01-93. ��lGINAL Couucil File # Green Sheet # a�- 93 107122 RESOLUTION CITY,OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN 3 for the rental and use of a meeting room for training purposes. A copy of said agreement is to be kept 4 on file and on record in the Office of F�nancial Services. of: Police � Reiter Adopted by Council: Aate: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� `� � . � ``L__ i - Approved by Mayor: Date: F��ij 2� �Z�'j/ BY� <_`�����t ���'� By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney: By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council: t B „� icao-mayociviccenter-cr v�s/or GREEN SHEET No. 107122 wrrwwr� INRIALIDATE 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �C14LSF_RYICESb'R_ �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn_ 'Jcmcouxc�i O,_Q J � pnwn�✓uSERVIACG�G L.� �HUMRN PoGlRS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQt1ESTED ues requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the St Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement, wltich ;s an indemuificarion clause, with the Mayo Civic Center, in Rochester, MN for the rentai and use of a meeting room for trauring RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTI� Has this persoNfirtn everworKed under a wntract for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMlSSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwmialty possessed by any currerit ciry emWoyee? YES NO Is this p2rsroNfirm a qrgeted vendor? YES NO <piain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet The Saint Paul Police Departrnent was awarded a grant by the Office of 7uvenile Justice for Delinquency Pievenrion (OJJDP) to create a multiyurisdicrional Task Force to address the problem of the exploitation of children and child pornography via the Intemet. The Task Force is to invesrigate reports of flus nature, educate the public and other law enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem and resources available. The conhact for approval is with the City of Rochester, MN who will provide a room to facilitate haining of up to 100 police officers, prosecutors and social workers about the problem of cknld pomography and exploitation and resources available. training will be presented in a facility designed for uaining purposes and enable us to complete ttris portion of the grant objectives. ,NTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED sl trainiug presented by the task force would not be as effective in assisting law enforcement and prosecutors in rural Minnesota. to comply with grant objecrives. �����ge s,"�'cCO��v� �;;t�cj � ��� � � ���� AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S SOURCE Gidrit Not to exceed 500.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTIVINNUMBER 435-34056-0282-- � . � icactraining-mayoaviccenter-cr �t Mayo ���i�er DATE November30.?000 Facillu.s m S. �SED C ) Arena ( ) Andrtorium ( )ThLdKe ( ) Ballroom ( )A ( )B t'SE FER�71T ( ) Maco $uite ( )A ( )8 ( )MeDonnell5uitz ( )A ( )B ( ) Lez on Sui2 ( )A ( )B ( X j Elho¢ Sui�e ( )A ( )B PERSIIT °3318 ORnervtieu OAOIIOCODO= ( ) Gttnd Lobby ( ) E�.HaI! ( ).a ( )B ( )C ( )D ( ) \ortU Lobby a�-93 �( g) THIS AGREEAIE� made and rnttred nno �hs ?0 day o( Ko�emhe: b} and bzM1Veen 8ie Citc o( Roehesteq z ALnn ' s erei�m4er calied' Useation aumg tUroush its Board o(Park Comm�ssonz¢ and ns Niayo Cmc Center D�¢qo[, herema4er calkd "O.�ner", and RicA Attderson, Addrtss' Commander Rfek Anderson- St Paul PolFce De rtment ICAC Task Force - St Paul Police Depattmem IODE11'"ST S� Panl bN i5701 W9TNESSETH ALL PARAGRP.PHS RECITED IIFRE[N ARE PART OF Tfff. CO\TRACT LNLESS [\APPLICABLE BY THEfR T6@h1S M RELAT10�' TO tiSEA'S EVENT OR PERFOR1ylANCE 'CO 6E PRESENTED N OwT'ER'S FACILITIES SO�fE PAK.4GRAPHS �UY BE M.N21:ED `X` ONLY AS A WURTHSY IN TFIAT Tk�.Y MAY REQUIRE ACTS Oti THE USER'S P?.RT OR USEA'S SPECIAL ATTENTION THAT CREATE COSTMGE'.vCiGS TO 7'I'lE USES STATED F�REIN FAILURE TO "X" A PARTICULAR PAANGRAPH M NO W'AY ABROGATES USER'S DUTY OF PERFOR�LLVCE OF ALL APPLICABLE TEAMS NOR T!-� OWNER'S RIGHT TO DEMA.*�'D PERFORMANCE IT 15 Ml1TUALLY AGREED BETWEEN OWNER ANb USER AS FOLL00.'S 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(X) 6(X) 7(X) 8( ) 9(X) 16(X) CSE-Owner �ants ro User a non-assr�nable n_ht ro use and occup. that pomon otMayo Crvic Cencer descnbed as follous Elirott Sune T1'PE OF USE-User.vill nse the above stated ponion of Mayo Cn�c Cemer For fie follo.�m: pnrpose� iCAC T�k F T' a Mee n_ E�'E�TDATESITIS[ES-T d�Fb ��7�001-Ra+-3nm �\IOti'E-1� DATe(CI�IE- T d� Febn rv�7 �001 -7 am OPERTI\IE - Any even[ laznng Ioncer that (he timz sared above m thz para_aap6 enatled -EVENT DATES" shall mcur a charoe of S 100 per hour T70�'E-OUT-Uset w�ll move out �mmed�ately followmg event DIO�'E-OL'T/SPECIAL ARI2A�GtipIE\TS-_ � �� k� pAl'�IE�TS ASD DEPOSITS to be made m the (ollo��me mamicr SO upon esecuuon and dehvery of thiz Pe`m�t Toml Balance Due on [nvo�ce tl9ozn User �s enn�led ro be b[lled upon concluson of event foc any or all r:nu duc and an. senice char�es, checks shall be made pacable m Cirv of Ro:hesu Ivlmnesota and maded ro C�ty oCRochester, 201 4'" Sieet SE, Anance Depaztment Room?0�, RocLZSrer, R�IN >i904 O�.ner shall retam t6e on_mal deposR for a ceasonabte penod of nme follo��me the erem unnl a➢ a<psnses assoc�ared with the e�ent are asctttainzd Ovn shall be enmled ro appl} the depost roward ehe cost of am� damage ro the Cemer m excesi of ordinary wear and iear, and to any nnpa�d ecpenszs assoaszd �� � User's use oF the Ceater and sha➢ ihen ecedrt tlw �emaimn_ deposrt w�he balance due In the erent that O�mer �s obhgared bq d�e comcact to pay Usar a pom� of tl�e adm�ssion rere�pts ot avy other mo�ies, User shail dehver ro O.�ner pnor to such Da}ment a completed and eezcnred lntemal Re� rnue Sernce Form w� or its equrvalent Dcposrts are nomreCundabk ��� a � O�'ERQUE ACCOL'�KTS - A servim charge at tlu rare of 6° 6 pa month ..dl bz charged on account baianas open beyond thiny days hom da�a of bdhng �; � g � 6L'ILDI�C REQUIRE6IE\'TS - User u'itl fik ��fdi Onner and Firr Narshall ac least fourteen days pnor to thz event a fuil and demiled omhn< of all facd� reqwred, a copy of tl�e tloor plan, stage and sound roqmremems, all o[har set-up rcqmremen¢ and mEo�msion rcqmred by O��'ner wncemm� sucR e�ent ICAC Training 2-27-01 doc 30 Crvic Cen[cr Drive SE, Rochester, MN 5�904-3701 Phone (i07) 281-6184 Fae (i07) 28I-6277 ll130/00 1 �(O�'E-OUT RESPO�SBILITY' - In the event that tlie used pon�ons of the O��ner's prem�ses are not vacared by User on the date spenfied herein, O«ner �s au8ionzed to remove from the premises, at the espense of the Useq all goods, uares, memhnndise and property of any kind leR therein, and Onner shali no� be hable for an}' damaett or loss of sUCh goods, wares, merchand�se or other pmperty whtci� may bz susta�ned by rea5on of sucli remo�al, and the Owner is Uereby relcased fiom an} and all claims (or damages of ��4iatever kmd ar naNre ., �. r_ n�.,..,dao.,i��� fnr uce of soecif�ed area, User a:rees to pay to O.mer 14 � h � EVE\'T PREPAA4T10\ - User wdI 5e� up m mm l�aaw ���c�� e<�sm� � pian a[ User's request shall be sub)ect to reFUlar labpr charges m ef(eR ' umon a�rements all eqm➢menp exUibrts or scene ' ry AI[eraiionsofsta�eand/orfloor' 15(X) SET-UPARRAI GHSIE\TS - At Ieast 7? hwrs pnor to opeNng oF event, the Urer wdl confirm b}' wntten �ance ro O�mer's represencau��e the reqmred timc for mmm� {n, sethng Up and rehearsal User yt(� y�sp �nfomi Owner of any sea[ing and/or s[a^c avrantements User av�ees to pay S35 for any mcenne �ooui ci�an�cover _ 76 ( X ) SGPPORT FACILITIES - User's rental ot [he sta[ed facilrt�es s6a11 include non-endusive use olthe enhances and cortidors Ieadm_ dtirecily thereto, ad�acrnt restroom facilihes, lobbizs, and, by pnor a¢angement uith Owner, reasonable on-premises stora,e faciLncs 17 �� 1 OSSTRL`CT]OS - Uscr shall not obshvct am pomons of tl�e Sidewalks. enmes, passa�es, halls o� �eay tlie same for any pt�ryost o[her rfian m:ress and e;�ess w and from the uszd prem�ses- ` Gset shall noi o6�wct thz door s or o en ntc Qnrer or use admrt Lght mto any p��e in die 6uddm_ mclu8mg hallaacs, arz ven[s and house Lghpng P 5 �Lat reFleci or obstn¢i�ons ro be or remmu m d�e assa_ artachmen�s lise� wdl pennfl no cha¢s, aw�-able scats pr other p �c��avt and ndl keep passageways clear a[ all [�mes. The waslvooms sha11 n0� 6L used For any puryose ot6er [han Eo� wL�di p�e} were con5tmcted and n0 swe:pmgs, ru66ah, ra>, papers or other substances shalf be throun Iherem User shalt pa} for ane damage resilnn� m ��'ashrooms for m�suse- - 18 � X) EQL'IP\IE\"T RE\'7'AL - A dady renta! ��i!! Fx charged for t}�e general use oC��ie follo�an, eqwpment, �he la6or far set-up or removal sLx1I be pa�d by the Use�, and any damage �o said buildmg or eqmpmrnt cau:ed 6} such seFUp oi removal shatl be pmd by tlie liser O�mu can promdc a complete Lst of zll equ�pmen� and char,es AI,L PRfCES $(JSJ[CT TO CHANGE UPO\ NOTICE 7'O USFR 19(x) ZO(X) 21(X) ?Z(X) 23 ( ) ' ' 2b(X) 27(Y) 28(h) tIOL'SE LIGHTS A\D PL'QL(C dODRESS 51'STEAI. - p����^s Iwusc h�hts and pobhc address sysmm sha1l at all times ht svbject ro sole mnnol and operzhon o(Ouner, unless User's usa,e a specificalh approeed b} O�viter's a_rnt as to ume and dnmtron ofuse ELECTRICAL REQti[RE�IES15 - All eVenncai connecoons must be su6�ect ro appro�al oFOwnec, multiple plugs such as m�n sockets, cufx, caps, ek , wi11 mt be permrt¢d Anp such conntcnons found 6c row¢ed by ehe O�met to confo�m to fire re�ulanons and oH�er appLcable code5, and such chan,es wili be <Lar�ed ro Ihz [jser SPECIAL SER\'[CES - Unless oihm.rse aut}ionztd bv the O��ner, alI lambm� eonnecnon u�[h Oser's rental, and al! elecmca! cuaent or domesnc Yas, sttam and water requirod (expt t tha[ fe� u red for mnua h ahn u �� �i e premises m suppLed�'perfortned by Owncr, for uhich Usa Shall pay Ihc ra[es establislmd b} Owntr fm 5uch strvices 9 and Leh[ing) Shall he PERS�SSEL - In addmon to any o(her paymans herein s edfied, User a� mdud:ng, o�¢ nu, Gmned ro, uskers, secum), ticket takers, sound and scomboard ope�rators, o0�er personnei deemzd nece�ses at pm�aiSing ratzs, such services sud� personnel as necessar}� for ordman deanm_ and ��mional service and mamtenance of ihe przmises and the O�mer m y q i e m i the Owner Por such costs In tLz event rt becomes necessary io emp�oy outs�de assistaime for handling User's frei�n, suppiies, eqmpment and scenery, or to empby extta hclp such as stageLands, custod�ans, pnbLc address system opeators, projecnonists, decoYarors, and eny o[her labor no( pr0��ded by Onner, sucli eatm help 5La11 be a[ ihe 5ole ceprnse oC Usa and 6e obta�ned Por User o(O��ner at Ountr's sole d�screnon POLICE OPFICERS, SECGRITP CU4RD5. FIRE PROTECTIOS A\D F(RST A!D - The User sliall secure tivou�h the O�.ner, no less than 0 police of5cers as deiennined by Ot�ner The poLre rare is S?Z00 (estimatz) per pollce ofFittr per Iiour wttli a minimum of a fow hour pay ��aranreed tivough the Oo'ner User shall also secure secunrv euards ]1ie senmtp guacds are paid ar the rate of S U 00 per how, per secunq� Fuard, u{��i a mm�mum of a foa r-how pa y guarznteed During sLows �v¢Ii enlubrts. o��ner ��9�{ secvrc necessary move-fn/movrout secunty at nser's co 7he Ow n�. determined by Hte Foc6esrer Rre Depart�nen� pa�d az a rate of S 30 Der hoiv 62s;sp.s.t„ ' "���Eavre [nspectoc(s) as a� a total of S50 per hour wi�6 a.m.•�;;„-,-0q��ours pay En�aranteed Said evem �r�� Ciy oFROChesrer (Gold Cross) First A�d staffis avadable —`-.+ards; Lne and Arst Nd personnel shall repon at least one-ho�v pnor m e e sta�t n nufre firs[ afd services Polme oRccrs, secunN baJdm� Itas heen uacated AH cosls m �his parv,�r�p�� �� to be aid � '���ne and remain until even[ �s over and ���e F�rs[ Aid personnel are dcemcd �o be User's su6contraaors and ih �O�mer s only 7� �h ���� User agrees Ihat a0 poLce o�wrs, 5ecu�i[y guards, Ga mspeciors and agem o([Le User as regards m statT. ��'ATC}�\I:IS SERCICE - O��ner assunms no rtsponSibiG�y �oLa[mCeer for am� pmpem pla¢ed on the qzemises and �s hereb} released Bom any habiLty of and kmd for loss or dam'vge of any such propert� SCa[chman or other pro[echve senice desired b Gscr mus[ be artan� paid fo� br Uscr S _ed bp spe<ial a,�reemwt �nth Ouner and �O\DISCRI.�II\"�TIO.\ - User a,�ees that dunn,� tliz term of Ihis a,ReemenL n wil� not d�5cnmmaie against am employee or apyhcant for emplovment because of race, color, crced. nahonal ori,nn. ance>m. affecnonal or szeual preference, age or disabdm' and v�dl mclude a zimilar pmv�5wn m all agreemen[s en[<rzd ma behveen Uscr and am eeSubrtor> JI:1\:qGENE:\T - 7he prmieges granted ro User herem :half not be <onsnued as a waiver of mana,zment n_hts, and Owner reiains fuli and complete nglrts ro manaee and control Ihe premises and ro rnCorce aIl Nies and regulation> �t deems newssary for the mana�emem and connol o! sa�d prem�ses O«ner's management may emer and have access ro[he areas fumished hereunder at any fime, and authonzed persoru�el may enrer at reasrn�a6lz nmes necessarv ro the pedoemance of [hea duoes O�sser resenes the nn]tt ro e�ec� any obJectiona6le person or pvsons @om smd 6uildlnMs) and upo� �he e.ecmisc oCthis a�thorih� �Lrougl� the O«mer. asents or senmry guycds, Usec hereby wai.es any nghts and all daims for dama,es arisin� &om suc6 occurrences UNess othernise speeiFied in nnnng, Oimer shall be pnnleged to schedulz ot6er similar e�ents both before and afin the dates o(8�is Pertnir without nonce [o User RETE\T[O\ OF O\t'S£R'S ALTIIOHIII' - qm decuion affecnng an} matrer not pmvided for he¢in sha11 mst sofely wichm the d�screnon of Ory oF Rochzster, eoard ofPazk Commissioncrs and m Direaor SCtIEDULf.\G EYE�TS - pser undersiands tha� o�hrr areas o( the Cenrer mar be used by ofiers dwn� any oF th= penods co.ered by tlns pzrtn�� O�mer xanants Iha� i� �nll no� authonzr or pznnn an�� oeh:r user to engye �n operanons or aamnes t6at woutd mtecfere ��id� [}ser's enjqment oP ihe ngUa Franied under (lus a�eement [f 0.vmer detzrtnines �hat rt�s ntcessary ro prohibrt use of tlte remainder of (he fanht � b and qwe� en�oyment of i�s us<d pre¢uses andor m pr�.�de senmty (or User's use of its Lcensed premrses.�U e rshall ed an na1�Re in n ICAC Trainin� 2-27-0(.doc 30 Qvic Center Drn•e SE, Rochestzr, MN Si90-4-3701 Phone (507) 281-61g�F Fae (ip7) 2gI_6277 1Ir0l00 2 �a�x, IS(X) 16(X) 17(a) 18(X) 19(x) 20(X) 21(X) 2'-(X) '� ( ) 'afX) ol� 93 E�'EYI' PREPAR4TIOS - User w�li set up in compLance with emsnng uniprs aerecmcnct all equipmen[, cxhibrts or scene � plan al User's rcquest shall bc subjeet m re_ular labor char�es in efittt ry. Altttanons of stage a�d�o� floor' SET•�P ARft4\GE?IE\75 - At leas� 7? hourz prior m o rnin� (or mmin� in P o�e�ent, Ihc User aip confirtn bp wncten nocicc [o O��ner's rcpresrn�amc thc req�ired nme . semn^_ up and rehearsal. liser nyil also mfortn O��nu of anp seann� arM.�or sta�� �Ran�ements Gser a�ees w pa� S3i for any mee�in� raoin c6angcav�c = _ _ SCPPORT FAQLITIES - User's re:�tal oFthe stated fazilines shall mclude nonccclusiv�o us: of the envances zr.d comdors Icadin^_ d�rerh� tberem, adjac<nt rcsvoom Facili�ies, lob6ies. and, hy pnor arran•ement m�h Oanec reasona6le on-premisee stoa^e faciiiues. ' OBSTR8C7(O\' _ p y���� noi oh;ttuct any �prions of the sidea�lAs, entries, passa�es, 6alls or uars oi eccess .o pu"oi�c unLna oF;hz CiWC Cen�e: or use the same for am� purpp,u p,her fian m�_ss and escss W and :mm :Se uszd p:emuas_ liser shall no� obs�NC[ 4:t tloor>, sta�ntays or oa•mn,s tt�at re0ect or admit ligl;t Snto anq place in the buildin_ a�clvd:ng halhvays, a�r vents and house hghun, anachmenes. Gser will perm�t no chyrs, mo.ablc scau or other obsrtuctions to 6e o: remam i� the pazsa�ea�vs and .�ili kcep pzssa_�eways deu at a77 nmes. Tfiz �vasFvooms shall no� be used for any «'hm6 @ey uere co2shucted and no s.veep�p3, mbbuh, ra�s, paoers or otha suos;ances shall be tliro�m tlrcmin User shafl a) for ��P��S�„other ihan for ��•ashrooms fo� misi¢e � P _ resWfing to EQC]p\(E\ RE\ - q yii�� rrn[ai will be c7ur_ad for t7�< =cnarzt use of tl�t iollowine equ;omenC the labor for se:-up or remo�al shail be paid yy ihc Uscr, and am' dama_e to Sa�d buddm_� Or eqmpmcnt caused b� sud� se�-up pr rano�a! slcall bc paiJ by �he User. Owner cau pro�4dc a complcte �ist a( ap equipmrnt and cfiarges. AI.L PRICES S�BIECT 70 C(L1�GL UPOS KOTICF Tn i ice� 1101!SE LIGHTS ASU PpBLIC ADDRESS S1 STE\I. - O++mi t )touse 6ghn and pubLc addrzss system shall at all timeg be sub�ec[ to soie control and operanon ofOwrer, unless User's usage is spccificalh approeed by Owncr's a_zm as to ume and duranon oFuse ELEC7'RIGL REQUIR£JIE�TS - All ekecncai mnnecpoos mus� be sub�ect to appm�al of Ouner, mi��i�p�e plu:s such as n.m soc4ets, cubr taps, erc., w��� no� be pclmnmd Anr snch connectmns fowd bc rrwved b�� �Lr O�irtt ro con(onn �0 fire rcgulauons and other applmable codes, and such chan_es .