266344 � . WHITE - CITV CLERK c66�44 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . - Council Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �BAa, ?he Couneil of the City of Saint Paul by S�solution (Couacil Fi1� 265183) approved i�arch 18, 1975, ordered tl�e asaesa�ent o� Boarding Costa in th� aaount of �4423.65 ags.inst prop�rty d�acribed a� Lot 19. Block 3, Ed�und Rice�s 3rd Additioa being lkl-3 York 3treet; aad �.__ NR�EAS, Tlie aubj�ct Work was co�pletsd in July, 1973 and •aid casts x�re not r�corded uatil aft�r a change in Ownership of aaid praperty; and i1HERSAB, ?he preseat awner of the property aas thsrefor� unanrare of any pending assassant or fiaancial liability to t6e City of St. laul at th� ti�e of purchas�; nvM TElBBElO�E, EB I? B&40LVED, ?hat tlae portion of Council File 265183 pertaining to the abcrve describ�d property is hereby rescind�d and the proper Citq Officials are autboris�d and direct�d to furnis6 a copy of this rssolutioa to the Dirsctor of the D�partaent of linance and Manag�ent Ses�rices for proper recordation. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen �!t 8!s'viees -�1e�Ba�}�i�f� � In Favor Levine - - ' �"'�� g Against BY , - �ylvester Tedesco President H� 21-�1 NOV , 2,t9� Form Approve by 'ty A o ne Adopted by il: ate . Cert' ' Pass d ounci r BY Y Approve Mayor: Date Approve by ay f i Council By BY Y�;Y PU8L1SHE0 N OV 2 2 i975 � � � r�o.c.1��t�-�a-�� ��t� I;,r,4 :sni�.? :;c� v�r : 9r+� �o i��nua, gdT �2A:�S�a.�"�� 9f1! ��9"I9'�YO �:: ;` .'t ��,`ri [l�..c;�; `�9�/i) :�:"G �cyi��dC 91ir: II7fiUO�r1 ,Rf`CS'.i5 ''d.?;+1� 10 7�°.'O!P1S 9f�7 til '''1?O;.i :TlF�'S.`,'�Oi} 10 �i�9l1f2'T.922fi . i,�:. a,'9:�1�,`•i �r�r�mb.�i ,E �l�o.CF �!'I �O,I iSS :?9t��7�E9t') v3YSC)a�c� [>t'E �79jY7� 7�"S��`,' �—lal <.�!?i<j'i POt3SUS5!', bn�; �.."F'.[ ��luL r: hs�=siru�� esw �f7c�-a �:,9��;.;a sdT �2�.�5�'�!Fi+:r R.L,":8'I'�1'IWf� '?_[ 3:tf�'„I:7 S I9:,`�� �1�;�t r;gh'Y0�97 70t7 919W 878Q� f�SBA i�t1s ;'f7YyCO'24 `�i_;. }o �-_o+9^r9r�' z�;a .:��rjno•sr 9�:_, io -:s:fs�o ]11929T� .'��T �2�.33�ri:�"� O_ '{. ::!'��i.il IF;�717,,. 1'; 'YO J% 9C7�?9?�5 �fIl�),I9C1 ✓Il_ �i0 9'YS�.�i;1T;' ';'O+. :92 t;ltaY: : ]t� 91D.[7 �.T'�� �i' i:1F�a .7? -1 O `:'- I' 9l�:; �fs" li�c;i��'� lc� r:o3�'to•, 9r,: :3,>iiT � !�7.�`)t `5� .'� '�!A ;i��sI's{;•.-�"T t t�:�i9ri ai �jYyreo7� �79Cf.t'Y7A9'; 9voc�s 9;�Y o� �nl.;.� : .;l�c '_;:�:1 c. �; Jti.; �9:C.i'.lOtli;!F; 9'Y� ?ICSZ�t�'_:1 `�':is.: 1940SCj 9,'i� .ifi ��9ti�:1��:91 YU:i79"I�(1 3t13 U:i �f�i3, IrJF97 ?l;i:; .:7 '�QO� � f�2iYL�'"" 0.9 497J°3'YI'`� :O'" 29�tV"t9%� ''t9!1l9;'=.flfi�' Uf1F, 9Jt7"r,(ti� _;:J Jt�3m;';fiC?`J�i J :� _?n ,f:0:,i,�'10�;92 i9r07q �I i . '9`:IllT9Z jl;�i'A951f�tlr,�( .3 »t:B�'�J � ' _ �; i �� ' • • � _ � � . . .. 11 . •� j'4_ .