266115 WHI7E - CITY CLERK /�y►66,_15 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV -.DEPARTMENT BLUE �MAYOR � � Flle NO. v ` Co 'l ' Presented By� Leonard W. Levine �/yr�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RRSOLVED, That Knox Lumber Ccnapany be and hereby is granted a pennit to install a 48—car parking lot on property located on the east side of North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood, more particularly described as follows: COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine / Rcedler V Sylvester Against BY Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY � � � 2 266�.15 � - . . That part of the northeast 1/4 of the northiaest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 23, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point which is 90.42 feet north and 40 feet east of the southwest corner of said 1/4 1/4 section, said point of beginning being on the east line of Prior Aven��2; thence west 40 feet to the west line of said 1/4 1/4 section; thence north 22ong said west line to the intersection of said west line with the center line of Cotton- �:oc3 Avenue; thence southeasterly along said center line of Cottonwood Avenue to a point c:tzich is 90.42 feet north at right angles, from the south line of said 1/4 1J4 section, thence westerly parallel to the south line of said 1/4 1/4 section to the place of beginning together with all trackage rights and privileges appertaining to this property described in aad cotrveyed by Barrett & Zimmerman to Dwight F. Brooks, by deed dated July 14, 1919 recorded in Book "682" Deeds page 261, Except, however, that part of said 1/4 1/4 section. 2escribed as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of theintersection of Cotton- c�cod Avenue with Prior Avenue in the City of St.- Paul, thence south along-the east line of Prior Avenue 98 feet to a point, thence easterly at an angle of 90 degrees from the east line of Prior Avenu� a distance of 173.65 feet more or less to a point on the southeasterly Iine of Cottonwood Avenue; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Cotton�000d avesue a distance of 199.45 feet, more or less, to the point of commencement of this exception, together with the benefits of and subject to the burdens of the easem�nt of way 15 feet in width, as presently located and in use on the westerly 84 feet of the south boundary of the lands excepted above, said easement being 8 feet in width on each side of the said south boundary which forms the center line of said easement. Also excepr that triangular part of said northeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4; boundQd on the westerly or north- c.��sterly side by a line drawn at right angles to the northerly line of Charles Street, from a point thereon 3b0 feet southeasterly from the easterly iine of Prior Avenue, as .measured 21ong said northerly line of Charles Street, said line being projected from Charles Street to the southerly line of Cottonwood Avenue, bounded on the northerly or northeasterly side by the southerly line of said Cottonwood Avenue; and bounded oa the south side by a line 90.42 feet north and parallel to the south line of said northeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 23. � Those lands in the northeast 1/4 of r.orthwest 1/4 of Section 33, Town 29, Range 23, Ramsey County, i•finnesota, described as fol3.ows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Cottonwood Avenue with Prior Avenue in the City of St. Paul, thence south a2ong the east line of Prior Avenue 98 feet to a point, thence easterly at an angle of 90 �egrees from the east line of Prior Avenue a distance of 173.65 feet, more or less, to a point on the southeasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue, thence northwesterly along the s.outh- easterly line of Cottonwood Avenue a distance of 199.45 feet, more or 1ess, to the point of � beginning, together with the benefits of and subject to the burdens of the easement of way 16 feet in width, as presently located and in use over the westerly 84 feet of the south boundary of the lands described above, said easement being 8 feet in width on each side of the said south boundary, which forms the center line of said easement. WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL 1 2 BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. `_� � � � Council Resolution , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3 all in accordance with plans dated Received August 11, 1!175s subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shal,l make due campliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COU(VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Aunt �_ In Favor Levine Rcedler � Against BY. Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozza ,q.� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date —____ . Certified sed b ounc' Secretary BY � � ` �����"� / By Appro Mayor: ate 9�'J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � ��o ocT i i �r� �,, +, BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR , � CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COO����V_���R September 2, 1975 Mrs. Rose Ann Mix City Clerk Room 286 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55101 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the application of Knox lumber Company for a permit to install a 49-car parking lot on property located on the east side of North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood. This property is further described by the legai description on file. This matter was first heard by the Board of Zoning on July 17, 1975, at which time it was tabled as the applicant was not present. It was again heard on August 7� 1975. At that time Mr. Anderson, Vice President of Knox Lumber Company, explained that the parking lot had been in existence for some time and it was necessary to continue their use as a retail business. A motion was made to recortm�end approval of the permit contingent upon the applicant meeting all requirements of City Departments. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Plans received August il , 1975, meet design standards. Sincerely, � JOANNE M. SHOWALTER Secretary, Board of Zoning JMS:CLMcG:bj Zoning File 7778 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT �6���� , , (Please print or type) TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing (cross one out) �trst�rl�—��peratt���t�w r arki.a� L.t Indicate type such as Used Car Lot, Parki;ng Lot, Fast Food Restaurant, Drive-In Facility, Excavation, Health Care Facility, Residential Facility (Fraternity, Sorority, Boarding Home, Nurses Residence) Capacity of parking area: �'9 �ar• (p��iN��1y 3�� � Sast sid� �f ll���h Pri�e A�. �twas Clu�las s�d *Lo c a t i on �t�p��1 A��pi���. Legal Description . 3,�ut. ,� (Lot, Block, Addition} � or (Miscellaneous Description) Applicant's Name : R�iOt Ltilt�ii� COlIlAJiY Home or Office Address : 80Z �i. !t'i!!' IA�►i. + Phone Number : 64��►�1fJ1 FOR�Bi1 THE APPLICANT, � /g 7�- (Signature) (Date) � � � � � � � Gary R. Aad�r,�, W.P. When signin for the appl cant, complete the following: J��+ �nsx-Lu�b�r ��p�►oy 6 1975 Address • ZZ33 Unirer�ity A��. CITY PIANIVING BOARD_ Phone No a : 646-71U1 Saint Pauf, Minnesota When completed, file three copies of this application form, six prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility and the appropriate fee with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Fee rates are obtainable at the City Clerk's Office, telephone 298-4231. *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second Sts. Z-3 7/73 ������ ���� �� APPLICATION � � , ��.� : T e Department o Com�unity Services, Division of Housing and ;r Building Code Enforcement and the Fire and Safety Departments have no objections to the parking lot. The Traffic Engineer recommends that the dimensions of all the attached drawing. A scale must also be placed on said drawing. The proposed "in" and "out" driveways must be signed as shown on the attached drawing. The Traffic Engineer further reports that the proposed concrete wheel stops must be located 2'6" back from the east property line of Prior Avenue to prevent encroach- ment onto City right of way. All proposed driveways should be built according to City specifications and standards. Prior Avenue is scheduled for reconstruction in 1975 and the developer should coordinate location, grade, etc. with the Paving Section, 298-5311. The Sewer Ingineer reports that there is insufficient information for reviewing this proposal (there is no scale and no dimensions given) . Therefore, it is impossible to determine the pavement area. Secondly, it appears that the pavement has already been placed. He would like to know how this lot was previously surfaced so that the increase in storm runoff can be determined. This area is drained by an overburdened combined sewer. Therefore, the Sewer Engineer would be opposed to any development that would substantially increase the storm runoff. The Public Works Department reports the legal description given is not correct. This parcel is part of the NE� of the NW'� of Section 33, T 29, R 