266449 ti WHITE - CITV CLERK A/�j�r'��-^ PINK - FINANCE "�K�/7/1U CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZIL COl1i1C11 �s���a`av BLUE - MAYOR File NO. , uncil Resolution _ _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has assumed operation and � maintenance of the premises located at 1000 Pacific Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, anc7 it is to the best interest of the City to _ enter into an Interruptible Gas Service Agreement with the Northern States Power Company as soon as possible; Now, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proper city officers and agents are authorized and directed to enter into a certain Interrupti.ble Gas Service Agreement between Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, and the City of Saint Paul, for the supply of gas services to the premises located at 1000 Pacific Street, Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota, a copy of which agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �, �� � � g�t [n Favor Levine R�$ _� A gainst BY r Tedesco President� Ho2za �C 4 �� p � torney Form A r Adopted by C . Date Certi ' Pa y Counc' cretary► Y By Approve Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �sNEa DEC � 319�. N(tRTI1F:ItN tiTA'ft:�Pu�YF:lt t'O�il',t1Y f` INTERRUPTtBLE SERVICE ��r►VV�V c tns) � . . . AVAILAII�U?Y A�.nl.i'��r ,,. .,n �i�ircru�;hhl�� h:��ix In a rnnimcrri:d�u inJu+l��.d.u.l��mcrwhosc nr�timinn h�wrly rcyuitcmrntt are in cXCestaf IEX��uhi� fcc� .ir,d Kh��µ�l! :��i.•a 1 I 1 i��iunai!I��.u..u(i:�ti whcnc�c�rcyuc.tcd h}�C�mi{+�n}.{2}lu prnviJe and m:iint;�in.uitahl:•:�nd a�ici�uatc strndhy Ca�ihucs,�nJ (;) t��ha�c availahle�i :�!I u:�;r.sutii;ient �i;m.lhy lu�•I lu m�in�ain�ununn��us pl.�nt��peraii��n J«rir�g prriuJa nC�uruiic:cn�in thc dchve•ry uCgae sold i�c�c. un�icr. � . A customer who prio� r>Ai:�•uct l, 19i�3,h:+d contrec�ed (or service durinR the.^onths of Aprit throu�h Oc[ober only and for which the reqnire�ents of(2)and(3)were w:•��•cc ra�; contcnue to take interrupt�b;e sen�ice u�itL•�et standby facilitics, subject to the same enrta�lment as othec eus- tomers in his priorit�,-c1,,ss�Lcai�o�. Dunn�;the months o(Norember thrr�uk;4,he folloking 11arch,the supply of gas for large volume losds will only be a��ailahle to :Fo�e cvsroTCrs who u•ere receiving service for suth loads on AuRust 1, 19:4. Large colume loads are de(ined to be those having a nazimum dav require:rent ot 200�1cf or more. CHARACTER OF SERVICE (kii�ery•nf�rc herrunder shatl bc suhject to rurtailment whenever requested hy Company,sucle requestc lo be made as far in ad- �'�nc.ai pu.sihle. - HATE Priority ' Rate Monthly Ma�imum Day Mct Monthly Requirements Classi- Per Minimum Requirements tor at least six months fieation Mct Charge (See Note 1) eaeh year(See Nota t1 AA 5.94 S 51.50 �1orc tii�n 1000 cu.ft.p�r hour ' but less than 50 AtcE pa day � .'% 155.00 50 1�1cf ur more but less thrn 200 I�icf BB .�5 310.00 ?00 l�1cf or more f3 � .73 620.00 •• ,• .• ^ S 000 to 9 499.9 C .69 1 445.00 •. •. .