266285 WHI7E - CITV CL K ����� PINK - FINAN COl1I1C11 CANARV - DEP TMENT IT OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE -�MA R File NO. - ncil esolution Presented By v Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� Jamee E. Finley, Attorney at Law, a�d presently employed in the offioe of the City Attorney �or t�e City o� Saint Paul, has filed a suit against the City of Saint Paul con.testing the constitutionality of Chapter 781 of Laws of Minnesota for i965, which require James E. Finley to retire at the age of 65 and terminate his employment with the City of Saint Paul on November 1, 1975; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney and his assistants have been put on notiee by the plaintiff that they will be oalled upon to testify on behalf of the plaintiff in this law suit against the City of Saint Paul, thus creating a confliot of interest for the Gity Attorney and his assistants ; and WHEREAS, Seetion 5.02 of the Saint Paul City Charter pro- vides tY�at in a case where the City Attorney by reason of interest eannot represent the City, the Gouneil, upon the request of the City Attorn.ey, may by resolution appoint special eounsel and fix the compensation of such eounsel, now, therefore be it RESOLVED� that the City Council, upon the request of the City Attorney, does hereby appoint Russell C. Brown� Attorney at Law, with office at 1550 Northweatern National Bank Building in the City of Saint Paul, to represent the City of Saint Paul in the matter of J�mes E. Fin.ley vs. City of St. Paul, with the compensation figed at �45 per hour. The appointment of Russell C. Brown as special counsel in the above deseribed matter is terminable upon notice given to Russell C. Brown following a resolution of the City Council terminating suoh appointment. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � � g�t In Favor Levine Rcedler _� Against gY Sylvester Tedesco President � Ho2za Adopted by Coun ' Date �� �� � Form Ap d by City Attorney Certifi ass ouncil Secretaiy BY By Approve Mayor: Date �g��J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY PUBLISHED N OY � ��