�ill be <Barged io the User $PECIAL $ER}'ICE$ - Unkss othcrnrse �uthonud by Ihe O��ner, all lumbm • conneaion wvh User's rentai, and all eleancal cuacnt ar duineshe =ns, stm n and � a�er eqmrcd (espct II at ceqmred nonna hea[in a d�li11C P�emixs in supplictLperfomied by Oa�icr, for uh�ch User sLall par Ihe r��� establ+shed b} Omnzr for sucti sernces '�����_"� ��» be P£RSOS\8L -[n addinon to auy olher p��mcnty hcrtin specdied, User a�aecs �o pay Cor all personnel and labor ,urnces at pre�aiiing ratxs, sacfi services mdud:;r„ yu; nut Lnvted io, usLers, secur�n, nci.e r�ter� �uund and smmboard operawrs, or oHier personnel deemed necessary by O�.�ner Onner sl�a7! fumatr 5uch personnel a5 uecessap� for ordman clevnne and �an�mria! sernce and mmmenance oC the premises and lhe O�mer may reqwre User �o reimbarse the Ox�ner for sucli �osts. In tlm event tt becomes nzcessary to employ ouivde ass�sianm for handling User's frcia�t, supphes, eqmpmem a�d scenep�, or to empioy actra help sucti as sWgehands, cusrodians, pubhc addrcss sysrem operators, pmjaceiomsts, decorarors, and any odoer IaWr not pro��ded by O��net, such eztta help shall be al ihe sdecxpc�nse oNscr and bt obtaned tor Uscr of O��ner a� Oontr's sol<discrehon POLICE OF�ICERS, SECL�AITI" GL'ARDS, FIRE PROTECT10.� A\'D FIRST AID _ Tfie User shall secure tivou�h the O�.ner, oo kss than 0 pohce of4icers as de�ennined by O�mec The polma rme is S?7.00 (estimare) per pohce oliicet pet hour unh a mmimum of a fow how pay pnaranteed Tlvougfi the O�mer Uset sLall also secure secunq� � i�rds 77ie secunry� guards are paid at the rate of S I S 00 per hour, per se<unrr:nard, inth a mmunum of a Covr-hour pay �aranrced D�vmg �I�ows �r��7� eehibrts. o�mer o�II sttare necessare move-iNmove-out sttnnp� �� uyer's cost The O�mer shall senve D Fire Inspector(s) as detennmed by thz Rocpester Are Depanmrni pa�d ai a rs�e of 5 30 per hour basis as nnplovees of the Grv of Rochescer_ (Gold Cmssl F�rsc Aid staff �s availabie at a total of S>0 per hour witli a mm�mmn of three hours' pav �va}ameed $aid event O w�ll /( )���il mt reqmre firet aid semces Pohce oRcers, securii� euards, fire fnspecror(s) and Fast A�d personncl shali repon ai Icast one-hour prwr to am�ounced e.rnt startmg mne and remain w41 evrnt is over and the buildin_• has beers �acated q11 costs in tGis para:�aph arc to be paid b� bser Further, User agrces that all pohce o�cers, securzrr guards, !re mspecrors and First A�d personnel are dcemed m be Usei s strbconcracwrs and Uie O.wer is oNq thc h�nng ag<ni of t6c User as re�ards ro stalT �t�ATC[I\IAl' $ER\'ICE - Oaq�er assumes no msoousibihry wha�socuer 6r anq propem ptxed on the pre�nses and is here6p released Gom am liabiht}' o( artd kmd for loss or damagc of an� sa<h propertp �Catdun�n or other proleclict sen ice dcs�red by Uscr mus� be arranged b}' speaa( a_rzeement ��rt(� p�mer and paid (or br Uscr '-5 C X ) SOSDISCRI.�II�ATIO] - Usar agraes ihai dunm; �hz tertn of tlus atvremenL rt«dt not discnmmate a,amst anv employee or appLCam Eor employmrnt bmause of race, coior. creed, noiional or�,_in. ancestn, alTecuonal or se<uai preference, age or dvsabrh�y and w�H mdude a s�mdar pronsion �n aIl a;reements entered mto ben�ztn USCr and am e.dubrtori � M:�S:1GE11E\T- llie prnileges grunted to Uszr here+�� shalt rrot be conserved as a warver of managemrnt riglus, and Owner reWms Cull antl complew rilns m manage and mno-ol the premises and w enfome ali ruks and re_vlations n deems necessarv for the mana�emrnt and coneroi of said prem�ses 0�4rer's mana_ement may enrer and Iwve access ro �he azeu fumishtd herevnder at any nme, and au[honzed personne7 may rnter at reasonable nmes neczssan to the tluou,�nw oF their dnties O..�ner resenes rt�e neM1[ b e�ea am� ob�ecnonable pecson or persons fiom said 6uddm,(s) avd upon the eecrcrsc of this a�rthonn� �h tM1e Owneq a_ents or securiq� �ards, User Aereb�� .raives any nefits and all da�ms for dama_es arising hom such occurtences. Unlass orhznsise spaifed m anung, O.ma shail be pri���e,_ed Io SchrdW<aLzr s+mdar even[s boch bcfore and a(ter the dams of Utis Pemmt w�thout notim to User Z� ( X� RETE\7'IO]' OF O�C\ER'S Al'TIIORIT]' - qn. den;ion a(Rccmg an} matter not prov�ded for I�uein sha➢ rest sokly �nthm the discreaon of Cin of Roches�er, Bpard of Park Commrsswners and iu Direceor , �$�X1 SCIIEDpLISC E\'E�TS - User unders�ands thar o�her area.> of ihe Crncer ���ay be used by ott�ers dunng �m• of the penods co�ered by tlns pertni�. p�.rp� ��artams that n will not auU�onze or pennrt any o[htr user to entage m operabon> or acllnuns that vmutd mcedere w[I� Usec's en�o�ment of the nghts ganted and quiet n�oy�nrnt ed prern�es and�or pro ide ssurny o(�its I cense PfqpaSt9"USC! Slt��b2�dS5CSePd B11 �CtL�IOp�I R�2�IfI0Upt 1CAC Traimrte 3-?7-Ot duc 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochestzr, MN ii90a-3701 Phone (i07) 281-6181 Fae (i07) 281-6?77 1 U30/00 2 i 29 ( ) o �-q1 of tw�enry-fivc pement Qi°ib) of fic noimal aa for such space Owner shail be pmdieged w schedule aher sim�lar events bo[h beforc and aRer damz oC this pennic ai�hout prior nocice to liser TICFETS (a) OH'ner sfiall be fie exdus��e Wstee o( all uckets and ti<ket proceeds O��ner or ns agent shail man�f<s:. covnt and dsmbme neke�s O�mu s zl havre ihe richt to offer ticAen for ule a� all rts regular outlets. User shall pay Owner for a➢ box o�ce senices u may be reqmred i� the handlin�, concrol, cusrody and keepine of tunds. O��nec sha➢ n6t be Itable zo User w�o am otl�ar pttsons for xm loss, thef� or defalcation thereof .�hether sucfi Ioss, theft or dcFalcation ls caused or done by emplocees of O�.na or othen.ise; nor shall anr o5cer or employee o( O�wa by hable for anp Ioss, �heR or dzfaication of such fw�ds unless such o(ticer or emplopee willfully cause or penmed the szme or unless it .�as pmx�mateh ca�aed br Ouner'S o��r eross nepli.mce. . � (y) All ti:ke[s reqmnns ad.znce salzs mus� use Owner's ticke�ing senxes and are subj<ct co 5.20 per ncke: Pnmme fee, 3%6 cred� card senice fre, and 4° 0 60� ofice fee Owner's Ucke: sernces contacmr musc handle ali pho�e sales. (<) O�ine� a?es to Reep rewrdt as uill adequazel} and m�eGly retltti the rece[pts &om et:n evem zid 2t the close o( ine e�ent or as soon as pracn<able, Ou'rrer shal! fwnish ro User a complere ttanscnpt of tick<t salee O��na shall mzkx a fintn:itl senlnneut ��91I� User at tht condus�on of tl�c erent � (d) lisu sliali be su�ctly �tsponsible for ensunn_ ehac no eickeG are prtsentzd foc admiss�on to z mnmr.. enrcrtainment or e<hbmon in exczss o: tFe szavng capaan of thz faciliiies ran2d wd:r lhis comact. � (e) Compl�mentan neke[s m pubhe e�2nti m uLld� admusion is e)�ar_ed ��i➢ be a� ailabit to O��r.=c fo: usz m a ma+ketin_ and pmmotmn capaah. gp �� � L'SER PROT£CTIOS - User ackno��'ladges O�mei s➢����Y N<'ng a public fxcllrty) Uia� it ��ill not e�cl_de e�:r.0 oCa natura sunilar ro d�zt pr�enred b5' �+�e User ai any time bc(ore or afier the liser � anted hcreunda ;� ( g� CO\CES570\S A\D CATERI\G - O��ner spzcificaily rexnes tl�e ri_ht m offer tor sa)c on, on o� abom the pcem�ses, food and bzvcraocs, gannent checAmg, and aI( othzr concess�ons not otl�eneise granMd here�n In no eeent shall User,its ��ests, e�hio�brs, and agents bnng onm the prem�ses for salz or personal <onsump�ion anp food, be+�era,es or alrohoLc producu Th�s pohcy mcludes pre-packed or delna=d products odmr tl�at those pm��ded by the Lcensed eoneessionaire of Owner Ooner's erclnme preappmved camrers must pro�ide a➢ caemng User �s responsible ior makin_ tts oun arrangements and romract wnh said caterec Fadure to mmph' wnh this pco��von may resuh in an addnional fee assessed ro Um m thz amount of $'_50 Sliould [he User dzs�re m have alcoUohc beveraezs soid or dispensed m the Mayo Crvu Cenmr, �mnen <onsent musr first be ob�ained by hlaw Gvic Cemer Direcmr and details mus� be artangzd tivou�h the Owners ercWsrve co�cessiona�re Donated Cood a sub�ecllo senire charge O��ner must appro��e all donatcd food Citan n➢, due to IeC� o.er donattd food (scrv�<e ttays, pans, plates, silververe, �able wasre ���ill b< charged a� 53i an how ;� O PROGRA�IS, RECORDS, NO�'ELT(E5, SOUt'E\IRS - Tl�e Oi�nec shall recerve a commission of 30 °o o( thz goss sales on all merchandise sold before, t z blc sales filc v ST-]B (Jliunemta depurcment�oC Rev rtuc For x [he O�w cr pno� [o hc c�enl.e1 �ny and sll events thn[ ma} inNude 33( ) 3a S ) 3>(X) 36(X) 37(X) 33(X) 39(X) 40(X) AD\'ERTISISG ASD P20]IOT10� ' (a) All radw, iNrnsion, newspaper or other advertisng. as wdi as promotional releases, llckets, plawrda. or other ��'nnen or prmted mauer, or am� pho�o�aph, motwn p¢wre, �e(evismu eapz, recordmg or other nems, matenal; or documena Mluct� rela�: w ti�e event or comam tUe name, picmre or t�ademack oF the blayo G�c Center or the event, shali be submuced to O.�ner Cor Owner's approval. a� least seven (l1 days pnor ro rts rmended pubLCauon, relecunng broadcasnn._ or othzr use �✓hrn appropriate, submrcted matenal shall mciudz a prznse scheduie spzafying dares o( advemsnv and med�nm{s), co��eraee (e � des�_mation oPnewspapers, telzws�on stavons andor ma@azines nJon nhrcL such ads�enis�n, shall appear.) (b) In no e�ent shall Uscr pmmote, advemse or anange for the p�omotion or ad�'crt�sm2 of the event. m any mtdmm ��ha[socvei, prior to rece�p[ of nrnren approval @om Ooner O��nze may wniilwid smii appro.al Eor am reason alm�soever m its soie discr:uon (c) In all ad�ensine as descnbed hece�q tUe standazd Owner logo or other dzzn±nauon of Owner mus� bz d�sp�a�ed anNor described �a tlm mancer selzcred by Ownec m rt's sole dscrenon (d) Nomnhs � a �� & romm�o�nai oc an}�other p�rposes wnhom tUc c�p ess w�nan approvai�of O m to�mi rolaung t a advertismc, p ecent shall designa�c Mayo Crvx CFnter (e) a; e �re prc a(hleres or ot6 r panm pa in ll erem " User hereby guarant es tl al al� peROns or �rOnp3 as appzarm� nil rt� fact pamc�pa�c m thc event as adremxd RAD10 A\D T�' - No event presented m any poNOn of �he fac�Lnes shall be broadcast �vitl�out e�press con>eni of O��ner User shall pay m Owner, m addmon m any ochee amounts herem specdicd, as follows S 250 PATE\TS, TR\DLMARKS, COP1RIGHTS, ROl'ALTIES - User assumes all costs ansm� fiom :li= use oCpatented, tradeinarked or copy*�ghred materials. eqmpment, de.xes, pmcesses or dcamauc ri�h[s used in tlle conduct o( said e.ena and a,sees m mdemmn and tiold hannless Ovnet from all damage, msts and expenses on acco�mt oC the use of any suc6 matenals, eqwpment, de��roes, processes or dramadc n@Ittz bp User or ns aeents. perfomiers and echibnors Ussr a�rtees to pa) all rqalnes, hcense fees and other charees accmme or becom�n, due by reason of any mus�c. Lee or recorded, or other entertainment of any kmd p��.ed, staged or pmdaced by User. its a en[s, employees or 6censecs vpon the used pre�nses PI IOTOGRAPI I1C RESTRICilO\S - No fiee lance ar other rype oC photo_naphers may be pecmrtred to set up labks, stands or backdrops, or m an)' olher wav conduct andbr opera�c a pho;o,-raph7 opera�ion �.nhout ha��ng untten pemasion f-om the O�mer RESPO]S161LITIES �1�� LL46ILITIES- User agrees tlmt e�eryone connzcred }mth sa�d e.em s6a!I compl� ��nh all Im�s of the Um!ed States and the State of himnesota and ali Rod�esrer crcr ordmancea �oge�l�er ��nL al� re9wrements of thz Rochester PoLce and F�re Departmena, and wdt no� dq m� alio�e to be done, an}2hm, on said premaes duni�g Ihe tem� of II»s Pennn m volauon of an} Such la�vs or ordman:es and �f the auen��on o( Ihe Ouner a called to such ti�olauon on �he pan of the User, or any person employed by or admnred to tUe prem�ses b� tlic User, sud� Ux: �u�l immed�a�ely des�st hom and correct such vlolanans Szcunn guards hired b� the Urer eill be d�rected and assi�med b� Owner as rt dcems nece>sxn liser agree> that all dacre4onarv acm of d�e Onner as �ranted ro n or reservcd b} �� hereundcr shall be itfl to ihe Oxner's b7ana^_ing D+recrot A�If2ICd\5 R iTit UlSABILITIES AC7 CO�IPLIA�CE - User shall be solcl} msponsi6le for cemphmg onh am reqwremems oCtl�z Amerrcans u'itl Disabilfnes Aa (AD.A) rzlanne m any nompennanenc acceszibdrt. reqwremrnu of the ADA, indudmg but na Lmrted to seanng a+ran_zmrnts, au�iLan aids set-up o� organrzanon by an� edubitor, dzcorator, a�ent or otUa represemame of Use� ofany meenns room, d�spla�, edvbn, prue�tano� or concession or fo am habihh'. claun. fine, penal�y or auomeys fezs other than iho;e ansmg sok19 from anr failure o( th: phys:cal smmWrci, pemianen[ fxdiues or pertnane� bwldmc access to comply ����h th< ADA IDl31dCE LIdBILI71' - 1f am portron or all of thc bwidme or fumishin�z are damaued by thz dcfault cr negLgence of die User or of Usci s a�ent— employees, Aatmns. euzsts, or am person admared to tUe premises b}' User, Gsa udl pag w O«ner upen dtmand, suck sum ai nzces3an ro res�o¢ prem�4es C ns former condmon Si¢h repairs or resto�anon m��� be comracted for �vnl�in ten (10) da}s mo�e out ISFLA�i>1.48LE \I.ATERI.4LS - Uszr shall mt ��rthout Oir permfssion of [hz OwTer, put up o� operace a�. motor or madmien� on the prem�se> or use o�� bumima Fl.md>, cainphenz, kerosenr, napl��ha or gaso6�e for either mechancal or other pnryoses, or ar.� agam other than gas or efecmnn for dlum�nanng � premises [CAC Tramm� 2-27-01 doc 30 Crvic Center Drive SE, Rochestec, MN 5>904-i701 Phone (i07) 28 L6183 Fa� (507) 281-6277 11/30l00 3 i 4��X, 4?(X) 43(X) 44(X) 45(X) 46( ) 46(X) 47(X) AS(X) S 2c: �712„�"L':� �OOcNO:;M l}. 49(a) SO(X ) SI(X) 52(Xj 53(X) Py'ROTECH,\7CS - Owner must be admsed in wntm� I S days pnor to move-in iF for pe`mrt shall be submrt[ed to the Frze Prevrntmn Div�s�on of fhe Crty of Roches[t m le s th n� i da_vs pnon t�he aresen a��On of [his n�ent Appl;:3nrn infoRnanon �s s�aJable at Ihe Ory oEROChester Fpe Department Furtha SAI06ISG - Ma�ro Cme Center is a smoke free PaciLty. User �nil be respons�ble to make p¢�odm ennouncemenis oeer Ihe publ�c address sysiem rz�ardm; tl�e buddmg's °NO S�fOKING" poLcy 'pie Usa w�p fidly �oo crate in en:orcint used at any time on the prem�ses exce � as P �ne "NO SMOKING" poLcy Further, User uill not pertn¢ open flame5 m h: P pan of a tLeamcal pcesertaeion and wnh pettmsson oF tlie Owner. S[GKS A\D POSTERS - User will not post nor allow ro 6e posred, sgns, ad�ert�semen[s, s6owbdls, L[hogcaphs, posters or ca�ds of any de5cnptmn tn or on any part o([he Mavo Cwic Crnter excepi m re�ular locanons pmmded by Ouner, and only those penami�g Co the evenf contractcd for and su<h penod ofLme ac des�gnared by Ihe Owner wJl be allowed. User shall remove forthw�th all such s�pns ob�ectionable to O�wer �nformetion re� spttifications and?Ia}o Ci�ic Cen[er installation raMS B avaifabic upan reqvesA ��di�g signage sixc HEIIG\( g,\LLOOC RESTRICI'70.\'S - Distribr.�io� ef hzhum balloons r p;oniSitec m tbz b(ayo Cna< Cenrer RETE�\"PIO? p'c LOST - Tli< Ounc; s4c;1 have the sole nelv m rollect and shall liare custod)' of art,des IeF„ Iest or checkev'. m the buiidins 6. perion> at�endmg a�� e�em held fn qie d.mued premuet, aud tht l�rer or an} person ni IIser's employ shall not eollec� nor mrcdere xrtii ���c collecnon e: cu9od� of svch art¢les SOLA'D PEK�/[TS- User �s responsibie for secnnng a11 necessary sound permrts (or evems m Mayo Park Events w�th PA aiid i�Rliout sound pecmres, w�p no; be allm�ed CA\CELLATIOS OR FAILL'RE TO OCCUPI'- Should User cancel rts eeent q�or to the s<heduled dme, Osher shall pay Ownzr Ihe base rzn� plus a0 msts mcusedtoihedmeofcancellanon Usershallpaynithfn lOdaysof�ovo��e ACTS OF GOU, ASD pTHER EPe\TS eEl'OSD OR'!�ER'S COSTROL - Should t6e prem�ses or am part thereo£be damaged or dzsvo}ed 6v fi:e oc namral elementi, or o! any other casual�y or unforesern otturtence, rtattonal or local emergency, or labor dispute renders [he premises unfit tor o��upancy, e: othzm�s< render tl�e perfomiance of Hus Ptrmp by O�mer unpossible, [hen this Pennrt sliall be susnrnded for Hie penod dunn� nh�ch tLe premfses shall ha�r 6een r,i;C:red unG; or dunvg .q�id! pysess�on cannot be deLv,�.� �� Useq and O�mer shall no! be held 4a61e oc asponS�bVt io Ustr for aiy d'emage rzsNGn, r6erefiom ISDE.�I\'IFICATIOS - User a�Rees to 3ndemmf} and hold lunnless Ouner and 1is olTmers, employees and atents Rom all claims arfsfn� out of the <onduct, management or use of, or any ��ork or t6mg whatsoevet done m or abom the used premi�¢s oc stcuqures or eqwpmen[ [herein, or xnsin_ out of the condmon of any passagewzy, halhvay, s�a�rway or otlier piatt nsed in connecnon with tM1e used premfses, or anslns out of any a<non or neehernce of tUc User or avy OF�a an2n[s, con[racmr:, employees, patmns or g��ests or ansing out of sny accident, m�ury or damage uhatsoever, in or a6out the used prem�ses, houever caused, to persons or coryorahons occurtin� dnnng the period User and rts agents are us�ng FaciLnes, and Rom and agamst ali costs, atmmey's (ees, espense> or Labilrties residtin, hom any 5uch danq acuon or pmceedmt brou,dit tlitreon lSSGR,1\CE REQ�;fRE\IE\TS .4\D LI.V77$- In ordtr ro gire (ome and effect to thc abo e arz h, User a; Pe`mrt, enmprelienu�e pub4c habih{y and pmpem� damage insurance fFS �ed be bl � R �P �ees to keep Sn force Auring the tenn ofthu wetks pnor m mo�e-�n date, a Cert�ficate oC Insurance pamm^ the Orv oF Rochester as addmonal maured, and prov�dmg msu be a ueled two prmr ro termmaoon oF this Perm�( Said msnrance shail pmnde nol less thaa fie follow�ng Lmia of La6�Lry- SI,000,000 oC mmprehensne generai pubLc habAny aga�nst da�ms for bodJ}' �nJury, dcath or property dama�e occumn¢ on, m or about t6e htayo Gvm Center and ad�o�nme srreets and sidewalks, for 6odily m)urv and propeny damage residnng from any one occunence - 1\'ORKER'S CO\IPEiYSAT10.\' ISSURANCE - User futl6tt a��ees m Fwnisli proof of Worker's Compensation [nsurance. Faflure [o hase fum�siied euch �nsurance upon execunon of [his Pe`mrt sUall be caz�re for Ouner's tznninaROn of th�s Permrt u�th verbal mnce alone to [he Uszi ��ith fo.fertur: o(am dcposrt thtreroFore made ESC6OSR'ITl' - Oanev haz H�c eedusive n�1IIS m Ihe selecoon. dis[nbutiory advert�s�ng and prOmono� of certam des�gna[ed products, bmnds, and othn rtans Any fnhingemen� on thzse rtems is a mater�a! breach of �h�t A,�eemen[ wrtli O.mer Wn�ten pennission mus[ be �ven m order m modifi� any eaunma exclusmh' a,Teements Ouner has wrth vendors, suppLers, advcniscrs, or ocher dts_mated enllbes CO\STRIiCffOS -The Mayo Ovit Center will be expandmg m �hz future Sirnificant mterference fs no[ e< ected conshuchon �wrk ¢eares no(se, O��ner w�Il work �o cotrcct [LC probltm as scon as poss�bic In con�uncnon u t6 thiso pans�onpu�may 6e�oecessae;; adJust mm�,. or envance pmcedwes For e�em;, ar io pro.nde a(rematz solunons io resrtoom or concession issves, which the O�mer w�Il do ro thz bese of iG and�m ��a1Ler tl�e D�recmr nor the GN oCRochester attepts responsibiluq Cor any conseqi�;.ntial dama_;es resulim� &om no�se I[ is agzed and undersrood [hat m no evem shalf the U��nzr. ns em�loyees and agenis be Lable ro the User for any amoun[ � eater than the pe�ii fre pad for ihe use of Oit Maro Civ�c Center. �'OTICES - Unless ochenv�se provided herem m the contr ' --- --� --'- receipt t6erefor) or de osrted m t(ie Unaed Stit ar3'. alI nohres reqwred �-gde: �rven uhen kand dtlnvYed (nnh _ ___ _— T3LS4. _ P es-Sm:s.-iesrday.rpoita�c prepaid, addressed Comma nderRicAAnderson-StPauiPOlimDe artmen[ l00 E 1 I'^ St St Paui �I� 557p1 TIIIS PER�71T R'ILL BE �L'LL A\D YOID �(not retumed b} Ianuarv 2 ?961 M WiT\'ESS WHEREOF. thc parties Lereto have esecuted tlns pennrt as ofthe da} and year first wnRen on page I oftlus pennit �'L�f' �or .Sl��tt'�' f �c�� on �yee;� b�i� � �i,e��" /D7fao [CAC7ramm�?-27-Oldoc 30G��icCentzrDnveSE,ROChzstecMN59903-370f Phone{5o7)2gI_6154 Far(507)281-6?77 ll/30/00 4 CrtaaFRocheste{6 d fP ACommusmner. 4](X) 4 �(a) di(X) 41(X) -ti(a� SG( ) 46(a) 47(;C) 48(7:) SG� F`Tiz.�'<^',� 'yOOCNO'JM Ii� 49(X) 50{X ) 51(X) 5?(X) 53(k} PS'ROTECH�ICS - Ouner must be ad�dscd in wrinng! i day5 pnor to move-in if py�otechnics will be used dunng �he presentzpon�! '�-en` qPp�'anca for pemut shall be submincd �o �hc Frzc Pm.rnuon Dnaaon o(chc Op� ofRoches�cr no less �han IS d v � infortnanon �s a�a�lable a[ the City oFRodoestcr Fire 7JepartmenL �h � f ih= M d t Fwhu $�101:iSG -.U,zro Civic Center is a smoke free facihrv_ Uur .viti be resnonsbie m maV;e paiedi� annourtcemrnts mxr t4e pubiic addr<ss sysrem re�ardin¢ U�e budd�ng's °NO $ polin-. 7fie Usn uill futty coppera[e m rnforcine �he "NO Sb70KING" polrcy. Further, User u��� �ot pe:mn open flaines �o St used at any iima on rhe premises excep� as pan oEa Uieatncal pcesrntahon and with perm(csjop oFChe Owna. StGSS dSD PpS7ER5 - User .�ill not post nor allow to be posted, si_�ns. adsemsemenn, showbii(s, [itho�apns, posters or cartls of am� dcscripuon fn or oa a�S P� oCihe �faro 6�u Cenmr except m re�uta locauo.a prm�ded 6y pune�, and aniy those peaaSnm_ ro �he «zn[ mmaned for znd sech pcnod o; nme an desi�naced by �he pwnn will be ailo��ed User s}xzll remove forthaNtM1 aIi such si m specifica[ions and ?fayo Ci�ic Cenmr insiallerion rs[es is atziiable u on re � S ob)ecfiona6le ro O��ner Iniarm�lion regardine sigvage size P 9uu[. HELIU�[ BALLOO� RESTRIC7IOXS-Drsmoution efhefium balloons r p:o:nhrtec Sn tiia ���apo Cnic Ceme: RETE\TIO� pF LOST qg77�LE5 - 7He pwne: shall have the soic n,ht to collect and s4a11 hare cuseody-of amdes Ie.^;, Iest or chttk.d m the buiicing b� p�rons avzadine zrtp e.ron[ hcid 1n the ae;m;ed premises, and �he User or any person m USer's emol0y shail noc collea nor imerfer �vun tlm colleeion e, cirsrodyofsuch ar,ides. be allo�DCPER\I ITS - Uscr is responsible Por sernnng ail necessarv sound prnnrts for evems in Mayo Park Even¢ wf�h Pq y�d withom sound pctm�¢, ihp � d_ CASCELLATIO\ OR FA7LURE TO OCCUPI' - SAouid User cancel i[y ¢�ent pnor m the scheduled date, Uther sha71 pay O��nzt the base rrnt pius ai� co�;; mcursed ro ihe daie of caxellation. User sM1afi pay ��iehm 10 days of inva��e ACtS OF GOD, a.CD 07HEK E�"E\"CS BEl'OSD pW�gR'S COSTROL - Should dre przm�qes or any part tfitteof be dama_ed or dasiro}ed br fire or namral eltments. or of any other wsnalry or unforcseen occurtence, nanonal or loeal emer�ency, or Iabor dispum renders the pam�ses unfi� for occupancy, er oqienv�se render� thc per(onnance of th�s Permit by Oaner unpossiblc, tlmn rhis Pamir shai( be suspended far the period dunne uhmh t6c premiszs shall La�e bcen r_r,dered unfit or dunng uh¢h po:session cannot be dcliremd re lJser, mid O�mer siiafl not be hclC hable or respons�ble ro User for a��� dema�e rcsuSme therefiom I\DE\I\IFICATIO\ - User a�ees �o indemmfi and hofd hannless O��ner and its oRcers, employees and a�rnis hom all ch�ms ansin� out of the conduci, managemem or use of, or any oork or thing wha�soever done m or about the used premises or s�rurmres or e�uipmem therein, or ansm_ ont o( the condmon of any pauacnvay, hallrcay, s[a�nay}' or other piace used m connection wrth (he used premiset, ot ansine out of any acnon or neglisenee oF tls User o� any of �¢ agen�s, contraemrs, employees, pa[rons or ��ests or ansing out oC any acadent, m�nry w dama�e �vhatsoever, in or about Ihe used premises, ho.wver caused ro dP\ PC150l15 O� COfjI0tdI10115 OCCIIRIp� (Il1ItPFI Ilti PCilpd USCf dOd tlS 2�CpI5 dIC UStp: (8CII1lIGS, d`Id (TOhI d11E d_d1115t dL WS[5, 2IIOpIC}%5 �LCS, ¢YPCp5C5 Ot Labilrtres rexuVOng 6om any such clann, acuon or pmceedm= brouJ�i r6ereon ' I\'SG24�CE REQUIRE\[E\T$ A\D LI?7175-ln ordrr to grve force and efCect to �hc above pary�reph, Uscr a�ees m keep m force dunng tl�e tmn of�hu Permrt, comprehensrve pnbLc Lability and propenr damn�e insuranm �ssued br a Wo t �' d ��eeAS pnor �o move-�n date, a Semfrcatr f I �' as Follous and shaii PomisL O��ner, nvo pnor m tecminaoon of ih�s Permrs Said msurance shali provide not�le sRhan the Folio�ivng I�massoflabtid pros di�Oth�t�of comprchensi�iengeneralapubhc liabiliiy aem�st daims for boddy in�urr, deaifi or propeny damate occumn, on, m or about t6r htayo Crv'�c Center and ad�mmn_ streets and sideualAs, for bodily m)urr and propertq damare resulung from any one occurtrnce 11'ORIiER'S CO�tPE:\SATIOS ISSURdNCE - User fuNicr a�ees m fum(sL proof of Worker's Compensanon Insurance. Fmlum to ha.�e fumished such mmranen upou esecunon of dus Permtt shall be cause for Ounu's tzmnnation oFthis Pem�it wuh verbal noeice alo�e m lhe Usa. �n�h forienore ofany deposft thcreroPoremade. ESClI'Sil'ITl' - O.�uer Iias tl�r ezclnsive rr_�hts m �tie sdecuon, d�smbuUOn, advettain� and promouon oF ttnain desipiared products, brands, a�d o�her nems M�� �n(nn,�ement on tLese rtems is a marertai breach of Ih�s A_aeement with O�mer Wn�ten ➢enms�on must be given in order ro mod�fi� any esfsti�_ eulusrvny a,aeGn.nts O�.ner has w¢h trc�dors, suppifers, advert�scrs, or other desrmated eut�l�cA - COISTRLCTtO\ -7'�� � Cmc Center ivill be expandmg m the future Sign�Lcant mtrrfrrerrce �s no[ eepecred Owner, is prepaed to assnre Oser tlw� �f eonsnuction unrl: crea�es noisq O�mcr ��dl worA to cortect the problem as swn a; poSSehle ��� con�unct�o� w�nh this expansion, n may be nece�sary ro adJUS� eutrng or entrance procedures for aem;, oc to ymvide almmate solimons to restroom or concession rssues, w�»ch the O�mer wdl do ro the 6� of as abiLn ficither Un Dvecbr nor the Crty oC Rochesizr accepls rtsAOns�bilin� for any consequtnhai diinaees resulting @om noise II 6 a�etd and understood Ihat (n no event shall tht Ooner, n> employees , nd a=ents be 6able to the Usc� for any amount � eater �han the pertnrt fee pa�d for �ha use of tbe D1ayo Ciwc Cenrec. �OTICES - Unlesi otl�en.rse provided herein ro tlie convary, all notmes reqmred under this A�eement s7�a11 be deemed �nren uhpi M1and deiox{ed (.n�h recnpe therefor) w depovted in the Un7red Stares bWds, first class poscas prepa�d. addressed To liser Commandcr Ric6 qnticrsun-SC Paul Policc Dc artmrnt 100 E 11'^ St $t Paul JI\ '>5I01 TIi15 PERS(IT {Yf[,L BE NULL ASD �'OID dnot remmed by Jannarv � 2p0 � IN W1TNE5S R�}{p12EOF, the pames iiereio have etecuted thrs pemti� as of Ihe da� and year fus� ivnuen ort pase 1 oFthis pertnil C' • �F �� ����� S r��u-�` p� y v�� f �'�i e� �/�7/� ]CAC Trainma?-?7-OLdoc 30 Cfric Centzr Dnve SE. Aochesizr, Mti Si9P1-370! Phone (501) 281•6184 Fae (507) 28I-6?77 ll/3(V00 4 J�ofRoet ttB rd fP 6Commusianer. ; 0��93 Addendum A Each parry agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts andlor omissions and those of its employees, representatives and agents in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shali not be responsibie for the acts and,'or omissions of the other party and the results thereo£ The liability of the City of Saint Paul, its employees, officials and agents shall be governed by pmvision of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, MinnesoTa Statutes Chapter 466, et se . and other applicable law. . ��lGINAL Couucil File # Green Sheet # a�- 93 107122 RESOLUTION CITY,OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN 3 for the rental and use of a meeting room for training purposes. A copy of said agreement is to be kept 4 on file and on record in the Office of F�nancial Services. of: Police � Reiter Adopted by Council: Aate: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� `� � . � ``L__ i - Approved by Mayor: Date: F��ij 2� �Z�'j/ BY� <_`�����t ���'� By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney: By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council: t B „� icao-mayociviccenter-cr v�s/or GREEN SHEET No. 107122 wrrwwr� INRIALIDATE 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �C14LSF_RYICESb'R_ �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn_ 'Jcmcouxc�i O,_Q J � pnwn�✓uSERVIACG�G L.� �HUMRN PoGlRS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQt1ESTED ues requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the St Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement, wltich ;s an indemuificarion clause, with the Mayo Civic Center, in Rochester, MN for the rentai and use of a meeting room for trauring RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTI� Has this persoNfirtn everworKed under a wntract for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMlSSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwmialty possessed by any currerit ciry emWoyee? YES NO Is this p2rsroNfirm a qrgeted vendor? YES NO <piain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet The Saint Paul Police Departrnent was awarded a grant by the Office of 7uvenile Justice for Delinquency Pievenrion (OJJDP) to create a multiyurisdicrional Task Force to address the problem of the exploitation of children and child pornography via the Intemet. The Task Force is to invesrigate reports of flus nature, educate the public and other law enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem and resources available. The conhact for approval is with the City of Rochester, MN who will provide a room to facilitate haining of up to 100 police officers, prosecutors and social workers about the problem of cknld pomography and exploitation and resources available. training will be presented in a facility designed for uaining purposes and enable us to complete ttris portion of the grant objectives. ,NTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED sl trainiug presented by the task force would not be as effective in assisting law enforcement and prosecutors in rural Minnesota. to comply with grant objecrives. �����ge s,"�'cCO��v� �;;t�cj � ��� � � ���� AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S SOURCE Gidrit Not to exceed 500.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTIVINNUMBER 435-34056-0282-- � . � icactraining-mayoaviccenter-cr �t Mayo ���i�er DATE November30.?000 Facillu.s m S. �SED C ) Arena ( ) Andrtorium ( )ThLdKe ( ) Ballroom ( )A ( )B t'SE FER�71T ( ) Maco $uite ( )A ( )8 ( )MeDonnell5uitz ( )A ( )B ( ) Lez on Sui2 ( )A ( )B ( X j Elho¢ Sui�e ( )A ( )B PERSIIT °3318 ORnervtieu OAOIIOCODO= ( ) Gttnd Lobby ( ) E�.HaI! ( ).a ( )B ( )C ( )D ( ) \ortU Lobby a�-93 �( g) THIS AGREEAIE� made and rnttred nno �hs ?0 day o( Ko�emhe: b} and bzM1Veen 8ie Citc o( Roehesteq z ALnn ' s erei�m4er calied' Useation aumg tUroush its Board o(Park Comm�ssonz¢ and ns Niayo Cmc Center D�¢qo[, herema4er calkd "O.�ner", and RicA Attderson, Addrtss' Commander Rfek Anderson- St Paul PolFce De rtment ICAC Task Force - St Paul Police Depattmem IODE11'"ST S� Panl bN i5701 W9TNESSETH ALL PARAGRP.PHS RECITED IIFRE[N ARE PART OF Tfff. CO\TRACT LNLESS [\APPLICABLE BY THEfR T6@h1S M RELAT10�' TO tiSEA'S EVENT OR PERFOR1ylANCE 'CO 6E PRESENTED N OwT'ER'S FACILITIES SO�fE PAK.4GRAPHS �UY BE M.N21:ED `X` ONLY AS A WURTHSY IN TFIAT Tk�.Y MAY REQUIRE ACTS Oti THE USER'S P?.RT OR USEA'S SPECIAL ATTENTION THAT CREATE COSTMGE'.vCiGS TO 7'I'lE USES STATED F�REIN FAILURE TO "X" A PARTICULAR PAANGRAPH M NO W'AY ABROGATES USER'S DUTY OF PERFOR�LLVCE OF ALL APPLICABLE TEAMS NOR T!-� OWNER'S RIGHT TO DEMA.*�'D PERFORMANCE IT 15 Ml1TUALLY AGREED BETWEEN OWNER ANb USER AS FOLL00.'S 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(X) 6(X) 7(X) 8( ) 9(X) 16(X) CSE-Owner �ants ro User a non-assr�nable n_ht ro use and occup. that pomon otMayo Crvic Cencer descnbed as follous Elirott Sune T1'PE OF USE-User.vill nse the above stated ponion of Mayo Cn�c Cemer For fie follo.�m: pnrpose� iCAC T�k F T' a Mee n_ E�'E�TDATESITIS[ES-T d�Fb ��7�001-Ra+-3nm �\IOti'E-1� DATe(CI�IE- T d� Febn rv�7 �001 -7 am OPERTI\IE - Any even[ laznng Ioncer that (he timz sared above m thz para_aap6 enatled -EVENT DATES" shall mcur a charoe of S 100 per hour T70�'E-OUT-Uset w�ll move out �mmed�ately followmg event DIO�'E-OL'T/SPECIAL ARI2A�GtipIE\TS-_ � �� k� pAl'�IE�TS ASD DEPOSITS to be made m the (ollo��me mamicr SO upon esecuuon and dehvery of thiz Pe`m�t Toml Balance Due on [nvo�ce tl9ozn User �s enn�led ro be b[lled upon concluson of event foc any or all r:nu duc and an. senice char�es, checks shall be made pacable m Cirv of Ro:hesu Ivlmnesota and maded ro C�ty oCRochester, 201 4'" Sieet SE, Anance Depaztment Room?0�, RocLZSrer, R�IN >i904 O�.ner shall retam t6e on_mal deposR for a ceasonabte penod of nme follo��me the erem unnl a➢ a<psnses assoc�ared with the e�ent are asctttainzd Ovn shall be enmled ro appl} the depost roward ehe cost of am� damage ro the Cemer m excesi of ordinary wear and iear, and to any nnpa�d ecpenszs assoaszd �� � User's use oF the Ceater and sha➢ ihen ecedrt tlw �emaimn_ deposrt w�he balance due In the erent that O�mer �s obhgared bq d�e comcact to pay Usar a pom� of tl�e adm�ssion rere�pts ot avy other mo�ies, User shail dehver ro O.