266442 WH17E - CI TY CLERK PINK✓ - FINANCE � COIlIICll � . CANARV - DEPARTMENT GI.TY � OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ������ BLUE � - MAYOR " � ' olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�VHEftEAS, the City Council approved the Year I Community Development Block Grant Program of $18,835,000.00 by Council File No. 265033, adopted February 20, 1975; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development approved this grant on May 9, 1975; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a mid-year review of the Community Development Program on November 20, 1975; and WHEREAS, the mid-year revie�v indicated the need for various revisions in project budgets; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the attached project budget adjustments are made for the remainder of the Community Development Block Grant Year I . COU[�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen ]�3� Hunt In Favor R�e D ��! Against BY Tedesco President�� � �, � ,�� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By _ Appro Ma e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By PUBLfSHED DEC 61�7� ' November 20, 1975 � ' REV I SED COMMUN I TY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT YEAR I BUDGET � � I^l-� L.,� ��� � � � Pro,ject Title Oriqinal Budqet Chanqe Revised Budqet Phalen ITA 300,000 (54,000) 246,000 City-Wide Rehabilitation Grants 600,000 350,000 950,000 Code Enforcement in CRP�s (six areas) 300,000 ( 150,000) 150,000 House Recyciing 400,000 (200,000) 200,000 Payne Avenue Parking 100,000 20,000 120,000 Selby Avenue Acquisition (Dale to Grotto} 341 ,000 200,000 541 ,000 St. James Church Area Redevelopment 243,000 18,000 261 ,000 S.E. Quadrant (Angus Annex) 225,000 (225,000) -0- Marshall-Webster Housemoving 330,000 (210,000) 120,000 Uni-Dale Shopping Center Acquisition--HELP Develop. Corp. -0- 361 ,000 361 ,000 South St. Anthony Rec. Building 370,000 75,000 445,000 Block 35 Acquisition (Red Cross Block) 281 ,200 88,000 369,200 Hammond School Site Acquisition & Expansion 783,550 53,000 836,550 Public Improvements in Concentrated Rehab Projects 900,000 60,000 960,000 West Seventh--Kipps Glen Terrace 10,000 381 ,360 391 ,360 Rodent Control 50,000 ( 13,500) 36,500 Marydale Park Improvements 35,000 25,000 60,000 Hamline-Hague Park 75,000 (25,000) 50,000 Support Services (HRA) 1 ,407,657 ( 113,000) 1 ,294,657 Office of Mayor--Community Development Administration 95,343 46,075 141 ,418 Community Development Affirmative Action Program--Human Rights & Personnel Departments -0- 38,425 38,425 Hammond School Site Public lmprovements 62,450 22,500 84,950 � November 20, 1975 ' . • REVISED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT YEAR I BUDGET � I\ � u � v � � Pro,ject Title Oriqinal Budget Chanqe Revised Budqet Phalen ITA 300,000 (54,000) 246,000 City-Wide Rehabilitation Grants 600,000 350,000 950,000 Code Enforcement in CRP�s � (six areas) 300,000 ( 150,000) 150,000 House Recycling 400,000 (200,000) 200,000 Payne Avenue Parking 100,000 20,000 120,000 Selby Avenue Acquisition (Dale to Grotto} ' � 341 ,000 200,000 541 ,000 St. James Church Area Redevelopment 243,000 18,000 261 ,000 S.E. Quadrant (Angus Annex? ' 225,000 (225,000) -0- Marshall-Webster Housemoving 330,000 (210,000) 120,000 Uni-Dale Shopping Center Acquisition--HELP Develop. Corp. -0- 361 ,000 361 ,000 South St. Anthony Rec. Building 370,000 75,000 445,000 Block 35 Acquisition (Red Cross Block) 281 ,200 88,000 369,200 Hammond School Site Acquisition b Expansion 783,550 53,000 836,550 Public Improvements in Concentrated Rehab Projects 900,000 60,000 960,000 West Seventh--Kipps Glen Terrace 10,000 381 ,360 391 ,360 Rodent Control 50,000 ( 13,500) 36,500 Marydale Park Improvements 35,000 25,000 60,000 Hamline-Hague Park 75,000 (25,000) 50,000 Support Services (HRA) 1 ,407,657 ( 113,000) 1 ,294,657 Office of Mayor--Community , Development Administration 95,343 46,075 141 ,418 Community Development Affirmative Action Program--Human Rights b Personnel Departments -0- 38,425 38,425 Har�xnond Schoo I S i te Pub I i c Improvements 62,450 22,500 84,950 . November 20, 1975 • . . REVISED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT YEAR I BUDGET � � �jl-�� 2 \ Project Title Original Budget Change Revised Budget Phalen ITA 300,000 (54,000) 246,000 City-Wide Rehabilitation Grants 600,000 350,000 950,000 Code Enforcement in CRP's (six areas) 300,000 ( 150,000) 150,000 House Recycling 400,000 (200,000) 200,000 Payne Avenue Parking 100,000 20,000 120,000 Selby Avenue Acquisition (Dale to Grotto) ' 341 ,000 200,000 541 ,000 St. James Church Area I Redevelopment 243,000 18,000 261 ,000 I S.E. Quadrant , (Angus Annex) 225,000 (225,000) -0- ' Marshall-Webster Housemoving 330,000 (210,000) 120,000 Uni-Dale Shopping Center Acquisition--HELP Develop. Corp. -0- 361 ,000 361 ,000 South St. Anthony Rec. Building 370,000 75,000 445,000 Block 35 Acquisition (Red Cross Block) 281 ,200 88,000 369,200 Hammond School Site Acquisition & Expansion 783,550 53,000 836,550 Public Improvements in Concentrated Rehab Projects 900,000 . 60,000 960,000 West Seventh--Kipps Glen Terrace 10,000 381 ,360 391 ,360 Rodent Control 50,000 ( 13,500) 36,500 Marydale Park Improvements 35,000 25,000 60,000 Hamline-Hague Park 75,000 (25,000) 50,000 Support Services (HRA) 1 ,407,657 ( 113,000) 1 ,294,657 Oftice of Mayor--Community Development Administration 95,343 46,075 141 ,418 Community Development Affirmative Action Program--Human Rights $ Personnel Departments -0- 38,425 38,425 Harr�ond School Site Public Improvements 62,450 22,500 84,950