266192 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 266192 PINK - FINp�NCE COI1tlC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. BLUE• - MAVOR �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution (C.F. 265184) approved March 18, 1975 ordered a,s.s�s�m�at for Sumnary Abate�nt in the amount of $111.60 on the property described as 48 W. 6eranium Ave. (Legal description: Lot 4, Block 5, Stinson's Rice Street Addition) and by resolution (C.F. 265183) approved March 18, 1975 ordered assessment for Boarding-up in the amount of $87.05 on the property described as 263 Front Street (Legal description: Lots 4 and 5, Block 47, Auerback and Hands Addition) ; and WHEREAS, the properties were both tax-forfeited at the time of the abatement and boarding-up, owned by the State of Minnesota and the City had no authority to levy the assessment; and WHEREAS, the assessments were recorded after a change in ownership of each of the said properties; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the portion of Council files (265183 and 265184) pertaining to above described properties is hereby rescinded and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to furnish a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Assessor and Auditor. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � � [n Favor Levine Rcedler J Against BY ��X � Vice President� Tedesco Adopted by Coun ' Date � 1 4 �� Form prove y C' rn c �. Certifie ass d ouncil Secretary� BY B Appr d by Mayor: ate � Approved� M or ub ' on o ncil 1 By By PuBUSNEfl OCT 181975 � ' _ ��.�! " � _ � � � � > ���` , � - �-�--�--- � - � , ,. _ � �� ����, ���.� -�,��-������ � ��� r � �� .��Z� .�� �� � � � ������� r ,��` � �-.G-',LL-e.-c�-Z-v�.�i%Z�-��2-�C.._ � �GCCP��-��� J� ` � �� � �.G-� ' �L i,:/ u y"1 �n' w � O M a �� w H 4t �0 � C�7 •� L� � 3 a► u �-+ � o � a� r� v ¢ 0 0 °•• � � aic+'n � � � S a � OO .+ y�j w rov � W " r1 �.1 d D4 V � � � 41 •�� � t'7 $ � .�1 g W CI i� JJ � 41 � � o � o a�i �' � � .� 6 a�i a�+ H � axm w � a�iu �v �' �+ W •a+ • a+ � aiwd � o a�i �N � N w � c �v � w � o�'i ..°+ � a`4i •� . W � � � U � P��7 � N a� c/� af � c�1 � ZZ � �� � � � Ci�,+ dO � d .7 � � � Z � �o ,.� �-� d s+ a+ � D-.-+ � _ Z 3 c� A oa a+ d � � oo � ; � � � N � � � � � � � � Vf Z F.. � �.,� .� x *+ tn O � i+ 1+ aJ a+ � 0�++ � � N o � � � .� � yw > � � ti � (� �, r� �, �, oy V � �"� � U O �+ i� �w p� s di �!J i� '�+ �"' Z � � >, ,+ daa�► 3a�i � H od � a► � — � < < � c� .0 mC a1 f� � �f! ►+ .�t f+ � U �, a ''�> > y O p. � ai C�i W a�J > d O O u c°� oy a � � � � � °° c� a � � �, m ,+ „ .� �q� d �, � g �,a�] Zitl 01 .-� V � QJ E A 6 W 1+ � F.7 � e0 � ao � � � � �.I � W Wr1 � � L U '� " � iJ L 41 W 04 4) � �v � aa s• �taE+ � 3 � � a�i ,�-� � o^+ eo � � � Wyd � o�G W �C 0 � O � N ; � 6 � � H N w Qc1 W C f+ N � a► � �' � Fi a�i a��+ n � O > .-�i O > � � ,�e � C .�rd UdUa+ 6 � ►� t/� � m ++ TI w b d C N > � � � N ++ � .-+ a o v � a x � ti � . . . . *� C'Ty o�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �- . �,� 26619� � -„�M a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES o ....... � _~� b ��, "�p�� �� DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS ... 3oseph J. and Lavonne D. Taaey Propertq: 48 W. Geranin� A�ar�e 1616 N. St. Albaaa Sere�t St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 �c� ���7� �� `�,�� ; �: , �NVQICE ,,, �:��' Uader City Charter provisions, the assessment for '�1€u.�e..-- perta� Js�uatry 1, 1973 through Deceafber 33, I973 in the tp of' . Pau1, �s�e�ct�r. has been levied July 19, 1975 . The City Charter providea that this notice for payment be given and allo�s a 30 day grace period, xhich Will expire on Auguat 18, 1975 . Payaient may be made ea described belop. 1. The assessment ia payable in one instsllment with the installmeat beiug due �rithin the above grace period. 2. In the event that the aasesea�ent is not paid on or before the expirstion date of the grace period, 6� iaterest Will attach to the total assessrent aad aill be charged from expiration of aaid grace period. 3. Any installn�ent s�t paid bp the fifteentb day of Notre�ber sfter becowing , due, vill be delinquent and said install�nent, together with accrued inteYest, vill be certified to and must be paid aith the follo�ring year'a real eatate taxef. 1lny umcertified installuent, plus accrued intereat, may be paid at anyti�e Mi.t6ia the above limit�Gion=. _ _ . . _ ,.;�:: ADDITi�i OR SUBDIVISION Stin�o�'s Biee Street �ddition IMFRpVEMENT PAGE LOT BLOCK 1'�iRL NI��BER NtMBER ASS�SSl�T . �:� �. 7$32 1004 4 S �111.60 �`� � For inforana�ion regarding your assessment and interest due, pl�ase xrite or phoae 298-5125. ldo further notices will be mailed. Please aend this notice aith remitt�nce to ide�tify your property; it aill be returned to qou �rith a receipC. 