01-922Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall UI Council File # � � � RaJ. Green Sheet # 111163 N Presented By Referred To L, MINNESOTA a� 1 WHEREAS, the Avex Lowry Limited Partnership desires a permanent easement to construct, operate 2 and maintain a fire main to be located in the City Hall Annex; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul agrees to grant such an easement and has prepared a permanent 5 easement agreement for this purpose (attached as Exhibit "�"); now therefore be it 6 7 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the proper city officials to execute said 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 permanent easement agreement. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Mana¢ement Services Adoption Certified by By: ��„�„� Approved by Mayor: By' �"�- \\Ym s\vol I \USG2S\Cngcl\wpfiles\c�smnems\LPD.res.wpd B �� ��7���y�2�,� Dire�e� Form A roved by City Attorney �11� By: Approve ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 1.....� S� � � � � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �Person aad Phone I3�mBer. Bruce Engelbrekt �tJ � Z66-8854 be���m_ AUGUST22,2001 Date: �� 7, 2001 � Green Shy�t Number. ATTORNEY DII2EGTOR covivcu, .�'Y72'� SIGNA :1TON REQT7ESTED: To approve a permanent easement agreement between the City of Saint Paut and the Avea Lowrp Limited ParinersLip to allow Avea to construct, operate and maintain a new �ire Ma'rn iu the City Hall Annea. Reference: l) resolution; 2) easement agreemen� CON1'RACfSA4I3Sf ANSWER"LHEFOLLOWIlYG: pI,ANNING COMI�3ISSION STAFF �. Has Ne persun/Srm everworked mder a canha�t Forthis deparW�nt° Has fllre persovlfirm evet been a CrtP �RlO9�y CIVII. SERVICE CONA4ISSION . Doestliepe*smufmnPusaeaeas6�7lnotnormsil94°ssexs�d cemnt CIB COMIvIITi'EC � E la� afl YES snswers on a sheetand a lRTS WAICACAUNCILOBJECTIVE? �CII, Z DISTRICf 1 % x� pLANNING COIINCIL ATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTi7NITY (Who, WAat, When, WhetS �Y�)� YES NO YES NO YF.5 NO The Fire Department has required the Lowry Professional Building to construct a new i"v�e main. The design plan calfs for a large portion of the main to be located in the City Hall Annes. A permanent easement agreement is needed to allow the I.owry management (Avex Lowry Limited Partnership) to construct and operate the fire main and to protect the City from any damage or inconvenience that may from the and �ANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will assist a downtown building owner in conforming to fire code. The City will be protected 4..4:..�t .,�....P.�tv damage resultinQ from the fire main _ APPROVED: None �xornrrxovsn: The Lowry building owners will be required to place the fire main in a difCerent location at greater expense and inconvenience. The City will need to work with the Lowry building owners to develop and approve another plan for the location of the fire main. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: N�A (,'OSTBEV�A`D�BIIDGE'fEB(CIItCLEONE� uvc souxcE: N/A acrivixv xu�Ex: N/A ANCIAL INFORMATION: (F.XPI.MVj VT�Wo171OSERS\FaSeT�a'P���exemen�VYS.(iS.wpd �i�� � � 20 tl �a� a �.. � H7/27/2001 14:02 2146966110 07/27/2001 13:50 651 223 5332 � 12146968110 £�N f�l'( = fEasoment) Revissd July i7, 2001 -4�3Q p.m. Authority {C.F. or A.O.) TMSN DATL: GR4IVTUR: Cj�v of Saint PaiFj iZai E�te Divtsien � .. ..a ._ e:. -. : ai. . � . 1 �- u � � +•• -: �.'�� Q� .5�� �.pY�.. PERMAIY�IVT �ASEMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 02 No.45� 0\ -9 �- (1] Essement Area, Tlxe GR.ANTOR, in eonaiderarion ofone do]tar at►si otlaergood and valuable consideration, does horeby con�ey to the GRANTEE a permanent easement to condtruet, operete and maintain a naw Fira Main located in the City Hall Annax of the City of Sainc P&ul IVIlTtt288Qfd. Sfit� 8tC& )4 dBSCTIbEtI A9 SEE ATTACTI�D MAP - �XHIBIT "A." [Ej ,'The GRANTE� sha31 use anc3 occupy the �as�ment Atea ior tre follawing Purpose: Conatructian, Qperarion and Maintcnanc� of a Fire Tvfain and for no other purpose without the prior written cotaseni of GRF�NTOR. [�] 7riSilr�ri�. The GRANTEE shall acquire during the term of thie Agreement the following caverage: {A} The GR ANT�� shall be rasponsibl� for ihe self insuxanee of, or tha acquisitian af Commercial Prugerty Inaurance nn, its personal praperiy. (B) COMIVI�F2CIKT. C3LNE.RAL LIABILITY INS(JRANCE including blanl:ei contractu�J liabiliCy coveraga, personal injury liability coverage ancl broad forrn proparty damage liabitity endorsement with e aombined single limit of ttot tess than $1,UDO,a00 psr accurrence siiali be purchased by the GRANTBE. Such insurance sball: (a) nama tho City af Saint Paul aa additionul insurcd; {b} he primary with rcapeat to GR4Nfi�R'S insurance or self-ineurance: (c) not excI�de explosion, collapse snd underground proparty damage; (d) be w:3tten on an AocA 1 i13i3Td 07/27f2H01 14:02 214696811H 07/27/2�1 13:59 651 223 5332 � 12146965119 PA6E 03 NO.A52 D\-4 1�- "OccurrenCe" Foitn �olicy basis; and (e) not contain au "aggregete" policy limit �ess than SI miDion unless specifica}ly agproved in writing by GRANTflR. (C} GRANTEE shetl piaca the insurance �vith responeible uasurance companies authori2ed and licensed to do bueinass in the Stata af h2innesota and approved by CsRAI�ITOR, and shali deliver a certific$te af inauranee to GRANTOR an tne date of GRAN7�E`S execution of this agreement. The palicies rsquired in paragraph (S) shaU ba endorsed to indicata that tb.e insurtr oannat cancel or materially change ihe insurance without Srat giving the GRAN!'QR 30 days' writi$n notice. (17) Inaurance limiu shall be subj�ct to Yha tort cl�ims liabiFity as set forch in ehapter 466 of Minnesota 5tatutes. j4J ��.