BLUF�_ - MINOR File NO. ����■�� �
° � Zl SO tZOyl
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS Mr. Richard Dudley has made application on
Augu st 28, 1�75, for Class C-1 Restaurant, On-Sale Ma.lt,
Off-Sale Ma.lt and Cigarette Licenses for the premises
known as the Picadilly Bar at 485 Selby Avenue in St. Paul;
WHEREAS, Mr. Dudley had previously ma.de application on
July 11, 1975, for the sa� L�.censes for the same premises;
which licenses were denied by'�the Licenses Subcommittee on
July 23, 1975, and by the Couiicil on July 29, 1975, after a
hearing on July 23, 1975; at which evidence and testimony
was presented� a11 of wh�.�l� is embodied in the attached
Resolution; and �
WHEREA�t the License IMSpector on�e again �ecoa�nended
denial of s�h A�gu�t 2a applications because the mpplicant
(as former 1,��,ex�see) Msd . q � �:'ed the Pi�a�il7.y Bar _without '
such 7��,� � � .,3�a.ly �Ot�� ' .� �`a€t�±� ��� prevEiousl� existing� ' �
- , g
_ �:r�€i J� ' ...
13.ce �,� � ' �� ��d-.�.��ea�a� t�e :a�Plica�it
�as � � "�i<ce�se .�- itu�.1.1
e� g �+��-��� ��te �u�e-Qf_..izts -
premi.ses �nd €ac���e� for-gersons_er�ga,�ed„3�t:,prostitutiori - � - �
" and solicitatior� for �ice; and -. � d ``" -
WHEREAS, hearings on said second app lication were held
September 30, 1975 and on October 17, 1975, at 8:00 A.M. in
Room 707, at both of which hearings applicant Dudley appeared,
represented by his attorney, Paul H. Ray, Esq. , who was
advised tYiat the full transcript and exhibits of the hearing
July 23, 1975, would be introduced and relied upon in support
of the recommendation for denial; and -
WHBREAS, Mr. Ra.y received a copy of said transcript and
exhibits on October 3, 1975, and was advised by Deputy City
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza [n Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
` �, ��.-�1���JV
Attorney Philip B. Byrne tha.t although. no additional witnesses
would be presented on behalf of the License Inspector, Mr. Ray
� would be free to present any witnesses he desired, including
witnesses who had testified on July 23, 1975, on behalf of the
City_; and
WHEREAS, all cnembers of the Licenses Subcommittee received
a copy of the said transcript October �, 1975; and
�EREAS, at the hearing October 17, 1975, the transcript ,
of July 23, 1975, and Minutes of the September 30, 1975 hearing
(atta�hed) were introduced; and applicant Dudley with his attorney
were afforded an opportunity to testify and present evidence and
examine adverse witnesses; and
WHEREAS, evidence was received, in addition to prior testi-
mony as indicated in the .attached Resolution and Minutes, from �
Richard Dudley; Jo�seph Carchedi, License Inspector; Jeff Frank;
Andrea McFarland; a Mr. Qwens; Deputy Chief WiI1�.am McGutcheon,
and Lt. David Weida, St. gaul Police Department; and _ .
WHEREAS, there was evidence� presented by the applicant
that no one has ever been arrested .for soliciting to vice in the
Picadilly Bar; that once in 1969 he tried to take back money
from a prostitute who had stolett money from a patron of the
Pic�adilly and the applicant was subsequently arrested; that on
one occasion in 1969 he threw prostitutes out of the Picadilly
and had his car shot at; that he did not have any knowledge as
to which persons iri his ��r wer.e prost,itutes; that he could not
recall part�.o,�, a�l. of coi�,ver���io�s in 1�9.72, 1973 and 1974 with
police officers �elating to pros�itution. �in the Picadilly Bar;
that he does .kno,w �hich persqns �.re prostitutes insofar as they
are elsewhere .�.l�at�:� �.� �,k�is' Bh�, _w�.th;no ex�ilanation of the
appa.rent confliet; that no one has been injured in the Picadilly;
and that he` �.g�;in �c1�:�nQV�iedge�l that he, operated his Bar after the
licen.se had' �xp�'re�-'in �uly' of -1975; 'ani�
WHEREAS, the Licenses Subcommittee, based on aYl the relevant
evidence submitted at hearings on Jul.y 23, 1975, Sept'ember 30,
1975, and October 17, 1975, and weighed on the credibility of
the witnesses who appeared, unanimously voted to deny the second
application for licenses ; and
B�„� ,�,�a�oR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �
� � ` cil es lution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, a copy of this Resolution has been. ma.iled to
Mr. Paul H. Ray, Esq. , attorney for the applicant; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED, Th.a.t the application of Richa.rd Dudley for
Class C-1 Restaurant, On-Sale Ma.lt, Off-Sale Ma.lt and
Cigarette Licenses is hereby denied.
COUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� Sunt in Favor
evine v
Rcedler A gai ns t BY
President� Hozza
Adopted by Co . Date � 4 �� Form Approved by City Attorney
Certif' ass ounc' etary + BY
Approv d by Mayor: D e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
Pu6�.�st�fo N OV 1 5 t975
� • , � '
License Committee, Sept. 30, 1975 2
Carchedi read his letter of September 30 stating the East Side
Skating Club, Inc. had made application for permission to conduct
Bingo games for 26 periods beginning October 5, 1975 and that the
games will be played at the Hazel Park Commercial Club, 862 White
Bear Avenue on Sunday evenings, between the hours of 8 and 12 p.m.
This organization held such a license about ten years ago but has
not operated the game since. The application was made by John
Edwards, President,and Kay Tschida will be the manager of the
games. Mr. Carchedi stated that since the letter was written
John Edwards had resigned as president and that Joseph Tschida
husband of Kay Tschida, is the temporary president. He was
recommending approval.
Sylvester moved approval. MOTION PASSED.
d. Request by Mr. Dan Shiely from the Winter Carnival Association to
_ speak before the License Committee about a one-day beer license.
Tedesco asked Byrne if the committee could accommodate Mr. Shiely
with a one-day license for five hours, and Byrne replied that
unfortunately the city does not have enabling legislation to grant
such a license. In 1974 the legislature authorized municipalities
to grant a one-day beer license and Minneapolis has enacted such
an ordinance. He said he had a working draft of a temporary license
ordinance. Hozza said he has a copy of the working draft and he
and Byrne will get together and prepare a final draft and submit it
to the Council or the License Committee for discussion. Sylvester .��_
asked Byrne what kind of discretion the city would have if such an
ordinance were passed. Byrne replied that it depended on what was
written into the ordinance. The working draft has a fee of $25.00
with a bond requirement by the applicant and that the period of the
license would not exceed 10 days. He also said such a license could
not be issued more than four times per year to an individual or
organization. He said the committee could put in any additional
protection it wanted. Sylvester also questioned if the requirements
were met by an applicant if a license would have to be issued and
Byrne replied, "That is correct." Sylvester said he had some questions
on such an ordinance. He said the Winter Carnival Association ought
to think more about what they are doing. He cited competition by
established license holders in the area, and suggested that the
association discuss this problem with people in the liquor industry.
He was not objecting to such a� ordinance but wanted mo2'e time to
think about it. Byrne said there have never been any formal complaints
issued against the Winter Carnival Association. He also said there
were a number of church groups and other clubs that sell or dispense `
beer under thinly disguised situations. He assum�d these activities
would continue and it would be well to legi�imize such activities with
an ordinance. Shiely said he had approached the docantown liquor owners
including the ones in Lower .Town. He said the only reason he is
approaching this committee is that it is his intent not only to sell
beer but hot dogs, hot cocoa, etc. during the carnival activities.
` , , • �
' � MINUTES �ss���
September 30, 1975
9 A.M. , 707 City Hall
IBERS PRESENT: Victor J. Tedesco, Chairman
David Hozza
Robert Sylvester
OTHERS PRESENT: Joseph Carchedi, License Inspector
Philip Byrne, City Attorney
(List of names of others present on file with official minutes)
1. Meeting called to order by Chairman Tedesco at 9:02 a.m.
2. The following matters were considered:
a. Application for Class C2-Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage and
Cigarette licenses by Henry L. and Marilyn H. Weber at 2469 W.
Seventh Street.
