266474 WH17E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �^�(��� BLUE - MAVOR - � � i� Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Saint Paul, �� 60.100-64.221, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code becatne effective on October 24, 1975; and WHEREAS, � 64.201 of the Legislative Code established a Board of Zoning Appeals to perform duties and exercise powers as provided by law; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to � 64.201, the Board shall consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the followi.ng person� as a qualified elector of the City of Saint Paul� be appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals, for a term to expire as herein provided: Frank A. Horak -- for a term of two years� 1918 Wordsworth Avenue term to expire November Saint Paul� Minnesota l, 1977. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen . 11ID�C Huyt,t �— [n Favor Levine � Rcedler A gainst gY Sylvester Tedesco President y(� {�pZZp, Adopted by Council: Date DEC � � �� Form A ved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayo 'Date ��i "3 tq7!� Approved by Mayor r Submission g,Council By BY i...-_ �, PUBLISHED S 3 19� `4 . • . . 2664�4 RESUME Name & Address: Frank A. Horak 1918 Wordsworth Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 Marital Status: Married 19 years Four children Employment: Financial Secretary of the Plumbers and Gas Fitters � Local #34. Other � Organizations: President of the Building and Construction Trades Council. Was at one time a member of the St. Paul Planning Commission.. Active in the Boy Scouts of America, the Homecroft Boosters C1ub and Veterans Organizations. Has been endorsed for appointment to the Zoning Board by the St. Pau1 Trades and Labor Assembly AFL-CIO. . . . . . 2ss4�4 ' � # '`�'•?' � I '1'1 (�1� �.1 i \'1 1�.1 T 1 7, _ �.;. ,;��'� �, ,,; ��� O1'1�'I (;1: OI' "1'lil; ?(.�YOlt .M1,.' ^ . . ' �p`�xea?r �. . �?=� a�cistceaeer ,4: ar�Q=��ee ...3� — .r'< t ' ' i�k'. ♦�!�i�,.t T._��r1zt:�c�: ll. Cotii:� �r..,���: November 7, 1975 Council President David Hozza and Honorable Members of the City Gouncil City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Dear President Hozza and Council Members : I herewith submit for your consideration and approval a proposed resolution confirming my appointment of the following persons to the Board of Zoning Appeals : �Villiam H. Rupp, Jr . for a term to coincide with his present term on the Planning Commission, such term to expire on August 4 , 1976 . . Mary Osiecki and for a term of one year , Watson Davidson terms to expire Nov. 1 , 1976 . Frank A. F�orak and for a term of two years , Stanley Fishman terms to expire Nov. 1 , 1977 . Ronnie Lee Brooks and for a term of three years , Gladys Morton t erms to expire Nov. l , 1978 . I am enclosing resumes . Sincerely, — __� \ J�. ..__.�,�-{ � ASV '?���__ :- CDHEN M or LDC/lm enclosure cc : Rose Mix .:��`�.�z �. � � � �� � RE S li I�1E ��ame & Address: Frank A. Horak 1918 �^7ordsworth �venue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 ��Iarital Status : Married 19 years Four children �nployment: Financial Secretary of the Plumbers and Gas Fitters . Local �34 . Other " Organizations : President of the Buildiny and Construction Trades Council. �ti7as at one time a member of the St. Paul Planning Cor:�rni s s ion. �ctive in the Boy Scouts of P�-nerica, th2 Homec?-o�t Bocsters Club and Veterans Organizations. Has been endorsed for appoin�ment to the Zoning Board by the St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly AFL-CIO. � � C � ` RESU'�iE � � � �� �3ame & Address : T7atson Davidson � 516 Summit Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Marital Status: Married 26 years. Erlplo��ment: Par�ner in Davidson Properties, a building owning . and management firm. A lifelong St. Paul resident � and businessman. Other Organizations: Active on the l�ianagement Committee for the Old Federal Courts Building, Building O�nezs and Managers Association, Operation ' 85 and -the Steam Plant Study Committee. _ __ _ _ __ WHIYE - CITV CLERK I�i/V47 j�� PINK - FTNANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL �Council CANq�tV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE + MAVOR . Fll@ NO. . Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. ����� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An. ordinan.ce amending Chapters 225 and 226 of the St. Paul Legislative Code relating to the removal of anow and ice from sidewalk.� in St. Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Sections 225.01 - .02 of the St. Paul Legislative Code are hereby repealed in their entirety and the follcwing new sections are enacted in lieu thereof; °�� om Sidewalks. _,, - s responsible from the pub- 2nd �� 3 ` 7�� �r 1ot. lst 1 � �-�------ �3��•,� occupant�� as � Adopted l�` an and inel ude, 3rd the building N�s peet to one- r person having Yeas Zg or lot with �5�� i.ing s, and _ tises, and HOZZA The term corporations. , �,� 2664'75 ant�� �� � (�, , ROEDI�R � a.ow and ice � 5��� �s required �, lepartment o� � TEDESCO �n the occupant d ice within �' be served on -� PRESIDFNT (�T� � . 1 � Requested by Department of: - cv ays -- Christensen �x Hunt In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President��lf HOZZa, Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE — CITV CLERK 2664'75 PINK — FIITANCE COIlI1C11 CANAb1Y — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE =MAVOR 1 . OI��LZIZGLIZCP. Ordinance N O. I 5 I � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. one or more persons if occupants of the building or lot as defined in Section 225. 02. (b) Service of sueh notiee may be accomplished by personal service on the occupant, or by leaving suoh notiee with a person of suitable age and dis- cretion on the premises ; and may be by certified mail with a return reeeipt. (c) If the snow an.d ice are not thereafter re- moved from a public sidewalk as required by the terms of suoh notiee, all oceupants served with sueh notice are guilty of a etty misdemeanor and may be fined up to a maximum of �100.00. (d) The Direotor in his discretion may require in �aid notiee, in eases of hardship or ext�eme diffi- oult�y, alternative methods of rendering the sidewalk safe for pedestrian travel, including, but not limited, to, sanding or salting of the sidewalk. Seotion 2. Seotion 226.01 of the �t. Paul Legislative Code is he reby amended by deleting the word "twelve'� and by in- serting in lieu thereof the word "twenty-four; " and by deleting the phrase '�Gommissioner of Public Safety'� and inserting in lieu thereof the phrase '�Director of the Department of Public Works. " Section 3. Section 226.02 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended by deleting the word '�'twelve'� and by inserting in lieu thereo� the word ��twenty-four; " and by deleting the word ���ommissioner'� in the two plaees it oeeurs, an.d by COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President I�� HoZZa, Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . _ lat • � o'�, � � � 2nd �� � � 7 S� ' � _-- 3rd . �(� Adopted � /J? ,,� Yeas N�ys CFIRIS�1SII�i HOZZA ; �, �� 266�'75 � ROEDLER � �i � SYLVESTER I i TEDESCO � ', PRESIDENT (�NNT) i