266414 WH17E — CITV CLERK ^�A��� PINK — FINANCE COVIICll � L CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL !ri U BLUE — MAVOR File NO. � �o n 'l Resolution Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERE�S, The City Council, by Resolution C.F. 257246, approved Febxuary l, 1972, established a Trust Account known as the Como Park Educational Facilities to be used to assist the construction of a multipurpose educational facility to supple- ment the Como Park Conservatory and Zoo; and WHEREAS, The Mayor proposes to obtain the services of an archi.tectural f irm to prepare schematic designs to be used by the Ca.ty �,n developing a master plan for the redevelogment of Como Zoo and requests a,uthor�.ty of the Council to charge to said Trust Account the expenses of such designs; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the Mayor to expend an amount not to exceed Eight Thousand Dollars ($8, 000. 00) from the Como Park Educational Facilities Trust Account for the schematic designs for the re- development of Como Zoo, includ,ing therein the proposed multi- purpose educational facility. Funding Code: 53110 Approved as to Funding: recto , . nan t. ervi ces ���, COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen �a Hunt In Favor evine � Rcedler A gai ns t B Sylvester T .�.�.+��r.aa President��t HOZZa Adopted by Coun ' �y �'S � Form Approved b Cit Att ney Certi ' ass uncil Secretar � BY By Approved Mayor: D Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PUBLiSHED OE C s �g�'= �66414 ' REPO�T TO THE HON. LAWREPiCE D. COHEr1 r+iAYOR FROMs Tha�r J. Itoiley, City Administrato ' . .., •: ' = ' . ' A D�►T�: Narrember 12, . 1975 ` . � , ftEGAADINQs ; � ' : � ' The attached Counci 1 Resol uti on,wi 11 autFrori ze the e�endi t�tr�e af -�8,04fl from the Can� Park Educational Faci 1 ities dCCQGttt '�o: CcTn��dCt with a� architectural ,f�rm to design a schematic layoutic�f the �oo facilities. The contractor will use "A Guide for the (� Zoo t�aster Plan" in �is cvnsi�#eratian of possible aayouts far �he Zoo. _ The layout will provide needed background for pa�tential furding � sources. It will form an �integral part of .St. Paul's presentation in s�r#� of the Como Zoo bi�l at the St�te Le�islature. It will d�so t�e ��td in n�king presentations to o�her fund��g so�rces. ,�„ �use of the sfiort legislative ses'sion, it is rre�essary that sucl�, �t des�gn be completed by the first week in Decen�er. , � BbUI�CL: DePartment of Gommunity Services, Division of Parks and Recreation ,b6�ra}d W. Prill (298-4126) , . r � �Z�N 1�S?�8�= Approvai of attached Council Resolation � ' , , . . . , � ' , ' .,� • , . , � + lM'1'TAC�IK�NTB t �', proposed Counci 1 Resol ution 2. Council Resolution 257�4b establishiqg the Como Park Educational Fa�cilities '�a�count 3. A Guide to the Cano Too Master Plan �� j; � � � . Yo D6PAR1M6n� ' CiTY OF ST. P��� ��EN��� ����`� _ �- � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ° COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ?NF',ENTE� BY COMMISSIONEQ DATE - - «�:"'RI:�>�� It is t�:e ae:�ire� �f t:°.c� o`r:,�,�r:.: or�t of Parke arzd recrrnt.ic��y �.,a:.; : �l iit i:uildtn;,s Lo c��:.�truct a �u].Cirur^E;+s� cducatianal Eacilic;. ��� 3u}�p1E���nt ti�e l;nwu pnrk Canwarv�ta�r�y and �•ac►� �mr_ . .•.;.A" , ' ';vci► (�sex:�:t.ey �rill prn1-�.a� azflce�:�, 11t•rnry nnc; mtnflrl� T'e;^'• ') ���C l.`�tIIT�''s- :�i:t�: 'p7[�'.�'"7�!'� %t" t'r�.�. ilft t:n��'�T7fl !#T�fiL"C 'RAt' Vt�7 l:t��'1`4'?X ���f,1.; � �UC.. il*i i(N� flU4et1C�� Sihu ��llT:;�'it ;..i..1�A L:':" +.��.;nr.r�. It 1s ttic� intent of �he ii�n�r�t�int� wori�.inR vith vnlunt:ar-� ,^rou-�� � C� �c►licit �iu��atiun� a�� ccmttt!?utionec foX th� Cr,�'a�r�:�;.iri•: �aY •�•. . w f�cl.lic!