
-.� � ,� ' . . . . .
� � �� � .� � . .
� . � •
� ' � � ' ^'1 � .. . , . � . � _ . _� . .._ ._ .. . , � ..
� (� �� : � � . . .
� ���L n� �hn11 rom�tl bc ln nnd dili encl rosecute to com letion chc rcJevclo
. � n � Y B 8 Y P P P`
' , .
iMot ot tha Proparty throu�h thc conotcvetion oP cha i�rovemente thcrco�i no pru•�1�:�-I �,
1 , �' �. I in the C0:.7RACT, snd that auch conetruetion shall bc in nny event beLvo wichin 1
f __.___._.
; � C: aonth(r) aftar the date of the deed� end ehall complete/ull codn ftrro» vichln 9
; , G __.._...__
; � C aoath(�) fron tho conacncemcnt 'dnco, and �holl eom�leto ell xeatorncion vurk vtcl�fu
t ' , C
�I C ���month(a) fcoca �aid cora�cneeacnt dato. �
' . , .!
a ' 2. The Rcdevcloper aErcen for iteelf, chcir acsigaa, the survivoY of r,nid
� .� �
� - . , partto�, and tho hclra and asaf�ns of thc eurvivor, to or of [)ic Properey of nny �
. �i � �, .1 � � ' .
' p�rt thereof. hereinbeforo descriSed, that che Redaveloper and ¢uch auceecourn nr.d �
� � �� ,' � u�ign• �hall: . �
� �
I � (a) Devote the Property to, ond only to in nccordancr With
+ ` � .� . � i the unec npaci[tad fn the TLAtI ea nov Sn effrcC r,nd ar t;�,� �
! � ' •nno m.+y i:crcnEccr Uc cr.tcnded fro:n [imc to [imc ih U�c ��.inncr
� '� � providcJ by lav; ni;u n:�c no ehan,r.r.n in C}�u in,rovemrnls on
� j � eoid Proprrty aubr,o,ucnc �o ccrtif.cate of coa�letfon not in
! ! luil eonforc�ance vitii the PI.At�,
� � � ! j ,
1 � i (b) l�ot ASscrfcninn[� upon thc bnFfo of racr., color, rcUginn�
� eax� or nn[lonnl origin ta Cho nalc, lcasc, or renr7t ur in-.
tho uso or oewpnney of ehe Pre�erey ot any .sprovenentu
i � � •roeted or to bc arected thercon, or nny pare chcrcui.
�• ± lt !s Snteedcd cnd n�reed chat the t.bove nnd torc;,oiag aF;rcenen,u nnd c r.��n��n�
i �
� � �hall ho ninnlnb ulth thc 1rtnJ, end thn: tl;cy ch��ll, Sn sny evcne� anJ vici,c;nr rr�;-;� l
� � � to tcthnital elartnitiectioa or dcsiptatlon, ic�al or unc�rMisc,•nnd c:;cc,t only nc
} , ' �
� � othervite 6peeifienlly provideJ 1n tY:in Dced, be l�indin�. to che fullc:�e r,�:U�nt.ol
. 1 j i
� � lav and eyutty� for Chc bt•ncfi[ nnd in f::vor of, r,nd r.nfacccablc t;�, ciir� /,�t;�� r'i.�,
j . � i
; � , its sutccscots nn�l no.1E�s, thc Cicy oE Sa1nt Paul, !dinn�•;ol-n, or,;l :�ny r.�.���c, ;.�.��r i;�
t !n[crrnt to the pcnperty, or any part U�crro£, :mu clia a�rr.cr ot en.� ot9,�r 7;;,; nr r,t
i � �nr lotereat fn euch land in the Fro�ect Arrn �i;�ich Sis cuUjr.r.e to !•i�: :,:rui u.� ,
, � requlrcr:ents and rar,trletiona oE the PLA1�, nnd the Uni[oJ StaCc:o (i❑ thr rn;,�• ,f'
� �
� , j covenant !n elnueo (1,) h�rcoC) r.�;.a;nat t!ic Itc�evc:epe:, (u[ ;r,.-_crcc,;ru !r; 1�:rc: .. .
, � aod c�•r.:y eue�c,6or ia inCC:es[ co chc Pru,c:cy, or sn; pa�•t [!�,cr„o:, or ., . .,� . , .
. �
thereln, nnd any party in pos.^.er,sicn or occt,panc� oE ct;e Yrop��rc, ;:� a��..: i:.:r�. ;., ,
° ' . IE 1• [urthnr lntendcd and a�YCCd tnal' Che arrecr,;ent L:iS cov��iinaC pr�;•;:�',-��.i f'-��i `.r
7 i
� elaa-a (n) ehall re..�in Sn cE:cct until .,r.nuary ^.^., :C�;O, (a, ti.',,:�,i: t.;r,� .._ '�, ,. .
