266235 WHITE - CITV CLERK ����C��
� cil Resolution
Presented B
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
pursuant to Ordinance No. 13614, having been supplied with
reports by the City Forester indicating that Dutch Elm disease
exists on trees located on the attached list, hereby finds that
such trees are a nuisance within the meaning of Ordinance
No. 13614 and directs the City Forester to proceed with their
abatement according to law.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays r �
Christensen Ommtiri S
��� Hunt � In Favor
Roedler �
Sylvester Against
President� Hozza
Adopted by Counc' • Date OCT 21 f975 Form prove by Cit A rney
Certifie assed by uncil S cretary BY
Appr d by Mayor: ate � � ��+ Approve b ayor n Co nci
B By
US E� 0 CT Z � ?�7�
. . Y . . .. " . ' .
Ni4ME & AOQR�SS , , tO�AT-IE�I +� ' �
:�„ DAi'E
A. Nelson - -Dying tree,@ so�th side of 7-2-75-UT
969 Agate hoase.
�,r,�r**�,�* .
P. F. Jones Log d� wood pile � north side of 9-3-75-OT
1591 �lameda N. garage. '
������` ,
P. E. Olson Pos. � D�3869 in the b�ck yard. 7-17-75-EK
1i A1ice Court
L. M. Te�eda (5) Dead elms - remo�red sturaps 9-9-7��►EI�
217 E. Baker not peeled. �
B. L. llogel (1) Dy1ng .Eim in the back yard. 9-9-75-EK
2344 Sayless Place
G. fisher P�s. # 12837 - 12837 trees down 7-14-74-J1t
487 E. Beividere stumps not peeled.
Thomas Ma�de1 Pos. � D12827 - � 012826`" 7-14-75-J�t
411 69dweli
,��,�,�,�,�r* �
M�n. Leu�ard Re: yvur property @ a.1g1 6oxwood 4,25-75-DT ` -
2857 Forest Dale (1) dead elm (painted) south fence
f�w Brighton, Mn. l�ne.
M. A, Gaglierde (2) Dead �lms • trees down stumps 9-8-15-EK
715 Burr St. - not peeled.
Mr. S�aine (]) Dead Elm tree in the front yard: 9-5-7.5�EK
643 C#�erokee
Tw1n .Ctty Testing Co. (2) Dead Elms in the parking` �ot. 9-12�-75-�EK
�fi� Craawelt St.
�r,�r�*,r,�+��* �
A: b. Ive�son ' Tree down - stu�p no� peeied and 9-12-75�-EK
77Q Cron�rel] St. brusfi 1 ayf ng i n yard.
����� �
Joseph Maagan . _. (5) ;Dead Elms in the back yard down 8-27-'�5-EK
262 E. Curtice , . ' ' ' : ,s�umps not peeied. .
F. �. Boureston - ; (�1�. Dead Elm tree in the back yard. 8-27�°�5-EK
211 E. Curtics _ . _ ,
.. . . : : -
�,k,k,ir�t�t,ririt,k�c f-,°. . ;
, , ,. �����'�
Da►niel Nernander Ros. # D12816 - tree down 7�-14-15-JW
488 E. Curtice (3) `stumps not peeled.
John Varva Tree down - stump not peeled. 7-14-75-JY
500 E. Curt�ce . - Pos. � D'�2184
*,�,��*�r� .
M. �nith - . - Pos. # 012832 tree down - stump 7-15-75-JW
13& W. Delos � , _ not peel�d.
Richard Bartell - Pos. � �12817� Re: Yoar praperty 7•15-7�-JM
1427 No. Yaltey Drive @ 124 DeSoto
Schaumburg, I11.
R. 6eifer Pos. � D12818 tree down stump 7-15-75-�W
726 DeSato not peeled.
6, M. Main (4( Dead Elms in the front yard. 9-9-75-EK
43 E. Eliz�beth
D�le Anderberg Re: Yaur propert�r � 130 E. 9-9-t5-EK
3030 Linden Raad Elizabeth - (3) dead el�s�
E. M. Ha�yes (1) Dying Elm in the back.yard. 9w9-75-EK
907 Eustis St.
Ray Weber (1� Dead elm tree in back yard. 8-�7-75-EK `
904 E. 5th St. �
Mrs f�yl:icky Pos. � D]9652 back yard @ west 8-26-75-EK
554 E. �th St. prciperty line.
�. A. Bwrton Dead El�a tree. 8-11-75-EK
99 E. G+eorge
L. Tourville (2) Dead Elm trees in the front 9-9-75-Ek
465 Nall St. yard.
Donatd 'J. Murphy (2) Dead Elm trees. 8-28-75-EK
57t Har1 ave.
C. L. Schweichert (2) dy�ng E1ms in the back yard. 9-9-75-EK
593 Hall
� . ,
' ��i����
E. C. Swanson �1) Ekad Elm (painted) fin the 8-1Q-75-OT
1030 �J. Hoyt back, ya�rd.