• and , ,�': , ';:� �.ounc�t c:i �::c� Cit-► oi . r;i.T1L "�ul sca.rc��l�d•;�.�� c„e� nec.,: Al2l: ,'E�SS�C4�,t�Cj' Or �IL'C�i R �SC�Z�.['�I Lt[ili ttifi G}>VfOtLS C•f.'t3::f�C�E� CGi«it:.'l:i:'.+� `'+ it �.�aul:! ��.akr ro Chy r;it�► o� '�:�iut •sul xctd r.�.l �f ie�� ciCif�an::. :;r►r: ..ill:��l.ls.ci� �1G3 �:AUT�Ct� /JL t�Jt? 1...it}1 OF iaZ�:it ''t111� it@T�!�S" ,�n�inYR:f: ��tla f:'ir 1�OT��i Z.•��. ':)3ik�AY�t;t'Qllt. VF i':1Tn3 ?Z(� ��!`C�C1t tf1`1 S71CI rt3j�Z�-C 'i:J 1 :;:t i� '. ;',i� . co �,��e:,t« �aveh a fncility� z,c-:, tt�e�rR?`orc*, ',� it � ,')T:�i..�� ��itllt t.�lE'r�i .ti �,.��j'<��.:.�:r �L'�.c.tt/�'.7 � $7i:� l:(�Q ...tf�A�)�:'�r�i.t. . i-. . . . , .s : risr�-;: b:�l dir�cLe3 ta �::»Lr�t;it�.", � "1'r.:�t ,4ccount, to : �� 3 :.��•.-• t,�. �, . :.:► •du�ati�al i'ucl}.itie� , irfCa �t,ich r.11 ,�nr:i�:n ..u;+ffir�:u c,c ?n< �r. � th� canstruction of the aforenentioncd faci.li.t; :,.�z?i1 ;�:� . < ,. , -��• it "��� . : i 'i.. '1�.���'�� �t"i�C 6:1.� "`7�7'�.�T,ri11�i'd"Cr: 1�rOf.�' ii��.(. NCCU4IJ`�� ,.. �i � � t � ;,ri - � i>•, tlik C.o�;n�iRSie,neei: ai' F�g��.:. ,:.�: "�:crcaCion s;i��i 3'ui>:ij c; :� . .. . 'tyti 1�1L..:;',1@Gi A�.',�!11tTi� 0111� a��1. 511Ci1 (?Kjlt?�:��:«"i.ilYC!i c';:��.I. i�: l.i� <:.::I�C:» ti • +:iC�� axisting purch�iri� ar�d co:;tractinF orc;ir.us�cc+a �nci ,�rc�c�.*,.�ur:- r,: - , ,.. -. ,;(y t�,�LiLN1EN Adopted by the Councii_._ _ ._ ;`t�r�e� Naya Rutler '.�r;s�m APProved _�. ._. _._. . „_ f,��V111P. _ln Favor ��E�rcciith _ _ _ .dz..:,��: ;����r�;�i ka A gainat 'Tc�clesco ' ,� 1',�«�:,dent, McCarty _ � � z� U��ADRUPV,:.ATH TO DBAAIiTM6NT ��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENCIL�NQ.'��t� OFFICE OF THE Cln CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEII oATE �Z� ;'v?�Tit:'r �;:��L�rD, Ti�AC t��ee Co�r,>trollrsr, in roa�asrut�.on �.�i�l: ir�� Gow�r.iiosion$r of Finmce, s�a�11 �c�ds��var to invt�st such •xa��ie:a as r�r�e uvuilai�IQ a�-�d »vt im��iaL�cly r��,esir�d to n:�at curr�nt oblis;�tior►�, r�r►�l all iaterQat or othcr ,rofiCs c:�,t;zQ4 riurausr.t ta 6uc�► iuv�et�ar:at ���all Qe cr�d{t���: cn s��ct� "+'ru�t �lccuu,-tt; and, be it FI�ALT.Y �u:SC�L1tT.�, �"h�r the Cora�+trol3.er .hall aas�l;n Ct�e pro���nr saccount nuc�ber to thr�i�e�at �!.ccautit. �' ;��J : COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1:i___. Yeas Nays Butler �" "� r7 �► ��� C'arlson— C�r�-z.«�� APProve� __ _19_ _. I.evine ` _jn Favor ' 11�Ieredith- . Mayor � S��rafka Againat Tedeaco-- . x��;>>;�ei:i., N1cCarty } ., , �,; ,;� N'�eredith ���---: • . - � �ss�s� .--� � � 2664�� ; PREAMBT..E: We, the members of the Como Zoological Society, the staff of the Como Zoo, and representatives of the Minnesota State Zoo, join with the Superintendent of Parks and Recreation in the City of Saint �aul to support the fa?lowinq Master Plan for the development of Gonw Zoo. We recognize that the zoo at the Co� Park site offers a unique rec- reational and educational oppor'tunity for the families of the Metro- �olitan area; that the intimate`zao facilities place animals in close association with people, thus offering a cultural and sociologi.cal experience unlike any other facility in the metropolitan area; that the Como Zoo is a major tourist attr.action offering tangi.ble eo�nomic benefits; and that an urban zoo at the Como Park site makes a positive contribution to the overall quality of urban life in the Twin Cities area, ._ ' • . +G�� ` . �� A Statement of Responsibi'!i� � � �.