.� � •nJ covcn;nt ehall tei'e.l�ic.tc) nnd thc O�t'r�:r.,CCICS nnd covc�:.an::: r�rovLd,>d Sn � ., �; �. �
' ' � �h�lt rc�.atn ln c(fcct vlthout li.r.ltztio» ,,,, to tir �- ���• , , ,
' t: 1 l`.�:.e ,.�,ic. ,i•�. �,c.�i��
fi "'—'"- •
! ,� ; ond eovca;,nu ohall bu bfndln�; on thc kednvclaper it<c1E, caeh cu:cr,;or in I��;�;r...,�
� I to tho Property� �nd cvcry pnrl• chcrcol, �nd c�ch pnrcy tn po�aec::icn or ur.c�,,�.,:,;:�,
� �1
e , ,
, �
� � .�.
� ��
I 1 � 1
� (
� � �� � . � , � � .
' e. �
. 13 cont.
. �
� '
� , • �a,;,:,A�aa� � ` , '
�a, v•„��;:� ,
' ' i
, , r
.. • � �F. , . , .
., . . .t �.�f,,. � . � , � ' � .
p .
' .� � i .. .�.. . _ . . .. . . . .. . . . . . � . ..... . . . .. . . . , .
'; 1,
�� �
- � � . . . . . . .
� � I
. �
j . 1 . .
r . .,_ .._�_ _
� 'I T��PPCCIV�Iy. only for perioJ ac suth cucceeaor or perty ehail hove c!(lc co, or
� ` •n te[ere�c in, or poeecanlon or oetup�ncy oE, chc'P�o>crr ur
� I / p.9cC 1.l�r,�,nnf. 'flirt
� term "U�er" �peclfled tn the PIAN end the "Lend Uae" refcrrine co proviefor�� uf c;,a
# � ;� PUN, or �fnl{sr l�nguege, in thi► Decd ehall include [he lond end all 6uilAln;;s,
i '
� � � hou�ln� �n�f olhr� requlc�rmenta or rextricUOne of the YL4H ,nc;tafnir.y, co s�,ri, �,;��;;,
. ; .1 ' ;1 � ' ..
, t � ^ In •mpll Hc�[ton. nnA not in rcetric[lo�t of, [he provieionr, ot chc prr:r.eJtnc
• 1 � aect/on, tt te tncrnJcA and sgrred thet the Au:nor:ty and fert nucrer„oro ,i,��i c�nnt;;nv
g � .
�. � �h+�l ba AecmeJ beneticlarleo of che eqrcemen[e and covenen[e provtded he�rrtn, ,;nd U,c �
UntteA 5 ute� �hell be dcemed e hencftetnry of thc covennnte in ciaune (b) ncrcuf,
j � ' Aotb for •nA !n thcir wo ri�hc, end alno for che pur�oues Of PTU[efLfny; GhC .nc<r��nc �
f �
� � 0/ th• eaao�mlty •nd otAr.r perttoe, public or privn[a, in 4hone fevur or for v!,o+;r �
s . � � + . . , � .
� benettt the�r •greemente and coven�nu hnve Aecn provided. Such n;{reem��ni.n :irn;
� �
S '� i I �won�at� �h�ll rue in l�vor oE the Authorlty and [he Unfted Stntea, for lhc anclrv
i �
� � perloJ durtng �htch �uch •greemen u and covenanto nhell be in force nnd eft�cc,
f i
� ! vtthovt reg�rd to Ohether thc Aucyur![y or [hc UntCed S,ntea hnn ar. any iini• i,�•n,
i I .
� ce+e�ln�, o� t• ♦n ovner of �ny lend or InCcresc [hcrcin [o, or Sn E,�vur u!', �.�,�i:r,
•'. , • �uth •g�eeroentt �nd coven�n u relate, :I�e Auchority ehull autnozire !n ehe e�:;nt
i �
' of •ny breoch o! any •greement or eovenanG, and the Ontt��d ;itnten r,hnlL hnve cFm
���' . � � rtgAt In tbe rvent of any breach of the covenanG in clause (b) 6o-rcr,;', �:� �..,,;�,�,.,,
i ' � j �11 thr rlght� and r�mcdieK, e�id to mntnt:utn any actionn ur sut�n nt lrw nr in
� 1
� I �Qulty o� other proper proceeding� to enCoece the curing of euch br.nch of ,�,r�.�:�rr.c.