�ner pnor to such Da}ment a completed and eezcnred lntemal Re� rnue Sernce Form w� or its equrvalent Dcposrts are nomreCundabk ��� a � O�'ERQUE ACCOL'�KTS - A servim charge at tlu rare of 6° 6 pa month ..dl bz charged on account baianas open beyond thiny days hom da�a of bdhng �; � g � 6L'ILDI�C REQUIRE6IE\'TS - User u'itl fik ��fdi Onner and Firr Narshall ac least fourteen days pnor to thz event a fuil and demiled omhn< of all facd� reqwred, a copy of tl�e tloor plan, stage and sound roqmremems, all o[har set-up rcqmremen¢ and mEo�msion rcqmred by O��'ner wncemm� sucR e�ent ICAC Training 2-27-01 doc 30 Crvic Cen[cr Drive SE, Rochester, MN 5�904-3701 Phone (i07) 281-6184 Fae (i07) 28I-6277 ll130/00 1 �(O�'E-OUT RESPO�SBILITY' - In the event that tlie used pon�ons of the O��ner's prem�ses are not vacared by User on the date spenfied herein, O«ner �s au8ionzed to remove from the premises, at the espense of the Useq all goods, uares, memhnndise and property of any kind leR therein, and Onner shali no� be hable for an}' damaett or loss of sUCh goods, wares, merchand�se or other pmperty whtci� may bz susta�ned by rea5on of sucli remo�al, and the Owner is Uereby relcased fiom an} and all claims (or damages of ��4iatever kmd ar naNre ., �. r_ n�.,..,dao.,i��� fnr uce of soecif�ed area, User a:rees to pay to O.mer 14 � h � EVE\'T PREPAA4T10\ - User wdI 5e� up m mm l�aaw ���c�� e<�sm� � pian a[ User's request shall be sub)ect to reFUlar labpr charges m ef(eR ' umon a�rements all eqm➢menp exUibrts or scene ' ry AI[eraiionsofsta�eand/orfloor' 15(X) SET-UPARRAI GHSIE\TS - At Ieast 7? hwrs pnor to opeNng oF event, the Urer wdl confirm b}' wntten �ance ro O�mer's represencau��e the reqmred timc for mmm� {n, sethng Up and rehearsal User yt(� y�sp �nfomi Owner of any sea[ing and/or s[a^c avrantements User av�ees to pay S35 for any mcenne �ooui ci�an�cover _ 76 ( X ) SGPPORT FACILITIES - User's rental ot [he sta[ed facilrt�es s6a11 include non-endusive use olthe enhances and cortidors Ieadm_ dtirecily thereto, ad�acrnt restroom facilihes, lobbizs, and, by pnor a¢angement uith Owner, reasonable on-premises stora,e faciLncs 17 �� 1 OSSTRL`CT]OS - Uscr shall not obshvct am pomons of tl�e Sidewalks. enmes, passa�es, halls o� �eay tlie same for any pt�ryost o[her rfian m:ress and e;�ess w and from the uszd prem�ses- ` Gset shall noi o6�wct thz door s or o en ntc Qnrer or use admrt Lght mto any p��e in die 6uddm_ mclu8mg hallaacs, arz ven[s and house Lghpng P 5 �Lat reFleci or obstn¢i�ons ro be or remmu m d�e assa_ artachmen�s lise� wdl pennfl no cha¢s, aw�-able scats pr other p �c��avt and ndl keep passageways clear a[ all [�mes. The waslvooms sha11 n0� 6L used For any puryose ot6er [han Eo� wL�di p�e} were con5tmcted and n0 swe:pmgs, ru66ah, ra>, papers or other substances shalf be throun Iherem User shalt pa} for ane damage resilnn� m ��'ashrooms for m�suse- - 18 � X) EQL'IP\IE\"T RE\'7'AL - A dady renta! ��i!! Fx charged for t}�e general use oC��ie follo�an, eqwpment, �he la6or far set-up or removal sLx1I be pa�d by the Use�, and any damage �o said buildmg or eqmpmrnt cau:ed 6} such seFUp oi removal shatl be pmd by tlie liser O�mu can promdc a complete Lst of zll equ�pmen� and char,es AI,L PRfCES $(JSJ[CT TO CHANGE UPO\ NOTICE 7'O USFR 19(x) ZO(X) 21(X) ?Z(X) 23 ( ) ' ' 2b(X) 27(Y) 28(h) tIOL'SE LIGHTS A\D PL'QL(C dODRESS 51'STEAI. - p����^s Iwusc h�hts and pobhc address sysmm sha1l at all times ht svbject ro sole mnnol and operzhon o(Ouner, unless User's usa,e a specificalh approeed b} O�viter's a_rnt as to ume and dnmtron ofuse ELECTRICAL REQti[RE�IES15 - All eVenncai connecoons must be su6�ect ro appro�al oFOwnec, multiple plugs such as m�n sockets, cufx, caps, ek , wi11 mt be permrt¢d Anp such conntcnons found 6c row¢ed by ehe O�met to confo�m to fire re�ulanons and oH�er appLcable code5, and such chan,es wili be <Lar�ed ro Ihz [jser SPECIAL SER\'[CES - Unless oihm.rse aut}ionztd bv the O��ner, alI lambm� eonnecnon u�[h Oser's rental, and al! elecmca! cuaent or domesnc Yas, sttam and water requirod (expt t tha[ fe� u red for mnua h ahn u �� �i e premises m suppLed�'perfortned by Owncr, for uhich Usa Shall pay Ihc ra[es establislmd b} Owntr fm 5uch strvices 9 and Leh[ing) Shall he PERS�SSEL - In addmon to any o(her paymans herein s edfied, User a� mdud:ng, o�¢ nu, Gmned ro, uskers, secum), ticket takers, sound and scomboard ope�rators, o0�er personnei deemzd nece�ses at pm�aiSing ratzs, such services sud� personnel as necessar}� for ordman deanm_ and ��mional service and mamtenance of ihe przmises and the O�mer m y q i e m i the Owner Por such costs In tLz event rt becomes necessary io emp�oy outs�de assistaime for handling User's frei�n, suppiies, eqmpment and scenery, or to empby extta hclp such as stageLands, custod�ans, pnbLc address system opeators, projecnonists, decoYarors, and eny o[her labor no( pr0��ded by Onner, sucli eatm help 5La11 be a[ ihe 5ole ceprnse oC Usa and 6e obta�ned Por User o(O��ner at Ountr's sole d�screnon POLICE OPFICERS, SECGRITP CU4RD5. FIRE PROTECTIOS A\D F(RST A!D - The User sliall secure tivou�h the O�.ner, no less than 0 police of5cers as deiennined by Ot�ner The poLre rare is S?Z00 (estimatz) per pollce ofFittr per Iiour wttli a minimum of a fow hour pay ��aranreed tivough the Oo'ner User shall also secure secunrv euards ]1ie senmtp guacds are paid ar the rate of S U 00 per how, per secunq� Fuard, u{��i a mm�mum of a foa r-how pa y guarznteed During sLows �v¢Ii enlubrts. o��ner ��9�{ secvrc necessary move-fn/movrout secunty at nser's co 7he Ow n�. determined by Hte Foc6esrer Rre Depart�nen� pa�d az a rate of S 30 Der hoiv 62s;sp.s.t„ ' "���Eavre [nspectoc(s) as a� a total of S50 per hour wi�6 a.m.•�;;„-,-0q��ours pay En�aranteed Said evem �r�� Ciy oFROChesrer (Gold Cross) First A�d staffis avadable —`-.+ards; Lne and Arst Nd personnel shall repon at least one-ho�v pnor m e e sta�t n nufre firs[ afd services Polme oRccrs, secunN baJdm� Itas heen uacated AH cosls m �his parv,�r�p�� �� to be aid � '���ne and remain until even[ �s over and ���e F�rs[ Aid personnel are dcemcd �o be User's su6contraaors and ih �O�mer s only 7� �h ���� User agrees Ihat a0 poLce o�wrs, 5ecu�i[y guards, Ga mspeciors and agem o([Le User as regards m statT. ��'ATC}�\I:IS SERCICE - O��ner assunms no rtsponSibiG�y �oLa[mCeer for am� pmpem pla¢ed on the qzemises and �s hereb} released Bom any habiLty of and kmd for loss or dam'vge of any such propert� SCa[chman or other pro[echve senice desired b Gscr mus[ be artan� paid fo� br Uscr S _ed bp spe<ial a,�reemwt �nth Ouner and �O\DISCRI.�II\"�TIO.\ - User a,�ees that dunn,� tliz term of Ihis a,ReemenL n wil� not d�5cnmmaie against am employee or apyhcant for emplovment because of race, color, crced. nahonal ori,nn. ance>m. affecnonal or szeual preference, age or disabdm' and v�dl mclude a zimilar pmv�5wn m all agreemen[s en[<rzd ma behveen Uscr and am eeSubrtor> JI:1\:qGENE:\T - 7he prmieges granted ro User herem :half not be <onsnued as a waiver of mana,zment n_hts, and Owner reiains fuli and complete nglrts ro manaee and control Ihe premises and ro rnCorce aIl Nies and regulation> �t deems newssary for the mana�emem and connol o! sa�d prem�ses O«ner's management may emer and have access ro[he areas fumished hereunder at any fime, and authonzed persoru�el may enrer at reasrn�a6lz nmes necessarv ro the pedoemance of [hea duoes O�sser resenes the nn]tt ro e�ec� any obJectiona6le person or pvsons @om smd 6uildlnMs) and upo� �he e.ecmisc oCthis a�thorih� �Lrougl� the O«mer. asents or senmry guycds, Usec hereby wai.es any nghts and all daims for dama,es arisin� &om suc6 occurrences UNess othernise speeiFied in nnnng, Oimer shall be pnnleged to schedulz ot6er similar e�ents both before and afin the dates o(8�is Pertnir without nonce [o User RETE\T[O\ OF O\t'S£R'S ALTIIOHIII' - qm decuion affecnng an} matrer not pmvided for he¢in sha11 mst sofely wichm the d�screnon of Ory oF Rochzster, eoard ofPazk Commissioncrs and m Direaor SCtIEDULf.\G EYE�TS - pser undersiands tha� o�hrr areas o( the Cenrer mar be used by ofiers dwn� any oF th= penods co.ered by tlns pzrtn�� O�mer xanants Iha� i� �nll no� authonzr or pznnn an�� oeh:r user to engye �n operanons or aamnes t6at woutd mtecfere ��id� [}ser's enjqment oP ihe ngUa Franied under (lus a�eement [f 0.vmer detzrtnines �hat rt�s ntcessary ro prohibrt use of tlte remainder of (he fanht � b and qwe� en�oyment of i�s us<d pre¢uses andor m pr�.�de senmty (or User's use of its Lcensed premrses.�U e rshall ed an na1�Re in n ICAC Trainin� 2-27-0(.doc 30 Qvic Center Drn•e SE, Rochestzr, MN Si90-4-3701 Phone (507) 281-61g�F Fae (ip7) 2gI_6277 1Ir0l00 2 �a�x, IS(X) 16(X) 17(a) 18(X) 19(x) 20(X) 21(X) 2'-(X) '� ( ) 'afX) ol� 93 E�'EYI' PREPAR4TIOS - User w�li set up in compLance with emsnng uniprs aerecmcnct all equipmen[, cxhibrts or scene � plan al User's rcquest shall bc subjeet m re_ular labor char�es in efittt ry. Altttanons of stage a�d�o� floor' SET•�P ARft4\GE?IE\75 - At leas� 7? hourz prior m o rnin� (or mmin� in P o�e�ent, Ihc User aip confirtn bp wncten nocicc [o O��ner's rcpresrn�amc thc req�ired nme . semn^_ up and rehearsal. liser nyil also mfortn O��nu of anp seann� arM.�or sta�� �Ran�ements Gser a�ees w pa� S3i for any mee�in� raoin c6angcav�c = _ _ SCPPORT FAQLITIES - User's re:�tal oFthe stated fazilines shall mclude nonccclusiv�o us: of the envances zr.d comdors Icadin^_ d�rerh� tberem, adjac<nt rcsvoom Facili�ies, lob6ies. and, hy pnor arran•ement m�h Oanec reasona6le on-premisee stoa^e faciiiues. ' OBSTR8C7(O\' _ p y���� noi oh;ttuct any �prions of the sidea�lAs, entries, passa�es, 6alls or uars oi eccess .o pu"oi�c unLna oF;hz CiWC Cen�e: or use the same for am� purpp,u p,her fian m�_ss and escss W and :mm :Se uszd p:emuas_ liser shall no� obs�NC[ 4:t tloor>, sta�ntays or oa•mn,s tt�at re0ect or admit ligl;t Snto anq place in the buildin_ a�clvd:ng halhvays, a�r vents and house hghun, anachmenes. Gser will perm�t no chyrs, mo.ablc scau or other obsrtuctions to 6e o: remam i� the pazsa�ea�vs and .�ili kcep pzssa_�eways deu at a77 nmes. Tfiz �vasFvooms shall no� be used for any «'hm6 @ey uere co2shucted and no s.veep�p3, mbbuh, ra�s, paoers or otha suos;ances shall be tliro�m tlrcmin User shafl a) for ��P��S�„other ihan for ��•ashrooms fo� misi¢e � P _ resWfing to EQC]p\(E\ RE\ - q yii�� rrn[ai will be c7ur_ad for t7�< =cnarzt use of tl�t iollowine equ;omenC the labor for se:-up or remo�al shail be paid yy ihc Uscr, and am' dama_e to Sa�d buddm_� Or eqmpmcnt caused b� sud� se�-up pr rano�a! slcall bc paiJ by �he User. Owner cau pro�4dc a complcte �ist a( ap equipmrnt and cfiarges. AI.L PRICES S�BIECT 70 C(L1�GL UPOS KOTICF Tn i ice� 1101!SE LIGHTS ASU PpBLIC ADDRESS S1 STE\I. - O++mi t )touse 6ghn and pubLc addrzss system shall at all timeg be sub�ec[ to soie control and operanon ofOwrer, unless User's usage is spccificalh approeed by Owncr's a_zm as to ume and duranon oFuse ELEC7'RIGL REQUIR£JIE�TS - All ekecncai mnnecpoos mus� be sub�ect to appm�al of Ouner, mi��i�p�e plu:s such as n.m soc4ets, cubr taps, erc., w��� no� be pclmnmd Anr snch connectmns fowd bc rrwved b�� �Lr O�irtt ro con(onn �0 fire rcgulauons and other applmable codes, and such chan_es .�ill be <Barged io the User $PECIAL $ER}'ICE$ - Unkss othcrnrse �uthonud by Ihe O��ner, all lumbm • conneaion wvh User's rentai, and all eleancal cuacnt ar duineshe =ns, stm n and � a�er eqmrcd (espct II at ceqmred nonna hea[in a d�li11C P�emixs in supplictLperfomied by Oa�icr, for uh�ch User sLall par Ihe r��� establ+shed b} Omnzr for sucti sernces '�����_"� ��» be P£RSOS\8L -[n addinon to auy olher p��mcnty hcrtin specdied, User a�aecs �o pay Cor all personnel and labor ,urnces at pre�aiiing ratxs, sacfi services mdud:;r„ yu; nut Lnvted io, usLers, secur�n, nci.e r�ter� �uund and smmboard operawrs, or oHier personnel deemed necessary by O�.�ner Onner sl�a7! fumatr 5uch personnel a5 uecessap� for ordman clevnne and �an�mria! sernce and mmmenance oC the premises and lhe O�mer may reqwre User �o reimbarse the Ox�ner for sucli �osts. In tlm event tt becomes nzcessary to employ ouivde ass�sianm for handling User's frcia�t, supphes, eqmpmem a�d scenep�, or to empioy actra help sucti as sWgehands, cusrodians, pubhc addrcss sysrem operators, pmjaceiomsts, decorarors, and any odoer IaWr not pro��ded by O��net, such eztta help shall be al ihe sdecxpc�nse oNscr and bt obtaned tor Uscr of O��ner a� Oontr's sol<discrehon POLICE OF�ICERS, SECL�AITI" GL'ARDS, FIRE PROTECT10.� A\'D FIRST AID _ Tfie User shall secure tivou�h the O�.ner, oo kss than 0 pohce of4icers as de�ennined by O�mec The polma rme is S?7.00 (estimare) per pohce oliicet pet hour unh a mmimum of a fow how pay pnaranteed Tlvougfi the O�mer Uset sLall also secure secunq� � i�rds 77ie secunry� guards are paid at the rate of S I S 00 per hour, per se<unrr:nard, inth a mmunum of a Covr-hour pay �aranrced D�vmg �I�ows �r��7� eehibrts. o�mer o�II sttare necessare move-iNmove-out sttnnp� �� uyer's cost The O�mer shall senve D Fire Inspector(s) as detennmed by thz Rocpester Are Depanmrni pa�d ai a rs�e of 5 30 per hour basis as nnplovees of the Grv of Rochescer_ (Gold Cmssl F�rsc Aid staff �s availabie at a total of S>0 per hour witli a mm�mmn of three hours' pav �va}ameed $aid event O w�ll /( )���il mt reqmre firet aid semces Pohce oRcers, securii� euards, fire fnspecror(s) and Fast A�d personncl shali repon ai Icast one-hour prwr to am�ounced e.rnt startmg mne and remain w41 evrnt is over and the buildin_• has beers �acated q11 costs in tGis para:�aph arc to be paid b� bser Further, User agrces that all pohce o�cers, securzrr guards, !re mspecrors and First A�d personnel are dcemed m be Usei s strbconcracwrs and Uie O.wer is oNq thc h�nng ag<ni of t6c User as re�ards ro stalT �t�ATC[I\IAl' $ER\'ICE - Oaq�er assumes no msoousibihry wha�socuer 6r anq propem ptxed on the pre�nses and is here6p released Gom am liabiht}' o( artd kmd for loss or damagc of an� sa<h propertp �Catdun�n or other proleclict sen ice dcs�red by Uscr mus� be arranged b}' speaa( a_rzeement ��rt(� p�mer and paid (or br Uscr '-5 C X ) SOSDISCRI.�II�ATIO] - Usar agraes ihai dunm; �hz tertn of tlus atvremenL rt«dt not discnmmate a,amst anv employee or appLCam Eor employmrnt bmause of race, coior. creed, noiional or�,_in. ancestn, alTecuonal or se<uai preference, age or dvsabrh�y and w�H mdude a s�mdar pronsion �n aIl a;reements entered mto ben�ztn USCr and am e.dubrtori � M:�S:1GE11E\T- llie prnileges grunted to Uszr here+�� shalt rrot be conserved as a warver of managemrnt riglus, and Owner reWms Cull antl complew rilns m manage and mno-ol the premises and w enfome ali ruks and re_vlations n deems necessarv for the mana�emrnt and coneroi of said prem�ses 0�4rer's mana_ement may enrer and Iwve access ro �he azeu fumishtd herevnder at any nme, and au[honzed personne7 may rnter at reasonable nmes neczssan to the tluou,�nw oF their dnties O..�ner resenes rt�e neM1[ b e�ea am� ob�ecnonable pecson or persons fiom said 6uddm,(s) avd upon the eecrcrsc of this a�rthonn� �h tM1e Owneq a_ents or securiq� �ards, User Aereb�� .raives any nefits and all da�ms for dama_es arising hom such occurtences. Unlass orhznsise spaifed m anung, O.ma shail be pri���e,_ed Io SchrdW<aLzr s+mdar even[s boch bcfore and a(ter the dams of Utis Pemmt w�thout notim to User Z� ( X� RETE\7'IO]' OF O�C\ER'S Al'TIIORIT]' - qn. den;ion a(Rccmg an} matter not prov�ded for I�uein sha➢ rest sokly �nthm the discreaon of Cin of Roches�er, Bpard of Park Commrsswners and iu Direceor , �$�X1 SCIIEDpLISC E\'E�TS - User unders�ands thar o�her area.> of ihe Crncer ���ay be used by ott�ers dunng �m• of the penods co�ered by tlns pertni�. p�.rp� ��artams that n will not auU�onze or pennrt any o[htr user to entage m operabon> or acllnuns that vmutd mcedere w[I� Usec's en�o�ment of the nghts ganted and quiet n�oy�nrnt ed prern�es and�or pro ide ssurny o(�its I cense PfqpaSt9"USC! Slt��b2�dS5CSePd B11 �CtL�IOp�I R�2�IfI0Upt 1CAC Traimrte 3-?7-Ot duc 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochestzr, MN ii90a-3701 Phone (i07) 281-6181 Fae (i07) 281-6?77 1 U30/00 2 i 29 ( ) o �-q1 of tw�enry-fivc pement Qi°ib) of fic noimal aa for such space Owner shail be pmdieged w schedule aher sim�lar events bo[h beforc and aRer damz oC this pennic ai�hout prior nocice to liser TICFETS (a) OH'ner sfiall be fie exdus��e Wstee o( all uckets and ti<ket proceeds O��ner or ns agent shail man�f<s:. covnt and dsmbme neke�s O�mu s zl havre ihe richt to offer ticAen for ule a� all rts regular outlets. User shall pay Owner for a➢ box o�ce senices u may be reqmred i� the handlin�, concrol, cusrody and keepine of tunds. O��nec sha➢ n6t be Itable zo User w�o am otl�ar pttsons for xm loss, thef� or defalcation thereof .