266168 WHI7E - CITV CLERK 1 ������ PINK - FINANCE U F SAINT PALTL COl1IIC11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE �� -MAVOR File NO. �- �� - _ il Resolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby ratifies and approves the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated August 12, 1975, and ma.rked Exhibit A, and attached hereto and ma.de a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 8/12/75 25-75-B 976 Bush Avenue Steven I. Howie (8 units) BOARD ACTION: Bathroom variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54. 11, so as to permit six bathrooms for eight dwelling units, in which sha.red bathrooms are to be restricted to one per- son in each of the three efficiency apartments and two persons in the one-bedroom apartment; provided: 1) That plumbing work as set forth in the �ity Code Enforce- ment Division Survey Letter of July 22, 1975, be completed within a period af six months from this date, subject to approval by the Code Enforcement Division. 2) That the ha.zardous electrical items as outlined by Code Enforcement Division be corrected within sixty days; and 3) Tha,t the rema.inder of the electrical work as outlined in the November 29, 1974, Code Enforcement Division Survey Letter, be completed within one year; further, 4) Tha.t if a new electrical service is deemed necessary by the Code Enforcement Division Senior Electrical Inspector after his persona.l inspection, that this decision be communicated COU[VCILMEI�T Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � ����� BLUE -MAVOR " � �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 . directly to the Appellant, and the work to be completed within � one year. Pro ert Descri tion: Lot 5, Block 20, Terry' s Addition to the . Gity o St. Pau . 8/12/75 35/75B 222 Woodlawn Avenue James F. King BOARD ACTION: Garage variance granted from St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 33.04(2) , pertaining to Rear Yard Clearance requirement of minimum 25 ft. from ma.in portion of the dwelling, so as to build attached garage to side of home. Property Description: Lot 10, Block 8, King's Maplewood Addition. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt .�— In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozzs Adopted by Council: Date � T ��J Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas Council Secretary� BY-�.�7.l1� �• -�:�LtA� By Approv �'by Mayor: Dat 8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B B ptteus�o O CT � 1 19T5 25- 75-B �xH `B < '►- � 'EXtcrpt-- g/1"?/75 - I�ieeting No. 1.14 976 Bush A�,re. � f`e7�' Cassette Tape No . 125 . . P a g e 2 �����p �D - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - --- -- - - -- - -- -- - --- - - -- CASE N0. PROPEkTY �PPELLANT 25- 75-B 976 Bush Ave . (8 units) Steven I . ��owie SUBJF.CT: Request for waivers from St . Faul Legislative Code for certain items designated on Survey List of Deficiencies , dated 11/?�/74 , pertaining to plumbing, building, electrical , and heating repairs because of financial costs involvPd anc? the "unreas�nableness of reauirin� certain changes in building design and c�nstruction. " Prior Hearing 6/10/75 : Board continued case to next Board ��Ieeting (7%8/75) in order that a thorough re-inspection be rade by the Cods En- forcement Division, specifying hezlth and safety itens reauiring code con�pliance, and for Appt11a1�t to obtain estimates o� the cost of work reauired. 25- ��-B 8/1Z/75 - �leeting No . ll4 •976 Bush :�.���e . Cassette Tape No . 