� , ; ,
� or toven�nt, to vhteh it or eny other beneElei�rits of such agrecment ur cover�o„e
' 1
� ury be tntttled.
i . , �
F 9. Th!• convcyance 1� mede upon che con�ltion suuoe ucnc thut t(,
�. . G Nrt�,r co
coai5+laelon o! lanrovr�x•nt� by the Kedeveloper in eccordnnce �.�ich thr t;-r.;[,:,;r;�, ,;nd
, ' �
� I PUN, �� svch eaoyletton shall bc ccrcifled by thc Authurity;
r ' !
• . � � (s) 'Ihe �r����,.�oper (or euccesaor !n lncere�c) r.nail d��:n:�ir�. 1n r,r �
' vlolnt.• I[e oblly,etlonn uith rcapcct Co Chn ctr:�t;��ctinn ui rLr
, ' � iapt'm�e�rarnta (tnilud:ng (hc ilnC�iTr Lcd riiu J,�C�•;i :nr U�,. !,�•�ln�1���.�.
' � � ar�J tomnteCton thcrauf), or n1��a11 eb,�n�on or :ubal�,n�iritiy r,ur;;,�•n�i
� �� co7ecructlon work, end any such dcCaulc or v:ol�[ton, ��n::ndo�v��=r.L, . �
ti j or �u�p�natnn eh�tl noc be c�red, ended or rc:nrdfed wlc'nli� t?�rc��
� . ' ; (]) m�mthe (nlx mvnth� if thc default !a vlth Cq�r,r.ct to U�c �1��ce
'j ' i !or comple[ton oC tha impravements) af[er wtit[en de��and by chc '
j Aut�or�cy �o to do; 6r
i � (h) 7'}�c Rcdrvcloper (or euccessor tn lntcrcecj ahn;i fnll cc �ny �
. � rc�l r.ntete uxee or eenecx:nentx on thc irnp�:r[y o: r,;;y pr,r[ .
th�reo( vhen 4uc, or ehnil pLcc Ch.:con nny enc�r�l,c»n-.r �r itc❑
, � uneuthurlred by Che COM1i�+A C:. o� uhnll eu`:r: uoy lc•ry r.r actarh- �
� � � mrnt to bc �n+dc, or any mntcrialr.r.n'v or roctS�rJ.c'n 1L�•n t�r r,n� �
� . � olhef unnulhotlxrJ encu:,trruncc or lien ln nlCnch, nr;d lurh fnr,re � i
! ' oC ssseeanK•nts ohnil nqt havc b�•cn pnid� o[ Ch�� cnru,�d�r�incc af
�' ' ticn r�rnv�d or Gf�ehar�,cd, oY provfnion entSnCncto�v to ti�r
� Authorfty made for such payment, ren�trvnl or diechnrge, vithin
�txty (60) d�y� rE[rr vri[tun dcmend uy the Aurharfey oo to dn; o,�
' I
,_ _
t I �
' . t . . .�. . � 1 .
� i
. {�� . � �. ' .
i. 1 . ' � � � . . .
. . . . I ' , � , .
' . . . . . . . . .
1 `
13 cont.
�' f� , (r . A . �# • �. 'j .
7 1 P 1 � . �(�, ��� � � 5 t i
,�1� � '�5NV�3st.i4eiU1P - 9SAJi .nl�d� . •
,e �
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" V I � �
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.. � � . . � �er.._ � � . . . . . .
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.'v � i ��r.. � . . .
. .� . �. � ;_ , .
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� � � �' . � - ...._ . . .
. .� �� , � .... .. ._. . ' ._ _ , ,
� �,: �� , _ .
, . , _..___._ _. _ __ ._�.. .
, .__ .
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, ,. . __ __
. , �, , , :
, + (c) There L�, tn vfol�tion of the COhTRACf, nn [rannfec of tne
� � ' Property or �n y
y p�rt thr.reoF, and auch violation nhall ao[ bc currd
:. i�. � vlthlo atxty (GO) d�y� rftcr wrtttcn dcmand by the Autkoriry tn t;�c
�` � I Il�dcveloper;
� � •�
� � C: thcn the Author(ty �hell h�ve thc riqht to re-cnCer end t�kc porsnenatan of th¢
r C ,
' ' �
i '� Pfope�ty •nd to tetmin�te •nd'reve�c Ln the Authortty the entete eonvcycJ hcr�•in [o
i ,� , � ��
�• ' • � � �� tht Rldevalo ec• '
, 1 � P , prwided, that •uch eondition �ubeequent •nd �ny rcveattng oE c(tle
' '1 � ~ �� • t��ulc thereof tn the Authority:
� + . I
� �� 1. � (1) Sh�ll �1v�yR �a aubJect co nnd llmlted by� nnd ahall not � ,
' � • ; d�[cn[, [cndcr lnvalld, oc 1imiC in an� wa � '
{ roor[gege authortxed by the CO1vTRACT, and (b)(eny`rightsnorfinteres,e
. � ,1 � provlded Sn the C(h.TRACI' for [he protection of thn ho]dn_re o£ nuch
� � . mortgagc�; and
� i '�
I (1) Sh�11 not opply to indtvldual perte or parcelo oi thc Propn��y
� j ; �'� ! (or, !n ths e��e bf pnrCa or porcelo lcnaod, che leaorhnl� ir,�r,,.;,�,)
; , on vh1eA there •ro no def�ulcs undor che tcrmr ut en:d COt;f�tA+�'f� •uJ
M1 `
� •� � r , (J) Sha11 not �pply after the improvemente heve been canplcted en,;
i , � � crrtiftcd to by thc Authority.
