266210 WH17E - CITV CLERK
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
does hereby approve application for abatement of special
assessments filed by William E. Carlson, Ramsey County
Assessor, for assessments that were incorrectly levied in
the year 1972, the error being caused by a clerical error
in the Ramsey County Assessor' s office, for property being
more particularly described in application, County Auditor' s
No. 89915, and the City C1erk is authorized to transmit a
copy of this resolution to the Director of the Department
o� Property Taxation.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�x� Hunt In Favor
Levine �
Rcedler Against BY
President �I�C HO Z Z a
Adopted by Council: Date � � 6 �� Form Approved by Ci A rney
Certified P ed ouncil Secretary� BY
By .
Approve b ayor: D e �� ' s Approved by Mayor f Submission to Council
By By
�NBLl�tED OC T S 5 i815
. � .
, • , '
126•138 Court House
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
William E. Carlson
Property Ve/uation
ROGER VIK September 25, 1975
Assistant Director William M. Killeen
C. Thomas Osthoff
Land Records
Rose Mix
City Clerk
Room 386 Court House
Attn: Albert B. Olson
Council Recorder
Re: Applications for abatement submitted by Housing & Redevelopment
Dear Mrs. Mix:
Enclosed are copies of the following abatements.
89443 89445 89450
89444 89449 89915
There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be
cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows:
1972 Assmts. :
Str. Oil Str. Maint. Tree Trim
Ward ��( 36) (�k32) (�k33)
6 $17.92
1974 Assmts. :
5 $27.72 $8.56
7 31.62
10 5.94 5.78 �
Please take whatever action is necessary.
Yours very truly,
Lou McKenna, Directo�.
Department of Property Taxation
By �i�`�'— " `
- 55
Form �PT 229 �@
'� (If reduction requested exceeds $S00 make application in triplicate. otherwise in duplica:e)
To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, -
aad to the Commissioaer of Revenue ot the State of Minnesota:
. .
- Couaty of Ramsey
City, 10'�1��,�/o�d�it� St. Paul Ward 2
Williata E. Carlson being duly sworn -
� deposes and says that he����d�a�/�t�-is the duly�ppointed assessor or Ramsey Conn}�►
, and that
a clerical error occurred which caused the properties coded as 06-81510-200-16 and
o6_AiSio_�io_i6 to
be taxable on January 2, 1972 instead of exempt.
_(own��y �€ousing an� Redevelonment)
�h[ttfOCt applicant prays that this property be changed to read: �
1972 market value for Ob-91510-200-16 is , ,
Land Building Total Assessed
�U --- �- '�xem}�t
' . _
1972 market value for 06-81510-210-16 is '
` Land Building Total As essed
� �a - - �- �xemnt
_ _
. -= ✓ �--�,r._-
`� _ Applicant
13th � / Au�ust 75
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of A.D. 19
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