�}:�,! .. . � . ��6��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + October 27, 1975 The Honorable Lat+rence D. Cohen Mayor of the City of Saint Paul 347 City Hall Building Dear 3ir: The attached resolution re�ueats recinding the aaaessment of charges for boarding up a building at 141-3 York Street relative to the attached letter of Lanaing and Oakes, Attoraey's at La�, repreaenting the current awners of the property. ?he circu�stances of thia situation are such that s�a uadue hardship is placed upon the present amers of the property and � the City Attotaney'a Office concurs in the recaa�endation, as indicated in the resolution. � � � Respectfully submitted , - _ � � � ROGER A. MAITSON � � Director, Depart�ent of Finance 6 Maaagement Servicea � ..----� � ��� ti���� � } by Pau . De / v Supervisor of Assessments � Telephone612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 J,. ` F � 3�ANSlNG & OAKES Q�rk Square Court Attarneys ai Lsw �C�°6„`��4 400 Sibley Street SsiniPaut,Minnesota 5.�ii01 Harriet Lansing Telephone: 612•227-0804 Judith L Oakes � �� r �� � September 1b, 1975 Department of Finance and Management Services City of St. PauI. �: 113 Courthous� St. Paul, Minnesata 55102 Attentio�: Paul nesch ' . � , Rez 141 and 143 York Avenne, Lot 19� ' � _ , :rt Block 3, Edmund Rice`s Third Addition Dear Mr. Desch: I represent Robert L. and C1ara M. Tho�as,- who are the - owners of the above-described property. As indicated b� the Earnest Money contract, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibi� A, ,my client�: purchased the property as� af. December. 4�. I974. Subsequently, in July, 1475, they received�aa =�nvoice, :=- � __ � a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, i.ndicatinq that an assessment had been levied against the property as o€ Suly 19, 1975. This levy was for boarding up of vacant buildings an : th� prope:rty, which appa►ren�ly_ was done in March. and July of 1973.. s; _.- :. My clients had received no previous notice that `an assessment was. *` "`°' in fact pending. In fact, in checking with your department� I was advised that the information: upon which the assessment was based did not come to your department frrnn the Department of Community Services until February, 1975. In attempting ta explore the basis for the assessn�ent, I s g� �. �i�' tl�t�..����`�At���rt��'�ff!"'���w-�.He�s�-, ges�e� �h�� ��c�� Fo �i*� ��ocedt�re4��at-��a���` . . - . , � p� pts�n�wv��e��be�`�torr�� . tlze �t�°~�o��i�t�ta�r�scind �h��°'assessme�tt�:� The assessment was levied with no notice to my clients, and with no possible oppor- tunity for my clients to discover the existence of the pending assessment. That is contrary to the basic tenents of real estate law. I would be happy to provide you with any additional informa- tion on this that you might feel appropriate. I would also Department of Finance and Management Services September 16, 1975 Page 2 request your prompt attention, inasmuch as interest is now accruing on the assessment, and in the event the assessm�nt is not rescinded, my client would have an additional obligatiaa. Very truly yours, 1 � � � � f _ � � ���fhJ L. oaic s� - EnC. Cc. Robert L. and Clara M. Thomas 7n _ { � 7 `� '_r-��' ._.:..r.--�'`.: