01-916ORIG�NA�. RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, Mit�AtESOTA Presented Keferred To Council File # Qt� Green Sheet # 106173 Committee Date 1i��: VJHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20010002243) for Pool and Billiard Hall, Original Container, CigazettelTobacco Licenses by Hung M. Nguyen, DBA Hung Billiazds, 995 University Avenue West, be approved with the foilowing conditions: 1. Business will close no later than 11:00 pm. Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 2. Security will be provided in the patlang lot to eluninate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the neighborhood; 3. Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business stating that loitering, drinking, use of illegal substances, littering, and excessive noises are prohibited; 4. No patrons shall be admitted while wearing gang colors; 5. Licensee will be responsible for picking up litter in the front of the business and in the parking lot on a daily basis. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned conditions. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman �/ Hazris � Benanav � Reiter �� Bostrom � Lan,� ✓ O O Adopted by Council: Date �.� , S�� D p\ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By; � � \ �/ Approved by Mayor: Date f 7�I� By: _--_<��� Reques?ed ry ;�Jepar�neni o:: � Form Approved by City Attorney [� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � o�aRn�earro��ca are.n,w.eo a �-�,� : :_ "'"- City Couricil Offices �" " "" '�8=29-�00'1 ` � � �7REE� S�"�EET� NO TQ6173 � � � " � � , cor+rncr�sqa� �uor �- - - — Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 . m��rs�m� �a+rcoma. YUSiBEONCOlM1(�LAGB�046Yl�TE) � - AYIf.M MI�IaR . C11YAf101sar Cf1YeiYK . ROIII�16 - . . � . ❑/�1�11p�L�6lY1COi ❑AI�IRJM.apMKCfO . . . . . ❑wraelealuenxn ❑ ` TOTAL #'OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATUR� � Approving application with conditions for Fool and Billiard Ha11; Original Container, and : Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses by Hung M. Nguyen, DBA Hung Billiards, 995 University Avenue West 1 ';-j PUWNING COMMISSION CIBCOMMITTEE ' � CML SERVICE COMMISSION - PE11501ULfERVICECONiRACiiMUiTANSWERTXEFOLLOWINCQUESTIONS: � t. HrUACG�werworkedwdxawntrxtbrtlxsdero��enl? VES ND 2. Hn tivs penpJfum nx been e dly e�byee4 YES HD 3. Doas ViK partpJhm po�se�s � NtlA nat � M anY arteiR dlY enWbYee7 YES NO �. k1ld�pa�a�TirmaferpksUrrqM . . YES NO � :S iF APFROYID . . 4GESIFAPPROVED �, � , f x � � a- t � CQ5TIREVENUEBUDfiETED(pRCLEONk7 YEf /1CTIVliY NtIMBER 0 C� \ -K \� MINUTES OF TIIE LEGISLA"ITVB HEARING HLING BILLIARDS - 995 University Avenue West Thursday, August 23, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Sirathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 335 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, License, Inspecrions Environmental Protection (LIEP); JeffHawkins, LIEP; Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Gerry Strathmau explained that this meeting is being held to hear objections to licenses for Hung Billiards, 995 University Avenue West. Kristine Schweinler reported LIEP staff has reviewed this license application, and it has been approved by Licensing, Fire, Zoning, and Environmental Health. LIEP's recommendation is for approval with the same conditions that were attached to the former license at tYus location. Mr. Strathman stated this is a new owner of a business that has been there in the past. He asked was it closed. Ms. Schweinler responded she does not think so. It is new ownership buying a business. It has been a billiazd 1�a11 for approxisnately seven yeazs. Mr. Strathxnan stated the pefition raises an issue about adequate parking. Jeff Hawkins responded there is a huge parking lot behind the building facing Sherburne Avenue. The alley has been vacated since 1998 so that would be additional pazking. There is more than enough parking for a11 the uses in that building. Tait Danielson, Coxnmunity Organizer for District 7 Planning Council, 689 Dale Street North, appeared and stated he is not offering a strong objecfion today. He is appearing on behalf of the neighbors who submitted petifions. He expected them to be here today. He is merely acting in a supportive role. The District 7 Planning Council submitted no letter because they did not receive complaints. Complaints have been fimneled through the Thomas Dale Block Club. Mr. Strathman asked haue any complaints been considered informally. Mr. Datrielson responded only among staff and never reviewed by the boazd. Even though Mr. Danielson does not have an official position from District 7, Mr. Strathinan asked, what does staff think about this license application. Mr. Danielson responded any parking problems aze because there aze two establishments on this corner and a lot of activity. There