266378 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���^�� PINK - FINANCE •l CANARY-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL CO1111C11 J BLUE -.MAYOR , File NO. r � ' '`'' ' Z � Ce Ordinance N 0. � ����_ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative �rd.inance approving the terms and conditions of a 1976 Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the 3aint Paul Police Supervisory Group representing the Deputy CtiiePs of Police of the City of Saint Pa�l. �, The Council, pursuant t� the provisions of Section 12.09 aP the $aint Paul City Ctiarter arid the P�lic �rployees I,abor Relatians Aet of lgjl� as amended, recognizes the_ 8aint Paul I'�liee �,ipervisory Grro�p as euclnsive representative for the class of Deputy Chief of Police within the City of 3aint paul certified by the ��reau of l6ediation Services under Case �. 7�+-P8-556-A for the purpose of ineetin� and negotiating the terms and cmnditions of e�pl�yment for all fu11-time personnel in the cls�s of positions as set Porth in the agree�ent between the City and the exclusive representatives hereinabov�e referenced; and W�, the City thro�gh designated representativ�es and the exclusive representatives have.met in goc�d faith arid have negotiated the te�ns and con- ditions of employadent for the calendar year of lgj6 for sucY� personnel, as are set forth in the Agreement between the City and eacclusiv� represeatatives; no�+r, therefore '� (�CIb mF � CIT7C AF SAI1� PAL� DA�SS �: Sectiva� l. �at the Agreement dated as of the effective date of this prdiaance between the City of �aint Paul and the �aint Paul Police Supervisory Group on f`ile in the office of the City Clerk is hereby appr�v�ed and the autY�rized ad�inistrative oPficials of the C'ity are hereby authorized and directed to �acecute said Agree�ent on behalf of the City. - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco � President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Fotm A proved City Attorn�yr � `' '\�_:,', Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ''' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved y Ma r fo ion o cil By gy i / WHITE - GTV CLERK ��y��.^ PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 v v CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BW E -MAYOR > � � � . Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. �5�i a � . . , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3ecti�nn 2. That al1 of the terms and ccnditions set fcrth in said Agreement shall take foree ar►d effect on the dates indicated in the Agreement. 3ecti<ui 3. That any other E�rdixiance, rule or regulation in force when said Agreemer�t takes effeet, inec>nsistent Wi.th any pr�vision of the ter�es aad conditi•ns of said agree�ent, is hereby repealed. �ection �. That this prdinance shall take effect aad be in force thrity (30� days aPter its passage, approval and publicatia�. Approved: ir�tan Ci.vi.l 3ervice Coamnission COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen '�tvz� �-Ewr�� In Favor Levine �l Rcedler U Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Ha�wt }-FOLZC`, �� � � �g�'J Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci • Date Certified se b uncil ecretary � BY By -�` Approved by May Date " Approved ayor fo Su is ' -to C uncil.- .. . � 1 By By --_.. - Pu�. sNEO DEC 2 7 �9 r . • . , ��� n� . i� a.� �E�� � ,���3�� Salaries effec�i.ve 3anuary 3, 197fi DEPUTY �i��' OF PDLICE A B C D E F 1�_yr l5-yr $85�.50 $$�9.00 �g�2.5a ��9•00 �in35.5a �io8�.o0 $i�.�.7.00 $�.z5o.�o DEPAF2TlW�NT OF FO�.��E CITY OF S�aSNT PAIJt ilVTER-OFFE��CQk1MUNICAT10tV October 14, 1975 I�Zarty, The con�ract wi�.h the changes raot��. is acceptak�le to th� members of the SPFSG. As w� say in the canstruction trades NAIL I�': : : �� � _,�,�'��.t..