23 lying south- westerly of Cottonwood Avenue. The Department reports its disapproval of the plan as given. They suggest submittal of a revised plan for further review which complies with the above recommendations. .e • � ������ • � EXHIBIT A That part of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29 , Range 23, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point which is 9Q. 42 feet North and 40 feet East of the Southwest corner of said 1/4 1/4 section, said point of beginninc� being on tne East • line of Prior Avenue; thPnce West 40� feet to the West line of said 1/4 1/4 section; therice North along said West line to the . intersection of said West line with the ;center line of Cottonwood AvPnvA; }he*�c� Sout�:�a�����y aia..g saiu center iine G= �ottonwood . Avenue to a poin� which is 9�J . 42 feet North at right angles, from � the South line of said 1/4 1/4 section, thence Westerly parallel to the South line of said 1/4 1/4 section to the place of b�qinning, � together with all trackage rights and privileges� appertaining to . this property described in and conveyed by Barrett & Zin+merman to . Dwight F. Brooks, by deed dated July ln , 1919 recorded in Boak "682" Deeds page 2G1. Except, however, that part of said 1:/� 1/4 section described as follows : Commencing at the Southeasterly corner of the intersection of Cottonwood Avenue with Prior Avenue in the City of Saint Paul, thence South along th� East line of Prior Avenue 98 feet to a point, thenc� Easterly at an angle of 9�° from the East line • of Prior Avenue a distance of 173.65 feet more or less to a poin�,: . on the Soutneasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue; thence Northwesterly along the SouthwestPrly line of Cottonwood Avenue a distance of 199 . 45 ieet, more. or less, to the paint of comm�ncement of this' excepti�n, together with the benefits of and subject to the burdens of the easement of way 16 feet in width, as presently located and in � usp on the Westerly 34 feet of th.e South boundary of the lands excep�ed above, said easement being 8 feet in width on each side of the said South boundary which forms the center line of said easement . Also. except that. trianguiar part of said Northeast 1/4 of Nortliwest 1/4 ; � Bounded on the ti9esterly or Northwesterly side by a line drawn at . �` : r?yht �.ngles to �th� Z3orc.�eriy iine of CharlPS Street, from a point � ther.eon 3G0 feet Southeasterly fram the Easterly line of Prior Avenue, as measured along said Northerly line of Charles Street, said line being projected from Charles Street to the Southerly lin� of Cottonwood Avenue, Bounded on the Northerly or Northeasterly side by the Southcrly line of said Cottonwocd Avenue; and boundeci on the South side by a Iine 90. 42 fee; North and parallel to the South line of said Northeast 1/4 of Northwest l/4 of said Section 33, Tawnship 29, Range 23 . • , � � ' � }L � • . . , ���� . . �� • ' � � EXHIBIT B Those lands in the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4� a£ Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Thirty-three (33) , Town Twenty-nine (29? , Range Twenty-three (23) , Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows : Commencing at the Southeasterly corner of the intersection af Cotton�aood Avenue with Prior Avenue in the City of St. Paul, th�nce South alona the East line of Prior Avenue ninety-eight (98) feet to ' a point, thence Easterly at an angle of 90° from the East .line of . Pri.or Avenue a distance of One hundred seventy-three and sixty-five . hundredths (173. 65) feet, more or less , to a paint on the Southeast�rly line of Cottonwo�d Av�nue, thence Rtorthwes�e�?1� alon� th� SOUt,�.�c�.uf'L��Y � line of Cottonwood Avenue �a distanee of one hundred ninety-nine and forty-five hundredths (199 .45) feet, more �r less, to the point of beginning, togetlzer witY� the benefits of and subject to the burdPns of the easement of way sixteen (16) feet in width, as presently located and in use over the ��esterly eighty-four (84) feet of the ' South boundary of the lands described above, said easem�nt being eight (8) feet in width on each side of the said South boundary, which � forms the cer�ter Zine of said easement. . � t • + � . .>• • . - � ' • � . .. . _ ... . . � .'�1,�.