�. All notices harein pravrded to be given, or lhat maY be given by either party to the other, shatl be deetned to have been ful.ly given when aerved personaily on GRANTOR or GRAlVTHB, or when made in tvriting aad depositad in the Llnited Siates Mail, certifiad and postage prepaid, and addressed to the GR.ANT�� at the addsess stated an page {�) And to the GRAI3TflR at thc Real Estata Division,144 City HaU, Saint Paul Minnesota 55102. The addreca Yo which the notice shall ha mailed may ba changed by written notice givan by either parry to the other. Nothiag haroin shall preclude the giviug of such address changc nntica by personal service. '[5] jytair�erance and Rs atra. GItANTEB shatl, at its own cost aAd expsnse, be resEwnsible €or ali repairs, u�ainunance sud upkeep of the Permanent Easement, incJuding hut not limited to emergency rtpairs of any kind; routine maitttanancc and repair to keep the Permanent Enseanent in gaod repair, safe and ln comptiance with appIicabic firc, health, building and flther life-safory codes. `Fhe forsgoing obti�ations shall hind the GRANTEE regArdtess of ths cauas of tha damag� or condition necessitating the regair or maintenanet. (6] Snrsendea� of premiaes. The GTZANTEE, at the notzficatian of temiination of this . agreemcnt, sha11 quit peacefuily and aurrender poesesaian of said property and its appurtenances to t'iRANT�R in as good order and condirion ua the pxoperty waa delivercd ca the GRAI3THB. [Ipon the sunender of the Firc Mani eassment the GAANTEB shall remorre at it's own co�t and expense all pt�mgs, starcara, valves, piping. wiring, etc. asaociatsd with the operatian of the fire main line and equipment. CrR.ANTEB shall ba rasponsibls and liable for any and &lt damaga, should it occur, to the GRANTOR'S property in regerd ta the said reraaval. j7J Tndem �it . The G�2ANTEH agrees te indemnify, defend, save and hoid l�urn{esa the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officere and employeea thareof from ail claima, demands, acrions or caueea of �etian ofwhacsoavar nature ar oharacter, arising out aFor by rcaeon of ths Agreemcnt of the herein dcscrihed Perntanent Easement by the GRANTO'f2 to the GRA2�7I'E�, or tha aae or conditior� of the pamanent &asennent or as a raeult of Grantea's operations or business activitisa taking place en the Psrmanent a.xw ta,�ssna 2 07J27/2001 14:02 2146968110 07i272001 13:50 651 223 5332 -� 12146968119 PAGE 04 KO.AS2 �1-'lai-- Easement. It is fulty underStoQd ar.d a�eed thaC GRANTB� is aware of ihe corditiot�s of the permanent F-t�semeut area "as is." (S� �venes o4 hefanit. Ths faihue by GRAN'I`EF ta observe and parfarm any ooveaant, c8ndition nr a�eenieut on its part to be observed or parformed as required by ihe Agreement shaEl constitute an went flf default by ihe 4l2ANT8B• I �MT�j�Qse ��'�aws. 'The graperiy dc herein may be used for only the purposes stated hercin. It is the sole a�d exclusiva res�x�nsibility of ttre GRAPITEE in thc use of the properry to coq�ply with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinancas iraposai by uny jurisdictian affecting the use to which the pmpariy is propased to be put. inahiIity or failure by the GRANTB� to comgiy with any of 9aid laws, rules, regulations or ordinancea will not relieve the GItANTE& of the obligarion to pay the Fee provided hcroin. [ip] j,jgps. Tlse GRANTBB shall uot permit mechanic's lieria ar other tiens to �ie $]ed or establishad ar to semain againet the Permatunt Essement for labor, materials or services fwnished in connectian wiUi any addidans, modificarions, improvomeute, rapairs, renewals or replacementt made to the Per�manent Eascment, or for any ottser reason; provided that if c�e GRANT`EE shall Grst twtif�+ the t3RANTOK of iu intenrion to do so and ahall deposit in escrow w{th the GR.ANTqR a sum of money or a bond or irravocable letter of credit a�ceptable to the GRANTOR equal to the amount ogthe claim of lien, GRA2�3T� may in good fnith oontost any such clttims or moahanic'a or other liens f�led or establiahed and in such event may persnit the items cottteftod to remain undischatgcd and unsatisfied during Eha period of such contest. If, in the opizuon of tl.ie C,itANTOR, the nonpayment of any st�ch items subjacts the Permanant Eaaemant to any loss or forfeitw+e, the GR.ANTOR m&y require the GRANTEE ta use the esorow acanunt to promptly pay al] u�t4h unpaid itema and if GRArITEH fails ta pay &om the escrow uccount, ihe GRANT�R may pay and charge the GR.ANTBB as Additional Fce. {ii� Aefantt Rer�dtes. In the ovent an Event of Uofault occura underparagraph (8} ofthis Agreemsnt, GRANTOR may eaceroise Any ane or more 4f tha foitowing remedies: (A) terminate this Agresment, exclude GRANTEE from posaession of the T'ermanent Easement; (H) itike whatevar action at law or in equiry mr�y appear t�aceseary or apprapriate to collect the Basic Fee and Additional Fee then due and thereafter to btcame due, or ta enfaroe perform�nce and observanoe of any ohligarion, a�'eoment or Covertutt of the GRANPEE tuidar this Agreement. (C} in exercising any of it4 romedies set forth in this SCCdan, the Grantor may, whather oY not the Agreen�ent is than in effect> hold the C3�RANTBE ]iable far the difference hetween the payments and other costs for which the