• ^ 10 000 to t9 9999 D .66 2 685.00 ,• , •• ^ IO 000 to 49 9499 . E .62 6 090.00 •• •• ,• •, Sn OOf)to 199'�9 F .59 10 325.00 htore ttan 12 000 hic£ 200 OQO and more �PURCHASEO GAS ADJUSTRIEPJT h,the event there is a changr in the town border rate under which Company purchases gas sold under the above schedulc, lhere shall be silded to or deducted from the monthly bi11 computed according to the ebove scnedule the product of the monthly consumption in htcf and the amount per SScE to the nearest O.Olc hy which the town border commodity charge varies from 43.:0¢ pec h1cf.In the event the totat vaciation is a positi�•e ar„ount, such anount will be multiplied by 1.OS7. In the event a:efund is received by the Company(rom Northern Natural Gas Company attributable to the cost of gas which has been sold Dy the Company under the foregoi^g purchased gas adjustment clause, such attributable refund, multiplied by the tactor 1.08�, together with in[erest thereon,received by theCo,r.pany will be applied as a reduction in the purchased gas adjustnent antiI the amount of such attributable refund and interest has been expendeC: Sach unit reduction will be extended over a period cot to exceed twelve nonths. * The PGA effective September, 1975 is +14.76� per Mcf, h10NTHlY h71MPhUM CHARGE tf in any month customcr does not use the njinimum amount provided for tierci�be.awe of C.omp�ny's failurc to detivcr gas aholly nr in p�rt,ihe iu�m!^iy rninimum�h:�rge xhall he reduced proportinnately tu the amount uf curtailment during si�cG month.Wiic re customer agrees to diuentinuc thr ou oi c,:rr�ce during the period (rom Nuvemher } tu�IareB 31,in:lusive,each year,the monthly minimir..�charges hereander wiU t+e waived du�ing saiJ period. . � ADDITIONAL CHARG[ FOR USE OF GAS DURING CURTAILMENT If custoiner iails to curtail his use of gas hcrcunder when reyuc.ted'to do so by Cvm- pan��,h�•shall ply in aJdi�i����t�,;;,c sppropriate abuve r;des,cither an acnount equal t��;,ny payment Company is required to makr to ih pipeline supplirt un�er t4ie terms uf its Tnwrt R;vdr•Cuntratl as a result of such failure to curt�il,or 55.43 per tifef of gas.used in excess af the volume of gas tn which eustomer is requestrJ to cun:�it,whi.he�er�mo�mt is grcater.Such pay�menlc,howe�•er,sl�all no:preclude Cumpsny from shutting off customer's supply of gas in the event ol hi,f�il�ue to curtail h�a�u thereol when requested by Company to do so. PR4h1PT PAYMENT PROVISIO�J A rhargc nf S;.�» ttic first S:SA�J n�unthly pl��s I" on the remainder a�ill hr s�dc�h�nct man�hfy h�ll,c��mpute3 at tlte tztr schrdulr shnwn ah�xe.v.;uc!�:harce sh�ll cunstitute a discount frur�gruss hill tar pagment within the discount ptriud. UNIT Of �dEASUREM1IENT T''" ur,i! ut`me;�aurcmrnt shall he a cuhic fout of g�s:�t�a ahaolute pressure of?0 inchcs of inercury,and a tcmperature otGO de- c�cc.Pnhreultrit. , FfFA?I�G VA,LUF I e.,;,'i" !:i::in 10�5 Rtu 1 i.iclu�iee)prr cubi:fout.ll'in any u:o;:t'i,the rri�lunctic aver�gc ol hoarly total heating calues.�f th:�,as is less ths��`)I5 Ru: rcr�ui,i. ;, ,�• tf,r vulumc��f F:is mcasure�horrtmdcr d{�rinF su.li �,en�.,d shal�be dci«ascd (or hil;ing purpases in�ro��OfflPp IO Illf uPlftBSC I.:. .�'+?S�ilu per.nSn:1�..,t PRIORITY CLASSIFICA7tON (I r..AA�hall hevc tir�t priurily.('uu�iltneut ahall hrein with Cl:usiliratian E�nd prugres�to Classifieation 1A. TEfif�t UF AGR[Et.7F:NT �..i: �. ,�:�rtmcnl >f;:ill ht fut a trmt��I t!��t Ir.�Ilian ��,� �:.er. Upun ctpir�uun of tcrnt.�tcrCentcdl.�,�ctinu:sfn fcx�e ucin!arr;n�- n.,i,,i 1,� �t!�.�.1 Ihnit .Lr., •.:� tl:•n w,Uic I+� c�thef pa(IV. .-�t• 1 Ap;,!:� .I�� •.tnu.