� ` - R. F . LaBathE D eputy Chief of Police PM 73-b5 _ B.1 � 0 . .� . , 0,-� . na . ���a3 � 2ssa�� �976 AGR��t�EI� — B�iTEE;A� — � CTTY OF SAIN'T �'AUL _ � _ T°rt� SAINT P�a"�L�L a�Q�,ICE SIJPERVISOR'� C�Ft�UP ��� 2663'�s �rzc� Ta2r� PA�'r� _.______ x �os� �' �� D�finition 2 SZ� Ft�cognition � � E�ployer Authoxity � v Grievanc� Frocedure � � Sav�in� Claus� �� �� �inifor� Allaw�nce 11 'iTTIII Z,egal SexYra�ce 12 � s��'�ty �3 X Insurance i� XI Vacation 15 �II �.olidays 16 XIII Sick Lea�e 1? xIV S�verance Pay �8 ),ry W�tg�s �� �V� R�sidenc� �� XVTI �ental Plam 2� XVI�I D�xratian ana �ffective Date �'2 A�pendix A �' A�pendix B ��' dia �- ����� � - ��E �663�8 1.1 The E�ployer and th� St. Pau1 �olice Supervisory Group (aPPS) 8gx�e te�a�t the purpose o; enterin� into th�s �1G�NT is to: 1.11 Achieve Qrderly and pe�ceful r�1r��ions, tl�ereby estmblxshia�g � system of uninterrupted operations and the 2�ighest levP� of perfor�ance that is consis�ent with the we11. bein� of all concerned. 1.12 Establish the full ttnd com�lete understar�din� of the portions cancernin� the �erms anc� conditions of this AGFiE�i�T. I.1.3 Establish procedur�s to a�°d�r�y and peaceful.ly resolve disputes as to the application of interpretatior� caf �Ghis AGRE�El�I'r• i.14 P�ace i�n written form th� p�rties' a�reemsnt upon t�rms and conditions of emplr�y�ment far the c3ux°atio� of this AGR�1�T, _ � _ � � �ss3�� AR�ICI.E IZ - I�EFINTTIONS 2.1 St. Pau3 Police Supervi.sory Group (�P��) 2.2 B+I�'LOYER: T.he City �f Saint Paul 2•3 SP�'S - Saint Paul ➢eputy �hie�'s o�' pc�lice 2��+ �hp2oyee: A member of the SPPS Bar�ainin� Unit. _ � _ � 2ss3�� ���.� zz� _ �����zaN 3.1 The Et+�PI,OYE$ recognizes the SPP'S as the excl�sive regrese�tative for t�a�e purpase rf m�etin� and negotiating the terms aa�d c�nditioxas of en�plogrrnent for sup�rvisar;,r Po3.ice Departinean�t �ea•sc�ianei. 3.2 In the event the �LpYER and tne �FPS nre unabl.e t� a�ree as to �he inc�.usir�n c�r exc].usic�� of a new or �nadified job posiii�n, th� �.�sue shall b� subm�t�ed to the Burean af �I�diatinn Ser�ices for det�rnnination. - 3 - ��C� z� - ��� .���R�� 2563'7� 4.1 Tne SP�S recognizes the prerogatives o�' the EME'I,�YER to o�era�e and mar.age �.ts afi�irs in a1Z respects a.r� �ccordarce with applicable laws �zad regulatio�s of' �p�rcag�xiate ati�.�,horities. �ae prero�atives �nd autharity �which the EN�'t�YER has no� official:ty abridged, delegat�d or modi�iec� i�y this A�li��I�l'.� �re retained by t:a� EM�Lt"�YER. �+.2 A pu��:Lea e�p2ayer is no� required to neet ar�d ne�otiat� on �nattexs of ia�he��nt managerial pol.icy, �hich in�l�xde but �a°e ncat �;lmited to, sucka arPtxs of discretian of poliey �s the f�arsctions �nd pro�ra�as of tY�e �za�loye.r, its �verr�ll bud�;et, utilizatit�n of �echnolo�y, an@ organi- zat�an��. str•acture and �e].ection an.a direct�an and r�unobex� of persor�e?. » 1; _ � �r�c� v - ���c� ��c�� 2663'78 5.Z DEFIAITION OF GRT�V'At1C� � grievance is defirted as a di.sput� ar disagree�ent as to the interpretat�on or .applica��ion o�' �ck�� sgr�c:a�i.c t�xt�s and conditians �f the AGR�,'ME1�T. It is specifically under�t�s�d that aa�y matters gov�rned by �iv31. service rulcs or statutory provisi�an� shall not be consid�red grievences and st�b ject to th� gx'��v�nce �rocedure h�reinafter set f'�rtYa. 2ao disciplin�.ry �ci:ion which may t�e app�a3.�d to a civ31 service or rnerit sy�te� authority �ri:t1 be considered a �r.ievance an� su�je�t to �hP grievanc� prcace�i�:.re he:rein. 5.2 SP:P i REPRESEi*I'I'ATI�TES Tk��Q E��Ok''�R wa13. recogn�ze r��re.�e�t,�tiv�� c3PSi�nat�d by the N�'� €�s the grievance represeni:a�iv�� o� the bargai.aing unit having the c��.aties aas�i resporasibilities est�k.