*E i .. �66�15 BOARD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL , OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR September 2� 1975 Mrs. Rose Ann Mix City Clerk Room 286 City Hall St. Paul , MN 55101 Dear Madam: This is written in response to the application of Knox Lumber Company for a pe�mit to install a 49-car parking lot on property located on the east side of North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was first heard by the Board of Zoning on July 17, 1975. at which time it was tabled as the applicant was not present. It was again heard on August 7, 1975. At that time Mr. Anderson, Vice President of Knox Lumber Company, explained that the parking lot had been in existence for some time and it was necessary to continue their use as a retail business. A motion was made to recommend approval of the permit contingent upon the applicant meeting all requirements of City Departments. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously. Plans received August 11 , 1975, meet design standards. Sincerely, � .>L9:JL��i l'�:'�=��� )•J�C� JOANNE M. SHOWALTER Secretary. Board of Zoning JMS:CLMcG:bj Zoning File 7778 421 Wabasha S�c��t, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 �o BOARD OF ZONINC REPORT AND ACTION�u�y ��� �475 ������ . Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 1, APPLICANT'S NAME : Knox Lumber Company 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal �x PermiC � Other � 3. PURPOSE . Install 49-car parking lot 4. LOCATION : East side North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood Avenues 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PRESENT ZODTING: Heavy Industry 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: 23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: July 11, 1975 BY� CLMcG i ; � i � A. HISTORY: There is no zoni'ng history for �his site. ' � i '. , � � � B. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The parking lot has aifrontage of approximat�ly 230 feet �nd ! an average depth of 90 feet for an approx�.mate area of 20,700 square feet. ; i C. SITE CONDITIONS: The site contains; vario�s buildings of, the Knox Lumbe� Company. The parking lot itself has already been paved and is in �se. There are �two drive- ways exiting onto Prior. There already exists striping, .paving, ,and curb cuts, of said site, i D. DESIGN STANDARDS: Plans received Aytgust 11, 1975, meet design standards. ; E. AREA ZONING: With the exception of'Minneliaha and University Avenue frontages , ' which are Light Industrial; the area is zoned Heavy Industrial. I ; , ; F. AREA CONDITIONS: There is ;a gas station abutting the existing parking lot to � the North. There is mixed heavy and light industry to the West and South. The Knox Lumber Company Buildings are to the East and Southeast of the existing illegally expanded parking lot. There is some Commercial usage to the South along University Avenue. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff's recommendation is for approval of the permit contingent upon the developer's capacity to meet design standards and/or requirements of the various City Departments, specifically of the Traffic and Sewer Engineers' recommendations and requirements. , 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend a Approval a Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Sept�ember 2� 1 75 Moved by : Bryan Showalter Bryan Date' of Seconded by: Willits Hurtmer Hearing; � Wi111ts September 4, 19 5 Secretary s remarks: Rupp Counci Action: Date: t � ; – � :E+ ..� �:; ;i�' '-� . . � ,: � G , � � � �� �:�� if, `� `_ ; , : �: � �6s�ZJ .:�� ;�- - �:; ��� G:::;,:r:t:�: ������''�' ,�,Y: \ � � �.._:::� : .• y� �— � �}::i.: .,.{ � -?ti.- . ,. : �- +� �: 3 � : � ��::•... ..�.` ��� � t �:::: t�. ,4' � . .�' �: �,:..�.. t i ::�::::� :::.: : . :�:: '.':f.;::�::t:t..�.: p s r.:..T.l :.���.�� .:. 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"__ /, � / ::�:::�::�::: - / -��`;.�:i�.::::::_'.�::::'.�'-:%.'-'.':.::^' _... .. � ..'.�:'��;:�:�::�.^.�-�..'���� - ':�t��- . / / ;•:r \ ..�.'�':�:':''r'.:_[;':::::'''''r'-:'::.•.': ���. :�1:� - �R �, / ' � . I � '=��:��::::;�::��:::::�:=::::-���:��-:'� f� / / � % i, C � / � � , � / �' / ��.,.._�....... �/ �°�.::.::.::.::::.. - . - ..T.. <f I. � ::::�:�. o � / /�j ,, s... .,� . `, � / /� ' /y `:.' °4 � / `-`r;;;::`.':':_;:?;.-.� " I ! ��,� � / / \ l =:;�:���� /T � � _� :: , .� :._.��:::::��_:...:::� �, � , i. a � i. �� : :.....: .