01-951ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Councii File # O�— � 5� Green Sheet # 106811 Committee Date �� 1 An administrative Resolution approving, in accordance with Civil Service 2 Rule 8.A.6, a pilot project called, the Saint Paul Public Works Competency 3 Modeling Project, and the accompanying letters of agreement with 4 SPSO and AFSCME Technical #1842 which govern the administration 5 ofthis pilot project � 7 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubiic Works has determined that a competency-based job classification system is required to better meet succession and workforce planning needs, and WHEREAS, the Department ofPublic Works and the Office ofHuman Resources have conducted 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a collaborative process that has developed a new competency-based job ciassification system for the Civil Technician Job Family and a corresponding administrative procedure, and WIIEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide more flexibility in duty assignments based on employee-demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly-defined class specifications, and WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to better support the vision and mission ofthe Department ofPublic Works, and WFIEREAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, permits theHumanResources Director to conduct pilot and/or research projects desi�ned to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and refenal and/or appointment process for filling City positions, and WE3LREAS, the City of Saint Paul Office ofHuman Resources and SPSO and AFSCME Technical #1842, representing the employees in the Civil Technician job classifications affected by the Public Works Competency Modeling Project, have met and agreed upon the implementation strategies 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 R �� f��, o,-�S� contained within the pilot pro�ec ocu ave agreed upon the modification of certain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached I.etters of Agreement governin� the administration of the Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this pilot project shail be upon adoption of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the adoption of this resolution unless action is taken otherwise prior to the expiration date, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Public Works shall suhmit a final report to the City Council, three months prior to the expiration of the pilot project period. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom � Coleman � IIa.t'r(S � Lantry �� Reiter � 0 p Adopted by Council: Dated ..'t ? o q� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary S Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources B �e1 C . ��p�� V Form A proved b City Attomey �"��`-� � �/� g �,2��v. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� /�9�� M • �.�, : �' 1`uf 2�t ���� � ��15��. �/�'.�, �i.._ L 2 ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII.: - DATE INITIATED �� C I �� � � � , HumTn Resowces GREEN SI3� Lv,q O�-'l5\ 8/23/Oi '^�!i � R 200� ro�A�P�N&PHO�: �ATTORNEY �`� 70hn ShOCk10y (266-6482) t DEPAR]MEM' D �� 3? O j a crrrco�ca ASSIGNID 2CIIYATIDRNEY ���[fYCLERK MiJSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� `��� � ROUTL�iG �ppipqy�VDDC FQlnNCiA1.SFJCV/ACCIG ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSI'.) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) _� G�1iu v..••• wcriorr �ussr�en: Approval of a pilot project titled "Competency Modeling ProjecP' an accompanying letters of agreement. AUG 3 0 2001 RE('AbAffiNDATIONS: Approve (A) mReject (R) PEftSONAL SERVICE CON112ACTS M[JST ANSWII2 TI� FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: 1. Fiasiltisperwdfvmeverworkedundaacontrac[frntLisdePazrmrnt? _PLANNINGCOMYffSSION Yes No CIDCAbAdI"f18E 2 HazNispersodlvmeverbeenaciryemployee? __ _ CIVII.SERVICECObAiIISSION Yes No __ -�. -. --•-_-. --. '- . 3. Dcesthispersodfumpossessaski]InanormallypossesaedbyanycwremcilYemPloyee? Yes No 4. Is tltis persodfifm a Wge[ed vendor� Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on sepante Sheet end aMech to g[¢en Sheet uircin.�cixcrxoaLEM,issvs,oreoxruxrrYnvno,wn�,wn�,wne«,wny�:In July of 1999, the Department ofPublic Works established a Succession and Workforce Plam�ing Team. As there will be a number of anticipated retirements of Engineering Aides and Technicians over the neart few years, the Team proposed the development of a competency- based job classification system for the Public Works Technician positions. A Public Works Technician Competency Working Group was convened. Ttus working group developed the attached Competency Modelina Project for the job family. This is a pilot project, in accordance with Civil Service Rute 8.A.6., which is also attached, having a duration ofthree yeacs. nuvaNTacES iF arrxovEn: The pilot project will enable Public Works to use the developed competencies as the basis for fizture selection (both hiring and promotions), training, education, and development, recruitment, and performance management. This system also establishes an administrative structure that allows Public Works to deternvne employee competency and maintain ongoing lists of employees eligible for promotion, resulting in future vacancies to be filled more quickiy. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: N011C. nisanvnrrracESiFrroTarrxovEn:. The goals and objectives ofPublic Works regarding succession and workforce plaru�iug will not be met, specifically, time lines for filling future vacancies will not be reduced. ToTai, nMOUrrz oa T�nrsncriorr: There aze no additional salary costs associated with this project. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes RECE(VED FuNnnvG Sou�tc�: AUG 2 9 200i ACTIVITI' NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) M'AYOR'S OFFICE G:\Shared�HR-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�Public. Works�PW.EA-Tech.Pilot\GREENSHT. WPD O\-`151 City of Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technician Supervisor Defining Competencies/Competency-Based Systems Competencies are the knowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors associated with successful performance on the job. Some examples are problem solving, analytical thinking, and leadership. Competency-based classification systems ailow organizations to move beyond the old "box" on the organizational chart which was a strict set of duties defining a job. Competencies promote more fle3cibility and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They also allow the organization to develop other human resource systems, e.g., employee development, recruitment and selection, and performance management. In July 1999, the Public Works Succession and Workforce Planning Team proposed that the Department focus their attention on a number of high-priority tasks, which would position the Department for the future: A driving reason for action is the anticipated retirement of several engineers and technicians in the next few years. One of several goals the Pianning Team established, given the anticipated retirements, was to develop a competency-based system. In this case, a competency system would show employees what future job success would require and what development and training should be undertaken to meet the fixture requirements. Work began with the Civil Engineering positions, and has continued with the Technician positions, both identified as ciasses of positions likely to be most affected by future retirements. A Civi] Engineering Technician Competency Working Group was convened. Its charge was to develop competencies and an implementation plan for the Technician class series. The Working Group recommends the following: Use competencies as the basis for future training, education, and development, recruitment and selection, and performance management within Public Works. Estabiish one set of shared competencies for all positions within Public Works, namely: EducationaURegistration Requirements; Technical Expertise; Project & Program Management; Communications; Teamwork, Management, and Leadership; and Customer Service. Establish an administrative structure to determine competency, which is outlined in the next section of this document. Page 1 of 6 o�-1s� Envisioning the Future Deternuning what Technician positions mi�ht look like in the future is a challenge. The Working Group focused its efforts upon defining what success for Technicians would look like. How do we go about defining what would constitute competency, and how do we ensure that Public Works employees will be successful in the foreseeable future? There is an understanding that Technician positions could well become more difficult to fill in the future due to the increasing competitive environment resulting from private engineering firms and other public jurisdictions seeking the same employees. How we recruit for positions in the future, how quickly we can hire individuals, and how competitive our salaries and other benefits are will have a huge influence upon our future success. The Working Group made the following assumptions as part of their work: Six levels of Technician: Engineering Aide I and II, Public Works Technician I, II, and III, and Engineering Technician Supervisor will be maintained. ■ That all existing Public Works Engineering Aides, Technicians, and Engineering Technician