�hether sucfi Ioss, theft or dcFalcation ls caused or done by emplocees of O�.na or othen.ise; nor shall anr o5cer or employee o( O�wa by hable for anp Ioss, �heR or dzfaication of such fw�ds unless such o(ticer or emplopee willfully cause or penmed the szme or unless it .�as pmx�mateh ca�aed br Ouner'S o��r eross nepli.mce. . � (y) All ti:ke[s reqmnns ad.znce salzs mus� use Owner's ticke�ing senxes and are subj<ct co 5.20 per ncke: Pnmme fee, 3%6 cred� card senice fre, and 4° 0 60� ofice fee Owner's Ucke: sernces contacmr musc handle ali pho�e sales. (<) O�ine� a?es to Reep rewrdt as uill adequazel} and m�eGly retltti the rece[pts &om et:n evem zid 2t the close o( ine e�ent or as soon as pracn<able, Ou'rrer shal! fwnish ro User a complere ttanscnpt of tick<t salee O��na shall mzkx a fintn:itl senlnneut ��91I� User at tht condus�on of tl�c erent � (d) lisu sliali be su�ctly �tsponsible for ensunn_ ehac no eickeG are prtsentzd foc admiss�on to z mnmr.. enrcrtainment or e<hbmon in exczss o: tFe szavng capaan of thz faciliiies ran2d wd:r lhis comact. � (e) Compl�mentan neke[s m pubhe e�2nti m uLld� admusion is e)�ar_ed ��i➢ be a� ailabit to O��r.=c fo: usz m a ma+ketin_ and pmmotmn capaah. gp �� � L'SER PROT£CTIOS - User ackno��'ladges O�mei s➢����Y N<'ng a public fxcllrty) Uia� it ��ill not e�cl_de e�:r.0 oCa natura sunilar ro d�zt pr�enred b5' �+�e User ai any time bc(ore or afier the liser � anted hcreunda ;� ( g� CO\CES570\S A\D CATERI\G - O��ner spzcificaily rexnes tl�e ri_ht m offer tor sa)c on, on o� abom the pcem�ses, food and bzvcraocs, gannent checAmg, and aI( othzr concess�ons not otl�eneise granMd here�n In no eeent shall User,its ��ests, e�hio�brs, and agents bnng onm the prem�ses for salz or personal <onsump�ion anp food, be+�era,es or alrohoLc producu Th�s pohcy mcludes pre-packed or delna=d products odmr tl�at those pm��ded by the Lcensed eoneessionaire of Owner Ooner's erclnme preappmved camrers must pro�ide a➢ caemng User �s responsible ior makin_ tts oun arrangements and romract wnh said caterec Fadure to mmph' wnh this pco��von may resuh in an addnional fee assessed ro Um m thz amount of $'_50 Sliould [he User dzs�re m have alcoUohc beveraezs soid or dispensed m the Mayo Crvu Cenmr, �mnen <onsent musr first be ob�ained by hlaw Gvic Cemer Direcmr and details mus� be artangzd tivou�h the Owners ercWsrve co�cessiona�re Donated Cood a sub�ecllo senire charge O��ner must appro��e all donatcd food Citan n➢, due to IeC� o.er donattd food (scrv�<e ttays, pans, plates, silververe, �able wasre ���ill b< charged a� 53i an how ;� O PROGRA�IS, RECORDS, NO�'ELT(E5, SOUt'E\IRS - Tl�e Oi�nec shall recerve a commission of 30 °o o( thz goss sales on all merchandise sold before, t z blc sales filc v ST-]B (Jliunemta depurcment�oC Rev rtuc For x [he O�w cr pno� [o hc c�enl.e1 �ny and sll events thn[ ma} inNude 33( ) 3a S ) 3>(X) 36(X) 37(X) 33(X) 39(X) 40(X) AD\'ERTISISG ASD P20]IOT10� ' (a) All radw, iNrnsion, newspaper or other advertisng. as wdi as promotional releases, llckets, plawrda. or other ��'nnen or prmted mauer, or am� pho�o�aph, motwn p¢wre, �e(evismu eapz, recordmg or other nems, matenal; or documena Mluct� rela�: w ti�e event or comam tUe name, picmre or t�ademack oF the blayo G�c Center or the event, shali be submuced to O.�ner Cor Owner's approval. a� least seven (l1 days pnor ro rts rmended pubLCauon, relecunng broadcasnn._ or othzr use �✓hrn appropriate, submrcted matenal shall mciudz a prznse scheduie spzafying dares o( advemsnv and med�nm{s), co��eraee (e � des�_mation oPnewspapers, telzws�on stavons andor ma@azines nJon nhrcL such ads�enis�n, shall appear.) (b) In no e�ent shall Uscr pmmote, advemse or anange for the p�omotion or ad�'crt�sm2 of the event. m any mtdmm ��ha[socvei, prior to rece�p[ of nrnren approval @om Ooner O��nze may wniilwid smii appro.al Eor am reason alm�soever m its soie discr:uon (c) In all ad�ensine as descnbed hece�q tUe standazd Owner logo or other dzzn±nauon of Owner mus� bz d�sp�a�ed anNor described �a tlm mancer selzcred by Ownec m rt's sole dscrenon (d) Nomnhs � a �� & romm�o�nai oc an}�other p�rposes wnhom tUc c�p ess w�nan approvai�of O m to�mi rolaung t a advertismc, p ecent shall designa�c Mayo Crvx CFnter (e) a; e �re prc a(hleres or ot6 r panm pa in ll erem " User hereby guarant es tl al al� peROns or �rOnp3 as appzarm� nil rt� fact pamc�pa�c m thc event as adremxd RAD10 A\D T�' - No event presented m any poNOn of �he fac�Lnes shall be broadcast �vitl�out e�press con>eni of O��ner User shall pay m Owner, m addmon m any ochee amounts herem specdicd, as follows S 250 PATE\TS, TR\DLMARKS, COP1RIGHTS, ROl'ALTIES - User assumes all costs ansm� fiom :li= use oCpatented, tradeinarked or copy*�ghred materials. eqmpment, de.xes, pmcesses or dcamauc ri�h[s used in tlle conduct o( said e.ena and a,sees m mdemmn and tiold hannless Ovnet from all damage, msts and expenses on acco�mt oC the use of any suc6 matenals, eqwpment, de��roes, processes or dramadc n@Ittz bp User or ns aeents. perfomiers and echibnors Ussr a�rtees to pa) all rqalnes, hcense fees and other charees accmme or becom�n, due by reason of any mus�c. Lee or recorded, or other entertainment of any kmd p��.ed, staged or pmdaced by User. its a en[s, employees or 6censecs vpon the used pre�nses PI IOTOGRAPI I1C RESTRICilO\S - No fiee lance ar other rype oC photo_naphers may be pecmrtred to set up labks, stands or backdrops, or m an)' olher wav conduct andbr opera�c a pho;o,-raph7 opera�ion �.nhout ha��ng untten pemasion f-om the O�mer RESPO]S161LITIES �1�� LL46ILITIES- User agrees tlmt e�eryone connzcred }mth sa�d e.em s6a!I compl� ��nh all Im�s of the Um!ed States and the State of himnesota and ali Rod�esrer crcr ordmancea �oge�l�er ��nL al� re9wrements of thz Rochester PoLce and F�re Departmena, and wdt no� dq m� alio�e to be done, an}2hm, on said premaes duni�g Ihe tem� of II»s Pennn m volauon of an} Such la�vs or ordman:es and �f the auen��on o( Ihe Ouner a called to such ti�olauon on �he pan of the User, or any person employed by or admnred to tUe prem�ses b� tlic User, sud� Ux: �u�l immed�a�ely des�st hom and correct such vlolanans Szcunn guards hired b� the Urer eill be d�rected and assi�med b� Owner as rt dcems nece>sxn liser agree> that all dacre4onarv acm of d�e Onner as �ranted ro n or reservcd b} �� hereundcr shall be itfl to ihe Oxner's b7ana^_ing D+recrot A�If2ICd\5 R iTit UlSABILITIES AC7 CO�IPLIA�CE - User shall be solcl} msponsi6le for cemphmg onh am reqwremems oCtl�z Amerrcans u'itl Disabilfnes Aa (AD.A) rzlanne m any nompennanenc acceszibdrt. reqwremrnu of the ADA, indudmg but na Lmrted to seanng a+ran_zmrnts, au�iLan aids set-up o� organrzanon by an� edubitor, dzcorator, a�ent or otUa represemame of Use� ofany meenns room, d�spla�, edvbn, prue�tano� or concession or fo am habihh'. claun. fine, penal�y or auomeys fezs other than iho;e ansmg sok19 from anr failure o( th: phys:cal smmWrci, pemianen[ fxdiues or pertnane� bwldmc access to comply ����h th< ADA IDl31dCE LIdBILI71' - 1f am portron or all of thc bwidme or fumishin�z are damaued by thz dcfault cr negLgence of die User or of Usci s a�ent— employees, Aatmns. euzsts, or am person admared to tUe premises b}' User, Gsa udl pag w O«ner upen dtmand, suck sum ai nzces3an ro res�o¢ prem�4es C ns former condmon Si¢h repairs or resto�anon m��� be comracted for �vnl�in ten (10) da}s mo�e out ISFLA�i>1.48LE \I.ATERI.4LS - Uszr shall mt ��rthout Oir permfssion of [hz OwTer, put up o� operace a�. motor or madmien� on the prem�se> or use o�� bumima Fl.md>, cainphenz, kerosenr, napl��ha or gaso6�e for either mechancal or other pnryoses, or ar.� agam other than gas or efecmnn for dlum�nanng � premises [CAC Tramm� 2-27-01 doc 30 Crvic Center Drive SE, Rochestec, MN 5>904-i701 Phone (i07) 28 L6183 Fa� (507) 281-6277 11/30l00 3 i 4��X, 4?(X) 43(X) 44(X) 45(X) 46( ) 46(X) 47(X) AS(X) S 2c: �712„�"L':� �OOcNO:;M l}. 49(a) SO(X ) SI(X) 52(Xj 53(X) Py'ROTECH,\7CS - Owner must be admsed in wntm� I S days pnor to move-in iF for pe`mrt shall be submrt[ed to the Frze Prevrntmn Div�s�on of fhe Crty of Roches[t m le s th n� i da_vs pnon t�he aresen a��On of [his n�ent Appl;:3nrn infoRnanon �s s�aJable at Ihe Ory oEROChester Fpe Department Furtha SAI06ISG - Ma�ro Cme Center is a smoke free PaciLty. User �nil be respons�ble to make p¢�odm ennouncemenis oeer Ihe publ�c address sysiem rz�ardm; tl�e buddmg's °NO S�fOKING" poLcy 'pie Usa w�p fidly �oo crate in en:orcint used at any time on the prem�ses exce � as P �ne "NO SMOKING" poLcy Further, User uill not pertn¢ open flame5 m h: P pan of a tLeamcal pcesertaeion and wnh pettmsson oF tlie Owner. S[GKS A\D POSTERS - User will not post nor allow ro 6e posred, sgns, ad�ert�semen[s, s6owbdls, L[hogcaphs, posters or ca�ds of any de5cnptmn tn or on any part o([he Mavo Cwic Crnter excepi m re�ular locanons pmmded by Ouner, and only those penami�g Co the evenf contractcd for and su<h penod ofLme ac des�gnared by Ihe Owner wJl be allowed. User shall remove forthw�th all such s�pns ob�ectionable to O�wer �nformetion re� spttifications and?Ia}o Ci�ic Cen[er installation raMS B avaifabic upan reqvesA ��di�g signage sixc HEIIG\( g,\LLOOC RESTRICI'70.\'S - Distribr.�io� ef hzhum balloons r p;oniSitec m tbz b(ayo Cna< Cenrer RETE�\"PIO? p'c LOST - Tli< Ounc; s4c;1 have the sole nelv m rollect and shall liare custod)' of art,des IeF„ Iest or checkev'. m the buiidins 6. perion> at�endmg a�� e�em held fn qie d.mued premuet, aud tht l�rer or an} person ni IIser's employ shall not eollec� nor mrcdere xrtii ���c collecnon e: cu9od� of svch art¢les SOLA'D PEK�/[TS- User �s responsibie for secnnng a11 necessary sound permrts (or evems m Mayo Park Events w�th PA aiid i�Rliout sound pecmres, w�p no; be allm�ed CA\CELLATIOS OR FAILL'RE TO OCCUPI'- Should User cancel rts eeent q�or to the s<heduled dme, Osher shall pay Ownzr Ihe base rzn� plus a0 msts mcusedtoihedmeofcancellanon Usershallpaynithfn lOdaysof�ovo��e ACTS OF GOU, ASD pTHER EPe\TS eEl'OSD OR'!�ER'S COSTROL - Should t6e prem�ses or am part thereo£be damaged or dzsvo}ed 6v fi:e oc namral elementi, or o! any other casual�y or unforesern otturtence, rtattonal or local emergency, or labor dispute renders [he premises unfit tor o��upancy, e: othzm�s< render tl�e perfomiance of Hus Ptrmp by O�mer unpossible, [hen this Pennrt sliall be susnrnded for Hie penod dunn� nh�ch tLe premfses shall ha�r 6een r,i;C:red unG; or dunvg .q�id! pysess�on cannot be deLv,�.� �� Useq and O�mer shall no! be held 4a61e oc asponS�bVt io Ustr for aiy d'emage rzsNGn, r6erefiom ISDE.�I\'IFICATIOS - User a�Rees to 3ndemmf} and hold lunnless Ouner and 1is olTmers, employees and atents Rom all claims arfsfn� out of the <onduct, management or use of, or any ��ork or t6mg whatsoevet done m or abom the used premi�¢s oc stcuqures or eqwpmen[ [herein, or xnsin_ out of the condmon of any passagewzy, halhvay, s�a�rway or otlier piatt nsed in connecnon with tM1e used premfses, or anslns out of any a<non or neehernce of tUc User or avy OF�a an2n[s, con[racmr:, employees, patmns or g��ests or ansing out of sny accident, m�ury or damage uhatsoever, in or a6out the used prem�ses, houever caused, to persons or coryorahons occurtin� dnnng the period User and rts agents are us�ng FaciLnes, and Rom and agamst ali costs, atmmey's (ees, espense> or Labilrties residtin, hom any 5uch danq acuon or pmceedmt brou,dit tlitreon lSSGR,1\CE REQ�;fRE\IE\TS .4\D LI.V77$- In ordtr ro gire (ome and effect to thc abo e arz h, User a; Pe`mrt, enmprelienu�e pub4c habih{y and pmpem� damage insurance fFS �ed be bl � R �P �ees to keep Sn force Auring the tenn ofthu wetks pnor m mo�e-�n date, a Cert�ficate oC Insurance pamm^ the Orv oF Rochester as addmonal maured, and prov�dmg msu be a ueled two prmr ro termmaoon oF this Perm�( Said msnrance shail pmnde nol less thaa fie follow�ng Lmia of La6�Lry- SI,000,000 oC mmprehensne generai pubLc habAny aga�nst da�ms for bodJ}' �nJury, dcath or property dama�e occumn¢ on, m or about t6e htayo Gvm Center and ad�o�nme srreets and sidewalks, for 6odily m)urv and propeny damage residnng from any one occunence - 1\'ORKER'S CO\IPEiYSAT10.\' ISSURANCE - User futl6tt a��ees m Fwnisli proof of Worker's Compensation [nsurance. Faflure [o hase fum�siied euch �nsurance upon execunon of [his Pe`mrt sUall be caz�re for Ouner's tznninaROn of th�s Permrt u�th verbal mnce alone to [he Uszi ��ith fo.fertur: o(am dcposrt thtreroFore made ESC6OSR'ITl' - Oanev haz H�c eedusive n�1IIS m Ihe selecoon. dis[nbutiory advert�s�ng and prOmono� of certam des�gna[ed products, bmnds, and othn rtans Any fnhingemen� on thzse rtems is a mater�a! breach of �h�t A,�eemen[ wrtli O.mer Wn�ten pennission mus[ be �ven m order m modifi� any eaunma exclusmh' a,Teements Ouner has wrth vendors, suppLers, advcniscrs, or ocher dts_mated enllbes CO\STRIiCffOS -The Mayo Ovit Center will be expandmg m �hz future Sirnificant mterference fs no[ e< ected conshuchon �wrk ¢eares no(se, O��ner w�Il work �o cotrcct [LC probltm as scon as poss�bic In con�uncnon u t6 thiso pans�onpu�may 6e�oecessae;; adJust mm�,. or envance pmcedwes For e�em;, ar io pro.nde a(rematz solunons io resrtoom or concession issves, which the O�mer w�Il do ro thz bese of iG and�m ��a1Ler tl�e D�recmr nor the GN oCRochester attepts responsibiluq Cor any conseqi�;.ntial dama_;es resulim� &om no�se I[ is agzed and undersrood [hat m no evem shalf the U��nzr. ns em�loyees and agenis be Lable ro the User for any amoun[ � eater than the pe�ii fre pad for ihe use of Oit Maro Civ�c Center. �'OTICES - Unless ochenv�se provided herem m the contr ' --- --� --'- receipt t6erefor) or de osrted m t(ie Unaed Stit ar3'. alI nohres reqwred �-gde: �rven uhen kand dtlnvYed (nnh _ ___ _— T3LS4. _ P es-Sm:s.-iesrday.rpoita�c prepaid, addressed Comma nderRicAAnderson-StPauiPOlimDe artmen[ l00 E 1 I'^ St St Paui �I� 557p1 TIIIS PER�71T R'ILL BE �L'LL A\D YOID �(not retumed b} Ianuarv 2 ?961 M WiT\'ESS WHEREOF. thc parties Lereto have esecuted tlns pennrt as ofthe da} and year first wnRen on page I oftlus pennit �'L�f' �or .Sl��tt'�' f �c�� on �yee;� b�i� � �i,e��" /D7fao [CAC7ramm�?-27-Oldoc 30G��icCentzrDnveSE,ROChzstecMN59903-370f Phone{5o7)2gI_6154 Far(507)281-6?77 ll/30/00 4 CrtaaFRocheste{6 d fP ACommusmner. 4](X) 4 �(a) di(X) 41(X) -ti(a� SG( ) 46(a) 47(;C) 48(7:) SG� F`Tiz.�'<^',� 'yOOCNO'JM Ii� 49(X) 50{X ) 51(X) 5?(X) 53(k} PS'ROTECH�ICS - Ouner must be ad�dscd in wrinng! i day5 pnor to move-in if py�otechnics will be used dunng �he presentzpon�! '�-en` qPp�'anca for pemut shall be submincd �o �hc Frzc Pm.rnuon Dnaaon o(chc Op� ofRoches�cr no less �han IS d v � infortnanon �s a�a�lable a[ the City oFRodoestcr Fire 7JepartmenL �h � f ih= M d t Fwhu $�101:iSG -.U,zro Civic Center is a smoke free facihrv_ Uur .viti be resnonsbie m maV;e paiedi� annourtcemrnts mxr t4e pubiic addr<ss sysrem re�ardin¢ U�e budd�ng's °NO $ polin-. 7fie Usn uill futty coppera[e m rnforcine �he "NO Sb70KING" polrcy. Further, User u��� �ot pe:mn open flaines �o St used at any iima on rhe premises excep� as pan oEa Uieatncal pcesrntahon and with perm(csjop oFChe Owna. StGSS dSD PpS7ER5 - User .�ill not post nor allow to be posted, si_�ns. adsemsemenn, showbii(s, [itho�apns, posters or cartls of am� dcscripuon fn or oa a�S P� oCihe �faro 6�u Cenmr except m re�uta locauo.a prm�ded 6y pune�, and aniy those peaaSnm_ ro �he «zn[ mmaned for znd sech pcnod o; nme an desi�naced by �he pwnn will be ailo��ed User s}xzll remove forthaNtM1 aIi such si m specifica[ions and ?fayo Ci�ic Cenmr insiallerion rs[es is atziiable u on re � S ob)ecfiona6le ro O��ner Iniarm�lion regardine sigvage size P 9uu[. HELIU�[ BALLOO� RESTRIC7IOXS-Drsmoution efhefium balloons r p:o:nhrtec Sn tiia ���apo Cnic Ceme: RETE\TIO� pF LOST qg77�LE5 - 7He pwne: shall have the soic n,ht to collect and s4a11 hare cuseody-of amdes Ie.