ti 1i �
� � 4. Promptly �Eter coeq�lionce with the reatricciw,a end t wennnt� conrnti��� �n
' � j �
; Par�gr�ph 1 •nd Poreg N ph 3 �bove, the Au[hortty vtll furntoh the Redevciopc�r �1th ei�
. �� ; �PPr�PLl�te in�tru:nent ehwl�g complfunco thereviCh. Such lnecra:cent o?,a[I b•� f;� �
+ � tuch lora �nd �o execueed •n co nuka it recordable !n the office nC Hcg1,;i��r ,,; i:;,,!F '
� ' ' , or of tha Fi•gl�cr�r of Titleo, aa thc caec na� bo, of ftaaecy CounC�, ;'Inr;o,ocn. ,,:,l,
' ' � �^Rt�u+K^c by ch� Author(ty sh�ll be a eonclusive deternfneG.on of ti;r aattntr.r.tar.,
, j
� . � termtn�tlen o! the agrcrments and covenentn o( trc CUt:iIL1.Cf nbm•_. �;.;,,�...,.,i �;:
for �?cetlle ro�•nnnntn Aer Lorth tn �hla ikrrd, and nhall bc n concl�,cfv�� .. � , . ,�f•,�;
1, o( [he ��Usf�c[ory eerrnlnetlon of che covenanta in thlo Dced uich :�•np,.:c �„ i.;�,,,
e41t��clon of the Redevrloper, ite iuccesaore nnd ncelgnn, Ca cvnc�rur.r ri�e 1cq,ra.�,.
'� ' w!nte an the date� f�r thc begfnnlnq �nd comple[ion [hcreof eiid vith rcupu�c en ���
� �
+ � ; o! the obligaciori5 0: the Redevelo?er (or euccenaor in interect) undr�c• pArn;�,,i;?, ;
�� . .na �.r�p,r.�h 3 •bovc.
� S. 1( ehe AuthocLCy enall re:uure or (ail to pr�vtde any ireerur.�ent ir, ,, �;;�,,,,.
vlth the provt�tonn oC ehtn Deed, in eddicion eo any other re:cedy'1❑ �cv cr ;y:;t�y �1,'
� i tht iledcvalope� (oC �ucrcesa:a in in[crcnC), tiic Aothurity nVtnll, NSCh1n ;�t�,�t.y (�j;yj
d�y� �lter vritten re`ucnc by the keJeveloper, ;t
0 eUCC�`L30I'B 4Y O�:n(;"'•"� )>T::�;(�ir� (���� �
' Rtdr•aloper (o� •oaceaoC� in lntcreac) vith n �rr,cten ;�utc�r�•nc, 1��d:•:,,un;; ;n
�dep w t• drt�fl In vAe[ reepeet the ReJevcloper (or duccesaor !n incere�tj 1,nn �,t;,,,
to eaq+ly Wth tha pruvtslon� oI ehc CON'[ItAC'1' end ot cliin Uced oc• ie ncl,c;vi,,,. ;;,
, � Ae[�olt, �nd �hat mv�suro� �nJ aet� vlll �e necesearY, tn lhe �;pinl.o:i o; r�ic p.,:•.i,,,� , '
r, �
� (ot th� R�drvelopar (nr weee��or� In tntara�t) to take or perfurn In or9cr• cn a�,�,�t„
�urh In�tniroent,
, f „,_
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' �
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' 13 cont.
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- •�i. �� . 7'0 11AVE A!"D fIOLD T8Z SA'tE, ToRether vith ell the htrndlLnroentn n:id nrp��r�rnr.nrr.: � '
. i �, � th�ravnte ��lonR1�R or !n �nyvt�e epp<rtntninR to the RrAcvcloprr, thr;r nr,r.tv;in, �,,,
1 i '� �u�vlvo� o( ��Id pe�tfe�, and che hefre enG'nsniRns of the •urvlvur, 1'ore•o��r, tf,�� oxi�t
1 ' ! i
' •� ^ p�rtl�� o! the �econd pert uktng u joint tenente �nd noc as tennnte tn c�nrmnnn.
i � � ' , j '` � .