GRANTBE is tresponsible under this Agreement_ DecY Ii1333Y14 07/27/2001 14:02 2146968110 07/27i200f 23:58 651 223 5332 � 12246968110 PA6E 05 NO_452 � ����� (i2j 'J-�.Alljt OT PR mant GRANT88 agreas Y.hat, ahould it default on 2ny payment owing and due to be paid to GRA2dTOIt as provided in t}us agreement, including but not limited to Basia Fee and Additional Fee, thcn the remaining u:fpsid balance shall, at the option of thc f3RANTOR, immed{ately become due. Said GRANTEE further agrees that the GRANTOR may, at its agtian and with uotice to firRANTBE, bnter jardgmcnt againsi GRANTE�F. m Ramsey CouAxy Diatriet Court for tbe amount of the unp&id balanee. And GRrLNTEE does heraby oaafess judgment in the ameuut of the unpaid balance due upon defauit, and doea authoeize the GRANTbR tu enter judgment ua provided above. GRANTEE does hereby agree that the GRANTQ�t. at its ogtion, may enter a judgment, at any time witbin �ne yesr of the dme iltt last paymeAt shall have come dne, for the fltl2 amount of the unpaid balance dut purauant to tha confeaaian o£ judgment g:ovided herein. [73) Alterat ons, The GRANTE� will not ma1c� any altuations to th6 premises without the wrinen cnnseut of the GRANTOR, euch consent not to ba unreasonahly withh�ld. If the GRADtTEE desirea ta make any such alterationt, an aeeuxate descsiption shail S�st be suhmiROd to and apprQVed by tho G1tANTOR and auch tllterationa shatt be done by the QRANfB� at ita ow» e7cpense. GRANT�E agrees that atl alteratxoaa will bc dona in a � workman-like asannez and in conformanca with agplicahle building cades, that the skuctural integrity and building syatems of the Building wilt nat 6a impaired, ar�d that no Iiens wili attach to the Premisss by raason thereo£ Cl4j Amendg�f. Anything herein contained to the contrazy notWith�tanding, ihia Agreement may be terminated, and tha provisions of thie rl,greemant mAy ba, in wriring, amended by mutual consant of tho panies harcto. [15� Ptrma�nt�i19�lt�t �gAs41'ItFtinn 6{te T2eauirements. T'he GRAlVT�B shall be requircd to: 1. Contraator signage aliall be Iimited to onc sign p�r General co�tractor anc3 if desirad all sub-contraotore tisted on the same �ign. Tha signage sha]l be appraved hy the GRANTOR priur to insta114tion. 2. No ingreas or egress shAll occur without ttotiffcation to the GRRNTQR. 3. C3RSNTEE ahall remove a]I consiruction equipmeut and debris, and shali completcly resmro dse area to its original candition. DocM 141753744 0 ha 07/27/2001 14:02 2146968110 PAGE 06 0727i2001 13=50 651 223 5332 � 1214b968110 h10.452 G Ot-9�?- �1Y WITN�SS WHERF.O�, the psrties hereta have set theia hands and seaIs t�e day and yaar its this Permanent 8asement first above-u+ritt�n. GRAl�'T'f)R: Mayor Ciiy CFerk Directar of Tectu�ology & 14lanagetnent Services ' Deparnnent Diractor City Attarney (Farm Appraval) cy �� "� - 7 a �,2✓�cU ° S� IN�• ♦ � �� Benson Armistead � Director of Asset Management Ita Its Aoc# ISt3S3T4 � .+' � � � � ,_ , Exhibit A a y ti - � - w �� �� � N .� � M � 3 ,� � � � � y � y � O v� 3 � � � � ' Z7 •� +-+ � c O � � > O • � c�C N '��' � � . _ . � Cf$ .� O '� � , �. Q� � � O ��-+ � ' � . O ,p ;�. •'CS .� � � � 3 0 � � � rn � .� � y cv � r- � � � � 3 ~ N 1 � s�. O � � i , � � � ti � � � � � Grr � '}� •��{, � f--� .,.. S".. L.' `v r --� t��" +�-� � " ¢, M •� b0 m 0 � � 'l T`I }i� � •�^" � `� � ^ '� � . � Q .�.+ 3 � � � � � O 'G s• . :� � � � � f� � • � 3 0 -fl � i-, c, .� 3 � ; 3 � � � � a . � � �b � ° a� y o � o � � � � � � � . � oA o L � -o . .-. � � O � � � � - �U 4� c�a O. 3 D� - . s , : � , � " - � �... : o - . ,� . � � �� . r . � 3 .��. . • U � � . . . ,� O , .. � ' -... . '� . i . '• � � i:���F .�' '-4 ',� '� r i � '��, ^ ...� � � � � ;� i �. �� � ` �� r � � - . � � . � V ` a. �, :: 3 �� f o Q . � U � L � 3 � z ����� i, �� a a� fl. � T, 3 0 .� - �� � L ..�.� r : � � 0 � � � < ����� �.-., �~. :�, � Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall UI Council File # � � � RaJ. Green Sheet # 111163 N Presented By Referred To L, MINNESOTA a� 1 WHEREAS, the Avex Lowry Limited Partnership desires a permanent easement to construct, operate 2 and maintain a fire main to be located in the City Hall Annex; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul agrees to grant such an easement and has prepared a permanent 5 easement agreement for this purpose (attached as Exhibit "�"); now therefore be it 6 7 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the proper city officials to execute said 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 permanent easement agreement. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Mana¢ement Services Adoption Certified by By: ��„�„� Approved by Mayor: By' �"�- \\Ym s\vol I \USG2S\Cngcl\wpfiles\c�smnems\LPD.res.wpd B �� ��7���y�2�,� Dire�e� Form A roved by City Attorney �11� By: Approve ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 1.....� S� � � � � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �Person aad Phone I3�mBer. Bruce Engelbrekt �tJ � Z66-8854 be���m_ AUGUST22,2001 Date: �� 7, 2001 � Green Shy�t Number. ATTORNEY DII2EGTOR covivcu, .