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WHI7E - CTY CLERK P►NK - FINANCE COUIICll CANARY - DEPARTMENT SAINT PAUL File NO. ������ BLUF.�� - MAVOR � � 1 cil Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Ordinance No. 13614, having been supplied with reports by the City Forester indicating that Dutch Elm disease exists on trees located on the attached list, hereby finds that such trees are a nuisance within the meaning of Ordinance No. 13614 and directs the City Forester to proce�d with their abatement according to law. � COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen C rilt 5erv� �€ Hunt [n Favor Levine Rcedler B Sylvester v A gainst Y � President I-l�i� Hozza Adopted by Cou . Date �V �'� �� Form A roved by ' y - �- Certifie assed ouncil Secretary/ BY Appr by Mayor: D Approved� Mayor f ' si Co ncil By By ��s►+� oEc . _ �6��:��, . » [V� & AQORES� L4CATION CA1.L�UP DA7E �»+«...r.r.....�....� , � Mobi1 Oil Coaapany Trees r�moved - steanps to $-21�75•RV P. 0. �ox 3535 stripped. ��+��,�* H. H. Gardrter Tree removed - wood pfi�� not 8-19-75-�5 1561 A]bany strtpped. ���r�� Robert A. Thissen �lms rea�ved - cut-up,bark: ta 9-5-75-JW 1245 AM�wrtght be stripped. *,��r,����,�r F. Clark Stump nct peeled. 1Q-2-75-t�'f : 1258 Arkwrtght ._ , �r,�r+�t�*ir,�+�r+k,k,k - R. Mosbish � (1} Dead Elm tree on the proper`ty �-27-7�-�K 1956 E. Arlington itne. �,�,ir,�r�eit*+rir,it _ . John Neigeson Pos. # 015807 - lats of logs to 9-]1-15-RV 1364 Arana - . _ ��be �tripPed-- _, *�,�r*�� ,. . _ G. T. l.usLer r':(3) Bend E]� trees - back yard. 8-�1-75-JW 333 Aurora �,�,r��r,�* Phtlip Porter - .j'�) �ad El� tree_ in the back yard. 8-28-75-JW 1 F�6� t}�ytan Ave. - ���,►��r� _ M. Ne#ntt {33) Dead/dyinq trees. 9�8-75-�lJS �82 B�ttle Creek� Road *,�e,��,��r Resident - Owr�r Stu�p not peeled. � 8-26-75-EK �485 E. Belvidere ,�+�►,�r�*� !.. Sterens 3r. Elm stump in the front yard. 10-20-75-RY 18Q9 Bensop ��*�►,r�*** Mrs. �rothy 0'Day (1) Dead �tm tree in the back yard. `1�-9•15-JW 382 Bid�ret 1 ,�r�*�+�,�+� Mr. Mf�hael McPhfliips Waod pile b stu�s to be stripped. 8-1R-75-QS 28l 8urlington Road *,�r��,�,�,� J. L. P�dina f1) pead Elm tree in back yard. 9-3-75-JW 1668 6ush . 1k*�r�ir*,k�k* � , ����_�.� NAM� & ADf�tESS LQCA�It�lt CALL-UP BATE Leroy MacFarlan St,un�ps �ipt :p�ated: 8-25-75-EK 7�1 E. C�lifornia �+�►,��,�* A. Th+orn Be: Your property @ 448 Carroll 9-11-75-RV 1922 Fafraaount Ave. {1) aaad E1� in the back yard. ���� �r. W. Fre�ze C1� �ead �1m in the-back yard. 9-10-75-RV 52) Carroll *,��,�*,�,�� bir/ l.uther E. Johnson (1) t�ead Et� tree in tde track yard. 8-18-75=R1f 969 Carrol i �r�r,it�+�,�,�r*,�r,�r � `.. ,. D. �lenser Pos. � D15803 in the back yard. � 9-11-7�-Rn C398 M. Carter . **,�,�,�r�r,� . D. Schea^bert Logs wi th bar,tc on. . 