�t..!� . �nr:n:�i,ic un+.d a:tuet reyuuctueul.L:�ve hien a�c:rLiir.r�l. `,.'. . I!,c .�!,.ar i.��� •.,I��.i.,:. , t.�r u�ic��u;•u�dr .,rvirc.�ro aku.ul,�c.� t��C��cnp.ui}'a i��nlrart with\��rthrrn!vrhual(�JSC�P�H�]tl)7Ifu111 W�lu11t�IIC E'Jil'U�l• I��iupl.�la,!In hr��,t:l hrr•�iu�l�'i wdl hc j�ur�h:�sc�L � � . 7-74 AA - wnlTc _ ��.qy GLERK . � � . - -. _ .. . - . . ^ . - - FINaN�E � IT� OF SAINT P1�.IIL.��� Councit � � � � � � -� _ '.A�• � :.EF4= .ME^!T `' � - � , _.___ — MA'r JH . F112 I�O.� . � � � Council Resolution Presented By� Referred To Committee: Date , Out of Committee B5' Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has assumed operation and maintenance of the premises located at 1000 Pacific Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and it is to the best interest of the City to enter i.nto an Interruptible Gas Service Agreement with the Northern States Power Company as soon as possible; Now, therefore, be it • RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul that the proper city officers and agents are authorized and. directed to enter into a certain Interruptible Gas Service Agreement between Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, and the City of Saint Paul, for the supply of gas services to the premises located at 1000 Pacific Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a copy' of which agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. . COUNCILV[EN : Requested by Department of: � �'eas Nays Christensen Hoaza In Favor :.. .F � L,eviae _ Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Appraved by City Attorney Ceriified Passed by Council Seccetary BY $y Approved by ltayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By .�. ���C.4 i. :2� " �-' r,. �°' 9 ' !.' , E`� t,4 '�.., .'',:: " '��� im � , ����' �. �� �y�� ������ �.r r� A� �� , ,.�;��,, Interrupti_bJ.e Gas Sei-vice Curtailment Notitic:ation Date 9-18-75 Business Extension Home Telephone Telephone Name and Title (See NoL'es) Number Number 1. Lloyd Burkholder 488-7291 646-4952 Gerald Aichele 646-2745 735-4701 2. Bruce Thompson 645-4689 776-2020 3. 4. ' � S. � Address: 1000 Pacific Street St. Paul Name: City of St. Paul - Department of Coma�unitq Sarvicea Class A � � • I Notes: ' �'I Please list at Ieast two persons in order to be called in case of curtailment. ' Please indicate the after business hours phone number here if different from I number used during normal business hours. '� / IlV'�'�:IZRUI''I'IItLL CAS SEILVICL ACItI;L11�LNf ��x.o�o ��o.», ��Q � 2nd Se tember ��Za� � AnIZGf:�if:NT;Tfadc thi� •�ny oj— p ,_.� 19 75 by a�id Uctwccn NOI:'I'tI1;ILN STATiiS I'O��'L'!t COt�lCANY, St Minnesota corporation, hcrcinaftcr callcd ihc "Cotnpany,"nnd CITY OF SAINT PAUL� DEPAR71�iENT OF COIrL�iUN�TY SERVICES � � hcrcinattcr cnllcd thc "Gustomer�" enEa�cd in thc busincss of government • lVT1T'ESSE'CII: That thc partics vcrctq each in considcration of tl�c usrccmcnts of thc othcr� ngrcc as tollows: t. REQUIRGt�4ENTS At�;D D�LIYLrRIES:Company a�rces to svpply �as to Customcr at a ratc of flow up to but not cxcccding �'�z00 eubic fect per vour and 66,000 cubic fcet per day,at the point of delivery which shall be at the outlet of thc aicter instatlation at —1000 Pacific Street Saint Paul, Minnesota . . ,_. , and Gtistomcr a�recs to take sas from