01-929������4�1L Presented By Re£erred To Council File # ��� qa� Green Sheet # ��d0 �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z- Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul provides a comprehensive health 2 and welfare insurance program for its employees; and 3 WHEREAS, the City policy that establishes the standards used to administer the 4 insurance program is established by Council File No. 267621 adopted in 1976; and 5 WHEREAS, Councii File No. 267621 contains obsolete language, and does not 6 reference applicable laws and practices that have been adopted since 1976; and NOW 7 THEREFORE BEIT 8 RESOLVED, due to obsolete language, and recognition of state and federal laws 9 enacted since 1976, the City Council desires to delete Council File No. 267621 in its 10 entirety and replace it with this new administrative policy, incorporating recent 11 amendments made in Council File No. 01-686 reducing the City insurance waiting period; 12 and, be it 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2001, the following standards shall 14 appl_y concerning the eligibility of all employees, retirees, early retirees, survivors and 15 dependents for participation in the City's Health and Welfare insurance program which are 16 stated as follows: ��i�1�AL STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE PLANS All City employees presently covered under this Health and Welfare insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions contained herein. A. EXCLUDED CLASSIFICATIONS o �- �ay 1. Those titles specifically excluded under special employment or as specified in the Bargaining Unit contracts. 2. Any employee who is participating as an insured in any other governmental Health and Welfare Program for which contribution is being paid by the employer. 3. Any independent contractor whose services are furnished to the City under written contract between such independent contractor and the City and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of such contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usual payroll of the City, unless such employment contract expressiy provides that the independent contractor shali be included in the City Insurance Program. B. NEW EMPLOYEES 1. AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE may enroll in the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program from the first day of employment provided that: (a) They have a ciassified, unclassified or a provisional appointment. (b) They are not excluded under Section A, entitled Excluded Classifications. (c) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (d) They submit a written appiication and authorization for payroll deductions within 30 calendar days of their date of hire. C. CITY CONTRIBUTION The City wiil pay that portion of the insurance premiums that is established in the bargaining unit contract or by separate City policy, according to the following schedule: �'� 1 � t� � �}�I��� 1. Elected City Officials, Non Represented Ma�agers group, and their exempt appointees on the first day of their employment provided that: (a) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (b) They are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroil deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of hire. o � -�a� 2. Classified, Unclassified and Provisional Appointed Employees on the fiirst day of the month following 30 calendar days from date of hire provided that: �a) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (b) They are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroll deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of eligibility. (d) The employee's collective bargaining agreement does not specificaliy prohibit, limit, or enhance benefit eligibility. 3. Employees lose their qua{ification time upon leave of absence, layoff or termination. Employees who are on leave of absence or laid off will continue qualifying upon return to work. 4. When employees are compelled to serve on a jury, or appear as a witness in court for City business, such time spent shali be considered as working time for the City for the purpose of determining eligibility for City group insurance coverage. 5. In no event shall an employee in #2 above become eligibie for city insurance premium eariier than the first of the month foliowing 30 calendar days from date of hire. 6. City-share contribution level (i.e., full-time, three-quarter time, half-time) will be set for new hires by the hiring department based upon anticipated/budgeted work hours. Payroll hours (exciuding overtime) wili be reviewed after the first six months of employment with the City; the future contributian level will be re- determined by the average number of hours paid (excluding overtime) during the �.S' \� � .'lL � + V! �1� o�-9a� previous six months. Thereafter, all employees' hours will be reviewed annually before open enrollment, and contribution levels wili be re-established based upon the average paid hours (excluding overtime) during the previous tweive months. D. TRANSFERS Empioyees of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, or ISD 625 who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment who were at the time of transfer eligible for employer premium contribution at their previous employment, shall without interruption be eligible for City contribution in the City's insurance plans. E. CONTINUING COVERAGE 1. An employee, once having attained eligibility for payment of the city-share of the premium shall, each month thereafter, continue to be eligible for such city premium payment so long as said employee has worked at least 40 hours during the qualifying pay period. The qualifying pay periods for each month shall be estabiished each year by the City Administrators of the insurance program. An employee who has not worked 40 hours during the qualifying pay period shall not be eligible to receive the city contribution toward the insurance premium, but may be eligible to continue coverage at his/her own cost under applicable COBRA Rufes and Regufations. 2. Such empioyee who is disabled and off regular city payrolls as a result of personal injury or illness arising out of and in the course of his/her empioyment with the City shali continue to be eligible for city-share coverages during the period he/she is receiving compensation payments from the City for a temporary partial disability or temporary total disability and not otherwise. 3. An employee insured for coverages under the City group plans for which payroll deduction is authorized, who has insufficient earnings from which to make authorized payroll deductions, may pay premiums directly to the administrative agency in order to maintain continuous coverage. F. DEPENDENTS "Eligible Dependent" as used herein in respect to health coverages is defined as the insured employee's spouse and dependents as defined by Carrier Contract. G. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Changes in the eligibility and coverages may be as provided for under the collective bargaining agreement or policies. ��;,�; , � -:} -� ; . _ ',, � ; � i �,: ; : : v ; � ��s :�—; � H. SURVIVORS; EARLY AND REGULAR RETIREES 1. Efigibifity and contribution level is referenced in the co{lective bargaining o�-9ay agreements. Election to continue must be made within 30 calendar days of the date of event, and coverage must be effective on the first of the month following termination of employee's coverage. 2. Coverage for survivor/retiree must be continuous. Any lapse in premium payment will terminate insurance eligibility. The survivorlretiree will not be ailowed to re-enroll at a later date. 3. No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligible for city group life insurance, unless continuation is approved by carrier due to disability. �. ; ��-9 a�� r: �, ; ��z. � _, . � � '-° p ���'� �'`FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 267621 shall be deleted in its entirety and 2 this new resolution shall establish the standards necessary to administer the City insurance program. And be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be effective July 1, 2001. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � ' �p � Adopdon Certified by Council Secretary Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: By: O�'�iLt.t� /�� u���� Form Approved by City Attorney: �,: ���-��? �'�-��4� jr�-(o, By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: Approved by Mayor: Date �� By: � ✓'L �i' � � By: _ � a�.9�.� &13-01 GREEN SHEET No 1�'�v01�7 � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES t ���� �- � ���.— Q �,,,� ❑ �� ❑..�.��,� ❑,.�.�,�a Q M,��„m...�,� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) This resolution proposes to replace Council File No. 267621 which was signed in 1976; clean-up outdated language pertaining to health insurance eligibility. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION H� tlus P��m exrwMkcM undet a coM�act for Nic depa�tment? VES NO Hes ttxs pnaoNfirm e�er been a dty empwyee9 YES NO Dces this persoMfimi possecs a eidll not namalNP�setl bY airy wrten[ dty employee4 YES NQ b Vu8 pe,edVPom a tergetetl VerMOYl . YES NO Obsolete language due to state and federal laws enacted within the last 25 years is in conflict with current practiees. Incorporates the recent amendment made in Council File No. 01-686 reducing the insurance waiting period for newly-hired City employees. Council File No. 267621 is nearly�useless, since state and federal laws, and bargaining unit agreements supersede most of its corttent. Consistency of Civii Service Rules with current practices regarding insurance administration. None, Confusion administering eligibility and continuation of insurance; Council File #267621 viulates federel laws. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t � io soureee N�'4 iL INFORMATION (IXPWN) COET/REYQIUE BUIXiETED �CIRCLE ONE) YES NO _......