266368 � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FI'" NCE G I Y SA I NT PAU L Council �Sb'��f� CANARV - DE�ARTME File NO. BLUE - MAYOR V � ' sol tion Presented By � Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between the City and Ra.msey County Hospital and Sanitarium Commission which provides for the Commission' s acting as a collecting agent of the City' s cha.rges for pa.ramedic or ambulance service, subject to the terms and conditions of said Agreement, a copy of which is to be kept on file in the Department of Fina.nce and Mana.gement Services. COU[�TCILMEN Req ested by Department of• Yeas Nays Christensen �es�eL{v I�T� In Favor Levine ` �'`r �� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Id��}�-'l-� NOV j 3 19�T� For pproved by Cit o ey Adopted by Counci • Date c Certified sed b ouncil Secretary� BY By Approved b vor: Da Approve Mayor C u ci By y Pua�►sH� N ov 2 2 t975 �� . � _ !� " . � � . ACx � � r�7Fr�rT THIS AG�LETVZET��T, Dated the 24th day of September , 1G75, by ar�d betUleen the CITY OI' SAINT P�UL, Minnesota, hereinafter refe�red �o as "City", and the RAPf1SEY COUNTY HOSPITAL AND SANITARIUT�i CO���IISaIOid, hereinafter referred to as "Hospital"; L4TITI��'SSETH: T� CITi� AT�TD HOSPITAL ��!'tJTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOCrJS: 1. Hos�ital agrees to accept and use �ts best efforts to col- lect the Cii.yts cnarges, pursuant �o Laws 1975, Chapter ��6, Sec- tion 1.02072, a copy of which is a�tached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", for paramed�c or ambulance services furnished by the Citjr in connection with the delivery of patients in need of medical care to said Hospital.. 2. The City alone shall establish tize appropriate charge for suc�z services. 3. The Hospital shal,l a�tempt �o collect �he chai°�e for such services in accordance ti�ith i�s customary billing practices, and in accordance tiaith Lavas ].975, Chapter �26, Section 1.02072, and sha11 receive in �onsidera�ion of ics services ten percent (100) of each charge collected for such paramedic or emergency ambulance services. �-. In the event that any charge far parar�edic or emergency ambulance services is not callec�ed tiaithin ninety (�0) days from ti•rhen �� accrued, the Hosnital agrees to refer the charge or charges, � back to tne City, and the Hospital shall not �hen be entitled to any percentage oi the cha.rge then collected. _1- ,-�� . .: , _ +� - .: � .. �� . - . _ 5. The Hospital shall not ta�.Le a.ny legal action to collec� tne char�es. 6. This A�reemen�c may be terminated at any time by either p�.rty by giving �vritten notice to the otiher party. 7 . It is agreed that cor�plaints as , to the re�.sonaUleness of tne charges t�1i11 be reierred to the City Administrator �s office. TN ZAJITNESS �+1�iEREOF, The pa.�ties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above wr�tten. Approved as to Form: CIT PAU� � �s s i s i ;� or�x� � 4�,l . � Per Attached Resolution oz" Ci.ty Council Direc or, epar men o nance and Mana�ement Services Approved as to �Form: RAP�ISEY COU�`Tl� HOSPITAL AT�r� SAPdITARIUI2 COr�TISS�OT�1 � ��IILLT I�I B. RA�TDALL, Rams � Caznt�- At�o ne ' � By �-�- f. i-1ICHAE ET_;�L , Its Chairman RY A � �..:.� :;:.:__ . Assis an� ounty Attorney... and ���� 1 L�v���o�� Its Eliecut��re Direc uor —2— a�'