J. W. Bremer �l) Qead Elm tn :the. back yard. 9-1-75-EK
659 Humboldt
. H. Appleton (1} Dying Elaa (painted) in the 9-$-75-DT
1520 Haron front yard.
R. H� Pfu�anreuter (1) Dying Elm, in the back yard. 9�8-75-DT
1133 Ida�o _
W. J. Sullivan Trees dcnm but t�ot dispose�t of. 9-8»75-DT
1139 Idaho
Resi�en� - Owner (1) Dyfng Elm tree (paint�d) in 8-1-75-DT
1085 lr�eb baEk yard.
R. L. Matzman (1� Dead Elm. 8-..1A�75-EK
632 Manomin Ave.
C. W. Smith (1) Qead El�n in the back yard. 9-10-15-EK .
420 Mount Ida St.
A. J. 5�ainhaff (1) Deaid flm tree in the back yard. 8-2?-15-EK
623 Orl�ans
**�rt,r�,k*,k,k�r -
Marcella Tracy (5) Dyi�g f1� in th� back yard. 9-10-75-EK
1896 Norfolk ° Re: Your property � 667 Ot�ego
L. Kenn�eth Gamer -. ; : : ; . , Re: Your property @ 681 Otsego 9-10-75-EK
180 Sherburne �_ . - (5} Dead Elau in the back yard.
,�r,k*�r+r,�,k,� -
M. Sancfiez ;;' � . : (5�:�ead'=E]ms in t�e back �ard. 9-i0-7�-EK
6�3 Otsego St. °� _ -
�t�r,�,�t�r�r�r .
. ' � . . . �..' � . . . �� ' . - �.
M. K. Anderson � - Tree down - st�+p not peeled. 8-Z7-75�EK
236 W. Page �:�
�1r,ir,�r�Fikieir,INr,k** _ .
; . .
287 E. �ege , � �l) Dead E1m tree fn the back yard. 8-27-75-EK
R. Medellin
, _
� .
' .
_ r �hr!!�/���.:
. ;
N14ME. � AADRESS = . - , Lf�G}�TIQN : .
, CqLL !!P 0�
Bethesda Hosp�tat, Nor�hwest corn+e� of parktng � 8-i-75-QT
554 "Capttoi ramp - behind 6QG��. Park
**lt�Ankk*�k,lr�t�,k . _
, ;
4. I. Rfndfleisch (1) Dead Elm in �l�e �back yard. 9-9-7�-�K
253 E. PresCOtt
A. Kittleson (1) �ead Elm fn the back yard. 9-9-76-E�
260 E: Prescott _-
**,►��**� .
R. a. Lissick Tree down stump aot peeled. 9-9-75-�IC
271 f. Prescott
W. Andert (1) Dying Elm in the front yard: 9-11-75=EK
534 R�ymand _
N. Rousslang Tre�s dcwm stumps not peeted. 9-8�75-EK
869 R�ymond
S. C, Manson Logs, brush & stump behind the 4-25-75-OT
617 No. 'R�ce St. ga�ag�.
. r A . . . . . ' . .
G. W. Johnson (2) Dead E�m trees. 9-10-75-EK
660 Riv�li
Resident - Owner Tree dor�n sfiump not peeled. 8-27-T5=EK
655 So. Robert St.
E. J. Martineau (2) Uead Elm ,trees in the ba�k yard. 9-3-75-EK
t31 �t. Robi� Trees d�m, k�rush�s fin yard. .
��,��* .
Joseph (3arcia Pos. �` D23834 tree in the back yard. 7-27-.�-EK
225 E. Robie
B. G. Greencrown (1) Dead Elm in the back yard. , 8-27-75-EK
- 309 E. Sid�ey , _
,r,�i��,�r�: `� ,
I.. J. Altrichter (3) pead Elm trees tn the back yard. 8-27-7�-EK
, .
_ `373 E. Sidney St. , ,
� - :; , _ _ .
�thk�Ar,k,�tyt*�1raN1tlt -
John Mc6inn � Pos;,; #. �128Q7 7-15-75-JW
14 W. Stevens �
,k***,t,�r�r�ric,k,k _
.- _.
- • . .
, _. , ._ __ _ .
� ` � - � . 2���35
�akland Cemetery Tr�es down - {2) stwnps to 1-8-75-OT
75 E. Syc�raore peel.
3ohn A. Brown (1) D��d Elm tree. 8-18w75wEK
728 E. 3rd St.
M. E. Bro�m Pos. # D12952 tree in the bRCk 7-1-75•DT
337 Topping yard - stua�p not peeled.
WacF�oltz Insurance Co. Re: Your property @ YanBuren 8-19-75-DT
50t� Van@ure� & Mackabin.
T. J. Connol]y Pos. � 019181 in the front yard. 8-4-75-DT
4�46 VanBurer�
Allan t4arttn Pos. � �19180 in the back yard. 8-1-75-DT
553 YanBuren '
A. N. Sieg Pos. � Di9i94 in the back yard. �-6-75-DT
834 YanBure�
OwRer -�C�retaker (2) Dead Elm tr�es. 8-18-75-EK
358 E. winifred
&. �. Krif'ck (2) Dead Elm tress. 8-18-75-�K
379 E. iitnifred ,
Resident --0r�mmer (Z) Dead El�a trees. 5-27-75-EK
693 �itnsTow -
*,��+r,ir*�+k,e*�,r -
10/6/75 � .