266105 �.. � y� �✓'1.5.,� ! ��� �
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. . . .� $� �11�7�
��c�i lYie No. 9l61 I
Resolved, Thst upo ������g
th� snaerena�►�s� r,�,
� p�rkview al blc a11Ae�Yc�re-
�., that section � P
inafter described� be and the sune
h�.eby is vacated an dis���►ued es
a P�blia a11eY� uth alle9 �
Vacate the No�-
A,EyRnson Additio � coa-
subject eXpreesly to t e iollowinB
ditions and re�ati ns:
� a���acatl a bconditjone oi
e St. Paul LeB�-
��Code. ae exsded.
2. TNhAt�Pe� to��oo2�Distr�ct
�gr� anx to the
p�kview Aeal tate Assiocfates,
Ipc. an e t foP in8�ees gnd
egi��s aver the 'on gt�h�e$�y
�; �� vacate .and
��, �bed as foIIo .
The West 10 let o��eNo T�
8T.8 feet of th va�a'ted
� South alleF �► A. EvanBon
, 9. That a sP� easement be Te'
t�8 td P� tesePower Co�
the Nortt►ern
h. ��•a easemeni be re-
� to. PTO � �Y1�Te1eP v"°
the Northwest .
Compan9• er be re4�ed to
8. 'rt+at the Deti �mpeasatlon �
PaY $'�.�0 of proceesinB said
cover ttie c ,
yseatioa. a bond. the D�-
6. That in lieu ed to issue a Wrlt-
tfoaer be re4 eonditioned to 1n-
'�e,��y�' the GYtY harm•
less from anq d ter�� �"
eon4orm wlth ��t Paul i.e61e-
tion (b� � �n8ed. ,
lative ode,
�i�ted b9 th Council.SeD��T
ADD�ved� r S. 1�•
r 11,19'IS)