���staed �ay ��is Article. The S�PS sh�ll ncati�• the F�L(?YER in writing �f tt�e n��u of such .�,PPS reg�resentative� an�i o�' tb.sir suc�essors �;hen so �.�si�zsat�ed• 5•3 �O�SSJ[i�� 0�` GRI�vAP�C� 3t is r�co�iz�d and ac.ceptea by th� SFPS aaad tae �'I�17eER tha� tY�<e p.rocess3n�; a� �rievances as hereinaf°�er pxovide�i �.s ].imi.ted by the jo�+ 2�uties �.a�c1 responsibil.itie5 of th� EMPLQ� �r�d s�2a11 therefore by accomgli�hes� durin� zaor�a� worlcing hours on1.y wk�en consistent with s�zch ��3.'3.�J�� c�aata�s anc� responsik�a.I.ities. Th.e a�gxieved EN�i'LQYEE and the SP�S �h�ll be a�llowed a re�sonat�l.e a�nouzit of time wi�ho•,zt loss in pay �hen a gri�vance i: in-vestagiat�d �x�.d �resented ta ttie _ 5 - ��SC;;..�E V - GRIEVA.�TC� PEt�CEi�U�` (COl`iT��'U�) �G V�c�r�� �d2'S�YER during normal working hc�urs grdv�deci the F�fPTAYEE and t�i� SPPS reg�resentative have notil'ied an�i r�cea�recd tiae approvsl af the c�esignated supervisor who nas dete�^min�d th�at �t�ek� �bsence i.s r��,yanabZe and would. not be detrimental to the woa�'� pro�;r�ms of the EMf'I.0'Y�R. 5.4 PRC►CIDURE Gr�.evances, as c3efin�c� �y Secti*..n 5.�. �hal.]. be reso2ved i� cordFor�ance with thc f'ol.lowing g.rocedure: Stt��l. An EI�LOY�"E cl�iming �a violation canesrning the int,erpxetation of applic�tion o�' the Cuntract sh�ll within i�e:nty-�ns (21� calenda: days mf`tex suLh �l�.eg�� v3,ol�tion rias occurred present such grievance to the I�7'Y�E'a �upervispr as designated b� the II�E'LQY�:R. The F.�M'PItUYEFd-Y��SIGI�.ATF:17 r�pre,�entative will discuss arid give r�n answer to such St�p 1 ,�arie•-,faz�c� within tera (14) celendmr days �fter receipt. A �riev�nce na� r�solv�d ir� Step 1 and appe��,�d in 5��� 2 s�all be placed in writin,� s�tt�.�g forth the nature og the �riev�nce, the facts on wYrich it is base�, the �ravisic�n or prr�visians of the C�antract a11e�Pdly v�ola;�ed3 tka� r�;a�dy re�uesteu, and sh�l�. b� �.p�sea2ed tn Step ?_ witY�.zn t�xa (10� c�ta.erdar d�ys �fter the II�2YIAXLR-DE�IGI�IAAT�A regresent�t�ve`s final �ra��.*er in S��� 1, Any �ri��rance nrat a�ape���d a.n writin� to Step 2 by ��aa� ��P� �i�han ten (�0� Galend.s�x� d�ys sY�.al�. �� cansi.aered waivEd. _ � _ ����� � - ����� ����� ������> �663'7� a�ep 2e If appealed, the �°itter� grievance shall be present�d by the SPPS, and discussPd with th� �il'IAY�R-DESIG�i�ED Step 2 repres�ntative. Tk�.e ��OY�t-DES�Cl`�R.T�D r�gaz���ex�t�tive s��:i�. give t;h� �;� the �P�PIA��'S St�p 2 �answ�x° in writ.ing vri�hin. ten (lU) calenda� day� after rec�i�,t of such S�ep 2 gr��vance. �� �riev�znce nat re�olveel in St�� 2 m�y b� eppealec� to Step 3 within tex� (30) calendar duys fallowing the �fPI�G":.�.R-I3�;SI�]P�A.� .r�pxeaent�ta.v�'s finel 3�e� c an�r���. Any �rievance not a�?p�al�d in �ax�.tit�� to S#,e}� 3 by the SPf'S within ten (1�) ca�.�ndax �ay�s sha23. be considere� waa.�r�d. St�� 3. If appealed, th� writt�a� �x�i�vance shall be pres�rst�d �y th� SPFS tca, an� c�is�usse� �Yth th� �E.''ZOY'�C-n�S�G€�IA�D ���� 3 ��pr�senta�ive. TYye �'�Y�R-➢ESI��ATED r��resentative shall �avc the SP3'S the Ei�PIAYER'S �nsw�r in writing with�.a� t�rz (1.0) calen�iar days after receipt of' �uc�. 7�ep 3 �;rievance. A gri�v�nce not r�solv�d in Ster ? may b� eppeaZed iay tt�e �s�'P� to S��p k within ten (1C1) cal�nd�r days �'oZlo�a�.x� th� Et�TAYE�-DESI�PtAT� repx°esent�tive`s ��raa]L a��wer in �te� 3. Any �ri�vance not appeal.ed in ��ritin�; ta St�p 4 b;y th� a�P� �aithln t,�n (10) ca�.endar days s�all �P cor�5idered �aaived. St�p 4. & grxewr�n...e �aa�resal.ved in S�tep 3 ar.d appeat�d to 5teg 4 sh�11 be s�abt�i�t�ed �cs arbitrataan subject to the grov�.sions of the ��,;�z"��c �p�.Q;l�`i��z�: I�z�or ��1.a�;�.cns Act of' 1c;71. Tta� selectiaa-i of an ���itra+.:_°~, ,l:�all b� ��de ir� �cco.rdance w;t:� �he "P3.iiee. (;ov�rning t�i� �r'�atrat.