�'Y72'� SIGNA :1TON REQT7ESTED: To approve a permanent easement agreement between the City of Saint Paut and the Avea Lowrp Limited ParinersLip to allow Avea to construct, operate and maintain a new �ire Ma'rn iu the City Hall Annea. Reference: l) resolution; 2) easement agreemen� CON1'RACfSA4I3Sf ANSWER"LHEFOLLOWIlYG: pI,ANNING COMI�3ISSION STAFF �. Has Ne persun/Srm everworked mder a canha�t Forthis deparW�nt° Has fllre persovlfirm evet been a CrtP �RlO9�y CIVII. SERVICE CONA4ISSION . Doestliepe*smufmnPusaeaeas6�7lnotnormsil94°ssexs�d cemnt CIB COMIvIITi'EC � E la� afl YES snswers on a sheetand a lRTS WAICACAUNCILOBJECTIVE? �CII, Z DISTRICf 1 % x� pLANNING COIINCIL ATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTi7NITY (Who, WAat, When, WhetS �Y�)� YES NO YES NO YF.5 NO The Fire Department has required the Lowry Professional Building to construct a new i"v�e main. The design plan calfs for a large portion of the main to be located in the City Hall Annes. A permanent easement agreement is needed to allow the I.owry management (Avex Lowry Limited Partnership) to construct and operate the fire main and to protect the City from any damage or inconvenience that may from the and �ANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will assist a downtown building owner in conforming to fire code. The City will be protected 4..4:..�t .,�....P.�tv damage resultinQ from the fire main _ APPROVED: None �xornrrxovsn: The Lowry building owners will be required to place the fire main in a difCerent location at greater expense and inconvenience. The City will need to work with the Lowry building owners to develop and approve another plan for the location of the fire main. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: N�A (,'OSTBEV�A`D�BIIDGE'fEB(CIItCLEONE� uvc souxcE: N/A acrivixv xu�Ex: N/A ANCIAL INFORMATION: (F.XPI.MVj VT�Wo171OSERS\FaSeT�a'P���exemen�VYS.(iS.wpd �i�� � � 20 tl �a� a �.. � H7/27/2001 14:02 2146966110 07/27/2001 13:50 651 223 5332 � 12146968110 £�N f�l'( = fEasoment) Revissd July i7, 2001 -4�3Q p.m. Authority {C.F. or A.O.) TMSN DATL: GR4IVTUR: Cj�v of Saint PaiFj iZai E�te Divtsien � .. ..a ._ e:. -. : ai. . � . 1 �- u � � +•• -: �.'�� Q� .5�� �.pY�.. PERMAIY�IVT �ASEMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 02 No.45� 0\ -9 �- (1] Essement Area, Tlxe GR.ANTOR, in eonaiderarion ofone do]tar at►si otlaergood and valuable consideration, does horeby con�ey to the GRANTEE a permanent easement to condtruet, operete and maintain a naw Fira Main located in the City Hall Annax of the City of Sainc P&ul IVIlTtt288Qfd. Sfit� 8tC& )4 dBSCTIbEtI A9 SEE ATTACTI�D MAP - �XHIBIT "A." [Ej ,'The GRANTE� sha31 use anc3 occupy the �as�ment Atea ior tre follawing Purpose: Conatructian, Qperarion and Maintcnanc� of a Fire Tvfain and for no other purpose without the prior written cotaseni of GRF�NTOR. [�] 7riSilr�ri�. The GRANTEE shall acquire during the term of thie Agreement the following caverage: {A} The GR ANT�� shall be rasponsibl� for ihe self insuxanee of, or tha acquisitian af Commercial Prugerty Inaurance nn, its personal praperiy. (B) COMIVI�F2CIKT. C3LNE.RAL LIABILITY INS(JRANCE including blanl:ei contractu�J liabiliCy coveraga, personal injury liability coverage ancl broad forrn proparty damage liabitity endorsement with e aombined single limit of ttot tess than $1,UDO,a00 psr accurrence siiali be purchased by the GRANTBE. Such insurance sball: (a) nama tho City af Saint Paul aa additionul insurcd; {b} he primary with rcapeat to GR4Nfi�R'S insurance or self-ineurance: (c) not excI�de explosion, collapse snd underground proparty damage; (d) be w:3tten on an AocA 1 i13i3Td 07/27f2H01 14:02 214696811H 07/27/2�1 13:59 651 223 5332 � 12146965119 PA6E 03 NO.A52 D\-4 1�- "OccurrenCe" Foitn �olicy basis; and (e) not contain au "aggregete" policy limit �ess than SI miDion unless specifica}ly agproved in writing by GRANTflR. (C} GRANTEE shetl piaca the insurance �vith responeible uasurance companies authori2ed and licensed to do bueinass in the Stata af h2innesota and approved by CsRAI�ITOR, and shali deliver a certific$te af inauranee to GRANTOR an tne date of GRAN7�E`S execution of this agreement. The palicies rsquired in paragraph (S) shaU ba endorsed to indicata that tb.e insurtr oannat cancel or materially change ihe insurance without Srat giving the GRAN!'QR 30 days' writi$n notice. (17) Inaurance limiu shall be subj�ct to Yha tort cl�ims liabiFity as set forch in ehapter 466 of Minnesota 5tatutes. j4J ��.�. All notices harein pravrded to be given, or lhat maY be given by either party to the other, shatl be deetned to have been ful.ly given when aerved personaily on GRANTOR or GRAlVTHB, or when made in tvriting aad depositad in the Llnited Siates Mail, certifiad and postage prepaid, and addressed to the GR.ANT�� at the addsess stated an page {�) And to the GRAI3TflR at thc Real Estata Division,144 City HaU, Saint Paul Minnesota 55102. The addreca Yo which the notice shall ha mailed may ba changed by written notice givan by either parry to the other. Nothiag haroin shall preclude the giviug of such address changc nntica by personal service. '[5] jytair�erance and Rs atra. GItANTEB shatl, at its own cost aAd expsnse, be resEwnsible €or ali repairs, u�ainunance sud upkeep of the Permanent Easement, incJuding hut not limited to emergency rtpairs of any kind; routine maitttanancc and repair to keep the Permanent Enseanent in gaod repair, safe and ln comptiance with appIicabic firc, health, building and flther life-safory codes. `Fhe forsgoing obti�ations shall hind the GRANTEE regArdtess of ths cauas of tha damag� or condition necessitating the regair or maintenanet. (6] Snrsendea� of premiaes. The GTZANTEE, at the notzficatian of temiination of this . agreemcnt, sha11 quit peacefuily and aurrender poesesaian of said property and its appurtenances to t'iRANT�R in as good order and condirion ua the pxoperty