266128 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COIIIICII �Ds�_/8 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL �R CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE ,-MAVOR File NO. • �-' Ordin�cnce Ordinance N 0. ���IJ�J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Ordinance agp��ving �he terms and condit3.�ns of a Memc�randum of' A�eement between Independent School Diatrict No. 625 and Suburban School nnployees I,oca1 No. 28� S.E.I.U. �F'!,-CIO., regarding providing lunches ' for food service employees for the.period September 1� 1975 through January 2� 1976. TI� pOtA�TCII, OF T� CII'Y OF SAIl+1T PAUL DOES O�AIl�T: Section l. Ths,t the Me�norendum of ,t�eement between the Ind�pendent School District No. 625 and Suburban ScYwol gnployees Local No. 284 SSN �E'L-CIO� on file in the office of tha City Clerk, is hereby approved' and the authorized sdministrative off'icials of the City are here'by autharized and directed to execxte said agreement on beha].f of the City. Section �. �:l..l the terms and prc�v3sions of this �greement s2ia].l take forde and effect retxc>actively to September l, 1975. Section 3. Tha�,t this� Ordinanee sha11 take ef`fect and be in f�rce thirty (30) days a.f`ter its pe►s�age� �rpproval. and publication. App�ov+ed: ��� Chairman Civil S ee C�amnission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Chtistensen j�ERSpjVl�jEj, � Hunt — In Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY '� Tedesco � President$� Hozza 0 � f 6 �g�'S Form A ved C' ��■r Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa ncil cretary � B By Approve Mayor: ate � _ Approve Mayor for mi n Co ncil By BY PUBCISMFD 0 T Z 51975 , �rC�Q. � • �oo � , ������ MEMORANDU2�; OF AGF{EEt�IVT During collective bar�ainir.g for the 1.;�'j5 agreements between the I.S.D. No. 625 and the Suburban School ESnployees Local No. 284, S.E.I.tJ. AFL-CIO, the question af providing lunch for f�od service em��loyees r�rose. The following constitutes the r�utual dispositior. of this question. It is agreed that all food s�rvice employees in the bargainin� units representec? by Suburban School bnplayees Local #284 be provided on� luxich at no cost to the employees on each �rorkin� day for t!�e duration of the 1975 employment contract, which terminates en January 2, 1976. The monetary value c�f the meal �+ill be taxed for Social Securi.ty and PERA purposes. - IT, WITI'dES.�. h'I�REGF the r�arties ha��e affsxed �heir signatures thi� day ef Sept.er�ber, :Q?5. II'+DEPENDi,P�'� SCHQOL DI5T�ICT i�;0. h�'� SUEUI�BpPd SCHQpL EM.�'1,pyEEa LGCAL 284 � prC�1• 11 c. • l�q�O . . �ss��a MEA+�R�'iI�DUM OF AGREEMEIQ'I' During col:.::ctive bar�aining for the 19'15 agreements between the I.S.�, No, 6?_;• and the Sut�urban School �nployees Local No. 284, S.E.I.U. A.FL-CIO, the auestion of-providing lunch for food service �r�ployees arose. Ti-ie followin� cons�itute� the mutual disposition of tr.is question. It is ��reed that all food sPrvice emploYee: in the bar�aining units represented by Suburbar. School F�mployee� Local #28� be provided one lunch at no cost to the employees on each working day far t.he duration oF the 1975 emgloymer.t contract, which term.inates cn January 2, 1976. The monet��;,• value of the meal will be taxed for ;a�ial Security and P��; purposes. I�7 WITPZESS WHEREpF the P2?"t1E�� i�ave affixed their c��natures tni� �'< ; - September, 19?;. IIV�EPET3DE�'T SCHOCL DISTRICT .�;0. 62`� SU�'URBAI�' SCHOOL F.N�'IAYE�S LOCh� ^F:. --. _ _ _ Q�LY • � N . ��� Do not detach this memorandum from the s �8 • � � ordinance so that this information will be �� � REPO�������T�tp�l���°E"�AWRENCE D, COHEN, MaYOR FROM: Thomas J, I�elley, City �4dministrat DATE: 16 Septe�ber lgjg REGARDING: ?lais ordi�ance approv�ee a l(e�►rarid� of Agreezsnt betxs� the Isdepende�at Sch�l �-l.�trie� �. 625 �d the �nr'�s�s Scl�l �p].o�es Local Fc. 2� S.B.I.II. AFf.-CI�. Zhis �oraia�lma is i.� regards to prcc�vlding l�nc�aes to the fcod service ear�lo��s. � SOURCE: pers�nnel ilrtfice ACTION REQUESTED: I reec�esd your appreve�l ani s�ai�aion of this 0r�l3�au�ce tc� the City �:o�n�il. ATTACHMENTS: prciiaa�a�ce, cep�r far City A.erk �nd lfear�ra�ain. of /lareea�nt. _• - � lst � ' 2nd _ ��,� 3rd ����� Adopted (��� (n Yeas N�}rs CHRIS�PTSIIJ xozzA �� 266128 � ROEDLER , � srLVES�x TEDESCO PRESmENT (HUNT)