�;,~� of Grievanees" as est�blish�d t�y th� �xb3,ic Ettaplayma�t R�la�icz�.^ :�ard. _ 7 - �zcz� v - c�:.�vv�r�� �xocEr,v� (co�r�) `,�663�g �.s �a�a�°nR�s ��rxoaz�Y Th� �rbitrator shal.l hav� no right to amend, azod:�r, nullify, ig,�or�, a�� �o, or subts^a�t .frc� ttae t+err�as a�d conc�itic,ns aF �he A�g���. T`!'a� arbi�tr�tar shall co��ider �z�d decide o�aly t,he sgecific i�sue(s) submitte�d ix� writin� ��r the F�ipLpy�r� and th� SPPS, a.=sd sh�12 hav� no �uthori��y to make a d�risian an any other issue ncat so stabmitted. `.b �`k`he arbitr�tor sh�:�1 l�e witho�at powex to ma]ke decisions cor,tr�ry to or �nconsistent wi�:h or me�dif�in� ar v�rying in ar�y way th� ag�pli- catian of ls�s, rules or rsgu7.ation� having the force �°td ef�ec� of 1aw� The arbitz°ator's decision shai2 lse s�.��itte� in wr�ting withita �h��Y ���) �.�ys followir,� th�e clase of the hearin� or the su3��nission o�' b�•iefs by th� parties, wk�ieh�wer is later, un�.ess �h� p�arta.�s ��re� to a.n e���nsian. �Ch� decision shaZ�. be based so3�ly a�i i,he �r�i.trator's interpretation or a�plieation of the express terms o�' �hi� AG�:riT an� vo t,he �'acts raf the {�rievance �reser�ted S.7 The f�es and expenses for the ���itretors' ��rvic�s and proce�dings si�al� be boxn� eq:zall,y b� the �.i:�4YER and th� SPPS, pravide�3 tha�� e�ch party s��l.�. be respo�si�sle for es�ac�gerAsr�tin� its own represer�t�tives a7ad �itn�ss�:s. If eithe�r �ax°t�° d�sir�;� a ve.rba�i� r.�ecard of �h� px�r�edings� i� r�� ca�.s� such a r�cord �o '�P aa�c3e, provs.rfling i t gr�ys F�r the �ecord. If bo`h p�r�fes d�sire a vea•batim record af the p�~:-�r..�F't-��.�s, ��e� cost sha].Z be share� equally. _ g _ � 2ss3�� a�rzc� v - ��v�c.� �a�v� (co�,�in�) 5.8 wA�rt If e gxievance is not present�d within the time limi�s set forth ab<�ve, it shail be r_onsidered ptWS�V�t%��. Ii a grievance is no4 ap��e�led ta the x��xt s�tep within the specified' tirae limit o.r any a�:ceed �xtensian thereof, it shal�l be cpnsider�d settled on the '��,sis of the �'L�1'ER`S last answer. If the EMPI�OI'�R does not �tnswe� a grievanc� or an appeal ther�af �ithin th� �pecifiec� tian� limits, the SPPi may elect to treat the grievance as c�enied at that step and i�nediately appeal the ga��.evanc� to the ne.xt st�p. The t:.ffi� limit on eacY� s�e�� may be ex.tended by mutual w�a.tt�n a�re�ment �sf t�e eranlL�;�er and the 5P'P� in ec�ch step. 5.9 �tEC�RDs .�11 documents, commur�icatians and records �i�aling with � grievancc shall be fi�.ed s�para vely fram the person..�:el fi3.e� of the involved emp�oyee(s). _ 9 ., � 2663`78 �.RTICLE �/I �- SAVINGS CI.t�i3�E 6.1 �his AGRFEA�I� is �ubject ta the laws of tk�� �Init;�r� States, the Sta�te of Mi.nrtesot� and th� Ci.ty of Sairat PauZ. In the e�a��nt at��r pr<�visiort of �h�s �:{�I�IEN'� sha11 be helcl ;a be cotitz�a�^y �to la� by a court o�' competent jurisdiction �rom wh�s� final judgment or dec:ree no appea.l has be�r� tr�k�r� w�thi� the tiine pravided, such prt�visions sh�l.� be �oie�er�� All other provis�.�ns sh�.sl�, cor�t�nu� ia-� f�zll .�o�re �.nc� effect. �'he vaided pravisic�rr may be rene�oti�ted at the writt�:n rsquest of eitkzer pary. � 1� .. ��zC� �z� - �x�� ����� 2663�� 7.1 The 1972-b�se a� one huredred eighty (�180.�) dollars as a clothing �l�.o'w'anc� on a �oucher system wi11. be increasec� ox� J��u�ary �.s Z�4 ar;a �:ach y�ax� th��°�after c�n th� basis af � yearly study af �t.►? increased co^t of the ci��fined i:niforna. 7.'he 1972 base cost of the unifc�rrus sr� defi�ne� irY App�ndix A. ?.c^ '.t'h� St. �aul Pv�.�ce Uz?afa2� �ail1. nc�t be worn bv anv employ�e in ��i� �ervic� of any emplAyez� n:her tn�n �he City of 8t. Paul. - l.i - . �ss��� l�tTICI,�° YIII � L�G.