__ . _ _ ' . -__� `N/A � ACTNITY NUI�ER 1 �' a . AU� � t� 2�9i � o�-°��g Au�st i, Zooi The attached Resolution shows the changes made to Council File No. 267621 with an explanation of the changes provided, wherever it was felt necessary. Also attached is a clean copy of the revised administrative policy. OFFICE OF LABOR RELATfONS Kathe'ine L. Meg�ry, Direclor July 11, 2001 TO: FROM: RE: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo'm Calem¢n, Mayar Exclusive Representatives, City of St. Paul Katherine L. Megarry, Labor Relations D'uect< Proposed Housekeeping Revisions to Council LABOR RELdTlO.NS 400 Crry Hall A�mes 25 West Frnvth Street SaintPassl, Minnesota 55702-1631 0\-`t�"► Telephone: 65]- 266-6496 Facsunile: 65]- 266-6495 The Mayor's resolution to reduce the waiting period, from six months to the first of the month following thirry days, for new employees to receive City-paid health insurance contributions, was approved by the City Council last week. This change is effective retroactive to July 1, 2001 and is explained in more detail in the Mayor's June 25, 2001 memo that you were copied on last month. As stated in that memo, the resolution recently passed simply reduced the waiting period. It did not attempt to address the myriad of "housekeeping/cleanup" changes that need to be made to the original resolution. Specifically, the original 1976 resolution contains a great deal of obsolete language. It also contains language that was later negotiated into many of the collective bazgaining agreements, and in some cases, language that has been superceded by "better" language in the collective bargaining agreements. The purpose of this second revision is to eliminate from the original council resolution any of this obsolete, unnecessary, or conflicting language. Before we submit this "clean-up" resolution to Council, we would like you to review our proposed changes on behalf of your bazgaining unit. Attached, please find a cover sheet explaining the changes and a full legislative copy of the proposed changes. We have also annotated the legislative copy with explanations of the changes. Please contact me b�ulv 31, 2001 if you have anv concerns about these proposed changes. Our intent with this housekeeping resolu6on is to make tecluucaI changes to the originat resotution only, with no substantive unpact on anyone or any collective bazgaining agreement. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that you concw that these changes are of a cleanup/housekeeping nature. Thank you for your assistance. Attachment: Cover sheet explaining revisions Legislative version of proposed resolution CC: Labor Relations Staff Ron Guilfoile/ Joanne Lempke, Risk Summarv of Qroposed housekeeping chanees. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 .,__ . Deletion of former `�vhereas" language to reflect purpose of this revision. o � -13�1 Deletion of specific iitles because more accurate lisfs aze kept in the individual collective bargaining agreements and/or the salary plan for speciat employment tifle. #3. Clarified independent contractor language. Section re: new empioyees. Eliminates language re: an obsolete federal program, eliminates redundant language. Eliminates language re: providing evidence of insurability because that is no longer permissible under the law. Section re: city contribution. Updates terminology. Deletes obsolete language. Page 4/5 Section re: regular employees. Deleted because this group is covered in the new language on p. 5 that more accurately reflects current City practice and the recent change to a shortened eligibility period. Page 5/6 New language added to explain how benefit levels will be set at time of hire. This new process will be more efficient and wili eliminate the manual tracking of new employees' payroll hours each pay period. Page 7 Page 7/8 Page 8/9 Section b- deletes language because covered by federal FMLA regulations. Section c, e- deletes obsolete language related to the School District. Sections g, h- deletes language made obsolete by federal HIPAA regulations. Section re: dependents. Rewritten to reflect the fact that the definition of who is a"dependenP' is controlled by the Ciiy's contracf wifh fhe insurance carrier. The current definition with the carrier is more generous than the language deleted. Section re: husband/wife employees. Deletes language because this issue is addressed in collective bazgaiiung agreements and the contract with the insurance carrier. Page 9/10/11 Section H. Deletes survivor insurance language that is now located in all the various collective bazgaining agreements. Adds language re: current procedures for application. o� 9a� WHEREAS, the Council of the Citv of Saint Paul provides a comprehensive heaith and welfare insurance oroqram for its emolovees; and WHEREAS, the Citv Dolicv that establishes the standards used to administer the insurance ro ram is established b Council File No. 267621 ado ted in 1976• and WHEREAS, Council File No. 267621 contains obsolete lanquape and does not reference apqiicabie laws and oractices that have been adooted since 1976; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, due to obsoiete lanquaqe, and recopnition of state and federal laws enacted since 1976, the Citv Council desires to defete Council File No. 267621 in its entiretv and reqlace it with this new administrative oolicv, incorooratina recent amendments made in Council File No. 01-686 reducinq the Citv insurance waitinq period; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective Juiv 1 2001 the followino standards shall aoqiv concerninq the eliqibilitv of all emolovees, retirees, eariv retirees survivors and de�endents for participation in the Citv's Health and Welfare insurance qrocaram which are stated as foliows• o�-9ay STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE PLANS All City employees presently covered under this Health and Welfare Insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions contained herein. A. EXCLUDED CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Those titles soecificallv excluded under soecial emolovment or as soecified in the Barqaining Unit contracts. ' ____ _ • 11•J ]'- nci.icaiiuu r��uc 9. C anndcie'ua �p-{�7$� -- �o. �i.v�cu�a�u vNc�aiv�a r.TTrO [15ePt't8tt �YO7CEEftt T7TTfW5e""'�7'St_' __ _ . icn�Nuiaiy �n�Ni�ycca ''L' o � _1a-� 2. Any employee who is participating as an insured in any other governmental Health and Welfare Program for which contribution is being paid by the employer. 3. Any zm�,toqec indeoendent contractor whose services are furnished to the City or&choo+ Bistrict-#fi�5 under written contract between such tmpfoqee independent contractor and the City or and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of such contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usuai payroll of the City, unless such empioyment contract expressly provides that the ertrptoqee indeoendent contractor shall be included in the City er Insurance Program. [Clarifies that fhis section vertains to /ndevendent Contracfors 1 B. NEW EMPLOYEES 1.{a� AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE may e�roll in the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program from the first day of employment providirrged that:; � Thatthey have a regnfar classified. unclassified or a provisional appointment. lUndates /annuaoe• referenced Federa/ nrogram is no /onper in existence 1 ll{z} Thzr�they are not excluded under Section A, entitled imart E�xciuded Cclassifications. S�f31 Thattheir position is are anticivated/budaeted for at least �40 hours each biweeklv aav e° riod• _'—_'" _" " – __ _ __'� _�__ _ Gv���ur.����i.w�caC�n�nir.i=r ��i�nvviaaav��rlr�na�i�nw Ilnc/uded in 1 /cJ above.l 1��'T They submit a written application and authorization for payroli deductions within rnie-morithr-E30 calendar davs of their date of hire. "_-'_ "� _" _ � __ _:..nnn�an���nS.��nr.r�annnr.naa�u�a�inw•� 1l�. ' 7�� 1�1�1� �1 1�1 -3- 01-°Iz9 C. CITY �APf CONTRIBUTION The City will pay that portion of the 'nsurance premiums that is agreed-vnort established in the baraaining unit contract or bv seoarate Citv oolicv accordino to the foilowing schedule: 1. Elected City 6fficers Officials Non Reoresented Manaaers arou�, and their exempt appointees on the date first dav of their em�lovment provid'mged that: (a) �hcq Their arebrrtfizpapralFposition is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweeklv pay period_ (b) They are not excluded under Section A- in entitled "Ee xcluded Classifications (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroli deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of hire. ��ni��r' ��nuvi���n=a•�nuv�n=aau�uu-a.��o�w��a•��i�a��aa�i�ur.l��r:�iuuv�l��aa�tna:xlu.��n�w� f�w�w!wR� ��rvnitir.��wicf�w� [E/iminates obso%te /anouaae.7 � � :.�...�� ��...�.._..,�. �..,.�.��_....,.,�...�,.�....�..,•.ti� .��..,�... _ ,.....� �� n w�=n � u��G � N u � r. u�� � u�a � aa � c� u a n. �ti n[.i�n � m=� n w� �i n v� �i �� n a u nn w u iu uG�vn � d�� n n v�� u rn —[i� ���ti���a7�vr.�r.w�a�����x.��i•i��n����m�u��.��-rn��cr: iaa0�ini��w���a�.ireaa�a�-�• � ���� . Pcn n ra ���r. w� c aC� n�i v w� �r. r� u�=r-�n � r.i� � n�� n t� u•n L �i��a.n�r.��:�.....una=naan�nniva=e:���c:v�a.in�vvi=r•.��=viu��.�-nnn.nnvl•uaa• uan[ar:uyu�an�u•nu�a.oa:s�Kr _ ��tt����l'��1Ml��l\�1�/���! �����1���1! ��.\���a�I1��l�1�1�1����ll�l \�1�(.1��11T ����1�����t\�I���I�I��F\'t�l�t�I�\�1����I�I.�\l�l� -L�-��ly'!�]���l��l�r �'�•I���1�1��.��l�ltiR ��t�l�r.l���( ��t\���I�IT ����I��l�I��I \'Il�l�����1���1�1�1�1�P1'I'I���1��1 � o�-�ay 1�L�I \'l�1�l�t�l�l�t��\f����l��t�ly���1��1���\'�'1'I���t�l��t�1'I����1�IR�f�l�1� l�lf���l���\'l����l�l'�t�f�Y1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ' •[ �nn� �t"'uti=n��yn��nia��i�i�a�ia.���i�r.n�-• � � o-.