266256 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council t`�}f1� j'��f1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �+v���+�+ BLUE - MAYOR � � � uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that it is hereby found, determined and declared that this City should issue $4,100,000 General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1975-L to finance various urban renewal development projects designated by the City and $4,60U,000 General Obligation Downtown Development District No. 1 Bonds, Series 1975 to finance expenses reasonably necessary and incidental to the acquisition and betterment of development property projects with the District= and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Council shall meet at the time and place, specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained . for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for, and award�ng the sale of $4,100, 000 General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1975-L and $4, 600, 000 General Obligatian Downtown . Develapment District No. 1 Bonds, Series 1975 of said City; and b� it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is hereb� authoriz�d and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose �of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper of the City and in Commercial �est not less than ten days in advanc� of date of sale, as provided �by law, which notice shall be in substantially . the �orm set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the terms and conditions of said bonds and the sale thereof are fully set forth in the "Notice of Bond Sale" attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen I�txa Hunt [n Favor Levine Rcedler �_ Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President�tffifC H02Za ��T 2.4 �g�j Form Approve y City Atto y Adopted by Coun ' . Date Certified ssed b uncil cretary � BY By Appr by Mayor: T Ig7�3 Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P1�8U�ED NOV 1 1975 ---- ���� � NOTiCE OF BOND SALE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA $4, 100, 000 GENERAL OBLIGATION URBAN RENEWAL BONDS, SERIES 1975-L $4,6 0 0, 0 0 0 GENERAL OBLI�A'I!ION LfOi�iTQWN DEVEL4PME13T - DISTRICT NO. 1 BONDS, SERIES 1975 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that these bonds will be offered for sale according to the fo�lowir�g termsc TIME P,ND PLACE: Tuesday, November 18, 1975, at 11e00 o'clock a.zn. in the office of Roger A. Mattson, Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, 109 City Hall and Courthouse Building Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. Bxds will be opened by the Director who shall proceed to tabulate said bid� and make a recommendation to the City Council at their regular meeting that day. TYPE OF BOND: Negotiable coupon general obligat�on, for which the� unlimited taxing powers and full faith and credit of the issuer wi,ll be pledged; in $5,000 denom�nat�.on each unless other denominata,ons are requested by the purehaser within 48 hours after award. , DATE OF BONDS: Deeember 1, �1975. PURPOSE: The proceeds of Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1975-L will be used to finance various urban renewal development projects designated by the City. Downtown Development District Bonds, Series 1975 are issued for the purpose of financing expenses reasonably necessary and incidental to the acquisition and betterment of development program projects within the District, .INTEREST �AYI�ENTS: December 1, 1976 and thereafter on June 1 and December 1. MP�TURITIES: Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1975-L will mature on December 1 in the �u���� years and amounts as follows, all _ dates inclusive: $200, 000 - 1978 - 1982 , ;30Q, 000,. - ;1�83 .