�.L SERYICES 8.I Except in c�.ses af malfeasance ia� off ie:� cs�° �rillf"�1 or wanton neglect of d�aty, the E2�'LOYER sh�11 deFend, s�.ve Yzax�l ess anci. indemniflj an ��yEEa �anc3�or his estat�, aga�n�t �ny c�.�im or deanarid, �whether groundless or otherwise, arisir..� aut of an alleged �ct or omissian occuring in th� per�or�u�ce anc3 scppe of the EMPLOYEE�S dutie�. _ �.� - ,�TZ�� � - �� 2663'7� 9.1 �'IefD1� ax:r3 employee shall cooperate ir� the �n�°o�°c�ment of all applic�ble regulations for tY�e en.f.arceznent oP jr�b safety. I#' arz �mployee feels that his work duties or respcsnsiba.lities r�quire such employee ta be in a si�tuatian tha� vi.olates f�deral or state safety standai^ds, the raatter shall be i�nediately conside.red by th� EI�LO'YER. If sueh m�ttex -is not satisfactorily adjusted, it �a�r becoane the �ubjec� o� � �ri�vance end wi1.1 be processed ir�e accordance with the g�3�vance procedure set forth herein. - i3 - ���� 1� A��.'�C7� :� - T14SUI�(:E 1Q.1 The Et�2'IAYER wi21 contin�ae f�:� t�ae period of this AG��I9� to provide for employ�es such heal�h anc� life iiisurance benefits as ar� pravided t�;T �'�� at the time of �xe�ution af this �GREF.,�NNT• 10.2 The EMPIAY� �aill xar. the period of tha.s AGR�II�I� proaide for �mplo���s w�ho r�tire af.ter 'the time of r:�:��ution af this AGR��T �a�d u�t�-�- such emplayees rea�� sixty-f:ive (65) Years oY a�e such l�ea3.th insuranee benefits as are provi�ed by t�e EA�'L�Y'ER. i,p.3 In Qcd�r to be eligi�l� fo.r the be��fits uncler th� ��r13r ret:'tree p�'°�visi.aa�, tY►e employe� �as�: 10.31 Be rec�iving b�n�fx�s from � pub�.ic em�la�yee retir�ment act. 10.32 Hav� �ev�red ha.s relatinnship with th� City of St. Psul under onc� of the early retia�ee plans. ���1� �n the event o�' the c�e�th of an ac�iv� employ�e ur �n early retir��e, ��e �epend�nts af suc� emp�oye� or retir=ee shall have the option with.in thirty (��} clsys to ce�nt�.nue *he cur�ent hosPitalizatic�n as�d medical benefits, incZkdin� suc� i�aprovezaents as may be made fro� ti�ne to time, w�ic1� SSZd siep�ndents previousiy had, at the �r�a►ium �pp��cg��-�, �n dependents of active ea�;2oy�es. It is x"v.�ther �znd�xstaaci th�� coverage sha�l. cesse in th� �vent of: 10.41 Subs�e�ueat r�r��:rria�� aaf tY�k� survivirzg s�c�use c� the d�cease� e�ployee o� retir�cea 1C�.�+2 The emplo;�t:exat of th� survivan� �pause wh�re h�s�italiz�taan arid Pit:':jiCB;�. insu��nGe i^o�era�� is obtaaned t�a�s�u�:� a �rouF pro�ram v.rnvided by said �ployer. I� is further und�rs�ood, hawever, t2�at i:� .�aici ����t, ��� survi�vin� s�ou�e sY:sal have the right Lr� m�intF;Y�� t'.�.ty hosp�taliz��tic�r� anc� medic�l insurance co�erag� far t�e fir:st n�n�ty (�� da�s o` said emplc���m�n�. �.0.�+3 City°-prcavideci life invurance in existence at �i�:g of reti�'ement she:;.:s. ;::antir.ue to b� px�ofided by t'i�e Czty after �r� emplo�r�e sh�ll tai�.=� ���rly r�t.irer�ent, bu�t such c�v�rage ^hs�ll tezzninate at ��� 65• _ i�, .. �.���cr� x� - vAC�T�or1s 2�s��� 11.1 In each calendar y�ear, each fu1.7.-time emplo;/ee s��ll be �iven v�c�tion accr�xciin� to the aoZ�ouing �chedu�e: Y�r�rs af S�r�rice yac�tion Gr�nt�� I,�ss �h�n 5 years 10 days 1�'ter 5 years thria 15 years 35 days ��t�r 15 y-�;ars thru 25 years 2I day� �.t'ter 25 yeaz°� 22 days �n�loyees who work l�ss �han ftall-ti�� dha1.Z k�e grgnted vac�tion on � pro yata basis. 11.2 The n�r�d oP the Depar��ent ma�.r per�it �n empJ.ay�e to cax°xy ov�r i�zta �the following year up �o ten days ' �racaticn. ll.� ',I�te �bave Frov�isi�r,s Qf vacation shall be subvec�t to Qrdinance �o. 6446, S�ctz�n I, Sub. F. 11.4 If an et��loyee h�� an acc�uttulatio:� of sick ieav� c�ed�ts in exc��s o� on� h�dred and eip�hty c�ays, kae mAy convert eny �,�r� of such �exc�ss af vacation �� th� rate af ar��-half day's vacation far each �3a;� o�' sick �.e�.v� �r��a..Era �1.5 �"he ����i�am nu:^.