Company for his own use for tue follovring purposes� namcly: _R�i l e� Firin� Gas shall be dclivercd at such pressures and tcmperatutes as may ezist under operatins conditioas at C�stomer's service location. Operatins pressures at this location sh�!normally be between I-1/2 psig �� 3 psig The gas furnished hercundcr is interroptible gas and delivery theteof is subject to curtailment.Gl�stomer agrees that he�vilt curta:'l his use of." &as hereunder to the eztent and for tlie periods requested by Company. Glistomer furtlier agrees to pro�ide and maintain suitable standby facilities including a minimum storage capacity of 8�000 g811ons of oil on his premises and to hav�e available at a)t times sufficient standby fuel to maintain contin��ous plant operatian during curtaitment of the dslivery of g:ss. When curtailment of the use of gas is required, Company agrces whcnevcr possible, to give Glistomer the time reasonably necessary to ma�:e a change-over to standby foel and Customer agrees to proceed promptly to make such change-over. 2. TERRi: This Agreement shall become effective when gas is first supplied hereunder,wluch shall not be later than April 7 , 19 75, znd shall continue in effect until APril 6 , 19 76, and, if not then teiminated by at least thirtq days' prior written no:ice by either party, shall continue further uatil so terminated. . 3. RATE: Gwstomer agrees to qvalify for and etects the rate scHedule for Intem��,tible Service—Class A Customer asrees to pay Com- pany's established rate scbedule in effect from time to time in this local;ty for such Service, the established rate sehedule now in etfect being attached hercto. It is understood and agreed that the above classificatioa shall be subjeci to revision based on 3ctual experience of operaGon, 4. PAYI+iENT OF BILLS: All bills are payable at Company's office on or before the tenth day succeeding the date bill is rendend for aervice supplied by Company ia the preceding month. S. 'I'E;R1�iS AND COWI'ITO\'S: The servica hereundcr shall be supplied for G�stomeF's �ase subject to agreements contained hereia, the `Terms and Conditions" on rcverse side hereof and madc a part of this Agreement� ar: Company's Gencral Rutes and Regulations covering gxs serr-ice. Customer agrees to use gas service only as Uerein stated and will not assign this Ageement excepi upon�vriitea consent of Company. . If G�stom�r faiis to curtail his use of gas hereunder�vhen requested to do so by Company,he agrees to pay 4o Company the ampunt speciSed ia the "Additional Char;e for Use of Gas During Ctirtailment" provision of the rate schedule then in effect. Such payments, ho�.ever, shalI not preclude Company from shutting aff Customer's supply of gas in the event of his•failure to curtail his use thereof whtn requested by Company io do sa , . 'ATI�N OF PRIOR AGREEhiENT: It is mutually agreed thai on the.effective date hercof this Agreemcnt t. artain Agreemcnt dat� y m a � covering the service urni, Understandings, un ertakings of each party unio the other arising therefrom.ezcept as to any unpaid bills for gas service owing o IN �VITNESS �VHEREOF, the respective parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed, and the sanne sha1l be eqnatIy binding npon the respective parties� and each of their successors and assigas. . In presencr of: ' . NOR'THERN STATES POWER COMPANY . By �tna WITIZL•SSE•S AS TO COA!!'ANY . . j CITY OF SAINT-PAUL • . j - . �y. ; Mayor — — � And i � . wirhr:sscs as ro cusrvnccR — ' 1 ty er Approved as to form And '1 Aepartment of I'inance AssisL-aiit City Attorncy Aprroved �ZS to forin and execution this d��y of ,19� � .. A::::isl:�i�� t:i t�y �lC��rncy . . ._ . .