� �•�v r�a � � � � � ��s•�� � rn � �na.ia � ia � � �-r � �. � �.i � � � �• Lz�cri �.w�w l�)-'� 1�f�lt�]ti�•I��l�t�l�l ����1�1�\'�l�l���I���l�tt�1�A1�s�l���A��l� �I��\I��t�t�f Il����lit1\'�t�l��l�\'<��1�1���1t�t�l�Il.��IR�fR�I•��ll.l���)� lThis orouv has been incornorated into the nent section which accurate/v portravs present Citv nractice and the recent amendment shortenina the elipibilitv veriod.] 2. Classified. Unclassified and Provisional A000inted Emolovees on the first dav of the month followina 30 calendar davs from date of hire orovided that: � Their oosition is anticioated/budaeted for at least 40 hours each biweeklv �av �eriod. ,(bZ Thev are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." � Thev submit a written aoolication and authorization for oavroll deduction within thirtv calendar davs of their date of eliaibilitv. ,(dZ The emplovee's collective baraainina aareement does not soecificallv �rohibit, limit, or enhance benefit eliaibilitv. 3. Employees, , lose their qualification time upon leave of absence, layoff or termination. Emplovees who are on leave of absence or laid off will continue ctualifvina uoon return to work. 4. When empioyees are compelled to serve on a jury, or aooear as a witness in court for Citv business, such time spent shail be considered as working time for the City for the purpose of determining eligibility for City group insurance coverage. (�4f In no event shali an employee in ri2 above become eligible for city-papshare of the insura�ce premium earlier than the first of the month following 30 ca�endar days from thrdate of hire 6. Citv-share contribution level (i.e., full-time. three-auarter time, half-time) will be set for new hires bv the hirinq deoartment based uoon anticioated/bud4eted work hours. Pavroil hours (excludina overtimei will be reviewed after the first six months of em�lovment with the Citv: the -5- o�.�y� future contribution level will be re-determined bv the averaae number of hours oaid (exciuding overtimel durina the orevious six months. Thereafter. all emolovees' hours will be reviewed annuallv before ooen enrollment, and contribution levels will be re-established based uoon the average �aid hours (excludina overtimel durina the nrevious twelve months D. TRANSFERS Employees of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. or ISD 625 who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment who were at the time of transfer eligibie for flamseq-Eonritq emolover premium contribution at their orevious em�lovment, shall tontittve without interruption to be eligible for City contribution in the City's insurance �lans . ��"'°— --------° ------ — ---- ° .. [Lanauaae no /onper needed because of shortened e/iqibilitv reauirement.7 E. CONTINUING COVERAGE 1. ta? empioyee, once having attained eligibility for pavment of the citv-share of the premium ' shall, each month thereafter, continue to be eligible for such city- paypremium oavment coverac�so long as said employee " has worked at least 40 hours durina the oualifving payrefF period . The aualifving pay periods for each month , , shall be estabiished each year by the Citv Administrators of the insurance oroaram. An �SvcFremployee who has not worked 40 hours faiFsta durina the aualifvina oav oeriod, shall not be eligibie to receive the citv contribution toward the insurance oremium but mav be eligible to continue coverage at his/her own cost under aoplicable , COBRA Rules and Reaulations. �mrrt � ot-h�� o- n u u m w��_r. � � w-r. n�-�� •� n� v � a 1•i u v n-i.i.i �. � Y�i u n• r. ��� u a n wi� � r. v� n..�Rn �� o r. n�� [Situation covered bv FMLA - Fami/v Medica! Leave Act - regu/ations 1 lObso%te /annuage related to Schoo/ District.l hH2. Such employee who is disabled and off regular city payrolis as a result of personal injury or iliness arising out of and in the course of his her employment with the City shall continue to be eligibie for city-paqshare coverages during the period he she is receiving compensation payments from the City for a temporary partial disability or temporary total disability and not otherwise. lSchoo/ District 625 is no /ongei under the Citv of Saint Pau/'s insurance vo/icv 7 tf13. An Svcf�rrempioyee insured for coverages under the City group lo ansregram for which payroll deduction is authorized, who has insufficient earnings from which to make authorized payroll deductions, may pay premiums directly to the administrative agenc , in order to maintain continuous coverage. -7- a �Ii�Laqn�r.�r.�.�.a.nuias�-:m�ini"aaT�•�vn�an-r.ni�o��i-�n in�-:.��ia:a.n��=iuia�r.n�anv�.�.�..�..�........�.� � �ii l�lf���l���\'I1 !H/PAA makes this unnecessarv.7 DEPENDENTS "Eligible Dependent" as used herein in respect to health coverages is defined as the insured . . .. . - . .-.- .- .- -. . . - - .- • - .- - .. .: . - . . +; � a �-9� �ia9�l�[�]�I�����f����iiiiil�� l�Il��IR ��f��\1���\[ ���1�����i��{R �t�l[ ����w1�l��I���l�i��1�1�1�1�1� ����Il�l�����l���l��l�3�l�l�l��l�] �%� l�l � f.]��7�f7[ �Z�1 [Bacaainino Unit Agreements and canier contiacts covei above issues.l G. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Changes in the eligibility and coverages may be as orovided for under the coilective bargainina - - _ _- .� ,�.�... � H. SURVIVORS: EARLY AND REGULAR RETIREES .. ...�....,.s.,.,.�.��,.,.�..�.� . t °-- ---_ -_----- ---_ -- ---•-_ ----- -----�- lAddressed in the Baroainina Unit Agreements.l 1. Eliqibilitv and contribution level is referenced in the coliective baraaininct agreements. Election to continue must be made within 30 calendar davs of the date of event. and coveraae must be effective on the first of the month foliowino termination of emolovee's coveraae. 2. Coveraae for survivor/retiree must be continuous. Anv laose in oremium oavment will terminate insurance eligibilitv. The survivor/retiree will not be allowed to re-enroll at a later date. 3.(�&} No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligibie for city gro�p life insurance, unless continuation is aoproved bv carrier due to disabilitv. [The added /anpuave more clearlv defines curient vrocedures for survivorhetiree insurance continuationJ - °. - ... . �.�...�...�...,�. �1���1�1�1�1���1'L.�������I�1�111���1����1��1�t1�����NZ��\�1� � • � � o �-'►a�► . . . . .. . � -i o- O�,_q11 n�-fa-s.ur..J. • - - [Above-stricken /anauaae is addiessed in Co/%ctive Baroainino Aareements.] FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 267621 shall be deleted in its entirety and this new resolution shail establish the standards necessary to administer the City insurance program. And be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Reso�ution shall be effective July 1, 2001 . -11- ������4�1L Presented By Re£erred To Council File # ��� qa� Green Sheet # ��d0 �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z- Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul provides a comprehensive health 2 and welfare insurance program for its employees; and 3 WHEREAS, the City policy that establishes the standards used to administer the 4 insurance program is established by Council File No. 267621 adopted in 1976; and 5 WHEREAS, Councii File No. 267621 contains obsolete language, and does not 6 reference applicable laws and practices that have been adopted since 1976; and NOW 7 THEREFORE BEIT 8 RESOLVED, due to obsolete language, and recognition of state and federal laws 9 enacted since 1976, the City Council desires to delete Council File No. 267621 in its 10 entirety and replace it with this new administrative policy, incorporating recent 11 amendments made in Council File No. 01-686 reducing the City insurance waiting period; 12 and, be it 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2001, the following standards shall 14 appl_y concerning the eligibility of all employees, retirees, early retirees, survivors and 15 dependents for participation in the City's Health and Welfare insurance program which are 16 stated as follows: ��i�1�AL STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE PLANS All City employees presently covered under this Health and Welfare insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions contained herein. A. EXCLUDED CLASSIFICATIONS o �- �ay 1. Those titles specifically excluded under special employment or as specified in the Bargaining Unit contracts. 2. Any employee who is participating as an insured in any other governmental Health and Welfare Program for which contribution is being paid by the employer. 3. Any independent contractor whose services are furnished to the City under written contract between such independent contractor and the City and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of such contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usual payroll of the City, unless such employment contract expressiy provides that the independent contractor shali be included in the City Insurance Program. B. NEW EMPLOYEES 1. AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE may enroll in the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program from the first day of employment provided that: (a) They have a ciassified, unclassified or a provisional appointment. (b) They are not excluded under Section A, entitled Excluded Classifications. (c) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (d) They submit a written appiication and authorization for payroll deductions within 30 calendar days of their date of hire. C. CITY CONTRIBUTION The City wiil pay that portion of the insurance premiums that is established in the bargaining unit contract or by separate City policy, according to the following schedule: �'� 1 � t� � �}�I��� 1. Elected City Officials, Non Represented Ma�agers group, and their exempt appointees on the first day of their employment provided that: (a) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (b) They are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroil deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of hire. o � -�a� 2. Classified, Unclassified and Provisional Appointed Employees on the fiirst day of the month following 30 calendar days from date of hire provided that: �a) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (b) They are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroll deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of eligibility. (d) The employee's collective bargaining agreement does not specificaliy prohibit, limit, or enhance benefit eligibility. 