� 1 � ! • IN TESiilUNY NtiF.itEOF, Zha Au[horfty haa hereunto ee[ ite hnnd and ecnl nn ti,��
; �.
t � i
� ' , ! ; . d�r �nd yur tlr�t ��ow vrltten.
, r , '� �
. :. . �
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; � 3n tAe Pre�enca of: HOUSTtIG At�D i�U1:71iLn,:T�:;; ACIf';1,1'.! �
, � .
' � OF THZ Cl'Il' OF SASAT Pi.l;1., 1ii:ll.i',(ii:.
� i '� � � l _,.,� __ —` ay ,/�.% �'�'f � �/�f ._..� _.. .__
; � � • I[s Vica-Cn�irr.�:n
7 ' , ��,' �. ; ������ .I -, Hy //�1.��.� %/��_/��� /�/�._._./,l,' . .
' ( . (Se�l) Ita Aealatnne Gecretnr�
� ; 4 , . _ �
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, � COL'h7Y OY WU:SEY )
j �
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+ ; On thta i5'f�_ day of JV1} �, 1975 , bcforc mc, n IloCnt/ Public 4:!'h::� n. ,
} .
� � , ' !or ��id CountY, pernunnity app��:�rad n�� .;r, ��'t+s- �• � n�
, �
i .�,:n�:�..;..3iu=t2____ t..� .
, � ,
, � . . to oe pe��oneliy icnovn, vhu, helnp, ench by me Culy ev�rn, d1.d any e},nt chr;y er,
i '
; t r��peettvply tr• Vltt_�++lrarm end the Ae��i_tn;ik S<cr��tnrx��t cF�c i:;;!;:'!I�!,
�' ' AND 1'iLDLVEfAPY•Ehl AG7HOiiIYY OY TNZ CITY 0'r" SAiJ:: ?hUL� Hii;'.�1:SU'iA� l'ne ccn'p.,r�:tton
� n�riwd in tha forogotng lnetrvmon[� nnd thet the seei stfized to nnid irRtrur��r, � .
; 1 •
, thr eorpo��t• ac�l of ��id eorpare[ion nnd the eaid fr.etrument u�n nlp.n�6 ..�,d :�.,i��l
, ' � ' !
; ln eh�lf ot s�id torpor�tion by eoehority of iCn i.oerd oE f,Orrcr.lnblone2•r•� r.nc; nnid
�' ' ' 0.�nald Del Fiacca nnd �+121.e Mne Wilr,on atkaaaled;,ed ucld liv;r�io:rr,r ri, L�
. , � —_
, tAe [ree •ct end Cecd of eald corporotion.
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, , , ¢ow—w...��e�o«e. / Form No 9 �
�. � . Carao t on 1e Coroer�pon. Minnxeta Unibrm CenwY�nci p Yl�nlu(tptl _... . .
: �. � ._.. Ja____ ._ . �
, ,' �.�.,......._ , �� R t �j Octyber_._. 7......, �
+ ���I� �ItbCIICUrC M�de thu.._.w..—_L..__ !I.___,Jay aJ_.__......_.._ . ....... , ln..� '
, �, ('+j bt�heeen .........._.._RQOFINCi,S�..._I��.r......_...._..__..� _._..,...._:.:.�._�.._...._..__.__._�___________..___..........._..... I
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��. 1 � j� •� � u.�oryroration un�r the iawa o/thc State of..._......._.....�1'.1�.�iR�kxl.Ld...._..�..__,_.Par[y nf Uic/'irsf�ta�rt.rind ' .
' � Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota�
� ��. �t �-� � a airpor�.lim[u��e�ltr lhe In.u•a of the Stnte of.....................MinnesOtp................................,/ru•l�o/fhe x�rond�wrf, , �
s '�. , .. �1i�11t68tffJ. 77iat�he aaid pnrt�of th.c firxE part,in conaidcraEion o/E/u rum.of..�_w.................._......._ .
j ! � ONE,._DOLLAR.._($1.._00.).._and,__other,..good,_and,,,yaluab.le_,considere,tion-.--.---.-.-,---.-,-)G1(�LNX7GqU�
_ i � � ta iE in hari�!pairl Ay/he eni�l pa��tq of tha sccond pnrt, fhe receip! irlirrro/'is herrG�atknoudrd�ed,daa�
i '
, Iureby pranE,Jtarpain,Selb and Convc�unto the aaid parfy of the aceoud narE,i[e aiace++eorv a�u!aai�fnw,
� . � ! ' • Foreuer, aid the tracE.._._..or parrel.........o/ land IUin�,r mid bein�r in U�n Cuunhi o/._.__RamseY...._.__...._._.__....