are complaints of prostitution outside because there is so much activity on the corner. There is some concern about activities in the billiard club after the business is closed. Monitoring should be done after hours. Mr. Strathman stated the records do not show any adverse action against the business in the past. Mr. Danielson responded that is why there is no letter of objection from District 7. In the last 6�-�� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES - HiJNG BILLIARDS - 995 University Avenue VJest few weeks, objections came in that there were problems in the past. He does not know why the complaints haue come in all of a sudden. Also, it happens quite often within District 7 that people do not know where to go so they complain to neighbors instead of the proper authorities. Mr. Stratlunau stated he received a letter attached to the petitions that contained the following issues: rubbish, drinlcing, fights, drug use, loud music, firecrackers or gunshots, urinaiing in the pazldng lot, cazs rewing their engines. The petition contains 54 signatures. It came in an envelope from A. F. Schwarz, 1011 Sherburne Avenue, and the Thomas Dale Block Club, 1034 Lafond Avenue. The following appeazed: Hung Nguyen, owner, and Ken Bottema, attorney, 210 Second Street North #50, Minneapolis. Mr. Bottema stated that Mr. Nguyen purchased the business in the spring. None of the complaints can be attached to the business. There is a baz on the corner. People rev theu motors and throw trash out there. He and the owner pick up the parking lot every morning. There is a fence in the pazking lot to prevent people from traveling into the alley. The majority of the problems happen after 12:00 when the billiazd hall closes, the bar lets out, and people enter the pazking lot. The parking lot is massive and there aze plenty of parking spaces. Mr. Nguyen is familiar with the conditions placed on the previous license application. Mr. Nguyen asks that the licenses be issued, and he will comply with the conditions previously established. Mr. Strathman stated he has empathy for the neighbors regardless of which establishment the problems are resulring from; however, Mr. Strathman does not believe the materials submitted and the testnnony received rise to the level of being the basis for denying the licenses. If the owner violates the conditions, it could be the basis for an adverse action against the licenses. Mr. Bottema responded he has explained that to the owner. Gerry Strathman granted the licenses with the conditions that the owner has agreed to, which are as follows: 1. Business will close no later than 11:00 p.m. Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 2. Security will be provided in the parking lot to eliminate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the neighborhood; 3. Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business that state that loitering, drinking, use of illegal substances, littering, and excessive noises aze prohibited; 4. No patrons shall be admitted while wearing gang colors; 5. Licensee will be responsible for picking up litter in the front of the business and in the pazking lot on a daily basis. The meeting was adjourned at 3:47 p.m. � ORIG�NA�. RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, Mit�AtESOTA Presented Keferred To Council File # Qt� Green Sheet # 106173 Committee Date 1i��: VJHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20010002243) for Pool and Billiard Hall, Original Container, CigazettelTobacco Licenses by Hung M. Nguyen, DBA Hung Billiazds, 995 University Avenue West, be approved with the foilowing conditions: 1. Business will close no later than 11:00 pm. Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 2. Security will be provided in the patlang lot to eluninate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the neighborhood; 3. Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business stating that loitering, drinking, use of illegal substances, littering, and excessive noises are prohibited; 4. No patrons shall be admitted while wearing gang colors; 5. Licensee will be responsible for picking up litter in the front of the business and in the parking lot on a daily basis. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned conditions. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman �/ Hazris � Benanav � Reiter �� Bostrom � Lan,� ✓ O O Adopted by Council: Date �.