266485 � � 1 • 1 ����� �� �'/ l./ / V '� .. . .. . �. .. . - . . . . _.��� �. Qo�q�si1_�'11e Na !!�6 - Hy R�Di �ealve!!,`$'hxt{iyion the petitloa o! the 1ltate ot Minnesota, that aeceioa v! � aUeY�h�re9�alter�deacribed,� ,be� the same hereby 1A vacated.,and ontinued 81�,"� 3►ubliq:a114Y: 4�a te#h�C�, B1aC1[1,Rilndpll'8 ada�ition t,�$t:�+a�; qi�oni an�r �aT,�bn�es��8i�ox- 1. That th�e.,v e sub�ect to aII te �the'texzn8�; t tibris o1 ChaP= ter BS�t dl��l�t' LeQisLtive ao�,a��,�ea, .s..�'hat,s rpeoit�'s+ a�xi��Q talued to psateet the � �th��n Noxtharr►,8ta�,Powen qm. $. fihat� a spepi$�e e49einent .bB re- tair►cd to p thd 5atere�ts o! the Narthw ern Hell �'elephoae GomPas►�- 4. 'That the tloa�,er.be.,raguired r;;p pay Op tt►COxer.the coat;,at �roc�s���Oecatioa. 3. TII7yt�a[:�ond,:tYte 9t te , a tvrltten eo+vE�ZMart,�e�diti'�� hold th$ C}t�q hatmleas fraan say �nd�it}1��� !a e�sd foly dam- of eve�ry kind' natut'��o� growl�out ek'the vaca oa. Adapted by the Couneil `D�tler 11, 1� APProved December 18.1078: (Dcce¢nba�27� 2875)