Supervisors currently meet the wmpetency levels defined in ihe "Saint Paul Pubiic Works: Civii Engineering Technician 3ob Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000. Using Competency-Based Systems How will competencies be demonstrated? Who will do the competency evaluations? How often will they be done? What organizationat stnxcture is necessary to effectively administer the competency system that has been developed? What other systems should be linked to the competencies developed? The Working Group addresses these questions in their recommendations found in this section oftheir report. Administrative Structure ■ Establish a three-member Competency Review Board (CRB) within the Department of Public Works. Composition ofthe three-member panel is recommended to be comprised of: one supervisor, either an Engineering Technician Supervisor or a Supervising Engineer, and two technicians of the same or higher level than the position being evaluated. ■ Create Operating Guidelines to direct the deliberations of the Competency Review Boazd. The Working Group reviewed the Administrative Csuidelines developed for the Civil Engineering Competency Review Board dated December 20, 2000, which is attached. They concur with the guidelines with one exception. Working Group members strongly recommend that applicants should received summary notes related to the Board's scoring on each competency. Page 2 of 6 D1- 45t ■ Convene the CRB periodically and regularly, e.g., quarterly or more frequently if necessary. ✓ The convener of the Board should be the Personnel Liaison for the Department. The Personne] Liaison will configure the board with technicians and supervisors at the appropriate leveis who will be asked to serve as board members. ✓ The Personnel Liaison will keep a record of the Competency Review Board's competency detemrinations, maintaining a cunent list of internal promotional candidates for future technician position vacancies. ✓ Employees wiil be responsibie for producing evidence that they have the education, certificates, and registrations required. ✓ Competency Certification, once achieved, remains cunent until the Competency Matrix is revised and new requirements aze added. ✓ When revisions to the Competency Matrix are contemplated, the Working Group recommends that an affected-employee group be brought together to review the proposed revisions, said group to include union representation. ✓ Have the Competency Review Board use a four-point, 75% pass/fail rating scale similar to that proposed for the Civii Engineering series. ✓ The two reasons for convening the panel are: - Technician position(s) becomes available within the Department, or - Empioyees may make a rec�uest for certification review when they believe they have attained the required competency. ■ Provide a feedback process for employees regarding the Competency Review Board's determinations, e.g., what specifically should an employee work on to achieve competency. The Personnel Liaison should provide this feedback to employees on behalf of the Board members. ■ Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when necessary. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paui Civii Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining agreement between the City and AFSCME and SPSO. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regarding the substantive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission. Page 3 of 6 0\-q5t Hiring/Promotions and Testing The Working Group agrees that Public Works should adhere to the certification process outlined for both new hires and promotional applicants. There is a belief that the level and compleadty of the screening and testing for entry-level hires and current employees should be differentiated. These differences are outlined below. Promotion, using the competency matrix, is not automatic. Promotion, as has been the case in the past, remains a management decision in that a position must be vacant and a decision to fill that position must be made by management. ■ Use the December 21, 2000 Civil Engineering Technician Tob Family Competency Matri�c developed by the Working Group to hire and promote Technicians. ■ Replace the current Job Specs with the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix developed by Public Works and Human Resources. Hiring from the outside, either entry level hiring or hiring at higher levels of the Technician series if no candidates are available internally, shou(d be done using the minimum quals estabtished for each Technician level and the adopted "Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix," using the Competency Review Board to conduct the competency review. Promoting from within, shaii be done based upon the Competency Review Board's competency certification recommendations and the selected testing methodology. The Working Group suggests that the testing methodology for intema] candidates would include a training and experience evaluation and may include an oral interview and/or presentation. ■ Develop and utilize a competency evaluation system for Technicians to establish a list o£ promotional candidates. ■ Use pass/fail testing for promotional positions, following the current Civil Service Rule on the subject. Training, Education, and Development Empioyee Responsibilities: The role of individuals and employees is one of personal responsibility to maintain their own competence and marketability. Employees should demonstrate competency to perform their cunent job and look for ways to prepare for the future. Employees will be expected to exercise personal responsibility for their own training, education, and development, in essence, attaining and maintaining their competence. Page 4 of 6 0\•q5\ Employer Responsibilities: Public Works, as the employer, has a responsibility and a corrunitment to assist employees to attain and maintain their competence, since competent employees benefit both the organization as a whole and the individual employees within the organization. In addition to maintaining competency for one's current position, Public Works should provide employees with career development options, e.g., rotation, cross-training, education and development opportunities. Again, the belief is that this benefits both individuals and the organization. ■ Ensure that training and development is offered, either internally or e�ctemally, in the core competency areas identified in the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000. ✓ Department- or Division-specific training should be offered by Public Works, e.g., CAD or other technical training. ✓ Request that the City provide generic training, e.g., communications or program/project management. Provide adequate funding and allow time for training, education, and development opportunities necessary to maintain employee competencies. ✓ The Department should pay for training, education, and development opportunities specific to current job assignment. ✓ The Department should establish a departmental training budget to cover empioyees' cross-division training to move across Divisional lines. ✓ The Department should pay for emptoyee training, education, and development that allows employees to move within a series or from one series to another, e.g., Technician to Engineer. ✓ Continue to use City tuition reimbursement where applicable. ■ Find ways to develop employees, thus increasing their individual competency and value to the organization. ✓ Opportunities aze available for mobility assignments, special project assigntnents, or rotation within the Department. Rotation is seen as a more systematic approach, with an established time period, to gain experience in multiple Divisions. Mobility assignments are seen as being more employee driven and could be for longer periods oftime depending upon the assignment or special project undertaken. Page 5 of 6 O�-'lS 1 Performance Management In the Spring of 2000, the Managing City Operations Team recommended to Mayor Norm Coleman that the City undertake an intensive "Performance ManagemenP' approach within all City Departments to reduce spending and increase productivity. The competitive environment we work in demands that attention be focused on managing job performance. This means performance management is more than simply filling out an annual performance evaluation. Performance management is instead focused on the management responsibilities of plamiing, observing, evaluating, developing measurements, and job performance indicators. The development of core competencies is a critical component to improve effectiveness, ef£iciency, and productivity within Public Works. The question before us then becomes how individual and organizationai competencies aze woven into a performance management system. The Technician Competency Working Group has developed a set of shared competencies, which we believe should be implemented across the Department, while emphasizing specific aspects of Technician positions. As Public Works strives to implement the Succession and Workforce Plan, it will be important to weave the work done by this Work Group into the work proposed £or Task 3.3 Establish a Performance Management System within Public Works -(Medium Priority) and Task 2.6 Develop Ways to Measure and Incorporate Competencies into the Performance Management System -(Lowest Priority). Because the competencies are being adapted step-by-step for each job class series, the Working Group suggests that Performance Management, as defined by Task 3.3 and 2.6, be implemented as competencies are developed for the vazious classifications. ■ Educate Managers and Technicians on the Competency Matrix and train Managers on how to incorporate competencies into performance reviews. ■ Incorporate competencies into "Annual Employee Performance Evaluations" used within Public Works. ✓ Use the core competencies identified in the Civil Engineering Technician 7ob Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000 to revamp the Perfonnance Evaluations. ✓ Each Technician within Public Works should have an annual competency development planning discussion as part of their performance evaluation. This discussion wouid inciude areas to attain/maintain competency for current position, and/or a discussion of how to attain future competency. When holding these annual discussions with employees, use competency evaluation data from the Competency Review Board if that is available Dated: March 20, 2001 G:VShared�HR-CompMencies�Pibt.ProjzMS�Publia W orks�PW.EA-Tech.Piloflcomp.model.documrn432001.wpd Page 6 of 6 � y � c� 1 Il � � 4 ♦i � G °' � � U °' N I� � :� U � 1�.'