266390 WHI7E - CITV CLERK 266390� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . �� � - . C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Saint Paul, §§ 60.100-64.221, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code became effective on October 24, 1975; and WHEREAS, § 64.201 of the Legislative Code established a Board of Zoning Appeals to perform duties and exercise powers as provided by law; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to � 64.201, the Board sha.11 consist of seven (7) members appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED� That the following person, as a qualified elector of the City of Saint Paul, be appointed to the Board of Zoning Appeals� for a term to expire as herein provided: Ronnie Lee Brooks -- for a term of three years, 1685 Princeton Avenue term to expire November Saint Paul, Minnesota 1, 1978. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yea Nays �hristensen �es$� �{u�y� [n Favor �.evine \�R� oedler I Against BY \�sylvester `I'edesco President#�t}�y2�-� Adopted by Counci • Date NOV 2 1 �97� Form A d by City Attorney Certifie ss ouncil Secretary BY By Appro by Mayor• ate �j Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By pt1BLISHED ��`� � ��� ' , . ' VITA: RONIJIE BROOhS ,� �� � �'� . C I . Personal Information Full Name: Rollnie Lce IIrooks Home acidre�ss: 1685 Pri_nceton Avcnue, St. Paul, ��Iinnesota, 55105 � Telephone: 61Z-690-2648 Office address: G-2 State Capitol, St. Paul, i�Sinnesota, 55155 Telephone : 612-296-4SF6 Birtn date: August 21, 1944 (Irvington, Ne�� Jersey? Family status: Married (Niay 8, 1966) Twa chiZdren (Kirsten, bo_r_n October 12, 1970 and Russell, born Atzgust 18, 1974) Husband' s name: Roger Alan �rooks � Husband' s occupation: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota Ti . F�uca�ion Nlajor field: Political Science Goucher College, Towson, Maryland (9/62 - 6/64} Columbia University, vew York (6/64 - 8/64) _ University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (9/64 - 12/65) B.A. , 12/65 I�Iichigan State University, East Lar.sing, Michigan (9/66 - 6/68) i�:�. , 6/67. All cc�ursework for Pn.D. completed. III. For�ign Language Competence French: Four years' study and field work IV. P_wards and Assistan�ships Dean' s Scholar, Goucher College, I963-64 Graduate Assi.stant, Department of Political Science, P•iic�iigan S�.ate University, I966-68 Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Fraternity, 1968 Graduate Intern, Computer Institute for Social Sczence Resea.rch, Michigan State University, 1967-68 V. Employment Di.re�tor., Senate Najority Research, StaLe Capitol, St. Paul. i�innesota (s�Laff: 1/73 - 3/74, Director: 3/74 to present) State Carr:paign Director, t��cGovern for President Campaign, Minriesota (6/72 - 11/7 .?.) - .V7`a : Ronnie Brooks F_.;,p��1�..�ent (r_ontinu�d) Nat.innal Field Staff , t•IcGovern for President Carnpaign, Ohio and �Ie�,v Jersey (3/72 - 6/72) ' _ Assistant Coordina�or, Comr,lon i�iarket Program, Aiinnesota State � College Board, St. Paul, i��inn�sota (9/71 - 3/72) Coordinator of Curriculum Evaluation Project, James rlada_son College, r•iichigan State University, Fast Lansing, P�izcYiigan (1/69 - 8/69} Instructor, Departmen�. of Social Science, Lansing Comrnunity - -� College, Lansing, i•�ichigan (9/68 - 8/69) Lecturer, Departnent of Political Science, I=lichigan Sta�e University, East Lansing, P�Sichigan (6/67 - 6/68) Research Assistant, Office of I�'ational Security Studies, Bendix Systems Division, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1/66 - 10/66} VI . Volunteer Activiti2s Chairman, Local Government Study Commission of Ramsey County, (1973-74) Career Advisory Panel, St. Olaf College, Nortn.f_ield, P�iinnesota Active Member, Minnesota L�7omen' s Political Caucus Americans for Democratic Action, State Board t•iember (1973) Delegate, Democratic Party National Convent�_on (1972) ; ruu� i.i�-eongressional District Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, Director and Executive Coinmi-�tee r�Iember, (1972 - present} Sierra Club, Membzr (1968 - present) Y�erican Civil Liberties Union, 2-Sember (1968 - present) Instructor, Lamazz childbirth preparation cJ_asses, Gainesville, Florida (1970-71} OXFAM (British Charitable Organization) , Volunteer, (1969-70) � VITA: .RONNIE BROOKS �66390 I . Personal Information � Full Name: Ronnie Lee Brooks Home