___ _,,._._._._..._ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....._ ___ _ _ _ _ __-_-----------_ ___ __.._.__.__._......�. , _ �. :� - �, - ' . ', ; •i�t:un��; nra�� r.c�rir�rc�c�rrs r. �' rlLVI(,'I: t'(�'J�71?('I'(l)�I:; i1Nl) rtAIN I:X'f('.Ntil(1N�: Cu�- 5. iltif: nl� tii'.I:YtCI'.: (i7s .:rrvicc tnny lru trzcd u;�Fy fuc tho � tnmr '�li.�ll l:•�:�:rt lu ('�m���.���y li1�h1•u(-w:ry nn hit picm.itics fu� thC �H>•.cs sct f���tl► i�i Ih� tnt� v�i�i•�lul�. in:t,�! �ti�,u 'suri m:untruuucc u( ilic nerc.�:ary �,i�,rs, unAcr):ruund t�ar xcE�vicc ix-fni�►i.hr�I (ar1Ar.ra�c c�f Cu1lc��+�cr uuty unJ Caslomcr r��n•.! uctic�n, nr��l ;�����t�N�n:�tue:, un�t 11c�11 ��ilhut�l ct���ti��c lu Cunt- yh:�U ntat rcvcil il tu uUtcr �nivun:t. p:�ny �ic�vi�tc :�n�l ri�;�iul:+in an lhc prcuii�.c.,:�t n luc:�tiun s:�ti•.f:�ctury lu t' i�p��ny. ��:��{�r sp:�cc, f:�cilitics ami strurturca ncce�sary for i�r G. COIV'('INLII'1'1' nl� Sf?1tVl(:li: Compiny sftnit cacrcisc duc difi- aIalla i���r of (:v�utnny ti pipiu�:, mctc��� rcf:nl:�lc�ts and apputicn:incct. l:cnrc in urcr��tiny: tt� �,l:�nl t�nJ if il l+� p�rvrutr�f frc�ii► d�tivcring�,:ts C� I���ticr sl�r,11 �rct�:i:l:� ;c?r tt;� sa(CkcCpinF u; :'um�:iny's mcicrs wtwtly or ir�part,ur t:o�,tomcr bc prevrntr,l Cc��m rirri�ir.i:�::�v.:vt,ully unci Ihcr cyi:���mr�ii :�nil tib:tlt �cit�i►•��r.�. C'4,n;p:�ny,fc.� thc cost of �r in part, by t�ny r:uiu; nit[ rcasausbly teithiii coah�c►1, iiictudin�:. tiny Itcr:itiur,� 2v ComP:iny s prc�perly ncccasit:+tcJ by Customcr and �Vithout tiioiiing Uti4 Fcncnlity qf dic [urr{viing, tirc� Cx��tosiun, llvocl, for ry loti, of �r J�nt:igc tu Cuin�:�ny's prot�ctty locatcd on the st�ikc, t�rr:ivoicl:it�lc ncYi�l�n1, ��ipturc of �ipc resulting (rvm tcnti��cr:i- p;cn: es unl�ss t.::�� luss or d:snr�i:c is occasioncd by .:arnp�ny's furc ch:uigc a. brc�u►tJ di�turU:�cfcts, Pedcr:�t, St:ttc oc Al�uiicipal in- nc�;ti citcc p� c;uisc5 Uc�•oud tl�c control oE Custocncr. tcrlcrcr►cc� thc p�riics a�rcc (cxccpt in c:�sc of a prsclira(!y tot�l dcstruction c�f thcir respcctivc rraprrtics or Practic:�lly tut;d snspcnsion 2 1;TLiRS: Co.r,;�ny �vilt furnish, inst�tt a� closc as practicabie of thcir respcctiv� butincsscs), dilibcntl; to put thcir res�cctivc�tiurks to tli s:n•iCC cntr,ncc on Customcr's premiscs, anJ msiniain vnc sct in consition s�ai�� co su{�,�Iy or to mcci��c b:►s as the cnsc may U¢. of m tcring c.;i::, .:cnt [oc dic scrvicc supplicd undcr this AErccmcnE. Conipany shsil ttot b� liat�l4 foc any dan�a�c or luss rc;sultin� from I faw ver, Co::�;- .y may Cor its own coavice�iencc install additional such interrc�ption or snspcnsion or for cts C.�ilurc to rcc�ive nn a�lcquate n�cte foc mc..�uring scnice supplicd under this elErcemeni and in suppty of Eas at suitable pressure from its pipeiine suprliec, nor sh�l sach asc cor;s4n:;.tions rc�;istcrcd r�•ill bc combiucd fur billing pur- eithcr of the sama bc considcrcd a brcach oE this r\brcccncnt, For pnse • interrupt�ons duc to tlie cluscs mcntioncd in this pnrasraph, nn appro- T absolu:c p.