�� If man is to survive on this plane�s he must understand that his own existence depends on the sv.rvival of the animals and plants with which he shares his worlde In our urbanized society a zoo is often the first. and sometimes the only place in which a city child can learn to appreciate and cherish the cha3n of life which will become his heritage �to protecto We hear of the dehumanization of our core cities and of the population drain as the qualiLy of life in the city dim:i.nishese We must then provide a cultura7., educational and recreational at- mosphere. On� that tvi1� r�ot only expand the horizons of the city dweller, but ;�elp lv.m to reai�ze the uniqueness of his humanitye A zoo offers c.:ity families recreation, culture and education, Nbst importantly, it offers them the opportunity to explore their own relationships to other forms of lifee To the scientific community a zoo provides a place to observe, to investigate, and to increase the store of knowledge which will help us to solve ttie p.�oblems of man as we11 as animalse The businessman�s success is directly tied to the number of dollars spent in the community. A zoo not only brings into the city the spending power of tourists; it pla.ys a role in keeping in the city the buying power of the urban population, Saint Paul is fortunate to have Como Zoo, an urban facility which has a long history of serving the citizens of the metropolitan areaa It is easily accessible to �:he pub?ic; and its educatianal program reaches out in�to the communityo Como Zoo has earn�d �. sen�.:imental p:ace in the hearts of several - generations of Sai.nt ��<:ui :Eatn3.�ies, It is a traditional jumping off - point for visito:�s .from � f1.ve state area and Canada, Como Zoo�s breeding of endangered species n3s earned world wide respecto Its association wiih the Univers�i.y of Mi.nnesota has aided in the educa- tion and practicai training of veterinarians and led to the develop- ment of new diagnosta.c and treatment methodsa We as a communi.ty h�.ve enjoyed the benefits of Como Zoo since before the turn of the CeritLry� but we must accept the responsibilitie� inherent in that privi�eqeo We cannot a"llow the buildings to fall into disrepa:ir� a�.lo� the support f�c.ilities t� become inadequate �r fail to keep pace with the changing needs of the communi.ty, . • . ������ Due respect for the welfare of the animals who live at Como Zoo and the sensibilities of the visitors who enjoy and learn from , them dictates that we take imme�i.ate steps to develop and improve Como Zooe Zons are for people, It is with concern for their quality of life that we su�nit this Master Plan for the future of Como Zooe Dra Valentine O�Malley, President Como Zoological Society Robert P, Piram, Supt, Firmin Alexander, Chairman Parks and Recreation Minnesota State Zoological Board City of Saint Paul John A, Fletcher, Director ponald Bridgwater, Gen. Director Como Zoo-: Minnesota Zoological Garden _.. . . . ������ MASTER PLAN PAGE 1 "Objectives and Cyui.delines for the Improvement of Como Zoo" \ Objective ^.: TQ FURT'riER DEVIIAP AND IMPRpVE AN URBAN Z00 AT THE COMO PARK SITE Guidelines: A. The bui.ldings, animal displays and traffic patterns shall be redesigned in order to perpetuate the best of Como Zoo, B. Additional buildi.ngs and animal displays shall be constructed according to the Master Plana C, Maxi.mum use shall be made of existing space while preserving the park atmosphere, De The zoo facilities shall be aesthetically pleasing and there shall be continuity of design and graphicse Ee The zoo sha11 continue to be a year-round facilityo Fa Recreational and educational opportunities for all ages and groups shall be incorporated into the re- design of facilities, Go The best available technical resources shall be employed to accomplisY� this objectivea Ho Additional