266335 WHITE - CITV CLERK ' - ' � �� ^ r PINK - FINANCE �� �� � •�q C F� �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY� OF SA I NT PALT L COIlI1C11 ��V��J BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ~ ^ � � ��� � ol tion Presented By Referred To i tee: Dat� s Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Thomas Academy football team was successful in winning the; Central Catholic Conference football title; and WHEREAS, The St. Thoma.s Academy football team has advanced to the Class A fina.ls of the Minnesota State High School League play-off; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Saint Paul City Council and all the citizens of Saint Paul are proud of the St. Thomas Academy football team and offer their congratulations to all the members of the team, their coach, Gerald Brown, and the entire coaching staff; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That further success is wished the team in their Class A final game on Friday. COUNCILMEN Requested by Departinent of: Yeas Nays Christensen �eesa/f�Kt" In Favor , Levine Q R°eilar Against BY Sylvester Pres dent i��t�f�� N�jY 2 t � �9�J Form'Approved by City Attorney „ Adopted by Counc' • Date u Certifie asse b cretary $Y ' . , i' � Approv Mayor: e :` Approved by Mayor for Submissio�i to Council By By p�guSNEQ N OV �2 �9 .'.. ;�4. , - i► � , CITY OF S�.INT PAUL �L,� ; ' '_ �� 3�5 i � OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL ```,� \. � F j.�� � � . � A 3 5 `: 5 .._S-� VICTOR J. TEDESCO MAR�LYN LANTRY Councilman Legislative Aide November 6, 1975 MEMORANDUM To: City Council Members From: Victor J. Tedesco It is my intention to introduce a resolution at next Wednesday's Council. meeting commending the St. Thomas Academy football team for winning the Z�ain City Catholic Conference football championship. I will invite the coach and co—captains of the team to attend Wednesday's Council session. At the presentation of the resolution all members of the Council will be asked to sponsor it. ..__�:.�...,..,�..,...�...,.�.,...�-.-�...a..<.�.,..,. __. __ _`c �--Olson (Al: Please ' j� put on Wednesday s agenda) esolution will be John Kelly. . ...�,.�,.-�,�,•�.,...H„�.�.�,�.��,��,.,,,..,,�.��.,:.�..�.,�.�"typed up Monday) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, b1INNESOTA 55102 - 612/2�8-5506 _ _ � , �.,..�„��,a5 .