� , S�� D p\ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By; � � \ �/ Approved by Mayor: Date f 7�I� By: _--_<��� Reques?ed ry ;�Jepar�neni o:: � Form Approved by City Attorney [� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � o�aRn�earro��ca are.n,w.eo a �-�,� : :_ "'"- City Couricil Offices �" " "" '�8=29-�00'1 ` � � �7REE� S�"�EET� NO TQ6173 � � � " � � , cor+rncr�sqa� �uor �- - - — Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 . m��rs�m� �a+rcoma. YUSiBEONCOlM1(�LAGB�046Yl�TE) � - AYIf.M MI�IaR . C11YAf101sar Cf1YeiYK . ROIII�16 - . . � . ❑/�1�11p�L�6lY1COi ❑AI�IRJM.apMKCfO . . . . . ❑wraelealuenxn ❑ ` TOTAL #'OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATUR� � Approving application with conditions for Fool and Billiard Ha11; Original Container, and : Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses by Hung M. Nguyen, DBA Hung Billiards, 995 University Avenue West 1 ';-j PUWNING COMMISSION CIBCOMMITTEE ' � CML SERVICE COMMISSION - PE11501ULfERVICECONiRACiiMUiTANSWERTXEFOLLOWINCQUESTIONS: � t. HrUACG�werworkedwdxawntrxtbrtlxsdero��enl? VES ND 2. Hn tivs penpJfum nx been e dly e�byee4 YES HD 3. Doas ViK partpJhm po�se�s � NtlA nat � M anY arteiR dlY enWbYee7 YES NO �. k1ld�pa�a�TirmaferpksUrrqM . . YES NO � :S iF APFROYID . . 4GESIFAPPROVED �, � , f x � � a- t � CQ5TIREVENUEBUDfiETED(pRCLEONk7 YEf /1CTIVliY NtIMBER 0 C� \ -K \� MINUTES OF TIIE LEGISLA"ITVB HEARING HLING BILLIARDS - 995 University Avenue West Thursday, August 23, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Sirathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 335 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, License, Inspecrions Environmental Protection (LIEP); JeffHawkins, LIEP; Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Gerry Strathmau explained that this meeting is being held to hear objections to licenses for Hung Billiards, 995 University Avenue West. Kristine Schweinler reported LIEP staff has reviewed this license application, and it has been approved by Licensing, Fire, Zoning, and Environmental Health. LIEP's recommendation is for approval with the same conditions that were attached to the former license at tYus location. Mr. Strathman stated this is a new owner of a business that has been there in the past. He asked was it closed. Ms. Schweinler responded she does not think so. It is new ownership buying a business. It has been a billiazd 1�a11 for approxisnately seven yeazs. Mr. Strathxnan stated the pefition raises an issue about adequate parking. Jeff Hawkins responded there is a huge parking lot behind the building facing Sherburne Avenue. The alley has been vacated since 1998 so that would be additional pazking. There is more than enough parking for a11 the uses in that building. Tait Danielson, Coxnmunity Organizer for District 7 Planning Council, 689 Dale Street North, appeared and stated he is not offering a strong objecfion today. He is appearing on behalf of the neighbors who submitted petifions. He expected them to be here today. He is merely acting in a supportive role. The District 7 Planning Council submitted no letter because they did not receive complaints. Complaints have been fimneled through the Thomas Dale Block Club. Mr. Strathman asked haue any complaints been considered informally. Mr. Datrielson responded only among staff and never reviewed by the boazd. Even though Mr. Danielson does not have an official position from District 7, Mr. Strathinan asked, what does staff think about this license application. Mr. Danielson responded any parking problems aze because there aze two establishments on this corner and a lot of activity. There are complaints of prostitution outside because there is so much activity on the corner. There is some concern about activities in the billiard club after the business is closed. Monitoring should be done after hours. Mr. Strathman stated the records do not show any adverse action against the business in the past. Mr. Danielson responded that is why there is no letter of objection from District 7. In the last 6�-�� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES - HiJNG BILLIARDS - 995 University Avenue VJest few weeks, objections came in that there were problems in the past. He does not know why the complaints haue come in all of a sudden. Also, it happens quite often within District 7 that people do not know where to go so they complain to neighbors instead of the proper authorities. Mr. Stratlunau stated he received a letter attached to the petitions that contained the following issues: rubbish, drinlcing, fights, drug use, loud music, firecrackers or gunshots, urinaiing in the pazldng lot, cazs rewing their engines. The petition contains 54 signatures. It came in an envelope from A. F. Schwarz, 1011 Sherburne Avenue, and the Thomas Dale Block Club, 1034 Lafond Avenue. The following appeazed: Hung Nguyen, owner, and Ken Bottema, attorney, 210 Second Street North #50, Minneapolis. Mr. Bottema stated that Mr. Nguyen purchased the business in the spring. None of the complaints can be attached to the business. There is a baz on the corner. People rev theu motors and throw trash out there. He and the owner pick up the parking lot every morning. There is a fence in the pazking lot to prevent people from traveling