266426 WH17E - CITV CLERK �66426 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE -MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONlMTZ'TEE , y ��,/�hbj� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RBBOLVED: That licenses applied for by the t'ollowing persaris at the addre�sea stated be aad the ' e�ne are here�y granted. � L. & B. Tree Service� Tnc. 1640 W. Hwy, 3� Tree Tri�r App.1963 N�ew rr +� 1 add�1 Veh. Wiliiam Jo$� Lan�er 6�3 W. Californta Tree T�'immc�r 2906 " ►� " & 1 Veh. `� �� �8 „ aohn en 361 Stryker Tree`,Tri�mer ?997 ,► +, " 1 add'1 Veh. American Co., Inc. 2�20 N. Claxence Tree Trimmer 305�+ r� �+ " & 1 Veb. Raymond K. Anderson ��i E, 7th Tree Trirm�er 3�9 �� �► �, & 1 Ve#�. Richard A. N�ga 60 W, Co. Hd, J Tree �'immer 3166 �� x " ' & 1 Veh.�' n n Gerald Sweedman P.O. Hox i63,Newport Tree Trimmer 3�6� t� ++ " 2 add'1 Veh. '� " 06 Co Tree Trimmer 35� " Paui Stave Landon 9 nwaY T� ,t ►� & 1 Veh. n Floyd D, 8ati�ton 646 E. Beivid�re Toe Truck 3631 " 1 add'1 Tow Truck " " Lawrenee J. �er � 80g1 Concord B1vd. Tree Trimm�r 369� �� tt " & 1 Veh. John J. Paftel 3�85 Centerville Rd. Tree Trimmer �+219 " +� " & 1 Veh. " " Gold Medal Beverages c�o „ Frankie'a Pro Shap 629 University Ave. VM Loc. �+359 Robert F. Kirk 229 W. 7th St. TV Master �+�'"� " �� " 0� Servicem� t' " Cha�rlea W. Grinm 550 Cedar Orig. Cont. �+�+92 t� Electro Watchman� Tnc. �67 University Ave. VM Loc, �5i8 '� Minn. Leegue of Credit Unions 5?5 University Ave. VM Loc. �+520 " Van waters & Rogers 2313 Wycliff 'VM Lo�. �+537 `� St. Paa]. City Parks Dept. 1100 No, FIaml.ine VM Loc, �+5�+� � Keda Men'a Club i393 �9. Cleveiand Ave. VM Lqe. 4547 COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays i Christensen � � Hunt [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester �f'�ies�tr President � gozza Adopted by Council: Date � Z 5 �� Fotm Approved by City Attorney Certif' ass d b ouncil Secretary ► BY By Approved ayor: D e _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pt�susff�o OEC 61975