. w � N y O � � •V O n� �� � U � y � F T � � � u ,� d d er � o U •� V L7 vQ W W � � 3 V � � a G � � _ "_saja ^+vre � ,.? - `> �. y N 0 � �" C � . T.�: p �0 �' � T '�'�t#.e =mv=o�g �'r'�' �� a� 3 0. `o 0 � �a=�d�" z,� ` Ol ' � mv a n' ' � V r C ' N L ' .�<Oi=.'� j c�i ` Q] � C U Q `�'y' O C � F!,_m, s d v m.°�' ° a� o -' T m C..�. Z� > N L ��Js U L' ' � '� 'J' y 'J' .- w c � S`o v a F a�i 'm a � r q���'_. ,a a m w '^°' T r p�".. 5 m v o3 o m � S m�2' �a m o 34 ca a>+� �__ ' � �_ oawoa _ �° �"' �. �� . .°'. y�> tO � m m C7 Q' E 4°. ° e �,�. - � V C�.7 C �... d C'� N 9 � U , ? 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Q6'o°�aw3 ..°a�. �oC�`o... 7�o n.° Q� � :, '-. �� � � � � G; Y g� . � a - :��`��;" - - c ' � �a:-= a 5 ..y':.': ; : ^ `��' c ,. 3:.' . ` 3 � v::., �: �� � ,`d_, m o �, . a .�z. i a•� � o . y. f.o +y � °J P C9 ���Y4S :C _" °�a m � m s`•i+t: � z ea.-< �� o � 3 '�'�ii•r� :x� � $ m � o` � ;,d 4; ° � .,�-� ^ 3 ._ S��,y� C'O ..P. u G T �' ' '� U O u � � � � _ . G �� � � � P ;' �� c � � 9 E � � U � : � t i' � c: k°. �. o A U � - �' a a U ° °—' s , '�', L �s � � q � G ° v y�. i CQ Y " O 4 N OD O .'�.. �C.' � 6 _ �. t x ���� � � a�i a 7 4 Q � � O r W a 0�-q5� 2001 Letter of Agreement 0 �-°�S 1 In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council #14, Technical #1842 hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician Supervisor dated March 20, 2001 and the "Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matri�c dated December 21, 2001." The City and AFSCME agree that the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Department ofPublic Works who hold posirions allocated to the Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician III and who aze represented by AFSCME. The City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to deternvne eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Public Works Engineering Aide II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III classes in the Department ofPublic Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall a11ow for promotion eligible lists established for Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department ofPublic Works to remain in effect indefinitely. It is agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bargaining agreement between the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall be subject to the Civil Service grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive deternunations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 20, 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician Supervisor document. It is fixrther agreed that reviews by the City and AFSCME shall occur at six-month intervals. The reviews are for the purpose of assessing how the implementation process outlined in the March 20, 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technician Supervisor document is progressing. � � 7 Hamilton, Human Resources Director �� ��� Kurt Errickson, Business Representative AFSCME Technical #1842 �� � � at erine Megarry Labor Relations Director ' Q n�?..,,� Robin Madsen, President AFSCME Technical #1842 � 2001 Letter of Agreement ot-1s� In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8_A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineezing Technician Supervisor dated March 2Q 2001 and the "Civil Engineering Technician Job Fanvly Competency Matris dated December Zl, 2001." The City and SPSO agree that the agreements shall apply to those employees of the Department of Public Works who hold positions allocated to Engineering Technician Supervisor and who are represented by SPSO. The City and SPSO agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., passffail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to detern�ine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Engineering Technician Supervisor class in the Department of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligibie Lists) shall allow for promorion eligible lists established for Engineering Technician Supervisor vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect inde6nitely. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the cunent collective bargaining agreement between the City and SPSO. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive deternvnations of the Competency Review Panei shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 2Q 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineer Aide I- Engineeri Technic' Supervisor document. �H_� Human Resources Director 4� Ka enne Megarry Labor Relarions Dire r � � � Helga essler, resident Saint Paul Supervisors Organization ��: � �3 � 0 ► G:�9hared�HR-CompetenciesRPAotProjectslPnblieW orka�PW.EA-TechA7ot�Letter.ot.Agree42301 SPSO.wpd ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Councii File # O�— � 5� Green Sheet # 106811 Committee Date �� 1 An administrative Resolution approving, in accordance with Civil Service 2 Rule 8.A.6, a pilot project called, the Saint Paul Public Works Competency 3 Modeling Project, and the accompanying letters of agreement with 4 SPSO and AFSCME Technical #1842 which govern the administration 5 ofthis pilot project � 7 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubiic Works has determined that a competency-based job classification system is required to better meet succession and workforce planning needs, and WHEREAS, the Department ofPublic Works and the Office ofHuman Resources have conducted 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a collaborative process that has developed a new competency-based job ciassification system for the Civil Technician Job Family and a corresponding administrative procedure, and WIIEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide more flexibility in duty assignments based on employee-demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly-defined class specifications, and WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to better support the vision and mission ofthe Department ofPublic Works, and WFIEREAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, permits theHumanResources Director to conduct pilot and/or research projects desi�ned to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and refenal and/or appointment process for filling City positions, and WE3LREAS, the City of Saint Paul Office ofHuman Resources and SPSO and AFSCME Technical #1842, representing the employees in the Civil Technician job classifications affected by the Public Works Competency Modeling Project, have met and agreed upon the implementation strategies 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 R �� f��, o,-�S� contained within the pilot pro�ec ocu ave agreed upon the modification of certain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached I.etters of Agreement governin� the administration of the Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this pilot project shail be upon adoption of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the adoption of this resolution unless action is taken otherwise prior to the expiration date, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Public Works shall suhmit a final report to the City Council, three months prior to the expiration of the pilot project period. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom � Coleman � IIa.t'r(S � Lantry �� Reiter � 0 p Adopted by Council: Dated ..'t ? o q� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary S Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources B �e1 C . ��p�� V Form A proved b City Attomey �"��`-� � �/� g �,2��v. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� /�9�� M • �.�, : �' 1`uf 2�t ���� � ��15��. �/�'.�, �i.._ L 2 ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII.: - DATE INITIATED �� C I �� � � � , HumTn Resowces GREEN SI3� Lv,q O�-'l5\ 8/23/Oi '^�!i � R 200� ro�A�P�N&PHO�: �ATTORNEY �`� 70hn ShOCk10y (266-6482) t DEPAR]MEM' D �� 3? O j a crrrco�ca ASSIGNID 2CIIYATIDRNEY ���[fYCLERK MiJSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� `��� � ROUTL�iG �ppipqy�VDDC FQlnNCiA1.SFJCV/ACCIG ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSI'.) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) _� G�1iu v..