^;, Iest or chttk.d m the buiicing b� p�rons avzadine zrtp e.ron[ hcid 1n the ae;m;ed premises, and �he User or any person m USer's emol0y shail noc collea nor imerfer �vun tlm colleeion e, cirsrodyofsuch ar,ides. be allo�DCPER\I ITS - Uscr is responsible Por sernnng ail necessarv sound prnnrts for evems in Mayo Park Even¢ wf�h Pq y�d withom sound pctm�¢, ihp � d_ CASCELLATIO\ OR FA7LURE TO OCCUPI' - SAouid User cancel i[y ¢�ent pnor m the scheduled date, Uther sha71 pay O��nzt the base rrnt pius ai� co�;; mcursed ro ihe daie of caxellation. User sM1afi pay ��iehm 10 days of inva��e ACtS OF GOD, a.CD 07HEK E�"E\"CS BEl'OSD pW�gR'S COSTROL - Should dre przm�qes or any part tfitteof be dama_ed or dasiro}ed br fire or namral eltments. or of any other wsnalry or unforcseen occurtence, nanonal or loeal emer�ency, or Iabor dispum renders the pam�ses unfi� for occupancy, er oqienv�se render� thc per(onnance of th�s Permit by Oaner unpossiblc, tlmn rhis Pamir shai( be suspended far the period dunne uhmh t6c premiszs shall La�e bcen r_r,dered unfit or dunng uh¢h po:session cannot be dcliremd re lJser, mid O�mer siiafl not be hclC hable or respons�ble ro User for a��� dema�e rcsuSme therefiom I\DE\I\IFICATIO\ - User a�ees �o indemmfi and hofd hannless O��ner and its oRcers, employees and a�rnis hom all ch�ms ansin� out of the conduci, managemem or use of, or any oork or thing wha�soever done m or about the used premises or s�rurmres or e�uipmem therein, or ansm_ ont o( the condmon of any pauacnvay, hallrcay, s[a�nay}' or other piace used m connection wrth (he used premiset, ot ansine out of any acnon or neglisenee oF tls User o� any of �¢ agen�s, contraemrs, employees, pa[rons or ��ests or ansing out oC any acadent, m�nry w dama�e �vhatsoever, in or about Ihe used premises, ho.wver caused ro dP\ PC150l15 O� COfjI0tdI10115 OCCIIRIp� (Il1ItPFI Ilti PCilpd USCf dOd tlS 2�CpI5 dIC UStp: (8CII1lIGS, d`Id (TOhI d11E d_d1115t dL WS[5, 2IIOpIC}%5 �LCS, ¢YPCp5C5 Ot Labilrtres rexuVOng 6om any such clann, acuon or pmceedm= brouJ�i r6ereon ' I\'SG24�CE REQUIRE\[E\T$ A\D LI?7175-ln ordrr to grve force and efCect to �hc above pary�reph, Uscr a�ees m keep m force dunng tl�e tmn of�hu Permrt, comprehensrve pnbLc Lability and propenr damn�e insuranm �ssued br a Wo t �' d ��eeAS pnor �o move-�n date, a Semfrcatr f I �' as Follous and shaii PomisL O��ner, nvo pnor m tecminaoon of ih�s Permrs Said msurance shali provide not�le sRhan the Folio�ivng I�massoflabtid pros di�Oth�t�of comprchensi�iengeneralapubhc liabiliiy aem�st daims for boddy in�urr, deaifi or propeny damate occumn, on, m or about t6r htayo Crv'�c Center and ad�mmn_ streets and sideualAs, for bodily m)urr and propertq damare resulung from any one occurtrnce 11'ORIiER'S CO�tPE:\SATIOS ISSURdNCE - User fuNicr a�ees m fum(sL proof of Worker's Compensanon Insurance. Fmlum to ha.�e fumished such mmranen upou esecunon of dus Permtt shall be cause for Ounu's tzmnnation oFthis Pem�it wuh verbal noeice alo�e m lhe Usa. �n�h forienore ofany deposft thcreroPoremade. ESClI'Sil'ITl' - O.�uer Iias tl�r ezclnsive rr_�hts m �tie sdecuon, d�smbuUOn, advettain� and promouon oF ttnain desipiared products, brands, a�d o�her nems M�� �n(nn,�ement on tLese rtems is a marertai breach of Ih�s A_aeement with O�mer Wn�ten ➢enms�on must be given in order ro mod�fi� any esfsti�_ eulusrvny a,aeGn.nts O�.ner has w¢h trc�dors, suppifers, advert�scrs, or other desrmated eut�l�cA - COISTRLCTtO\ -7'�� � Cmc Center ivill be expandmg m the future Sign�Lcant mtrrfrrerrce �s no[ eepecred Owner, is prepaed to assnre Oser tlw� �f eonsnuction unrl: crea�es noisq O�mcr ��dl worA to cortect the problem as swn a; poSSehle ��� con�unct�o� w�nh this expansion, n may be nece�sary ro adJUS� eutrng or entrance procedures for aem;, oc to ymvide almmate solimons to restroom or concession rssues, w�»ch the O�mer wdl do ro the 6� of as abiLn ficither Un Dvecbr nor the Crty oC Rochesizr accepls rtsAOns�bilin� for any consequtnhai diinaees resulting @om noise II 6 a�etd and understood Ihat (n no event shall tht Ooner, n> employees , nd a=ents be 6able to the Usc� for any amount � eater �han the pertnrt fee pa�d for �ha use of tbe D1ayo Ciwc Cenrec. �OTICES - Unlesi otl�en.rse provided herein ro tlie convary, all notmes reqmred under this A�eement s7�a11 be deemed �nren uhpi M1and deiox{ed (.n�h recnpe therefor) w depovted in the Un7red Stares bWds, first class poscas prepa�d. addressed To liser Commandcr Ric6 qnticrsun-SC Paul Policc Dc artmrnt 100 E 11'^ St $t Paul JI\ '>5I01 TIi15 PERS(IT {Yf[,L BE NULL ASD �'OID dnot remmed by Jannarv � 2p0 � IN W1TNE5S R�}{p12EOF, the pames iiereio have etecuted thrs pemti� as of Ihe da� and year fus� ivnuen ort pase 1 oFthis pertnil C' • �F �� ����� S r��u-�` p� y v�� f �'�i e� �/�7/� ]CAC Trainma?-?7-OLdoc 30 Cfric Centzr Dnve SE. Aochesizr, Mti Si9P1-370! Phone (501) 281•6184 Fae (507) 28I-6?77 ll/3(V00 4 J�ofRoet ttB rd fP 6Commusianer. ; 0��93 Addendum A Each parry agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts andlor omissions and those of its employees, representatives and agents in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shali not be responsibie for the acts and,'or omissions of the other party and the results thereo£ The liability of the City of Saint Paul, its employees, officials and agents shall be governed by pmvision of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, MinnesoTa Statutes Chapter 466, et se . and other applicable law. . ��lGINAL Couucil File # Green Sheet # a�- 93 107122 RESOLUTION CITY,OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: �� Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached 2 agreement, which includes an indemnification clause, with the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester, MN 3 for the rental and use of a meeting room for training purposes. A copy of said agreement is to be kept 4 on file and on record in the Office of F�nancial Services. of: Police � Reiter Adopted by Council: Aate: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: BY� `� � . � ``L__ i - Approved by Mayor: Date: F��ij 2� �Z�'j/ BY� <_`�����t ���'� By: Form Ap roved by City Attorney: By: Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council: t B „� icao-mayociviccenter-cr v�s/or GREEN SHEET No. 107122 wrrwwr� INRIALIDATE 292-3588 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �C14LSF_RYICESb'R_ �MAYOR(ORASSISTANn_ 'Jcmcouxc�i O,_Q J � pnwn�✓uSERVIACG�G L.� �HUMRN PoGlRS (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) REQt1ESTED ues requested on the attached council resolurion authorizing the St Paul Police Deparhnent to enter into an agreement, wltich ;s an indemuificarion clause, with the Mayo Civic Center, in Rochester, MN for the rentai and use of a meeting room for trauring RSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTI� Has this persoNfirtn everworKed under a wntract for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMlSSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO Has this personffrm ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not rwmialty possessed by any currerit ciry emWoyee? YES NO Is this p2rsroNfirm a qrgeted vendor? YES NO <piain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet The Saint Paul Police Departrnent was awarded a grant by the Office of 7uvenile Justice for Delinquency Pievenrion (OJJDP) to create a multiyurisdicrional Task Force to address the problem of the exploitation of children and child pornography via the Intemet. The Task Force is to invesrigate reports of flus nature, educate the public and other law enforcement agencies and prosecutors as to the scope of the problem and resources available. The conhact for approval is with the City of Rochester, MN who will provide a room to facilitate haining of up to 100 police officers, prosecutors and social workers about the problem of cknld pomography and exploitation and resources available. training will be presented in a facility designed for uaining purposes and enable us to complete ttris portion of the grant objectives. ,NTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED sl trainiug presented by the task force would not be as effective in assisting law enforcement and prosecutors in rural Minnesota. to comply with grant objecrives. �����ge s,"�'cCO��v� �;;t�cj � ��� � � ���� AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N S SOURCE Gidrit Not to exceed 500.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ACTIVINNUMBER 435-34056-0282-- � . � icactraining-mayoaviccenter-cr �t Mayo ���i�er DATE November30.?000 Facillu.s m S. �SED C ) Arena ( ) Andrtorium ( )ThLdKe ( ) Ballroom ( )A ( )B t'SE FER�71T ( ) Maco $uite ( )A ( )8 ( )MeDonnell5uitz ( )A ( )B ( ) Lez on Sui2 ( )A ( )B ( X j Elho¢ Sui�e ( )A ( )B PERSIIT °3318 ORnervtieu OAOIIOCODO= ( ) Gttnd Lobby ( ) E�.HaI! ( ).a ( )B ( )C ( )D ( ) \ortU Lobby a�-93 �( g) THIS AGREEAIE� made and rnttred nno �hs ?0 day o( Ko�emhe: b} and bzM1Veen 8ie Citc o( Roehesteq z ALnn ' s erei�m4er calied' Useation aumg tUroush its Board o(Park Comm�ssonz¢ and ns Niayo Cmc Center D�¢qo[, herema4er calkd "O.�ner", and RicA Attderson, Addrtss' Commander Rfek Anderson- St Paul PolFce De rtment ICAC Task Force - St Paul Police Depattmem IODE11'"ST S� Panl bN i5701 W9TNESSETH ALL PARAGRP.PHS RECITED IIFRE[N ARE PART OF Tfff. CO\TRACT LNLESS [\APPLICABLE BY THEfR T6@h1S M RELAT10�' TO tiSEA'S EVENT OR PERFOR1ylANCE 'CO 6E PRESENTED N OwT'ER'S FACILITIES SO�fE PAK.4GRAPHS �UY BE M.N21:ED `X` ONLY AS A WURTHSY IN TFIAT Tk�.Y MAY REQUIRE ACTS Oti THE USER'S P?.RT OR USEA'S SPECIAL ATTENTION THAT CREATE COSTMGE'.vCiGS TO 7'I'lE USES STATED F�REIN FAILURE TO "X" A PARTICULAR PAANGRAPH M NO W'AY ABROGATES USER'S DUTY OF PERFOR�LLVCE OF ALL APPLICABLE TEAMS NOR T!-� OWNER'S RIGHT TO DEMA.*�'D PERFORMANCE IT 15 Ml1TUALLY AGREED BETWEEN OWNER ANb USER AS FOLL00.'S 2(X) 3(X) 4(X) 5(X) 6(X) 7(X) 8( ) 9(X) 16(X) CSE-Owner �ants ro User a non-assr�nable n_ht ro use and occup. that pomon otMayo Crvic Cencer descnbed as follous Elirott Sune T1'PE OF USE-User.vill nse the above stated ponion of Mayo Cn�c Cemer For fie follo.�m: pnrpose� iCAC T�k F T' a Mee n_ E�'E�TDATESITIS[ES-T d�Fb ��7�001-Ra+-3nm �\IOti'E-1� DATe(CI�IE- T d� Febn rv�7 �001 -7 am OPERTI\IE - Any even[ laznng Ioncer that (he timz sared above m thz para_aap6 enatled -EVENT DATES" shall mcur a charoe of S 100 per hour T70�'E-OUT-Uset w�ll move out �mmed�ately followmg event DIO�'E-OL'T/SPECIAL ARI2A�GtipIE\TS-_ � �� k� pAl'�IE�TS ASD DEPOSITS to be made m the (ollo��me mamicr SO upon esecuuon and dehvery of thiz Pe`m�t Toml Balance Due on [nvo�ce tl9ozn User �s enn�led ro be b[lled upon concluson of event foc any or all r:nu duc and an. senice char�es, checks shall be made pacable m Cirv of Ro:hesu Ivlmnesota and maded ro C�ty oCRochester, 201 4'" Sieet SE, Anance Depaztment Room?0�, RocLZSrer, R�IN >i904 O�.ner shall retam t6e on_mal deposR for a ceasonabte penod of nme follo��me the erem unnl a➢ a<psnses assoc�ared with the e�ent are asctttainzd Ovn shall be enmled ro appl} the depost roward ehe cost of am� damage ro the Cemer m excesi of ordinary wear and iear, and to any nnpa�d ecpenszs assoaszd �� � User's use oF the Ceater and sha➢ ihen ecedrt tlw �emaimn_ deposrt w�he balance due In the erent that O�mer �s obhgared bq d�e comcact to pay Usar a pom� of tl�e adm�ssion rere�pts ot avy other mo�ies, User shail dehver ro O.�ner pnor to such Da}ment a completed and eezcnred lntemal Re� rnue Sernce Form w� or its equrvalent Dcposrts are nomreCundabk ��� a � O�'ERQUE ACCOL'�KTS - A servim charge at tlu rare of 6° 6 pa month ..dl bz charged on account baianas open beyond thiny days hom da�a of bdhng �; � g � 6L'ILDI�C REQUIRE6IE\'TS - User u'itl fik ��fdi Onner and Firr Narshall ac least fourteen days pnor to thz event a fuil and demiled omhn< of all facd� reqwred, a copy of tl�e tloor plan, stage and sound roqmremems, all o[har set-up rcqmremen¢ and mEo�msion rcqmred by O��'ner wncemm� sucR e�ent ICAC Training 2-27-01 doc 30 Crvic Cen[cr Drive SE, Rochester, MN 5�904-3701 Phone (i07) 281-6184 Fae (i07) 28I-6277 ll130/00 1 �(O�'E-OUT RESPO�SBILITY' - In the event that tlie used pon�ons of the O��ner's prem�ses are not vacared by User on the date spenfied herein, O«ner �s au8ionzed to remove from the premises, at the espense of the Useq all goods, uares, memhnndise and property of any kind leR therein, and Onner shali no� be hable for an}' damaett or loss of sUCh goods, wares, merchand�se or other pmperty whtci� may bz susta�ned by rea5on of sucli remo�al, and the Owner is Uereby relcased fiom an} and all claims (or damages of ��4iatever kmd ar naNre ., �. r_ n�.,..,dao.,i��� fnr uce of soecif�ed area, User a:rees to pay to O.mer 14 � h � EVE\'T PREPAA4T10\ - User wdI 5e� up m mm l�aaw ���c�� e<�sm� � pian a[ User's request shall be sub)ect to reFUlar labpr charges m ef(eR ' umon a�rements all eqm➢menp exUibrts or scene ' ry AI[eraiionsofsta�eand/orfloor' 15(X) SET-UPARRAI GHSIE\TS - At Ieast 7? hwrs pnor to opeNng oF event, the Urer wdl confirm b}' wntten �ance ro O�mer's represencau��e the reqmred timc for mmm� {n, sethng Up and rehearsal User yt(� y�sp �nfomi Owner of any sea[ing and/or s[a^c avrantements User av�ees to pay S35 for any mcenne �ooui ci�an�cover _ 76 ( X ) SGPPORT FACILITIES - User's rental ot [he sta[ed facilrt�es s6a11 include non-endusive use olthe enhances and cortidors Ieadm_ dtirecily thereto, ad�acrnt restroom facilihes, lobbizs, and, by pnor a¢angement uith Owner, reasonable on-premises stora,e faciLncs 17 �� 1 OSSTRL`CT]OS - Uscr shall not obshvct am pomons of tl�e Sidewalks. enmes, passa�es, halls o� �eay tlie same for any pt�ryost o[her rfian m:ress and e;�ess w and from the uszd prem�ses- ` Gset shall noi o6�wct thz door s or o en ntc Qnrer or use admrt Lght mto any p��e in die 6uddm_ mclu8mg hallaacs, arz ven[s and house Lghpng P 5 �Lat reFleci or obstn¢i�ons ro be or remmu m d�e assa_ artachmen�s lise� wdl pennfl no cha¢s, aw�-able scats pr other p �c��avt and ndl keep passageways clear a[ all [�mes. The waslvooms sha11 n0� 6L used For any puryose ot6er [han Eo� wL�di p�e} were con5tmcted and n0 swe:pmgs, ru66ah, ra>, papers or other substances shalf be throun Iherem User shalt pa} for ane damage resilnn� m ��'ashrooms for m�suse- - 18 � X) EQL'IP\IE\"T RE\'7'AL - A dady renta! ��i!! Fx charged for t}�e general use oC��ie follo�an, eqwpment, �he la6or far set-up or removal sLx1I be pa�d by the Use�, and any damage �o said buildmg or eqmpmrnt cau:ed 6} such seFUp oi removal shatl be pmd by tlie liser O�mu can promdc a complete Lst of zll equ�pmen� and char,es AI,L PRfCES $(JSJ[CT TO CHANGE UPO\ NOTICE 7'O USFR 19(x) ZO(X) 21(X) ?Z(X) 23 ( ) ' ' 2b(X) 27(Y) 28(h) tIOL'SE LIGHTS A\D PL'QL(C dODRESS 51'STEAI. - p����^s Iwusc h�hts and pobhc address sysmm sha1l at all times ht svbject ro sole mnnol and operzhon o(Ouner, unless User's usa,e a specificalh approeed b} O�viter's a_rnt as to ume and dnmtron ofuse ELECTRICAL REQti[RE�IES15 - All eVenncai connecoons must be su6�ect ro appro�al oFOwnec, multiple plugs such as m�n sockets, cufx, caps, ek , wi11 mt be permrt¢d Anp such conntcnons found 6c row¢ed by ehe O�met to confo�m to fire re�ulanons and oH�er appLcable code5, and such chan,es wili be <Lar�ed ro Ihz [jser SPECIAL SER\'[CES - Unless oihm.rse aut}ionztd bv the O��ner, alI lambm� eonnecnon u�[h Oser's rental, and al! elecmca! cuaent or domesnc Yas, sttam and water requirod (expt t tha[ fe� u red for mnua h ahn u �� �i e premises m suppLed�'perfortned by Owncr, for uhich Usa Shall pay Ihc ra[es establislmd b} Owntr fm 5uch strvices 9 and Leh[ing) Shall he PERS�SSEL - In addmon to any o(her paymans herein s edfied, User a� mdud:ng, o�¢ nu, Gmned ro, uskers, secum), ticket takers, sound and scomboard ope�rators, o0�er personnei deemzd nece�ses at pm�aiSing ratzs, such services sud� personnel as necessar}� for ordman deanm_ and ��mional service and mamtenance of ihe przmises and the O�mer m y q i e m i the Owner Por such costs In tLz event rt becomes necessary io emp�oy outs�de assistaime for handling User's frei�n, suppiies, eqmpment and scenery, or to empby extta hclp such as stageLands, custod�ans, pnbLc address system opeators, projecnonists, decoYarors, and eny o[her labor no( pr0��ded by Onner, sucli eatm help 5La11 be a[ ihe 5ole ceprnse oC Usa and 6e obta�ned Por User o(O��ner at Ountr's sole d�screnon POLICE OPFICERS, SECGRITP CU4RD5. FIRE PROTECTIOS A\D F(RST A!D - The User sliall secure tivou�h the O�.ner, no less than 0 police of5cers as deiennined by Ot�ner The poLre rare is S?Z00 (estimatz) per pollce ofFittr per Iiour wttli a minimum of a fow hour pay ��aranreed tivough the Oo'ner User shall also secure secunrv euards ]1ie senmtp guacds are paid ar the rate of S U 00 per how, per secunq� Fuard, u{��i a mm�mum of a foa r-how pa y guarznteed During sLows �v¢Ii enlubrts. o��ner ��9�{ secvrc necessary move-fn/movrout secunty at nser's co 7he Ow n�. determined by Hte Foc6esrer Rre Depart�nen� pa�d az a rate of S 30 Der hoiv 62s;sp.s.t„ ' "���Eavre [nspectoc(s) as a� a total of S50 per hour wi�6 a.m.