266261 WHITE -�CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G TY OF SAINT PATTL Council ������ CANARY '.• DEPART NT File NO. BLUE �:� MA;" R � ' ouncil Resolution _ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHE1tE�8, the Council of t4e City of Saint Paul, in accoriaace �rith Ordiaaac� �o. 15311, and f�1loNin� th� public h�ariaa L�ld on Msrcb 25th 1975, did a��pt a Besolntio�, Council lils No. 2ii13A, establishiag ths la�el sf strsst saintanaac� •�svice to b� p�rfos�sd in th� Cit� of 8aiat �adl, aad the ssti�ated aioount of service �har$ea to �s l�vied again�t b�nefit�d property, the vert to be perfo�td ia 1975, and the cl�arges t� De collect�d Mit6 the r�sular taxes in 1976 and iiB�EAS, t6s D�partsent of le�blic W�rks has p�rf'�s�ad tbe appr�red strHt nsintenance �rork aad aub�itted its report tosethsr Nith tLe tmtal - cost of strset �sintewance i� the a�o�at of �3,S1S,O00.00; aeid WBEREAS, ths City t�cil, by �esolution, Oenncil 1�i1� po. 260426� dete�in�d ttLat the City s6a11 �ay t6� a�a of �785,000.�1t'1 of tiN str�st �sintenance costs fra� a�ailable fuads, aaa that the r�aiaing a��at of $2,730,t100.� shall be,assessed agaiast beatfited prep�rti�s, aaa fnrti�tr resolved that a public hearing b� held ia t�e Ca�mcil �wbers on Octobsr 28th, 1975 €or the pus�wse of adoptin� tlt� ssrvice cbszg�s againtt all b�n�fitsd preperties; and Wit�EAB, the Co�ncil •f tb� City of Saint Paul did bold a public h�ariag oa Oatobs�c 28th, 1975 for thia purpe��, aad, having ivard all iat�rastsd partiss, dees h�r�by adq�t tb� folloMins s�rvies chars�a ia accerdance aith Chapter 14 of the City d�artes and said Ordiaaace IW. 15311. nar, tlur�fore, b� it • > . �ESpL�D, that th� Council of the City of 8aiat Panl doea h�r�by adopt and l�vy the follaaiag servise charges aa a sp�cial ass�ss�ee�t saaiast b�►�fit�d prop�rties: COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt , Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � �BY . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . � By By !n/ � ., � _,•1 fl�lW 9�ttt;b�0�'!.; IIt ii�7SQ =17�&f ��O �ZJ `�I�7 �O 11731t�0.� 9f�7 i`j,�!l%�`•�� n�c� �i��c.�! no F,i9r1 <_;ri�as�; ;�_ ���c 9n7 gt;_.rc:llo_' h;: : �I� E,i .o:; y�t��r�l�,-z�, �r� �:r:irfaiJ.�3s_a3 �0£1oii�� .c;✓ 9:i9 li�^uo� �IJOI��f10R!9fj �; :co�s: oii� �-'_�e� 1t2�Br�'. "'O `�yS:° 91�j ::l J9f1!lO,x9(3 9'.i O_J 9:�.[v29a 7�71Ati9:.'tt';fA ]992J2 j0 �9'l9t y81:�f3rdF: i)9i•�'!1 9d O> ?9".T6d7 `i7xV'Y9' ac� 7t;-��: lS tt3��;iRt,89 9ti� D(16 i1u�'iq t�� ��>� tt;t1� 9fi� r,fr6 �C ,L�.i. t,t :�9r.Ttc�:•'iyc� �•; ��,i ��ow �ti_; �Y_"'9n07�� 79:il;9ir'd 1f1fi d't�'1 itl �:9X[ij Ib1u�a9T 9Si,7 i;jlcr �j97�9SIU� 9•� �19V02��r!8 9fi� fT9f630�"i9�� :;f;11 el71'lUT,d 7t.��U� �!I ::Fi`NOy'Y.E;�9C� 9t17 ����fj:'+H�•i i:i7Qy 'lt�� I��iW .3ft:;95t!,:: _�YUr9X ityi U9�7��C1U8 ()�:F, 7�'IQw 9:�E(&f:91i:l�ifll 7!'J77�• �f!6 :_;l'1.(}���^j��t.7 'O Jnuomh 9�7 fl� 97fii=!!�=it7iS1II 799'I.°h !tJ :i?Ou iG���t>; .Oi.' 4�2� II�Rr!p;i �f!<;:5.,»10?9'3 v� �.ft7'.;70. ��1;. 9ii� i��;�St�1'i'•� Y�'Y�8 3:;> 70 {)n.�l'^'..1�:.:�j,�'� iU tHt-'? 