�ssure pf the gas as mcasurcd shnll be lhc gauge griate ndjustment will be madc in thc monthly minimiuit chargc pco- press re plw th. r.ormal baromctric pressurc i❑ pounds per squarc �ldccl for in this Asrcemcnt, pcovicicd CusLOmcr sl►aU havc prompdy inch ,�rneii.o o;:•� dccimat placc.Tl�c speciGc�avity of the gas uscd B���n noticc in writin�to Cnri��any at its oltice of any such shutdown iu or cc m�tcrin;corrputntions sl►atl bc obtain:�i oncc each month or ar intcrferencc anci tt�c causc thcrcof. Voluntary shutdotan of th� as fr qu�r.,iy �s r.ecessary foc masonably sr.curate dctecminatioas. plant or prope:rry by Customcr, ae voluntary discontine�ance or sus- C paaf will maintain and tcst its mctering equipmeat in accord- PCOSion oE its business. shall not operate to releas� Customcr frorm ance w�th acc�pted s!andard practicc. ln the evcnt Company's tcst guch monthlg minimum charga. - sho� r�etec errer in exeess of accepted or prescribcd tolerance.Gom- 7,� CO\iPANY'S P.IGFi'r TO DISG[3NTINUE OR CURTATL pan shall male an adjustment of the bills for service during the SUPPLY: Company s1�a11 bavc the right to curtail tha supply of gas cedi che�lest asys Y for�h in Comi a�n s Gerer 1�Rul shand Re ula- scrvice far any of thc fD11oK:ing reasons: where sccvice is �tpplied or. p y S aa interrupdblc basis; whca nccessary to makcc repairs, repl�cemeotia tion Wl�cn meterir.� cquipment fa�ls to register, customer shall pay ar changcs in �onipany's equip�ient; w•hen necessary to camply wiGi an a ount based upen consumptions for compazable operations for any order of any governmenta! suthorityhaving jurisdicdon. a s' lar period. Whea curtailmcnt of the delivery a€ gas hereunder is nccessary� tomer R•il! be responsible for chan;ing recording charts on such curtailment wil! be requested in accordance with Company's cuz- nd ll forwerdf s��n�char�ts to Gom � to be specified by Company ta'riment schedule and,over a reasonable�eriaci of Gmc.all Customers p Y in each classificatioa of such schcdule �v�l be trr..ated ulib;e so far as 3. USTp3fER'S PIPING AND EQUIP�SE�IT: G�stomer shall Practicablc.G�stomer shall suppty Company with names of persvns cuc- insta i his tiipi::g and equipmeni in an approved manner and shall at rently uuthorized to receive and effectuate such euctailmant requests, a!1 t es mair.sun ar.d keep the samc in repair, and comply with all Company shall 6ave the risht to discontinue the supply af gas acrv- rcqu cn:ents of p�,:�lic authorities, if any, having }urisdiction ovcr ice for any of the fottawing reasons: for failure to pay amounts pay- the n��, and, in t;,a event of his failure to do so, or if Company able when due,or to establish credit when rcqucstul; to gr�vcnt fraud find that sLCh pioing aad equipment, in its opinion� is not adequate or abuse; whcn evidence is fouad of diversion of gas, oc tamperin�° and afe,or th�t tce og:ration thereof under existin;conditions is not �✓��h service pipes, areiers, or sppurtenances on Customer's pcemise§; safe Company shail have the right to discon6nue the supply pf gas so when Company is prevented irom furnishing�as secwice to Glistomer !