�:���:�:��::.:�.:...:::.. _ . �� a -:::::���:���� :..:::�::::::=. , _ �:�. � �_ . . , MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING ��v��� ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1975, AT 3:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mme. Showalter, Messrs. Bryan, Hummer, Willits, and Rupp of the Board; Mr. Philip B. Byrne of the City Attorney's Office; Mr. McGuire, Mr. Miller, and Miss Jacobson of the Planning Department Staff, KNOX LUMBER COMPANY (7778) : An application for a permit to install a 49-car parking lot on property located on the east side of North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood Avenues. This matter had been tabled at the meeting of July 17, 1975, due to the absence of the applicant. There was no opposition to this permit. Mr. Miller gave the staff report. Mr. Gary R. Anderson, Vice-President of the Knox Lumber Company was present and stated that the parking lot has been in use for quite some time and it was necessary to continue their use as a retail business, Mr. Rupp stated that he thought there was no explanation for its existence and use prior to having obtained a permit. Mr. Bryan moved approval of the permit contingent upon their meeting all requirements. Mr. Willits seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Mr. Hummer asked if the driveways were wide enough and Mr. McGuire stated that they were adequate. Mr. Anderson stated that he had been in contact with the Department of Public Works and said that the driveways will be widened to 25 feet. . Submitted by: Approved by: Charles L. McGuire ' � William H. Rupp, Jr. MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING ����_�� ' � ON THURSDAY, JULY 17, 1975, at 3:00 P.M. PRESENT: Mme. Showalter, Messrs. Bryan, Hummer, and Willits of the Board; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. McGuire, Mr. Miller, and Miss Jacobson of the Planning Department Staff. KNOX LUMBER COMPANY (7778): An application for a permit to install a 49-car parking lot on property located on the east side of North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood Avenues. Mr. McGuire gave the staff report. The applicant was not present. There was no opposition to this permit. Mme. Showalter made a motion that the matter be tabled. Mr. Hummer seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Submitted by: Approved by: Charles L. McGuire William H. Rupp, Jr. C� • • ` • ' ',,,� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,��s��� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AI11D MANAGEMENT SERVICES ' � ' ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 August 22, 1975 File X1658, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council � Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on September 4, 1975 on the application of Knox Lumber Company for a permit to install a 49-car parking lot in that part of: the northeast 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 23, being on the east side of North Prior Avenue between Charles and Cottonwood Avenues more particular described on the attached sheet. For further information, contact the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. To comply with the City Charter, the DepartmenC of Finance and Management Services is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recoc�ended that you atCend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROGER A. MATTSON DIRECT�.t �" ' � y � � � • r'^�! , .:<: , 'v r.I.;'?. [.C�:�'ttin!') 9f!� ff! �l.i ',,. ... ! .1S'. .. ;r .).LiC�Uri. :-f�.I���C; '�;I979fi E:'££ UOy -E; � � , 19Uf11��ii9c� :it� ..'�. `.i' �F_ UCr-! �:ilC ' �7S � �f,�i "ti:i_:'1 9!'�7 ��fJ �Y9�1G`S£f�� �7��:�` S f1.E��2f1t' f? ". r� . •? :�C�fCiC?`J '.._iiT�U�� '^:OfIiT tG ,'iO1::.tti�.L.I�C�Ei _9f�� !i0 ;=t�: :-r�q _;:;rf�t rri �aI �.7.i�?7eq , ,?� C�Lfj2f7W0� , .; ,:�r_' -`\.� J234i�; -;:•fi '. ;`�\t �2G3±'J�YOtT `_`)ff:l n��:a75d sun� -r;:��rY !�:itcG1 �o ��1.{a a r �o �ns�d ��:5 9�nef; �-if�:� r�r) E)J��.L'I' , 7!;juJ.l:�'I�q 3't0lTI '.?3!.1f:�'ii, .. 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Fr,"lf).S.'i f{:::T^�•:T,i Fu w . __ ,� J , � , ������ � � That part of the northeast 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 23, bounded as follows: Beginning at a point which is 90.42 feet north and 40 feet east of the southwest corner of said 1/4 1/4 section, said point of beginning being on the east line of Prior AvenuE; thence west 40 feet to the west line of said 1/4 1/4 section; thence north along said west line to the intersection of said west line with the center line of Cotton- woed Avenue; thence sautheasterly along said center line of Cottonwaod Avenue to a point which is 90.42 feet north at right anglea, from the south line of said 1/4 1/4 section, thence wesCerly parallel to the south line of said 1/4 1/4 section to the place of beginning together with all trackage rights and privileges appertaining to this property described in and conveyed by Barrett & Zimmerman to Dwight F. Brooks, by deed dated