91�� ';$Q ��Qtl2 ti:1.1 9li� 3ht11 `:9f'J'TfY9:3h YO �f`U00lS }1:I�RtaI1t9Y 9I.1J y6fSj hUr. �a=..nu�: yid�ii�;VB fFp�'X? 8j80_7 9"�f"RSI:3�i: +:)iPlf x9�1�]►:2 �[i& i291:119qQYQ Oyyl]9f19t. 1a#IxF:ri; F:'_9i:?9'r,?r; 9- IlPsfr'c (l:�.t?!ll;i(1t'��i'; 'Y9Cf0�'�Q f10 $19��!lAI�:) ��'�flt!U.� 9f;� fiJ ��9f� 9Si $f11'YS9fj .^.I1:.'i;Ci li ]K('� !:9`!l ;:'9•: � �B ??C:tS.:'6 29; R$R� 9�1�J��? 9�1J Rf;I�C')�SS " O 9�OR•' �' �it�J 2;)". :_\l� ifi�{S:, , iliiS ;�95�"±9[U'CO t?9�xi9fJ9•. 7t1(���A b fft0(� �)1!� jflSG` �f'1t•c: 10 "_t.: 9'{7 �t� 12�f'L'U� ��•� i �/��?�t;+17'� j�R JI:;9J'� '�t71'✓f;f: �`:�f16 �9?OF7 _!� �jiiy "(U. .`�=: 1 ��y,S 'Y9tf0]7�` nU t�t.'r3t;9!'[ AJ E��7fif�7 9�1V`ty� �tf1lWUliO� 9�I; JOOfiG 'l�979�� 294.� �8917'YfiC� b9j".939::ftl �l.�L:'_� .ov! 9•.ntir�'»O �t�a ��ns Ys:;Y�r:;�; y;;i�.s �ri� .o Ni Ys:,�ari;� ri�iw e�ns+:.���s �1 !({ �970I9]9[!� �WO?' • ve9YS�i �9oh IUR4 �1;i:�? zo v�r,> 9ri� �o li�fr::u; y•.i:; 3sti� �R�V,7()%'��i y:]9J1f??�?^R �f! '�9' � F, ?S � ��&t{) 9!S'/Y9:: •::ti3�•rnli02 `l�i_ V`J91 ;rf,l. �OObR , ::9:_ 79r'O�" 4!9�F `t)r:9<.1 rf776'�'6 WH17E - CITV CLERK 1 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT . PALTL COIlIICll -Aj h�1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ^�`��� BLUE . '�M'AYQ$, us � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa�s 2 Cla:s I - Do�taua - �.93 p�r troat foot Class II - Oatlyina Ccrrcial aad Artsrial 8trs�t� - Co�srcial lropsrty - �.69 per froint foot Usideatial lre�psrty - �.34 psr �roat foot Class III - All i�sidential Str�ets Besiiential lsoperty - �.34 p�r froat feot C�srcial lroperty - �.51 p�r front foot Claas IY - All Oil�d and Pav�d All�ys - �.17 per front foet Claas Y.- Unirpro�vad Str�ets a4d Al1Rys BtrNta - ;.15 per i�ront foot All�ys - s�.El8 per fr�at foot and �e it 1�IIIALL? �OL.��, that t6e City Clerk i� h�rebp dir�ctsd to trannit w certifi�d copy of t61s R��olutien to tlw Ba�s�y awnty Auditer so t4at t�e ssrvia� ciur� lsvi,�d h�r�in shall be �t��ed oa t� prep�r taz lists of the Connty agd coll�ct�d in 1976 along MitL curs�nt tax�a, th� said •ss�►ice clu�rg�s to be papsbl� in a sinale iss talls�nt. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Christensen ' �@ Hunt In Favor Levine � � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President� Ho2z8 d� Z� � Form Approved by ity Attorney Adopted by Coune' • Date Certified ssed ouncil Secretary BY By Approved ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUHIISHEU NOV 1 1975 � , ,yt- � " . S 9S 6^ �OOi �noi3 �9R Ge.� - rnro3nv�cxT - T 2asl;) - 3�497=;? ;Bi'.9:�14 i�tiS 1��17X9o1lf.:,; �a7tYiyt111 - I� 88a1J :!'�U3 :I1fOt1 29Ct '�d.� � '/J 1lgOYa �SI)Y9f1l�1►'JJ j0o1 �no�] z9a : E:.� - � r7�quYq �sl]lt9A��9�. ay9sY72 le: _.r9bi�'A !!�. - ITI a?�I� ]001 9t�it7? I9n �E.� - 1�]9r024 jS.L�:i9h�89�j y001 1;:02] _9Q 1,_ .� � �(J79A0'� �::t7'I9�f�� JOOt _`fS07i Z9f� iI•� - ?�(91IA ��9�T:�? JfIB h911�: Sjfi - �r1 P.�:G1� ?V'!�l�A F)l7ii 83937=:'' 'J9VOYQL11�f1"1 -.J ??6.�.) 700� 3noY7 i�a cl.? - >y�ez�� �UO! :FIO'7f Y9f± ��.