��r o� days' vtgcation allo�+�ed b�r the conv�rsiaaiz �if sick lea•�� credits shsll b� no m�re th�z� five da�s in any �ne yes�r so that �ne r.,.:�,x::�,�:�•,�� •r�,cam��ari t:�e whictz �ndy �e t�ker� in any r��� year sh�€1�. �ae �k�ir�ty- r�:z1,-�>�: rl�ys includYn� t"�� re�ul�ar v�catio�r p�riod. a �J � . 266u'r� ���� x�� - ���zn�� 12.1 Hc�lid�ys recagni�ed and abserved. �he fallo?ding d�ys shall be recognized and observsd as paid holidsys: Ne�r Y��rs Da3r Calu�abus I�ay Preside�ts' Day Vet�rans' Day Memoria�Z �ay Thanksgi`•ing D�y Indeperzdence �ay CY��ristmss Labor D�y Two fZoating holidays Eligibl� enz���o�re�s sha�.l rec�zve p��► for each of tMe holidays listed abave� dn w�zich tYx�y perfc�rm no war�s. WY�enever any of t.he holid�vs �isted �bove sh�ll fgl3 on Satuxday, the precedin� �"riday sh�ll be ab�erved �s the haliday. Whenever anv of the holidays lis�ed above sri�I� �'all az� Sunc�ay, �hP succeeding Monda�y shall be observec3 as -the ho�.iday'. 1.2.2 Ttze floatin� holidays �et fU�tt^� in Section 12.1 �bove rt;ay be teken at any time dusin�; th� cc�ntr�ct year, �ubject te tY�e approval af the d�par����t Yce�ci o�° any eimp:layee. 12.3 �li�ibi?�t�r Re�=,�irem�nt:. In ox°der �c� be eli�ible for a holic�ay with p�gr, sn e�p�.ob�e's r.ame must �appear on the payr�ll on any si�c w�rkin� de�s nf the nXne vrorkzn� �:a�*s p��c�din� the holid�y; or �n em�loyee's name must agpe�.r on �he �a�rx�oll t'�e les� working day t,�fore th� hoiiday c+°±� on �r•ree: o#�i�e�- worki.n.� d�ys of tt�e nine working d�ys prececiing �he �:;<a�.id�y. "�n n�i���r cas� s�a21 the holiday b� courted as a warking c3�.y foa� ;he �urpc�ses of' thi.� s�c�tgcn. Tt is flirther andersta�d thrat n�ithez� t.�mp�r�.ry, ener��n�y nor other emplayees nAt here�r�for� eligible shell rece�r�� hol�.day pay. - ;l.E� - ARTICI.� XIIZ _ S�C� �� 2663'78 ]_3.1 �►pi.oye�s shall accumulate sick leave cr�dits at the rat� of .057b c�f a �rorking hour for each full hour on tYae �ayrol.l, ex�cl.uding overtime. S3ck leave shall be grstlt�d in sceaz�dance with the F'ersonnel �ales (Ordinance 325A). _ i? _ � 2ss��b A.R�'ICZ� XIV - SEVERAATCE P�Y Z4.1 EMFLpXEES sha11 b� eligi�le for severance pay in scc�rc�ance with tlz� Se�reran�e Pa3� Qrdinance Na. 11�+gC3, fihe �anount af Sev�rance P;�y al�owed sh.all be th�at amoiarat perrni�tted by �tate �tatutes s�xb�ect to the pravision that the �saxiamurt sm�unt allowed shall b�: $4,�00,00, _ �g _ ��C� � - �A�� 2663'7� 15.1 The bi-weekly sal�ry as es�tablis�ed in App�ndix "B" shal�.. b� p�id to emp2oyees holding the tit].e af Deputy Chief of Palice. _ l�n _ ����� �z - �Sm���� 2663`7� 16.1 EMP�,UYEES shall be boria f'ide resic�ents of the f�allawin� ar�as: Ra�nsey County, �ashin�ton Caunty, Anoxa� Co�unty, Dakota County, thf�t per+ oF �ennepin County wtaich li�s e�st of Highwa� 101 and tht�t part oP C''hisego County lying �outh �f Hi�I�way g�. 16.2 F�i1ur� ta maint�in z�esidence shall b� deem�d insubordinatian �nd mi;�conduct snd r�sult in automatic farfeiture of eaipl�ym�nt, �xeept �o �S,UYEE� pecug�ying � t�,porary swr�ner re:s�.denc� outside of ttae arc:as �bove outlined during the p�riod M�y 15 throu�h S�pt��ber 15 oi' any r.alend�r y�ar, 16.3 All. r.�w �i,FTdJY�� a��o�.nt�d af`ter JanRaargr l, 1976, sh�ll. b� reouired to resicie in t�,e City ef S�int F�u,� within o�ae y�ar nf tnezr initia� €�ppointin�, aracl thereafter woulc� be requir�d #;o remain w�,ttaan the Ci�y liraits as 14aa� as tYgey were employed by the Cit�r of Saint Paul. 16.� T�is residency requir�^ment sh�Zl �pFly ta ux�classified e�nployees as ��ell s�s classifi�� employees. 