266176 WHITE - CITV CLERK ��'1(l��y(A PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council hh " /h CANARY - DEPARTM T VV � V BLUE - MAYOR � File NO. , � � `, ,, ' - u ; l Resolution Presented'By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the following appointa�ents, by the Mayor, to the Saint Paul Human Rights Comnission: Marcelina Vasquez, 298 E. Winifred, for a three-year term expiring October 9, 1978; Charles W. Bradley, 864 Dayton, for a thr�e-year term expiring October 9, 1918; and Erma L. Mazingo, 458 No. Grotto, for a three-year term expiring October 9, 1978. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen ��( Hunt In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco r President�� HOZtd p� � �9�J Form oved City o Adopted by Council: Date - -----.—� Certified P sed b ounc' S etary� By Appro by Mayor: Date � Appro by ion to il By By PuBUSN�n 0 CT 1 g i975 , � � � i -� b _ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY • ) ss II ) ' I CITY OF ST. PAUL ) , � I• _ Ma.rcelina Vasg�ez do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions � of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties�devolving upon me as � Member of the H�nnan Rit�hts Crnr��ission of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ability. � � Sworn to and subscribed to before me this l�Fth day of October 19� . � City C1 r ' � i � II � . � . -� � � l� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � , - COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss . �, CITY OF ST. PAUL ) I i ('Hpr�Pa W $rA,A1�sv do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as_ � MPmber of the Human Ri�hts ComQnission of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ability. Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 14th day of October 19,� City Clerk � � .. � i � � . � -��� i -� � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) _ - � COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) ss ) ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ) I. Erma L. Mazingo do solemnly swear (or affirm) to support the Constitutions of the United States and of the State of Minnesota and to discharge faithfully the duties devolving upon me as, � NtPmber o_f the I�imAn Rights Comm{�sion of the City of Saint Paul to the best of my judgment and ability. ► . � � Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 14th day of October 19,� City lerk � 1 i ; - �f 6�_'76 � � . RESUME Erma L. Mazingo 458 No. Grotto St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 225-3915 Married - one daughter Resident of St. Paul for 25 years EMPLOYMENT - Northern States Insurance Agency 2292 University Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55114 Insurance Underwriter Specialist 14 years PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS - Minnesota Underwriters Association - Member Executive Board St. Paul Association of Insurance Women - President American Business Women's Association - Corresponding Secretary and former Vice President Business and Professional Women's Association CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS - St. Paul Branch NAACP - Member and former President and Vice President Women's Association for the Minnesota Orchestra Governor's Comnittee on the Status of Women - Fornier Member . � - 2es�.