126 ' Page 3 � �ss1s8 SUBJECT: (continued) , • Prior Hearing 7/8/75 : Board continued case until next Meeting (8/12/75) during hhich time Appellant was to meet with Code Enforcement Division electrical and plumbing inspectors to work out an agreement on the extent of rehabilitation required and the time to be allowed for com- pletion of the work. APPEAR�NC r� : Steven I . Howie PROCEEDINGS: Chairman ��Yozniak read a letter dated July 22, 1975, from Senior Plumbing Inspector, Doug Schwab, to the appellant, N1r. Howie, which outlined an agreement reached by them as to the plumbing cade violations that were to be corrected. Mr. Howie stated that he was currently working with Senior Electrical Inspector, Dan Smolik, to compile a list of the items considered hazardous and in need of immediate correction, and other electrical work which posed no danger to life safety that cou�d be completed over an extended time period. Other than the plumbing and electrical items , Mr. Howie asked for a waiver of the shared bathroom requirement. His apartment building had only six bathrooms for� eight units . Two efficiency units , with one tenant in each, shared a bath, and one one-bedroom unit and an efficiency, each occupied by single tenants , shared another. Chairman titiozniak suggested that Inspector Smolik and Mr. Howie meet in another room to come to an agreement on which electrical items were in neLd of immediate correction and which could be done over a longer period of time . After their conference, during the Board Meeting, the hzaring on the case would continue. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- - --- Ig- �4-H 8/12/75 - Meeting No . 114 912 Linwood Cassette Tape No . 12b . Page 7 �66168 - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -- -- -- - - -- -- - --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- ---- --- -- At this point, Mr. Howie and Inspector Smolik had returned from their private conference concerning electrical work to be completed and the hearing was res'umed. CONTINUATION OF PROCEEDINGS ON: CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 25-75-B 976 Bush Avenue (8 units) Steven I : Howie Inspector Smolik reported that he and Mr. Howie had reached an agree- ment that 12 items on the list of electrical work to be done should be corrected immediately. Some hazardous conditions would be cleaned up by Mr . Howie and an electrical contractor engaged to make essential repairs within 60 days . Mr. Smolik said he would make a persvnal inspec- tion of the electrical service to evaluate its condition, and Mr. Ho�,rie ha� agreed to abide by Mx. Smolik' s decision as to whether or not he would need a new service . Mr. Smolik also said that if there was any way possible te continue with the present service, he ti�roulcl alloti� it to remain. If not, a new service, as well as the less hazardous elec- trical items, would have to be completed within a year . BOARD ACTION: Chairman Wozniak moved that a waiver be granted for a bathroom variance from St . Paul Legislative Code, Section 54 . 1I , so as to permit six bathroams for eight units , provided that the plumbing work as set forth in the July 22 , 1975 , letter from Inspector Schwab was campleted within a period of six months from this date and approved by the City; that the hazardous electrical items as outlined by Inspector Smolik be cor- rected within b0 days , and the remaindex of the electrical work as out- lined in the November 29 , 1974 , survey be cor.ipleted wi.thin one year ; 25- 75-B 8/12/75 - Nleeting No. lI4 9'S Bush Ave . Cassette Tape No . 126 , ' � , Page 8 �f 6168 BO�RD ACTION: (continued) • further, if a new electrical service was deemed necessary by Mr. Smolik after his personal inspection, that this decision be communicated directly to NIr. Howie and the work be completed within one year . Housing Code Supervisor Staffenson inquired whether it would be advis- able to place a restriction on the number of persons per unit in the apartments where baths were shared. Board Member, Nir. Glassman, moved to amend Chairman jJozniak' s motion by placing a restriction on the number of occupants of the apartments where baths were shared to one person in each of the three efficiency apartments and two persons in the one-bedroom apartment. Chairman Wozniak accepted hir. Glassman' s amendment to his motion, bir . Heider seconded. h10TI0N CARRIED AND SO QRDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - 0 - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - -- - --- - - - - - - -- -- -- -- - --- -- - --- -- ---- -- ------ - - - �X ��� ,� T � 8j12/75 - Meei:ing N��. 114 �„��,.,.. „ Cassette Tape No . 