into the alley. The majority of the problems happen after 12:00 when the billiazd hall closes, the bar lets out, and people enter the pazking lot. The parking lot is massive and there aze plenty of parking spaces. Mr. Nguyen is familiar with the conditions placed on the previous license application. Mr. Nguyen asks that the licenses be issued, and he will comply with the conditions previously established. Mr. Strathman stated he has empathy for the neighbors regardless of which establishment the problems are resulring from; however, Mr. Strathman does not believe the materials submitted and the testnnony received rise to the level of being the basis for denying the licenses. If the owner violates the conditions, it could be the basis for an adverse action against the licenses. Mr. Bottema responded he has explained that to the owner. Gerry Strathman granted the licenses with the conditions that the owner has agreed to, which are as follows: 1. Business will close no later than 11:00 p.m. Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 2. Security will be provided in the parking lot to eliminate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the neighborhood; 3. Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business that state that loitering, drinking, use of illegal substances, littering, and excessive noises aze prohibited; 4. No patrons shall be admitted while wearing gang colors; 5. Licensee will be responsible for picking up litter in the front of the business and in the pazking lot on a daily basis. The meeting was adjourned at 3:47 p.m. � ORIG�NA�. RESOLUTION CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, Mit�AtESOTA Presented Keferred To Council File # Qt� Green Sheet # 106173 Committee Date 1i��: VJHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends that license application (ID # 20010002243) for Pool and Billiard Hall, Original Container, CigazettelTobacco Licenses by Hung M. Nguyen, DBA Hung Billiazds, 995 University Avenue West, be approved with the foilowing conditions: 1. Business will close no later than 11:00 pm. Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 2. Security will be provided in the patlang lot to eluninate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the neighborhood; 3. Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business stating that loitering, drinking, use of illegal substances, littering, and excessive noises are prohibited; 4. No patrons shall be admitted while wearing gang colors; 5. Licensee will be responsible for picking up litter in the front of the business and in the parking lot on a daily basis. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license application with the aforementioned conditions. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � Coleman �/ Hazris � Benanav � Reiter �� Bostrom � Lan,� ✓ O O Adopted by Council: Date �.� , S�� D p\ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary By; � � \ �/ Approved by Mayor: Date f 7�I� By: _--_<��� Reques?ed ry ;�Jepar�neni o:: � Form Approved by City Attorney [� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � o�aRn�earro��ca are.n,w.eo a �-�,� : :_ "'"- City Couricil Offices �" " "" '�8=29-�00'1 ` � � �7REE� S�"�EET� NO TQ6173 � � � " � � , cor+rncr�sqa� �uor �- - - — Gerry Strathman, 266-8560 . m��rs�m� �a+rcoma. YUSiBEONCOlM1(�LAGB�046Yl�TE) � - AYIf.M MI�IaR . C11YAf101sar Cf1YeiYK . ROIII�16 - . . � . ❑/�1�11p�L�6lY1COi ❑AI�IRJM.apMKCfO . . . . . ❑wraelealuenxn ❑ ` TOTAL #'OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATUR� � Approving application with conditions for Fool and Billiard Ha11; Original Container, and : Cigarette/Tobacco Licenses by Hung M. Nguyen, DBA Hung Billiards, 995 University Avenue West 1 ';-j PUWNING COMMISSION CIBCOMMITTEE ' � CML SERVICE COMMISSION - PE11501ULfERVICECONiRACiiMUiTANSWERTXEFOLLOWINCQUESTIONS: � t. HrUACG�werworkedwdxawntrxtbrtlxsdero��enl? VES ND 2. Hn tivs penpJfum nx been e dly e�byee4 YES HD 3. Doas ViK partpJhm po�se�s � NtlA nat � M anY arteiR dlY enWbYee7 YES NO �. k1ld�pa�a�TirmaferpksUrrqM . . YES NO � :S iF APFROYID . . 4GESIFAPPROVED �, � , f x � � a- t � CQ5TIREVENUEBUDfiETED(pRCLEONk7 YEf /1CTIVliY NtIMBER 0 C� \ -K \� MINUTES OF TIIE LEGISLA"ITVB HEARING HLING BILLIARDS - 995 University Avenue West Thursday, August 23, 2001 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Sirathman, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 335 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Corinne Asuncion, License, Inspecrions Environmental Protection (LIEP); JeffHawkins, LIEP; Kristine Schweinler, LIEP Gerry Strathmau explained that this meeting is being held to hear objections to licenses for Hung Billiards, 995 University Avenue West. Kristine Schweinler reported LIEP staff has reviewed this license application, and it has been approved by