`,� � � awd Statrt oJ.Minaeaota,dexcrifNd ne follows,G+-u�il:
' y i, ( .� Lots Five (5) and Six (6), Block Thirty-'IWo (32), Riee ' , ,
! . � � and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul� according to the
plat thereof on file and af record in the oEfice of the
� ,� • � Regiater of Deeda in and for said County.
t , ' �
� ,I �
! ..� .
� , •�' 1� NO DELI!�t �',T�..;.y '
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� i '�i.o�abt anD to�fjolD tbe�+nmq Togcther uith ald the hercrlitamtrete and n��p�ufenntuce fhcre�uiEu
. � � bcltinQEnQ, a•in unywiac ap/icrtairtin�, to the said parlg o/'tl.c accnnd part, ita Ruec�seors and aa�i;na,
1 i. ' Fore��er. dnd�ke sauL_.__R44finSs.a�InG�.__._.._�.........�....._......_........................._�----.___..—_._..._......._...__..... .
i �1�- � ....__.._.._...____..._____.�....._..._._._..__._.._..�_._._.---....._..---....r._........_.._...:...____...._..._._.._...._.....__...._....._........
� �� purEy of Eha fir•st yarE,for iEaelf and ite a�eesors, doea cavcn+�.nt tuilh the aaid party oJ[he e�roud/���rl. I
iG�ucresaor•s and aa�i�(na,WtaE iE ia ineld ieistd in fee of the landa and prerntua a/oreeaid,and kna p�wd i
� riQhL to eell an�l conucy Ehe�ame ia►man�ur and forne aforesald,and U�aE the same are free frorn a7!
� ' [neumbrancu .........._._..__..�.._......___.._..--°_.._...__......_...__.__.........._..........._.........._....._....._._.__.._...._......._................._ ..
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' . � �) And lLc a6oce bnr�airted and Qra.nted landa an�premiaen, in fhc quirf and jxactal�le IMSR�Ad�/�B �r/ /h� I
� , , enid parl�nf Eht atrorui)�nrE, lta eunccasmv and,aani6ne, earein,4 nll praons 1ni�•fu!!g rfuir.iing nr !n i
� , ' � cla.im U�.c wliole or anU parE thereof,suLject to inerrn�Lrancra, ij�rnr/, 7+rrri�nLcfore m�•ntior�rd, Uie:ai�l
� , - /mr[!/of Uie f�rat part w1lL Warrant and•De fend.
- �tt�egtinwnp bll4ereot, Th�Enid firat pnr!ry hns rnusrd N�t�e �
, � prrienEe to ba ear.ctt.led in ife corpnrate nrtrne b,y ifa....._.._...._...._........_
� ' I'i'uidtnt7m�c1�6t--_�..____.__..._......_._.._nnd iU cory✓�r.tfc xaG fn
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; .' � •.,.� �ttncsseftj. Tras ra� ,�ra � o/ trM � P�r ..DOI.L.qF3. � .
` ,' � �� : V��._.A.A..k�.d�3.�`- Ut .er�9--°d-an-. Valuab_e Considerati.4n....._._.._.........._._.
to iE in ha�d Pa�i'N�aaid Pa*C�!-_.._o�the seoond Part.p�a nee+.Pt whcreor#+henbU aoknowledQed. ,
:` ', ' o the aeoond pa.rt...his...............
' dou kercb!/Gmnt.Bar¢a+aM ScII,a�+d ConvcY unto tha�f Sand Iying and bein� in Ehe Coua�f8 0�
I; '1 + katsr and aad�*r, Por+coe*. au t7u br�ad. Pa�'t ��fotlowi�t�-+��
� _�a�� _a.nd 8fat�oJ lfixnewota.
� .,
' ;,, Lots 13, 14 and 15, slock 27, Rice ana xrvine's .
! � lat thereof on file and of
� . Addition to St. Ysul• according to the pl ,
� i
� � � record in the office of the Register of Deeda in and for said RamseY
� ` � � ' 0 EO AX ' DEf i X I D�f�D 7AY. (
�s-„ +�'
; ` � County. � � , i r i �j���°•'���
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; , � \ . . � ►, �
� ' � TAXES PAID '�. °�,�°��x i ° ����! 'E1 T'��� '
, � �� Taxes PaYable in 1968 on lhe � AND 7...�, '.t-, c�Ep ' A/JI�!�,�,� �f. �� �� � `
; ' � � u�s Oes�ibed herdn PAiD : l t � " �i 1i� ' r�� �,
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t , �� �..
�' NpV 7 1968 7 ��::.. ,� _ a o, , �t, }� ��'
' ' � 1 WILLIAM Id.1i�L�.tc�i.Treas. .TI.. 'i�� J K Llcf.� ':7r� i D ?V.t t�. ._SA7C r 1 AX'.
