266464 WH17E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council `�-tAA CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��4■ •�� BLUE - MAYOR � - - Co c ' Resol tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the followin� persons at the addresses etated be and the same are hereby granted. Clarence A. Flood 6?8 Concordia Rest C-2 App.02710Renewal n n Cig �i ►� n Billy Thomas 614 Cnncordia Rest C-1 �� 02979" �� �� On Sale Malt �� �� �� �� " Off Sale Malt �� �� �� n n C1� n n u Richard Mangini 961 Rice St. Rest �� 03107" �i n Cig n �� n Judith McLaughlin 275 Summit Catering �� 03135" Manuel Bravo 538 Rice St. Rest C-1 �� 03206�� Northomation Systems, Inc. 7421 Bush Lake Rd. , Edina Cig VM Oper-2A1 �� 03299�� " " 2 Add'1 M �► �► �� Endicott Coffee Shop, Inc. 70 Endicott Bldg. Rest C-2 �� 03439�' n n Cyg tt n n Shoreview Treatment Center 1157 Sherburne Ian & Brd House �� 03593" American Linen Supply Co. 167 Grand Av. Priv Gas Pump �� 03663�� John L. Weber 561 Edmund Av. Rest C-1 �� 03?70�� �� �� On Sa.le Malt �� �� �� �� �� Off Sale Malt �► �� �� i� n Cig n n n Lewis Davidson 475 Rice St. Lc�y/DC Plt �t 03924" Lester A. Mor�an ?36 S. Robert Grocery A-2 �� 03945" �' " Butcher �� �� �� �� �� Off Sale Malt '� �� �� n t� n u tt Cig " " Fds MDPW �� �+ �� �� " 1 Fd Veh �� �� �� La,rry Brennans Liquor, Inc. 315 W. 7th St. Rest C-1 �' 03966�' �� �� Off Sa1C Malt �� �� �� n n Ci.g n n n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council ��rA CANARV -DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. cit � � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMNtITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 Red Owl Stores 2020 Ford Pkwy. Grocery A-2 App.04003Renewal '� " Butcher �� �� �� u n Flor/Nurs ►� �� �� " " Hardware �� �� �� �� " Off Sale Malt �� �� �� n n Clg n n n James H. Hilliard 619 St. Anthony C�s Sta-8P " R4080�� r� �� Gen Rep Gar �� " G. Heilman Brewing Co. , Inc. 882 W. 7th St. Rest C-2 �� 04082�� James Hilliard 619 St. Anthony Cig �� 04092�� Bmna Norton Residence 670 N. Robert St. Idng & Brd House �� 04135" �� �� Fd Estab-M �� �� �� Willie J. Smith 680 University Gen Rep Gar " 04163" Eountry Club Mkt. , Inc. 1330 Conway Grocery A-2 " 04232�� " " Butcher �� �� �� " " Flor/Nurs �� " �� n u Off Sale Malt �� " " �� n Clg u n n Falcon Dry Cleaning, Inc. 750 S. Cleveland Av. Ldy/DC Plt �� 04247�� William L. Jackson 1118 E. 7th St. Gas Sta-2P �� 04285" Walgreen Drug Stores 1367 E. Magnolia Confect-B �� 04301�� �� " Hardware " �� �� n ' n Pet Shop n u �i n �� Cig n n n Bon-Le, Inc. 1174-76 Arcade St. Rest C-2 �� 04304�� n u Tavern ►� " �� n �� Clg n n n F. W. Woolworth 1391 E. Magnolia Av. Rest C-2 �� 04360" �t n Confect-B �� �+ �� " " Hardware " �� �� ti �r Pet Shop '� r� +� n n Clg �� n �i Sam LaMantia 1040 S. Cleveland Grocery A-2 �� 04361�� n �� n COUtVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against gY Sylvester . Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY BY WHITE - CITV CLERK 2s64�4 PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL BLUE - MAYOR File N . - Council Resolution Presented By �ICENSF C�MMTTTF.F. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 Sam I,aMantia 1040 S. Cleveland Off Sale Malt App.04361Renewal n �� Cig n u n Mi Cultura Parent Child Center, Inc. 530 Andrew Fd Estab-M �� 04420" Luther Theological Seminary 2375 Como Av. Rest C-2 �� 04433�� Superamerica, Inc. 379 White Bear Av. Gas Sta-8P �� 04465" n n n n n Fiardware n �� Grocery n r� �� " '� Firear�es n �, r� n „ Off Sale Malt �► +� �� ri u Clg n n n Howard's Industrial Catering 3302-4th Av. S. , Aipls. Catering-B �� 04468�' Thomas Lowe 2013 E. Minnehaha C1� " 04474" II. S. Kaplan 345 Shepard Rd. Scrap Met Proc " 04482t� Leo Niedorf 469 Anita Grocery A-1 �� 04486�� �� �� Off Sale Malt �' " �� t� �� Clg u n t� Melron, Inc. 95 W. Ivy Milk Dist « 04525'� Twin City Novelty Co. 9549 Penn Av. S. , A1pls. MAD Oper " 04530�� �r �� 49 MAD n n n n �� 27 MM n n n A. R. Sundberg, Jr. 4 W. 5th St. Fds MDPW " 04581�' ti. A. Theisen Co. 7927 Nicollet Av. 5 MAD " 04584�� n n g j�q►� n n n Arthur Aanerud 682 N. Snelling Barber " 0�588�� Midas Corp. 483-85 St. Peter St. Pkg Lot �� 04598�� Bethesda Volunteers Gift Shop 559 Capitol Blvd. Orig Cont �' 04627�� West Publishing Co. 52 W. Kello�g Blvd. �� �� 04628�� u �� Cig n rr n Toni Co. 5th At Broadway �� '� 04629�� Mildred K. Hayes 1620 Randolph Av. Rest-Nurs Home �� 04633�� Szabo Food Service, Inc. of Minn. 4242 S. lst Av. , Lyons, I11. Cig V1N Oper-2M �� 04663" " '� 1 Add'1 M �+ �� �+ v;.,�A �,.ho,. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - GTV CLERK . (��1(1��� � CANARY - DEPAR MENT CO11RC11 NVV BLUE� - MAYOR � GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � - - Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTF� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 4 Finny Critters, Inc. 232 S. Snelling Av. Pet Shop App.04675Renewal McKee Oil Co. 1170 Arcade St. Gas Sta-4P �� 04681" n �� Ci$ n r� �� u �� Cig VM Oper-2M n n n Arnold R. Kelsey 453 Wabasha Confect-B " 04688�� Elmer J. Braun 1435 N. Cleveland Av. Barber " 04690" Harold Awe Co. , Inc. 1372 Scheffer Av. MAD Oper " 04709�� �► tt 52 MAD �� rr n t� �r 33 MM n rr u Linda Whitlock 33 E. Maryla�d Av. Beauty Shop �� 04710" North Central Ins. Co. 2'75 E. 4th St. Cig �� 04713�� Union Advocate 440 W. Minnehaha �� �� 04715'� Ana Lea Bossi 1483 Simpson Beauty Shop " 04725" Plating, Inc. 888 N. Prior Cig �� 04735" Gail Ellen Hansen 540 N. Prior Masseuse " 04748" First Nat'1 Bank Bldg. 332 Minnesota-6th Flr Cig " 04755�� Feld Truck Leasing 1396 Concordia Priv Gas Pump �� 04764�� D.V.M. , Inc. 119 State St. MAD Oper " 04786�� n �� 54 MM n tr n n �� 119 MAD �� n n Ramsey Co. Jail 322 St. Peter St. Cig '� 04788�� Activities Hall 459 Wabasha �' �� 04815" Hamm's Brewing Co. 720 Payne Av. " �� 04828�� John F. Lawrence 2016 E. Idaho Mtr Veh Dr �� 04834" Steve Allbee 946 Marion �� �� 04835�� Percy Benjamin 1155 Dayton �� �� 04851�� Jeffrey L. Wallraff 611 Dunmore, Woodbury �� �► p4gg��� William D. Hawn, Jr. 2368 Benson �� �� 04870'� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen f�f3C Hunt �_ In Favor Levine J Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President � Hozza �C t� �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council• Date Certified P ed y ncil Secretary BY By ; Approved by Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PuB�tsHf D E C 131.9