- 1�87' � 200, 000 - �1988� - 1995 . Downtown Dev�;lnpment District Bonds, Series 1975 will mature on December i in the 'years �nd ;amounts°�as~ � fo]:�.ows� all dat#es 'i.ncl,usive:; $100, 000 - 1978 - 1979 255,000 - 1980 - 1988 300, 000 - 1989 - 1995 REDEMPTION: All bonds maturing after 1985 wi11 be callable at the option of the city on December l, 1985 and any interest � payment date thereafter at par and accrued interest, Ca11ab1e bonds will be xedeemed in inverse order of their serial numbers. PAYING AGENT: The city has normally designated the First National Bank of Saint Paul, St, Paul� Minnesota or the Chase Manhattan Bank,. N.A. New York, New York� at the option of the holder naming as its paying agents. It intends to do so with these issues but consideration will be given another paying agent requested by the bidder within 24 hours after award, subject to the city�s acceptance; otherwise the usual paying agents will be renamed. The city wiil pay cus- . tomaxy charges. CUS�P NUNiBERS: The bonds will be printed without CUSZP numbers unless requested by the �uxchaser who must agree in the Offer �or the Bonds to pay all costs � . and expenses thereof i,ncluding pr3nting and CUSIP Ser�Yce Bureau charges. P,ny failure to print such numbers or errors in �rinting shall not be cause for failure or refusal of the purchaser to aecept delivery o� and pay for the bonds in accor- dance with the purchase contract. The purchaser sha11 waive any exten- sion in delivery ,time due to use of ��ss�� � � the numbers and shall accept all zespons,�.b�,la,ty in conneetion with usg -•o� CUSTP numbers. � . ° _ ' . ,�,:. ' " ' . DEL�SIERY: 4 inTi,th�,n 30 days after award subject to � :aPPr�o,di�si,ng` lec�l� c�pir��:�hx,of :M�s�cs. ��Briggs� and Morg�n, -Profess�o�ial As,soc�.ation, of St. Paul,` Minnesota and Mess�s. Pet�rso� & Po�eviCh�,.of S�k. . Pau1, MiiYn�sota-; i,ncl�ding customary closing documents. Bond printing and legal opinion will be pa�d by issuer and delivery will be anywhere in the continental United ` States w�tYiout cost to the purchaser. Legal� op�,nion will be printed on the bonds at the request of the succe5sful b�.dder. Payment must be made in �'ede�al k'unds or equivalent iminedi- ate1X ava�:lable fu.nds, on day of delivery. - TXPE OF BZD: Sea�ed bids of not less than $4�070,000 and accrued interest an the principal sum of $4,100f000 Urban Renewal Bor�d�, Series I975-L, and not less than $4,,5I0,000 and accrued inte�'est on the princi.pal sum of $4, 600, 000 Downtown Development District No, l Bonds� Series 1975, from date of bonds to date of delivery must be f�],ed with the undersigned pr�,or to the ti�me of sale, together wtth a cert�.fi.ed or cashier�s check in the a�nnount of 2$ of the prir�cipal amaunt of each issue for which a bid is subini,tted� payable to the order of the C�.ty of Sa�nt Paul� to be forfeited as l�qui,dated damages, but without lima.tation of the issuex�s right to addit�,onal damages i.f a biddex fails to compl� w�th. an accepted b�.d, B�ds fox the bonds o� each issue should be �1a�n1y� marked "�Bid foar $4,.100,000 Urban R�newal Bonds, Serf.es 1975-L" and "Bid for �4,600�000 Downtown Devea.opnlent D�.strict ;No. 1 Bonds, � Ser�.es 1975" to identifg th� issue of bonds �or v�hich said ba.d is submitted. k�TES: P�17. rates and combination of rates of each issue must be �n intega;al mu1- ti.ples of 1/20th of l� and may not . . . ��s�;� exceed 7$ per annum. Additional interest coupons may not be used. No limitation is placed on the number of rates which may be used. All bonds of a single maturity shall bear a n�iform basic rate of interest from date of issue until paid. No rate of interest payable on any maturity of the issue may be more than 1/2� lower than the highest rate of interest payable on any of the preceding maturities. AWARD: Each issue of bonds will be awarded as a separate issue and bidders may not condition their bids on the award of all or none of said issues of bonds. Award fpr each issue will - be made on the basis of lowest dollar interest cost, determined by addition of any discount to and deduction of any premium from the total interest on all bonds from their date to their stated maturity. The net effective average rate of the issue may not exceed 7� per annum. The issuer reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities, and to adjourn the sale. Upon award of bonds, the check of the. success£ul bidder for each �ssue will be deposited by the city as part payment of the purchase price of the bonds of that issue, or as liquidated damages if the bonds are not paid for when ready for delivery, Dated; October 24� 1975 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL , , = Ro�ea� A� Mattson, Director - Depa,�tment' o� Fi.nance' �nd Management Services .. � . , -. . � � ' . .. .1. ' � � . Additxona,l i,nformation may be obtained from: 'PETERSON & �dPOVICH �� . C.�ty Bond Qonsultants 314 Minnesota` �iild�.nc� ' a , ' : . Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 ` 612-222-5515