waa delivercd ca the GRAI3THB. [Ipon the sunender of the Firc Mani eassment the GAANTEB shall remorre at it's own co�t and expense all pt�mgs, starcara, valves, piping. wiring, etc. asaociatsd with the operatian of the fire main line and equipment. CrR.ANTEB shall ba rasponsibls and liable for any and &lt damaga, should it occur, to the GRANTOR'S property in regerd ta the said reraaval. j7J Tndem �it . The G�2ANTEH agrees te indemnify, defend, save and hoid l�urn{esa the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officere and employeea thareof from ail claima, demands, acrions or caueea of �etian ofwhacsoavar nature ar oharacter, arising out aFor by rcaeon of ths Agreemcnt of the herein dcscrihed Perntanent Easement by the GRANTO'f2 to the GRA2�7I'E�, or tha aae or conditior� of the pamanent &asennent or as a raeult of Grantea's operations or business activitisa taking place en the Psrmanent a.xw ta,�ssna 2 07J27/2001 14:02 2146968110 07i272001 13:50 651 223 5332 -� 12146968119 PAGE 04 KO.AS2 �1-'lai-- Easement. It is fulty underStoQd ar.d a�eed thaC GRANTB� is aware of ihe corditiot�s of the permanent F-t�semeut area "as is." (S� �venes o4 hefanit. Ths faihue by GRAN'I`EF ta observe and parfarm any ooveaant, c8ndition nr a�eenieut on its part to be observed or parformed as required by ihe Agreement shaEl constitute an went flf default by ihe 4l2ANT8B• I �MT�j�Qse ��'�aws. 'The graperiy dc herein may be used for only the purposes stated hercin. It is the sole a�d exclusiva res�x�nsibility of ttre GRAPITEE in thc use of the properry to coq�ply with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinancas iraposai by uny jurisdictian affecting the use to which the pmpariy is propased to be put. inahiIity or failure by the GRANTB� to comgiy with any of 9aid laws, rules, regulations or ordinancea will not relieve the GItANTE& of the obligarion to pay the Fee provided hcroin. [ip] j,jgps. Tlse GRANTBB shall uot permit mechanic's lieria ar other tiens to �ie $]ed or establishad ar to semain againet the Permatunt Essement for labor, materials or services fwnished in connectian wiUi any addidans, modificarions, improvomeute, rapairs, renewals or replacementt made to the Per�manent Eascment, or for any ottser reason; provided that if c�e GRANT`EE shall Grst twtif�+ the t3RANTOK of iu intenrion to do so and ahall deposit in escrow w{th the GR.ANTqR a sum of money or a bond or irravocable letter of credit a�ceptable to the GRANTOR equal to the amount ogthe claim of lien, GRA2�3T� may in good fnith oontost any such clttims or moahanic'a or other liens f�led or establiahed and in such event may persnit the items cottteftod to remain undischatgcd and unsatisfied during Eha period of such contest. If, in the opizuon of tl.ie C,itANTOR, the nonpayment of any st�ch items subjacts the Permanant Eaaemant to any loss or forfeitw+e, the GR.ANTOR m&y require the GRANTEE ta use the esorow acanunt to promptly pay al] u�t4h unpaid itema and if GRArITEH fails ta pay &om the escrow uccount, ihe GRANT�R may pay and charge the GR.ANTBB as Additional Fce. {ii� Aefantt Rer�dtes. In the ovent an Event of Uofault occura underparagraph (8} ofthis Agreemsnt, GRANTOR may eaceroise Any ane or more 4f tha foitowing remedies: (A) terminate this Agresment, exclude GRANTEE from posaession of the T'ermanent Easement; (H) itike whatevar action at law or in equiry mr�y appear t�aceseary or apprapriate to collect the Basic Fee and Additional Fee then due and thereafter to btcame due, or ta enfaroe perform�nce and observanoe of any ohligarion, a�'eoment or Covertutt of the GRANPEE tuidar this Agreement. (C} in exercising any of it4 romedies set forth in this SCCdan, the Grantor may, whather oY not the Agreen�ent is than in effect> hold the C3�RANTBE ]iable far the difference hetween the payments and other costs for which the GRANTBE is tresponsible under this Agreement_ DecY Ii1333Y14 07/27/2001 14:02 2146968110 07/27i200f 23:58 651 223 5332 � 12246968110 PA6E 05 NO_452 � ����� (i2j 'J-�.Alljt OT PR mant GRANT88 agreas Y.hat, ahould it default on 2ny payment owing and due to be paid to GRA2dTOIt as provided in t}us agreement, including but not limited to Basia Fee and Additional Fee, thcn the remaining u:fpsid balance shall, at the option of thc f3RANTOR, immed{ately become due. Said GRANTEE further agrees that the GRANTOR may, at its agtian and with uotice to firRANTBE, bnter jardgmcnt againsi GRANTE�F. m Ramsey CouAxy Diatriet Court for tbe amount of the unp&id balanee. And GRrLNTEE does heraby oaafess judgment in the ameuut of the unpaid balance due upon defauit, and doea authoeize the GRANTbR tu enter judgment ua provided above. GRANTEE does hereby agree that the GRANTQ�t. at its ogtion, may enter a judgment, at any time witbin �ne yesr of the dme iltt last paymeAt shall have come dne, for the fltl2 amount of the unpaid balance dut purauant to tha confeaaian o£ judgment g:ovided herein. [73) Alterat ons, The GRANTE� will not ma1c� any altuations to th6 premises without the wrinen cnnseut of the GRANTOR, euch consent not to ba unreasonahly withh�ld. If the GRADtTEE desirea ta make any such alterationt, an aeeuxate descsiption shail S�st be suhmiROd to and apprQVed by tho G1tANTOR and auch tllterationa shatt be done by the QRANfB� at ita ow» e7cpense. GRANT�E agrees that atl alteratxoaa will bc dona in a � workman-like asannez and in conformanca with agplicahle building cades, that the skuctural integrity and building syatems of the Building wilt nat 6a impaired, ar�d that no Iiens wili attach to the Premisss by raason thereo£ Cl4j Amendg�f. Anything herein contained to the contrazy notWith�tanding, ihia Agreement may be terminated, and tha provisions of thie rl,greemant mAy ba, in wriring, amended by mutual consant of tho panies harcto. [15� Ptrma�nt�i19�lt�t �gAs41'ItFtinn 6{te T2eauirements. T'he GRAlVT�B shall be requircd to: 1. Contraator signage aliall be Iimited to onc sign p�r General co�tractor anc3 if desirad all sub-contraotore tisted on the same �ign. Tha signage sha]l be appraved hy the GRANTOR priur to insta114tion. 2. No ingreas or egress shAll occur without ttotiffcation to the GRRNTQR. 