3. Employees lose their qua{ification time upon leave of absence, layoff or termination. Employees who are on leave of absence or laid off will continue qualifying upon return to work. 4. When employees are compelled to serve on a jury, or appear as a witness in court for City business, such time spent shali be considered as working time for the City for the purpose of determining eligibility for City group insurance coverage. 5. In no event shall an employee in #2 above become eligibie for city insurance premium eariier than the first of the month foliowing 30 calendar days from date of hire. 6. City-share contribution level (i.e., full-time, three-quarter time, half-time) will be set for new hires by the hiring department based upon anticipated/budgeted work hours. Payroll hours (exciuding overtime) wili be reviewed after the first six months of employment with the City; the future contributian level will be re- determined by the average number of hours paid (excluding overtime) during the �.S' \� � .'lL � + V! �1� o�-9a� previous six months. Thereafter, all employees' hours will be reviewed annually before open enrollment, and contribution levels wili be re-established based upon the average paid hours (excluding overtime) during the previous tweive months. D. TRANSFERS Empioyees of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, or ISD 625 who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment who were at the time of transfer eligible for employer premium contribution at their previous employment, shall without interruption be eligible for City contribution in the City's insurance plans. E. CONTINUING COVERAGE 1. An employee, once having attained eligibility for payment of the city-share of the premium shall, each month thereafter, continue to be eligible for such city premium payment so long as said employee has worked at least 40 hours during the qualifying pay period. The qualifying pay periods for each month shall be estabiished each year by the City Administrators of the insurance program. An employee who has not worked 40 hours during the qualifying pay period shall not be eligible to receive the city contribution toward the insurance premium, but may be eligible to continue coverage at his/her own cost under applicable COBRA Rufes and Regufations. 2. Such empioyee who is disabled and off regular city payrolls as a result of personal injury or illness arising out of and in the course of his/her empioyment with the City shali continue to be eligible for city-share coverages during the period he/she is receiving compensation payments from the City for a temporary partial disability or temporary total disability and not otherwise. 3. An employee insured for coverages under the City group plans for which payroll deduction is authorized, who has insufficient earnings from which to make authorized payroll deductions, may pay premiums directly to the administrative agency in order to maintain continuous coverage. F. DEPENDENTS "Eligible Dependent" as used herein in respect to health coverages is defined as the insured employee's spouse and dependents as defined by Carrier Contract. G. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Changes in the eligibility and coverages may be as provided for under the collective bargaining agreement or policies. ��;,�; , � -:} -� ; . _ ',, � ; � i �,: ; : : v ; � ��s :�—; � H. SURVIVORS; EARLY AND REGULAR RETIREES 1. Efigibifity and contribution level is referenced in the co{lective bargaining o�-9ay agreements. Election to continue must be made within 30 calendar days of the date of event, and coverage must be effective on the first of the month following termination of employee's coverage. 2. Coverage for survivor/retiree must be continuous. Any lapse in premium payment will terminate insurance eligibility. The survivorlretiree will not be ailowed to re-enroll at a later date. 3. No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligible for city group life insurance, unless continuation is approved by carrier due to disability. �. ; ��-9 a�� r: �, ; ��z. � _, . � � '-° p ���'� �'`FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 267621 shall be deleted in its entirety and 2 this new resolution shall establish the standards necessary to administer the City insurance program. And be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be effective July 1, 2001. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � ' �p � Adopdon Certified by Council Secretary Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: By: O�'�iLt.t� /�� u���� Form Approved by City Attorney: �,: ���-��? �'�-��4� jr�-(o, By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: Approved by Mayor: Date �� By: � ✓'L �i' � � By: _ � a�.9�.� &13-01 GREEN SHEET No 1�'�v01�7 � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES t ���� �- � ���.— Q �,,,� ❑ �� ❑..�.��,� ❑,.�.�,�a Q M,��„m...�,� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) This resolution proposes to replace Council File No. 267621 which was signed in 1976; clean-up outdated language pertaining to health insurance eligibility. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION H� tlus P��m exrwMkcM undet a coM�act for Nic depa�tment? VES NO Hes ttxs pnaoNfirm e�er been a dty empwyee9 YES NO Dces this persoMfimi possecs a eidll not namalNP�setl bY airy wrten[ dty employee4 YES NQ b Vu8 pe,edVPom a tergetetl VerMOYl . YES NO Obsolete language due to state and federal laws enacted within the last 25 years is in conflict with current practiees. Incorporates the recent amendment made in Council File No. 01-686 reducing the insurance waiting period for newly-hired City employees. Council File No. 267621 is nearly�useless, since state and federal laws, and bargaining unit agreements supersede most of its corttent. Consistency of Civii Service Rules with current practices regarding insurance administration. None, Confusion administering eligibility and continuation of insurance; Council File #267621 viulates federel laws. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t � io soureee N�'4 iL INFORMATION (IXPWN) COET/REYQIUE BUIXiETED �CIRCLE ONE) YES NO _......__ . _ _ ' . -__� `N/A � ACTNITY NUI�ER 1 �' a . AU� � t� 2�9i � o�-°��g Au�st i, Zooi The attached Resolution shows the changes made to Council File No. 267621 with an explanation of the changes provided, wherever it was felt necessary. Also attached is a clean copy of the revised administrative policy. OFFICE OF LABOR RELATfONS Kathe'ine L. Meg�ry, Direclor July 11, 2001 TO: FROM: RE: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo'm Calem¢n, Mayar Exclusive Representatives, City of St. Paul Katherine L. Megarry, Labor Relations D'uect< Proposed Housekeeping Revisions to Council LABOR RELdTlO.NS 400 Crry Hall A�mes 25 West Frnvth Street SaintPassl, Minnesota 55702-1631 0\-`t�"► Telephone: 65]- 266-6496 Facsunile: 65]- 266-6495 The Mayor's resolution to reduce the waiting period, from six months to the first of the month following thirry days, for new employees to receive City-paid health insurance contributions, was approved by the City Council last week. This change is effective retroactive to July 1, 2001 and is explained in more detail in the Mayor's June 25, 2001 memo that you were copied on last month. As stated in that memo, the resolution recently passed simply reduced the waiting period. It did not attempt to address the myriad of "housekeeping/cleanup" changes that need to be made to the original resolution. Specifically, the original 1976 resolution contains a great deal of obsolete language. It also contains language that was later negotiated into many of the collective bazgaining agreements, and in some cases, language that has been superceded by "better" language in the collective bargaining agreements. The purpose of this second revision is to eliminate from the original council resolution any of this obsolete, unnecessary, or conflicting language. Before we submit this "clean-up" resolution to Council, we would like you to review our proposed changes on behalf of your bazgaining unit. Attached, please find a cover sheet explaining the changes and a full legislative copy of the proposed changes. We have also annotated the legislative copy with explanations of the changes. Please contact me b�ulv 31, 2001 if you have anv concerns about these proposed changes. Our intent with this housekeeping resolu6on is to make tecluucaI changes to the originat resotution only, with no substantive unpact on anyone or any collective bazgaining agreement. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that you concw that these changes are of a cleanup/housekeeping nature. Thank you for your assistance. Attachment: Cover sheet explaining revisions Legislative version of proposed resolution CC: Labor Relations Staff Ron Guilfoile/ Joanne Lempke, Risk Summarv of Qroposed housekeeping chanees. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 .,__ . Deletion of former `�vhereas" language to reflect purpose of this revision. o � -13�1 Deletion of specific iitles because more accurate lisfs aze kept in the individual collective bargaining agreements and/or the salary plan for speciat employment tifle. #3. Clarified independent contractor language. Section re: new empioyees. Eliminates language re: an obsolete federal program, eliminates redundant language. Eliminates language re: providing evidence of insurability because that is no longer permissible under the law. Section re: city contribution. Updates terminology. Deletes obsolete language. Page 4/5 Section re: regular employees. Deleted because this group is covered in the new language on p. 5 that more accurately reflects current City practice and the recent change to a shortened eligibility period. Page 5/6 New language added to explain how benefit levels will be set at time of hire. This new process will be more efficient and wili eliminate the manual tracking of new employees' payroll hours each pay period. Page 7 Page 7/8 Page 8/9 Section b- deletes language because covered by federal FMLA regulations. Section c, e- deletes obsolete language related to the School District. Sections g, h- deletes language made obsolete by federal HIPAA regulations. Section re: dependents. Rewritten to reflect the fact that the definition of who is a"dependenP' is controlled by the Ciiy's contracf wifh fhe insurance carrier. The current definition with the carrier is more generous than the language deleted. Section re: husband/wife employees. Deletes language because this issue is addressed in collective bazgaiiung agreements and the contract with the insurance carrier. Page 9/10/11 Section H. Deletes survivor insurance language that is now located in all the various collective bazgaining agreements. Adds language re: current procedures for application. o� 9a� WHEREAS, the Council of the Citv of Saint Paul provides a comprehensive heaith and welfare insurance oroqram for its emolovees; and WHEREAS, the Citv Dolicv that establishes the standards used to administer the insurance ro ram is established b Council File No. 267621 ado ted in 1976• and WHEREAS, Council File No. 267621 contains obsolete lanquape and does not reference apqiicabie laws and oractices that have been adooted since 1976; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, due to obsoiete lanquaqe, and recopnition of state and federal laws enacted since 1976, the Citv Council desires to defete Council File No. 267621 in its entiretv and reqlace it with this new administrative oolicv, incorooratina recent amendments made in Council File No. 01-686 reducinq the Citv insurance waitinq period; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective Juiv 1 2001 the followino standards shall aoqiv concerninq the eliqibilitv of all emolovees, retirees, eariv retirees survivors and de�endents for participation in the Citv's Health and Welfare insurance qrocaram which are stated as foliows• o�-9ay STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE PLANS All City employees presently covered under this Health and Welfare Insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions contained herein. A. EXCLUDED CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Those titles soecificallv excluded under soecial emolovment or as soecified in the Barqaining Unit contracts. ' ____ _ • 11•J ]'- nci.icaiiuu r��uc 9. C annda�ua �p-{�7$� -- �o. �i.v�cu�a�u vNc�aiv�a r.TTrO [15ePt't8tt �YO7CEEftt T7TTfW5e""'�7'St_' __ _ . icn�Nuiaiy �n�Ni�ycca ''L' o � _1a-� 2. Any employee who is participating as an insured in any other governmental Health and Welfare Program for which contribution is being paid by the employer. 3. Any zm�,toqec indeoendent contractor whose services are furnished to the City or&choo+ Bistrict-#fi�5 under written contract between such tmpfoqee independent contractor and the City or and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of such contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usuai payroll of the City, unless such empioyment contract expressly provides that the ertrptoqee indeoendent contractor shall be included in the City er Insurance Program. [Clarifies that fhis section vertains to /ndevendent Contracfors 1 B. NEW EMPLOYEES 1.{a� AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE may e�roll in the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program from the first day of employment providirrged that:; � Thatthey have a regnfar classified. unclassified or a provisional appointment. lUndates /annuaoe• referenced Federa/ nrogram is no /onper in existence 1 ll{z} Thzr�they are not excluded under Section A, entitled imart E�xciuded Cclassifications. S�f31 Thattheir position is are anticivated/budaeted for at least �40 hours each biweeklv aav e° riod• _'—_'" _" " – __ _ __'� _�__ _ Gv���ur.����i.w�caC�n�nir.i=r ��i�nvviaaav��rlr�na�i�nw Ilnc/uded in 1 /cJ above.l 1��'T They submit a written application and authorization for payroli deductions within rnie-morithr-E30 calendar davs of their date of hire. "_-'_ "� _" _ � __ _:..nnn�an���nS.��nr.r�annnr.naa�u�a�inw•� 1l�. ' 7�� 1�1�1� �1 1�1 -3- 01-°Iz9 C. CITY �APf CONTRIBUTION The City will pay that portion of the 'nsurance premiums that is agreed-vnort established in the baraaining unit contract or bv seoarate Citv oolicv accordino to the foilowing schedule: 1. Elected City 6fficers Officials Non Reoresented Manaaers arou�, and their exempt appointees on the date first dav of their em�lovment provid'mged that: (a) �hcq Their arebrrtfizpapralFposition is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweeklv pay period_ (b) They are not excluded under Section A- in entitled "Ee xcluded Classifications (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroli deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of hire. ��ni��r' ��nuvi���n=a•�nuv�n=aau�uu-a.��o�w��a•��i�a��aa�i�ur.l��r:�iuuv�l��aa�tna:xlu.��n�w� f�w�w!wR� ��rvnitir.��wicf�w� [E/iminates obso%te /anouaae.7 � � :.�...�� ��...�.._..,�. �..,.�.��_....,.,�...�,.�....�..,•.ti� .��..,�... _ ,.....� �� n w�=n � u��G � N u � r. u�� � u�a � aa � c� u a n. �ti n[.i�n � m=� n w� �i n v� �i �� n a u nn w u iu uG�vn � d�� n n v�� u rn —[i� ���ti���a7�vr.�r.w�a�����x.��i•i��n����m�u��.��-rn��cr: iaa0�ini��w���a�.ireaa�a�-�• � ���� . Pcn n ra ���r. w� c aC� n�i v w� �r. r� u�=r-�n � r.i� � n�� n t� u•n L �i��a.n�r.��:�.....una=naan�nniva=e:���c:v�a.in�vvi=r•.��=viu��.�-nnn.nnvl•uaa• uan[ar:uyu�an�u•nu�a.oa:s�Kr _ ��tt����l'��1Ml��l\�1�/���! �����1���1! ��.\���a�I1��l�1�1�1����ll�l \�1�(.1��11T ����1�����t\�I���I�I��F\'t�l�t�I�\�1����I�I.�\l�l� -L�-��ly'!�]���l��l�r �'�•I���1�1��.��l�ltiR ��t�l�r.l���( ��t\���I�IT ����I��l�I��I \'Il�l�����1���1�1�1�1�P1'I'I���1��1 � o�-�ay 1�L�I \'l�1�l�t�l�l�t��\f����l��t�ly���1��1���\'�'1'I���t�l��t�1'I����1�IR�f�l�1� l�lf���l���\'l����l�l'�t�f�Y1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ' •[ �nn� �t"'uti=n��yn��nia��i�i�a�ia.���i�r.n�-• � � o-.� �•�v r�a � � � � � ��s•�� � rn � �na.ia � ia � � �-r � �. � �.i � � � �• Lz�cri �.w�w l�)-'� 1�f�lt�]ti�•I��l�t�l�l ����1�1�\'�l�l���I���l�tt�1�A1�s�l���A��l� �I��\I��t�t�f Il����lit1\'�t�l��l�\'<��1�1���1t�t�l�Il.��IR�fR�I•��ll.l���)� lThis orouv has been incornorated into the nent section which accurate/v portravs present Citv nractice and the recent amendment shortenina the elipibilitv veriod.] 2. Classified. Unclassified and Provisional A000inted Emolovees on the first dav of the month followina 30 calendar davs from date of hire orovided that: � Their oosition is anticioated/budaeted for at least 40 hours each biweeklv �av �eriod. ,(bZ Thev are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." � Thev submit a written aoolication and authorization for oavroll deduction within thirtv calendar davs of their date of eliaibilitv. ,(dZ The emplovee's collective baraainina aareement does not soecificallv �rohibit, limit, or enhance benefit eliaibilitv. 3. Employees, , lose their qualification time upon leave of absence, layoff or termination. Emplovees who are on leave of absence or laid off will continue ctualifvina uoon return to work. 4. When empioyees are compelled to serve on a jury, or aooear as a witness in court for Citv business, such time spent shail be considered as working time for the City for the purpose of determining eligibility for City group insurance coverage. (�4f In no event shali an employee in ri2 above become eligible for city-papshare of the insura�ce premium earlier than the first of the month following 30 ca�endar days from thrdate of hire 6. Citv-share contribution level (i.e., full-time. three-auarter time, half-time) will be set for new hires bv the hirinq deoartment based uoon anticioated/bud4eted work hours. Pavroil hours (excludina overtimei will be reviewed after the first six months of em�lovment with the Citv: the -5- o�.�y� future contribution level will be re-determined bv the averaae number of hours oaid (exciuding overtimel durina the orevious six months. Thereafter. all emolovees' hours will be reviewed annuallv before ooen enrollment, and contribution levels will be re-established based uoon the average �aid hours (excludina overtimel durina the nrevious twelve months D. TRANSFERS Employees of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. or ISD 625 who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment who were at the time of transfer eligibie for flamseq-Eonritq emolover premium contribution at their orevious em�lovment, shall tontittve without interruption to be eligible for City contribution in the City's insurance �lans . ��"'°— --------° ------ — ---- ° .. [Lanauaae no /onper needed because of shortened e/iqibilitv reauirement.7 E. CONTINUING COVERAGE 1. ta? empioyee, once having attained eligibility for pavment of the citv-share of the premium ' shall, each month thereafter, continue to be eligible for such city- paypremium oavment coverac�so long as said employee " has worked at least 40 hours durina the oualifving payrefF period . The aualifving pay periods for each month , , shall be estabiished each year by the Citv Administrators of the insurance oroaram. An �SvcFremployee who has not worked 40 hours faiFsta durina the aualifvina oav oeriod, shall not be eligibie to receive the citv contribution toward the insurance oremium but mav be eligible to continue coverage at his/her own cost under aoplicable , COBRA Rules and Reaulations. �mrrt � ot-h�� o- n u u m w��_r. � � w-r. n�-�� •� n� v � a 1•i u v n-i.i.i �. � Y�i u n• r. ��� u a n wi� � r. v� n..