` � . ff.C;^-ly�4;,•!;;t:SUTA u � 3 7 ES'(.���iiY.id�Y.N_ ^,f r_' ��, 'I� . � . �
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� to elaim�the whole ar an�parb Lhercof.aubject to dnaumbrancte,i.f?'iU.hercinbc�Jore mcntinned.tJre enid
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Pa*hl o���P�t�'Wasres�+t a�d Dafcnd._. :. '
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, �'�i$ �ribetiturc,.xaa.n�r. �Sr.h. a:•�J--�-so�ober---�.re�e-� ._�.�
'-�; � . _
v � S L, Patterson Huilding ComPanY - ` '. °`
' 3. tbs Btate o ldinne6�ta. ---Pa�Y�1�1c+�Pa*`•and
• • a��under dha tar+n oJ f . �
i - -
, "� William Getz ` ,
�i' .and 6taEr of_�_...I1linois
'. � :.: of ek.cwa►ey of--- ��
; ,. ' •-,� parE.....y.....__.oJ elw aoovwd Part. ' '. . ' -•
' ` � �� +��: �Iftncu�et�J. z7tae cn� ,ota vw'cg of tx� f�e na�tl u. ��►�.uo+. o! e�+e R+n. °t .
' � "f ' d valuable Consider��iqn .__I)OLL.�R3 �
� �:.a'� .S�1�e._.�T.A.1�..1�s.'�l..�9#�3e�.G9��_—,_...._........._..._........................................._
._o Ehs�eoonati yart.the reaeipt wficsioo�i+haTMbU a�j'*i7O1e'�L�°a'
� to it in hn,nd naid b!i�*�p°Tt 1' r his--_...�._ _
(. ,' '' � dorw hereby Grant.Bar�ain.Seu,and Co�U unto the tald parE......y..._._..o�tha.aecond Da*�.-
• . heirr asd aaat�na, Fonver. ali i7Ve bnet.�__.�Pa�--.......o} 2a.nd l�ia�� aaui bcinp in tha Coua�y u�
._aad Stats o�ili�u►e�ota.deeariL�d w fodlouv.to-wit:
. ��^m�y..���� deea�iLtd
l + .
� � ' � �� Lota 13, 14 and 15, Block 27, Rice and. Irvine's .,
. Addition to St. Paul• accordi.ag to the plat thereof on file and of
i . ' ,�
'i record in the office of the Reqister oP Deeds in and for eaid Ramsey
. S • � � ' � D ED AX DEE ,�X I DE�D�AM I� .
, � �. County. ' � �}� i `�.� 1ii y �
. � • i. �-� � � �'
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�,ai�.) �.L,_._;�'�..�,_..._..�
� `�'�"';� o o �x ' � + �s►,�;rt,�' �.
� � � Taxes payable in 1968 on the T A X E S P A i D I � 'j��� ' ..,;o V
� : AND 7,..>�:.;.�; E^1TCRED ' � I � 1t? 4I� .
� i i�nds des=►ibed herein PAiD , ��-�,.� \��'� }a,;;)
� � �� ��� �� �� � � �
' , NOV ry �8 N OV 7 190,, �: �;��,��' �o o,�..i t�,"x� ;,-,� a
' ( . .. -.. . WILUAtA M.IGL�uN.Treas. � 1f . :� L `�LLcl,!k: ,]f ����,, D ED TAX DEC� AX � (�ThX : .
� � � � � 1i�.41:t%f50iA . � Rl���uNiY�td1�rN. � `� \� � e -
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� t i j belonpinQ,or in anytuias appertainin�;fo fhe�aid part....�..........of tha accond part,.._..__h.3.S.........._>ieus and
' ' aaeLgna.Fonuer..Ar,d t7u eaici Ea�tor:�on._$uilding....Compang.__..----....__.__.___.._..___..._. �
; �._..�....__.......__.._..._........._......_.._...__�..__._.�.....................___..._
yurty of tlu Jlrat part,far itaalr and iEs aucces.wrs,doea om,�enant with Ehe aa.id rE.. ...__...of Lhe aearnci -
, Aa 3L -
� � hcir�aaui asci�nc,f1:rst it u acK.:i ccir:d Ln fco of Ehe land�and pricnd�er aJorraa��ud,�r�l""�o�
, ,. FarE,...};.�g..,.........
i ' !' ��� I�a�good riy�itit to�eIi and corTx,-�f?�e r.<r.-.,�in mannar a�td�orm afore^.nid., and tlwt tJee ezme aTj� �1 c�P:a'
; . , es cu�� utalitv e,.,_�m nl�_ of record,�.,�__ • �-� �� _ �a�
Jrom aI1 inowmbraacoct..._ ............_....