3. C3RSNTEE ahall remove a]I consiruction equipmeut and debris, and shali completcly resmro dse area to its original candition. DocM 141753744 0 ha 07/27/2001 14:02 2146968110 PAGE 06 0727i2001 13=50 651 223 5332 � 1214b968110 h10.452 G Ot-9�?- �1Y WITN�SS WHERF.O�, the psrties hereta have set theia hands and seaIs t�e day and yaar its this Permanent 8asement first above-u+ritt�n. GRAl�'T'f)R: Mayor Ciiy CFerk Directar of Tectu�ology & 14lanagetnent Services ' Deparnnent Diractor City Attarney (Farm Appraval) cy �� "� - 7 a �,2✓�cU ° S� IN�• ♦ � �� Benson Armistead � Director of Asset Management Ita Its Aoc# ISt3S3T4 � .+' � � � � ,_ , Exhibit A a y ti - � - w �� �� � N .� � M � 3 ,� � � � � y � y � O v� 3 � � � � ' Z7 •� +-+ � c O � � > O • � c�C N '��' � � . _ . � Cf$ .� O '� � , �. Q� � � O ��-+ � ' � . O ,p ;�. •'CS .� � � � 3 0 � � � rn � .� � y cv � r- � � � � 3 ~ N 1 � s�. O � � i , � � � ti � � � � � Grr � '}� •��{, � f--� .,.. S".. L.' `v r --� t��" +�-� � " ¢, M •� b0 m 0 � � 'l T`I }i� � •�^" � `� � ^ '� � . � Q .�.+ 3 � � � � � O 'G s• . :� � � � � f� � • � 3 0 -fl � i-, c, .� 3 � ; 3 � � � � a . � � �b � ° a� y o � o � � � � � � � . � oA o L � -o . .-. � � O � � � � - �U 4� c�a O. 3 D� - . s , : � , � " - � �... : o - . ,� . � � �� . r . � 3 .��. . • U � � . . . ,� O , .. � ' -... . '� . i . '• � � i:���F .�' '-4 ',� '� r i � '��, ^ ...� � � � � ;� i �. �� � ` �� r � � - . � � . � V ` a. �, :: 3 �� f o Q . � U � L � 3 � z ����� i, �� a a� fl. � T, 3 0 .� - �� � L ..�.� r : � � 0 � � � < ����� �.-., �~. :�, � Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall UI Council File # � � � RaJ. Green Sheet # 111163 N Presented By Referred To L, MINNESOTA a� 1 WHEREAS, the Avex Lowry Limited Partnership desires a permanent easement to construct, operate 2 and maintain a fire main to be located in the City Hall Annex; and 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul agrees to grant such an easement and has prepared a permanent 5 easement agreement for this purpose (attached as Exhibit "�"); now therefore be it 6 7 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the proper city officials to execute said 9 10 tl 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 permanent easement agreement. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Mana¢ement Services Adoption Certified by By: ��„�„� Approved by Mayor: By' �"�- \\Ym s\vol I \USG2S\Cngcl\wpfiles\c�smnems\LPD.res.wpd B �� ��7���y�2�,� Dire�e� Form A roved by City Attorney �11� By: Approve ayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date 1.....� S� � � � � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION �Person aad Phone I3�mBer. Bruce Engelbrekt �tJ � Z66-8854 be���m_ AUGUST22,2001 Date: �� 7, 2001 � Green Shy�t Number. ATTORNEY DII2EGTOR covivcu, .�'Y72'� SIGNA :1TON REQT7ESTED: To approve a permanent easement agreement between the City of Saint Paut and the Avea Lowrp Limited ParinersLip to allow Avea to construct, operate and maintain a new �ire Ma'rn iu the City Hall Annea. Reference: l) resolution; 2) easement agreemen� CON1'RACfSA4I3Sf ANSWER"LHEFOLLOWIlYG: pI,ANNING COMI�3ISSION STAFF �. Has Ne persun/Srm everworked mder a canha�t Forthis deparW�nt° Has fllre persovlfirm evet been a CrtP �RlO9�y CIVII. SERVICE CONA4ISSION . Doestliepe*smufmnPusaeaeas6�7lnotnormsil94°ssexs�d cemnt CIB COMIvIITi'EC � E la� afl YES snswers on a sheetand a lRTS WAICACAUNCILOBJECTIVE? �CII, Z DISTRICf 1 % x� pLANNING COIINCIL ATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTi7NITY (Who, WAat, When, WhetS �Y�)� YES NO YES NO YF.5 NO The Fire Department has required the Lowry Professional Building to construct a new i"v�e main. The design plan calfs for a large portion of the main to be located in the City Hall Annes. A permanent easement agreement is needed to allow the I.owry management (Avex Lowry Limited Partnership) to construct and operate the fire main and to protect the City from any damage or inconvenience that may from the and �ANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City will assist a downtown building owner in conforming to fire code. The City will be protected 4..4:..�t .,�....P.�tv damage resultinQ from the fire main _ APPROVED: None �xornrrxovsn: The Lowry building owners will be required to place the fire main in a difCerent location at greater expense and inconvenience. The City will need to work with the Lowry building owners to develop and approve another plan for the location of the fire main. OTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: N�A (,'OSTBEV�A`D�BIIDGE'fEB(CIItCLEONE� uvc souxcE: N/A acrivixv xu�Ex: N/A ANCIAL INFORMATION: (F.XPI.MVj VT�Wo171OSERS\FaSeT�a'P���exemen�VYS.(iS.wpd �i�� � � 20 tl �a� a �.. � H7/27/2001 14:02 2146966110 07/27/2001 13:50 651 223 5332 � 12146968110 £�N f�l'( = fEasoment) Revissd July i7, 2001 -4�3Q p.m. Authority {C.F. or A.O.) TMSN DATL: GR4IVTUR: Cj�v of Saint PaiFj iZai E�te Divtsien � .. ..a ._ e:. -. : ai. . � . 