�s PERSONAL DATA RESUME NAME: Mrs. Marcelina Vasquez ADDRESS: 298 E. Winifred, St. Paul , Minnesota 55104 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 224-0609 MARITAL STATUS: Married NUMBER OF CHILDREN: Seven EDUCATION: Comnunity college courses through consortium of Metropolitan Junior College. ORGANI7ATIONS: Present member of the Guadalupanas, which is a church organization; and teaches CCD classes through same organization. PAST AFFILIATIONS: President of Holman School Association, Treasurer of Roosevelt PTA, Chairman of Human Relations Workshop at Roosevelt. e . � F � _- .� , � 2661'76 � '� �r ����r .. C✓��i.. ✓"� . � PERSOi�AL DATA ryq►�; Charles :J. Bradley PRESENT A�DP,ESS: 864 Dayton Ave. , St. Paul , t�iinnesota TELEPHO�JE: 226-7989 N�ARITAL STATUS: � Married; wife, Doris , DATE OF BIRTH: May 15, 1925 6IRTHPLACE: St. Louis, t�issouri HEIGNT: 5'10" �leight: 190 pounds GENERAL HEALT�{: GOOD D�PEPlDE�;iS: Daughter, Diane - �ophomcre at Knox Coliege GalesSurg, Illinois . QUAL I FI CA7I�i�S � E�:;C?T:0'� . Follcwing hign school graduation, attended the University of Minnesota for two years, majoring in Aeronautical �ngineering and Business A�ministration. Since 1944 to the present time, I have successfully completed courses at the lfniversity of t�tinnesota in the Fundamentals of Real Estate, Real Estate Sales, and the Fundamentals of Ap- praising Residential Rea1 Property. I have aiso attended a nur�ber of local and national seninars and cenferences related to thp �?r'C���er^e�* of �rivate, pu�l ic a��+ ur�an renewal properties, as well as the sale of re�' �'_^*�al and co;��rcial real esta�e. Eh�r LOYt•�NT A'1D GE�dERAI EXPERIEi�CE Since July of 1973, I have been employed by Da,/ton Hudson Properties, a division of Da,yton Hudson Corporation located at 777 t�icollet r•4a11 , Minneapolis, t�!in�esota. In r�y �resent position as Real EstatQ "�egotiator, I �m responsi�le ,`^r t��e sale and develor,�,ent �f excess l�nd adjacent t� �ur large regional sropr�ing c�nters, an� for the sale of company-o�rned operating properties. In addition, : assist in th� crea- tion ar.d eval„ation of Land l7se P�ans for surplus land surrounding our r^any Target Stores throu�hout the United States. � From July of 1969, to July of 1973 I was erpleyed by the Hous�ng and Redzvelopr�ent ; „ut�ority of the City of Sa�nt Paul , Mir.nesota. I held the �osition of Real Es=a te ; �`rr�CEr� c"J ..'JJ '���icc _",J y'C��O*i51�'� '�1cS �.�Prc a� t.,�i�h,� : 1 , �degotiateu all cor trac ts for re-use appraisals or Authority owned pr�p2rties. 2. Reveiwed all re-use appraisals and recorrgnended sales prices for land and buil- d�ngs. 3. Arra�g=�' p�blic hearin5s on tfie sale of property as require� Cy S�ate La��r a�d Federal regulations. ' . 4EVie����_ :.�i offers receiv�� fr�� deve'�reYs �� r .:rc"�s� re�l �r�:er�y fror: the A��r,cri�,� and prepared reperts to the ooard or Cor�-��ssioners wit:� �� reco.�en- dati�rs r2e�rairg acceptance of ��� offer� . ,. _'; �;:`r.