Licensing, Fire, Zoning, and Environmental Health. LIEP's recommendation is for approval with the same conditions that were attached to the former license at tYus location. Mr. Strathman stated this is a new owner of a business that has been there in the past. He asked was it closed. Ms. Schweinler responded she does not think so. It is new ownership buying a business. It has been a billiazd 1�a11 for approxisnately seven yeazs. Mr. Strathxnan stated the pefition raises an issue about adequate parking. Jeff Hawkins responded there is a huge parking lot behind the building facing Sherburne Avenue. The alley has been vacated since 1998 so that would be additional pazking. There is more than enough parking for a11 the uses in that building. Tait Danielson, Coxnmunity Organizer for District 7 Planning Council, 689 Dale Street North, appeared and stated he is not offering a strong objecfion today. He is appearing on behalf of the neighbors who submitted petifions. He expected them to be here today. He is merely acting in a supportive role. The District 7 Planning Council submitted no letter because they did not receive complaints. Complaints have been fimneled through the Thomas Dale Block Club. Mr. Strathman asked haue any complaints been considered informally. Mr. Datrielson responded only among staff and never reviewed by the boazd. Even though Mr. Danielson does not have an official position from District 7, Mr. Strathinan asked, what does staff think about this license application. Mr. Danielson responded any parking problems aze because there aze two establishments on this corner and a lot of activity. There are complaints of prostitution outside because there is so much activity on the corner. There is some concern about activities in the billiard club after the business is closed. Monitoring should be done after hours. Mr. Strathman stated the records do not show any adverse action against the business in the past. Mr. Danielson responded that is why there is no letter of objection from District 7. In the last 6�-�� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES - HiJNG BILLIARDS - 995 University Avenue VJest few weeks, objections came in that there were problems in the past. He does not know why the complaints haue come in all of a sudden. Also, it happens quite often within District 7 that people do not know where to go so they complain to neighbors instead of the proper authorities. Mr. Stratlunau stated he received a letter attached to the petitions that contained the following issues: rubbish, drinlcing, fights, drug use, loud music, firecrackers or gunshots, urinaiing in the pazldng lot, cazs rewing their engines. The petition contains 54 signatures. It came in an envelope from A. F. Schwarz, 1011 Sherburne Avenue, and the Thomas Dale Block Club, 1034 Lafond Avenue. The following appeazed: Hung Nguyen, owner, and Ken Bottema, attorney, 210 Second Street North #50, Minneapolis. Mr. Bottema stated that Mr. Nguyen purchased the business in the spring. None of the complaints can be attached to the business. There is a baz on the corner. People rev theu motors and throw trash out there. He and the owner pick up the parking lot every morning. There is a fence in the pazking lot to prevent people from traveling into the alley. The majority of the problems happen after 12:00 when the billiazd hall closes, the bar lets out, and people enter the pazking lot. The parking lot is massive and there aze plenty of parking spaces. Mr. Nguyen is familiar with the conditions placed on the previous license application. Mr. Nguyen asks that the licenses be issued, and he will comply with the conditions previously established. Mr. Strathman stated he has empathy for the neighbors regardless of which establishment the problems are resulring from; however, Mr. Strathman does not believe the materials submitted and the testnnony received rise to the level of being the basis for denying the licenses. If the owner violates the conditions, it could be the basis for an adverse action against the licenses. Mr. Bottema responded he has explained that to the owner. Gerry Strathman granted the licenses with the conditions that the owner has agreed to, which are as follows: 1. Business will close no later than 11:00 p.m. Sunday to Thursday and 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 2. Security will be provided in the parking lot to eliminate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the neighborhood; 3. Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business that state that loitering, drinking, use of illegal substances, littering, and excessive noises aze prohibited; 4. No patrons shall be admitted while wearing gang colors; 5. Licensee will be responsible for picking up litter in the front of the business and in the pazking lot on a daily basis. The meeting was adjourned at 3:47 p.m. �