D00906No. D �4.Jq��F/ DBte: � - �1-q � C� CITY OF SAINT PAiTL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CSANGE NO. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Prospect Park Pl�y Area Develqgment known as Contract No. 4913 , City Project No. L95-03-12 , Arrigoni Brothers Co. , Contractor, is composed of the following: Play equipment additions. ADD $1,550.00 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $�,550.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 14913 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original contract Sum $ 91,000.00 Change Orders to Date 2,235.00 Bmount this Changg 1.550.00 New Contract Sum $ 94,785.00 Director of • cc: City Clerk Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy 3 - 2Y 19 9 � iY19 �b =creation C95-3CO29-0882-33145 Arrigoni Brothers Company Contractor By le dt dM h 9 r a� �//56 �Dire tor of Fi ance & Management services Admi'�' trative Ass atan� he Mayor i e Chief Engineer Parks and Recreation �( �NTACT PERSON & PHONE Ken Wehrle 266-6422 �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ACTION RE�UE5TED: � s� 3/19/96 GREEN SHEET ��� 36156 INITIAUDATE INITIAVDA7E � DEPAHTMENT DIqECTOR O CRY COUNGL ASSI6N � CRYATTORNEY � CRYCLEFK NUYBER FOfl ❑ BUOGET DIRECTOR m FIN. & MGT. SERVICES Difl. flOVnNG ORDER �MAYOR(ORASSISfMITJ m Parks Ri {Z 1`� a IOTI (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approval of Contract Change Agreement Prospect Play Area Development a _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEqVICE CAMM�SSION __ CIB COMMITTEE _ p srq� _ _ DISTHICTCAURT _ SUPPORTS WNICH CAUNCII O&7ECTlVE4 PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TI{E FOItOWING OUEST40NS: 7. Has this personttirm ever worketl under a contract for this department? � YES NO 2. Has this persu�ttirm ever been a ciry empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent city emplqreel YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl ettaeh to green sheet (WM, What, When. Where. Why): Necessary to compensate contractor for additional play equipment requested by community design committee. Able to compensate contractor for additional play equipment increasing play opportunities on site. None RECEIVEC� APR 1 7199� CpTY C�ERtt Unable to compensate contractor. AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION 1,550.00 CDBG ,,,,, �s':: �.'; - FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) e �� c5` 1 i _� . v �. __ COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ���'�� C95-3CO29-0882-33145 . —. .. . ACTIVITV NUMBER V � DNtSiON OF PARKS AND RECREpTlON ��� � � C� CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL No�t Colemmt, Mcypr March 1, 1996 Dennis Arrigoni Arrigoni Brothers Company 817 Vandalia Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55114 Re: Prospect Park Play Area Development Project No. L95-03-12, Contract No. 014913 Dear Mr. Arrigoni: 300 CSty HaH Annec Telephone : 612-266-64Q0 ZS West Forvth Street IDD : 612-292-7Q63 Saint Pau1, MN 55102 Facsunife : 612-292-7405 This letter is to request that you submit a change order proposal for the following Iron Mountain Forge (�ittle Tykes) play equipment cfianges on the above • referenced project: EQUIPMENT CHANGES: 1. Delete snake pole climber. 2. Delete 9 bar safety rail. 3. Deiete math panel. 4. Delete talk tubes. 5. Add frontier stockade panef. 6. Add frontier window panel. 7. Add five (5) frontier entry panefs. 8. Add loop cfimber. (yellow). 9. Add seat panel (tan�. 10. Add frontier safety panei. 11. Add tic-tac-toe panel (tan). � COLOR CHANGES: 1. 9 Bar safety rail w/wheei from yeliow #o green. 2. C-chalienge fadder from yellow to green. 3. Animal panel from tan to yeliow. 4. Driver panei from tan to yellow. (toi area) 5. Bubble panei from tan to yellow. (tot area) Dennis Arrigoni March 1, 1996 • Page 2 1►� i The enclosed play equipment plan shows the new proposed layout inctuding the added equipment Upon acceptance of your proposal a revised equipment location pian witt be issued. Please submit your proposal in a Eimely manner to prevent delays in ordering and supplying equipment and overall delays in completing the project. if you have any questions conceming this request, please call me at 266-6422. Sincerely, � � � % Kenneth Wehrle Landscape Architect cc. Don Ganje • Rich Thompson t:lwplprospectlplayeqp.wpd r� L � _. � �; .��': , _; ._ :`;',� `d�`�,.,� `r �,.e`�� .�.�i. ' - � .�� � � yb � `k' J Y J ONI BROTHERS COMP "�r,r�eQea� ° �c��� d'i �l/a2°�" 811 YANOAIIA STREET. Si. PAUL, YINNESOTA 55114 • AREA CODE 612- CONCREIE — CERAhVCTIE — FJ�OSEDA6GQHiATE SEAN4E55 FlO0R5 — TERRAIIO Parks & Recreation "��;� PROPOSAL This bid does nos consrituxe a contzact unless signed by the Puxchasex and an officex of the Axxigoni B:others Co. Proposal No. 919 Dace March 14 19 96 ANY , ry � ! .°u BC \�_ 645-9321 / J� � ��MeaH� Proi�t Prospect Park Location Delos and Bellows Architect Owner Citv of St Pau1 Ken Wehrle 300 Citv Hall Annex St Paul MN 55102 We propose, in strict accordance with plans, specifications and standard proposal conditions, the following: Per your changes of letter dated 3-1-96 • -Cost of Material (Flanagan Sa1es) Cost of Installation ADD to Contract Respectfully submitted, Accepted • BY This Proposal is subject to Acceptance within Contractor submitting this Proposal. $1,347.00 203.00 $1,550.00 ARRIGONI BROTHERS COMPANY � ° g � Approved by 10 days from date and void thereafrer, ac xhe option of the