� - A;/91��'.. �t sd bas �im2tssY:i OJ ;h9j�92�b Y�i9T9� 8.t 7�291") v��J 9t7:� �Bt�] ��3{T.IO2g.t� YJ.i�l��� f, �s,l� oa so�ibk,r� r�:�uo:� �9a�n►;� sn� ��j noi:.t+�ioa9� aids 3o v_r;o� �►9��ty'I�� s � a�R2I XB7 79Qd'Iq 9!♦y AO •`'.9�l19�X9 9Cj r:F:l2 fl.f�Z9�: FJr9LV�l Ay�{=&�17 971V'Y!8 9f�} b.�sa s�j �39X&� ja�Y7 :;; d]iw gr3c�l�s c��-t-.t n?� b�»sl�o� bns .�nuoJ �rri� io .3t'9�t111S:t°rl! 91�A�� �. RI 91dB`1_BQ 9ti Oj P,9N74;1�� 97:VI98 � _ _ '#'.t ., ,..,.. _ �, � ` ��;f ��ilt' �J� : _ . ` , ,. � - � . �����, , ,=� � . .� •,,,� ' REPt1RT TO TH£ HON. I1�l,W$�NC� D. Ct�IlEN,. MAYC?R , �` : � t� i FRt�t: Thomas J. Keiley� City A+dmi�istratar ; , _ i DATE� Dctobe r 1:5� i�75 ` REGAI�DING: CnuAC i l Rasol ut toA satt ing�St Feet t�l�i nt,ena�a+�e;Asse�s�nt .. rates for .work perfanned du r i�g 1975 0� C i ty �r��t i�►t Is 1, ; , cainmerti i a l, dcwr+tc�wn and vn�.a�proved�st+�eets at�d a�t,��i }� at lerys. � : . � ; A�'Plt�t REQUESTED: Ap�rov�e Codnti i Ress�l�tlon ` ` . ,. , _ .. ; , . , � . � ; _ , . � . ; ' - ��: . _ _ . _ . _ . ,� ` ' ; , a _ , - . , . RATIt�1� FOR THIS ACT�4N: 7o e�a#�te. the�Aub1 ic Mbrks.Str�t' .` _ � � ' F1a�ntenance Fund to asse�� ae�! ���:� , � . thro�gh„ R�msay Ceur�t� �'��c �f����s � � tfie cos� of the: 19fi5 S�rea� M�l:��s�It ,- ; . . Pr�gr�. � ,� .. � � � , . �i/� . _ . � t Y _ . � . . . . :. - . . . �' , �,. ' ... ;' � . : . � . ' y ...-. . � . . . . . . . . . � . .� . . . :.'. . .. ., , .:. .. '. ; .' .. . � . . . . . . - . - . . - ' � . . - , .' , . � . . - . l. . . ' , C� . . ' � i .. • ' .. • ,: -1 . �� �, � ; SQIIRCEs Qepartman� of Publ ic Works � ' 1 � ; , . . � � � � , _ {; ; . - � : • � � . , . , . t - , _ . . , r,� , : ATTAC�HMENTS:, C<wnc t i- R���u t,i on � : . � . � r. � � � ' � � � � � � � . : _ � . , . ,,. _ , � . ; k , , ,� _ , ; ; , , ,, -: � \ . � - . . , � . � . � - . . . .. .�� . " . �f� � . ` . . .. . . � . . . : . . . .. ... , �' ... . � . . � . . .� � .. � � ... . ._ . . � .. . ... �4 _ :I - . . �� ,. . r �6��61 �u�n�i Flle No. ,2487� — Hy R�aby S!Vh�teas. Z'he City Cowncil, purs�lent to (3rdinanc,! 1Qo. 18331, Coimcil B'ile No. 290428,y'a�, Janudrq 28, 1973, dtd hold a pt�6 �ar�q�MarCh=26, 19?b, in tYie City CoundrChambera for the purpop+�of ee�stablfshitl�the level od service at StrEet Maintenance to be ppa�d�the�ouat od s�irvfao sacharSea$t0 be�levied ageinat beneSted property; Whereae, The C,ouncil oi the City.o! Sefnt Esaul did cletermine that the prw graai of.str�ek Mg�,�trn�t!co 8ervioes to be perf!armed aHl�7�iisu 'khe' ahould �rib d in�t��, attl�cl�e�d ra�of the DepBrqrnent o£Pnb7dc 'GVqrks; and Whdte885 The t�of Puhlfe Worka did. Dpr:[o�� �treet Main- tietia=nce 9srviea fxi,,a alAanex,as �t for.th �nd deYaribed in tIu attached reabort of tYt�. Degarttnent at Pubaic Wwarhk��e.r, and 15311' eae.l�v�at�e�t���W�ks hae _ _ _tp tYio 73ey�nt o� Finan4e attd Ma ge msfst I� ce� a I reDort I►hovving th��a tat� cast of Malptenaahce to be i3.sls,000.90 a��gy' of,�r�t i►om here�tolcme�ieen ile- 11w ta City Coisucil,now,there- 'fiere�o�ed; Thstt the C1t,y_ ah�l� qeY g?86,000.00 ot the cost c� su•eet lldain- tenance bv uetng Munir! al 3tate Aid I( 5,000;06) �runk �ghway Afd c i.esoo'�°�a �t �� `�ta c�s,- Reso�ved, That $9,780,000.00 shall be' aeesseed agaipst benefltied proyerty ac-' cwrdinA tp th0#bllowittg rates, CC i se�I—Downtowu—�.