266136 WMITE - CITV CLERK 1 �(1(lA �� CANARV - DEP RTMENT COIlI1C11 vO j BLUEt� - MA40R GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. Cou. cil Resolution Presented By :��%��`r��" . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the same are hereby granted. Louis I3oykin 262 University Rest C-2 App.04578Renewal n n Ci� n u n Shirley L. Leonard 202 Sherburne Av. Rmg & Brd House " 02282�� " " Fd Estab-I�1 �� �� " Niciiolas R. Scherer 915 St. Clair Av. Bakery-Ii " 02428" Robert E. Sunness 1818 R�ndcilph IIardware " 02521�� David A�1. Weber 857-61 Payne Av. Auctioneer-A " 02532�' The Schneider Co. , Inc. 1112 W. ?th St. Carpet Dlr �' 02538�� Phillips Petroleum Co. 2599 W. '7th Gas Sta-6P �� 02563" N. Salt Esq. Fish & Chips 8G� E. h9aryland Rest C-2 �� 02608�� Romolo Monda 1409 Arcade Rest C-2 �� 02611rr �i n Ci�. �► n r� Thomas J. Nicholson 1581 ��►hite Bear Av. Gas Sta-8P �� n2624" " " �en Rep Gar �� �' �� n �t Cig ►r �r it Roy T. Carlson 24�'t S. Cleveland Rest C-2: " 02701'� Mohammea Abdel Aziz Aiustafa 545 N. Snel7.ing rt Ped �� 02716" Cecil J. Glickman 651 S. Cleveland Rest G2 �� 02731�� �� �� On S�le Nl�lt tr i� n " " Off Sale R9a1� �� t� �� '� r� Grocery n n n n ' �� FY'oz Fds tt �r n n n Cl� ei n n Cordon Nichols 109� Randolph Csas Sta-6P �' 02756�� n n Czen Ide� Gar . �� �r n Ran Vietr Post �210 698 Ste�;Tart On Sale Malt �� U2791�� �� �� Rest C-1 �� �� �� Sherman 1Vong 1191 Ear1 St. Rest C-2 �� 02831�� Gertrude Hengel 2469 W. 7td� Rest C-2 �+ 02873�� u n C1� n u n Edward N. Weber 1279 Randolph I3alcery-B �+ 029G5« William & Jean Charles 71G S. Cleveland Rest C-2 " 02910�� n n n u COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza [n Favor Levine Rcedler Against gY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK ��^��� PINK - FINANCE COUIICll �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF �SAINT PAITL File NO. � BLUE' - MAY'OR Council Resolution Presented By LxCENSE Ct�IITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont;d Page 2 Jamea Phar�acy, Inc. 482 S. Snelling Av. Rest C-1 App.02961Renewal �� r� Confect-B �� �� �� n a Cig n �� �� Joseph & Harvey Novick 298-300 S. Snelling Gas Sta-3P �� 02992n n t� Gen Rep Gar n n tr Nekton, Inc. 917 Goodrich Rmg & Brd House �� 03025�� Robert E. Kost 1399 St. Clair R,esst " 03030�+ n n On Sale Malt n n n I�Iaurers Patio Lounge, Inc. 1424 W. 7th St. Rest C-2 �� 03032�� ' _ " Tavern �� n ►� n n Cig a ri n Midway Ford Co. 1850 Univereity Av. New MY Dlr �� 3041 �� n �r 2nd Hd MV Dlr n n u ;t' . n Cig n rr n Nancy Hogan 454 Onega Rest Cr2 �► 03067r� S. S. Kresge Co. 1645 Baaota Rest C-2 �� 03087�� �� n Hardware �� r� �� �� �� BicyCle Dlr �� r� �� n t� Pet Shop n rr n �� �� Confect �� r� �� n u Clg �i r� n 8-Ma,rt Enterprises 1645 Kasota Gen Rep Gax �+ 03088n u n Firearm�s n n n Y-1�4art n Rad & TV Tube Test Dev �� 03O89p McDonough Honsing R.A.P. 1544 Ti�berlake Fd Estab M �� 03143n Erick�son Petroleum Corp. 2286 Uni�ersity C�s Sta-9P n 03169�� �' " Liq F'uel Dlr �� 03169�� n „ Hardwaxe �+ n n r� n Flor/Nurs �� n n �� �� Grocery A-1 tr t+ n �t n r� u n girearous �� �� BicyCl Dlr �� �� �+ n �i n a a COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WH17E - CITV CLERK 2661�6 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE�� - MAf'OR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ��� ��I�'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 3 B. J., Inc. 2152 W. 7th Hotel-19 nnits App.03170Renr�wal T & G Services, Inc. 2250 Oaiversity Rest C-2 �� 03189�� n o Cig n p n Big Sanc'�r Corp. 661 N. Snelling Lc�y/DC Plt �� 03205�� Da�id Vadnais 373 Ruth Gas Sta-4P �� 0320?