� , 1 __i_._. , f/ T rc�IIiS
� L .c,:,�...C. I
, j Party wall agreement dated Janu�:ry 19, 1960, between Patterson 8 ��
j Company, a i�linnesota corporation, and William J. Gross and John
� ' Edgerton, Jr., and recorded in Sook 1670 at Page 778, and re-execute
� , �. and re-recorded (for the pur-posa of obtaining the signatures of the
,. ' � wives of the individual parties) in IIook 1898 at Page 507. '
� • . � : � And, �- ,- , • . . -
' � . Memorandum agreement between William J. Gross and John Edgerton '
' � and Patterson Building Company, a Minnesota corporation• dated, . ,
� 4 � � September 22, 1961. � ' '
ti , , _.. _
} ��waaa:a - "-+��.3�:„+1t;sa3ic3oau aiew rrr��+.i'.�.aw.Kt,wi��.F;:fi��";�r:ur y:ia a�i�ui�4;�a..0 ;.�
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',�' THIS Il�ENfIJRE, made Narch 24, 1972� betweea the STAT& OF MINI�SOTA.
� ' 1 �
'i �, partr of the first part, nad the MINNe".SOTA AISTORICAL SOCIEI'Y, an edncational, {
, � � I �
` � • � non-profit corporation, party of the eecond part, �
; � )
� , ,! C�; YITt�SSETH, That the gaid party of the firat part, puxauant to
, ti � .
' • � ; �"� Ninnesota Lave of 1971, Chapter 362, does hereby (irant, Bargain, Quitclaim,
, ', �j.
1, ' � and Convey unto the said pertq of the second part, ite evccesaors and assigne,
, , � , .f
� forever, sll the tract of land lying and being in Ramsey County, Ninnesota,
. i
� ,� • � deecribed ae follovs, to-xit:
, �
� � � I.ot Eleven �'11), Block 'iti+enty-eieht (28), Riee and Irvine'e
� � � Addition to St. Paul according to the plat thereof on file
'' � snd of record in the office of the Register of Deede, Ramsey
� � '� .; , _;•:,^�'�'z':T TAi�S County, Minnesota, EXCI.F't thnt part thereoF bounded by the
• ,� r: 1 ' ',,�,1';1',�FERE�iTc�:.D follorring described lines: Commencin� at the southwesterly
! • � � corner of said loE, which is a noint on the northeasterly
, � � ! 1 NE��.�i �.�'? line of Sherman Street at itc intersection with the north-
i �
� � � • `,., .. ..;,;.,� .,.,,��,� westerly line of said Lot 11; thence in a southeasterly
� � �c ' , .....• direction on the southwesterly line of the aforesaid lot to
� , :( ',) � ,,Q ,.� the southeasterly corner of said lot; thence in a northeasterly
� �� --�---y"�� direction on the southeasterlq line of said lot, a distance
' ' ,\1 of 25•12 feet to a point; thence in a northwesterly direction I
�� � on a straight line to the point of beEinning. �
, . �' 1 ; �
' � That part oY Ra.�nsey Street encunbering part oY Lots Eleven I
+ ' �� (11), 2ti+elve �12), Thirteen �13) and Fourteea �14), Block
x � �� ..� Tuenty-Eight (28), Rice and Irvine's addition to Saint Paul,
' � ~' lying northeaeterly of a line 21 fect dietant from and
{ , � � �� � parallel rith the ceater line of Ramsey Street as now
' ; ' � �� S located.
� s.,
• � ! ° Tp gp}Ig pND 'PO HOLD THE SAME, toeether with all the hereditnments
i �
i ' t , ' ~
^� and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywiee appertaining, to the
��.. � � �
, i " said party of the second part, ita successora and assigna, forever.
� j
' � IN TESTIHONY WI�REOF, the said party of the firat part has caused
i i I
, f theae presents to be executed in the neme of the State of Minnecota by its �
+ ' � ( Governor upon recommendation of ita Commiesioner of Administration and its
� '. (
� ; eorporete Beal to be hereunto affixed the day and year first above aritten.
' „ � ;
S �' I t ti I;�7 // i 'J_�{'� B ��-f.{��/C��•r?:�.(.Q'sl��G:1�, !
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' �tC._j_�i R,tiL�+ �NJ'zl.L R. ADIDr.R50N �
� ' ! ���, Its Governor
� +
i , ' � �A` - 0���,�,� j
` RICEiA�D L. $RUBACkfe.A r .
' i Its Commiseioner of Admini6tration C�/P�.4r�J______� ��.a�a-+":�
� �
' � Ita Saoretary of State
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APPLICANT Restaurants No Limit, Inc.
PURPOSE Rezone to Commercial
(B-2 under new code) ;
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October 10, 1975 � �� � °���"� ���-� r~�Vli�-Y
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