266457 �: .� e �C��, `l�� �
Counci� lrlle No. 346�67 — B7 Rub7
gRp�ol�vad. That upon the �1� �
the Iiouain8 s� 1�ede�'elopment Au-,
thori'tY. that section ot Public �}1�eY,
hereinafter describ�id,be and ths eama I
hel`ebY is vac�ted and dlscontin�l�d a�!
a public a11eY•
e Ly t25tft of I ott 12�Sl�ock 8e�
gearran�ement of BlockB B�� �7� �
and Lot 1,� Block 78, St• Ant1'►°�Y
Park. NFinn.;
subi�exgresslq to the followin$con-
ditions and reservationa:
1• 8 18�e termo tand cond tions �
�hapter Zgg cf the St. Paul Le�-
islatiqe Code, as amended.
2. That the Ci'tY oi st. Paul, at the`
completlon ot�the vacation pro-
ceedinge, convey to tY►� Sousi�B
and Redevelppment Autt►bi'itY b3'
Quit claim,deed the CitY'S inter-
� � �e �ubject pareel, in
acCOrdance with ChaA�T 87A of
the St. Paul-LeB��ne Code and
in a manxier and Porm apProved bY
't�►e � ��IIe�� ro osed re-
S. That because of the P P
develpop�►enE, in accordance wlth
•S�outh�St.f Antho�LV p�Mid�aeva�
�. A-1-2, adopted a�►d 8g"
proved�Y Council.of the CitY
oi St. PSU�esota. on Janu-
ary 22, 1970, C.F. 2471�. there be
no compensation r uired for the
vacaYlon and con��3'�Ce °i �d
4. That in lieu of a bond,the Hous-
ing and Redevelogmen3 Authorit9
furn98h the CitY with a written
covenarx►t, conditioned to hold the
City' fiartniees from ax►3' and all
damaBes.cl�ims for damaBes,costs,
ehargee as►d exPe�� ot evzt7f
kind and t�ature ar�inB or�'ow1nB
out of the vacatioa aad convey-
ance oi ssid deed. �e�� 9
Adopted bY �►e Counoil
1i75. �tmy� 30, 1f76.
ADDt' ���� 13. 19T8)