12�• ,_�'X�ERPT_.. rosrr MINUTES OF THE MEETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, August 12 , 1975 City Council Committee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman Estyr Bradley Peake " Norma Sommerdorf David Heider - Ronald Glassman James D. Voigt NiEMBER ABSENT: Arthur M. Tieso AGENCIES PRESENT: Department of Community Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement : Frank Staffenson, Housing Supervisor Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector Sam Blue, Supervisor of Inspectors George Smolik, Senior Electrical Inspector Doug Schwab, Senior Plumbing Inspector OTHERS PRESENT: Steven I . Howie, Appellant James F. King, Appellant Robert Foley, Appellant Rose Glassman, Observer Caroline Emmet , Observer Nan Swift, Observer Dru Osterud, Observer STAFF FRESENT: Doris L . Getsug, Executive Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia Moxness , Recording Secretary, Appeals Board The Me;tin; was called to order at 1 : 40 p .m. . �" ""�x�i�t —� 8J12/75 - l�ieeting No . ll4 Gx��B/T �'''� � Cassette Tape No . 126 ' � , Page 3 i _ ��6�_�8 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - -- - - - - - -- -- - - - --- CASE TdO. PROPERTY APPELLANT 35- 75-B 222 Woodlawn Ave . James F . �:ing SUBJECT: Requ�st far garage variance from St . Paul Legislative Code, Section 53. 04 (2) , pertaining to rear yard clearance require.�ent of minimum of 25 ft . from main portion of the dwelling so as to build attached garage to side of home . APPE_1RANCE; Jaries F. King 35- 75-B 8/12/75 - I��eeting No. 114 222 jtioodlawn Ave . Cassette Tape No. 126 � � - Page 4 266168 PROCEEDINGS: . ' Chairman �Uozniak noted that I�ir. King ' s neighbors had written letters stating they had no objection to the garage ��r. King planned to build adjacent to their property. Senior Building Inspector Dan Person stated that the City had no objec- tion. He had inspected the property and did not foresee any problems . BOARD ACTION: Chairman �Yozniak moved that the variance from St . Paul Legislative Code, Section 33. 04 (2) , pertaining to rear yard clearance requirement of 25 ft . from main portion of the dwelling, so as to build attached garage to side of home, be granted. Mrs . Peake seconded. Ni0TI0N CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes = Q Abstentions - 0 - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - -- ---- -- - - - -- - - - - - --- - --- -- - --- - -- - - --- - - -- -- --- - - - -- � 8/I2/75 - ��Seeting No . 1T4 �xy/$/7'' Cassette Tape No . T26 � . � _ NIINUTES OF THE M�:LTING ST . PAUL BOAP.D OF APPEALS AND REVIEW Tuesday, August 12, 1975 City Council Conmittee Room 707 City Hall and Court House 1 : 30 p .m. I�1EMB�RS PRESENT: D. Dc�nald Wozniak, Chairman Estyr Bradley Peake Norma Sommerdarf _ David Heider Ronald Glassman James D. Voigt hiE�iBER ABSENT: Arthur M. Tieso AG�N�'IE� PRESE�T: Department of Commur�ity Services - Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement : Frank Staffenson, Housing Supervisor Dan Person, Senior Building Inspector Sam Blue, Supervisor of Inspectors George Smolik, Senior Electrical inspector Doug Schwab, Senior Plumbing Inspector G`i'Hjr'.RS P;tES��dT: Steven I . Howie, Appellant James F. King, Appellant Rober. t Foley, Appel?ant Rose Glassman, Observer Caroline Emmet , Observer Nan Swift, O�server Dru Osterud, Obser�Ter STaFP PRES��tiI': Boris I, . Getsug? E?��CUtlti� Secretary, Appeals Board Patricia l�Ioxness , Rec:ording Secretary, Appeals Board "ih� ?�'eetir�o ti;ras called te order at 1 : 40 p.m. � . , � C1TY U� �� �. �ss�s8 r� -° ,� x 0 iie:aao:oi:a: � � °,•�r°-=°.'�°-°- ab `�s h� C ITY OF SAi NT PAUL ro.a• OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY September 23, 1975 PIERRE N. REGNIER Mr. A1 Olson Office of City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 Building Dear A1: Attached are resolutions as recommended by the Board of Appeals and Review. Very truly yours, �/l�Z''/�Lt'S �'•���� THOMAS M. SIPKINS Assistant City Attorney TMS :er City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121