••• wcriorr �ussr�en: Approval of a pilot project titled "Competency Modeling ProjecP' an accompanying letters of agreement. AUG 3 0 2001 RE('AbAffiNDATIONS: Approve (A) mReject (R) PEftSONAL SERVICE CON112ACTS M[JST ANSWII2 TI� FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: 1. Fiasiltisperwdfvmeverworkedundaacontrac[frntLisdePazrmrnt? _PLANNINGCOMYffSSION Yes No CIDCAbAdI"f18E 2 HazNispersodlvmeverbeenaciryemployee? __ _ CIVII.SERVICECObAiIISSION Yes No __ -�. -. --•-_-. --. '- . 3. Dcesthispersodfumpossessaski]InanormallypossesaedbyanycwremcilYemPloyee? Yes No 4. Is tltis persodfifm a Wge[ed vendor� Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on sepante Sheet end aMech to g[¢en Sheet uircin.�cixcrxoaLEM,issvs,oreoxruxrrYnvno,wn�,wn�,wne«,wny�:In July of 1999, the Department ofPublic Works established a Succession and Workforce Plam�ing Team. As there will be a number of anticipated retirements of Engineering Aides and Technicians over the neart few years, the Team proposed the development of a competency- based job classification system for the Public Works Technician positions. A Public Works Technician Competency Working Group was convened. Ttus working group developed the attached Competency Modelina Project for the job family. This is a pilot project, in accordance with Civil Service Rute 8.A.6., which is also attached, having a duration ofthree yeacs. nuvaNTacES iF arrxovEn: The pilot project will enable Public Works to use the developed competencies as the basis for fizture selection (both hiring and promotions), training, education, and development, recruitment, and performance management. This system also establishes an administrative structure that allows Public Works to deternvne employee competency and maintain ongoing lists of employees eligible for promotion, resulting in future vacancies to be filled more quickiy. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: N011C. nisanvnrrracESiFrroTarrxovEn:. The goals and objectives ofPublic Works regarding succession and workforce plaru�iug will not be met, specifically, time lines for filling future vacancies will not be reduced. ToTai, nMOUrrz oa T�nrsncriorr: There aze no additional salary costs associated with this project. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes RECE(VED FuNnnvG Sou�tc�: AUG 2 9 200i ACTIVITI' NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) M'AYOR'S OFFICE G:\Shared�HR-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�Public. Works�PW.EA-Tech.Pilot\GREENSHT. WPD O\-`151 City of Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technician Supervisor Defining Competencies/Competency-Based Systems Competencies are the knowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors associated with successful performance on the job. Some examples are problem solving, analytical thinking, and leadership. Competency-based classification systems ailow organizations to move beyond the old "box" on the organizational chart which was a strict set of duties defining a job. Competencies promote more fle3cibility and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They also allow the organization to develop other human resource systems, e.g., employee development, recruitment and selection, and performance management. In July 1999, the Public Works Succession and Workforce Planning Team proposed that the Department focus their attention on a number of high-priority tasks, which would position the Department for the future: A driving reason for action is the anticipated retirement of several engineers and technicians in the next few years. One of several goals the Pianning Team established, given the anticipated retirements, was to develop a competency-based system. In this case, a competency system would show employees what future job success would require and what development and training should be undertaken to meet the fixture requirements. Work began with the Civil Engineering positions, and has continued with the Technician positions, both identified as ciasses of positions likely to be most affected by future retirements. A Civi] Engineering Technician Competency Working Group was convened. Its charge was to develop competencies and an implementation plan for the Technician class series. The Working Group recommends the following: Use competencies as the basis for future training, education, and development, recruitment and selection, and performance management within Public Works. Estabiish one set of shared competencies for all positions within Public Works, namely: EducationaURegistration Requirements; Technical Expertise; Project & Program Management; Communications; Teamwork, Management, and Leadership; and Customer Service. Establish an administrative structure to determine competency, which is outlined in the next section of this document. Page 1 of 6 o�-1s� Envisioning the Future Deternuning what Technician positions mi�ht look like in the future is a challenge. The Working Group focused its efforts upon defining what success for Technicians would look like. How do we go about defining what would constitute competency, and how do we ensure that Public Works employees will be successful in the foreseeable future? There is an understanding that Technician positions could well become more difficult to fill in the future due to the increasing competitive environment resulting from private engineering firms and other public jurisdictions seeking the same employees. How we recruit for positions in the future, how quickly we can hire individuals, and how competitive our salaries and other benefits are will have a huge influence upon our future success. The Working Group made the following assumptions as part of their work: Six levels of Technician: Engineering Aide I and II, Public Works Technician I, II, and III, and Engineering Technician Supervisor will be maintained. ■ That all existing Public Works Engineering Aides, Technicians, and Engineering Technician Supervisors currently meet the wmpetency levels defined in ihe "Saint Paul Pubiic Works: Civii Engineering Technician 3ob Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000. Using Competency-Based Systems How will competencies be demonstrated? Who will do the competency evaluations? How often will they be done? What organizationat stnxcture is necessary to effectively administer the competency system that has been developed? What other systems should be linked to the competencies developed? The Working Group addresses these questions in their recommendations found in this section oftheir report. Administrative Structure ■ Establish a three-member Competency Review Board (CRB) within the Department of Public Works. Composition ofthe three-member panel is recommended to be comprised of: one supervisor, either an Engineering Technician Supervisor or a Supervising Engineer, and two technicians of the same or higher level than the position being evaluated. ■ Create Operating Guidelines to direct the deliberations of the Competency Review Boazd. The Working Group reviewed the Administrative Csuidelines developed for the Civil Engineering Competency Review Board dated December 20, 2000, which is attached. They concur with the guidelines with one exception. Working Group members strongly recommend that applicants should received summary notes related to the Board's scoring on each competency. Page 2 of 6 D1- 45t ■ Convene the CRB periodically and regularly, e.g., quarterly or more frequently if necessary. ✓ The convener of the Board should be the Personnel Liaison for the Department. The Personne] Liaison will configure the board with technicians and supervisors at the appropriate leveis who will be asked to serve as board members. ✓ The Personnel Liaison will keep a record of the Competency Review Board's competency detemrinations, maintaining a cunent list of internal promotional candidates for future technician position vacancies. ✓ Employees wiil be responsibie for producing evidence that they have the education, certificates, and registrations required. ✓ Competency Certification, once achieved, remains cunent until the Competency Matrix is revised and new requirements aze added. ✓ When revisions to the Competency Matrix are contemplated, the Working Group recommends that an affected-employee group be brought together to review the proposed revisions, said group to include union representation. ✓ Have the Competency Review Board use a four-point, 75% pass/fail rating scale similar to that proposed for the Civii Engineering series. ✓ The two reasons for convening the panel are: - Technician position(s) becomes available within the Department, or - Empioyees may make a rec�uest for certification review when they believe they have attained the required competency. ■ Provide a feedback process for employees regarding the Competency Review Board's determinations, e.g., what specifically should an employee work on to achieve competency. The Personnel Liaison should provide this feedback to employees on behalf of the Board members. ■ Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when necessary. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paui Civii Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining agreement between the City and AFSCME and SPSO. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regarding the substantive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission. Page 3 of 6 0\-q5t Hiring/Promotions and Testing The Working Group agrees that Public Works should adhere to the certification process outlined for both new hires and promotional applicants. There is a belief that the level and compleadty of the screening and testing for entry-level hires and current employees should be differentiated. These differences are outlined below. Promotion, using the competency matrix, is not automatic. Promotion, as has been the case in the past, remains a management decision in that a position must be vacant and a decision to fill that position must be made by management. ■ Use the December 21, 2000 Civil Engineering Technician Tob Family Competency Matri�c developed by the Working Group to hire and promote Technicians. ■ Replace the current Job Specs with the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix developed by Public Works and Human Resources. Hiring from the outside, either entry level hiring or hiring at higher levels of the Technician series if no candidates are available internally, shou(d be done using the minimum quals estabtished for each Technician level and the adopted "Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix," using the Competency Review Board to conduct the competency review. Promoting from within, shaii be done based upon the Competency Review Board's competency certification recommendations and the selected testing methodology. The Working Group suggests that the testing methodology for intema] candidates would include a training and experience evaluation and may include an oral interview and/or presentation. ■ Develop and utilize a competency evaluation system for Technicians to establish a list o£ promotional candidates. ■ Use pass/fail testing for promotional positions, following the current Civil Service Rule on the subject. Training, Education, and Development Empioyee Responsibilities: The role of individuals and employees is one of personal responsibility to maintain their own competence and marketability. Employees should demonstrate competency to perform their cunent job and look for ways to prepare for the future. Employees will be expected to exercise personal responsibility for their own training, education, and development, in essence, attaining and maintaining their competence. Page 4 of 6 0\•q5\ Employer Responsibilities: Public Works, as the employer, has a responsibility and a corrunitment to assist employees to attain and maintain their competence, since competent employees benefit both the organization as a whole and the individual employees within the organization. In addition to maintaining competency for one's current position, Public Works should provide employees with career development options, e.g., rotation, cross-training, education and development opportunities. Again, the belief is that this benefits both individuals and the organization. ■ Ensure that training and development is offered, either internally or e�ctemally, in the core competency areas identified in the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000. ✓ Department- or Division-specific training should be offered by Public Works, e.g., CAD or other technical training. ✓ Request that the City provide generic training, e.g., communications or program/project management. Provide adequate funding and allow time for training, education, and development opportunities necessary to maintain employee competencies. ✓ The Department should pay for training, education, and development opportunities specific to current job assignment. ✓ The Department should establish a departmental training budget to cover empioyees' cross-division training to move across Divisional lines. ✓ The Department should pay for emptoyee training, education, and development that allows employees to move within a series or from one series to another, e.g., Technician to Engineer. ✓ Continue to use City tuition reimbursement where applicable. ■ Find ways to develop employees, thus increasing their individual competency and value to the organization. ✓ Opportunities aze available for mobility assignments, special project assigntnents, or rotation within the Department. Rotation is seen as a more systematic approach, with an established time period, to gain experience in multiple Divisions. Mobility assignments are seen as being more employee driven and could be for longer periods oftime depending upon the assignment or special project undertaken. Page 5 of 6 O�-'lS 1 Performance Management In the Spring of 2000, the Managing City Operations Team recommended to Mayor Norm Coleman that the City undertake an intensive "Performance ManagemenP' approach within all City Departments to reduce spending and increase productivity. The competitive environment we work in demands that attention be focused on managing job performance. This means performance management is more than simply filling out an annual performance evaluation. Performance management is instead focused on the management responsibilities of plamiing, observing, evaluating, developing measurements, and job performance indicators. The development of core competencies is a critical component to improve effectiveness, ef£iciency, and productivity within Public Works. The question before us then becomes how individual and organizationai competencies aze woven into a performance management system. The Technician Competency Working Group has developed a set of shared competencies, which we believe should be implemented across the Department, while emphasizing specific aspects of Technician positions. As Public Works strives to implement the Succession and Workforce Plan, it will be important to weave the work done by this Work Group into the work proposed £or Task 3.3 Establish a Performance Management System within Public Works -(Medium Priority) and Task 2.6 Develop Ways to Measure and Incorporate Competencies into the Performance Management System -(Lowest Priority). Because the competencies are being adapted step-by-step for each job class series, the Working Group suggests that Performance Management, as defined by Task 3.3 and 2.6, be implemented as competencies are developed for the vazious classifications. ■ Educate Managers and Technicians on the Competency Matrix and train Managers on how to incorporate competencies into performance reviews. ■ Incorporate competencies into "Annual Employee Performance Evaluations" used within Public Works. ✓ Use the core competencies identified in the Civil Engineering Technician 7ob Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000 to revamp the Perfonnance Evaluations. ✓ Each Technician within Public Works should have an annual competency development planning discussion as part of their performance evaluation. This discussion wouid inciude areas to attain/maintain competency for current position, and/or a discussion of how to attain future competency. When holding these annual discussions with employees, use competency evaluation data from the Competency Review Board if that is available Dated: March 20, 2001 G:VShared�HR-CompMencies�Pibt.ProjzMS�Publia W orks�PW.EA-Tech.Piloflcomp.model.documrn432001.wpd Page 6 of 6 � y � c� 1 Il � � 4 ♦i � G °' � � U °' N I� � :� U � 1�.'. w � N y O � � •V O n� �� � U � y � F T � � � u ,� d d er � o U •� V L7 vQ W W � � 3 V � � a G � � _ "_saja ^+vre � ,.? - `> �. y N 0 � �" C � . T.�: p �0 �' � T '�'�t#.e =mv=o�g �'r'�' �� a� 3 0. `o 0 � �a=�d�" z,� ` Ol ' � mv a n' ' � V r C ' N L ' .�<Oi=.'� j c�i ` Q] � C U Q `�'y' O C � F!,_m, s d v m.°�' ° a� o -' T m C..�. Z� > N L ��Js U L' ' � '� 'J' y 'J' .- w c � S`o v a F a�i 'm a � r q���'_. ,a a m w '^°' T r p�".. 5 m v o3 o m � S m�2' �a m o 34 ca a>+� �__ ' � �_ oawoa _ �° �"' �. �� . .°'. y�> tO � m m C7 Q' E 4°. ° e �,�. - � V C�.7 C �... d C'� N 9 � U , ? 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Q6'o°�aw3 ..°a�. �oC�`o... 7�o n.° Q� � :, '-. �� � � � � G; Y g� . � a - :��`��;" - - c ' � �a:-= a 5 ..y':.': ; : ^ `��' c ,. 3:.' . ` 3 � v::., �: �� � ,`d_, m o �, . a .�z. i a•� � o . y. f.o +y � °J P C9 ���Y4S :C _" °�a m � m s`•i+t: � z ea.-< �� o � 3 '�'�ii•r� :x� � $ m � o` � ;,d 4; ° � .,�-� ^ 3 ._ S��,y� C'O ..P. u G T �' ' '� U O u � � � � _ . G �� � � � P ;' �� c � � 9 E � � U � : � t i' � c: k°. �. o A U � - �' a a U ° °—' s , '�', L �s � � q � G ° v y�. i CQ Y " O 4 N OD O .'