1 �- u � � +•• -: �.'�� Q� .5�� �.pY�.. PERMAIY�IVT �ASEMENT AGREEMENT PAGE 02 No.45� 0\ -9 �- (1] Essement Area, Tlxe GR.ANTOR, in eonaiderarion ofone do]tar at►si otlaergood and valuable consideration, does horeby con�ey to the GRANTEE a permanent easement to condtruet, operete and maintain a naw Fira Main located in the City Hall Annax of the City of Sainc P&ul IVIlTtt288Qfd. Sfit� 8tC& )4 dBSCTIbEtI A9 SEE ATTACTI�D MAP - �XHIBIT "A." [Ej ,'The GRANTE� sha31 use anc3 occupy the �as�ment Atea ior tre follawing Purpose: Conatructian, Qperarion and Maintcnanc� of a Fire Tvfain and for no other purpose without the prior written cotaseni of GRF�NTOR. [�] 7riSilr�ri�. The GRANTEE shall acquire during the term of thie Agreement the following caverage: {A} The GR ANT�� shall be rasponsibl� for ihe self insuxanee of, or tha acquisitian af Commercial Prugerty Inaurance nn, its personal praperiy. (B) COMIVI�F2CIKT. C3LNE.RAL LIABILITY INS(JRANCE including blanl:ei contractu�J liabiliCy coveraga, personal injury liability coverage ancl broad forrn proparty damage liabitity endorsement with e aombined single limit of ttot tess than $1,UDO,a00 psr accurrence siiali be purchased by the GRANTBE. Such insurance sball: (a) nama tho City af Saint Paul aa additionul insurcd; {b} he primary with rcapeat to GR4Nfi�R'S insurance or self-ineurance: (c) not excI�de explosion, collapse snd underground proparty damage; (d) be w:3tten on an AocA 1 i13i3Td 07/27f2H01 14:02 214696811H 07/27/2�1 13:59 651 223 5332 � 12146965119 PA6E 03 NO.A52 D\-4 1�- "OccurrenCe" Foitn �olicy basis; and (e) not contain au "aggregete" policy limit �ess than SI miDion unless specifica}ly agproved in writing by GRANTflR. (C} GRANTEE shetl piaca the insurance �vith responeible uasurance companies authori2ed and licensed to do bueinass in the Stata af h2innesota and approved by CsRAI�ITOR, and shali deliver a certific$te af inauranee to GRANTOR an tne date of GRAN7�E`S execution of this agreement. The palicies rsquired in paragraph (S) shaU ba endorsed to indicata that tb.e insurtr oannat cancel or materially change ihe insurance without Srat giving the GRAN!'QR 30 days' writi$n notice. (17) Inaurance limiu shall be subj�ct to Yha tort cl�ims liabiFity as set forch in ehapter 466 of Minnesota 5tatutes. j4J ��.�. All notices harein pravrded to be given, or lhat maY be given by either party to the other, shatl be deetned to have been ful.ly given when aerved personaily on GRANTOR or GRAlVTHB, or when made in tvriting aad depositad in the Llnited Siates Mail, certifiad and postage prepaid, and addressed to the GR.ANT�� at the addsess stated an page {�) And to the GRAI3TflR at thc Real Estata Division,144 City HaU, Saint Paul Minnesota 55102. The addreca Yo which the notice shall ha mailed may ba changed by written notice givan by either parry to the other. Nothiag haroin shall preclude the giviug of such address changc nntica by personal service. '[5] jytair�erance and Rs atra. GItANTEB shatl, at its own cost aAd expsnse, be resEwnsible €or ali repairs, u�ainunance sud upkeep of the Permanent Easement, incJuding hut not limited to emergency rtpairs of any kind; routine maitttanancc and repair to keep the Permanent Enseanent in gaod repair, safe and ln comptiance with appIicabic firc, health, building and flther life-safory codes. `Fhe forsgoing obti�ations shall hind the GRANTEE regArdtess of ths cauas of tha damag� or condition necessitating the regair or maintenanet. (6] Snrsendea� of premiaes. The GTZANTEE, at the notzficatian of temiination of this . agreemcnt, sha11 quit peacefuily and aurrender poesesaian of said property and its appurtenances to t'iRANT�R in as good order and condirion ua the pxoperty waa delivercd ca the GRAI3THB. [Ipon the sunender of the Firc Mani eassment the GAANTEB shall remorre at it's own co�t and expense all pt�mgs, starcara, valves, piping. wiring, etc. asaociatsd with the operatian of the fire main line and equipment. CrR.ANTEB shall ba rasponsibls and liable for any and &lt damaga, should it occur, to the GRANTOR'S property in regerd ta the said reraaval. j7J Tndem �it . The G�2ANTEH agrees te indemnify, defend, save and hoid l�urn{esa the City of Saint Paul and any agents, officere and employeea thareof from ail claima, demands, acrions or caueea of �etian ofwhacsoavar nature ar oharacter, arising out aFor by rcaeon of ths Agreemcnt of the herein dcscrihed Perntanent Easement by the GRANTO'f2 to the GRA2�7I'E�, or tha aae or conditior� of the pamanent &asennent or as a raeult of Grantea's operations or business activitisa taking place en the Psrmanent a.xw ta,�ssna 2 07J27/2001 14:02 2146968110 07i272001 13:50 651 223 5332 -� 12146968119 PAGE 04 KO.AS2 �1-'lai-- Easement. It is fulty underStoQd ar.d a�eed thaC GRANTB� is aware of ihe corditiot�s of the permanent F-t�semeut area "as is." (S� �venes o4 hefanit. Ths faihue by GRAN'I`EF ta observe and parfarm any ooveaant, c8ndition nr a�eenieut on its part to be observed or parformed as required by ihe Agreement shaEl constitute an went flf default by ihe 4l2ANT8B• I �MT�j�Qse ��'�aws. 