266479 WHI7E - CITV CLERK �564"79 PINK - FINANCE COlII1C11 CANARY-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � BLUE - MAYOR dZ Ordinance N 0.�5'q 35 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Au ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitles: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Carmm�ission and the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul approving and adopti.n� rules and regulations necessary to the administration of the City personnel syst�nn on a merit basis.� approved August 20, 1914, �.s amended. THE CAUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIl�1T P�iUI, DOES ORDAIN: Seetion 1. That Ordinance �'o. 3250, approved August 20, 191�, as a�nended, be and the same is hereby flirther amended by inserting in Section 6, under the heading "Professional Group" the follow3ng title in the grade indicated: CITY TRAIl�TIlJG COORDIIJATOR Grade 47 Section 2. This ordinanee shall take effect and be in force thirty d�ays aPter it8 passage, approval, and publication. Approved: � � CYLairman ` Civil Se e Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen personnel Offi�e BX� Huv►,t In Favor �T�e.-s:ae— \ Roedler U A ainst By Tho D. �leason, Dir. of Per�onnel Sylvester g Tedesco �� �'� President,� 1 � OZZCL � Adopted ouncil: Date DEC 3 Q � Form t#pprove by City ttomey ; � � tified Pas Council Secretary BY � '` B Approve or: Date Appr e M yo r S ssion o ouncil By By p�B�!sNED JAH Z � � . ��. ho . �5'33S � � Do not detach this memorandum rom the 2664,� . ordinance so that this information will be available to the City CounciL REPORT TO THE HONORA�LE LAWRENCE D, COHEN, MaY FROM: Thomas J. Ke�ley, City Administrator DAT E: �ovember 12, 1g75 REGARDING: This ordinance established the title of City Training Coordinstor in Grade 47 cf the Prafessional Group of the Peraoanel R+�l.es. The salary range for Grade 47 is: A B C D E F lo y • 15 yr. 664.50 695.00 72g.� 76�.50 799.50 839.00 863.50 888.50 SOURCE: Personnel OfYiee .�/� � ACTION REQUESTED: I re�o�end your approval asd enb�iasion of this Ordinance to the City Council AT T AC H�viEN T S: Ordinance and copy fer City Clerk , . _ . let �p� 2nd �a1� 3rd )a ���' Adopted � � � . Yeas N�ys CHRIS�TSEN HOZZA � �� �ss��g ; ROEDLER j� � � SYLVESTER ' TEDESCO � i PRESIDFNT (FIUNT) i