�� r� �� Gen Rep Gar �� n n F. MT. Moolworth Co. 1484 Universfty 8eat C-2 �� 03223�� �' �� Flor/Aiurs n �� �� �� n Pet Shop n n n a n HardNare ti �� n t� �� Confect rt n u " 1484 University Cig �� U3224�� Dan Krizan 323 I�laria Gen Rep Gar �� 03230�� Roland & Fern Kebber 1520 University Bakery-B n 03233n Ga�`y ♦. Blair 925 E. 7th Carpet D1� n p3243a Canteen Co. of Minn., Inc. 63U0 Penn Av. S. , blpls. Cig V1H Oper-2M �+ 03361r� n �� 36 Add'1 M n n n Fred A. Metzler 848 l�hite Bear Hardware � 03368�� Florence Bies 541 R3ce St. Rest C-2 �� 033?9�� Alea Naag 661 Arcade Grocery A-1 �� 03380�+ n �� Off Sale Halt �� �� �� u . n Cig n n n Jack �iong 367 Selby Av. Rest C-2 �� 03411�� n �r Cig o n u Jerry Pro�stka 295 Maria Lc�jr/DC Plt �� 03534f� LeBoy Anderle 218 Bates Av. Gen Rep Gar �� 035�l4�� Twin City Novelty Co. 9549 Penn Av. S., Mpl�. Cig VM Oper-2I�[ �' 03621�� �� " 29 Add�1 IH n n �� Hi-Lo Service Stations, Inc. 8?4 Yhite Bear Av. Gas Sta-4P �� 03661�� Michael Sarafoleaa 1655 Yhite Bear Av. Barber �� A3667�� Chri+stiae Herbes 17953� St. Clair Bea�ty Shop �� 03668�� Arthur Treachers Fish & Chips, Inc. ?S? Grand 8est C-2 �� 03680n Genevieve H. Johnson 689 E. 3rd St. Beauty Shop �� 03681�� Joan Sche�ita �� n COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney . Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY WHITE - CITY CLERK 2fis1�6 PINK - FINANCE COURCll CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALIL File NO. BLUE° = 1qAtOR Council Resolution Presented By LIC�SF. C�►17TT�F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 4 Fetereon I�jtag, Inc. ?98 E. ?th St. Elec App Rep App.03687Reaewal Burroughe Corporation 251 Lafayette Rd. Cig ►� 03?19�� P�alen Park Hall & Catering Services 1324 E. 8oae �� �� 03?21n Sasemary Navak 586 Burgess Beauty Shop �� 03724y Dtary Arthen 609 St. Paul Bldg. �� r� 0372?�� Li'1 General Stores, Inc. 532 Nhite Bear Av. Grocery A-2 n 03?37� a �� Frt�z Fds u n u " " Off Sale I►lalt �� �r u u �� Cig u n n Sandra Naughton, Cheryl Streit, & Kathy Ringlam 933 Burr Flor/Nurs „ 03741n Mark B. Miller 567 Lincoln Mtr Veh Dr �� 03?61r, R. J. Mitch, Inc. 1305 W. 7th Cig « p3771� Minit Car Mfaesh 147 Y.6th St. Cig �� 03772�� Renee La Chapelle Burbach 57 �T. ?th St. 1Ma�sseuse „ t?378pn Nanette Mercier 1610 8andolph n �� 03782�+ Gary D. Scherer 8? N. Nilton Mtr Yeh Dr �� �38�in David K. Enblam 15U6 Laurel� n �� 03816�� Yillia� John S�ith 4338 N. Virian, Shorevie�v �� �+ 03820�� Dennis J. Bnrnett 518 Farrington �� n 0383E;�� Stanley Donald Rydel, Jr. 2229 Nillsdale r� �� 03839�� COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hunt In Favor L� � Rcedler Against gY Sylvester Tedesco President� ppyy� � 3 � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass uncil cretary � BY By Approve by Ma,yor Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��►s� ocr � � �r