266496 . . - � 2ss4ss � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER IN BY ;f , ;�`` CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS File Na 1�� In the Matter of 3 114�'� 31N1� f+k�c' t,,� pZ,11a�11,Dt �8d Yl�I/ 1M1�1�M1� l9��'kAt10�� ' aa��R �a�lc 'l�is� �tb�d as� Tlw so�t„� �a«Q fast a�' t� �aareh �l.� f� +�' 8.tc�c ,'38, �i�a�et � sz�d H�qr''s A�itia� to �t. !'M►�tl� fi�t Sa�rk.l� 3� �t c�!` L� � a�d 18, ]�lve�r $ A. B�t��� #�v�r�it�pt e�' "�1`i�a�laa, B�e�n� ��i �y��,, AA�lit�it�mt �t �a� �,� ?� .3�►s �►,� �',� +� 3�s 8].c� 9 i�t A. 1Pe►noR! �*s 8�.v�s� a�' "�ta�r�, Be�r�a aat 10�w�r�r's" A�tl.ti�a to 91�i�t �',��„ � under Administrative Order ��� approved �� �'� �'�� under Preliminary Order ��� °_" � approved � z,5 '�9�J �xr`"", ", A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Councii having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby determines the estate required for this improvement to be fee simple, absolute�6�3�as described above; and the City Officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or eminent domain. S . yl..f' "^�,R COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �k�% t � 19TS Yeas Nays E ' Christerls� Certifie assed Council Secretary oEG � 8 �9�J Hozza� ' , Hunt �In Favor y , Levine ( ) Roedfet' v Against Syivestel' Mayor "�edesco IUBLISH�Q ��C 2 ? 1975 . . � , �6��96 /►�Y Oi� �r � gy Rub7 i !'lt�e No. � -" ��°t''� 2aad�or Iri tY�O M�ea 8'Viewauirits�t►tea�u d S b��O� said lande beiriB descri as: p ltet o!tY�e n�h 90A f�eet�oRu B�k 88 ��°{,on3t�Pau�l', �g�t�sey a AtI�ditioa li ax�d The $outh 80 #e�t oY Zats , 12, Blook 8?;;V an n B grown san division,6?���ti�on to 8alat PauY; �ys. gg S7. loc1�n � : ai�d � �$}p � Stit►scn� Br$ °� and Ramscy's' Additio�R t° Saint PsNl• D-2��aP• under Ad�' �,e Order proved SePtembet�4, 19'r3.�� ���s �1 p3 the�Cit7 ,,�o C�eived �rdoo�rt �+°--n tY►e abone �p�y �g conside� 3 ��resodves: ort a�'►a � 1. s�'me 9�heerebY ��e�est�im� Al£er[tallves 8n� �.00. � cost thereof iS.�'hearinB be � Z, _�at�aPu��ve�t on 10:00 mber 1 unoil ��b�a��� �ty gail and Court House B�� y�n the CitY o€$aftit Paul. ujylic heat�8 3• ��givexi�e�,a D�P d a�bey d�e � �$ m$�n�tatin� �e a�att re noai Cp�etp¢ heailap�. �� {he totel ttae 1rsP!xoae�►���d. cast theTe�� File No. iR'!&3. . Sl Novemb�25. AdaP��'�e CounC �'�,��c!Deeeml�s i�1976. ��cembes 6� 1976)