1E.5 t�pplic�nt: for posi�i�ns a.n the City of Saint Paul will na�t be required to be r�siden�ts of t�e City of Saint Paul. 16,6 ��I.�Y,�::.->:".: �'�il.ing to raeet tY:e residencgr requir�xnen� will be sub,�ec� #;o #��na.�-:�y�:_�.^.a r�nd a hr�arin�, pxocess shail b� e�t�blished �a det�rmir�� whet.rxer �?;�Y residency re�uir��a�nt was met. - ?� -- ���G� �� _ ��� P� 2s637� �Q•1 Employees covered by td�is AGR;�'.�.MEhT sha��. be covered by a Dental Insurance P].an fo; the period Janaary 2, 1976, thru Decembe►° 31, 1�376. The cost oF f;his ;�enta� Yns�.�n�� p��� por this periad shs�l bi. paid by th� F�yp�g�� pny ccntinuance of the Dental Insurance P:.an beyond December 31, �976 staall require the mutual con�ent of the �' I� �AI�L �O�,IC� SUPERVISORY GROUP and E�y�;RU. _ �,� _ .���� ��� - D�T�Q� � �F����� DA� 2663"1� 17.1 Except as herEin pro�rid�@ t�iis �G�NT shsll be effectiv� as o�' January 1, ].g76 and shall �ontinu� in full f��rce and effect thru the 31�t day of December 19?6, and t�ere�fter iu�.t3.1 modafied or amend�d by mutual sareement of the parties. �i��e•r party desiring tca a�nen� ar modi�`at this AGREF�ME�1' shall notify the o�her in writing sa t�s to co�n�J:.y wit,h the provisions of the xublic L=�nployment Labor R�lations Act t�� 1971. �.7.� T'r!is constittztes �; tentative agreement betc�eez� the p�r.ties whick� wxil be reco�rnens3ed by t�ae Ca.ty �Tegctiator, but is suh�ect to the agpxovm�. of the Ac�inis�ration o�" the City, �h� City Council and is alsc� sutsje�+ to r�ztific�tion by �the Ass�cia tzan. WI�I�SSES: CI�.'Y OF SAIN'.I' F.�UI, SAT�VT PALt� �'OZIL'� S�TP�RVISORY GROttF� •� � _�,t't}`�?�i$.� ?�P �'""'"' .f`s �� r .�.v' '°"�'�°"' �,�f L�box• .�e�.a�x�ns D�'�ct - 22 - A.PPF,PdDIX �e � c 663'7� Unit Price Overcoa�ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . e . , . . . . $125.(?0 Jackc�s, 6�an��� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 39•95 JaC�C@�'�; �n��Tffi�a���i� • e s • • • • • ♦ a • s • s • • e s • a • • • � 3��9� Jac'm`�t�"S y ���j' • • • • • • • w • • • w • • • • • • • �• s e • s • e � ����j . �ar��ss • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • o • • • • • • . • • • • • • � ���g� Rrii� S�its (katorcycla Offic�rs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 17.95 Y`�"�vp • • • • Y • • • • Q N • • Y O O f • • • • • • • • • • • • • p � M4 f�� Atter�ate Vest , o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5•95 Trousers, Winter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w . . . $ 3�+•95 Traus�rs, ?nt�r�n�diate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . � 29,5Q dl"0115�2'S� t�J'1A�,��'x • � • • s • • • • o « • r • • o • • s e e • e a • y� 25��� F�mts {R�d�� Divisioa). . . . . . . . . . . . . . e . . . . . . . , $ 6.95 M��i��S' �IJ1�GA �CW�V�GK}• • • • • • O • • • • Y Y • • • ! • • • • i T ��/S St�ix�s, �'i�ter (�ta�ing QPf3cer). . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 8.�� ����"s� ��r+� \y��Or�.d�• • • • • • s • • • • • • • • • • • • a • s � ��9� 5hiz°ts, St�mcner (Ranking Offic�s°�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 7•95 Shirts, ;iaort Sleeve (Radia l?ivi�io:n) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 6��� �°�1"�'S 9 �,�(3Y?.� �.5"�.�.'�"Y�.° (RF3C�;.G) �j.�S;tOA�• • • • . . • . • • • • • • • • �'i �`'�,)" 1�eS• • • • • • • o • e • • • • s • • • • • a s e • • • • w r • • e �a�i �o�� Sll��s • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • � .LS�VM �4�'�'"T�,a��� "'+�ij(}�+'�J• • • • • • e • s e • • • • • e e s • • • • • � �2��� ���x*� �+d��ws • w o • s • • • s • • • • • o a • o s ♦ a • • • • • • t�l �9�Vi.f �inCh �e��1.A1�t+Q+'1 ��wi:•�SO • • w 9 • • b • i • • • N R • • • • 0 • • • 0� GC�yoo C�VE:I'StiO�:.i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • re • • • • • e • • s • �jY IG e�5 �lt>err,�te C3versh�e�. , . . . . , . , » „ . . . . . . . . e . � 6.