methods of legit3mate financing should be explored and developed. I� All development and re-development shall be implemented within an appropriate time schedule according ta the Master P1ano Objective 2: TO DISPLAY SELECTED SPECIES REPRESENTAT.LVE OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM WITH DUE C70NSIDERATION F�OR OTHER - ZDOLOGICAL DISPLAYS IN THE STATE OF MLNNESOTA Guidelines: A, Animals shall be displayed along a basic systematic themeo '` � B, The intimacy of a small zoo ::ha7.1 be maintained by displaying ani.mals in close association with people, C, Animal husbandry shall be practiced while di�playing animals in an aesthetically pleasing mannero Do Anima'1 specimeris to be displayed shall be selected : from those species now exhibited as well as possi�l.e , , ac3ditions and deletions to/from thal group o : _ � - . � . ��6414 � �� � Page 2 - E, Displays shall be designed to provide comfortable viewing. F. Displays shall be clesig� to meet changing needs. Objective 3: TO STRESS THE PRfJPAGATION OF E�iIBITED SPEQES: Ae The zoo shall r_ont3.nue to participate in the breeding of endangered specieso B, Appropriate numbers of specimen of representative species shall be displayed, C, Faci.lities conducive to breeding and propagation shall be designed, D, Whenever possible and feasible, the zoo shall participate � in conservation and breeding programs with other zoos, Objective 4: TO PRpVIDE ADEqUATE SUPPORT FAQLITTFS FOR THE OPERATION OF CDNtO Z00 AS A RECREATION, EDUCATION� CONSERVATION AND RESEARCH FAQLITY A e Service areas shall be separate from the public wt�eciever possiblea Be 5ufficient personnel for the normal maintenance, security and operations of Como Zoo shall be providedo C, A11 zoo facilities shall be constructed to protect the health, welfare and safety of animals, employees and visitorse Objective 5: � ��KKE A1�ID TO IPg'LET�TT ALTERNATIVE SOURCES OF ENERGY AND DESIGNS LEADING TO ENERGY ECAI�MICS Objective 6: TO DESIGN FAGTLITIE5 FOR �MFORTABLE USE BY THE HANDICAPPED Objective 7� 7J0 BUILD A O�MO PARK RESOURCE CENTER WITH EASY ACCESS TO THE ZAU AND CONSERVATORY� AT A IACATION WHICH WOULD ACO��DATE MAXIMUM PUBLIC USE OF DESIGNATED FACILZTIESo _.� - .. �ss�a�� . ' r�sTnt Pr�rt PAGE 3 "B:eport of the Committ�e on Animal Selection and Display" MAJOR EXHISITS TO BE CJ�NSIDERED ARE: 1. Great Cats - African Lion and Siberian Tiger shall be housed in moated exhibits white Cougar and Jaguar need non-moated exhibits (to prevent escape)o 2, Primates •• Gorillas shall be housed in an improved facilityo ��, Orangutans shall.be housed in vertical exhibitse A type of Nionkey Island display with attendant winter quarters/ exhibits shall accommodate a representative collection of smaller primates. 3. Marine Mammals �A Sea7.s/Sealions shall be exhibited in keeping with Marine Mammal Protection Act Guidelineso 4. Birds -• Facilities shall be provided for aviar~� birds, raptors� ' and waterfowle Compatible plants may be introduced in cooperation � with the Conservatoryo 5. Children�s Zoo � A supervised farm shall provide an opportunity for ch?ldren to observe milking cows, laying hens, incubators� brooders, etce 6. Wolf Tnbods 4 Plans sh3.7.1 proceed as scheduled recogni2ing the Wbl� as a C.omo traditiono 7. Reptiles - An "E�tarium" (as in the Frankfurt Zoo) shall include carefully dis�layed reptiles, insects, fishes and amphibians, 8, Bears - Only American Black, and A7.askan Brown or Grizzly Bears shall be housed in entirely reconstructed quarters, 9. Hoofed Stock - The Zoo shall concentrate for present on cold tolerant specie� but retain camels and zebrasa �en- tually a year -round facility for more exotic