266141 WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE `' -MAYOR � cil Resolution -_ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Ordinance No. 13614, having been supplied with reports by the City Forester indicating that Dutch Elm disease exists on trees located on the attached list, hereby finds that such trees are a nuisance within the meaning of Ordinance No. 13614 and directs the City Forester to proceed with their abatement according to law. r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Co 'ty �IA Hunt —�— �n Favor Levine � Rcedler A gai nst Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozza Adopted by Council: Date S�� �� �� Form A proved by ity At y Certified Pas Council Secretary BY . By Approv by Mayo : Date ��� Appro by ayor f o oun il By By Pus�rs��p QcT � i �15 ti _ ,..� �[����w1 � , NAME & AODRESS. LUCAtION CALL-UP pAT� A. C. Fredertck Pos. # �23764 i�►� th� front 7-2�-75-RV 161 McBoal yard. �r,�+��,�r,�* J. R. Peterson Pos: #� D23815 - Z3814 - 23813 7-17-75•JW 627 So. McKnight 238t.] - 23812_ .. . *,�r�*�r,�r� _ Mary Miller Pos. � D19176 @ �he west side 7-28•75-DT _ 330 �t. Mi.rnnehaha� of the hous�r. _ - - - *�r,k***'k�t�i+lr�r,k* . � .. Ms. Pnewski (1) Dying Elm �(p,�inted) fin .��e 9-8•75-�T 1414 W. Minnehaha back yard. : - �,it,�rrra+Nt�r ; ,_ -_. . :. Edward Benton Pos. � �23757 _ 7-�3-15�RV 265 Nu�ent i _ �k�k,�t+�rlr*�t,ir,k�nk�,�r : - - _ �:_ . J. 6alles Sr. ` <- Pos. � D19648 ir��the back :yard , - , 8-26-75-RY � 30Q Oneida . �,�,��** D. Bfrnbaum Pos. # 12957 • .12958 (paint�d) : 1•1-75-DT 8b2 Pascn1 ,�,���r*� G. B. Roscoe Pos. � D1822 in the back,ynrd. 6-27-75-RY - �T.B Ratu�olph Line tree ,�,�r�,�r�r�r,��e,�,�r _ Richard J. Arons-:> Pos. � Di822 in the back yard - 7-1-15-RV 88Q Randalph line tree. *�,�+�+r,� R. E. Widmer - Pos. �` D19199 in the back yard. 8-6-75-DT 1275 Raya�nd �tve. ':° *�,k+t��r�* _ D. W. Bates � (1) Dying EIm trte (painted) @ 7-30•15-DT 2125 Scudder west side of back yard. ,�,�**,�+r�,�r� H. F. Sa�nuelsan Pas. # D1831 - ia the back yard. 7-1-75-RY �2�a set ay *,�,��,�,� �oseph Winkier Pos+ # D23775 Re: Your property 7-24-75-RY . 4282 Cottage Rd. Park � 1145 W. 7th St. White Bear Lake, Mn. ���r� C. Stenbakken �1) Dead E1m {painted) in the 8-4-75•DT 544 Sfierbnrne back yard, ,�r,�+��r* . � ti . a ������ NAME � IjDORE�S LOCATIOM GAI,L-UP DA?E B. J. I�odbeck (1) Qead tree in the back yard 5-1-75-QT G6� 5t�erburne a�gainst the f�c�. r�r�r�r*,�rir�rrt�,�wr Caretaker � Owner Dead Tre� in the back y�rd. 5-1-75-DT 942 Sherburne rr��r�+w�e* R. A. Willier Pos. # D23758 in the front yard. 7-1fi-76-RY 308 Superior ��,�+�r* C. G. Olson Logs and st� in Li� ba�ck yard. 7-30-75-RY 2014 Th�re , ,�e�r��* W. Pesfna Pos. # �18i9 6� �he north side flf . &-26-75-RV 381 View -. the back yard. �r,k**+►,►e�,�#. F. H. Boud�rns Pos. � p12936 tn the ft•att yartf. 7-18-75�RY 63� Matson ` *��+�,�,�+�+� D.. Gerdesmeir Pos. � D1292g �- D12930 in the tront - 7-14-75-RV 737' watson a�nd side yard. . �«*��r� Caretaker - Owner Pos. � DZ3756 @ tt� back of the �•18-75•RV' . 220 �o. Mestern build�ng. �rl��Nr�k��Ri1,t D. M.. Reinke Pos. � D23761 in the back yard. 7-24-75-RY 87 M11 ktn �r,�**,r*ir,��r*+r • Mliwauke� Railroad Ros. � 023762 - z3763 Rei ° Your 7-24-75�RV 201 3rd Ave. So. property @ the south �ide of 109 Minneapolis; Minn. Wilkin St. - � *�+r�,�r� � . . � .i.�-. . Shepard Paric Pos. �f Di850 Re�. ;: Your .�roper�y _. 7-11-75-RV 345 Sb. Ga�te;Offfice Plara @ 2311 Youngmari 1n. the front y�r�.; ; : ' Mtnneapolis, Minnesota (1} lfne`of 1370 Madtson - back. *��,�r,�*�r,� . _ s LA8/�w ; -� . 9-9-75 