266461 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 I��
PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 ��� r.
File N 0.
�' Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Comm�ttee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
pursuant to Ordinance No. 13614, having been supplied with
reports by the City Forester indicating that Dutch Elm disease
exists on trees located on the attached list, hereby finds that
such trees are a nuisance within the meaning of Ordinance No. 13614
and directs the City Forester to proceed with their abatement
according to law.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Christensen CO S erV i
� Hunt �- In Favor
Roedler ✓ Against
President� Hozza
Adopted by Cou . Date �Cr � 'g� Form rove by C' y Att ey
Certifi ass Council Secretary BY
.._ _ ...,,_M�
Approved by Mayor: e Approve �y Ma ion o ouncil
By By
p�B�s OEC i 31975
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M. M. �arschatk � Pos. � D19965'in back yard. 9-23-75-DT
}581 Alameda St�mp not peeled. .
P. F. 3ones Logs & piie af brush @ north 9-3-75-DT
1591 Alameda NQ. side of garage. � -
R. Nabish Pos. # D19236. 8-4-75-JW
195G Arlington
W. Weiss Pfls. # D19630 in back yard. 8»12-75-RY
371 Banfil
C. S. Kirk Re: Your property @ 547 Beaumont. 9-8-75-EK
423 Wyoming E.
T. E. Weier Elm s��p .not peeled • by aTley. 5-9-75-RV
19�0 Berkeley Ave.
W. E. Letendre Stump not peeled. 8-5-75-RV
521 So. Brtmhail
Vernon M. Eide Re; Your property @ corner of 6-16-75-DT
316 18th Ave. So. Burl�ngton & Upland - e1m stu�ps
So. St. Peul , Mn. & brush.
l. A. Christopherson Pos. # D19195 - D19196 trees:� . 8-7-75-OT
; ii59 Seminary 2 stc�nps to be peeled.
L. R. Knoedl Pos. # Dt9989 in back yard. 8-12-75-RV
271 Co1 boxr►e
R. Markiund Pos. � �12889 - stwnp not peeled 7-17-75-Jw
925 E. Caok logs & brwsh.
H. Morsh Stum�a not peeled. 8-6-75-JW
1785 E. Cottage
0. Sawyer - Po�. # D'l9986 in back yard. 8-12-75-RY
3i7 Daly .
M. A. 0'Brien Pos. # D19145 - D19144 i�t frant 8-G-75-RV
1173 Da'vern ._ yard.
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C�aries A.: Laurents �e: Yorar property @ ,��35 9•29-7`�-KH
1140 Sttllwatter Ave. t�yton Ave. (1) dead Et�.
Wra. E. Ho,ye �te: Your property @ 1885 O�yton 5-1��75-RY
1891 D�yton A�rt, Stua►p not peeled & logs left.
Standard Oii Coa�pa�y Pos. � 019551 Re: Your praperty 10-2�-75-RV
4640 Vtking Drive @ S. E. corner pouglas � Grand.
Mpls. Minnesota :
R. U. Boo . Stua�p ta be peeled & brush. _ T-23-75-DT �
836 Fai ra�ount Y.
J. Wick Pos. � D1914� in back yard. 8-8•75-RV
161 So. Finn
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S. E. Rullt �os. # D19218 in back y�rd - 8-12-75-RV
377 Fulton �ogs.
��,ir,�r,��,� _ .
R. &appa � Eim 1og pile - neair dog pen. 11-6-75-D8
1007 Galtfer
r►�r�t+k,k,ir,ie,�r,�*ieir .
J. J. Caruso Pos. � Qi9639 in back yard. . 8-12-75-RY
89 Garfie]d
R. Weeks (1) Dead Elm in front yard. 8-4-75-JW
1566 6'raha�
Mary tGester Re: Your property next to 11-6-75-DS
545 Su�mit Ave.� lOQ4 No. Grotto.
F. 6. �agnon : `Pas. � 019b41 - stump not. peeled. 8-12-75-RV
294 Harrison
Ml. Geaereaux - -_' Stump not peeled. 8-8-7S-RY
546 Hatrrison .
R. H. �Sundgren ;(1) Dead �ln� 9n back yard. 10-29-75-JW
1570 No. Haze1 .
C. A. SLaurents . _ � Re: Your��p erty @ 977 E. �'�::�,�, 8-2t-75-EK
174Q 5tillxater Jessamine (1� dead Elm.
