01-947Council File # e � _ 94 `� .�.,�.��_r�� Presented By Refezred To 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Committee: Date WHEREAS, upon iesolution of the City Council, the City of Saint Paul initiated a public nuisance civil action against MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol LLC and MG-0O2 St Paul LLC, by serving on Mazch 27, 2001 upon the defendants a Summons and Complaint which was filed with the Ramsey County Dishict Court on June 5, 2001, Court File No. CS-01-5074; and WHEREAS, on August 21, Z001, Dorain J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Tenence Markley, Shelley Mazkely, Mary Madden, Ross Winberg, and John and Jane Does 1-100 (hereina8er "Intervenors"), through their attomeys Michael W. Unger, John M. Bjorlariazi, and Peter Gray with the Ridex, Bennett, Egan & Arundel, LLP, served and filed a Notice of Intervenrion and Complaint in Intervenrion such that the Intervenors would have the rights and responsibiliries of any party to the aforesaid civil acrion; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has thirty (30) days from the service of the Notice of Interventlon and Complaint in lntervenrion in which to object to the Intervention or the objection is deemed waived; and WHEREAS, the Intervenors through the'u attomeys have sent to the City Attorney's Office a Stipulation pemutting the intervention so that the Intervenors do not have to wait the 30 day time period; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Attomey has fiuther advised that the Mayor and the City Council should decide by xesolution whether the City aceepts or rejects the Intervenrion; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that in aceordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the Ciry Charter and other laws applicable theieto, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby direct the Samt Paul City Attorney's Office to agree to and sripulate to the intervention of Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Teirence Mazkley, Shelley Markley, Mary Madden, Ross Winberg and Sohn and Sane Does 1-100 in the public nuisance civil action, Court File No. CS-0t-5074. Requested by Department of: Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary 8,,: {� � � \ _ _ _� ` � / Approved by Mayor: Date _��`�--� By: � � By: Form Approved City Atto ey By: G�—�o Approved by Mayox for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��QO\ City Council DMACT PERSq3 & PHOIJE Councilmember Coleman 266-8620 UST BE ON CWNCIL AGHJDA BV (DATq Sept. 5, 2001 (Suspension) ���� Sept. 5, 2001 wn TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES Directing the City Attorney's Office to agree and stipulate to the intervention of intervenors regarding the public nuisance civil action against MBC Holding Company Gopher State Ethanol LLC and MG_CO Saint Paul LLC, Court File No. CS-01-5074. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S � GREEN SHEET oE.�row� �1- 4`I'1 �d 3771 tlrccau,n. ❑ rn�naroar ❑ u'vetauc _ ❑ wuNCw.smxcFSUw. � nu�o1LL�RN�rc ❑ WYDR�ORItASfllii) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has Mis P��M�m everHrorked untler a oontract for Mie tlePeAment� Y6 NO Fies this Pe��m� e�er been a eilY empbyce4 YES NO Dces this D�Mrm O�s e sidll not ramial�YP�%� bY �Y arreM citY emPbYee? YES NO is Mis P�s�rm a fargeted v�entloR VES NO COST/REVENUE BUOOETm (CIRCLE ON� ACTNI7Y NU618ER (IXPWN) YES NO Council File # e � _ 94 `� .�.,�.��_r�� Presented By Refezred To 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Committee: Date WHEREAS, upon iesolution of the City Council, the City of Saint Paul initiated a public nuisance civil action against MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol LLC and MG-0O2 St Paul LLC, by serving on Mazch 27, 2001 upon the defendants a Summons and Complaint which was filed with the Ramsey County Dishict Court on June 5, 2001, Court File No. CS-01-5074; and WHEREAS, on August 21, Z001, Dorain J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Tenence Markley, Shelley Mazkely, Mary Madden, Ross Winberg, and John and Jane Does 1-100 (hereina8er "Intervenors"), through their attomeys Michael W. Unger, John M. Bjorlariazi, and Peter Gray with the Ridex, Bennett, Egan & Arundel, LLP, served and filed a Notice of Intervenrion and Complaint in Intervenrion such that the Intervenors would have the rights and responsibiliries of any party to the aforesaid civil acrion; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has thirty (30) days from the service of the Notice of Interventlon and Complaint in lntervenrion in which to object to the Intervention or the objection is deemed waived; and WHEREAS, the Intervenors through the'u attomeys have sent to the City Attorney's Office a Stipulation pemutting the intervention so that the Intervenors do not have to wait the 30 day time period; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Attomey has fiuther advised that the Mayor and the City Council should decide by xesolution whether the City aceepts or rejects the Intervenrion; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that in aceordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the Ciry Charter and other laws applicable theieto, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby direct the Samt Paul City Attorney's Office to agree to and sripulate to the intervention of Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Teirence Mazkley, Shelley Markley, Mary Madden, Ross Winberg and Sohn and Sane Does 1-100 in the public nuisance civil action, Court File No. CS-0t-5074. Requested by Department of: Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary 8,,: {� � � \ _ _ _� ` � / Approved by Mayor: Date _��`�--� By: � � By: Form Approved City Atto ey By: G�—�o Approved by Mayox for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��QO\ City Council DMACT PERSq3 & PHOIJE Councilmember Coleman 266-8620 UST BE ON CWNCIL AGHJDA BV (DATq Sept. 5, 2001 (Suspension) ���� Sept. 5, 2001 wn TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES Directing the City Attorney's Office to agree and stipulate to the intervention of intervenors regarding the public nuisance civil action against MBC Holding Company Gopher State Ethanol LLC and MG_CO Saint Paul LLC, Court File No. CS-01-5074. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S � GREEN SHEET oE.�row� �1- 4`I'1 �d 3771 tlrccau,n. ❑ rn�naroar ❑ u'vetauc _ ❑ wuNCw.smxcFSUw. � nu�o1LL�RN�rc ❑ WYDR�ORItASfllii) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has Mis P��M�m everHrorked untler a oontract for Mie tlePeAment� Y6 NO Fies this Pe��m� e�er been a eilY empbyce4 YES NO Dces this D�Mrm O�s e sidll not ramial�YP�%� bY �Y arreM citY emPbYee? YES NO is Mis P�s�rm a fargeted v�entloR VES NO COST/REVENUE BUOOETm (CIRCLE ON� ACTNI7Y NU618ER (IXPWN) YES NO Council File # e � _ 94 `� .�.,�.��_r�� Presented By Refezred To 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Committee: Date WHEREAS, upon iesolution of the City Council, the City of Saint Paul initiated a public nuisance civil action against MBC Holding Company, Gopher State Ethanol LLC and MG-0O2 St Paul LLC, by serving on Mazch 27, 2001 upon the defendants a Summons and Complaint which was filed with the Ramsey County Dishict Court on June 5, 2001, Court File No. CS-01-5074; and WHEREAS, on August 21, Z001, Dorain J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Tenence Markley, Shelley Mazkely, Mary Madden, Ross Winberg, and John and Jane Does 1-100 (hereina8er "Intervenors"), through their attomeys Michael W. Unger, John M. Bjorlariazi, and Peter Gray with the Ridex, Bennett, Egan & Arundel, LLP, served and filed a Notice of Intervenrion and Complaint in Intervenrion such that the Intervenors would have the rights and responsibiliries of any party to the aforesaid civil acrion; and WHEREAS, the Ciry has thirty (30) days from the service of the Notice of Interventlon and Complaint in lntervenrion in which to object to the Intervention or the objection is deemed waived; and WHEREAS, the Intervenors through the'u attomeys have sent to the City Attorney's Office a Stipulation pemutting the intervention so that the Intervenors do not have to wait the 30 day time period; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Attomey has fiuther advised that the Mayor and the City Council should decide by xesolution whether the City aceepts or rejects the Intervenrion; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that in aceordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in the Ciry Charter and other laws applicable theieto, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby direct the Samt Paul City Attorney's Office to agree to and sripulate to the intervention of Dorian J. Ullman, Lisa L. Shaffer, Darren Wolfson, Teirence Mazkley, Shelley Markley, Mary Madden, Ross Winberg and Sohn and Sane Does 1-100 in the public nuisance civil action, Court File No. CS-0t-5074. Requested by Department of: Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary 8,,: {� � � \ _ _ _� ` � / Approved by Mayor: Date _��`�--� By: � � By: Form Approved City Atto ey By: G�—�o Approved by Mayox for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��QO\ City Council DMACT PERSq3 & PHOIJE Councilmember Coleman 266-8620 UST BE ON CWNCIL AGHJDA BV (DATq Sept. 5, 2001 (Suspension) ���� Sept. 5, 2001 wn TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES Directing the City Attorney's Office to agree and stipulate to the intervention of intervenors regarding the public nuisance civil action against MBC Holding Company Gopher State Ethanol LLC and MG_CO Saint Paul LLC, Court File No. CS-01-5074. PIANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUM OF TRANSACTION S � GREEN SHEET oE.�row� �1- 4`I'1 �d 3771 tlrccau,n. ❑ rn�naroar ❑ u'vetauc _ ❑ wuNCw.smxcFSUw. � nu�o1LL�RN�rc ❑ WYDR�ORItASfllii) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Has Mis P��M�m everHrorked untler a oontract for Mie tlePeAment� Y6 NO Fies this Pe��m� e�er been a eilY empbyce4 YES NO Dces this D�Mrm O�s e sidll not ramial�YP�%� bY �Y arreM citY emPbYee? YES NO is Mis P�s�rm a fargeted v�entloR VES NO COST/REVENUE BUOOETm (CIRCLE ON� ACTNI7Y NU618ER (IXPWN) YES NO