Joseph Carchedi read his letter of September 30 directed to the
City Council stating that Henry L. and Marilyn H. Weber are making
application for Class C-2 Restaurant, On Sale Ma.lt Beverage and
Cigarette licenses at 2469 W. Seventh Street, which is located
on the north side of the street ir. Sibley Plaza between Maynard
Drive and West Maynard Drive. Thzs location was similarly licensed
si:ice 1972 and Mr. and Mrs. Weber will be personally operating
the business: He also said the supporting papers had been reviewed
and that he recommended approval. This is a 3.2 On Sale Liquor
license in conjunction with a Pizza restaurant operated by the Webers.
Sylvester moved approval. MOTION PASSED.
b. Bingo Application - St. Paul Council No. 397, Knights of Columbus,
156 W. Ninth Street, 52 periods.
Carchedi read a letter written by him dated September 30, 1975
stating the Knights of Columbus have made application for permission
to conduct 52 periods of bingo games beginning September 30, I975
at their hall at 156 W. Ninth Street between the hours of 7:30 and
11:30 p.m. This organization has conducted such games since October.,
1951 and Clarence Tessling will be the manager of the games. Carchedi
said the papers had been reviewed by the City Attorney and he was
recomnending approval.
Sylvester moved approval. MOTION PASSED.
It should be noted that the gaznes will not �begin until October 7.
c. Bingo Application - East Side Skating Club, Inc. , 862 White Bear
Avenue, 2b periods.
• • •
License Committee, Sept. 30, 1975 � 4
on procedures, Byrne said this is a matter between the License Inspector
and the applicant and that they must get together about unresolved
questions, and there could be a recommendation for denial on grounds of
unanswered questions and other aspects of the application. A formal
nofice should then be sent out of a hearing. He again stated that
there is nothing the committee can do until the questions are answered
and Carchedi and the club should try and sit down and resolve these
questions. Hozza moved to lay this matter over until the application
is before us. Sylvester and Hozza voted affirmatively on the motion
and Tedesco abstained.
f. Public hearing on the application of Richard C. Dudley for Class C1-
Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses at
485 Selby Avenue.
Mr. Carchedi read his letter stating that Richard C. Dudley makes
application for Class C1-Restaurant on and off sale malt beverage
and cigarette licenses at 485 Selby Avenue which is located on the
north side of the street. Mr. Dudley's last application for renewal
of these licenses was denied by the City Council on August 5, 1975.
Carchedi said his recommendation originally was for denial and his
recommendation today is for denial.
Paul.Kay stated that he was an attorney representing Richard Dudley.
= He said he, was not present at the last committee meeting when Dudley's ,,�;
license was revoked. He understood that the primary reason for the
revocation was that the Police Department feZt that Dudley was promoting
prostitution. He said he would like the record to show that since the
Piccadilly had been closed prostitution had not ceased at all. He
then showed the committee some pictures taken by Dudley of prostitutes
in the area. He said evidence presented by the police at the last
hearing regarding an employee named Shorty was not correct. He said
no one nam�d Shorty was employed by him at that time. Mr. Byrne stated
this is a hearing on the License Inspector's recommendation for denial
of the license. The basis for the recommendation was all of the
information received at the last hearing. He said unfortunately in
the notice sent to Dudley Mr. Carchedi didn't mention that that was
the basis. He asked Mr. Ray if he had any objection to that defect
in the notice. Mr. Ray replied that he thought that possibly the
charges brought out at the original hearino would be preSented today.
Ray said that since Dudley was not represented by counsel at the previous
hearing he thought maybe we could go over the allegations again so that
Mr. Dudley would have a chance to reply. It was Ray's understanding •
that the witnesses at the last hearing would be in attendance .today.
Byrne replied that he had a rough transcript of.,the last hearing and
could provide the parties with that transcript. After Ray: and ISudley
had had a chance to look it over they could present any furttier informa-
tion at a later hearing. Ray s�id his client would waive petition of
' � • •
� ��66��5
Lice�se Cammittee, Sept. 30, 1975 3
He said in connection with any difficulties with the police it would
be the Winter Carnival's responsibility to provide police protection.
He said there would be no liquor sold. Iiozza then said he and Byrne
would submit an ordinance to the committee for consideration next week
or the week after. If such an ordix�ance would pass, then Shiely
could apply for the license in about two months.
e. Bingo Application - Como Athletic Club, 1079 Rice Street, 52 periods.