•�;;„-,-0q��ours pay En�aranteed Said evem �r�� Ciy oFROChesrer (Gold Cross) First A�d staffis avadable —`-.+ards; Lne and Arst Nd personnel shall repon at least one-ho�v pnor m e e sta�t n nufre firs[ afd services Polme oRccrs, secunN baJdm� Itas heen uacated AH cosls m �his parv,�r�p�� �� to be aid � '���ne and remain until even[ �s over and ���e F�rs[ Aid personnel are dcemcd �o be User's su6contraaors and ih �O�mer s only 7� �h ���� User agrees Ihat a0 poLce o�wrs, 5ecu�i[y guards, Ga mspeciors and agem o([Le User as regards m statT. ��'ATC}�\I:IS SERCICE - O��ner assunms no rtsponSibiG�y �oLa[mCeer for am� pmpem pla¢ed on the qzemises and �s hereb} released Bom any habiLty of and kmd for loss or dam'vge of any such propert� SCa[chman or other pro[echve senice desired b Gscr mus[ be artan� paid fo� br Uscr S _ed bp spe<ial a,�reemwt �nth Ouner and �O\DISCRI.�II\"�TIO.\ - User a,�ees that dunn,� tliz term of Ihis a,ReemenL n wil� not d�5cnmmaie against am employee or apyhcant for emplovment because of race, color, crced. nahonal ori,nn. ance>m. affecnonal or szeual preference, age or disabdm' and v�dl mclude a zimilar pmv�5wn m all agreemen[s en[<rzd ma behveen Uscr and am eeSubrtor> JI:1\:qGENE:\T - 7he prmieges granted ro User herem :half not be <onsnued as a waiver of mana,zment n_hts, and Owner reiains fuli and complete nglrts ro manaee and control Ihe premises and ro rnCorce aIl Nies and regulation> �t deems newssary for the mana�emem and connol o! sa�d prem�ses O«ner's management may emer and have access ro[he areas fumished hereunder at any fime, and authonzed persoru�el may enrer at reasrn�a6lz nmes necessarv ro the pedoemance of [hea duoes O�sser resenes the nn]tt ro e�ec� any obJectiona6le person or pvsons @om smd 6uildlnMs) and upo� �he e.ecmisc oCthis a�thorih� �Lrougl� the O«mer. asents or senmry guycds, Usec hereby wai.es any nghts and all daims for dama,es arisin� &om suc6 occurrences UNess othernise speeiFied in nnnng, Oimer shall be pnnleged to schedulz ot6er similar e�ents both before and afin the dates o(8�is Pertnir without nonce [o User RETE\T[O\ OF O\t'S£R'S ALTIIOHIII' - qm decuion affecnng an} matrer not pmvided for he¢in sha11 mst sofely wichm the d�screnon of Ory oF Rochzster, eoard ofPazk Commissioncrs and m Direaor SCtIEDULf.\G EYE�TS - pser undersiands tha� o�hrr areas o( the Cenrer mar be used by ofiers dwn� any oF th= penods co.ered by tlns pzrtn�� O�mer xanants Iha� i� �nll no� authonzr or pznnn an�� oeh:r user to engye �n operanons or aamnes t6at woutd mtecfere ��id� [}ser's enjqment oP ihe ngUa Franied under (lus a�eement [f 0.vmer detzrtnines �hat rt�s ntcessary ro prohibrt use of tlte remainder of (he fanht � b and qwe� en�oyment of i�s us<d pre¢uses andor m pr�.�de senmty (or User's use of its Lcensed premrses.�U e rshall ed an na1�Re in n ICAC Trainin� 2-27-0(.doc 30 Qvic Center Drn•e SE, Rochestzr, MN Si90-4-3701 Phone (507) 281-61g�F Fae (ip7) 2gI_6277 1Ir0l00 2 �a�x, IS(X) 16(X) 17(a) 18(X) 19(x) 20(X) 21(X) 2'-(X) '� ( ) 'afX) ol� 93 E�'EYI' PREPAR4TIOS - User w�li set up in compLance with emsnng uniprs aerecmcnct all equipmen[, cxhibrts or scene � plan al User's rcquest shall bc subjeet m re_ular labor char�es in efittt ry. Altttanons of stage a�d�o� floor' SET•�P ARft4\GE?IE\75 - At leas� 7? hourz prior m o rnin� (or mmin� in P o�e�ent, Ihc User aip confirtn bp wncten nocicc [o O��ner's rcpresrn�amc thc req�ired nme . semn^_ up and rehearsal. liser nyil also mfortn O��nu of anp seann� arM.�or sta�� �Ran�ements Gser a�ees w pa� S3i for any mee�in� raoin c6angcav�c = _ _ SCPPORT FAQLITIES - User's re:�tal oFthe stated fazilines shall mclude nonccclusiv�o us: of the envances zr.d comdors Icadin^_ d�rerh� tberem, adjac<nt rcsvoom Facili�ies, lob6ies. and, hy pnor arran•ement m�h Oanec reasona6le on-premisee stoa^e faciiiues. ' OBSTR8C7(O\' _ p y���� noi oh;ttuct any �prions of the sidea�lAs, entries, passa�es, 6alls or uars oi eccess .o pu"oi�c unLna oF;hz CiWC Cen�e: or use the same for am� purpp,u p,her fian m�_ss and escss W and :mm :Se uszd p:emuas_ liser shall no� obs�NC[ 4:t tloor>, sta�ntays or oa•mn,s tt�at re0ect or admit ligl;t Snto anq place in the buildin_ a�clvd:ng halhvays, a�r vents and house hghun, anachmenes. Gser will perm�t no chyrs, mo.ablc scau or other obsrtuctions to 6e o: remam i� the pazsa�ea�vs and .�ili kcep pzssa_�eways deu at a77 nmes. Tfiz �vasFvooms shall no� be used for any «'hm6 @ey uere co2shucted and no s.veep�p3, mbbuh, ra�s, paoers or otha suos;ances shall be tliro�m tlrcmin User shafl a) for ��P��S�„other ihan for ��•ashrooms fo� misi¢e � P _ resWfing to EQC]p\(E\ RE\ - q yii�� rrn[ai will be c7ur_ad for t7�< =cnarzt use of tl�t iollowine equ;omenC the labor for se:-up or remo�al shail be paid yy ihc Uscr, and am' dama_e to Sa�d buddm_� Or eqmpmcnt caused b� sud� se�-up pr rano�a! slcall bc paiJ by �he User. Owner cau pro�4dc a complcte �ist a( ap equipmrnt and cfiarges. AI.L PRICES S�BIECT 70 C(L1�GL UPOS KOTICF Tn i ice� 1101!SE LIGHTS ASU PpBLIC ADDRESS S1 STE\I. - O++mi t )touse 6ghn and pubLc addrzss system shall at all timeg be sub�ec[ to soie control and operanon ofOwrer, unless User's usage is spccificalh approeed by Owncr's a_zm as to ume and duranon oFuse ELEC7'RIGL REQUIR£JIE�TS - All ekecncai mnnecpoos mus� be sub�ect to appm�al of Ouner, mi��i�p�e plu:s such as n.m soc4ets, cubr taps, erc., w��� no� be pclmnmd Anr snch connectmns fowd bc rrwved b�� �Lr O�irtt ro con(onn �0 fire rcgulauons and other applmable codes, and such chan_es .�ill be <Barged io the User $PECIAL $ER}'ICE$ - Unkss othcrnrse �uthonud by Ihe O��ner, all lumbm • conneaion wvh User's rentai, and all eleancal cuacnt ar duineshe =ns, stm n and � a�er eqmrcd (espct II at ceqmred nonna hea[in a d�li11C P�emixs in supplictLperfomied by Oa�icr, for uh�ch User sLall par Ihe r��� establ+shed b} Omnzr for sucti sernces '�����_"� ��» be P£RSOS\8L -[n addinon to auy olher p��mcnty hcrtin specdied, User a�aecs �o pay Cor all personnel and labor ,urnces at pre�aiiing ratxs, sacfi services mdud:;r„ yu; nut Lnvted io, usLers, secur�n, nci.e r�ter� �uund and smmboard operawrs, or oHier personnel deemed necessary by O�.�ner Onner sl�a7! fumatr 5uch personnel a5 uecessap� for ordman clevnne and �an�mria! sernce and mmmenance oC the premises and lhe O�mer may reqwre User �o reimbarse the Ox�ner for sucli �osts. In tlm event tt becomes nzcessary to employ ouivde ass�sianm for handling User's frcia�t, supphes, eqmpmem a�d scenep�, or to empioy actra help sucti as sWgehands, cusrodians, pubhc addrcss sysrem operators, pmjaceiomsts, decorarors, and any odoer IaWr not pro��ded by O��net, such eztta help shall be al ihe sdecxpc�nse oNscr and bt obtaned tor Uscr of O��ner a� Oontr's sol<discrehon POLICE OF�ICERS, SECL�AITI" GL'ARDS, FIRE PROTECT10.� A\'D FIRST AID _ Tfie User shall secure tivou�h the O�.ner, oo kss than 0 pohce of4icers as de�ennined by O�mec The polma rme is S?7.00 (estimare) per pohce oliicet pet hour unh a mmimum of a fow how pay pnaranteed Tlvougfi the O�mer Uset sLall also secure secunq� � i�rds 77ie secunry� guards are paid at the rate of S I S 00 per hour, per se<unrr:nard, inth a mmunum of a Covr-hour pay �aranrced D�vmg �I�ows �r��7� eehibrts. o�mer o�II sttare necessare move-iNmove-out sttnnp� �� uyer's cost The O�mer shall senve D Fire Inspector(s) as detennmed by thz Rocpester Are Depanmrni pa�d ai a rs�e of 5 30 per hour basis as nnplovees of the Grv of Rochescer_ (Gold Cmssl F�rsc Aid staff �s availabie at a total of S>0 per hour witli a mm�mmn of three hours' pav �va}ameed $aid event O w�ll /( )���il mt reqmre firet aid semces Pohce oRcers, securii� euards, fire fnspecror(s) and Fast A�d personncl shali repon ai Icast one-hour prwr to am�ounced e.rnt startmg mne and remain w41 evrnt is over and the buildin_• has beers �acated q11 costs in tGis para:�aph arc to be paid b� bser Further, User agrces that all pohce o�cers, securzrr guards, !re mspecrors and First A�d personnel are dcemed m be Usei s strbconcracwrs and Uie O.wer is oNq thc h�nng ag<ni of t6c User as re�ards ro stalT �t�ATC[I\IAl' $ER\'ICE - Oaq�er assumes no msoousibihry wha�socuer 6r anq propem ptxed on the pre�nses and is here6p released Gom am liabiht}' o( artd kmd for loss or damagc of an� sa<h propertp �Catdun�n or other proleclict sen ice dcs�red by Uscr mus� be arranged b}' speaa( a_rzeement ��rt(� p�mer and paid (or br Uscr '-5 C X ) SOSDISCRI.�II�ATIO] - Usar agraes ihai dunm; �hz tertn of tlus atvremenL rt«dt not discnmmate a,amst anv employee or appLCam Eor employmrnt bmause of race, coior. creed, noiional or�,_in. ancestn, alTecuonal or se<uai preference, age or dvsabrh�y and w�H mdude a s�mdar pronsion �n aIl a;reements entered mto ben�ztn USCr and am e.dubrtori � M:�S:1GE11E\T- llie prnileges grunted to Uszr here+�� shalt rrot be conserved as a warver of managemrnt riglus, and Owner reWms Cull antl complew rilns m manage and mno-ol the premises and w enfome ali ruks and re_vlations n deems necessarv for the mana�emrnt and coneroi of said prem�ses 0�4rer's mana_ement may enrer and Iwve access ro �he azeu fumishtd herevnder at any nme, and au[honzed personne7 may rnter at reasonable nmes neczssan to the tluou,�nw oF their dnties O..�ner resenes rt�e neM1[ b e�ea am� ob�ecnonable pecson or persons fiom said 6uddm,(s) avd upon the eecrcrsc of this a�rthonn� �h tM1e Owneq a_ents or securiq� �ards, User Aereb�� .raives any nefits and all da�ms for dama_es arising hom such occurtences. Unlass orhznsise spaifed m anung, O.ma shail be pri���e,_ed Io SchrdW<aLzr s+mdar even[s boch bcfore and a(ter the dams of Utis Pemmt w�thout notim to User Z� ( X� RETE\7'IO]' OF O�C\ER'S Al'TIIORIT]' - qn. den;ion a(Rccmg an} matter not prov�ded for I�uein sha➢ rest sokly �nthm the discreaon of Cin of Roches�er, Bpard of Park Commrsswners and iu Direceor , �$�X1 SCIIEDpLISC E\'E�TS - User unders�ands thar o�her area.> of ihe Crncer ���ay be used by ott�ers dunng �m• of the penods co�ered by tlns pertni�. p�.rp� ��artams that n will not auU�onze or pennrt any o[htr user to entage m operabon> or acllnuns that vmutd mcedere w[I� Usec's en�o�ment of the nghts ganted and quiet n�oy�nrnt ed prern�es and�or pro ide ssurny o(�its I cense PfqpaSt9"USC! Slt��b2�dS5CSePd B11 �CtL�IOp�I R�2�IfI0Upt 1CAC Traimrte 3-?7-Ot duc 30 Civic Center Drive SE, Rochestzr, MN ii90a-3701 Phone (i07) 281-6181 Fae (i07) 281-6?77 1 U30/00 2 i 29 ( ) o �-q1 of tw�enry-fivc pement Qi°ib) of fic noimal aa for such space Owner shail be pmdieged w schedule aher sim�lar events bo[h beforc and aRer damz oC this pennic ai�hout prior nocice to liser TICFETS (a) OH'ner sfiall be fie exdus��e Wstee o( all uckets and ti<ket proceeds O��ner or ns agent shail man�f<s:. covnt and dsmbme neke�s O�mu s zl havre ihe richt to offer ticAen for ule a� all rts regular outlets. User shall pay Owner for a➢ box o�ce senices u may be reqmred i� the handlin�, concrol, cusrody and keepine of tunds. O��nec sha➢ n6t be Itable zo User w�o am otl�ar pttsons for xm loss, thef� or defalcation thereof .�hether sucfi Ioss, theft or dcFalcation ls caused or done by emplocees of O�.na or othen.ise; nor shall anr o5cer or employee o( O�wa by hable for anp Ioss, �heR or dzfaication of such fw�ds unless such o(ticer or emplopee willfully cause or penmed the szme or unless it .�as pmx�mateh ca�aed br Ouner'S o��r eross nepli.mce. . � (y) All ti:ke[s reqmnns ad.znce salzs mus� use Owner's ticke�ing senxes and are subj<ct co 5.20 per ncke: Pnmme fee, 3%6 cred� card senice fre, and 4° 0 60� ofice fee Owner's Ucke: sernces contacmr musc handle ali pho�e sales. (<) O�ine� a?es to Reep rewrdt as uill adequazel} and m�eGly retltti the rece[pts &om et:n evem zid 2t the close o( ine e�ent or as soon as pracn<able, Ou'rrer shal! fwnish ro User a complere ttanscnpt of tick<t salee O��na shall mzkx a fintn:itl senlnneut ��91I� User at tht condus�on of tl�c erent � (d) lisu sliali be su�ctly �tsponsible for ensunn_ ehac no eickeG are prtsentzd foc admiss�on to z mnmr.. enrcrtainment or e<hbmon in exczss o: tFe szavng capaan of thz faciliiies ran2d wd:r lhis comact. � (e) Compl�mentan neke[s m pubhe e�2nti m uLld� admusion is e)�ar_ed ��i➢ be a� ailabit to O��r.=c fo: usz m a ma+ketin_ and pmmotmn capaah. gp �� � L'SER PROT£CTIOS - User ackno��'ladges O�mei s➢����Y N<'ng a public fxcllrty) Uia� it ��ill not e�cl_de e�:r.0 oCa natura sunilar ro d�zt pr�enred b5' �+�e User ai any time bc(ore or afier the liser � anted hcreunda ;� ( g� CO\CES570\S A\D CATERI\G - O��ner spzcificaily rexnes tl�e ri_ht m offer tor sa)c on, on o� abom the pcem�ses, food and bzvcraocs, gannent checAmg, and aI( othzr concess�ons not otl�eneise granMd here�n In no eeent shall User,its ��ests, e�hio�brs, and agents bnng onm the prem�ses for salz or personal <onsump�ion anp food, be+�era,es or alrohoLc producu Th�s pohcy mcludes pre-packed or delna=d products odmr tl�at those pm��ded by the Lcensed eoneessionaire of Owner Ooner's erclnme preappmved camrers must pro�ide a➢ caemng User �s responsible ior makin_ tts oun arrangements and romract wnh said caterec Fadure to mmph' wnh this pco��von may resuh in an addnional fee assessed ro Um m thz amount of $'_50 Sliould [he User dzs�re m have alcoUohc beveraezs soid or dispensed m the Mayo Crvu Cenmr, �mnen <onsent musr first be ob�ained by hlaw Gvic Cemer Direcmr and details mus� be artangzd tivou�h the Owners ercWsrve co�cessiona�re Donated Cood a sub�ecllo senire charge O��ner must appro��e all donatcd food Citan n➢, due to IeC� o.er donattd food (scrv�<e ttays, pans, plates, silververe, �able wasre ���ill b< charged a� 53i an how ;� O PROGRA�IS, RECORDS, NO�'ELT(E5, SOUt'E\IRS - Tl�e Oi�nec shall recerve a commission of 30 °o o( thz goss sales on all merchandise sold before, t z blc sales filc v ST-]B (Jliunemta depurcment�oC Rev rtuc For x [he O�w cr pno� [o hc c�enl.e1 �ny and sll events thn[ ma} inNude 33( ) 3a S ) 3>(X) 36(X) 37(X) 33(X) 39(X) 40(X) AD\'ERTISISG ASD P20]IOT10� ' (a) All radw, iNrnsion, newspaper or other advertisng. as wdi as promotional releases, llckets, plawrda. or other ��'nnen or prmted mauer, or am� pho�o�aph, motwn p¢wre, �e(evismu eapz, recordmg or other nems, matenal; or documena Mluct� rela�: w ti�e event or comam tUe name, picmre or t�ademack oF the blayo G�c Center or the event, shali be submuced to O.