266206 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY �JF SAINT PAZIL CANARY - DEPARTI�ENT COIlIICll BLUE -I�AVOR File NO. din�nce Ordinance N�. /`'��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending �rdin�nce No. 6�6, entitled: "An administrativ� ordina�ce Yixing the co�pensa�ion rates of cerGai.ri eity positio�s and employnaents." approv�ed Jan�at'Y 23, 1925, as amended. TFIE COUNCiL �F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL D(iES ORUAIlY: Sectioa l. That Ordinance No. 64�6, approved Jan�ary 23, 1925� as amended, be �nd the same is hereby ft�rther amended by strikirig out of Section I F the first sentence of the third p�,ragraph which re�ds as follc�ra: "'The hea�d of the department maq permit an e�plvyee to carry over into the following year up to forty hours, or in the Fire SeraRiee the ne�mber of hours worked for one xeek." and substituting in lieu thereof the follc�i.ng: '�he head of the depart�aent may permit an emplcyee to carry ov�r into the follawing y�a,r up to eighty hovrs,or in the Fire Serviee the nunnber vf hours worked for -t;wo weeks." ���, Section 2. �his ordina�aee shall take effeet and be in force thirty days at`ter its pa��age, �pproval, and ptablication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Personnel Offiee �t� Hunt In Favor .�i�e�MNE ��r � Against By�� H. 1 son Direator Sylvester Tedesco j President � Hozza �y,� Adopted by Co . Date t � �9� Form A proved Cit At ey Certifi ass oun ' ret�ry BY � 3 ' S £ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council App d by Mayor: ate By By PUBLiSHED N�V � L 19 S , Do not detach this memorandum from the �CC�nc ' � ordinartce so that this information will be VV �I�� availabEe to the City Council. REPORT TO THE HONORABLE LAWRENCE D.. GoH�N, � 1 � vFt� C a a� FROM: Thomas J. Kslley, City Administrat �C-� �11915� Z �:� DAT E: �ctober l� 1g75 CITI ADMINI'�� � ��' � J �� RE�ARDING: ?h3.s �rdina�ce increasea tbe nmt,ber of d�rs of �n►caticr� a ��p�rtmeat Head aay sllen► an eapl�ee to carry o�r�er intv t�e f�lle�►in6 �rear. This in�rease is 't1�mm 5 �e►ys to 14 �tya. SOURCE: Pera0a�e1 pffice ACTION REQUESTEp: I recc�se�d go�r spprc►va,l amd exbaissi�a of thia EE)rrdi�a,nce to th� Ci�ty Ccraneil. ATTACHMENTS: prdiaa�c� a„�d c�py for City Clerk. lst �� _��n 2nd ��1a_� 3rd Adopted �J�—�- ��/�Z 1 I � � Yeas Nays CHIZISTENSEN HOZZA LEVIlJE ,�1����s 6 ROEDLER � SYLVEST�$� TEDESCO PRESIDENT (HI7NT)