�Rn �� o r. n�� [Situation covered bv FMLA - Fami/v Medica! Leave Act - regu/ations 1 lObso%te /annuage related to Schoo/ District.l hH2. Such employee who is disabled and off regular city payrolis as a result of personal injury or iliness arising out of and in the course of his her employment with the City shall continue to be eligibie for city-paqshare coverages during the period he she is receiving compensation payments from the City for a temporary partial disability or temporary total disability and not otherwise. lSchoo/ District 625 is no /ongei under the Citv of Saint Pau/'s insurance vo/icv 7 tf13. An Svcf�rrempioyee insured for coverages under the City group lo ansregram for which payroll deduction is authorized, who has insufficient earnings from which to make authorized payroll deductions, may pay premiums directly to the administrative agenc , in order to maintain continuous coverage. -7- a �Ii�Laqn�r.�r.�.�.a.nuias�-:m�ini"aaT�•�vn�an-r.ni�o��i-�n in�-:.��ia:a.n��=iuia�r.n�anv�.�.�..�..�........�.� � �ii l�lf���l���\'I1 !H/PAA makes this unnecessarv.7 DEPENDENTS "Eligible Dependent" as used herein in respect to health coverages is defined as the insured . . .. . - . .-.- .- .- -. . . - - .- • - .- - .. .: . - . . +; � a �-9� �ia9�l�[�]�I�����f����iiiiil�� l�Il��IR ��f��\1���\[ ���1�����i��{R �t�l[ ����w1�l��I���l�i��1�1�1�1�1� ����Il�l�����l���l��l�3�l�l�l��l�] �%� l�l � f.]��7�f7[ �Z�1 [Bacaainino Unit Agreements and canier contiacts covei above issues.l G. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Changes in the eligibility and coverages may be as orovided for under the coilective bargainina - - _ _- .� ,�.�... � H. SURVIVORS: EARLY AND REGULAR RETIREES .. ...�....,.s.,.,.�.��,.,.�..�.� . t °-- ---_ -_----- ---_ -- ---•-_ ----- -----�- lAddressed in the Baroainina Unit Agreements.l 1. Eliqibilitv and contribution level is referenced in the coliective baraaininct agreements. Election to continue must be made within 30 calendar davs of the date of event. and coveraae must be effective on the first of the month foliowino termination of emolovee's coveraae. 2. Coveraae for survivor/retiree must be continuous. Anv laose in oremium oavment will terminate insurance eligibilitv. The survivor/retiree will not be allowed to re-enroll at a later date. 3.(�&} No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligibie for city gro�p life insurance, unless continuation is aoproved bv carrier due to disabilitv. [The added /anpuave more clearlv defines curient vrocedures for survivorhetiree insurance continuationJ - °. - ... . �.�...�...�...,�. �1���1�1�1�1���1'L.�������I�1�111���1����1��1�t1�����NZ��\�1� � • � � o �-'►a�► . . . . .. . � -i o- O�,_q11 n�-fa-s.ur..J. • - - [Above-stricken /anauaae is addiessed in Co/%ctive Baroainino Aareements.] FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 267621 shall be deleted in its entirety and this new resolution shail establish the standards necessary to administer the City insurance program. And be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Reso�ution shall be effective July 1, 2001 . -11- ������4�1L Presented By Re£erred To Council File # ��� qa� Green Sheet # ��d0 �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z- Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul provides a comprehensive health 2 and welfare insurance program for its employees; and 3 WHEREAS, the City policy that establishes the standards used to administer the 4 insurance program is established by Council File No. 267621 adopted in 1976; and 5 WHEREAS, Councii File No. 267621 contains obsolete language, and does not 6 reference applicable laws and practices that have been adopted since 1976; and NOW 7 THEREFORE BEIT 8 RESOLVED, due to obsolete language, and recognition of state and federal laws 9 enacted since 1976, the City Council desires to delete Council File No. 267621 in its 10 entirety and replace it with this new administrative policy, incorporating recent 11 amendments made in Council File No. 01-686 reducing the City insurance waiting period; 12 and, be it 13 FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective July 1, 2001, the following standards shall 14 appl_y concerning the eligibility of all employees, retirees, early retirees, survivors and 15 dependents for participation in the City's Health and Welfare insurance program which are 16 stated as follows: ��i�1�AL STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE PLANS All City employees presently covered under this Health and Welfare insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions contained herein. A. EXCLUDED CLASSIFICATIONS o �- �ay 1. Those titles specifically excluded under special employment or as specified in the Bargaining Unit contracts. 2. Any employee who is participating as an insured in any other governmental Health and Welfare Program for which contribution is being paid by the employer. 3. Any independent contractor whose services are furnished to the City under written contract between such independent contractor and the City and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of such contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usual payroll of the City, unless such employment contract expressiy provides that the independent contractor shali be included in the City Insurance Program. B. NEW EMPLOYEES 1. AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE may enroll in the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program from the first day of employment provided that: (a) They have a ciassified, unclassified or a provisional appointment. (b) They are not excluded under Section A, entitled Excluded Classifications. (c) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (d) They submit a written appiication and authorization for payroll deductions within 30 calendar days of their date of hire. C. CITY CONTRIBUTION The City wiil pay that portion of the insurance premiums that is established in the bargaining unit contract or by separate City policy, according to the following schedule: �'� 1 � t� � �}�I��� 1. Elected City Officials, Non Represented Ma�agers group, and their exempt appointees on the first day of their employment provided that: (a) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (b) They are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroil deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of hire. o � -�a� 2. Classified, Unclassified and Provisional Appointed Employees on the fiirst day of the month following 30 calendar days from date of hire provided that: �a) Their position is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweekly pay period. (b) They are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroll deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of eligibility. (d) The employee's collective bargaining agreement does not specificaliy prohibit, limit, or enhance benefit eligibility. 3. Employees lose their qua{ification time upon leave of absence, layoff or termination. Employees who are on leave of absence or laid off will continue qualifying upon return to work. 4. When employees are compelled to serve on a jury, or appear as a witness in court for City business, such time spent shali be considered as working time for the City for the purpose of determining eligibility for City group insurance coverage. 5. In no event shall an employee in #2 above become eligibie for city insurance premium eariier than the first of the month foliowing 30 calendar days from date of hire. 6. City-share contribution level (i.e., full-time, three-quarter time, half-time) will be set for new hires by the hiring department based upon anticipated/budgeted work hours. Payroll hours (exciuding overtime) wili be reviewed after the first six months of employment with the City; the future contributian level will be re- determined by the average number of hours paid (excluding overtime) during the �.S' \� � .'lL � + V! �1� o�-9a� previous six months. Thereafter, all employees' hours will be reviewed annually before open enrollment, and contribution levels wili be re-established based upon the average paid hours (excluding overtime) during the previous tweive months. D. TRANSFERS Empioyees of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, or ISD 625 who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment who were at the time of transfer eligible for employer premium contribution at their previous employment, shall without interruption be eligible for City contribution in the City's insurance plans. E. CONTINUING COVERAGE 1. An employee, once having attained eligibility for payment of the city-share of the premium shall, each month thereafter, continue to be eligible for such city premium payment so long as said employee has worked at least 40 hours during the qualifying pay period. The qualifying pay periods for each month shall be estabiished each year by the City Administrators of the insurance program. An employee who has not worked 40 hours during the qualifying pay period shall not be eligible to receive the city contribution toward the insurance premium, but may be eligible to continue coverage at his/her own cost under applicable COBRA Rufes and Regufations. 2. Such empioyee who is disabled and off regular city payrolls as a result of personal injury or illness arising out of and in the course of his/her empioyment with the City shali continue to be eligible for city-share coverages during the period he/she is receiving compensation payments from the City for a temporary partial disability or temporary total disability and not otherwise. 