4�8-75-RV : Z4�8 Carter � - ,�r,��,hr,ir*� - �. �. Southrrard (1) Dead Elm tree. : , 8-4-75-EK 141'S Case , ��,►�,t�r,ir�r - _ _, r_ Mt. Oli�vet Church. �4) t�ad trees in the p�rking lot. . = 9-18•75»JW 451 Wu. Central � ��A���� . .. � . . � . � � .�Y^ - . . �iera]d Rmnsan - Re: Yaur property � 524 Central 8-21iT5-JW �31 W. Central (1) Elm & a pile of iogs. rriririt,�r,�r+k+r�,k Leor�ard Broden Re: Yonr property @ 530 Centr�l 8-29-75-JW J'64 Fulier P�ile of el�n logs no't peeled. *,�r,�r*�* �. H. Wtnther Re: Your. ;pro�rty @1117 a. Central 9-14-75-RV 491 Wheelock`Pkwy. E. stu�► to be peeied. �+►,k,�rlr/t�k�,�e�* Mrs. M. Perlaoan Re: Your property @ 1118 W. Central �-16-75-R�i i811 P�nehurst �1) Oead E1m in the back yard. �r��,�* Milto� �ny4st�ent Co. Pos. � D1580S Re: Your property 9-1]-75-RV �23b �rter � � �258 W. Como ���� H. Leko �1) Dead Ei� tree in back yard. &21-75-JM 95O C�At''IC �*��� . , , ' ��V"JC�� NAIME � Afl�R�SS LOCATION :�ALL-UP DATE R. E.` Ridgway (1) Dead Elm in t�e back 10-9-75-RV 930 Goodrich yard. *��**,�* MIi[ce Doy1e Re: Yaur raperty @ 1733 �' 9-5-75•RY 1495 M�dway Plcwy.: Graham. (1� Dead El�n back yard. �r***�r* E. !�. Jones ` (1) Dead Tree in the b�ck yard. 8�21-�5-RY 785 Hagwe _ *�,Nr�� . Nathani�i Davis (1) Deaet Eim in b�ck Y_ard. 9•17-75-RV 796 Hague - _ . *����,� Elizabeth Clark Comm, Center (1) Dea�f Eim @ side'of butlding. 9-12-15•EK 2333 Hau�pden Squdre `. . �r,�r�*,�,�� R. kl. Gunderson Stump nat peeied. ` _ '- 8-i1-75y�K . .r � 142 HtgMNOOd Ave. . ****�*,�� r R. P. Ha11ey Pos. # �315804 10' s��mp lef�t: '9-3-75-RV 2334 �f. Hf l lside � *�r,�r,�,�,�,�** T�rin Gtty Federa] Re: Your property � 596 Holly 9-16-75-RY 6th & ltobert St. (2) De�d Elm trees. *,�r**�,� George� A. Dehm�r R�: �Otlr property � 632 Molly 9-29-tS-Tt� 566 Granite Ave. No. tog ��le ,�e��*+Nr�+k+�e* Mr. G�orge C. Moore (1) Dead El�n on the south side 8-18-75-RV 480 Iglehart of garage. *�r,�t+�*,�r� ; Z. Ha�tlton � Stumps not peeled. 8-18-75-�Y 916 Iglehart **�,►,�w�,�r* Martin LutMer King Center Pos. # D158i1 - 15812 - 15816 - 9-3-75-RV -270 No. Kent 15817 - 158i8. �r*��**,� Mr. Glen M. Hilan Stump not peeied. 8•12-75-tK 1808 Lafond *,��r�,�** ; Walsh i'ree Service Re: Your property � Larch - 10-9-75»JMf 1080 Norton Front - Western - logs & brush. ����� .i .., , . � . . -� . . . .. �. . �V�����.