July 14, 1919 recorded in Book "682" Deeds page 261. Except, however, that part of said 1/4 1/4 section described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of theintersection of Cotton- wood Avenue with Prior Avenue fn the City of St. Paul, thence south along the east line of Prior Avenue 98 feet to a point, thence easterly at an angle of 90 degrees from the east line of Prior Avenue a distance of 173.65 feet more or less to a point on the southeasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue; thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of Cottonwood Avenue a distance of 199.45 feet, arore or less, to the point of commencement of this exception, together wiCh the benefits of and subject to the burdens of the easement of way 16 feet in width, as presently located and in use on the westerly 84 feet of the south boundary of the lands excepted above, said easement being 8 feet in width on each side of the said south boundary which forms the center line of said easement. Also excep*_ that triangular part of said northeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4; bounded on the westerly or north- westerly side by a line drawn at right angles to the norCherly line of Charles Street, from a point thereon 360 feet southeasterly from the easterly line of Prior Avenue, as measured along said northerly line of Charles Street, said line being projected from Charles Street to the southerly line of Cottonwood Avenue, bounded on the northerly or northeasterly side by the southerly line of said Cottonwood Avenue; and bounded on the south side by a line 90.42 feet north and parallel to the south line of said northeast 1/4 of northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 29, Range 23. Those lands in the northeast 1/4 of northwesC 1/4 of Section 33, Town 29, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the southeasterly corner of the intersection of Cottonwood Avenue with Prior Avenue in the City of St. paul, thence south along the east line of Prior Avenue 96 feet to a point, thence easterly at an angle of 90 degrees from the east line of Prior Avenue a distance of 173.65 feet, more or less, to a point on the southeasterly line of Cottonwood Avenue, thence northwesterly along the aouth- easterly line of Cottonwood Avenue a distance of 199.45 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, together with the benefits af and subject to the burdens of the easement of way 16 feet in width, as presently located and in use over the westerly 84 feet of the south boundary of the lands described above, said easement being 8 feet in width on each side of the said south boundary, which forms the center line of said easement. J . _ ' � � ' , . �-, City of Saint Pau1, Minnesota ��� �� �� APPLICATION FOR SPECTAL USE PERMIT + ' ' ► (Please print pr type) ��6,�15 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clexk Room 386 City Hall and Courthouse ', City of Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing (cross one out) i�sst�e��-e�rd—e�p�r.+�e�e-e-�eis Parkix� L�t I Indicate type such as Used Car Lot, Parking ,Lot, Fast Food Restaurant, Drive-In Facility, Excavation, Health Care Facility, Residential Facility (Fraternity, Sorority, Boarding Home, Nurses Residence) , Capacity of parking area: 49 cars (previously 37) E�+�t aide of N�rth Privr Ave. betwee� Charles aad �Location �Cstt�aw�ed Avene���s. Legal Description �gec. Lot 33, Tow#� Blsck 29, Range 23. (Lot, Block, Addition) or j (Miscellaneous ! , Description) Applicant's Name : KNOX LUI�IBER COM�'AIdY Home or Office Address : 602 N. Prior Av{e. Phone Number : fi46—�101. �I FOR/.� THE AP ICANT, �3 �75 (Signature) (Date ary R. Andersoa, V.P. When signing for the applicant, complete thle following: Knex Luaiber Coapzny Address : 2233 IIaiversity Ave. Phone No> : 64�—�101 When completed, file three copies of this �pplication form, six prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility and the appropriate fee with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Fee rates are obtainable at the City Clerk's Office, telephone 298-4231. *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Ma�n St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second Sts. Z-3 7/73 I APPLICATION .'� � . . • ' . ' .' . ' �2 ': . . . ' _. ' . '. . , �ry1�� ���p��� � . , Wl���� _ � . - -,�----�- �q---______ ; . � -` __._ � � , � Z� � ; -� - , . F�.Nc-E --^ . Ckf�C.�. , �""'�--_,_ ;' �; � C�R� � � __ �__-_ N �--_____�_._...�___f s � _ _ ._ _ _ - I - � . , ; t ;_ ..__ �_.. . 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