3. An employee insured for coverages under the City group plans for which payroll deduction is authorized, who has insufficient earnings from which to make authorized payroll deductions, may pay premiums directly to the administrative agency in order to maintain continuous coverage. F. DEPENDENTS "Eligible Dependent" as used herein in respect to health coverages is defined as the insured employee's spouse and dependents as defined by Carrier Contract. G. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Changes in the eligibility and coverages may be as provided for under the collective bargaining agreement or policies. ��;,�; , � -:} -� ; . _ ',, � ; � i �,: ; : : v ; � ��s :�—; � H. SURVIVORS; EARLY AND REGULAR RETIREES 1. Efigibifity and contribution level is referenced in the co{lective bargaining o�-9ay agreements. Election to continue must be made within 30 calendar days of the date of event, and coverage must be effective on the first of the month following termination of employee's coverage. 2. Coverage for survivor/retiree must be continuous. Any lapse in premium payment will terminate insurance eligibility. The survivorlretiree will not be ailowed to re-enroll at a later date. 3. No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligible for city group life insurance, unless continuation is approved by carrier due to disability. �. ; ��-9 a�� r: �, ; ��z. � _, . � � '-° p ���'� �'`FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 267621 shall be deleted in its entirety and 2 this new resolution shall establish the standards necessary to administer the City insurance program. And be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be effective July 1, 2001. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � ' �p � Adopdon Certified by Council Secretary Approval Recommended by Financial Services D'uector: By: O�'�iLt.t� /�� u���� Form Approved by City Attorney: �,: ���-��? �'�-��4� jr�-(o, By: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: Approved by Mayor: Date �� By: � ✓'L �i' � � By: _ � a�.9�.� &13-01 GREEN SHEET No 1�'�v01�7 � TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES t ���� �- � ���.— Q �,,,� ❑ �� ❑..�.��,� ❑,.�.�,�a Q M,��„m...�,� ❑ (CLJP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) This resolution proposes to replace Council File No. 267621 which was signed in 1976; clean-up outdated language pertaining to health insurance eligibility. PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION H� tlus P��m exrwMkcM undet a coM�act for Nic depa�tment? VES NO Hes ttxs pnaoNfirm e�er been a dty empwyee9 YES NO Dces this persoMfimi possecs a eidll not namalNP�setl bY airy wrten[ dty employee4 YES NQ b Vu8 pe,edVPom a tergetetl VerMOYl . YES NO Obsolete language due to state and federal laws enacted within the last 25 years is in conflict with current practiees. Incorporates the recent amendment made in Council File No. 01-686 reducing the insurance waiting period for newly-hired City employees. Council File No. 267621 is nearly�useless, since state and federal laws, and bargaining unit agreements supersede most of its corttent. Consistency of Civii Service Rules with current practices regarding insurance administration. None, Confusion administering eligibility and continuation of insurance; Council File #267621 viulates federel laws. AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t � io soureee N�'4 iL INFORMATION (IXPWN) COET/REYQIUE BUIXiETED �CIRCLE ONE) YES NO _......__ . _ _ ' . -__� `N/A � ACTNITY NUI�ER 1 �' a . AU� � t� 2�9i � o�-°��g Au�st i, Zooi The attached Resolution shows the changes made to Council File No. 267621 with an explanation of the changes provided, wherever it was felt necessary. Also attached is a clean copy of the revised administrative policy. OFFICE OF LABOR RELATfONS Kathe'ine L. Meg�ry, Direclor July 11, 2001 TO: FROM: RE: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Fo'm Calem¢n, Mayar Exclusive Representatives, City of St. Paul Katherine L. Megarry, Labor Relations D'uect< Proposed Housekeeping Revisions to Council LABOR RELdTlO.NS 400 Crry Hall A�mes 25 West Frnvth Street SaintPassl, Minnesota 55702-1631 0\-`t�"► Telephone: 65]- 266-6496 Facsunile: 65]- 266-6495 The Mayor's resolution to reduce the waiting period, from six months to the first of the month following thirry days, for new employees to receive City-paid health insurance contributions, was approved by the City Council last week. This change is effective retroactive to July 1, 2001 and is explained in more detail in the Mayor's June 25, 2001 memo that you were copied on last month. As stated in that memo, the resolution recently passed simply reduced the waiting period. It did not attempt to address the myriad of "housekeeping/cleanup" changes that need to be made to the original resolution. Specifically, the original 1976 resolution contains a great deal of obsolete language. It also contains language that was later negotiated into many of the collective bazgaining agreements, and in some cases, language that has been superceded by "better" language in the collective bargaining agreements. The purpose of this second revision is to eliminate from the original council resolution any of this obsolete, unnecessary, or conflicting language. Before we submit this "clean-up" resolution to Council, we would like you to review our proposed changes on behalf of your bazgaining unit. Attached, please find a cover sheet explaining the changes and a full legislative copy of the proposed changes. We have also annotated the legislative copy with explanations of the changes. Please contact me b�ulv 31, 2001 if you have anv concerns about these proposed changes. Our intent with this housekeeping resolu6on is to make tecluucaI changes to the originat resotution only, with no substantive unpact on anyone or any collective bazgaining agreement. If I do not hear from you, I will assume that you concw that these changes are of a cleanup/housekeeping nature. Thank you for your assistance. Attachment: Cover sheet explaining revisions Legislative version of proposed resolution CC: Labor Relations Staff Ron Guilfoile/ Joanne Lempke, Risk Summarv of Qroposed housekeeping chanees. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 .,__ . Deletion of former `�vhereas" language to reflect purpose of this revision. o � -13�1 Deletion of specific iitles because more accurate lisfs aze kept in the individual collective bargaining agreements and/or the salary plan for speciat employment tifle. #3. Clarified independent contractor language. Section re: new empioyees. Eliminates language re: an obsolete federal program, eliminates redundant language. Eliminates language re: providing evidence of insurability because that is no longer permissible under the law. Section re: city contribution. Updates terminology. Deletes obsolete language. Page 4/5 Section re: regular employees. Deleted because this group is covered in the new language on p. 5 that more accurately reflects current City practice and the recent change to a shortened eligibility period. Page 5/6 New language added to explain how benefit levels will be set at time of hire. This new process will be more efficient and wili eliminate the manual tracking of new employees' payroll hours each pay period. Page 7 Page 7/8 Page 8/9 Section b- deletes language because covered by federal FMLA regulations. Section c, e- deletes obsolete language related to the School District. Sections g, h- deletes language made obsolete by federal HIPAA regulations. Section re: dependents. Rewritten to reflect the fact that the definition of who is a"dependenP' is controlled by the Ciiy's contracf wifh fhe insurance carrier. The current definition with the carrier is more generous than the language deleted. Section re: husband/wife employees. Deletes language because this issue is addressed in collective bazgaiiung agreements and the contract with the insurance carrier. Page 9/10/11 Section H. Deletes survivor insurance language that is now located in all the various collective bazgaining agreements. Adds language re: current procedures for application. o� 9a� WHEREAS, the Council of the Citv of Saint Paul provides a comprehensive heaith and welfare insurance oroqram for its emolovees; and WHEREAS, the Citv Dolicv that establishes the standards used to administer the insurance ro ram is established b Council File No. 267621 ado ted in 1976• and WHEREAS, Council File No. 267621 contains obsolete lanquape and does not reference apqiicabie laws and oractices that have been adooted since 1976; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, due to obsoiete lanquaqe, and recopnition of state and federal laws enacted since 1976, the Citv Council desires to defete Council File No. 267621 in its entiretv and reqlace it with this new administrative oolicv, incorooratina recent amendments made in Council File No. 01-686 reducinq the Citv insurance waitinq period; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that effective Juiv 1 2001 the followino standards shall aoqiv concerninq the eliqibilitv of all emolovees, retirees, eariv retirees survivors and de�endents for participation in the Citv's Health and Welfare insurance qrocaram which are stated as foliows• o�-9ay STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH AND WELFARE INSURANCE PLANS All City employees presently covered under this Health and Welfare Insurance Program shall continue to be eligible so long as they comply with all the rules and regulations and provisions contained herein. A. EXCLUDED CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Those titles soecificallv excluded under soecial emolovment or as soecified in the Barqaining Unit contracts. ' ____ _ • 11•J ]'- nci.icaiiuu r��uc 9. C annda�ua �p-{�7$� -- �o. �i.v�cu�a�u vNc�aiv�a r.TTrO [15ePt't8tt �YO7CEEftt T7TTfW5e""'�7'St_' __ _ . icn�Nuiaiy �n�Ni�ycca ''L' o � _1a-� 2. Any employee who is participating as an insured in any other governmental Health and Welfare Program for which contribution is being paid by the employer. 