=� d Ci,^.+�c 't101'.':1!1� 1"�id�10�35'lia 'W1�`,i ;�u-i li� Cu`..3;"�'1� tG..�+�C'�.'.i L'r^,a1"JVd� �r ali sales as required by HUD regulations. G. Ir; effect, T Wd5 1'E=��'151�� 2 f�l" �''c if���i'�31 ;,�:°r��i0� cf the `�'_31 =StdtE �2��r�''�►'+ " w�l !''3�-Gr� CO�Cc���'1G �'i� Sd� E C� t'�a� E��cL°. �� . • �E1��� , .., . F?'].ot t�; � u���l.; pror,;ot�c� tc � �� :u����on ei' P,eal �,sta�;e QfY'icer, I wa�• Real Est-�:te Officer in c}:�,rge of ::���es. In �;i� s �,�osition I wa� responsible fo�; 1.� n� . .. f'",i'si.Ui:__i�i0:. ... .t� l:�Y'L" ,�. ., ,7i �.i. e r�1 LC I,iVE3 :�ct_�S tiY'l��:r'c..��� 2. The sGle of aIl lan� a�zdy bttildin�;s ow:ied by tne Housin� Authority. =i. .'t�V].el��ir�� a1?- :,urcti:��.e c,�:.tr�cts ai�d ,�_rangin�; varic�:� tyres of finan- cii�U i or ���_� �I�i.;;� ��. T2:e su�er.visio�� :�r „ s���es ��_.�_.' c , �•_ .,_.� t ;.,«i _ . �� " ,_ _ -�^c.;�,.--:- F:" � �rt: . G__._� ..��_r ,o,� ;:.:���� , I :v.. , rroject Administrator i0:' i,1iC: 5'.,iit-:L�;, Uni�•ci•si�ji 'lJT':�ctil 1':encti�,u� �;.i�u� ��1":� lar�;est iJi'Gai; lt�:l@1;'�t1 Pro;;�e�t in t'�:e City. In tni � c=.-a:i i;; � I ;��s res�onsiUle for a:11 propert;� mana�;e:��ent , reloca�tior; a��id re��:4': _lita�yoi�_ ��t�vities carried o�z'r, ir�: the pro,;ect. I :.;lsc� s��.erv:�s�ci a sizfi oi c��r :: ; �•�t�r ern-�lo�ces, ' FOT' �1!?1GSt i.NJO S�e3r'S pT'lOT' i;0 bOl`".R �0 '.^i��T'_�; i�C;l i._'_r? $t. Paul �':�US111� AU�'_'t01— i ;,� , I •�;4s �--_p1oS�ed �;r �:�e Feaer�-:1. Hou.�".'2"?;; tiGT°__;i:i°;;raticn as a Re;:l Es��L�e si..�(?C1 '? _i S�• :�iy' TC1aJ-ii 11Uty i[7 �Y?1S �)OS1� 1G17 VJ:;� @X;:�1?121111� ? r llZt �';, � �_-tG� ET'iJ� �-tlt";� v�.r:_ _::�� F'riA �:r��r��:,s �c, iin�nc�.��l in:=t�: �.; ;;i�r�s , R��� Estate �rokers and ot.:����:- dc�n� b�.;siness .._�:_ FHA, , Bef:�re being em;,loyed by FHA, T �;�Or}reC? icr t:�e T��:ir.:,�,�olis �io�:�ing ��:�hcrit;� a5 ;. ;iOU.S�::� i1:2ria�FT'; �3� 511�•r I �,�as Z�SIJ011SiD�.P fOZ' �._@ :r,ana�:,e�:ent C� cver 8Gv �:OU�lrit? Uril+So I?: i;�1S C�i"�-?C1�j1 .':G� 3riC1 .,::IfPi: �:'d1t17 �^@5��::�::�� 2� ;,�"�@ ��' �;,�;���r�cy to e.�� _t�_ � _ a. _ ._ _...� _ � :;e _r_�_ �_ .... � - . , � pi.,-si �:�1 �s�� scciai e:�•, irc�:.�;ant fe: -�c;-�:se= . es and � F t �, �,; - ^ `~ � , � - : - �� � � e �_r �o �I 'r_�.. t� 3eve�a^ a bud,et r��; t':i:,; �s�=r�'�s?�e3 ii:rita �ior.� tc �cr�eti�e G i�i��: stan�u;.rd of :��ir:�en�nce. I k�,�t informEd a�c:;-,. �tr���r ��r^-�:=r:s re?-::ed �o 1 P,l?2'13�E"lEI1t ,�S W@l� �l� Tfi�1ri"�air�in� �, ;;�crkiri�, ::riC',�i�t��@ Oi J� @ r.�:,JS1��:z_ T��r�et , ��d av2i�able i PQe?'�i pro�;ra=;.s de� �ned 'to .�el � te �'�s t _l�y hc�.� _. t^er:se,-.y� � _ � _,� , - . I�_ ` _ t- : o e-;.e �,�� .� _'�1l.Vr �. l.'_.. ��j o � �^r'�.S . .,i. �)� .,,. 1i ... � '_E, ^ � - ' ^ !;^ c:rl._ . _�� rE i .:. ... . J _ ^ l.�.ii . __i v �V v^:'r� (1 `� �' _ . � r" i r:.. —?"' t _ ^r ��-, � �� e _�: ��� :.._._� � e �;,ee.. _.__.. cs �___�� �e- -� e��� tenant.s and mana�e:��en� . F'i 1G��, �C WOI..i21b f'C� �i.::@ I'�i-��_:��yy O��S r.OIlj__i� A:,:��"i��=t',•' -c -'^ L'J° -= `,'r? 