�.. �C.' � 6 _ �. t x ���� � � a�i a 7 4 Q � � O r W a 0�-q5� 2001 Letter of Agreement 0 �-°�S 1 In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council #14, Technical #1842 hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician Supervisor dated March 20, 2001 and the "Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matri�c dated December 21, 2001." The City and AFSCME agree that the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Department ofPublic Works who hold posirions allocated to the Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician III and who aze represented by AFSCME. The City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to deternvne eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Public Works Engineering Aide II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III classes in the Department ofPublic Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall a11ow for promotion eligible lists established for Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department ofPublic Works to remain in effect indefinitely. It is agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bargaining agreement between the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall be subject to the Civil Service grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive deternunations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 20, 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician Supervisor document. It is fixrther agreed that reviews by the City and AFSCME shall occur at six-month intervals. The reviews are for the purpose of assessing how the implementation process outlined in the March 20, 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technician Supervisor document is progressing. � � 7 Hamilton, Human Resources Director �� ��� Kurt Errickson, Business Representative AFSCME Technical #1842 �� � � at erine Megarry Labor Relations Director ' Q n�?..,,� Robin Madsen, President AFSCME Technical #1842 � 2001 Letter of Agreement ot-1s� In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8_A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineezing Technician Supervisor dated March 2Q 2001 and the "Civil Engineering Technician Job Fanvly Competency Matris dated December Zl, 2001." The City and SPSO agree that the agreements shall apply to those employees of the Department of Public Works who hold positions allocated to Engineering Technician Supervisor and who are represented by SPSO. The City and SPSO agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., passffail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to detern�ine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Engineering Technician Supervisor class in the Department of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligibie Lists) shall allow for promorion eligible lists established for Engineering Technician Supervisor vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect inde6nitely. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the cunent collective bargaining agreement between the City and SPSO. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive deternvnations of the Competency Review Panei shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 2Q 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineer Aide I- Engineeri Technic' Supervisor document. �H_� Human Resources Director 4� Ka enne Megarry Labor Relarions Dire r � � � Helga essler, resident Saint Paul Supervisors Organization ��: � �3 � 0 ► G:�9hared�HR-CompetenciesRPAotProjectslPnblieW orka�PW.EA-TechA7ot�Letter.ot.Agree42301 SPSO.wpd ORIGINAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Councii File # O�— � 5� Green Sheet # 106811 Committee Date �� 1 An administrative Resolution approving, in accordance with Civil Service 2 Rule 8.A.6, a pilot project called, the Saint Paul Public Works Competency 3 Modeling Project, and the accompanying letters of agreement with 4 SPSO and AFSCME Technical #1842 which govern the administration 5 ofthis pilot project � 7 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubiic Works has determined that a competency-based job classification system is required to better meet succession and workforce planning needs, and WHEREAS, the Department ofPublic Works and the Office ofHuman Resources have conducted 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 a collaborative process that has developed a new competency-based job ciassification system for the Civil Technician Job Family and a corresponding administrative procedure, and WIIEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to provide more flexibility in duty assignments based on employee-demonstrated competencies rather than on narrowly-defined class specifications, and WHEREAS, this new system and procedure was designed to better support the vision and mission ofthe Department ofPublic Works, and WFIEREAS, Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, permits theHumanResources Director to conduct pilot and/or research projects desi�ned to enhance recruitment, selection, employee career development programs, and refenal and/or appointment process for filling City positions, and WE3LREAS, the City of Saint Paul Office ofHuman Resources and SPSO and AFSCME Technical #1842, representing the employees in the Civil Technician job classifications affected by the Public Works Competency Modeling Project, have met and agreed upon the implementation strategies 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 R �� f��, o,-�S� contained within the pilot pro�ec ocu ave agreed upon the modification of certain Civil Service Rules in the administration of this pilot project, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached I.etters of Agreement governin� the administration of the Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the attached Public Works Competency Modeling Project, and be it FCTRTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of this pilot project shail be upon adoption of this resolution, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said pilot project shall expire three years following the adoption of this resolution unless action is taken otherwise prior to the expiration date, and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Public Works shall suhmit a final report to the City Council, three months prior to the expiration of the pilot project period. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav � Blakey � Bostrom � Coleman � IIa.t'r(S � Lantry �� Reiter � 0 p Adopted by Council: Dated ..'t ? o q� Adoption Certified by Councii Secretary S Requested by Department of: Office of Human Resources B �e1 C . ��p�� V Form A proved b City Attomey �"��`-� � �/� g �,2��v. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� /�9�� M • �.�, : �' 1`uf 2�t ���� � ��15��. �/�'.�, �i.._ L 2 ��� DEPARTMENT/OFFICF/COUNCII.: - DATE INITIATED �� C I �� � � � , HumTn Resowces GREEN SI3� Lv,q O�-'l5\ 8/23/Oi '^�!i � R 200� ro�A�P�N&PHO�: �ATTORNEY �`� 70hn ShOCk10y (266-6482) t DEPAR]MEM' D �� 3? O j a crrrco�ca ASSIGNID 2CIIYATIDRNEY ���[fYCLERK MiJSf BE ON COUNCII, AGENDA BY (DAT� `��� � ROUTL�iG �ppipqy�VDDC FQlnNCiA1.SFJCV/ACCIG ORDER 3MAYOR(ORASSI'.) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATiJRE) _� G�1iu v..••• wcriorr �ussr�en: Approval of a pilot project titled "Competency Modeling ProjecP' an accompanying letters of agreement. AUG 3 0 2001 RE('AbAffiNDATIONS: Approve (A) mReject (R) PEftSONAL SERVICE CON112ACTS M[JST ANSWII2 TI� FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: 1. Fiasiltisperwdfvmeverworkedundaacontrac[frntLisdePazrmrnt? _PLANNINGCOMYffSSION Yes No CIDCAbAdI"f18E 2 HazNispersodlvmeverbeenaciryemployee? __ _ CIVII.SERVICECObAiIISSION Yes No __ -�. -. --•-_-. --. '- . 3. Dcesthispersodfumpossessaski]InanormallypossesaedbyanycwremcilYemPloyee? Yes No 4. Is tltis persodfifm a Wge[ed vendor� Yes No Ezplain all yes answers on sepante Sheet end aMech to g[¢en Sheet uircin.�cixcrxoaLEM,issvs,oreoxruxrrYnvno,wn�,wn�,wne«,wny�:In July of 1999, the Department ofPublic Works established a Succession and Workforce Plam�ing Team. As there will be a number of anticipated retirements of Engineering Aides and Technicians over the neart few years, the Team proposed the development of a competency- based job classification system for the Public Works Technician positions. A Public Works Technician Competency Working Group was convened. Ttus working group developed the attached Competency Modelina Project for the job family. This is a pilot project, in accordance with Civil Service Rute 8.A.6., which is also attached, having a duration ofthree yeacs. nuvaNTacES iF arrxovEn: The pilot project will enable Public Works to use the developed competencies as the basis for fizture selection (both hiring and promotions), training, education, and development, recruitment, and performance management. This system also establishes an administrative structure that allows Public Works to deternvne employee competency and maintain ongoing lists of employees eligible for promotion, resulting in future vacancies to be filled more quickiy. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: N011C. nisanvnrrracESiFrroTarrxovEn:. The goals and objectives ofPublic Works regarding succession and workforce plaru�iug will not be met, specifically, time lines for filling future vacancies will not be reduced. ToTai, nMOUrrz oa T�nrsncriorr: There aze no additional salary costs associated with this project. COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: Yes RECE(VED FuNnnvG Sou�tc�: AUG 2 9 200i ACTIVITI' NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) M'AYOR'S OFFICE G:\Shared�HR-Competencies�Pilot.Projects�Public. Works�PW.EA-Tech.Pilot\GREENSHT. WPD O\-`151 City of Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technician Supervisor Defining Competencies/Competency-Based Systems Competencies are the knowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics, attributes, and behaviors associated with successful performance on the job. Some examples are problem solving, analytical thinking, and leadership. Competency-based classification systems ailow organizations to move beyond the old "box" on the organizational chart which was a strict set of duties defining a job. Competencies promote more fle3cibility and keep up with constant change in the variety of work. They also allow the organization to develop other human resource systems, e.g., employee development, recruitment and selection, and performance management. In July 1999, the Public Works Succession and Workforce Planning