�}5 R�z.t�ber, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . s . . � 3•9� �ocks (Black or I��c�4j �1u�). . R a o . . e o . . . . . . . �, . . . . � 1.�� Soc�ss (Bl�,ck wittz �r7Yzite Foat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » � � �p�� _ � � — a _ � � i1 1 � T��pry�yM�fl� TTTT gA-Tp�'� � Yb�+f.i� �M6/ � Rubb er L�g,�in�s • s • • • W • • a w s e • e • • • • • • • s • • • • � �������{� J� 11VCl � Blac� Glov�a« . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 7.�a Unif��m Caps, Winter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.75 Uniforr� Capa, Sumffier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . $ 8.75 �am �x�ownrte Be3ts. . , . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.�5 Alternate Sem Brawne Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 16.25 YVRl�r.�a�.s • • • • • • • • s • • • s • • w • • • • • • • • • • • • • � �G�VV Cap Covers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.54 Garrisc►r �e�t s • s s s a • • • e e • • • • • • • • • • • s s o • • t�1 C'�s J� C�artridg� RQl��rn • s a • • • • • • • s • • • • • • • • w • s s • • +� 3�5^' Flashlit� Holder. a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . . $ 1.50 �ederal Streamer H�lder . � . , . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 2.OQ Ll��d��l J.e� e • • • • • s • e s • • s • • r • s s o e • • • r • • • • � +?�9� HBn��,.�d,i 4s�.g.�� • • e • • • • • • s • • • • w • • e • s • • • e • • • � 3��� T�h3.s�t1� �ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.;a5 Safety H�11net �isor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.:_'.5 1,rll�n liLLp • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t� ���la C�n Strmp s • • s • o a e w • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s • � •�� �ieavy Du�� Face �hie1� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 9•95 Head �uspeaasi�n. . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ �.90 Outer 5he13.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » . . . $ 14.2J �ir,� lF��.�k • • s • • • • • o • • • • • s • • .a o • • • • s e � C.�e���� �°JJ 61t�i���..'''i�'J• o • • • e • • s • • s • s • • e s s • • • • • s � ���/ H°J�.�'��TS 1'��.Y�x$d, 11�• • s • • • • • • • • ♦ • • • s • • e • • • • • • t� J��} Sg�P..rZ.Z�V. .i.3.!► s u • • • • • • • s s • • s • • s • • • • • • � S.'C��9�} 1.r)�i Qir1.���� ��• • • s a s • • o N ♦ • • s • • • • • • • • • • � �G��� D(3n. Llu.�e C1C1 e • e e a • • a e • • � • • r • • • • • • e • • +� �i-��5V S4�S• 8 • • • Y • • • • • • f • • • • • Y • • • • • • • • • • • • • � n. � � , , " Do not detach this me�morrand' n wrO behe ��r��� ord'+nance so that this V . , , available to th:, ;.;i y ��. �n.,.l. �I'� . �d • �J�" �� � � REP4RT TO THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE D. COHEN, MaYOR FR(JM: Thomas J. Kelley, City Administirator �� DATE: 29 �c'�eber 19?5 REGARD�NG: Shis �rdinaaee appr�ves a 1gT6 �llective Bargaining A�ee�tent bet�reen the CitY of S�int Paal anEl the Saigt Pa�1 Police ��pervisory 6ro�p. �is group represents the City'� Depn.ty Chiels af P�lice. The settle�ent Per 1976 is for a � .42 per ho�r increase plus the B�tal P].an if a �eatal Plan is i�ple�ted. t'he � .42 a�u�ts to a 3'�, iscrease. l SOURCE; Personael �ffice ACTION REQUE$TED: I recca�ena �romr approval and aubaissios of this 0rdinaaace to the City Ca�cil. ATTACHMENTS; �rdinance, capy for City Clerk and Ccillective Bargaining Agreeuent. �at � 1 �1� �d � ) .��� . r 3rd Adopted �� � . Yeas N�}rs CHRIS�iSIIJ HOZZA , �,� � 2663'78 ' � , ROEDLER ; � r SYLVESTER I� TEDESCO � PRESl�ENT (HUNT)