� . NAME & ADDRESS LQCATIQt� CAI,.L-FJP DATE D. A. Batley (7y �ea�d/dying ta^�s in the 9-9-75-DS 234 C1ern�ont back yard. +�*,�,�**�* J. weiszel Stc�np not peeled. 8-21-75-EK 750 Concord ���� El�nusrt cemetery (t) Dena tree tp�intea) ` lo-s-7s-DT 151Q No. Ekle ����� Anthony J. CQSta Pos. # 019958 tt�: Your property 10-2�75-DT 27tI0 No. Rtce (2} lots south of 1�s7�'� �, qa�e #�k�,k*�r*,k�ir* D. St�on ` {1) `Dead Elm in the b��ck. yard. 9-19-7'5-RV 728 ti�yton �,�e,�r**�* � �. :. . . Chart�s A Laurent� ,. -, ` R _ ;:�e: :Xour property � 173�;.Day�on 9-29�7.v-KH 1740 Sttllwater � � (t� `Dead Elm front yard. �r��rrr�r�r�,t C. E. .Kunez � Stan�ps not peeled. 8-14-75-Ei� I647 Bieter ,rr�,��r,�r� Resident - Owner L�gs not peeled. 9-3-75-JW 680 Duiuth _ ����� Admiral Merch�nts Mtr. Frt. � . Logs & stump nat peel�d. � 8-5-75-DT . 923 �ustis . *�r�+Mr�k*�k1r,k,�r�r D. t,. :�Wheler (�j Dying E1� in front yard. 9-10-75-EK �051 Everett �*,�,�r,�* Russi:�i� Serbiar► OrthQdox Ros. � fl12839 7-14-75-JW 956 Forest St. ,�ye,k,�,ir,�r*,kre* North�ast R�alty Pos # D19219 Re: Your �roperty tfl-24-75-RY 220� Stiver take Road 3� Fulton • baCk y�rd. ._ �r**,�,��� D. B. Jarchc�i► Stu�p not p�e'ted. (3) P�os. ` 10-7-75-RV _ 387 Goodrich � D19568 - D19b31 - D19633 ,�,�r**�r�,�* } George Young pos, # D15855 in back yard vn 9-1]-75=RV 593 Goodrich alley line. ir,t�r�r�**�rir ;: _ �6���.�. NAME & AaflRESS IUGATION CALL'-UP DATE Joan �elisle (1) Dead Elm tree tn �ack ya�rd. 8-21-75-RV 403 l.murel H. H. Henson (1) Dying Elm {patnted) 8-11-75-DT 814 No. Lexingto�t �����r�* C. I, Ciernta Stu�p not peeled, �0 lags 9-11-75-EK 1636 No. Lex�ngton re�roved. �Ir��kyt�e*� R. l'. Cudworth Jr. Stump r�ot peeled. ` 9-12-75-EK 690 Lincoln +�,�r,�,�r* Marion K, DeLartsch Pos. � D15872 R��: l�our property 9-26-75-RI1 116 Gi�rard WaQds Drive @ 1391 McKinley trt�� in back La�* f��e�*,�a. 70�01 y�rd. . ,, ` J, R. ,Peter�on (6) Dea�t E1m trees a]ong the . 9-9-75-EK $�7 McKntght driveway. . ie,R+eir�t,�,tyt,t,�r�t,�r _ Msrle Harris (1): �ead Elm tree :in the front 8-28-75-JW 447 Milton yard. . ,�+��e,���r* Mr. I. R. Aldelman (1� pead�ying �'�a� ti�e in �"�he 10-9-75-RY 144 So. Mtsstsstppt River Blvd. back yard. ,�*,�r*�* - D. Nebert (zj Dea� E:�m trees. 8-82-75-EK 334 Mounds `Bivd. - �MF�t,k�Mr�t1t*�,k,it D. Erickson (2) Pos. # C�38�0 - D23849 8-i$-�75-EK 938 Mounds �r�r,�,�r�,�* Mr. Mitchell Re: Your property � 484 Mystic 8-22-75-EK 80 So. Po1nt Dauglas RAad � (3) trees. do� - stu�ps nat peeled. *�r,k,k,�r�,k�,Mr,kir* E. N. �ohn (1 j. E1ead El�o tree. �.