�ner Cor Owner's approval. a� least seven (l1 days pnor ro rts rmended pubLCauon, relecunng broadcasnn._ or othzr use �✓hrn appropriate, submrcted matenal shall mciudz a prznse scheduie spzafying dares o( advemsnv and med�nm{s), co��eraee (e � des�_mation oPnewspapers, telzws�on stavons andor ma@azines nJon nhrcL such ads�enis�n, shall appear.) (b) In no e�ent shall Uscr pmmote, advemse or anange for the p�omotion or ad�'crt�sm2 of the event. m any mtdmm ��ha[socvei, prior to rece�p[ of nrnren approval @om Ooner O��nze may wniilwid smii appro.al Eor am reason alm�soever m its soie discr:uon (c) In all ad�ensine as descnbed hece�q tUe standazd Owner logo or other dzzn±nauon of Owner mus� bz d�sp�a�ed anNor described �a tlm mancer selzcred by Ownec m rt's sole dscrenon (d) Nomnhs � a �� & romm�o�nai oc an}�other p�rposes wnhom tUc c�p ess w�nan approvai�of O m to�mi rolaung t a advertismc, p ecent shall designa�c Mayo Crvx CFnter (e) a; e �re prc a(hleres or ot6 r panm pa in ll erem " User hereby guarant es tl al al� peROns or �rOnp3 as appzarm� nil rt� fact pamc�pa�c m thc event as adremxd RAD10 A\D T�' - No event presented m any poNOn of �he fac�Lnes shall be broadcast �vitl�out e�press con>eni of O��ner User shall pay m Owner, m addmon m any ochee amounts herem specdicd, as follows S 250 PATE\TS, TR\DLMARKS, COP1RIGHTS, ROl'ALTIES - User assumes all costs ansm� fiom :li= use oCpatented, tradeinarked or copy*�ghred materials. eqmpment, de.xes, pmcesses or dcamauc ri�h[s used in tlle conduct o( said e.ena and a,sees m mdemmn and tiold hannless Ovnet from all damage, msts and expenses on acco�mt oC the use of any suc6 matenals, eqwpment, de��roes, processes or dramadc n@Ittz bp User or ns aeents. perfomiers and echibnors Ussr a�rtees to pa) all rqalnes, hcense fees and other charees accmme or becom�n, due by reason of any mus�c. Lee or recorded, or other entertainment of any kmd p��.ed, staged or pmdaced by User. its a en[s, employees or 6censecs vpon the used pre�nses PI IOTOGRAPI I1C RESTRICilO\S - No fiee lance ar other rype oC photo_naphers may be pecmrtred to set up labks, stands or backdrops, or m an)' olher wav conduct andbr opera�c a pho;o,-raph7 opera�ion �.nhout ha��ng untten pemasion f-om the O�mer RESPO]S161LITIES �1�� LL46ILITIES- User agrees tlmt e�eryone connzcred }mth sa�d e.em s6a!I compl� ��nh all Im�s of the Um!ed States and the State of himnesota and ali Rod�esrer crcr ordmancea �oge�l�er ��nL al� re9wrements of thz Rochester PoLce and F�re Departmena, and wdt no� dq m� alio�e to be done, an}2hm, on said premaes duni�g Ihe tem� of II»s Pennn m volauon of an} Such la�vs or ordman:es and �f the auen��on o( Ihe Ouner a called to such ti�olauon on �he pan of the User, or any person employed by or admnred to tUe prem�ses b� tlic User, sud� Ux: �u�l immed�a�ely des�st hom and correct such vlolanans Szcunn guards hired b� the Urer eill be d�rected and assi�med b� Owner as rt dcems nece>sxn liser agree> that all dacre4onarv acm of d�e Onner as �ranted ro n or reservcd b} �� hereundcr shall be itfl to ihe Oxner's b7ana^_ing D+recrot A�If2ICd\5 R iTit UlSABILITIES AC7 CO�IPLIA�CE - User shall be solcl} msponsi6le for cemphmg onh am reqwremems oCtl�z Amerrcans u'itl Disabilfnes Aa (AD.A) rzlanne m any nompennanenc acceszibdrt. reqwremrnu of the ADA, indudmg but na Lmrted to seanng a+ran_zmrnts, au�iLan aids set-up o� organrzanon by an� edubitor, dzcorator, a�ent or otUa represemame of Use� ofany meenns room, d�spla�, edvbn, prue�tano� or concession or fo am habihh'. claun. fine, penal�y or auomeys fezs other than iho;e ansmg sok19 from anr failure o( th: phys:cal smmWrci, pemianen[ fxdiues or pertnane� bwldmc access to comply ����h th< ADA IDl31dCE LIdBILI71' - 1f am portron or all of thc bwidme or fumishin�z are damaued by thz dcfault cr negLgence of die User or of Usci s a�ent— employees, Aatmns. euzsts, or am person admared to tUe premises b}' User, Gsa udl pag w O«ner upen dtmand, suck sum ai nzces3an ro res�o¢ prem�4es C ns former condmon Si¢h repairs or resto�anon m��� be comracted for �vnl�in ten (10) da}s mo�e out ISFLA�i>1.48LE \I.ATERI.4LS - Uszr shall mt ��rthout Oir permfssion of [hz OwTer, put up o� operace a�. motor or madmien� on the prem�se> or use o�� bumima Fl.md>, cainphenz, kerosenr, napl��ha or gaso6�e for either mechancal or other pnryoses, or ar.� agam other than gas or efecmnn for dlum�nanng � premises [CAC Tramm� 2-27-01 doc 30 Crvic Center Drive SE, Rochestec, MN 5>904-i701 Phone (i07) 28 L6183 Fa� (507) 281-6277 11/30l00 3 i 4��X, 4?(X) 43(X) 44(X) 45(X) 46( ) 46(X) 47(X) AS(X) S 2c: �712„�"L':� �OOcNO:;M l}. 49(a) SO(X ) SI(X) 52(Xj 53(X) Py'ROTECH,\7CS - Owner must be admsed in wntm� I S days pnor to move-in iF for pe`mrt shall be submrt[ed to the Frze Prevrntmn Div�s�on of fhe Crty of Roches[t m le s th n� i da_vs pnon t�he aresen a��On of [his n�ent Appl;:3nrn infoRnanon �s s�aJable at Ihe Ory oEROChester Fpe Department Furtha SAI06ISG - Ma�ro Cme Center is a smoke free PaciLty. User �nil be respons�ble to make p¢�odm ennouncemenis oeer Ihe publ�c address sysiem rz�ardm; tl�e buddmg's °NO S�fOKING" poLcy 'pie Usa w�p fidly �oo crate in en:orcint used at any time on the prem�ses exce � as P �ne "NO SMOKING" poLcy Further, User uill not pertn¢ open flame5 m h: P pan of a tLeamcal pcesertaeion and wnh pettmsson oF tlie Owner. S[GKS A\D POSTERS - User will not post nor allow ro 6e posred, sgns, ad�ert�semen[s, s6owbdls, L[hogcaphs, posters or ca�ds of any de5cnptmn tn or on any part o([he Mavo Cwic Crnter excepi m re�ular locanons pmmded by Ouner, and only those penami�g Co the evenf contractcd for and su<h penod ofLme ac des�gnared by Ihe Owner wJl be allowed. User shall remove forthw�th all such s�pns ob�ectionable to O�wer �nformetion re� spttifications and?Ia}o Ci�ic Cen[er installation raMS B avaifabic upan reqvesA ��di�g signage sixc HEIIG\( g,\LLOOC RESTRICI'70.\'S - Distribr.�io� ef hzhum balloons r p;oniSitec m tbz b(ayo Cna< Cenrer RETE�\"PIO? p'c LOST - Tli< Ounc; s4c;1 have the sole nelv m rollect and shall liare custod)' of art,des IeF„ Iest or checkev'. m the buiidins 6. perion> at�endmg a�� e�em held fn qie d.mued premuet, aud tht l�rer or an} person ni IIser's employ shall not eollec� nor mrcdere xrtii ���c collecnon e: cu9od� of svch art¢les SOLA'D PEK�/[TS- User �s responsibie for secnnng a11 necessary sound permrts (or evems m Mayo Park Events w�th PA aiid i�Rliout sound pecmres, w�p no; be allm�ed CA\CELLATIOS OR FAILL'RE TO OCCUPI'- Should User cancel rts eeent q�or to the s<heduled dme, Osher shall pay Ownzr Ihe base rzn� plus a0 msts mcusedtoihedmeofcancellanon Usershallpaynithfn lOdaysof�ovo��e ACTS OF GOU, ASD pTHER EPe\TS eEl'OSD OR'!�ER'S COSTROL - Should t6e prem�ses or am part thereo£be damaged or dzsvo}ed 6v fi:e oc namral elementi, or o! any other casual�y or unforesern otturtence, rtattonal or local emergency, or labor dispute renders [he premises unfit tor o��upancy, e: othzm�s< render tl�e perfomiance of Hus Ptrmp by O�mer unpossible, [hen this Pennrt sliall be susnrnded for Hie penod dunn� nh�ch tLe premfses shall ha�r 6een r,i;C:red unG; or dunvg .q�id! pysess�on cannot be deLv,�.� �� Useq and O�mer shall no! be held 4a61e oc asponS�bVt io Ustr for aiy d'emage rzsNGn, r6erefiom ISDE.�I\'IFICATIOS - User a�Rees to 3ndemmf} and hold lunnless Ouner and 1is olTmers, employees and atents Rom all claims arfsfn� out of the <onduct, management or use of, or any ��ork or t6mg whatsoevet done m or abom the used premi�¢s oc stcuqures or eqwpmen[ [herein, or xnsin_ out of the condmon of any passagewzy, halhvay, s�a�rway or otlier piatt nsed in connecnon with tM1e used premfses, or anslns out of any a<non or neehernce of tUc User or avy OF�a an2n[s, con[racmr:, employees, patmns or g��ests or ansing out of sny accident, m�ury or damage uhatsoever, in or a6out the used prem�ses, houever caused, to persons or coryorahons occurtin� dnnng the period User and rts agents are us�ng FaciLnes, and Rom and agamst ali costs, atmmey's (ees, espense> or Labilrties residtin, hom any 5uch danq acuon or pmceedmt brou,dit tlitreon lSSGR,1\CE REQ�;fRE\IE\TS .4\D LI.V77$- In ordtr ro gire (ome and effect to thc abo e arz h, User a; Pe`mrt, enmprelienu�e pub4c habih{y and pmpem� damage insurance fFS �ed be bl � R �P �ees to keep Sn force Auring the tenn ofthu wetks pnor m mo�e-�n date, a Cert�ficate oC Insurance pamm^ the Orv oF Rochester as addmonal maured, and prov�dmg msu be a ueled two prmr ro termmaoon oF this Perm�( Said msnrance shail pmnde nol less thaa fie follow�ng Lmia of La6�Lry- SI,000,000 oC mmprehensne generai pubLc habAny aga�nst da�ms for bodJ}' �nJury, dcath or property dama�e occumn¢ on, m or about t6e htayo Gvm Center and ad�o�nme srreets and sidewalks, for 6odily m)urv and propeny damage residnng from any one occunence - 1\'ORKER'S CO\IPEiYSAT10.\' ISSURANCE - User futl6tt a��ees m Fwnisli proof of Worker's Compensation [nsurance. Faflure [o hase fum�siied euch �nsurance upon execunon of [his Pe`mrt sUall be caz�re for Ouner's tznninaROn of th�s Permrt u�th verbal mnce alone to [he Uszi ��ith fo.fertur: o(am dcposrt thtreroFore made ESC6OSR'ITl' - Oanev haz H�c eedusive n�1IIS m Ihe selecoon. dis[nbutiory advert�s�ng and prOmono� of certam des�gna[ed products, bmnds, and othn rtans Any fnhingemen� on thzse rtems is a mater�a! breach of �h�t A,�eemen[ wrtli O.mer Wn�ten pennission mus[ be �ven m order m modifi� any eaunma exclusmh' a,Teements Ouner has wrth vendors, suppLers, advcniscrs, or ocher dts_mated enllbes CO\STRIiCffOS -The Mayo Ovit Center will be expandmg m �hz future Sirnificant mterference fs no[ e< ected conshuchon �wrk ¢eares no(se, O��ner w�Il work �o cotrcct [LC probltm as scon as poss�bic In con�uncnon u t6 thiso pans�onpu�may 6e�oecessae;; adJust mm�,. or envance pmcedwes For e�em;, ar io pro.nde a(rematz solunons io resrtoom or concession issves, which the O�mer w�Il do ro thz bese of iG and�m ��a1Ler tl�e D�recmr nor the GN oCRochester attepts responsibiluq Cor any conseqi�;.ntial dama_;es resulim� &om no�se I[ is agzed and undersrood [hat m no evem shalf the U��nzr. ns em�loyees and agenis be Lable ro the User for any amoun[ � eater than the pe�ii fre pad for ihe use of Oit Maro Civ�c Center. �'OTICES - Unless ochenv�se provided herem m the contr ' --- --� --'- receipt t6erefor) or de osrted m t(ie Unaed Stit ar3'. alI nohres reqwred �-gde: �rven uhen kand dtlnvYed (nnh _ ___ _— T3LS4. _ P es-Sm:s.-iesrday.rpoita�c prepaid, addressed Comma nderRicAAnderson-StPauiPOlimDe artmen[ l00 E 1 I'^ St St Paui �I� 557p1 TIIIS PER�71T R'ILL BE �L'LL A\D YOID �(not retumed b} Ianuarv 2 ?961 M WiT\'ESS WHEREOF. thc parties Lereto have esecuted tlns pennrt as ofthe da} and year first wnRen on page I oftlus pennit �'L�f' �or .Sl��tt'�' f �c�� on �yee;� b�i� � �i,e��" /D7fao [CAC7ramm�?-27-Oldoc 30G��icCentzrDnveSE,ROChzstecMN59903-370f Phone{5o7)2gI_6154 Far(507)281-6?77 ll/30/00 4 CrtaaFRocheste{6 d fP ACommusmner. 4](X) 4 �(a) di(X) 41(X) -ti(a� SG( ) 46(a) 47(;C) 48(7:) SG� F`Tiz.�'<^',� 'yOOCNO'JM Ii� 49(X) 50{X ) 51(X) 5?(X) 53(k} PS'ROTECH�ICS - Ouner must be ad�dscd in wrinng! i day5 pnor to move-in if py�otechnics will be used dunng �he presentzpon�! '�-en` qPp�'anca for pemut shall be submincd �o �hc Frzc Pm.rnuon Dnaaon o(chc Op� ofRoches�cr no less �han IS d v � infortnanon �s a�a�lable a[ the City oFRodoestcr Fire 7JepartmenL �h � f ih= M d t Fwhu $�101:iSG -.U,zro Civic Center is a smoke free facihrv_ Uur .viti be resnonsbie m maV;e paiedi� annourtcemrnts mxr t4e pubiic addr<ss sysrem re�ardin¢ U�e budd�ng's °NO $ polin-. 7fie Usn uill futty coppera[e m rnforcine �he "NO Sb70KING" polrcy. Further, User u��� �ot pe:mn open flaines �o St used at any iima on rhe premises excep� as pan oEa Uieatncal pcesrntahon and with perm(csjop oFChe Owna. StGSS dSD PpS7ER5 - User .�ill not post nor allow to be posted, si_�ns. adsemsemenn, showbii(s, [itho�apns, posters or cartls of am� dcscripuon fn or oa a�S P� oCihe �faro 6�u Cenmr except m re�uta locauo.a prm�ded 6y pune�, and aniy those peaaSnm_ ro �he «zn[ mmaned for znd sech pcnod o; nme an desi�naced by �he pwnn will be ailo��ed User s}xzll remove forthaNtM1 aIi such si m specifica[ions and ?fayo Ci�ic Cenmr insiallerion rs[es is atziiable u on re � S ob)ecfiona6le ro O��ner Iniarm�lion regardine sigvage size P 9uu[. HELIU�[ BALLOO� RESTRIC7IOXS-Drsmoution efhefium balloons r p:o:nhrtec Sn tiia ���apo Cnic Ceme: RETE\TIO� pF LOST qg77�LE5 - 7He pwne: shall have the soic n,ht to collect and s4a11 hare cuseody-of amdes Ie.^;, Iest or chttk.d m the buiicing b� p�rons avzadine zrtp e.ron[ hcid 1n the ae;m;ed premises, and �he User or any person m USer's emol0y shail noc collea nor imerfer �vun tlm colleeion e, cirsrodyofsuch ar,ides. be allo�DCPER\I ITS - Uscr is responsible Por sernnng ail necessarv sound prnnrts for evems in Mayo Park Even¢ wf�h Pq y�d withom sound pctm�¢, ihp � d_ CASCELLATIO\ OR FA7LURE TO OCCUPI' - SAouid User cancel i[y ¢�ent pnor m the scheduled date, Uther sha71 pay O��nzt the base rrnt pius ai� co�;; mcursed ro ihe daie of caxellation. User sM1afi pay ��iehm 10 days of inva��e ACtS OF GOD, a.CD 07HEK E�"E\"CS BEl'OSD pW�gR'S COSTROL - Should dre przm�qes or any part tfitteof be dama_ed or dasiro}ed br fire or namral eltments. or of any other wsnalry or unforcseen occurtence, nanonal or loeal emer�ency, or Iabor dispum renders the pam�ses unfi� for occupancy, er oqienv�se render� thc per(onnance of th�s Permit by Oaner unpossiblc, tlmn rhis Pamir shai( be suspended far the period dunne uhmh t6c premiszs shall La�e bcen r_r,dered unfit or dunng uh¢h po:session cannot be dcliremd re lJser, mid O�mer siiafl not be hclC hable or respons�ble ro User for a��� dema�e rcsuSme therefiom I\DE\I\IFICATIO\ - User a�ees �o indemmfi and hofd hannless O��ner and its oRcers, employees and a�rnis hom all ch�ms ansin� out of the conduci, managemem or use of, or any oork or thing wha�soever done m or about the used premises or s�rurmres or e�uipmem therein, or ansm_ ont o( the condmon of any pauacnvay, hallrcay, s[a�nay}' or other piace used m connection wrth (he used premiset, ot ansine out of any acnon or neglisenee oF tls User o� any of �¢ agen�s, contraemrs, employees, pa[rons or ��ests or ansing out oC any acadent, m�nry w dama�e �vhatsoever, in or about Ihe used premises, ho.wver caused ro dP\ PC150l15 O� COfjI0tdI10115 OCCIIRIp� (Il1ItPFI Ilti PCilpd USCf dOd tlS 2�CpI5 dIC UStp: (8CII1lIGS, d`Id (TOhI d11E d_d1115t dL WS[5, 2IIOpIC}%5 �LCS, ¢YPCp5C5 Ot Labilrtres rexuVOng 6om any such clann, acuon or pmceedm= brouJ�i r6ereon ' I\'SG24�CE REQUIRE\[E\T$ A\D LI?7175-ln ordrr to grve force and efCect to �hc above pary�reph, Uscr a�ees m keep m force dunng tl�e tmn of�hu Permrt, comprehensrve pnbLc Lability and propenr damn�e insuranm �ssued br a Wo t �' d ��eeAS pnor �o move-�n date, a Semfrcatr f I �' as Follous and shaii PomisL O��ner, nvo pnor m tecminaoon of ih�s Permrs Said msurance shali provide not�le sRhan the Folio�ivng I�massoflabtid pros di�Oth�t�of comprchensi�iengeneralapubhc liabiliiy aem�st daims for boddy in�urr, deaifi or propeny damate occumn, on, m or about t6r htayo Crv'�c Center and ad�mmn_ streets and sideualAs, for bodily m)urr and propertq damare resulung from any one occurtrnce 11'ORIiER'S CO�tPE:\SATIOS ISSURdNCE - User fuNicr a�ees m fum(sL proof of Worker's Compensanon Insurance. Fmlum to ha.�e fumished such mmranen upou esecunon of dus Permtt shall be cause for Ounu's tzmnnation oFthis Pem�it wuh verbal noeice alo�e m lhe Usa. �n�h forienore ofany deposft thcreroPoremade. ESClI'Sil'ITl' - O.�uer Iias tl�r ezclnsive rr_�hts m �tie sdecuon, d�smbuUOn, advettain� and promouon oF ttnain desipiared products, brands, a�d o�her nems M�� �n(nn,�ement on tLese rtems is a marertai breach of Ih�s A_aeement with O�mer Wn�ten ➢enms�on must be given in order ro mod�fi� any esfsti�_ eulusrvny a,aeGn.nts O�.ner has w¢h trc�dors, suppifers, advert�scrs, or other desrmated eut�l�cA - COISTRLCTtO\ -7'�� � Cmc Center ivill be expandmg m the future Sign�Lcant mtrrfrrerrce �s no[ eepecred Owner, is prepaed to assnre Oser tlw� �f eonsnuction unrl: crea�es noisq O�mcr ��dl worA to cortect the problem as swn a; poSSehle ��� con�unct�o� w�nh this expansion, n may be nece�sary ro adJUS� eutrng or entrance procedures for aem;, oc to ymvide almmate solimons to restroom or concession rssues, w�»ch the O�mer wdl do ro the 6� of as abiLn ficither Un Dvecbr nor the Crty oC Rochesizr accepls rtsAOns�bilin� for any consequtnhai diinaees resulting @om noise II 6 a�etd and understood Ihat (n no event shall tht Ooner, n> employees , nd a=ents be 6able to the Usc� for any amount � eater �han the pertnrt fee pa�d for �ha use of tbe D1ayo Ciwc Cenrec. �OTICES - Unlesi otl�en.rse provided herein ro tlie convary, all notmes reqmred under this A�eement s7�a11 be deemed �nren uhpi M1and deiox{ed (.n�h recnpe therefor) w depovted in the Un7red Stares bWds, first class poscas prepa�d. addressed To liser Commandcr Ric6 qnticrsun-SC Paul Policc Dc artmrnt 100 E 11'^ St $t Paul JI\ '>5I01 TIi15 PERS(IT {Yf[,L BE NULL ASD �'OID dnot remmed by Jannarv � 2p0 � IN W1TNE5S R�}{p12EOF, the pames iiereio have etecuted thrs pemti� as of Ihe da� and year fus� ivnuen ort pase 1 oFthis pertnil C' • �F �� ����� S r��u-�` p� y v�� f �'�i e� �/�7/� ]CAC Trainma?-?7-OLdoc 30 Cfric Centzr Dnve SE. Aochesizr, Mti Si9P1-370! Phone (501) 281•6184 Fae (507) 28I-6?77 ll/3(V00 4 J�ofRoet ttB rd fP 6Commusianer. ; 0��93 Addendum A Each parry agrees that it will be responsible for its own acts andlor omissions and those of its employees, representatives and agents in carrying out the terms of this Agreement and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shali not be responsibie for the acts and,'or omissions of the other party and the results thereo£ The liability of the City of Saint Paul, its employees, officials and agents shall be governed by pmvision of the Minnesota Torts Claims Act, MinnesoTa Statutes Chapter 466, et se . and other applicable law.