3. Any zm�,toqec indeoendent contractor whose services are furnished to the City or&choo+ Bistrict-#fi�5 under written contract between such tmpfoqee independent contractor and the City or and whose salary is paid in accordance with the provision of such contract or agreement and whose name is not carried on the usuai payroll of the City, unless such empioyment contract expressly provides that the ertrptoqee indeoendent contractor shall be included in the City er Insurance Program. [Clarifies that fhis section vertains to /ndevendent Contracfors 1 B. NEW EMPLOYEES 1.{a� AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE may e�roll in the City's Health and Welfare Insurance Program from the first day of employment providirrged that:; � Thatthey have a regnfar classified. unclassified or a provisional appointment. lUndates /annuaoe• referenced Federa/ nrogram is no /onper in existence 1 ll{z} Thzr�they are not excluded under Section A, entitled imart E�xciuded Cclassifications. S�f31 Thattheir position is are anticivated/budaeted for at least �40 hours each biweeklv aav e° riod• _'—_'" _" " – __ _ __'� _�__ _ Gv���ur.����i.w�caC�n�nir.i=r ��i�nvviaaav��rlr�na�i�nw Ilnc/uded in 1 /cJ above.l 1��'T They submit a written application and authorization for payroli deductions within rnie-morithr-E30 calendar davs of their date of hire. "_-'_ "� _" _ � __ _:..nnn�an���nS.��nr.r�annnr.naa�u�a�inw•� 1l�. ' 7�� 1�1�1� �1 1�1 -3- 01-°Iz9 C. CITY �APf CONTRIBUTION The City will pay that portion of the 'nsurance premiums that is agreed-vnort established in the baraaining unit contract or bv seoarate Citv oolicv accordino to the foilowing schedule: 1. Elected City 6fficers Officials Non Reoresented Manaaers arou�, and their exempt appointees on the date first dav of their em�lovment provid'mged that: (a) �hcq Their arebrrtfizpapralFposition is anticipated/budgeted for at least 40 hours each biweeklv pay period_ (b) They are not excluded under Section A- in entitled "Ee xcluded Classifications (c) They submit a written application and authorization for payroli deduction within thirty calendar days of their date of hire. ��ni��r' ��nuvi���n=a•�nuv�n=aau�uu-a.��o�w��a•��i�a��aa�i�ur.l��r:�iuuv�l��aa�tna:xlu.��n�w� f�w�w!wR� ��rvnitir.��wicf�w� [E/iminates obso%te /anouaae.7 � � :.�...�� ��...�.._..,�. �..,.�.��_....,.,�...�,.�....�..,•.ti� .��..,�... _ ,.....� �� n w�=n � u��G � N u � r. u�� � u�a � aa � c� u a n. �ti n[.i�n � m=� n w� �i n v� �i �� n a u nn w u iu uG�vn � d�� n n v�� u rn —[i� ���ti���a7�vr.�r.w�a�����x.��i•i��n����m�u��.��-rn��cr: iaa0�ini��w���a�.ireaa�a�-�• � ���� . Pcn n ra ���r. w� c aC� n�i v w� �r. r� u�=r-�n � r.i� � n�� n t� u•n L �i��a.n�r.��:�.....una=naan�nniva=e:���c:v�a.in�vvi=r•.��=viu��.�-nnn.nnvl•uaa• uan[ar:uyu�an�u•nu�a.oa:s�Kr _ ��tt����l'��1Ml��l\�1�/���! �����1���1! ��.\���a�I1��l�1�1�1����ll�l \�1�(.1��11T ����1�����t\�I���I�I��F\'t�l�t�I�\�1����I�I.�\l�l� -L�-��ly'!�]���l��l�r �'�•I���1�1��.��l�ltiR ��t�l�r.l���( ��t\���I�IT ����I��l�I��I \'Il�l�����1���1�1�1�1�P1'I'I���1��1 � o�-�ay 1�L�I \'l�1�l�t�l�l�t��\f����l��t�ly���1��1���\'�'1'I���t�l��t�1'I����1�IR�f�l�1� l�lf���l���\'l����l�l'�t�f�Y1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ' •[ �nn� �t"'uti=n��yn��nia��i�i�a�ia.���i�r.n�-• � � o-.� �•�v r�a � � � � � ��s•�� � rn � �na.ia � ia � � �-r � �. � �.i � � � �• Lz�cri �.w�w l�)-'� 1�f�lt�]ti�•I��l�t�l�l ����1�1�\'�l�l���I���l�tt�1�A1�s�l���A��l� �I��\I��t�t�f Il����lit1\'�t�l��l�\'<��1�1���1t�t�l�Il.��IR�fR�I•��ll.l���)� lThis orouv has been incornorated into the nent section which accurate/v portravs present Citv nractice and the recent amendment shortenina the elipibilitv veriod.] 2. Classified. Unclassified and Provisional A000inted Emolovees on the first dav of the month followina 30 calendar davs from date of hire orovided that: � Their oosition is anticioated/budaeted for at least 40 hours each biweeklv �av �eriod. ,(bZ Thev are not excluded under Section A- entitled "Excluded Classifications." � Thev submit a written aoolication and authorization for oavroll deduction within thirtv calendar davs of their date of eliaibilitv. ,(dZ The emplovee's collective baraainina aareement does not soecificallv �rohibit, limit, or enhance benefit eliaibilitv. 3. Employees, , lose their qualification time upon leave of absence, layoff or termination. Emplovees who are on leave of absence or laid off will continue ctualifvina uoon return to work. 4. When empioyees are compelled to serve on a jury, or aooear as a witness in court for Citv business, such time spent shail be considered as working time for the City for the purpose of determining eligibility for City group insurance coverage. (�4f In no event shali an employee in ri2 above become eligible for city-papshare of the insura�ce premium earlier than the first of the month following 30 ca�endar days from thrdate of hire 6. Citv-share contribution level (i.e., full-time. three-auarter time, half-time) will be set for new hires bv the hirinq deoartment based uoon anticioated/bud4eted work hours. Pavroil hours (excludina overtimei will be reviewed after the first six months of em�lovment with the Citv: the -5- o�.�y� future contribution level will be re-determined bv the averaae number of hours oaid (exciuding overtimel durina the orevious six months. Thereafter. all emolovees' hours will be reviewed annuallv before ooen enrollment, and contribution levels will be re-established based uoon the average �aid hours (excludina overtimel durina the nrevious twelve months D. TRANSFERS Employees of Ramsey County, State of Minnesota. or ISD 625 who transfer to the City of Saint Paul employment who were at the time of transfer eligibie for flamseq-Eonritq emolover premium contribution at their orevious em�lovment, shall tontittve without interruption to be eligible for City contribution in the City's insurance �lans . ��"'°— --------° ------ — ---- ° .. [Lanauaae no /onper needed because of shortened e/iqibilitv reauirement.7 E. CONTINUING COVERAGE 1. ta? empioyee, once having attained eligibility for pavment of the citv-share of the premium ' shall, each month thereafter, continue to be eligible for such city- paypremium oavment coverac�so long as said employee " has worked at least 40 hours durina the oualifving payrefF period . The aualifving pay periods for each month , , shall be estabiished each year by the Citv Administrators of the insurance oroaram. An �SvcFremployee who has not worked 40 hours faiFsta durina the aualifvina oav oeriod, shall not be eligibie to receive the citv contribution toward the insurance oremium but mav be eligible to continue coverage at his/her own cost under aoplicable , COBRA Rules and Reaulations. �mrrt � ot-h�� o- n u u m w��_r. � � w-r. n�-�� •� n� v � a 1•i u v n-i.i.i �. � Y�i u n• r. ��� u a n wi� � r. v� n..�Rn �� o r. n�� [Situation covered bv FMLA - Fami/v Medica! Leave Act - regu/ations 1 lObso%te /annuage related to Schoo/ District.l hH2. Such employee who is disabled and off regular city payrolis as a result of personal injury or iliness arising out of and in the course of his her employment with the City shall continue to be eligibie for city-paqshare coverages during the period he she is receiving compensation payments from the City for a temporary partial disability or temporary total disability and not otherwise. lSchoo/ District 625 is no /ongei under the Citv of Saint Pau/'s insurance vo/icv 7 tf13. An Svcf�rrempioyee insured for coverages under the City group lo ansregram for which payroll deduction is authorized, who has insufficient earnings from which to make authorized payroll deductions, may pay premiums directly to the administrative agenc , in order to maintain continuous coverage. -7- a �Ii�Laqn�r.�r.�.�.a.nuias�-:m�ini"aaT�•�vn�an-r.ni�o��i-�n in�-:.��ia:a.n��=iuia�r.n�anv�.�.�..�..�........�.� � �ii l�lf���l���\'I1 !H/PAA makes this unnecessarv.7 DEPENDENTS "Eligible Dependent" as used herein in respect to health coverages is defined as the insured . . .. . - . .-.- .- .- -. . . - - .- • - .- - .. .: . - . . +; � a �-9� �ia9�l�[�]�I�����f����iiiiil�� l�Il��IR ��f��\1���\[ ���1�����i��{R �t�l[ ����w1�l��I���l�i��1�1�1�1�1� ����Il�l�����l���l��l�3�l�l�l��l�] �%� l�l � f.]��7�f7[ �Z�1 [Bacaainino Unit Agreements and canier contiacts covei above issues.l G. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Changes in the eligibility and coverages may be as orovided for under the coilective bargainina - - _ _- .� ,�.�... � H. SURVIVORS: EARLY AND REGULAR RETIREES .. ...�....,.s.,.,.�.��,.,.�..�.� . t °-- ---_ -_----- ---_ -- ---•-_ ----- -----�- lAddressed in the Baroainina Unit Agreements.l 1. Eliqibilitv and contribution level is referenced in the coliective baraaininct agreements. Election to continue must be made within 30 calendar davs of the date of event. and coveraae must be effective on the first of the month foliowino termination of emolovee's coveraae. 2. Coveraae for survivor/retiree must be continuous. Anv laose in oremium oavment will terminate insurance eligibilitv. The survivor/retiree will not be allowed to re-enroll at a later date. 3.(�&} No retiree age 65 or older shall be eligibie for city gro�p life insurance, unless continuation is aoproved bv carrier due to disabilitv. [The added /anpuave more clearlv defines curient vrocedures for survivorhetiree insurance continuationJ - °. - ... . �.�...�...�...,�. �1���1�1�1�1���1'L.�������I�1�111���1����1��1�t1�����NZ��\�1� � • � � o �-'►a�► . . . . .. . � -i o- O�,_q11 n�-fa-s.ur..J. • - - [Above-stricken /anauaae is addiessed in Co/%ctive Baroainino Aareements.] FURTHER RESOLVED, that Council File No. 267621 shall be deleted in its entirety and this new resolution shail establish the standards necessary to administer the City insurance program. And be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this Reso�ution shall be effective July 1, 2001 . -11-