�rir+irie,k**rr�r,k,e _ �
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Robert 0. Pleshka Pos. # D12828 7=14-7�=JW
127 N. Isabei
�t,�,r�r�r�r� �
Dick Johnson Re: Your prop�r.ty @ 7�4 5-5•75-JW
720 E. Larpenteur E. Larpenteur - (lj E1m �
************* tree on the groand @ side.
Gale Smack (1) Dead Elm in back yard. 8•13-75-RV
6$9 Laurel
Owight �1. Spreeman (1) Dying E1m (painted) in 8-1•15-DT
1085 Loeb back yard.
Town E� Cauntry {6j Dead Elms on Go1f Cvurse. 9-8-75-JW
�279 Marshail Ave.
6. Bozyi�h Stwaps to be peeled. 9-3-15-JW
1996 h�ri au� l.ane
J. M. Pesek Pos. � D19942 in back yard. 8•12-75-RV
529 Micfiigan
K. 6i. Hanson Stump to be peel�d. 9-23-75-DT
1028 W. Mont�na
Mrs. Zea�ner (�) flead Elm - line tree/t37 8-7-75-Jil
145 Montrose Pl a�ce Montrose Pi ace.
D. Eridkson (1) Dead El� tree. 8-18-75-EK
938 Mo�inds
A. N. 8lofson (1) �ad Elm tree in back yard. 1-3a-75-JW
1924 E. Nebraska
A. Pfetfer Stump not pteied. 11-6-75-DB
305 Os�eola
J. J. Ammer Stuetp not peEled. 8-�-�5�RY
338 Os�eola So.
Bethesda Hospita4l , . (1)..;Aying Elm {painted) .@ N.W. - 8-26-75-DT
606 Pahk St.: � ,���n�r of your ivt.
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NAME & A�tESS ' 1.0�;A�IpN ` � CALL-UP DATE
A. R. Sundber� Jr, Re. Your empty lots on 9-26-75-JW
723 Pe],ham Blvd, Pe'thn� 61vd. (3} �tead elms.
�t,�e�*±�r+�e* - _ -
Richarci M. Johnson Stump not peeled, logs ,&. 1,1-3-75-DB
432 So.� Po�int t�ugias Rd. ,brush � N.E. co�er �f y�trd.
Eari 11. Hutbert Logs d�, brush in empty lot. 7-29-75-JW
650 So. Point Douglas Rd.
D. W. Lynch Eim logs @ north side of house. 11-3-75-DB
7t0 So. Potnt Doaglas Rd.
Mr. McMahon _ (1) pead Elm tree. 11-5-75-DT
1204 So. Potnt Doaglas Rd.
� _
Mr. Edward S. Reay �lm logs. 5-13-75-RV
823 Partland Ave.
B. Mueller Elm log 'pile in front of garage. 11-6-75-DB
973 Rire
W. W. Warren Stump & logs. 8-7-75-JW
2037 Selby
R. Nuerta Stump not peel�d-log in front 8-6-75-�W
1807 E. 7th St. yard.
�. J. l.�etourneau Res Your property vacant lot t1-10-75-DT
139 Sims (1) �ying tree (painted)
P. Anderson Pos. # D19640 $-8-75-RV
301 Sturgis
Sfi. Tho�nas Coiiege� . (3� �U�ad ..�im trees on campus. 8-5-75-KW
2115 Sumrnt t Ave. -
; •
St. Paul Se�nf�ary - St�nps not -pe�led (7). 8-5-75-JW
22b0 Su�t t Ave. � _ ; . � �
C. Mueller Stamp not�;peeled & ejm logs 11-3-75-DB
1452 Upper Afton Rd. piled in back yard. -
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E. F. Peterson Pos. � D19224 in the back yard. 8-12-75-RV
4Q5 Vanc� ; _
*,k,r�,�t#�lr�klrir/e;k,k � . _._. _ . .
M. E. P+estna _ ' Pos. # �19223 in the back yard. 9�13-75-RV
381 View ; - ' '
Robert Rice (4) E1ms on school prpperty @ 9-12-75-EK
733 Miells the side of house.
M. A. Evenson (2) Dead Elm in front yard. 9-12-75-�K
733 �ie11s
R. Fole�r Stump not petled in front yard. 't1�6-75-DB
136 �o. Western
Burlington - Northern Re: Yoar property @ Williams 8-8-75-DT
80 44thMAve. Hill - (3) Dying trees (Painted}
Mp1s. , Minne�ota (2) piles of trees bulldazed over.
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