Team proposed that the Department focus their attention on a number of high-priority tasks, which would position the Department for the future: A driving reason for action is the anticipated retirement of several engineers and technicians in the next few years. One of several goals the Pianning Team established, given the anticipated retirements, was to develop a competency-based system. In this case, a competency system would show employees what future job success would require and what development and training should be undertaken to meet the fixture requirements. Work began with the Civil Engineering positions, and has continued with the Technician positions, both identified as ciasses of positions likely to be most affected by future retirements. A Civi] Engineering Technician Competency Working Group was convened. Its charge was to develop competencies and an implementation plan for the Technician class series. The Working Group recommends the following: Use competencies as the basis for future training, education, and development, recruitment and selection, and performance management within Public Works. Estabiish one set of shared competencies for all positions within Public Works, namely: EducationaURegistration Requirements; Technical Expertise; Project & Program Management; Communications; Teamwork, Management, and Leadership; and Customer Service. Establish an administrative structure to determine competency, which is outlined in the next section of this document. Page 1 of 6 o�-1s� Envisioning the Future Deternuning what Technician positions mi�ht look like in the future is a challenge. The Working Group focused its efforts upon defining what success for Technicians would look like. How do we go about defining what would constitute competency, and how do we ensure that Public Works employees will be successful in the foreseeable future? There is an understanding that Technician positions could well become more difficult to fill in the future due to the increasing competitive environment resulting from private engineering firms and other public jurisdictions seeking the same employees. How we recruit for positions in the future, how quickly we can hire individuals, and how competitive our salaries and other benefits are will have a huge influence upon our future success. The Working Group made the following assumptions as part of their work: Six levels of Technician: Engineering Aide I and II, Public Works Technician I, II, and III, and Engineering Technician Supervisor will be maintained. ■ That all existing Public Works Engineering Aides, Technicians, and Engineering Technician Supervisors currently meet the wmpetency levels defined in ihe "Saint Paul Pubiic Works: Civii Engineering Technician 3ob Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000. Using Competency-Based Systems How will competencies be demonstrated? Who will do the competency evaluations? How often will they be done? What organizationat stnxcture is necessary to effectively administer the competency system that has been developed? What other systems should be linked to the competencies developed? The Working Group addresses these questions in their recommendations found in this section oftheir report. Administrative Structure ■ Establish a three-member Competency Review Board (CRB) within the Department of Public Works. Composition ofthe three-member panel is recommended to be comprised of: one supervisor, either an Engineering Technician Supervisor or a Supervising Engineer, and two technicians of the same or higher level than the position being evaluated. ■ Create Operating Guidelines to direct the deliberations of the Competency Review Boazd. The Working Group reviewed the Administrative Csuidelines developed for the Civil Engineering Competency Review Board dated December 20, 2000, which is attached. They concur with the guidelines with one exception. Working Group members strongly recommend that applicants should received summary notes related to the Board's scoring on each competency. Page 2 of 6 D1- 45t ■ Convene the CRB periodically and regularly, e.g., quarterly or more frequently if necessary. ✓ The convener of the Board should be the Personnel Liaison for the Department. The Personne] Liaison will configure the board with technicians and supervisors at the appropriate leveis who will be asked to serve as board members. ✓ The Personnel Liaison will keep a record of the Competency Review Board's competency detemrinations, maintaining a cunent list of internal promotional candidates for future technician position vacancies. ✓ Employees wiil be responsibie for producing evidence that they have the education, certificates, and registrations required. ✓ Competency Certification, once achieved, remains cunent until the Competency Matrix is revised and new requirements aze added. ✓ When revisions to the Competency Matrix are contemplated, the Working Group recommends that an affected-employee group be brought together to review the proposed revisions, said group to include union representation. ✓ Have the Competency Review Board use a four-point, 75% pass/fail rating scale similar to that proposed for the Civii Engineering series. ✓ The two reasons for convening the panel are: - Technician position(s) becomes available within the Department, or - Empioyees may make a rec�uest for certification review when they believe they have attained the required competency. ■ Provide a feedback process for employees regarding the Competency Review Board's determinations, e.g., what specifically should an employee work on to achieve competency. The Personnel Liaison should provide this feedback to employees on behalf of the Board members. ■ Ensure that an appeal process is in place for employees to use when necessary. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paui Civii Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazgaining agreement between the City and AFSCME and SPSO. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regarding the substantive determinations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission. Page 3 of 6 0\-q5t Hiring/Promotions and Testing The Working Group agrees that Public Works should adhere to the certification process outlined for both new hires and promotional applicants. There is a belief that the level and compleadty of the screening and testing for entry-level hires and current employees should be differentiated. These differences are outlined below. Promotion, using the competency matrix, is not automatic. Promotion, as has been the case in the past, remains a management decision in that a position must be vacant and a decision to fill that position must be made by management. ■ Use the December 21, 2000 Civil Engineering Technician Tob Family Competency Matri�c developed by the Working Group to hire and promote Technicians. ■ Replace the current Job Specs with the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix developed by Public Works and Human Resources. Hiring from the outside, either entry level hiring or hiring at higher levels of the Technician series if no candidates are available internally, shou(d be done using the minimum quals estabtished for each Technician level and the adopted "Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix," using the Competency Review Board to conduct the competency review. Promoting from within, shaii be done based upon the Competency Review Board's competency certification recommendations and the selected testing methodology. The Working Group suggests that the testing methodology for intema] candidates would include a training and experience evaluation and may include an oral interview and/or presentation. ■ Develop and utilize a competency evaluation system for Technicians to establish a list o£ promotional candidates. ■ Use pass/fail testing for promotional positions, following the current Civil Service Rule on the subject. Training, Education, and Development Empioyee Responsibilities: The role of individuals and employees is one of personal responsibility to maintain their own competence and marketability. Employees should demonstrate competency to perform their cunent job and look for ways to prepare for the future. Employees will be expected to exercise personal responsibility for their own training, education, and development, in essence, attaining and maintaining their competence. Page 4 of 6 0\•q5\ Employer Responsibilities: Public Works, as the employer, has a responsibility and a corrunitment to assist employees to attain and maintain their competence, since competent employees benefit both the organization as a whole and the individual employees within the organization. In addition to maintaining competency for one's current position, Public Works should provide employees with career development options, e.g., rotation, cross-training, education and development opportunities. Again, the belief is that this benefits both individuals and the organization. ■ Ensure that training and development is offered, either internally or e�ctemally, in the core competency areas identified in the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000. ✓ Department- or Division-specific training should be offered by Public Works, e.g., CAD or other technical training. ✓ Request that the City provide generic training, e.g., communications or program/project management. Provide adequate funding and allow time for training, education, and