-�:�g as such condi:ions exis� because of want of supply or lacl: of permits or necessary rights-of- A y inspectioa of Customer's piping and equipment by Company is �'�'aY Privileges; whea nccessary to cocuply with a�y order of any gov- :-�r e purcos� oi a��oiding unnecessary interruptions of servicc to its ernmcntal authority ha�ing �urisdictioa; for failure to comply with cu;t ;n�rs or d:.-sa;e to its property and for no other purpose, and Any of the other provisions of Company's rates,rules and regutations. shal not Ue co^stn:ed to impose any liabiIity upon Company to G�s- Any such discontinuance or curtailment of supply skall not relieve tom or any ot2:e; gerson by reason ihercof, and Company shall not Customec frr.an his obtigations to Company. bs I Ulc or resj,onsible for any loss, injury, or dama�e which may g FRANCFiIS�:S, P�P.I�iITS AND RiGI-iTS-OF-�'VAY• Serviee to resu from thc us� of or dcfccts in G�stomer's piping or equipment. be su lied hereunder is contin�ent u � C mpany ma�, T�owever, at aay titne require Clistomer to make �'p o PoB C.ompany having necessary suc chnn es i� �is c ui ment or use thereoE as ma be necessa to franchises,permits,anci rights-of-way during thc term hercof to enable s q p Y ry Company to carcy out the terms of this Agceemert� elin ate a�ny l:aza;dous conditivn or any injurious effect wttich the op�. tioa bf Customer's equipment may have on Company's em- 9, WAN�R 4F RTGHTS OR DEFAULTS:No dclay by Compahy plo es, equipn:ent, or service. in enforcing any of its.rights shaYT be deemed a wai�•er of suc�h rigbis, 4. CCL�S Td CUST011ER'S PREMISES: Company cepresenta- nor shall a waivec by Company of any af Custon3er's defaults bc tive when prorerty identifieJ,sUall have acczss io Customer's prem- decmed a waiver of any other or subsequent defaults. ises t al! reaso:zb;c Eimes for thc purpose of reading meters, making 10. DELAYS• Ncither parry shaIl bc Iiable foc deTays not reasoaabty rep s, mal:ing i�sp�ctions, removing Company's property,or for any witl�in its control, incIuding delays caused by inability to secure ar oth purpose i^cJ�nt to the service. nplace materials or suppGzs necessary to pertorm the work contem- . plated hereia, nor shall any such delay be deemed a breach of any obligatIon t�creunder. . 11. It is vnderstood that this agreement is subject ta t�e �uthcri�► of aay regulatory body having jurisdict'ron heceof. " . ' • . � � , . . , ' � - ' . ' . ` , � � (I'r�� �.+ �2� •� - �.:,� p� ��� � . �.stJ��'�a7 � risp N O R T H E R N 5 T A T E 5 P O W E R C O M P A N Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 November 19, 1975 _ �7 `�'� �• �� i• i p�+; ,),,,� .\ � �4 �y �1�_: �� � �. ���,.A �;i"T�Y AT�' ';.cr`"-'! Mr. Thomas J. Stearns Assistant City Attorney City of Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Stearns: Enclosed are four copies of the Interruptible Ga.s Service Agree- ment for service to 1000 Pacific Street for the Department of Community Services that you requested be sent to you before signing by NSP officials. When you return the copies to me, I'l1 have them signed by NSP officials and returned to you for city officials� signatures. Will the "Interruptible Gas Service Curtailment Notification" forms for both 1000 Pacific Street and 130 N. Smith Avenue be returned with names immediately? If you have any questions, call me on 221-4373. Yours very truly, � �'�� I. ��rk/ W. T. Jeshnson Energ�Consultant - Engineer WTJ;ed encs.