address: 1685 Princeton Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55105 Te_lephone: 612-690-2648 Office address: G-2 State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota, 55155 Telephone: F12-296-4866 Birth date: August 21, 1944 (Irvington, New Jersey) Family status: Married (May 8 , 1966) Two children (Kirsten, born October 12, 19.70 and Russell, born August 18, 1974) ' Husband' s name: Roger Alan Brooks Husband' s occupation: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Macalester College, St. Paul, Minnesota II . Educa�ion Major field: Political Science Goucher College, Towson, Maryland (9/62 - 6/64) Columbia University, New York (6/64 - 8/64) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (9/64 - 12/65) B.A. , 12/65 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (9/66 - 6/68) M.A. , 6/67. All coursework for Ph.D. completed. . III. Foreign Language Competence French: Four years' study and field work IV. Awards and Assistantships Dean' s Scholar, Goucher College, 1963-64 Graduate Assistant, Department of Political Science, Michigan. State University, 1966-68 Phi Kappa Phi Honorary Fraternity, 1968 Graduate Intern, Computer Institute for Social Science Research, Michigan State University, 1967-68 V. Employment Director, Senate Majority Research, State Capitol, St. Paul. Minnesota (staff: 1/73 - 3/74, Director: 3/74 to present) State Campaign Director, McGovern for President Campaign, Minnesota (6/72 - 11/72) �� �'ita: Ronnie Brooks � �6639Q � Employment (continued) . National Field Staff, McGovern for President Campaign, Ohio and New Jersey (3/72 - 6/72) ' . Assistant Coordinator, Common Market Program, Minnesota State � College Board, St. Paul, Minnesota (9/71 - 3/72) Coordinator of Curriculum Evaluation Project, James Madison College, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan (1/69 - 8/69) Instructor, Department of Social Science, Lansing Community - College, Lansing, Michigan (9/68 - 8/69) Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Michigan State Un�iversity, East Lansing, Michigan (6/67 - 6/68) Research Assistant, Office of National Security Studies, Bendix Systems Division, Ann Arbor, Michigan (1/66 - 10/66) VI . Volunteer Activities Chairman, Local Government Study Commission of Ramsey County, (1973-74� Career Advisory Panel, St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota Active Member, Minnesota Women' s Political Caucus Americans for Democratic Action, State Board Member (1973) Delegate, Democratic Party National Convention (1972) Fourth Congressional District Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, Director and Executive Committee Member, (1972 - present) Sierra Club, Member (1968 - present) American Civil Liberties Union, Member (1968 - present) Instructor, Lamaze childbirth preparation classes, Gainesville, Florida (1970-71) OXFAM (British Charitable Organization) , Volunteer, (1969-70) . . (; r�i•i c�i�� 5.� r ��i• 1'.� r� r. �66390 f ' ��l�,l�,l�)�i ��1' ���� li `�.`�I���� . ''.�.' M aSlF493iQP . . `,r ,a��ceEaeaceF ,�. i^9 3 t����e.r . ,.�..,^'�;,- " i..����ti.xc;i: D. Goirt:� �t...o,: November 7, 1975 Council President David Hozza and Honorable Members of the City Council - City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Dear President Hozza and Council Members : I herewith submit for your consideration and approval a proposed resolution confirming my appointment of the following persons to the Board of Zoning Appeals : William H. Rupp, Jr . for a term to coincide with his present term on the Planning Commission, such term to expire on August 4 , 1976 . Mary Osiecki and for a term of one year , Watson Davidson terms to expire Nov. 1 , 1976 . Frank A. Horak and for a term of two years , Stanley Fishman . terms to expire Nov. 1 , 1977 . Ronnie Lee Brooks and for a term of three years, Gladys Morton t erms to expire Nov. l , 1978 . I am enclosing resumes . Sincerely, —^� '�� \ f,.�/. � G AW C-E-- .� CDHEN M or LDC/lm enclosure cc : Rose Mix ��:.�2 . � ����� � � � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss ) CZTY OF ST. PAUL ) � I, Rann,i.e Lee Bnoofi� do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as a me�nbe�c o� �;he Baah.d o� Zavi,i.nq Annecc?�s of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ability. Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 9�'h, day of �ecembelt, 19 75 � City Clerk