__ 9-2Z-75-�K 867 Oc�an �*,�r,�r Auto Rarts Supplfer (8) Dead Elms traes (palnted�. 9-5-TS-RV 3�3 / �t84 (�tdha ir,k,�,��r,tie,�tyr+tir A. E. 6c#�ntdt (1) Dea�d E1m tree. 8•12-75-EK � 1459 Pa�me Ave. . ���� . ,. . , _ . . ., � . _� ` , . ������ fiqME. & AQDRESS L.DCATi4N CALL-UP DATE 1 Mr. Cagle Stu�np not peeled. ` 8-i4-75-EK 737 Plum - ���� E. Y. Hulbert Logs not strippe� of--�rl�.� 9-26-�5-3W 65� So. Paint Dauglas Road Empty lot bet. 614-65Q. *�,�r,��,�r�r�r�r . W. A. �sterhoff (1) Dead Elm tree @ �ic�e of ttu 9-9-75-EK 614 Puint Dou�las ftoad house, not renaved. -*�►yr,ieir*ir,ir,t,�r - , . Land Corrt�issioner's Offlce (2) Dead Elms across from 7�8 8-12-75-EK Roam 286 - City Ha11 Point f�uglas Roa�. - �,�r�r*���,�r�r ,.,,. ; .: = Richa�rd C. Brunmer tl) Dead El,m� tree. � : 8•25-75-EK 754 So. P�►tnt Douglas Ra�d _. _ - �t�r,ir�*,�r�nr,�r* _ . _ , R. J. Glarke (2) �ead Eim trees in the back 9-2Z-75-EK 713 Preble St. : . : yard. - : .:. ,k,kr�,k�,ir,�r�,�r . - ; :, .- i G. E. Peterson (1) Dead Elm tree in the back 10-9-75-RV 1762 Pr�aceton � yard (near alley line) *�r,�t,� Rock Island Motor Co. (1) Dead Ei�a tree. � 9-15-75-EK 719 No: Prior ,�,�,��*�,� Chf cago = Northwestern Re: Ytaur property east of 10-2-75-EK 275 E. �4tl� St. 655 - 65$ Reansq St. (4) trees �**M�rr�* � D. A. Russell (5) Dead Elm trees in back yar�. 8-21-75-JW 757 St. Anthony ,�*,�rr�� Resident - Owner 5t�mp not peeled - logs. 8-12-75-RV 1740 E. 7th St. ���*,�,�,� t�. H. McGafre Elm woad not peeted. 10-9-75-JW 2Q49 Sherwood ����� C. Morhland (5) Elm trees dead in the back 9-30-75-RV 229 Y►. Sidney yard (painted). ,���►�e�*** Ea�r1 Jennings Elm brush pile in the back yard. 9-30-75-RV 233 �t. Sid�ey ����� . . , , � , _ . � , � ��6��1 , . NAME & ADDRESS LOCATION CAIL-UP DATE Gordon Rustad Re: You� property @ 677 8-20-15-DT 445 No. RoY Si�ps+�p -. arust� E� iogs. �r*�*���,r D. Ltlly t]) Dead Eim tree in back ya�ed. 8-21-75-RV 18 St�rai t Court �,�r,�**�t* 0. Torgerson (1� Dead Elm tr+�e west side of 9-10-75-EK 1925tnylor house. ,�r*,r,�*�� R. D. Moe (1) Dying f1m tree we�t side af 9-23-75-EK 2413 Terr.itorial Raad house. ° �,t�t�t*,�t�t*�r C. A. Scfunitz Stump not pee1ed - Togs. 8-20-75-EK . ` 1596 Upper Afton Road �,�r,Mr,�r�eyt,�ril�,�ryt* -. 7. Napierkowski _ (1j Dead Elm tree in back yard.