266385 WH17E - CITV CLERK t �1��['��""
� � ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
W.E�REAS� it ha� been indioated to the Saint Paul City Counoil
that a vaoanoy wi11 soon e$iat in. the Counoil� oaused by the resig—
nation o� a member thereof; and
WHEREAS� in the event of a �racanoy in elevtive office it is in-
oumbent upon the Sain.t Pau1 City Council to oarry out the provisiona�
o� Seotion 2.05 of the City Charter in an orderly and expeditious
manner; and
WHEftEAS� it is the intent of the Couneil to oonduot an eleotion
to fill the vaoaney by an open process whieh af�ords maximum oitizen
partioipation by individuals and organizations and gives due oonsidera-
tion to every serious oandidate, now� therefore � be it
RESOLVED� that the City Counoil adopts the �ollowing prooedurea
as a method of filling the upcoming vacancy in eleotive of�ioe:
i. A publie notioe will be made that a vaoanoy exista.
2. The notioe will invite the publie to-..�ubmit nominatione
�f quali�ied pereons to the offiQe a��`'�lite°� Gity �1erk by
a apeoi�ied date� with resumes of qua3.3.�ioations and
supporting �tatements.
3. A request wi11 be made to groups that have endorsed
o8ndidate� in previous eity eleotiona to submit nominations.
4. The Counoil shall schedule a speoial evening Couneil meeting�
at whio�h a11 oandidates whose nominations have been reoeived
by the City Clerk would be heard by the Counoil� together
with nominations submitted by Council members.
5. A seoor�cl publio meeting will be held where those aandid atea
deemed by the Gouncil to be m�st warthy of eerious ooneidera-
tion would be interviewed in depth by the Counoil.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Depa�tment of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Levine .
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Ap oved by City Attorne -
Adopted by Council: Date .
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
WH17E - CITV CLERK �i�J6385
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 2.
6. Atr:a publio meeting� the Couneil shall eleot the person. to
fill the vaoancy.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� Sunt In Favor
Levine '
Rcedler Against BY
President � �o2z8 '
��l +�� ��J Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: te
Certified Pa b cil ry� BY
Appro d by Mayor: ate � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By -- BY
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AS�IATION of �-: .�:, ,,. L COMMI�VITIES
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an action allian - :_=_r..::- `'__�rove our habitat
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Lrs_I 1___.:
November 19, 1975
To: The Mayor and City Council
From: Barbara Boulger
The institution of an early notification syatem for the City of St. Paul
has been a truly positive step in the involvement of citizens and
citizens' organizations in the decision making process of the city. We
think that it demonstrates a definite willingness on the part of our
local city officials to provide a oneaningful access to government for
the citizenry.
The Association of St. Paul Communities has long endorsed the idea of an
early notification system and is extremely grateful to the present Mayor
and Council for having eatablished it. Having accepted and implemented
this system, we are now hoping that you will take advantage of it in
selecting a peraon to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of
Councilman Roedler.
We strongly urge you to use the early notification aystem, which you
established to seek as broad a apectrum of input into this decision as
Undoubtedly it has come to your attention that over the last few years
the citizens of St. Paul have become increasingly active in conimunity
organizations within their own neighborhoods, We feel that you ought
to take every advantage of the counsel that these organizations can
offer you. We are also hopeful that in making a decision on this very
important matter, that you will seek out a person who has his roota in
the coc�unities of our city. We understand that all of you have been
endorsed by the DFL party and by the Trades and Labor Assembly. We
fully understand that all of you have your political affiliationa and
obligations. However, we also feel that it is important that the com-
munities of this city be recognized and that their interests be repre-
sented on the City Council. We would, therefore, strongly urge you to
look to the neighborhoods and to those persons who have been active in
the neighborhoods in your considerations on this matter.
�n Cooperation with the D 333 SiWey Street
Human Resources Planning Council D St. Paul, Minn. 55101
, of the St. Paui Area a (612) 224-5531
The person you select will, of courae, have a great deal of influence
in the future course of our city. We are, therefore, quite concerned
that this person be sensitive to the needs of the coromunities of our