speci.es should be installede The existing E1k Yard shall be retained and may serve as a prototype for range animal displays of hoofed stocke l0o Small Mammals � Exhibits shall include active diurnal and nocturnal anima].s wi.th marsupials, bats and sloths, lle Minnesota Ani.mals - Nativ-e Minnesota animals shall be incor- porated into displ.ays throughout the zooe � ��� �� �664�4 MASTER PI�AN PAGE 4 "Report of the Com��nittee on Suppo�t Facilities" I. The following guidelines shall apply to all support facilities: � A, Sources of energy and alternate designs leading to energy economics shall be explored and imp].ementedo B, Adeqt.�.ate water, gas, electricity, sanitary and storm sewer and comcr�unication systems shall be provided fcr eacn bui].ding to serve both the Zoo and the public, C. A1'1 utiliti.es should be underground. Utility tunnels constructed between buildings to carry pipes, wiring, etc,, should be consideredo The twnnels should be large er.ough for zoo staff to walk through, :'�. De A good public address system sha11 be installed, E, Air handling systems for animal areas shall comply with State and/or Federal requirementso F, Adequate space shall be provided fors 1. Kitchen-�Food preparation 2, Work space•->V�terinarian G, Planr,ing and building designs shall not be considered complete unti.l they have been reviewed by the Zoo and Conservatcry Directors and such staff inembers and grot�.ps as t:�.�y may de�ignate., II, Como Park Resources Centcr for the Zoo and Conservatory shall conta:n: A, An Audi}orium, seating r.o "less than 250 people, which c.an be subdi�-ided with soundproof dividers to facilitate greater public use, B, Laboratory and lecture rooms suitable for both zoo and garden lectures and other public use, C, Display/Reception area, D, Reference Library with controlled access, E, Gift Shop F, Genera'!. Offices 1, Administrative �o Clerical 3e Volur:teer _�- ���_ . �s���� MASTER PLAN PAGE 5 G, Multi-purpose kitcheno' Ho Pt:blic restrooms,'� I, Nursery for baby animalso AA, G, H, are for public use as available, III. The location of the c:omo Park Resource Center shall have easy access to both Zoo and Conservatory and shall eccommodate max- imum public use of designeted facilitiese IVe Service a.reas for the Zoo shall include: ts, Staff l�tee'ting rooms e B. Zookeeper Iocker rooms, C, Garage Da 6�lorkshop., E. Storace ''_o Fquipment 2. Supp�.ies F, Commissary (Kitchen) Ge Anployee parki.ng H, Holding urea for animals, V, Fencing Tl:e zoo shall be fenced off from the park areao The fence slu�,11 present the passage of an:�mals of any size into or out of the zoo grounds, � single entrance urould provide better security control than is now possible, Buffer zones, either ferice or hedge, shall be pro- vided between zoo work areas and public arease Vl a Sidesalks All sidewalks shall be minimum of eight (8) feet wide and strong enough to carry service vehicleso There will be r.o through traffic for autom�biles on the zoo gr.oundso Pedestrian traf=ic patterns shal� be c�nsidered in planning sidewalkso Design shall encourage traffic control in one direction from a single entran:e �C�xlnde•-sacs are bad)o � , ������ MASTER PLAN PAGE 6 VZI. Public Facilities Ae Public restrooms shall be provided in acoordance with state and city requir�nents, Bo Benches shall. be provided for public viewing of animals azd a� appropriate rest areas both inside and outside of bui.?dings, Ce Water fountains shall be providede De Snack shops, fast fcod shops and gift shops shall be provided with coi�sideration given to operation by service orgariizationsa E, Faci.lities sha:11 be desig�zed for comfortable use by the handicappede