� 8-21-75-J�1 826 Universtty Ave. �*�,�r� St. P�1 Federat Re: Your proper � 1694 Va�6uren 9-24-75-OT 8th & Cedar St. (1) tr�'e (pafn�d� west, side of'� *,�,�*�r� house. • _ St�te qept. af Conservntion (7) Dead Elm trees 9-11-75-�5 12�0 Na�rner Road, �x�r*** . . J. C. Rersthoven Pos. � D15859 - D15858 - 1�862 - 7097 9-16-75-RV 415 Mar�shall A�e. Re: Yowr property @ 279 Western *�r,k,�,k�t**�k,�r J. C. Rersthoven Pos. � �q�'100 - 7Q98 @ 394 Western 8-21-T5-aW 415 Mar�shall Ave. Pos. # D15860 � 426 �testern A ���� K. J. 01son (4) Dead �1m trees in the �front yard. 8-21-75-JW 428 `No: Western Stumps not stripped. ���� Norrnan Vogelhal Re: Your property @ 358 E. Mtintfred 8-26.-75-EK 2616 40 th Ave. (Z) dead elm trees. Mpls. Minn. *�,ir,�e�r,k,�,k,ir Ronald °Karas Stump not pee�ed. 8-26-15-EK 501 E. Wyo�ing �*r�� Reside�t - Ow�r.r� Stump not peeled. 8-22-75-EK :. 542 E. Wyo�ing *++r�,r�+r�r,r,R , � ����� . ' � � . a ; NANE � AflDRESS Lt�CATION GAI.L��R D14Tf Ntr. Wi i i f ants logs 1 aying i n the y�rd.: _ 8w 19=7�-EK 798 York St. �*�,� . �ord Piant . (65) De�d Eirr� �pdis�fi��d) 9-18-75-RV 956 Mississippi River Blvd. � �*******�,r** , ,. �. . �. 11-4-75 � _ : . ` LAB/3w �i ! . � � � � � ����{/! _ _ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL J OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL ' ��-' �l'7�� .... e..• VICTOR J. TEDESCO MARlLYN LANTRY Councilman Legislative Aide December 5, 1975 Rose Mix City Clerk 386 City Hall BUILDING Dear Rose: On November 25 you sent me a letter saqing tha.t the Council had referred to the License Committee the complaint against the Walsh A-1 Tree Service. After checking with both Joseph Carchedi � and Phil Byrne, I was informed that their being served with a summary abatement has no connection with their license. In other words, this is not grounds for a hearing on suspension or revocation of their license. In this instance they would be as a home owner being served with a summary abatement. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get back to me. Sincerely, ?/ ' ��P� � Victor J. Tedesco Councilma.n cc-Joseph Carchedi, License Inspector CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5506 O � . . . , _ , , ° . . . . . . . . . , . .... � _ . . .. . .. . .. y �: . ' , . .. � . � -�A - . . .. ' . . � '�. . ,I� a. �.�s . . . . .. . � . . . , . . ` . . � � � : - � . ... M1a�. .. ' . . .' , . . .. � �. . � . . . , „, ... . ._. y , . . .- . � _ , .. � n f .. . . . � r . �. �. . . . . . . � . ... � �.'. . . . .�. �... x .�. . . , , .', . .�''mY_.. � : . . , . � i . ' � . � � . . � _ .7. , � '. ' ], . ..� . . . . � .. . ./.�_ ,. -� . .. �� . . . . , . � . . .' _ �. ;� - � .: �� � . ,'' � , _ , .. . � .. . . , . . . -,. . . ; . . � � , � , . , � ... .. . ,. � R�.. 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