266108 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. BLUE - MAYOR ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Resolved, that upon recommnendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint; Paul, there is hereby transferred the sum of $9,302.50 from the Contingent Re�serve - General, Activity 09060 to Activity 09065 Judgment and Compromise in Miscellaneous in General Gavernment Accounts to be delineated as follows: From: General Goverrnnent Accounts Miscellaneous Contingent Reserve - General 09060-410-000 Special Apipropriation $�2 , 0 To: General Government Accounts Miscellaneous Judgment and Compromise 09065-421-000 Judgments $�� This transfer needed to fund judgment appraved and funded in 1974 paid fram 1975 funds (1974 funds reverted to fund balance). Approved: Approved: ��� Director, nance rvices udget Dire tor �'��i COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Finance a a a ement Services �� Hunt �- In Favor Levine � _ Rcedler A gai n s t BY � Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozza Adopted by Council: Date _ - � Form Approved by ity torney Certified Pass C cil Secret ' BY By Appr d by Mayor: Date � Approved Mayor ubmi to Council BY BY Pv�us� 0 CT f l 1975