1�1KE CHBCKS PAYABLE T0: Citq of St. Paul or D�epart�aent of Finsnce MAIL T0: 113 Court House, St. Paul, Minaesots 55102 � � ������ C�TY o�, C ITY O F SA L �`*� �, w ,;,,,;,,, a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERYICES o .......... �, .:'o=V:"�' b d Mcona•�w , . ��, V�R�� �� DIVISION OF ASSESSMENT_ S AN_�D VALUATIQNS y��♦ . . .. - /(/� / / � . .. f L�� Joaeph J. aad LaVonne Tannep Property: 263 Front Street . 1616 North St. Albaaa Str�et St. Paul, Minnesota 55117 INVOICE Under City Charter provi$ions, the asaesament for ���caxet buitdl�ng� aad DBMaLITIt�I of bui�dings for th� periad Janv.ary I, 19�thro�gh Aece�er 31, 1973 ia the City of St. Paul, Mianeaota. has been levied July 19, 1975 . The City Charter provides EhaC this notice for payment be given and allows a 30 day grace period, which aill expire aa Auguet 18, 1975 . Payment may be made as described belop. 1. The assessment is payable in one installment With the installmeat being due aithin the above grace period. 2. In the event that the assessment ia not paid on or before the expiration date of the grace period, 6� intereat will attach to the total assessment and will be charged from expiration of said grace period. 3. Any instaYlment not paid by the fifteenth day of Nove�sber after beconiing due, Will be delinquent and said inatallment, together With accrued interest, �ill be certified to and must be paid with the folloWi.ag year's real estate taxes. Anq uncertified installment, plua acerued interest, may be paid at anytime �ithin the above limitaCions. ADDITI�i OR SUBDIVISI(�i �uerbach snd Hands Addition IMPROYEMENT PAGE LOT BIAC[C TOTAL NiA�iBER NIMBER ASS�S�T T83'�► A011 Lc�ts 4 aad 5 47 $11.45 For infoxmation regarding qour assessment and interest due, please write or phone 298-5125. No further notices will be mafled. Please aend this notice aith remittance to identify your property; it will be returaed to qou Mith a receipt. MAKE CHSCKS PAYABLE T0: Citq of St. Paul or Department of Finance MAIL T0: 113 Court House, St. Paul, riinaesota 55102 � ' 26519.�� i ' ' ��TY o� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`*� �, o ���������� a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT $ERVICES � !•,'.V':�' 'o' ��, '��;��° �c DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS ... Jss��b atd LaY�aa� ?ansr lrepertT: Zi3 1�rsue Stre�t i6l6 �. at. aibaaa stre•t St. Taxl, l�titwtesota SS117 INVOICE Under City Charter provisione, the assessment for ��,_pp of vs�t- buildiags so�d Dffi+�dLITIQN of buildia�ga for the period Jaawry '�, 197� thmugti December 31, 1974 in the City of 8t. Yaul, Misuuso�. has been levied pugtut 9, 1973 • �e City Charter provides that thia notfce for payment be given and allows a 30 day grace period, which �ill expire on g�ptemeer g, 1975 • P$y�nt may be mnde aa described below. 1. The assessment is payable in one installment with the installment being due xithin the above grace period. 2. In the event that the asaessment is not paid oa or before the expiration date of the grece period, 6� interest will attach to the total aasessment and will be charged fro� expiration of said grace period. 3. Anq installment nat paid by the fifteenth day of I�bve�ber after becoming due, Will be delinquent and seid installment, together vith accrued intereat, �3.11 be certified to and must be paid with the follo�+ing year's real estate t:xes. Any uncertified install�ent, plus accrued interest, may be paid at sayti'e t+ithin the above 1#.mftatione. � ADDITI�T OR SUBDIVISIa[d Auerbsak and Hand'a Additi0n IMPROVEMENT PAGE LOT BLOCIC �'OTAL : Nl�lBER NtMBER ASSBSS�IENT 7852 A024 Lots � and 5 47 �7�.b0 For information regarding your asseesment and interest due, please vrite or phone 298-5125. No further notices will be mailed. Please aend this nvtice with remittaace to identify qour property; it will be returaed to you with a receipt. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE T0: Citq of St. Paul or Department of Finance MAIL T0: 113 Court Houae, St. Paul, Mfnnesota 55102 Y � + � �����:. . �..�2 �2CPORT TO THE HON. LAWREPICE D. CO�iF,t`;, MP►YQR FROM: Tho�aa J. ICelley, City Administrator �V��9� � DATE: Septen�er 25, 1975 . REG�RDING: Properties were tax-.fo'rfei ted and c�med by State of Mi nnesota. ' Assessa�er��s;were recorded after change of oMmership and State o� Minnesota sold properties clear of enc�nbrances. . .. . � .4�. . . ' � SOVRCE a Department of Cc�+muni ty Servi ces Accounting Section �� � � ACTZON 1tE�ttsBT�D: Approval of Counci 1 Reso1 ution . , «r . . . • � ' • ATTAC�IM�6NT8 t Counci 1 Resol uti on Three Invoices Note fran oMmer of properties.. � ,, . : � I � , � �g��� /�� f G.J ;����t.�'..� G� �, � � �,� � — �— � c� �� � � � � ' � �v � ���3��:/rA/��-+ •-�� r � � • . �,�� , t.� �Cy�� ' �� ��'` .. �> zy. 7�3 sr 1 - � ���� �� j _ ' a� ,. r.�G..,.�.� ^�_<•-'i:';/�".;. ' j � l` � , .�� �� f� ��r �z .