'E�r'S lreri ��?;;; to 1�.c3, I owned and opera-�ed t:.e Bradle� Rea1 � , C: .; _�n�,-. I;y � `�' f� "'t-' ''"�S �O^?tE-'G� �t 7�Q Pione�r 3uildi:'?c 1ii �O�NI11i3OV�ti S'�i,, f'�U�o i s�:r�er- v_ sed �. � ::a?1 sa?es and cler�cal st�i f, ii�ted �.r� : , _ : _ � _: - � _ � _ �d O�: -:�` � . ;�E �' _ _ � �.=� _��?r_ �'T' -i°:.'1`c: .�_ ,; r _ _ .;_' C�Lit��S �21u � -�v!"_..�v11i�_2S ._. F� �3t@ .T'�'r.�'_' 0 F'_ '-�_^ i.� �pe: :t'_r:_ _;J o',,.� r�=,_ E:at� �,A .,:.:5_reSS , I = �; - - - r - li•,4• RE�r^a.'�:11 i.j� li�;i ._ lrl ��1, o Paul �1:1 :G.�.'i^: vf `•c:J �J. .J..�...� ... — �_�1�:�:E ' . r�,:- s�x �•�::_r � �:i�.� �..e �� ��.�_;_:-.y� I ,.�� one _ = �y_� t�c 5 �roavicers or: =_ st��i oi ivYe;--i;� s����:c�:��. I aisc servec o,__ ;,he ?c�..=,ra c� Di2"@Ctors of z'..e �_rr:_. CC��::,.C:�;T�iY .����I-,�T'_IES ��.: : . . _ � �- _ _ , a ,. � _ _ ._ , . _r __ --_ _ _',. .,_ �. . vi._ y .,.� __ .,uC'=� :�v:,2E r " " .,.. .. - .. . � � - ..- -_ ���:,1 u o_ .;_r e.. _ _ _ � �._ � .� ., �� ' -, �;i -.= - C�^�.?;:_,_; �v:_. � --- c l,l c ._ :„�.: _,.._—.._ �_C v � � -x -, , - , r : - .. �.,E.: '.,. .. _ �� "�.E . _. 'Q C 1 c�G� 'C:J l.n�i�; . r r., _ '�.or -- - "' - r. - _ �. ...— � �.. '^ .� ._ ;_._.�. � .. "i.CN_� ��� `. .C�. .t, .,� _ . .� L��.:�.1 �... ..~��n� l.�.:�S _ C 1 ';.J � . �.J li p c::. ti�1'.�+�• �i.V.I^L... S . _ .'..' -� ' ' � T l _r Q �, .... .. . � _ _ � �� ..y � • � . . _ J v . .. ._ �� _ .l- _ J V . ._.. . _ i.� � WHITE - CITV CL£RK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. C u il Re olution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following pereons at the addresses stated be and the sa�e are hereby granted. Gene D�rcy 11 E. Kellogg 2nd Hd Dlr Gen App.00686New D.V.Al.� Inc. 119 Stste St. 1 l�t n 03398�� Millian E. Palnquist 1041 Raymond 8est C-2 �� 03468�� �� �' Un Sale 1Malt �� �� �� �� �' Off SSle INalt �' �� '� �r �r Cig n n n Coca Cola Bting Co. c/o Harold Beneech 1614 Univeraity YM Loc �� 03604�� �obert Reilly, Sr. 1038 Edgerton Firearms �� 03776� Percells, Inc. 181? Turquoi�e Trail, Eagan Towns,hip Lc�►/DC Plt-RC �� 03891„ Donald Jelneck 256? 1Neridian Dr. Ldy/DC Plt-RC �� 03900�� Clark Station 588 E. 7th St. VM Loc �� 03904�� : Albereta Jackson : 1042 Dayton Masseuse �� 03905" Gloria Pearson & Sk�'s Pearson-Dennis Ferchy-Carnlyn Hawkin�on 898 8aymond Florist/Nurs t� 03912�� Coca Cola Bting Co. c% Da.le Jager 1319 E. 7th St. VM Loc �� 03932�� " c/o Clark Oil & Refining 1330 Nr. Larpenteur « ►� 03933�� " c% Fred Keller 450 Front �� �� 03934�� Tho�as John Barnes 1368 High Site Dr., � Eagan, 1Kn. Mtr Veh Dr. �� 03944�� Donovan Lee Thomas 475 Sherburne �� �� 03961�� Sheila Denis Fle�ings 2533-3rd Av. S. , Hpls. Mas+seuse �� 03978�� Tho�as E. Riel�m 215-lOth Av. S., So.St.P Mtr Veh Dr " 03984�� Craig Scott Darsie 999 S. Fairview �� �� 03986�� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen '7 � Hunt In Favor Levine Roedler �` Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President]�( Ho2za Adopted by Council: Date �� 9 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie assed ouncil Secretary� BY By Appr v by Mayor: ate Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISMED OCT 1 S �J