development opportunities necessary to maintain employee competencies. ✓ The Department should pay for training, education, and development opportunities specific to current job assignment. ✓ The Department should establish a departmental training budget to cover empioyees' cross-division training to move across Divisional lines. ✓ The Department should pay for emptoyee training, education, and development that allows employees to move within a series or from one series to another, e.g., Technician to Engineer. ✓ Continue to use City tuition reimbursement where applicable. ■ Find ways to develop employees, thus increasing their individual competency and value to the organization. ✓ Opportunities aze available for mobility assignments, special project assigntnents, or rotation within the Department. Rotation is seen as a more systematic approach, with an established time period, to gain experience in multiple Divisions. Mobility assignments are seen as being more employee driven and could be for longer periods oftime depending upon the assignment or special project undertaken. Page 5 of 6 O�-'lS 1 Performance Management In the Spring of 2000, the Managing City Operations Team recommended to Mayor Norm Coleman that the City undertake an intensive "Performance ManagemenP' approach within all City Departments to reduce spending and increase productivity. The competitive environment we work in demands that attention be focused on managing job performance. This means performance management is more than simply filling out an annual performance evaluation. Performance management is instead focused on the management responsibilities of plamiing, observing, evaluating, developing measurements, and job performance indicators. The development of core competencies is a critical component to improve effectiveness, ef£iciency, and productivity within Public Works. The question before us then becomes how individual and organizationai competencies aze woven into a performance management system. The Technician Competency Working Group has developed a set of shared competencies, which we believe should be implemented across the Department, while emphasizing specific aspects of Technician positions. As Public Works strives to implement the Succession and Workforce Plan, it will be important to weave the work done by this Work Group into the work proposed £or Task 3.3 Establish a Performance Management System within Public Works -(Medium Priority) and Task 2.6 Develop Ways to Measure and Incorporate Competencies into the Performance Management System -(Lowest Priority). Because the competencies are being adapted step-by-step for each job class series, the Working Group suggests that Performance Management, as defined by Task 3.3 and 2.6, be implemented as competencies are developed for the vazious classifications. ■ Educate Managers and Technicians on the Competency Matrix and train Managers on how to incorporate competencies into performance reviews. ■ Incorporate competencies into "Annual Employee Performance Evaluations" used within Public Works. ✓ Use the core competencies identified in the Civil Engineering Technician 7ob Family Competency Matrix dated December 21, 2000 to revamp the Perfonnance Evaluations. ✓ Each Technician within Public Works should have an annual competency development planning discussion as part of their performance evaluation. This discussion wouid inciude areas to attain/maintain competency for current position, and/or a discussion of how to attain future competency. When holding these annual discussions with employees, use competency evaluation data from the Competency Review Board if that is available Dated: March 20, 2001 G:VShared�HR-CompMencies�Pibt.ProjzMS�Publia W orks�PW.EA-Tech.Piloflcomp.model.documrn432001.wpd Page 6 of 6 � y � c� 1 Il � � 4 ♦i � G °' � � U °' N I� � :� U � 1�.'. w � N y O � � •V O n� �� � U � y � F T � � � u ,� d d er � o U •� V L7 vQ W W � � 3 V � � a G � � _ "_saja ^+vre � ,.? - `> �. y N 0 � �" C � . T.�: p �0 �' � T '�'�t#.e =mv=o�g �'r'�' �� a� 3 0. `o 0 � �a=�d�" z,� ` Ol ' � mv a n' ' � V r C ' N L ' .�<Oi=.'� j c�i ` Q] � C U Q `�'y' O C � F!,_m, s d v m.°�' ° a� o -' T m C..�. Z� > N L ��Js U L' ' � '� 'J' y 'J' .- w c � S`o v a F a�i 'm a � r q���'_. ,a a m w '^°' T r p�".. 5 m v o3 o m � S m�2' �a m o 34 ca a>+� �__ ' � �_ oawoa _ �° �"' �. �� . .°'. y�> tO � m m C7 Q' E 4°. ° e �,�. - � V C�.7 C �... d C'� N 9 � U , ? 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Q6'o°�aw3 ..°a�. �oC�`o... 7�o n.° Q� � :, '-. �� � � � � G; Y g� . � a - :��`��;" - - c ' � �a:-= a 5 ..y':.': ; : ^ `��' c ,. 3:.' . ` 3 � v::., �: �� � ,`d_, m o �, . a .�z. i a•� � o . y. f.o +y � °J P C9 ���Y4S :C _" °�a m � m s`•i+t: � z ea.-< �� o � 3 '�'�ii•r� :x� � $ m � o` � ;,d 4; ° � .,�-� ^ 3 ._ S��,y� C'O ..P. u G T �' ' '� U O u � � � � _ . G �� � � � P ;' �� c � � 9 E � � U � : � t i' � c: k°. �. o A U � - �' a a U ° °—' s , '�', L �s � � q � G ° v y�. i CQ Y " O 4 N OD O .'�.. �C.' � 6 _ �. t x ���� � � a�i a 7 4 Q � � O r W a 0�-q5� 2001 Letter of Agreement 0 �-°�S 1 In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8.A.6, governing the implementation ofHuman Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council #14, Technical #1842 hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician Supervisor dated March 20, 2001 and the "Civil Engineering Technician Job Family Competency Matri�c dated December 21, 2001." The City and AFSCME agree that the pilot project shall apply to those employees of the Department ofPublic Works who hold posirions allocated to the Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician III and who aze represented by AFSCME. The City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., pass/fail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to deternvne eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Public Works Engineering Aide II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III classes in the Department ofPublic Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall a11ow for promotion eligible lists established for Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department ofPublic Works to remain in effect indefinitely. It is agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bargaining agreement between the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall be subject to the Civil Service grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive deternunations of the Competency Review Panel shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 20, 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I through Engineering Technician Supervisor document. It is fixrther agreed that reviews by the City and AFSCME shall occur at six-month intervals. The reviews are for the purpose of assessing how the implementation process outlined in the March 20, 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technician Supervisor document is progressing. � � 7 Hamilton, Human Resources Director �� ��� Kurt Errickson, Business Representative AFSCME Technical #1842 �� � � at erine Megarry Labor Relations Director ' Q n�?..,,� Robin Madsen, President AFSCME Technical #1842 � 2001 Letter of Agreement ot-1s� In accordance with Civil Service Rule 8_A6, governing the implementation of Human Resources pilot projects, the City of Saint Paul (City) and the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization (SPSO) hereby state that they have met and discussed the proposed pilot project described in the attached documents titled "Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineezing Technician Supervisor dated March 2Q 2001 and the "Civil Engineering Technician Job Fanvly Competency Matris dated December Zl, 2001." The City and SPSO agree that the agreements shall apply to those employees of the Department of Public Works who hold positions allocated to Engineering Technician Supervisor and who are represented by SPSO. The City and SPSO agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, shall be used in the administration of this pilot project: 1. Civil Service Rule 6.B (Examination Contents) shall allow qualifying examinations, e.g., passffail for promotion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to detern�ine eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Engineering Technician Supervisor class in the Department of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligibie Lists) shall allow for promorion eligible lists established for Engineering Technician Supervisor vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect inde6nitely. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the cunent collective bargaining agreement between the City and SPSO. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said pilot project shall also be subject to the aforementioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties acknowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concerns regarding the substantive deternvnations of the Competency Review Panei shall be appealed to the Civil Service Commission as outlined in the March 2Q 2001 Competency Modeling Project Engineer Aide I- Engineeri Technic' Supervisor document. �H_� Human Resources Director 4� Ka enne Megarry Labor Relarions Dire r � � � Helga essler, resident Saint Paul Supervisors Organization ��: � �3 � 0 ► G:�9hared�HR-CompetenciesRPAotProjectslPnblieW orka�PW.EA-TechA7ot�Letter.ot.Agree42301 SPSO.wpd