'The graperiy dc herein may be used for only the purposes stated hercin. It is the sole a�d exclusiva res�x�nsibility of ttre GRAPITEE in thc use of the properry to coq�ply with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinancas iraposai by uny jurisdictian affecting the use to which the pmpariy is propased to be put. inahiIity or failure by the GRANTB� to comgiy with any of 9aid laws, rules, regulations or ordinancea will not relieve the GItANTE& of the obligarion to pay the Fee provided hcroin. [ip] j,jgps. Tlse GRANTBB shall uot permit mechanic's lieria ar other tiens to �ie $]ed or establishad ar to semain againet the Permatunt Essement for labor, materials or services fwnished in connectian wiUi any addidans, modificarions, improvomeute, rapairs, renewals or replacementt made to the Per�manent Eascment, or for any ottser reason; provided that if c�e GRANT`EE shall Grst twtif�+ the t3RANTOK of iu intenrion to do so and ahall deposit in escrow w{th the GR.ANTqR a sum of money or a bond or irravocable letter of credit a�ceptable to the GRANTOR equal to the amount ogthe claim of lien, GRA2�3T� may in good fnith oontost any such clttims or moahanic'a or other liens f�led or establiahed and in such event may persnit the items cottteftod to remain undischatgcd and unsatisfied during Eha period of such contest. If, in the opizuon of tl.ie C,itANTOR, the nonpayment of any st�ch items subjacts the Permanant Eaaemant to any loss or forfeitw+e, the GR.ANTOR m&y require the GRANTEE ta use the esorow acanunt to promptly pay al] u�t4h unpaid itema and if GRArITEH fails ta pay &om the escrow uccount, ihe GRANT�R may pay and charge the GR.ANTBB as Additional Fce. {ii� Aefantt Rer�dtes. In the ovent an Event of Uofault occura underparagraph (8} ofthis Agreemsnt, GRANTOR may eaceroise Any ane or more 4f tha foitowing remedies: (A) terminate this Agresment, exclude GRANTEE from posaession of the T'ermanent Easement; (H) itike whatevar action at law or in equiry mr�y appear t�aceseary or apprapriate to collect the Basic Fee and Additional Fee then due and thereafter to btcame due, or ta enfaroe perform�nce and observanoe of any ohligarion, a�'eoment or Covertutt of the GRANPEE tuidar this Agreement. (C} in exercising any of it4 romedies set forth in this SCCdan, the Grantor may, whather oY not the Agreen�ent is than in effect> hold the C3�RANTBE ]iable far the difference hetween the payments and other costs for which the GRANTBE is tresponsible under this Agreement_ DecY Ii1333Y14 07/27/2001 14:02 2146968110 07/27i200f 23:58 651 223 5332 � 12246968110 PA6E 05 NO_452 � ����� (i2j 'J-�.Alljt OT PR mant GRANT88 agreas Y.hat, ahould it default on 2ny payment owing and due to be paid to GRA2dTOIt as provided in t}us agreement, including but not limited to Basia Fee and Additional Fee, thcn the remaining u:fpsid balance shall, at the option of thc f3RANTOR, immed{ately become due. Said GRANTEE further agrees that the GRANTOR may, at its agtian and with uotice to firRANTBE, bnter jardgmcnt againsi GRANTE�F. m Ramsey CouAxy Diatriet Court for tbe amount of the unp&id balanee. And GRrLNTEE does heraby oaafess judgment in the ameuut of the unpaid balance due upon defauit, and doea authoeize the GRANTbR tu enter judgment ua provided above. GRANTEE does hereby agree that the GRANTQ�t. at its ogtion, may enter a judgment, at any time witbin �ne yesr of the dme iltt last paymeAt shall have come dne, for the fltl2 amount of the unpaid balance dut purauant to tha confeaaian o£ judgment g:ovided herein. [73) Alterat ons, The GRANTE� will not ma1c� any altuations to th6 premises without the wrinen cnnseut of the GRANTOR, euch consent not to ba unreasonahly withh�ld. If the GRADtTEE desirea ta make any such alterationt, an aeeuxate descsiption shail S�st be suhmiROd to and apprQVed by tho G1tANTOR and auch tllterationa shatt be done by the QRANfB� at ita ow» e7cpense. GRANT�E agrees that atl alteratxoaa will bc dona in a � workman-like asannez and in conformanca with agplicahle building cades, that the skuctural integrity and building syatems of the Building wilt nat 6a impaired, ar�d that no Iiens wili attach to the Premisss by raason thereo£ Cl4j Amendg�f. Anything herein contained to the contrazy notWith�tanding, ihia Agreement may be terminated, and tha provisions of thie rl,greemant mAy ba, in wriring, amended by mutual consant of tho panies harcto. [15� Ptrma�nt�i19�lt�t �gAs41'ItFtinn 6{te T2eauirements. T'he GRAlVT�B shall be requircd to: 1. Contraator signage aliall be Iimited to onc sign p�r General co�tractor anc3 if desirad all sub-contraotore tisted on the same �ign. Tha signage sha]l be appraved hy the GRANTOR priur to insta114tion. 2. No ingreas or egress shAll occur without ttotiffcation to the GRRNTQR. 3. C3RSNTEE ahall remove a]I consiruction equipmeut and debris, and shali completcly resmro dse area to its original candition. DocM 141753744 0 ha 07/27/2001 14:02 2146968110 PAGE 06 0727i2001 13=50 651 223 5332 � 1214b968110 h10.452 G Ot-9�?- �1Y WITN�SS WHERF.O�, the psrties hereta have set theia hands and seaIs t�e day and yaar its this Permanent 8asement first above-u+ritt�n. GRAl�'T'f)R: Mayor Ciiy CFerk Directar of Tectu�ology & 14lanagetnent Services ' Deparnnent Diractor City Attarney (Farm Appraval) cy �� "� - 7 a �,2✓�cU ° S� IN�• ♦ � �� Benson Armistead � Director of Asset Management Ita Its Aoc# ISt3S3T4 � .+' � � � � ,_ , Exhibit A a y ti - � - w �� �� � N .� � M � 3 ,� � � � � y � y � O v� 3 � � � � ' Z7 •� +-+ � c O � � > O • � c�C N '��' � � . _ . � Cf$ .� O '� � , �. Q� � � O ��-+ � ' � . O ,p ;�. •'CS .� � � � 3 0 � � � rn � .� � y cv � r- � � � � 3 ~ N 1 � s�. O � � i , � � � ti � � � � � Grr � '}� •��{, � f--� .,.. S".. 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