Tedesco stated that before this r.iatter is discussed he would like to
disqualify himself on this matter. Carchedi said that on September 26
he had sent a letter to David 0'Connor, attorney representing the Como
Athletic Club,stating that their bingo application would be considered
today with his recommendation of denial. He said the reason for denial
is an incomplete agplication. 0'Connor had been informed of the in-
complete application but said the committee should hear the matter
today. 0'Connor stated he was the attorney for Como Athietic Club
and introduced representatives of the club, Jack Curtis and Dan Gibbons.
0'Connor said this organization, prior to the 20th of August when the
committee had denied the license, had been licensed for a couple of years.
In 3uly of '75, Roger Vamelli had been in charge of running the games
and because of Mr.Vann�lli's lateness in sending in reports the license
was revoked• Como Athletic Club has no argument with that fact and
at the previous license meeting it had been proved that he was guilty
of late reporting. He said the Como Athletic Club was now applying for
� a new license and Roger Vannelli would not be involved. He said the
Como Athletic Club should not be penalized because of Vannelli`s actions.
He said in the new application all of the requirements called for were
submitted by Mr. Curtis to the License Office. 0'Connor then said that
the athletic club thought they had complied with all the requirements and
yet were having difficulty with the License Inspector's office regarding
further information needed. Carchedi said the application is not
complete until all the supporting papers have been submitted. He said
there were difficulties with the bank balances and there were many
discrepancies unanswered by the club. Beth Wenzel, of the License
Inspector's office, related the difficulties of the financial statement
and papers submitted by the club. She also noted that on two occasions
the Como Athletic Club had not been registered with the State as a
charitable organization. She also said it was necessary for the police
and fire departments and the City Attorney's office to review all papers.
Sylvester said it was difficult to audit when the papers were not complete.
He said until all these difficulties are resolved he would not support the _
granting of a new license. Hozza said the matter of the application was
not properly before the committee since the application had not been
reviewed by the attorney and the police and fire departments. He said
the corumittee cannot take any action until these reviews have been
0'Connor then questioned why the License Inspector's office was requesting
more information �ahen the Como Athletic Club felt that they had complied
with all requests. Carchedi said 0'Connor had been told the application
was not complete and yet demanded the license 'come before the .License
Committee. Carchedi said he can't get anybody from the organization to
sit down and go over the financial situation. When questioned by Hozza
: . • • �
- � ��6�05
License Committee, Sept. $0, 1975 S
that other material and proceed this morning before the committee.
Because of the financial strain on Dudley, he would like to have
some kind of determination as soon as possible.
Bob DeBoer, a volunteer worker for the Food Co-op on Selby Avenue,
testified on the character of Dudley. He stated the problem was not
with the prostitutes but the people doing business with the prostitutes.
Miss Michael (last name unintelligible) also spoke on behalf of Richard
Sylvester said the committee previously revoked Dudley's license because
there was evidence he was fostering prostitution. He said the people
in attendance at this hearing had not heard that testimony. Hozza
said that since this was a quasi-judicial hearing only testi.mony relevant
to the charges could be heard. Given that, he suggested that if Dudleg
and Ray wished to proceed that a transcript could be prepared and they
would have a chance to respond to the transcript. Ra.y responded that
it �vas hard to ask a question of a transcript. He. suggested that witnesses
appear again. Byrne said that eight witnesses appeared last time and
that the transcript would tell him what the witnesses had said. He said
the committee, when reviewing the application, is going to be interested
in anything that took place since that last time. He suggested that
it would be impractical and difficult to again make the witnesses appear.
' " He said he would have a transcript in Ray's hands within a week.
Hozza moved to continue this matter until two weeks from today. MOTION
(Note: A transcript of Ray's testimony and questions following Ray's
testimony is on file in the office of the License Committee chairma.n.)
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.
� � r .
� � � �6�}�.
July 23, 1975 PIERRE N. REGNIER
Mr. Richard C. Dudley
996 Ma.rshall Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
Dear Mr. Dudley:
Enclosed is a copy of a proposed Resolution regarding
the license applications for On-Sale Malt, Off-Sale
Ma.lt, Cigarette and Class C-1 Restaurant.
This resolution will be taken up by the City Council
on July 29, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers.
You may appear there and argue against it, and submit
objections in writing to the City Clerk who will bring
those to the attention of the Council.
Very truly yours,
, �. Id
Deputy City Attorney
cc: Richard C. Dudley
' c/o Picadilly Bar
485 Selby Avenue
Saint Paul, Minnesota
City Hall, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
PINK� - FINANCE „ ■!�1, � �� �
CA[�ARV �- qEPARTMENT � tJITY O1' S�I1\�T 1,AUI. F le ci1N0.
. � �ouncil �Resodutio�
Presented By �"����"�
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, Mr. Richard Dudley had made application for
Class C-1 Restaurant, On-Sale Malt, Off-Sale Malt and
Cigarette Licenses for the premises known as the Picadilly
. Bar at 485 Selby Avenue in St. Paul; and
WHEREAS, the License Inspector recommended denial of
such appiications because the licensee operated the Picadilly
Bar without such licenses on July 10, 1975, after the pre-
viously existing licenses had expired July 7, 1975 ; and
because the licensee had habitually permitted the use of his
premises and facilities for persons engaged in prostitution
and solicitation f or vice; and
WHEREAS, the License Inspector notified the applicant
in writing of his recommendation and the grounds therefor,
and the applicant requested a hearing on the matter; and
WHEREAS, on July 16, 1975 the applicant previously
having received the written notice and requested a hearing,
the applicant attended the Licenses Subcommittee meeting and
was advised by the Chair that the hearing would be held on
July 23, 1975 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 707, and further was
advised that the applicant could and should be represented
by an attorney; and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held on July 23, 1975 at which
applicant was present and indicated his readiness to proceed
without counsel, and was afforded an opportunity to testify
and present evidence and examine adverse witnesses; and
COUNCIL;�IEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza [n Favor
Roedler Against BY
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
. - �'ouncil Resolutio�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, evidence was received from Mr. Joseph Carchedi,
License Inspector; Sgt. LaVern Lee, Officer Charles Zajac,
Lt. Robert Anderson, Sgt. John Voita, Sgt. Michael McGinn,
Sgt. W. A. Johnson, all of the St. Paul Police Department;
_ and one member of the public; together with submission of
various photographic and documentary exhibits; and
WHEREAS, there was evidence presented that the Picadilly
Bar was open and in operation on July 10, 1975; that all its
previously existing licenses had expired July 7, 1975; that
Mr. Richard Dudley admitted to the Subcommittee and previously
stated to Sgt. McGinn that he knew the licenses had expired
but kept the business open; and that Mr. Richard Dudley had
been told and warned in 1972, 1973 and 1974 that prostitutes
and pimps were using his licensed premises as a headquarters for
prostitution activities; that he has never assisted or
. cooperated with the police in that regard; that prostitutes
receive phone calls and messages for vice purposes with the
cooperation of the bartender; that the licensed premises is
used by prostitutes as a shelter and haven from law enforce-
ment authorities ; that from approximately April l, 1975 to
June 30, 1975 there were 36 prostitution incidents requiring
police reports in the immediate area of the Picadilly Bar and
on the corners frequented by prostitutes using the Picadilly
- Bar as a base; that from approximately February l, 1975 to
April 1, 1975 there were roughly an additional 30 such incidents;
WHEREAS, the Licenses Subcommittee unanimously voted on
the basis of the evidence received pertinent to the charges
of operating without a license and permitting the licensed
premises to be used in connectian with prostitution to deny
. these applications; and
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Rcedler B
Sylvester A gainst Y
President Hunt
Form Approved by City Atforney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
_ _ _ _ _ _
rirvrc — FINANCE �I TY O F SA I J! T 1 �U L COLI11C11
��.iJ�� t�AAVOR File NO.
, . , . �ouncil �esolutio�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date ������
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, a copy of the Resolution has been mailed to
Mr. Richar3 Du�31ey, advising him he may fi.le written ob-
jections with the City Clerk and appear before the Council
� to argue against its passage on July 29, 1975 and on such
further date as the Council may consider it; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that the application of Richard Dudley for
Class C-1 Restaurant, On-Sale Ma.lt, Off-Sale Malt and
cigarette licenses is hereby denied.
COUI�1CILh'IE[�I Requested by Department of:
Yeas Na��s
Christensen y
Hozza [n Favor
Rcedler Against BY
President Hunt
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
_ By
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By ` By