�.,per iro� ��ou���y� caanm� ana �� g,c�er� Prop�y —.;.e� P�r� R�i�eq�fal Fropert,y--rf.94 per S�ont Clsss�lII�--A11 Reaidential��fa i R f i tflential Pro�ett,q=-4.94 per!t'�t Comm ial: ProDertY — $,81 8e�' ��t`�t� Ciaee IV--All dildd aad�Paved A}kLys -�#.17 per iront lo.o! C�9 — UtLimproved $treete and Streets-$:1S ppr�ont laaC Alleys--'�.OS per it'Pnt foot and be it er Reaolvecf�at a publlo he,aring ahail be held i�R e Cvun�1 Ch�ml�eYS,od �e Cit pi �t Paul at 10:00 aari.� c�oIIected�iu� sam�e m�anaera� t� �pro��Coun�dl September .�0. 1 i r��COctob�`il;1�8j • . •, ��� � ` � ` � � �66�s1 2661�0 CtTY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVlCES ROGER A. MATfSON DtRECTOR �' September 25, 1975 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Mayor Lawrence D. Cohen Thoma.s J. Kelley City Administrator � FROM: Roger A. Mattson SUBJ: Sfreet Maintenance Assessments In accordance with Section 21.04 of the Administrative Code, I am foxwarding to your office a report of the total cost of services as perfarmed durf.ng 1974. I have also attached a Council Resolution accepting said report and settinq a date for a public heari.ng. This information is sub�itted to your respective offices for information purposes, with a request that subject attachments be presented to the City Council on Tuesday, September 30, 1975. � RAM/PFD/ja attach. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551Q2 . _. i �ss�s� . � � � . - �s���o CITY OF SAtNT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ROGER A. MATTSON DIRECTOR �' Septetaber 30, 1975 Honorable Council President and Members of the City Council In compliance with Ordinance 15311, Council File 260426, effective February 22, 1973, the Department of Finance and Management Services does hereby inform the City Council that the total estimated cost of services performed duzing 1975 for STREET MAINTENANCE, to be charged to the Street Repair and Cleaning Fund, to be $3,515,000.00 for the year 1975, as reported by the Department of Public Works. It is proposed to assess the amount of $2,73Q,000.00 against benefited properties, � with the total costs to be financed as follows: Municipal State Aid $395,000 Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid 165,OOQ County Aid 225,000 Total Aids $ 785,000 Assessments 2,730,000 $3,515,000 Attached for Council consideration is a Resolution to determine the total cost for street maintenance service, the amount and rates to be assessed, and fixing a date for public hearing, at which time the Council shall consider adopting and Ievying the service charge. Respectfu y submitted, ' ROGER A. MATTSON Director RAM/PFD/ja City Hatt, Saint- Paul, Minnesota 55102 WH17E - CITY CLERK � ^�A�-Ao PINK. - FINANCE � � � � L �l GITX- OF SAINT PAITL F1ecilNO• � U �� CANnRY - DEPARTMEN 7 ` � BLUE . -,MAYOR � � � � � � � V Council �Zesolution � �ss�s1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHSB8A3, ?ha City Council, pursuant to Ordiaaac� No. 15311, Counei2 �ile 1�Io. 260426, adopt�d Janass7 23, i973, did hold a public heariag oa Msrch 25, 1975, in ths d.t�r Conncil C�b�re for th� purposa of eatablishing the level o£ serviaa af Stss�t Maiatsnaac� to be perfa�d in ths City of 3siat P=uI aad th� �ount of aervie� cbarge� to b� levisd against b�aefit�d progertp; aad WHEItEA.4, tb� Qoaacil of th� City of Saint Paul dfd dsta�ine that th� progra�e of Sers�t Ziaiutenanc� S�rvic�s to b� performed within th� City should bs ia ths �esnaer as s�t forth and described in the attacbsd r�port of th� D�p:rtsent of Public Worlcs; aad WH�8A3, ?hs D�partMnt of Pnblie iiosi�cs did p�rfora ths Stre�t �intsnaac� $�r1I�C�i ia a �nn�r aa sst forth and d�seribed ia tbs attachad report of th� Dspartwnt og Pablic Rorks; and WHEBBAS, Pnrsuaat to Ordiaaac� Iio. 15311 tha Depardesat of Public Norks has sub�itted to ths Depazts�nt of Fiaanca and 1�lanageant Services a report abo�rf.ng th� totsl cost of Str��t Maint�aaACS to b� $3,515,000.00, a cop� of such repost has heretofors bNn d�livared to the City Couacil; naw, ther�fore, bs it SBSOLVED, ?bat ttu City si�ali pay �785,000.00 of th� cost of Streat ldiint�oanc� by uaing l�innicipal Stste Aid ($395,000.00) ?ruak 81g�nray Ai� ($165,Q00.0�) and County Aid (�225,000.00); aad b� it furth�s BESOLV6D� thst $2,730,000.00 shall be asa�ssad agaiaat bea�fite� propart� accordina to the follaring rates: Claas I - DaantoMn - $.93 per front foot Class II - Outlying Caa��roisl and Artarisl 3tr�ets - Co�rrsscial Property - $.69 p�r front foot Resid�ntial Prop�rt� - �.34 per f�t faot COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen S f� pise 2 Hozza In Favor ' Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Focm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHlTE - C�TY CIERK � � � VINK - FINANCE CITY sJF SAINT PA�[TL �ouncil CANqRY - DEPARTMENT B�Ut ` - MAVOR ' � M . � File NO. 1�R���„� . � ° � � Council Resolution Presented By �����1 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - 2 - Class III - All Asaidwotial Str�tts Besid�atial Propartx - $.34 psr froat fost Cos�raial Prop�sty - �.51 pes froot feot Class IY - All Oil�d aad Pav�d Al1�ys - �.17 par fsoat toot Claas O - Uoi�ps�av�d Stse�ta aod Alls�s _ Sts��ts - a.1S p�s gseat foot Allsps - �.Oa p�r front foot � aad bs it furth�r RLSOLVED, ?isat a public h�aring ehall b� hald ia tLa t;bun�il Cha�srs of t� City of Saint Paul st 10:00 s.�. on th� 2ith Dar of Octobar, 19T5, for tba P�'Pos• of sdoptiag s�s�rics c6asg�s against all bmagital psopucti�s to b� : coll�cted in th� •ae rsm�r sa oth�r r�al Pr�trty tases ia 1976. . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � D� ast�nC o l�ioan�! aIIel Maiis t Slsticss �. }�,�y}. [n Favor Levine O Sylvester Against BY �i�s�s VlGl.President ii�'��,�$�,Q $�� 3 d �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by hlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . BY